We’ve Run Out Of Presidential Terms To Waste On ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

Hmm, is Excitable Bill McKibben saying that Barack Obama’s 2 terms were a waste?

On Climate Change, We’ve Run Out of Presidential Terms to Waste

(a couple paragraphs blaming The Weather on people living modern lives)

Here’s what this means: if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take over the White House, in January, they’re going to be dealing with an immediate and overwhelming climate crisis, not just the prospective dilemma that other Administrations have faced. It’s not coming; it’s here. The luxury of moving slowly, the margin for zigging and zagging to accommodate various interests, has disappeared. So, if the Democrats win, they will have to address the pandemic and the resulting economic dislocation, and tackle the climate mess all at the same time. Any climate plan must be, in some way or another, the solution to the current widespread loss of jobs. (snip)

The point is clear: as Biden and Harris campaign for the future of our democracy this fall, they also have to lay the groundwork to fight for the future of our planet. That message can be communicated to voters: Biden showed how to do it with a commercial that linked his love of his vintage Corvette to the future of electric vehicles. No, electric sports cars and industrial pea cutlets will not save the climate; but it’s crucial, right now, on the campaign trail, for politicians to help Americans understand the rapid and unsettling transition that physics implacably demands. We’re out of Presidential terms to waste. If there’s going to be effective American action on climate, it’s going to have to come from Joe Biden.

Can anyone point to what Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have actually done regarding their belief in anthropogenic climate change? Talking is meaningless. What Bill fails to acknowledge is that actually doing something is not popular in reality. But, hey, good luck, Joe, as you patronize these climakooks.

Read: We’ve Run Out Of Presidential Terms To Waste On ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

If All You See…

…is sunshine that is too bright due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on mindless, purposeless riots just for fun.

Read: If All You See… »

VP Mike Pence: Law And Order Is On The Ballot

When it comes to politics, Mike Pence is one of the good guys. One of the most trustworthy of politicians, which are not easy to trust, right? He’s a straight shooter, a guy who doesn’t play all the games. If he trusts Donald Trump, that’s what allowed me to vote for them in 2016. And here he is now

Pence swings hard at Biden on economy and unrest but sidesteps racial justice

Nice bit of bias in the headline, eh? Why should Pence discuss it? Racial justice is simply a way for the Democrats to patronize black people, and some black people who’ve been living under the Dem thumb to demand they be given free stuff.

Vice President Mike Pence made an aggressive and cutting case for why Americans should vote for President Trump in November, saying that Democratic nominee Joe Biden would not be able to rebuild the economy as effectively and that Americans would be less safe if Trump loses.

“Our economic recovery is on the ballot,” Pence said in the final speech of the third night of the 2020 Republican convention. “Law and order is on the ballot.”

The vice president spoke from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, the place that inspired the creation of the national anthem — “The Star Spangled Banner” — during the War of 1812.

Obviously, the article attempts to “fact check” and “compare and contrast” the speech in a way that Modern Socialist Democratic Party voting media folks didn’t for the DNC speeches, including Kamala Harris’. Regardless, Pence is right: law and order is on the ballot. And Democrats are starting to realize that this is not good for their polls

It’ll be really serious when Handsy Joe decries the violence

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Read: VP Mike Pence: Law And Order Is On The Ballot »

You Ate A Burger, Making Hurricanes Bigger And Stronger

Scientists can’t definitively say whether you driving a fossil fueled vehicle to a restaurant then eating a burger is linked, but, no problem people will still link them. Here’s one of the bullet points

As the planet continues to warm, such rapid intensification events are expected to get more frequent, and storms will become stronger and wetter.

They said this back in 2005 and 2006, at which point tropical storm landfalls collapsed. Because they run in cycles. We’re in one of those cycles now. And our satellites and technology allow us to see all the tropical waves and systems that do not come anywhere close to the land, which was not possible just 40 years ago

Hurricane Laura jumped from Category 1 to Category 4 in a day. Here’s why hurricanes are now stronger, wetter, and more frequent.

Hurricane Laura is rapidly gaining strength as it barrels toward Louisiana and Texas.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, the storm’s sustained winds jumped from 75 to 140 miles per hour — a process known as rapid intensification.

The major hurricane is poised to strengthen even more and make landfall Wednesday night as a Category 4 storm, just days before the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

Scientists can’t definitively say whether Hurricane Laura or other individual storms are directly caused by climate change, but warming overall makes hurricanes more frequent and devastating than they would otherwise be.

Remember, trust the scientists. Except when they aren’t giving you what you want, so, just go with the fear-mongering meme.

“Our confidence continues to grow that storms have become stronger, and it is linked to climate change, and they will continue to get stronger as the world continues to warm,” James Kossin, an atmospheric scientist at NOAA who studies how climate change affects tropical cyclones, told the Washington Post.

