Cancel Culture Comes For Duke University’s Greek Organizations

But, only some of them

Petition aims to abolish 24 Greek organizations on Duke’s campus

Cancel Culture AlligatorA group of Duke University students have called for the removal of 24 Greek letter organizations from campus.

They argued the fraternities and sororities perpetuate systemic racism.

More than 2,000 students currently participate in Duke’s Greek community. But there’s a growing debate about whether more than half of the Greek organizations should exist on campus.

“I think that IFC [Interfraternity Council] fraternities, and the presence of them, as well as Panhellenic sororities have effectively created de facto segregation on Duke’s campus, and they’ve done that for years,” said Shreyas Gupta, with Abolish Duke IFC.

A little over 400 have signed the petition

Greek life is a fundamentally broken system, made for white people and designed to propagate white Supremacy. While reforms have been enacted to improve inclusivity and tolerance, Greek life was never meant to be equitable for all groups. Whiteness, cisgenderism, heteropatriarchy, and classism are at the system’s very core. Today, this has created a de-facto segregation in Duke social life and culture. Interfraternity Council fraternities and Panhellenic sororities must be abolished.

To be sure, our goal is not to abolish historically Black National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) nor multicultural fraternities and sororities at Duke. We recognize these groups were founded to create a space for BIPOC when they were barred from joining white Greek organizations, and today they are a source of pride and empowerment for many individuals with marginalized identities.

See? Only certain Greek orgs. Even though the black ones are for ….. blacks. Which is fine. Freedom of association. But, see, this is mob rule, where your interests can be cancelled because some people have a stick up their you know what. And are utterly intolerant.

And, no, it’s not worth knocking down the idiocy of their unhinged argument: they wouldn’t listen, and there’s little point in arguing with idiots. It drags you down to their level and they beat you with experience.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Duke University’s Greek Organizations »

Bummer: RNC Forgot To Mention A Play To Solve ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

And Republicans forgot to even mention the climate crisis (scam)! How rude!

Republicans at the Convention Did Not Lay Out a Plan for Climate Change—Much Less Acknowledge It

The Republican National Convention, dominated by veneration of Donald Trump and bleak warnings of the dangers of socialism, has completely ignored the climate crisis, an omission that has disturbed some conservatives who warn the party risks being left behind by voters.

Convention speeches have included Eric Trump praising the beauty of the Grand Canyon, a region his father’s administration has proposed opening to mining for uranium, while several speakers have attacked Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, as a threat to oil and gas worker jobs.

But Trump’s renomination event has not laid out any plan for the climate crisis, nor even any acknowledgment of it. “It is disappointing,” said Danielle Butcher, chief operating officer of the American Conservation Coalition, an organization of young conservatives. “To see no mention of climate change at the RNC, no update in the official platform? It feels unrepresentative of science [and] of the progress we have made as a party.”

Butcher said the Republican party’s base has shifted to become more concerned by the climate crisis, with young conservatives placing particular importance upon the issue. “Trump may not be on board yet, but there is movement, and we’d love for him to join us,” she said.

In reality, it barely got mentioned at the DNC. Mostly it was just mentioned in passing as a buzz phrase, not laying out a long platform of Things To Do, at least during the speeches. Anyhow, why would Republicans mention what is a scam, one that people care about in theory, but not in practice? They talked about actual important things, things that are real. So a few young Republicans care along with a few older ones (who see power in passing some legislation)? Let them practice it in their own lives.

Trump should mention it: he should mention how much it will cost Americans, how much their taxes will go up, how much freedom and choice they will lose. He should lay out a plan for more natural gas and nuclear energy, as well as money for research and development for wind and solar to make them way more efficient. And that if Warmists want more, they should make changes in their own lives, rather than forcing their beliefs on Other People.

Read: Bummer: RNC Forgot To Mention A Play To Solve ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

NBC News: Looting Proves Black America Deserves Reparations Or Something

NBC News is a pretty big operation, wouldn’t you say? So, they can totally come up with some cash, right?

Chicago looting proves Black America deserves reparations — here’s why

The summer of 2020 has been a summer defined by agitation. What started in Minnesota following the police killing of George Floyd spread quickly across the nation. This past week, Kenosha, Wisconsin, became the latest flashpoint, as protesters clashed with police and armed vigilantes over the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake. One of those vigilantes has been charged with killing two protesters and injuring another.

But another Midwestern city — my city — was the center of attention three weeks ago.

In the early hours of Aug. 10, caravans from across the city ransacked high-end stores in and around downtown after rumors circulated on social media that Chicago police had shot and killed a 15-year-old Black boy on the South Side. Police did shoot 20-year-old Latrell Allen, who is Black, the day before. Police allege Allen fired gunshots at them, but officers were not equipped with body-worn cameras, and no other footage of the incident has been made available. Allen is expected to recover.

Interesting. NBC opinion writer Carlos Bellesteros only seems to care about these killings, not the, say, the 55 shot and 10 killed this weekend in Chicago. Anyhow

Images of people walking in and out of department stores with their hands full of products transfixed a confused nation. Mayor Lori Lightfoot called the looting “an assault” on Chicago, while the Rev. Jesse Jackson said it was “humiliating” and “morally wrong.”

But young Black activists pushed back. “When protesters attack high-end retail stores that are owned by the wealthy and service the wealthy, that is not ‘our’ city and has never been meant for us,” Black Lives Matter Chicago said in a statement after the looting. “These protests can only end when the safety and wellbeing of our communities is finally prioritized.”

An excuse for theft.

Prioritizing Black communities has always been a problem for Chicago. Since arriving en masse during the Great Migration more than a century ago, Black Chicagoans have been violently relegated to the margins, exploited at every turn and expected to do more with less. Racism in Chicago even shocked Martin Luther King Jr., who said he had “never seen — even in Mississippi and Alabama — mobs as hostile and as hate-filled” as the ones he saw here.

So, the Democrats who run Chicago treated blacks badly and still do? Huh. Carlos says that the housing business in Democratic Party run Chicago is racist, from housing values to loans to how much banks put into black neighborhoods. And white businesses are worth more than black ones. And whites make more (well, yeah, since the white Dems keep blacks down in the projects). So

All of this amounts to a historic pattern of perpetual, systematic looting of Chicago’s Black community. As of Aug. 13, at least 42 people had been charged with felonies in the alleged looting three weeks ago. How many bankers have been charged for stealing from Black families?

Only loaning 12 cents in black neighborhoods for every $1 in white neighborhoods isn’t “stealing”: it wasn’t their money to start with. Not much of an argument, right?

Activists say money for those initiatives should come from police coffers. In 2020, the operating budget for the Chicago Police Department hit $1.65 billion, the largest police budget in the city’s history. Most of that money is earmarked for salaries and overtime pay for the 13,000 or so sworn Chicago police officers, giving the city more cops per capita than New York or L.A.

And you know what happens? Those police officers will have their patrols prioritized so that they are spending way less time in those lower income neighborhoods. Response time to emergency calls will take longer, and ambulances will not come if they do not think the area is safe.

But the looting shows Chicago’s legacy of plundering Black wealth will not fade away on its own. Reparations of all kinds must be made to Black Chicago.

OK: when do white Democrats pony up? They run the town, right?

BTW, no one tell Democrats pushing for reparations that this kind of money, given because it is “owed”, would mean blacks would be less beholden to the Democrats.

Read: NBC News: Looting Proves Black America Deserves Reparations Or Something »

We Can Save The Tradition Of Road Trips By Forcing People To Buy Electric Vehicles Or Something

I mean, hey, we can all afford $30,000 for an electric car, right? With a range of 110 miles per charge (in perfect conditions), right? And that’s the least expensive. A Mini Cooper SE. BTW, where’s the power coming from to charge it?

A way to maintain the tradition of an American road-trip while not contributing to climate change

Visiting Colorado’s public lands is a transformative experience for so many Americans. I have fond memories of piling in our family van in Houston, TX and driving through the night to hit Gunnison State Park by morning. Family and group trips to our state have inspired generations of environmentalists, outdoor adventurers and conservation advocates, me being one of them. But these great benefits have come at a high cost, as the very act of visiting our state and national parks contributes to their main existential threat — climate change.

When we drive a traditional car or a diesel-powered camper van into a national park, our vehicle emits harmful greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Climate change is contributing to intense wildfires, widespread beetle kills, and loss of snowpack across Colorado. Localized pollution coming directly out of the tailpipe also leads to diminished air quality within our parks, decreasing our public lands’ ability to provide a suitable natural environment for both its human visitors and animal residents.

There is a simple solution to all this, that allows us to maintain our traditions of the iconic American road-trip while not contributing to the effects of climate change.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the answer.

For some, electric vehicles may seem like a far-fetched, expensive, impractical and almost futuristic dream. That may even be the case for those who are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. It’s also probably also true for outdoor recreationists who want to be able to travel far distances, on less-traveled roads, and want a vehicle that can handle any sort of adventure the driver has in mind.

But the dream is already becoming a reality. Thanks to state policies, like Colorado’s EV Plan for 2020, that provide incentives and direct funding, and Xcel’s vision to get 1.5 million EVs on road by 2030, EVs are getting boosts in infrastructure and incentives, which means more charging stations and more cost-competitive and widely available EV options.

The author, Hannah Collazo, is the state director of Environment Colorado and Environment Colorado and Environment Colorado Research & Policy Center. Will she tell acknowledge that most people cannot afford a straight EV? Most can’t and/or do not want to. You can get a Civic Sport for $22,000, and, sure, it doesn’t get quite the MPG as that Mini, but, it has a lot more room, it is a hell of a lot less to maintain, and you can drive for 4-5 hours, at least, before needing to stop and refuel. Which costs you about 10 minutes, tops, right? It also holds its value. EVs and even regular hybrids have horrendous residual values.

When does the state force residents to only buy these? Without massive subisidies and tax breaks people aren’t that interested.

Read: We Can Save The Tradition Of Road Trips By Forcing People To Buy Electric Vehicles Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat needed when the oceans rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Oakland BLM protesters chanting death to America.

It’s sailing week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are getting through Bat Soup Virus. This pinup is by Vaughan Bass, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad covers rage mobs
  2. Jo Nova discusses how much Australians pay in hidden climate bills yearly
  3. No Tricks Zone covers young people threatening to spread COVID19 if something isn’t done about ‘climate change’
  4. Watts Up With That? notes the racism of climate change alarmists
  5. 357 Magnum notes a story that will stay local (and has)
  6. Adrienne’s Corner takes a look at Biden’s America
  7. Blazing Cat Fur notes Chelsea Clinton talking about white privilege
  8. Chicks On The Right covers BLM going after Vernon Jones
  9. Creeping Sharia notes some Islamic jihad hiding during an NYC BLM protest
  10. DaTechGuy’s Blog notes 49 black lives that didn’t matter to NBA players
  11. Diogenes’ Middle Finger wonders if the BLM/Antifa nutters care if they’re hurting Biden
  12. Dissecting Leftism discusses how Trump has changed the GOP
  13. GeeeZ…. explains exactly how politicians work (it involves monkeys and bananas)
  14. IOTW Report notes 6 Democrat Minnesota mayors endorsing Trump
  15. And last, but not least, Jihad Watch notes a CBC Muslim diversity ad model being arrested for attempting to join ISIS

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Democrat Congressman Suddenly Upset After San Jose Mayor’s House Was Vandalized

We’ve seen this again and again: the violence from the BLM/Antifa mob is pretty much OK as long as they don’t cause problems at the homes of the Democrat political masters

Dem. congressman condemns ‘vigilante justice’ as protesters vandalize San Jose mayor’s home

Protesters vandalized the home of San Jose’s mayor Friday in a demonstration against the Wisconsin police shooting of Jacob Blake.

They marched to the mayor’s home, then ran off after spraypainting the house. Mayor Sam Liccardo and a number of neighbors scrubbed the graffiti off later Friday.

Around 150 protesters marched near San Jose City Hall in a Black Lives Matter demonstration earlier in the day, calling to defund the San Jose Police, according to the San Jose Spotlight. By nightfall, a smaller group of 30 or 40 protesters had veered off to march toward Liccardo’s home. (snip)

“I’m tremendously heartened by the response of dozens of my neighbors who dropped everything late last night to spend a couple of hours scrubbing graffiti from Jessica’s and my home,” he said. “Many of these same neighbors’ homes bear “Black Lives Matter” signs, and they represent the true spirit of the movement, and of our San Jose community. They contrast sharply with the roughly hundred so-called ‘protesters’ who stood by silently — or even cheered — as a flag was burned and while ‘f*ck you’ and other messages were scrawled on our home.”

Man, if only there was some sort of group which could stop this kind of criminal activity. Interestingly, Liccardo can barely find it in himself to publically slam the B/A folks for this. But…

Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna, who represents the San Jose area, condemned vandalism of the mayor’s house as “morally outrageous” in an interview with Fox News.

He called on every elected official to speak out against violence, destruction and looting, which he said undermines the police reform cause.

“There is absolutely no justification for the vandalism that took place at the mayor’s personal residence. This is not the first instance.  His house, his property has been targeted in the past. ” Khanna said.

