Solving ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Gives Kids A Chance To Dream Past 2030 Or Something

It’s no wonder that kids are emotional wrecks when they’ve been taught to believe this. Would you be shocked that his is in a Seattle newspaper? Perhaps the kids should be worried about being assaulted and having their property taken and/or destroyed

Climate change: ‘A chance to dream past the year 2030’

I’m going to be 17 during the 2020 election. My dad was a few years older than me when he immigrated alone to America seeking a better future. Ten years later, he established himself in his new community and family here.

In 10 years I’ll be 27. I will have voted in five elections, hopefully out of college, and starting to become established in my career and community.

Ten years is how long scientists say we have to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions before our environment reaches a tipping point — a point of no return.

At 17, not even eligible to vote for my future, I wish I didn’t have to work toward a world that is expected to be irreparably damaged by the time I’m 27. I wish I could have lived my teen years able to dream without a 10-year deadline to accomplish them all.

I’m not asking for the best economy in the world, or a world full of opportunities or the “American Dream.” I want to seek a future where forest fires, hurricanes and floods no longer break record casualties every year. I just want a chance to dream past the year 2030.

Except, they aren’t breaking records of casualties. But, facts are not needed in the Cult of Climastrology. This little Warmist will be just fine, and wonder why she was so dumb 10 years ago come 2030.


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Read: Solving ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Gives Kids A Chance To Dream Past 2030 Or Something »

Raleigh “Anti-Raaaaacism” Protest Turns Violent

Seriously, who saw this coming? Well, pretty much everyone, since the mayor of Raleigh declared a 10pm curfew for Friday and Saturday nights, interfering with the rights of law abiding citizens who weren’t going to be involved

14 protesters arrested in downtown Raleigh overnight after memorial, Wake Co. building was vandalized

Protesters gathered in downtown Raleigh on Friday night to speak out against police shootings and violence. Overnight, 14 people were arrested for violating a curfew and one person was arrested for assault on a law enforcement officer.

The protests started out peaceful, but as the night went on, people vandalized a memorial and a Wake County government building. People smashed the windows of the Wake County Justice Center, threw red paint on the building and sprayed graffiti. A memorial to fallen deputies was also vandalized in protest against the police.

The protests began escalating at about 9 p.m., when people pulled down barricades that had been put up outside the Wake County Justice Center and threw them in nearby bushes and streets. After that, according to Raleigh police, someone started a fire in the middle of Salisbury Street and set off fireworks.

At around 9:45 p.m., Raleigh police tweeted that the protest was “no longer peaceful.”  The vandalism at the Wake County building occurred right around 10 p.m.,  and Raleigh police started ordering the crowd to disperse as the curfew approached.

Some people also burned an American flag early on. Because reasons, you know. And because a whole bunch of young, lily white liberals who should be in college classes are playing at being revolutionaries. Of the 14 arrested, only 4 were black, as you can see at the link.

“The thing that concerns us as law enforcement are those individuals who blend into the peaceful protests and marches and their sole intent and their sole purpose is to come down and cause damage and be unlawful,” Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker said.

There were reports, unconfirmed, of big bricks being present. And reports from the police of frozen bottles being handed out, which wisely were not thrown, either at officers or thru windows.

None of the stations mentioned that lack of social distancing in their reports (WRAL’s is the one I am using), nor did the News and Observer. And it is a pretty darned white crowd, eh?

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What’s Behind August’s Bad Weather? Climate Change And Bad Luck, But, Mostly Just Bad Luck

Really, what’s behind August’s Bad Weather is called “weather”, but Science News is having a tizzy

What’s behind August 2020’s extreme weather? Climate change and bad luck

August 2020 has been a devastating month across large swaths of the United States: As powerful Hurricane Laura barreled into the U.S. Gulf Coast on August 27, fires continued to blaze in California. Meanwhile, farmers are still assessing widespread damage to crops in the Midwest following an Aug. 10 “derecho,” a sudden, hurricane-force windstorm.

Each of these extreme weather events was the result of a particular set of atmospheric — and in the case of Laura, oceanic — conditions. In part, it’s just bad luck that the United States is being slammed with these events back-to-back-to-back. But for some of these events, such as intense hurricanes and more frequent wildfires, scientists have long warned that climate change has been setting the stage for disaster.

Science News takes a closer look at what causes these kinds of extreme weather events, and the extent to which human-caused climate change may be playing a role in each of them.

Weather happens. Always has, always will. But, these are cultists, so, everything is your fault for taking a long shower then having sausage with your eggs back at the end of July.