So, they still don’t know. What about the massive storms during latter half of the 18th Century, the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, and all the other massive ones, such as Camille, prior to CO2 being above 350ppm?

OK, that is on frequency. But, you cannot say that they are stronger now when you do not have actual data comparing them. They seem worse when you have more people in the way of them.

Read: You Ate A Burger, Making Hurricanes Bigger And Stronger »

Surprise: First Time Gun Buyers Surge Over Lockdown Fears, Riots In Democratic Party Run Cities

The one thing I cannot seem to find is data that shows exactly where these 1st time buyers live, as in which city. I would suspect, though, that a goodly chunk are in Democratic Party run cities seeing lots of violence

First-time gun buyers are fueled by fears over the pandemic, the economy, and nationwide protests

Michael Braunlin bought his first gun in March, as fears of the coronavirus pandemic were taking hold in the US.

“A lot of it was around not knowing what was happening and not having a lot of assurance from my government that we were going to be kept safe and protected,” Braunlin told Business Insider Today.

During a record-breaking year of firearm background checks across the country, he wasn’t the only one to make that decision.

“As I was watching more and more people panic-buy, I said, OK, I think I need to be purchasing a firearm just in case something happens,” Braunlin said.

So far in 2020, gun background checks have already reached monthly all-time highs twice.

In March, the FBI conducted 3.7 million checks — the most since the bureau started keeping track in 1998.

Remember, people were scared as to what was going to happen, and concerned with Government slapping this restriction and that restriction on citizens without any Constitutional, state or federal, considerations.  Nobody really knew how bad it could get, but we had seen the obliteration of Italy, right?

Then in June, that record was broken with 3.9 million. All four weeks of the month made the list of top 10 weeks with the most firearm background checks ever.

And people were seeing the violence in the streets from the BLM/Antifa folks, along with lots and lots of young, white Democratic Party voters who self-style themselves as revolutionaries but have nothing better to do with the schools closed, missing their classes to obtain a worthless degree with $75k in student loans debt. Plus, seeing that Democratic Party mayors and governors were not only doing nothing, but, often enticing the rioters, as the Credentialed Media did the same.

Combine that with all the Dem calls to defund the police.

The biggest surge of recent sales here has been with handguns and shotguns — not for hunting, but for self-protection.

“I don’t feel safe right now, so I need to make sure I’m safe,” customer Victoria Legato said.

“People are scouring,” Randy Quick, another customer, added. “They’re emptying the shelves, you know? So it’s a different time.”

Again, how many are Dem voters who were always anti-private gun ownership and scoffed at the notion of someone, especially a woman, having a gun for protection?

But these shops aren’t free of their critics — especially from groups that advocate against gun violence.

“They care about sales, not about the people who own those guns,” Kris Brown, president of the nonprofit Brady: United Against Gun Violence, told Business Insider Today. “And I’m concerned that the rush to buy guns is going to increase fatalities and injuries of the very people that the gun owners are seeking to protect.”

Yeah, let these people go live in Seattle, Portland, NYC, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Oakland, Detroit, and even Kenosha. See what they feel about the chance of violence.

“I do feel I have to be, like, extra responsible because I am a person of color,” Braunlin said. “I’ve actually started researching what to do if the police stop you. And I have to think about the prejudice of other people. You know, I can’t control it.”

As someone whose own perspective on guns has shifted since buying one, he says that there’s nuance behind it all.

“I come from a very liberal family and I would consider myself pretty liberal,” Braunlin said. “Now being a gun owner, I’m like, OK, I get it. If they did away with the Second Amendment tomorrow, I’d be like, no, you can’t take my gun. I’m sorry, no.”

Welcome to the club, pal! Your fellow 2nd Amendment supporters do not care about your skin color in the least. See you at the range!

One stat I’d love to see is how many concealed carry permits have been applied for, especially in Dem run areas.

Read: Surprise: First Time Gun Buyers Surge Over Lockdown Fears, Riots In Democratic Party Run Cities »

Bummer: California May Allow Gas Power Plants To Continue

I’m shocked. I thought that solar and wind could provide all they needed

The lights went out. Now California might let these gas plants stay open

State officials are poised to decide whether four gas-fired power plants along the Southern California coast should keep running past 2020, in the first major energy decision for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration after this month’s blackouts.

The aging, inefficient facilities are being required to close under a policy meant to end the environmentally damaging use of ocean water for power plant cooling. But energy regulators have been pushing since last year to delay the retirement deadlines, warning that insufficient power supplies could cause Californians to lose electricity on hot summer evenings — the exact situation millions of people found themselves in during two evenings of brief rotating outages.

