Climate Cult Sues Gas Utility Over Global Boiling

I wonder if they realize that this will raise their own energy prices? Or, is this a case of people who are not served by the utility suing despite having no standing?

In a First, a Gas Utility Is Sued Over Global Warming Deception

Oregon officials have added the state’s largest natural gas utility as a defendant in their $50 billion lawsuit against fossil fuel companies over their contribution to climate change.

The suit — the first to make climate-related deception claims against a utility, experts said — alleges that the company, NW Natural, knew that the burning of natural gas contributed to global warming, but misled its customers about the consequences. It is an expansion of a lawsuit that was first filed last year by Multnomah County, which includes Portland.

The complaint alleges that Exxon, Shell and other companies, now including NW Natural, had schemed to “rapaciously” sell fossil fuel products and cover up what they knew about the risks to the planet, and that the companies bear responsibility for the effects of climate change including a deadly heat wave in 2021 that killed at least 69 county residents.

Alyssa Johl, vice president of legal and general counsel at the nonprofit advocacy group the Center for Climate Integrity, said that gas utilities had been “significant players in the historic and ongoing deception campaigns to mislead the public about the dangers of fossil fuels.”

Even if the slight increase in global temperatures was mostly/solely caused by Mankind, there is no danger to the planet. Mankind has moved forward more during warm periods than cool periods. It’d be nice if we focused more on actual environmental issues rather than scams designed to increase the size and power of government while putting even more money in the coffers.

NW Natural said Wednesday that it had not received the complaint, though it was aware of reports that it had been added to the lawsuit. “We believe adding the company to the suit now is an attempt to divert attention from legal and factual flaws in the case. NW Natural will vigorously contest the County’s claims should they come to court,” the company said in a statement.

It’d be more fun if NW Natural simply stopped selling their products to the government of Oregon, along with the counties and cities that support the shakedown suit.

The original suit also named other companies and industry trade groups as defendants, including the consulting giant McKinsey & Company. In a statement, Exxon Mobil vigorously disputed the claims and said it was investing more than $20 billion in “lower-emission initiatives” through 2027.

“The baseless claims made in these politically motivated lawsuits do not advance any real solutions to address climate change,” Exxon Mobil said. “We’ll continue to fight these lawsuits and claims, and, more importantly, continue to be a leader in the energy transition.”

And therein lies the problem with these companies: they do not see the danger of this cult, when they should be saying “lawsuit, eh? Well, f*** you. We won’t be selling our products to you. Go pound sand and see how you are able to operate.”

Read: Climate Cult Sues Gas Utility Over Global Boiling »

Unhinged Jew Hating Group At Columbia U Rescinds Apology For Ant-Semite Comrade

As the saying goes, if they’re telling you who they are, believe them

‘Zionists don’t deserve to live,’ suspended Columbia activist said. Now his group rescinds its apology and calls for violence

Nearly six months after Columbia University banned Khymani James, a Pro-Palestinian student activist, who said “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” the coalition that had apologized on his behalf rescinded its statement of regret – and advocated for armed resistance against Israel.

“Last spring, in the midst of the encampments, Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) posted a statement framed as an apology on behalf of Khymani James,” CUAD posted Tuesday night on Instagram. “We deliberately misrepresented your experiences and your words, and we let you down.”

In a since-deleted post on X, James acknowledged in April that he had said several months earlier in an Instagram Live video: “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” and “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” In the now-deleted April post, he said, “I misspoke in the heat of the moment, for which I apologize.”

You do not “misspeak” about murder and wanting millions of people to die. The dude wears an Intifada keffiyeh, the symbol of murdering Jews, for goodness sake

Columbia suspended James in April, and he since sued the university to get his ban overturned.

“I never wrote the neo-liberal apology posted in late April, and I’m glad we’ve set the record straight once and for all,” James wrote Tuesday in an X post. “I will not allow anyone to shame me for my politics. Anything I said, I meant it.”

CUAD helped ignite the protest encampments at Columbia in April that sparked a pro-Palestine and anti-Israel movement on campuses across America. In the months since that movement started, the group has taken an increasingly hard-line stance against Israel, advocating for violent uprisings against the country.

Well, that won’t help his lawsuit in the least. Further, when does Columbia suspend CUAD, and, quite frankly kick the members off campus due to offering full support to a comrade who wants Jews murdered, and is willing to do it himself? One group has assimilated into every aspect of American life, works hard to succeed, values family and education, pays their taxes, is financially independent, and is generally accepting of others. The other has never progressed past the stone age, hates America but reaps the benefits of American life, straps explosive devices to children, mistreats women and forbids them from seeking an education, and dislikes any other group of people. These college infants need to get a clue.

Read: Unhinged Jew Hating Group At Columbia U Rescinds Apology For Ant-Semite Comrade »

Good News: AOC Offers Her Opinion On Hurricanes And ‘Climate Change’

Remember the days when we were told we were only supposed to listen to credentialed climate scientists? Not someone who fails to understand garbage disposals?

AOC blames climate change for recent hurricanes, says politicians are responsible

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Wednesday blamed climate change for the hurricanes impacting the southeastern U.S. recently, accusing her Capitol Hill colleagues of contributing to the crisis.

The Category 3 Hurricane Milton slammed into Florida Wednesday, killing at least four residents there and causing destruction in the Tampa Bay area. It follows the arrival of Hurricane Helene days earlier, which sparked emergency declarations in multiple states.

Such powerful storms, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wrote, are the result of the planet’s warming climate.

“The hurricane ‘machine’ is climate change,” she wrote. “Cooler ocean temperatures slow hurricane development. As temps rise, more hurricanes grow. The Gulf of Mexico is a major location for warming water.”

The waters warm because it is that time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. What caused the massive 1938 hurricane that hit Long Island? What about during the slight cooling period from the 1950’s through mid-1970’s, which led the media to wonder if a new ice age was coming? How about the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, which killed at least 8,000 (no one really knows the true impact)? Let’s not forget that AOC takes lots of fossil fueled flights between DC and NYC, as well as other areas.

My favorite part in Martz’s reply

What we can conclude from this analysis is that the formation of major hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico is not contingent on warming SSTs. The Gulf gets warm enough every year to sustain a major hurricane, even of category four or five status. So, higher SSTs aren’t going to add much additional effect, especially if you consider the fact tropical cyclone kinematics require far more environmental parameters to be favorable in order for a major hurricane to form (e.g., pre-existing disturbance, low deep-layer [200-850 hPa] vertical wind shear and no dry air / Saharan dust).

You are oversimplifying a very complex issue that you have little understanding about.

You may have been a good bartender, but you make a poor atmospheric scientist.

If anthropogenic climate change is so bad, why do so few Warmists, like AOC, give up their own use of fossil fuels?

Read: Good News: AOC Offers Her Opinion On Hurricanes And ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather driven heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on yet another fantastic, meaning expensive, idea from the Cult of Climastrology.

Read: If All You See… »

UN Security Council Upset Over Israel Laws Curbing Hamas Linked UNRWA

Perhaps the security council should be more concerned with how much UNRWA works with a terrorist organization and how many employees are Hamas members

UN Security Council members warn Israel over laws curbing UNRWA

Members of the United Nations Security council warned Israel on Wednesday against proceeding with a law aimed at curbing the UN’s Palestinian refugees agency.

Israel has long been at odds with the agency known as UNRWA and alleged that some of its employees were involved in the October 7 Hamas attacks that triggered the war in Gaza.

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, approved two bills on Sunday essentially aimed at ending UNRWA’s activity and privileges in Israel. These bills were quickly condemned by UN chief Antonio Guterres.

Washington’s envoy to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Wednesday that the United States was “following with deep concern the Israeli legislative proposal that could alter UNRWA’s legal status.”

She said it risked “hindering its ability to communicate with Israeli officials and removing privileges and immunities afforded to UN organizations and personnel around the globe.”

Does Linda realize that Hamas is a designated terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, which is the agency she works for?

Algeria, which along with Slovenia called the emergency Security Council meeting on the crisis in the Palestinian territories, said “for years, the Israeli authorities has made clear its desire, its will to dismantle UNRWA.”

“It symbolizes the Palestinian refugees and their inviolable rights. We reiterate that the rights of Palestinian refugees are not subject to statutes of limitation,” said Amar Bendjama, ambassador of non-permanent Security Council member Algeria.

So, Algeria is saying that UNRWA symbolizes how Hamas runs Gaza?

All UN Security Council members that spoke were unanimous in calling for Israel to respect UNRWA’s work and to protect its staff.

Huh. Remember this?

This is not something new for UNRWA, but, was something that was continuing to grow with the connections between Hamas and UNRWA.