Read: What’s Behind August’s Bad Weather? Climate Change And Bad Luck, But, Mostly Just Bad Luck »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution fog, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on California’s first experiment without police.

Read: If All You See… »

We Need To Crack Down On Armed Vigilantism Or Something

See, Democrats had no problem with Democratic voting BLM/Antifa folks committing acts of violence, including against women and senior citizens. They’ve called for defunding police. The amount of violence means police are spread thin, especially as the BLM/Antifa folks create issues away from the major area of the “protests”, and cannot protect homes and businesses. Someone has to

The Violence Could Get Much Worse
Unless police and political leaders begin to crack down on the armed vigilantes monitoring protests, more bloodshed could soon follow the killings in Kenosha.

The killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, represent an alarming escalation of the fight over police violence that has consumed the country this summer: It wasn’t an agent of the state who shot two Americans dead this week. Instead, an American man turned his weapon on other civilians during a protest—and law enforcement let him walk right by them and out of town. Police and political leaders have failed for years to take the actions necessary to prevent this kind of violence. Without serious, sustained intervention, more bloodshed could soon follow.

Not defending or slamming the shooter, but, his presence would not have been necessary if the Dem voting BLM/Antifa folks weren’t violent, and if Democrats and their Credentialed media hadn’t not only propped them up, but egged them on.

Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who has described himself as a militia member and appeared in videos that night next to other armed men linked to a local militia group known as the Kenosha Guard, has since been arrested and charged with killing two people. (He hasn’t yet entered a plea.) Rittenhouse and the other men, who claimed to be protecting local businesses, are not the first armed right-wing counterprotesters to evade police scrutiny this summer. In May and June, such extremists appeared on 187 occasions at protests around the country, according to the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, a left-leaning organization that tracks extremist groups. Vigilantes appeared to receive the support or approval of police in about two dozen of those instances, says Alexander Reid Ross, a researcher at the Center for Analysis of the Radical Right and the author of Against the Fascist Creep.

Strange that The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey forgot to mention

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Read: We Need To Crack Down On Armed Vigilantism Or Something »

Recent Comments On Sidebar

Rod pointed out that the recent comments widget on the sidebar was no longer working. Looks like the plugin is incompatible with the most recent version of WordPress. And the plugin no longer appears at I’ve turned on the internal one that comes with WordPress, but, it just shows who and on what post, not a short excerpt of what they wrote. For those who look at it, would that excerpt be helpful?

More: found a plugin called Better Recent Comments, enable that plugin. Have to see if it eats resources for a few days.

Read: Recent Comments On Sidebar »

Senate Democrats Map Out Their Climate Crisis (scam) Strategy Or Something

It’s actually probably a good thing for Democrats that they’re having so much violence in their own Democratic Party run cities, as that overshadows their agenda of climate cult policies

Senate Democrats map out climate change strategy

Senate Democrats on Tuesday released a more than 200 page climate plan that they’re billing as a roadmap for what they’ll do if they can take back the majority after this year’s election.

The sprawling report has the broad goals of increasing federal spending on climate action to 2 percent of gross domestic product each year and creating 10 million new jobs. It also calls for the whole world to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

The plan also calls for 40 percent of federal climate investments to boost low-income communities and communities of color. And it includes proposals for reducing emissions from the electricity, transportation, agricultural and industrial sectors.

Do black people ever get tired of Democrats pandering to them for votes? Treating blacks like children who can only live with the Helpful Hand of Government?

“We have the opportunity to build more and better jobs for the American people, jobs that’ll help re-stimulate the economy and aid in our transition to clean energy,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters.

“When Democrats retake the majority in the Senate, we will unify to move swiftly on legislation to tackle the climate crisis. Passing climate legislation will be a top priority for Senate Democrats and for me,” he added.

Are you good with your taxes going up, your cost of living going up, losing freedom, liberty, and choice? ‘Climate change’ polls well in theory, not in practice.

House Democrats on that committee released their own plan earlier this year.

The Senate report also calls for the implementation of a federal clean energy standard, emission standard, carbon price or other “market mechanisms” in order to reach clean electricity.

To take on emissions from transportation and industry, the report calls for vehicle and industrial emissions standards, among other provisions. Its agricultural goals are more focused on financial incentives and participating in carbon markets.

Market forces are taxes. Which ones do they favor? They don’t say. Probably all of them. Cap and trade, taxes on fossil fuels companies, and direct carbon taxes, even the newish one where people are refunded 4/5ths of the cost of living increase. They’re admitting that the cost of living will skyrocket.