Even before the blackouts Aug. 14 and 15, the debate over how and when to close the coastal gas plants offered a preview of challenges California will increasingly face as it accelerates its transition away from planet-warming fossil fuels.

This could have been avoided had California allowed nuclear power plants. Too late for that now. Let California suffer. Maybe the hardcore leftist Cult of Climastrology members reap what they sow.

Meanwhile in the People’s Republic Of California, wildfires are apparently the new normal

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Read: Bummer: California May Allow Gas Power Plants To Continue »

If All You See…

…is a huge bowl of fried food which causes obesity which is bad for the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a Biden rally in Kenosha.

Read: If All You See… »

HuffPost Suddenly Notices Portland Police Backing Off From Violence

The Modern Socialist HuffPost wasn’t particularly concerned with all the violence in Portland from their Comrades nor that the police weren’t really do all that much, backing off quite a bit, especially as they were ordered to back off, over the past 80+ days. Now, though

Portland Police Are Giving Up On Policing The Far-Right

The Portland Police Bureau appears to have all but given up on policing the far-right factions brawling in the Oregon city’s streets, despite a recent escalation in violence that has seen those extremists throw explosives, brandish guns and in one case fire them at other protesters.

It’s common to see far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys exchanging blows with counterprotesters in Portland. They’ve been doing that for years, often as PPB officers watched until a riot was officially declared and then police cleared the streets using tear gas and other munitions.

But over the weekend, police took an entirely hands-off approach to the fighting, even as the demonstrations grew more violent than ever. As officers stood by on Saturday, the Proud Boys and their far-right friends attacked and intimidated anti-fascist protesters using paintball guns, mace, fireworks, aluminum bats and various firearms, according to The Washington Post.

See? Suddenly, groups like the Proud Boys show up and brawl with Antifa (wait, I thought Leftists said that Antifa was a myth, that there was no group? No?) and the cops are seemingly powerless/avoiding the violence, and this is too much? That they want the cops, who have been demonized constantly in the HuffPost, to Do Something? The violence prior to the Proud Boys showing up, all the arson, assaults, property destruction, and so forth, was OK, and they were happy the police did nothing about it? They were upset that federal law enforcement was there to protect a federal building, and were happy when they left so the violence could continue. The Oregon State Police came to replace them to attempt to reduce the violence, yet, it didn’t, and they left because the people breaking the law were not being charged.

Meanwhile, over a loudspeaker, police encouraged those present to “self-monitor for criminal activity.” In essence, the PPB had thrown up its hands.

In a statement to The Washington Post, the bureau said that officers were tired from responding to ongoing demonstrations against racism and police brutality, which have kept Portland in the national spotlight for weeks. Officers wouldn’t intervene in small skirmishes between “willing participants,” even if the clashes fit the city’s definition of a riot.

Seriously, HuffPost is on the front lines of calling for the police to be defunded, and now they want the police?

Hey, perhaps if they are fighting each other the Antifa/BLM folks won’t trash businesses, scare people at their homes, light fires, and assault normal citizens.

“Each skirmish appeared to involve willing participants and the events were not enduring in time, so officers were not deployed to intervene,” the bureau said of Saturday’s events. “PPB members have been the focus of over 80 days of violent actions directed at the police, which is a major consideration for determining if police resources are necessary to interject between two groups with individuals who appear to be willingly engaging in physical confrontations for short durations.”

Or a different opinion if the cops were suddenly ignoring crazies like the Proud Boys showing up to beat the asses of the Antifa nutters (they’re both horrible sets of people).

Read: HuffPost Suddenly Notices Portland Police Backing Off From Violence »

Banning Air Conditioning Is A Winning Issue For The Cult Of Climastrology, Right?

In real life, on Twitter, and in comments, I’ll often ask Warmists if they are willing to give up their air conditioning when they start getting personal (which, like most Modern Socialists, they do, and quickly) after I’ve already recommended they give up their own use of fossil fuels. Maybe I should be asking them if they’re good with Government banning their own use of air conditioning

Air conditioning part of climate crisis issue

Air conditioning may be keeping man cool in warmer temperatures but it is heating the planet.

We fell into the trap that we deserve air conditioning.

The warmer it gets, the more we use A/C, and that leads to warmer temperatures since 60% of U.S. electricity is produced by fossil fuels.

Canada’s power generation is 60% hydro, 15 % nuclear, 19% fossil fuels, 7% renewables. (Natural Resources Canada 2017).

Increased heat waves push power demand up to blackout levels in large cities.

The biggest change since air conditioning arrived: windows sealed shut to keep cooler air in high office towers and buildings.

A small air conditioner uses more power than four fridges; a central home unit uses more power than 15 fridges.

It’s a very strange opinion piece by Gene Monin, one sentence per paragraph. You get his point, though, he dislikes Other People having AC

As the use of air conditioning spreads to every dwelling, it will use about 13% of all electricity, producing 2 billion tonnes of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) a year.

Air conditioning is part of the climate crisis, since it has been the biggest factor in growth of power usage.

Warmists hate modern stuff.

Homes are no longer built to allow for climate; the same style of home with air conditioning is everywhere.

I double dare Warmists to only live in homes with no AC.

Buildings for hot climates used to be designed to minimize heat; not any more.

Older building designs which dealt with heat through window screens, louvres, and porches to shut out direct sunlight were displaced by Western styles.

You’re up for that, right? If the Cult of Climastrology has their way, you won’t have a choice

Local Swiss government in Geneva, which has a warmer climate than much of the US, banned air conditioning except by special permission.

In Switzerland, air conditioning accounts for less than 2% of all electricity used. They have learned to do without.

Before, people adapted to the climate. Now comfort reigns, not the planet’s future.

Yes, they do want to ban the use of air conditioning. Have climate cultists considered that this would ban it for themseleves? Or are they thinking that they will be the ones who get special permission?

Read: Banning Air Conditioning Is A Winning Issue For The Cult Of Climastrology, Right? »

Hyper-Leftist Vox Unintentionally Makes Case To Vote For Trump Over Court

Federal courts and the Supreme Court are one of the huge issues in voting these days, unfortunately. It shouldn’t be an issue, as courts should vote along the lines of the law and the Constitutions of the States and Nation. We all know that Democratic Party appointed judges so often fail at that. One of the main reasons I and so many voted for Trump/against Hillary was the thought of Hillary Clinton being able to appoint two or more Supreme Court justices during her first term, along with all the other federal judges. And that issues hasn’t changed for 2020, and Ian Millhiser’s article should be the one reason you should vote Trump/against Biden if you care about this country

What happens to the Supreme Court (and the Constitution) if Trump wins

In 2019, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a gathering of the conservative Federalist Society that President Trump owes his broad support among Republican voters to one issue. “The single biggest issue that brought nine out of 10 Republican voters home to Donald Trump,” McConnell claimed, “just like nine out of 10 voted for Mitt Romney, was the Supreme Court.”

McConnell’s “nine out of 10” estimate is almost certainly an exaggeration, but there’s no question that Republicans view filling the judiciary with Federalist Society stalwarts as one of their highest priorities, if not the highest priority.

The GOP-controlled Senate passes little legislation. It rarely even considers bills that arise from a Democratic House. But McConnell has transformed the Senate into a virtual factory that kicks out judicial confirmations almost as fast as Trump can nominate conservative lawyers for the bench.

Congress passes a lot more legislation than you think, it’s just mostly small, bipartisan things. The GOP Senate isn’t going to bother bringing up hardcore Modern Socialist big bill from the Democrat controlled House. They won’t pass, anyhow, and Democrats tend to vote present on them, not wanting to go on the record. Regardless, McConnell is making sure that judges who believe in the Constitution are being appointed

If Trump prevails in November, he is likely to remake the courts — and, specifically, the Supreme Court — in his image. Two members of the Court’s liberal minority, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, are in their 80s. And Ginsburg began a course of chemotherapy earlier this year. If Trump wins, Republicans could gain a 7-2 majority on the nation’s highest Court by the end of his second term.

If Biden wins, it stays a 5-4 conservative court, with John Roberts doing his squishy thing.

If Trump gets to replace a liberal justice, however, this check on Republican power is likely to disappear. Trump spent the past three and a half years filling federal appellate courts with staunch conservatives, often with the guidance of conservative organizations such as the Federalist Society. That gives him a deep bench of potential Supreme Court nominees who are unlikely to disappoint the GOP in the future (like John Roberts).

Are you starting to get the idea how important a court of Originalists are?

America becomes even less democratic if Trump gets to fill another Supreme Court seat

The United States is hardly a paragon of democracy. Americans have a president who received nearly 3 million fewer votes than his Democratic opponent in 2016 and a Senate where, thanks to malapportionment, the Republican “majority” represents 15 million fewer people than the Democratic “minority.” Both of Trump’s justices were nominated by a president who lost the popular vote and confirmed by a bloc of senators who represent less than half of the nation.

Trump and McConnell would have the opportunity to continue with federalism for our Republic, something Democrats do not understand with this same old “the horse should have been turned to glue already” argument.

Millhiser continues to attempt to Scare people as to what a 7-2 Conservative Scotus would do, plus all the federal judges. If this is what the hardcore leftists believe, maybe it is super-important to re-elect Trump, knowing a packed hardcore leftist judiciary could be a disaster for freedom, liberty, rule of law, and so forth.

Read: Hyper-Leftist Vox Unintentionally Makes Case To Vote For Trump Over Court »

Pirate's Cove