Read: UN Security Council Upset Over Israel Laws Curbing Hamas Linked UNRWA »

Weird: Americans Moving To Regions (Supposedly) Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry

Well, why shouldn’t they? You have people like Obama and Al Gore buying homes at the shore. Biden has his Delaware beach house. So many of the Elites pushing climate doom have their own beach homes. That said, this cBS News article gets incredibly stupid

Americans are flocking to U.S. regions most threatened by climate change

Americans often pull up roots in search of better jobs and cheaper housing. But in recent years, those moves have drawn more people into regions with higher risk of natural disasters, which have become more destructive because of climate change.

Hurricane Milton, a powerful Category 4 storm on Tuesday afternoon, is on a path to hit the Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida, area late Wednesday or very early Thursday morning. Yet the metropolitan region has grown by 39% since 2000, boosting its population by an additional 1 million residents during that time.

Last month’s Hurricane Helene devastated parts of western North Carolina, including the city of Asheville, the population of which has increased by 13% since 2000, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The region attracted new residents during the past few decades by appealing to retirees, remote workers and other professionals pursuing Asheville’s highly rated quality of life.

The population growth of Tampa and Asheville are part of a trend noted by economists, demographers and scientists: Regions facing heightened risks from climate change drawing in more residents. The juxtaposition of growing populations and intensifying natural disasters, in turn, creates the risk for even greater losses to human life and property.

Good grief. Tampa has always been in an area in danger from tropical systems, much less big thunderstorms. Asheville? It’s in the mountains. And has had devastating floods previously. Weather happens.

The populations of high-risk counties have grown at a rate that’s 3 percentage points faster than low-risk counties over the last three decades, according to research from economists Agustin Indaco, Francesc Ortega and Xinle Pang.

“Our results show that, in general, the U.S. population is not retreating from high-risk areas,” they noted in a 2023 paper published in Econofact. “In fact, there’s increasing agglomeration in areas with high climate risk.”

Added the economists, “These results imply that, even in the optimistic (and unlikely) event that climate risk were to remain constant, natural hazards with record-breaking damages will continue to take place over the foreseeable future.”

In other words, when it comes to living someplace nice no one cares about the climate scam, even Warmists.

Read: Weird: Americans Moving To Regions (Supposedly) Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry »

Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Running Sex Trafficking Ring

Unsurprisingly, she was let in by the Biden-Harris administration

Tatted-up female Tren de Aragua gang member called ‘The Barbie’ busted for running brutal sex trafficking ring

This Barbie is a sex trafficker.

A heavily tattooed female Tren de Aragua gang member is accused of running a sex trafficking operation out of a border town hotel the gang took over, according to a leaked Border Patrol memo obtained by The Post.

At least one victim alleged Estefania Primera — a Venezuelan illegal migrant who goes by the street name “La Barbie” — drugged her and brought men in to gang rape her while she was unconscious, court documents said.

Primera was arrested in El Paso, Texas on Sept. 27 after she was spotted with her young five kids, the memo said.

Authorities say she also uses her kids as drug mules to hold and sell her narcotics, per the memo.

The women being trafficked and gang raped could be a friend, a coworker, your own daughter.

Primera was arrested on Sept. 27 outside the Sacred Heart Church in El Paso, which serves newly arrived migrants. It’s also an area where The Post previously has identified migrants with Tren de Aragua’s signature gang tattoos.

Primera crossed the border illegally with family members near El Paso in August 2023, and was quickly released into the US, Homeland Security sources told The Post.

She told Border Patrol agents she was bound for Illinois and was placed under the supervision of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) electronic monitoring technology, per the sources.

Within weeks of her release, she ditched the ankle monitor.

How is it that a Venezuelan gang member illegally crossed the border, was picked up, and simply released? A member wearing the tattoos of a violent gang. Would anyone in the Credentialed Media like to ask Kamala and Joe how this happens? How the government of the United States Of America, tasked with protecting the border from invasion and the citizens, can allow this to happen?

Read: Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Running Sex Trafficking Ring »

“Scientists” Say It’ll Be Hard To Cool The Planet Down Now Or Something

There was a time when these members of a doomsday cult would have been laughed at and run out of academia and other jobs. Now their doomy bloviating is taken as gospel (non-paywalled here)

Scientists have said that we can cool the planet back down. Now they’re not sure it will be so easy.

For years, scientists and world leaders have pinned their hopes for the future on a hazy promise — that, even if temperatures soar far above global targets, the planet can eventually be cooled back down.

Would these be the same scientists and world leaders who fly all over the world to climate conferences on fossil fueled planes?

This phenomenon, known as a temperature “overshoot,” has been baked into most climate models and plans for the future. In theory, even if global warming reaches the dreaded 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial temperatures, it could be brought back down by pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

But a new study published Wednesday in the journal Nature shows that blowing past climate goals is more dangerous than it originally seemed. Even if temperatures come back down to 1.5 degrees C, the authors found, many climate impacts — like rising sea levels and thawing permafrost — will persist for centuries to millennia.

It’s always some sort of apocalypse with these people. Which gets them more funding and accolades and mentions.

In the new study, the authors warn that sea-level rise and melting permafrost may be irreversible for hundreds, if not thousands of years, even if temperatures later come back down. The extinction of species that could result from these massive planetary shifts, they added, are also not reversible.

You mean the thing that’s been going on for 20,000 years as the last glacial age ended?

And future generations may not even be motivated to do so. Oliver Geden, a senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, says that once the world warms more than 1.5 degrees C, countries may not want to spend the money and energy to bring temperatures back down. “We’re in a world that does not even manage to bring emissions down now,” he said.

People will be used to it. Just like they got used to the previous Holocene warm periods. Which then saw cool periods which caused many issues. Anyhow, there would be no problem if all the scientists and politicians and such who believed that Mankind is mostly/solely at fault made their own lives carbon neutral. Let’s start with making all climate conferences zoom calls.

Read: “Scientists” Say It’ll Be Hard To Cool The Planet Down Now Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible weeds growing in the Arctic due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the Biden-Harris border legacy.

Read: If All You See… »

Report States Israel Will Attack Iran’s Military, Not Nuclear Program

Well, the original source is the NY Times, so, take that with a grain of salt

Israel to refrain from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites, focus on military targets, sources say

Israel is not expected to attack Iran’s nuclear program but rather focus on various kinds of military bases and intelligence sites, The Jerusalem Post has learned, following a New York Times report on the issue.

Confronted with the Times report, sources did not deny the thrust of it, which predicted that Israel’s retaliation against Iran for its massive October 1 strike on the Jewish state would fall more in the medium range of attack scenarios.

Further, the Post understands that Israel’s attack on Iran – which virtually all top Israeli officials have publicly promised – will still be much more substantial than its narrower retaliation on April 19, when Iran’s S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was damaged.

Despite being presented with the idea that the current context could be a once-in-50-years opportunity to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, sources indicated that attacking Iran’s nuclear program would not necessarily be consistent with the “goals of the war” as set by the security cabinet.

For example, while the most stated goal of the war is to defeat Hamas, and returning Israel’s northern residents to the Lebanon border in security has also been discussed a lot lately, another formal goal is not to be dragged into a regional war, especially with Iran, the Post understands.

There’s a supposed concern that if Israel blows up Iran’s nuclear weapons program it could lead to regional war, which would be a distraction from finishing off Hamas and Hezbollah. But, is the NY Times report true? Or, did they just make it up? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, here’s the view from Mary Robinson, former Ireland president, oh, and globalist and Israel hater

A Ceasefire Is Just the Start. Here’s How to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Once and for All

One year on from the appalling, unjustifiable Oct. 7 Hamas attacks and Israel’s ongoing, disproportionate military assault and atrocities in Gaza, the whole Middle East is on the brink of a catastrophic regional war.

The most urgent priorities are to secure a full and immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, wider de-escalation by Israel and Iran, and the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas as well as arbitrarily detained Palestinian prisoners.

But beyond this, bold, principled actions, and long-view leadership are needed to bring a permanent end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has raged for over 75 years and remains at the heart of regional tensions and instability. The best way to achieve this is still a two-state solution based on self-determination, sovereignty, and security for both peoples.

Most of this screed blames Israel, because Jew haters will always be Jew haters. There’s very little condemnation for Iran, and barely any mention of terrorism by groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, the latter of which is not even mentioned. It’s mostly about how mean Israel is, and how their government needs to be changed. But, let’s say there is a two state solution with self determination by the Palestinians: how does that stop attacks, especially if Hamas is still the government? Iran is a separate nation and attacks Israel. Hezbollah works out of Lebanon, a separate state. Israel haters will always put the blame on Israel (which isn’t perfect, just like all nations and people).

It’s a simple concept: stop attacking Israel. Stop giving aid, comfort, and shelter to Islamic terrorist groups. If Hamas hadn’t attacked there would be no war.

Read: Report States Israel Will Attack Iran’s Military, Not Nuclear Program »

Pirate's Cove