The Democrats also want to achieve their goals through a variety of mechanisms, including using financial and regulatory tools. They call on the Securities and Exchange Commission to update how public companies should disclose climate risks and incorporate that into its rating methods.

They also highlight the influence of big industry and dark money as obstacles for passing climate legislation.

In other words, they’re going to use the power of the federal government to force companies to knuckle under to the Cult of Climastrology. Seems kinda…..Fascist, don’t you think? Authoritarian. Anti-freedom.

Read: Senate Democrats Map Out Their Climate Crisis (scam) Strategy Or Something »

Virginia Senate Democrats Vote To Reduce Assault On Police Officers To Misdemeanor

The bill is very slightly more nuanced than is being reported, but, this is not going to be good optics for the Democratic Party in campaign commercials

Virginia Senate advances bill to downgrade charge for assaulting police, end mandatory jail term

The Virginia Senate this week approved a bill that would let the charge of assaulting a police officer be a misdemeanor instead of a felony, and eliminate the mandatory jail term for being convicted of such a crime.

The Senate’s vote was 21-15 on Wednesday night, WSLS-TV of Roanoke reported. The bill now shifts to the state House for its consideration. Democrats control both chambers of the state Legislature as well as the governor’s office.

Senate Bill 5032 was proposed as the nation’s police departments face broad scrutiny over use of force against African-Americans and other minorities.

A judge could downgrade a charge of assaulting an officer to a misdemeanor if the victim is not physically harmed as a result of the attack, WSLS reported.

That’s the slightly nuanced part. The bill doesn’t really lay out what “not physically harmed” looks like, so, you can bet leftist judges would be reducing the charges constantly. The bill was strictly partisan. 21 Democrats voted for, 15 Republicans voted against

“What in the world are we doing here?” state Sen. John Cosgrove Jr., a Republican, asked, according to The Washington Post. “Have you watched television for the last couple of weeks? Have you seen what our police officers are going through? And here we are with a bill that’s going to actually make it easier for someone to actually assault a police officer.”

Democrats countered that the bill would help address inequities in the state’s criminal justice system, The Washington Post reported.

So, wait, are Democrats saying that black people are more likely to attack police officers? Seems rather a racist attitude, don’t you think? Anyhow, it’s not just police officers

A summary of the bill states it would eliminate “the mandatory minimum term of confinement for an assault and battery committed against a judge; magistrate; law-enforcement officer; correctional officer; person directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of inmates; firefighter; or volunteer firefighter or any emergency medical services personnel and provides that such crime can no longer be committed as a simple assault and must result in a bodily injury.”

So, think ambulance personnel will want to go into dangerous areas? Will Virginia Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam sign this if fully passed by the Virginia General Assembly? This is exactly the type of thing that should make super early voting and mail in voting banned: parties doing bad things after people have voted.

Read: Virginia Senate Democrats Vote To Reduce Assault On Police Officers To Misdemeanor »

We’ve Run Out Of Presidential Terms To Waste On ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

Hmm, is Excitable Bill McKibben saying that Barack Obama’s 2 terms were a waste?

On Climate Change, We’ve Run Out of Presidential Terms to Waste

(a couple paragraphs blaming The Weather on people living modern lives)

Here’s what this means: if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take over the White House, in January, they’re going to be dealing with an immediate and overwhelming climate crisis, not just the prospective dilemma that other Administrations have faced. It’s not coming; it’s here. The luxury of moving slowly, the margin for zigging and zagging to accommodate various interests, has disappeared. So, if the Democrats win, they will have to address the pandemic and the resulting economic dislocation, and tackle the climate mess all at the same time. Any climate plan must be, in some way or another, the solution to the current widespread loss of jobs. (snip)

The point is clear: as Biden and Harris campaign for the future of our democracy this fall, they also have to lay the groundwork to fight for the future of our planet. That message can be communicated to voters: Biden showed how to do it with a commercial that linked his love of his vintage Corvette to the future of electric vehicles. No, electric sports cars and industrial pea cutlets will not save the climate; but it’s crucial, right now, on the campaign trail, for politicians to help Americans understand the rapid and unsettling transition that physics implacably demands. We’re out of Presidential terms to waste. If there’s going to be effective American action on climate, it’s going to have to come from Joe Biden.

Can anyone point to what Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have actually done regarding their belief in anthropogenic climate change? Talking is meaningless. What Bill fails to acknowledge is that actually doing something is not popular in reality. But, hey, good luck, Joe, as you patronize these climakooks.

Read: We’ve Run Out Of Presidential Terms To Waste On ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

If All You See…

…is sunshine that is too bright due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on mindless, purposeless riots just for fun.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove