If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Pasaran!, with a post on which Constitution people must choose in November.

Read: If All You See… »

GOP Runs On Law And Order Strategy At Convention

Day one of the GOP convention had many themes, but, this is the one that has made Kevin Johnson and the USA Today upset

As Trump hammers ‘law and order’ message at RNC, Barr’s DOJ takes ‘like it or not’ approach

The front page of the dead tree edition, the main article, has the headline “A ‘law and order’ strategy, with the subhead Theme likely to be amplified at this week’s convention. Yet, as usual, it fails to note that this is “analysis”, not reporting, meant to somehow protect the Democrats from their lawless behavior and allowing chaos in the streets of Democratic Party run cities

Four years ago, President Donald Trump’s law-and-order campaign became a part of his inaugural address when he vowed “this American carnage stops right here and right now.”

A similar, apocalyptic refrain echoed through the first night of the Republican National Convention and promises to be a recurring theme throughout the week.

“People of faith are under attack,” Donald Trump Jr. said. “You’re not allowed to go to church, but mass chaos in the streets gets a pass … Anarchists have been flooding our streets and Democrat mayors are ordering the police to stand down.”

“When you are in trouble and need police, don’t count on the Democrats,” Kimberly Guilfoyle, a lawyer and Trump Jr.’s girlfriend said in her RNC speech.

Rep. Jim Jordan said “crime, violence, mob rule” are happening in Democrat-controlled cities.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who made national news when they emerged from their home in St. Louis, Missouri, brandishing firearms to confront protesters, were also among the first night’s speakers.

“Whether it is the defunding of police … or encouraging anarchy on our streets, it seems as if the Democrats no longer view the government’s job as protecting honest citizens from criminals but rather protecting criminals from honest citizens,” Mark McCloskey said.

Well, yeah. We see it daily in the streets of Dem run cities, be it Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, NYC, and so many more. Now it’s Kenosha.

More than a month later, law enforcement authorities are crediting the federal deployment with assisting in the arrests of 17 local murder suspects, including a Kansas City man accused in the slaying of 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro, for whom the federal strategy is named. Nationwide, nearly 1,500 suspects have been swept up in recent weeks as part of Operation Legend, which now has a presence in Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Memphis and St. Louis.

Despite the encouraging numbers, uneasy local officials have refused to fully embrace the Trump administration strategy, fearing that their cities have been co-opted by a sagging presidential campaign in search of a popular law-and-order theme.

“The reason this has been rolled out on a national scale is because we are in an election year,” Lucas said. “The coronavirus response doesn’t seem to be polling well for them, so they have moved to something else (violent crime) that they can try to do something about. They are trying to make crime a partisan issue.”

See? It’s not that these Dem run cities are violent, it’s that it’s an election season! Kevin forgot to note that this wouldn’t be necessary if the Dem run cities weren’t imploding with violence.

Attorney General William Barr has been unapologetic in the government’s push into cities largely led by Democrats. Leading the Trump administration’s effort, the attorney general has cast it both as a strategy to fight violent crime and a move to boost local police who have been the targets of social justice demonstrations across the country after George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis officers.

“Led by Democrats.” Notice that Barr isn’t having to do this in areas run by Republicans.

From its start, the Justice Department’s law enforcement operation has been framed in starkly political terms by none other than the president.

“For decades, politicians running many of our nation’s major cities have put the interests of criminals above the rights of law-abiding citizens,” Trump said last month at a White House ceremony marking Operation Legend’s launch. “These same politicians have now embraced the far-left movement to break up our police departments, causing violent crime in their cities to spiral – and I mean spiral seriously out of control.”

This is written like it’s a Bad Idea to crack down on violence. I’m not sure who at the USA Today thought it was a good idea to try and dunk on Trump and the GOP for cracking down on violence, or that it was smart to highlight the difference between the party of law and order and the party of allowing riots.

Read: GOP Runs On Law And Order Strategy At Convention »

NY Times: Poll Suggests ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Is Taking On A Growing Roll

The Warmists at the NY Times are super excited, but, as usual, fail to actually do their jobs as journalists

Climate Is Taking On a Growing Role for Voters, Research Suggests

The number of Americans who feel passionately about climate change is rising sharply, and the issue appears likely to play a more important role in this year’s election than ever before, a new survey shows.

What’s more, despite the turmoil caused by overlapping national and global crises, support for action to curb climate change has not diminished. Backing for government to do more to deal with global warming, at 68 percent in May of 2018, was at the same level in 2020, according to the survey, issued Monday.

“People can walk and chew gum at the same time,” said Jon A. Krosnick, a professor of communication, political science and psychology at Stanford University and the leader of the project. (snip)

The most striking part of the survey, Dr. Krosnick said, is the growth of a group he called the “issue public” around climate change.