“We resolve issues of dispute through political means, through elections, through dialogue, through peaceful protest. We do not resort to violence and that applies equally to vigilantes. We’re not a nation that tolerates vigilante justice,” the congressman continued.

He’s not wrong. I’ve been saying the same thing since the violence continued after the first few days in Minneapolis then spread around the country in Democratic Party run cities: the violence does undermine even discussing police reform. Is there any being done? All we usually hear is about defunding the police. Who does that help? The structural issues that can lead to bad behavior is still there.

But, notice that Ro only seems to care when it was the mayor’s house that was vandalized. Not when the B/A mob was causing problems for store owners and regular old citizens. I do wonder if he is now on the hit-list for the B/A mob?

Anyway, Liccardo is wrong: the vandalism does 100% represent the BLM movement, as backed by the Antifa nutters and all sorts of young, white college kids playing at being revolutionaries: violence and threats to attempt to get what they want, which is mostly free money and Marxism.

Read: Democrat Congressman Suddenly Upset After San Jose Mayor’s House Was Vandalized »

If Warmists Are So Peaceful And Benevolent Why Do Their Protests Need Security?

BTW, the security is not for the protesters

Security stepped up at Scottish Parliament ahead of climate protests

Security is being stepped up at the Scottish Parliament as the Extinction Rebellion (XR) protest group begins a new programme of climate change demonstrations.

Police told staff at the parliament building in Holyrood there were plans to “disrupt access to legislatures across the UK” on Tuesday next week.

Beginning on Friday, a “regional rebellion” over four days will see protests staged in cities around the country – including London, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff and Leeds – ahead of larger demonstrations on Tuesday.

Protests this weekend are expected to include roadblocks, marches, sit-ins, bike rides and picnics, with campaigners emphasising their ethos of “non-violent direct action”.

Non violent usually means broken windows, paint and fake blood splashed all around, interfering with the lawful movements of other citizens, and harassment.

A spokesman for the Scottish Parliament told the PA news agency: “We were informed by Police Scotland of plans to disrupt access to legislatures across the UK on Tuesday September 1.

“Therefore Police Scotland will have an increased presence around the Parliament building in the lead-up to Tuesday.”

Bunch of nutters

Dr Chris Newman, a GP and founder of Doctors for XR, told reporters on Thursday they were aware of the health risks of public gatherings and had cancelled previous protest plans.

He said: “Everyone in XR that I’ve spoken to is extremely mindful of the risks and we’re all concerned about health risks. That’s why we’re here, because climate change is a health issue as much as anything.

“So everyone will be pushing very hard for all XR participants to be obeying Government rules with social distancing, with them avoiding protests if they’re unwell, or if they have to isolate.”

You can bet there will be zero social distancing.

Read: If Warmists Are So Peaceful And Benevolent Why Do Their Protests Need Security? »

If All You See…

…is horrible Corona, which releases carbon pollution and the disease is linked to warming, you know, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on they broke it, they bought it.

Read: If All You See… »

Solving ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Gives Kids A Chance To Dream Past 2030 Or Something

It’s no wonder that kids are emotional wrecks when they’ve been taught to believe this. Would you be shocked that his is in a Seattle newspaper? Perhaps the kids should be worried about being assaulted and having their property taken and/or destroyed

Climate change: ‘A chance to dream past the year 2030’

I’m going to be 17 during the 2020 election. My dad was a few years older than me when he immigrated alone to America seeking a better future. Ten years later, he established himself in his new community and family here.

In 10 years I’ll be 27. I will have voted in five elections, hopefully out of college, and starting to become established in my career and community.

Ten years is how long scientists say we have to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions before our environment reaches a tipping point — a point of no return.

At 17, not even eligible to vote for my future, I wish I didn’t have to work toward a world that is expected to be irreparably damaged by the time I’m 27. I wish I could have lived my teen years able to dream without a 10-year deadline to accomplish them all.

I’m not asking for the best economy in the world, or a world full of opportunities or the “American Dream.” I want to seek a future where forest fires, hurricanes and floods no longer break record casualties every year. I just want a chance to dream past the year 2030.

Except, they aren’t breaking records of casualties. But, facts are not needed in the Cult of Climastrology. This little Warmist will be just fine, and wonder why she was so dumb 10 years ago come 2030.


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Read: Solving ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Gives Kids A Chance To Dream Past 2030 Or Something »

Pirate's Cove