An issue public is a community that feels an issue is extremely important to them personally. “They are the people who make things happen on the issue,” Dr. Krosnick said. That means, for example, making donations to lobbying groups, sending emails to lawmakers, attending rallies — and voting.

Democratic candidates appear to be reaping the benefits of that shift. For instance, a wave of climate donors has flocked to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. That’s a departure from 11 years ago, when some party leaders discouraged fund-raising based on climate change.

But, as you look at the report, Figure 13, “Percentage of Americans who think global warming is extremely personally important (the global warming “issue public)”, the number may be the highest ever, but, it’s still only 25% of the small number who were polled.

Figure 15 is on who should do what to “solve” Hotcoldwetdry, and there was a big dip after 2012, and, unsurprisingly, Warmists want Someone Else to bear the burden, meaning the US Government, businesses, and other country governments. Average people practicing what they preach always ranks the lowest.

Of course, interest in an issue doesn’t necessarily translate into votes. That’s why environmental groups have been at the forefront of efforts to raise voter turnout and ensure the integrity of the election, said Myrna Pérez, director of the voting rights and elections program at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU law school.

“Environmental groups are acutely aware of the fact that their agendas are not going to be accomplished if the vote is not free, fair and accessible,” Ms. Pérez said. “Reform generally is not going to happen unless our democracy is representative and robust and participatory — and the environmental groups are getting it.”

Yeah, what they mean by this is getting rid of all opposition. It is cute how they are now claiming that they can’t get Climate Cult legislation through because there are problems with voting.

Of course, at the end of the day, it is easy to say they Care, but, it is still mostly theoretical, not real world, for Doing Something. Remember, most people refuse to pay more than $10 a month for this stuff.

Read: NY Times: Poll Suggests ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Is Taking On A Growing Roll »

Surprise? Businesses Abandoning Portland Downtown Area

You already had the city ignoring the homeless, the drug needles, the urine and feces, now you throw in constant “protests” which leave trashed businesses, cars, glass everywhere, fires, and so much more, with the cops being held back for weeks on end. Who thinks this is a good business environment?

Businesses leaving downtown Portland over ‘lawlessness’: report

The months of protests and riots in Portland have prompted some businesses in the city to opt to move out completely or relocate outside its central district, according to a report on Monday.

Greg Goodman, the co-president of the Downtown Development Group, said in a letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler and members of the Portland City Council that the exodus of companies wasn’t related to the Black Lives Matter movement “but does have most everything to do with the lawlessness you are endorsing downtown.”

“The number is like nothing I have seen in 42 years of doing business in downtown,” he wrote, according to Portland’s KOIN.

Goodman said companies include Daimler Chrysler, Airbnb, Banana Republic, Microsoft, Saucebox, and Google, which he claimed: “leased 90,000 square feet in the Macy’s building [and] has stopped construction of their improvements.”

“The list goes on and on. If you know a retail or office broker, give them a call and ask them how many clients they have are trying to leave,” he continued.

Goodman encouraged city leaders to “walk around downtown Portland in the morning,” adding that he would personally give them a tour.

“You aren’t sweeping the streets, needles are all over the place, garbage cans are broken and left open, glass from car windows that have been broken out is all over the streets, parks are strewn with litter,” he wrote. “You are willfully neglecting your duties as elected officials to keep our city safe and clean.”

If they move completely out of Portland, how much tax revenue will be lost? How many lower end workers will no longer have those jobs because they cannot afford to travel to surrounding cities to do those jobs? Then you have other workers leaving the city to follow the job, and others leaving the downtown area because of the danger to their lives/having their property trashed. Who is going to want to live there? Who is going to want to open a business?

Of course, Mayor Ted Wheeler is Suddenly Concerned with the violence

In a statement to KOIN, Wheeler said he is reviewing the decision as to why officers didn’t step in on Saturday when right-wing activists, and Black Lives Matter counter-demonstrators fought.

“I vehemently oppose what the Proud Boys and those associated with them stand for, and I will not tolerate hate speech and the damage it does in our city. White nationalists, particularly those coming to our city armed, threaten the safety of Portlanders, and are not welcome here,” Wheeler said. “We are at a critical place where police officers are needed to intervene in protests where police officers themselves are the flashpoint.”

So, Ted only has a problem with one set of A-holes, not both sets of A-holes, when it is the second set of A-holes who tend to start the violence. The BLM/Antifa folks do not need the Proud Boys around to get violent.

Anyway, Portland is just learning the lesson of NYC and Minneapolis. And other Dem cities allowing constant violent protests. A lesson Kenosha is learning

Police and protesters in Kenosha, Wis., clashed for a second night Monday following the shooting of a Black man that touched off civil unrest similar to that in other cities across the country.

Officers deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse a crowd outside the Kenosha County courthouse. Gov. Tony Evers deployed 125 Guard members to the city in an effort to prevent the kind of violence and vandalism that occurred in the city on Sunday night.

The unrest continued overnight, as video appeared to show a car dealership in Kenosha being looted, while others stomped on cars and pulled down street lights. Earlier, a furniture store was looted and set on fire. The Wisconsin Department of Corrections building was also reportedly set on fire.

Several businesses in the city’s Uptown district were ablaze by 1 a.m., which one New York Times reporter called “Just a horrible scene.”

The question is, what does Gov. Evers do for today, because, kudos to him for sending the Guard, but, it’s not enough, obviously. But, do those businesses that have been trashed return? Or do they go elsewhere?

Read: Surprise? Businesses Abandoning Portland Downtown Area »

We’re Save: Beer Maker Says F*ck You CO2

They are pledging to be carbon negative

Such a pleasant campaign, eh? So, what are they doing? Have they done away with CO2 in their beer? Oh, right, it would be flat beer. And you can’t make it without CO2.

We double offset our scope 1, 2 and upstream scope 3 carbon. This means we also include all of the carbon in our supply chain too. We steadfastly believe this is the only real way to count carbon and offset our true impact. We work with our Lead Scientific Advisor, world leading expert, Professor Mike Berners-Lee in calculating our carbon footprint and designing our removal initiatives. We share the full breakdown of the calculations at the back of this report.

They claim they will plant lots of trees. So, that scam keeps going. That all their energy will come from local wind turbines. Good luck with that. That they will soon (they don’t say how soon) only use electric vehicles for distribution (where does the energy come from?). Their bars are carbon negative, blah blah blah. What they don’t mention is if their prices are going up. Because someone has to pay for this, and will the owners want to take the monetary hit?

The recycling part is nice, but, shouldn’t they do that anyhow, and, that has zero to do with ‘climate change’.

Read: We’re Save: Beer Maker Says F*ck You CO2 »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise up to destroy cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on lottery funds being used to fight ‘climate change’ (scam).

Read: If All You See… »

Police Shooting Sparks Riots In Kenosha

If you watch the video and read the accounts, it does not look like a good, legal shooting

Police-involved shooting in Wisconsin prompts violent protest: report

A police officer-involved shooting on Sunday of a Black man who was shot in the back set off violent protests in the lakefront city of Kenosha,Wis., that have lasted into the early hours Monday.

Many details of the shooting were not immediately clear, but the following unrest prompted the city to issue a curfew until 7 a.m. on Monday and police asked businesses to consider staying closed “due to numerous arm robberies and shots fired calls.” (snip)

The Journal-Sentinel reported that a large crowd appeared at the scene and small fires were set in the street. One video purported to show a police officer knocked out during a protest. One person could be heard saying, “He got bricked.” (snip)

Marchers also headed to the Kenosha County Public Safety Building, which authorities had mostly blocked off. Protesters marched along lines of cars honking on their way to the station and eventually made their way to the rear parking lot. A man could be seen breaking the window of a patrol car parked along the street. Some police officers were positioned on the roof of the station as people continued toward the building.

How wise of an idea is it to destroy businesses in your own neighborhoods? Or robbing them? How many of them were black owned? Remember just a couple weeks ago when a black man walked into the street and shot a white boy in the head? It was mostly considered a local story, and when the story was run they usually left out that the shooter was black.

So, how long will the riots continue? How many police stations will be attacked? How many black businesses and housing units will be destroyed?

I actually wrote this in the morning for posting at 1030am, deciding to do something else, but, how about this?

Read More »

Read: Police Shooting Sparks Riots In Kenosha »

NY Court Blocks Wedding With 175 People

Can someone explain why 50 people are OK, but not 175? Especially if they all wear masks?

New York blocked a wedding with 175 expected guests from being held this weekend

A federal appeals court Friday granted New York’s attempts to block weddings from having more than 50 people.

The ruling thwarted efforts by at least one couple to have a large wedding this weekend and leaves in doubt any other weddings that exceed more than 50 attendees.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on June 24 loosened restrictions on gatherings to allow as many as 50 people to congregate as he slowly reopened the economy due to coronavirus.

Two western New York couples sued, arguing in part that the executive order is inconsistent with other orders that allows restaurants to have up to 50% of capacity.

On Aug. 7, the Buffalo-area couples successfully won a preliminary injunction blocking Cuomo’s order, and on Wednesday, a district court judge denied the state’s motion for a stay of the preliminary injunction.

So the state took its case to the federal appeals court in Manhattan and won an emergency stay Friday of the lower court’s ruling so the case can be heard.

The move blocked a couple who sued from being married Saturday in Erie County with 175 people expected to attend, the court papers said.

The couple’s attorney, Anthony Rupp, told the Times Union the wedding will be moved to a later date.

“We had won every stage of this thing, but the judge in the 2nd Circuit just cavalierly postponed it until Tuesday,” Rupp said. “So we’re very unhappy about this decision.”

At what point do people fight back? There comes a point where the government restrictions are burdensome and arbitrary, especially when the government does nothing about “protests” done by BLM/Antifa. And when the government punishes people and restricts their movement despite breaking no criminal laws. There is a 5th Amendment, you know, and it applies to all government in the U.S. Sadly, there aren’t enough judicial branch judges who believe in liberty and freedom, who believe in the Constitution.

Read: NY Court Blocks Wedding With 175 People »

Boston Looks Towards It’s Own Green New Deal

Personally, I think they should implement it, because every experiment needs an experimental group

What to know about Michelle Wu’s ‘Green New Deal & Just Recovery’ for Boston

Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu recently laid out a vision to bring the sweeping call for a Green New Deal heralded by Washington lawmakers to Boston through a tailored, detailed-oriented slate of potential policies.

The city councilor-at-large put forth “Planning for a Boston Green New Deal & Just Recovery,” a 49-page report geared towards combatting the ramifications of climate change and its intersecting issues, ranging from affordable housing and economic opportunity to transportation and racial justice.

Wu’s report also highlights a need to eliminate the disparities exacerbated by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which have hit low-income residents and communities of color disproportionately harder than others — the same areas that will bear the brunt of climate-induced problems. The city must have a recovery plan that prioritizes equity, the document says.

I’m getting the idea that this isn’t really about the climate, but, left wing Modern Socialist priorities.

“This is most fundamentally about the fact that no particular policy program or office or individual can do this,” Wu said Wednesday, while introducing the initiative in a virtual council meeting. “It’s really about a mass public conversation and community mobilization and prioritization of what projects should happen, where, when, what the details are.”

It’s most fundementally about slapping massive restrictions on citizens and private entities, whether they want it or not. Some people are dumb enough/brainwashed enough to give up their freedom

In the report, the Roslindale councilor makes a renewed plea for officials to meet the urgency of the matter at hand. Boston could see as many as 40 days with temperatures above 90 degrees per year by 2030, and as many of those days as an entire summer by 2070. Fifty years from now, sea level rise could hit over three feet, and over seven feet by 2100.

None of those things will happen, but, this is presented to scare people.

“As Boston faces the most dire public health emergency in a generation, we’ve seen the scale of collective action possible when mobilizing for a crisis … Unlike the sudden shock of coronavirus, climate change and systemic inequities are slow, relentless crises,” the report reads.

Da, Comrade, collective.

Wu’s report says Boston must accelerate its decarbonization efforts, adding that eliminating carbon emissions is “the baseline for protecting against the most destructive impacts of climate change.”

With that, the proposal offers the city should reach total carbon neutrality — meaning sources have no net emissions because emissions are balanced with other efforts to remove carbon, like planting trees — by 2040, a decade earlier than the goal set by the city’s current Climate Plan, updated by Mayor Marty Walsh in October.

Furthermore, Wu says the city should have 100 percent sustainable electricity by 2035 and net-zero municipal buildings by 2024.

OK, here are some policy recommendations for them if they really want go carbon neutral

  • Get rid of Logan International Airport. No flights in or out
  • No sports teams are allowed to take fossil fueled trips to play the Bruins, Red Sox, or Celtics, or any of the college teams
  • All city vehicles must be replaced with non-fossil fueled ones
  • All city buildings must be kept no lower than 78 when it’s warm an 63 when it’s cold.
  • All city buildings can only use renewables.
  • All elected city officials are restricted from using any form of fossil fueled travel.

Just a few ideas, seem reasonable, right?

Read: Boston Looks Towards It’s Own Green New Deal »

Trump Releases 2nd Term Agenda Ahead Of GOP Convention

Weird. It doesn’t include things like bowing to China and Iran, defunding the police, reparations, calling everyone a racist, raising taxes, restricting people’s energy choices, and locking down the economy while making everyone wear a mask. Nor is it doom and gloom

Right now, they are all bullet points, with the headers

  • Jobs
  • End our reliance on China
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Drain the swamp
  • Defend our police
  • End illegal immigration and protect American workers
  • Innovate for the future
  • America First foreign policy.

Compare that to the hate America and gloomy DNC agenda. Compare that to the Democrats being all about running people’s lives and making them dependent on the government. It’s fun that Trump is attempting to hijack the Democrats reliance on education and healthcare. Trump wants to teach American exceptionalism and offer more school choice (granted, education should be more at the state and local level of control). On healthcare, he wants to lower drug prices, end surprise billing, and cover pre-existing conditions, among others. What he doesn’t want is to put the Government in charge of your health insurance and care, like the Democrats.

Draining the swamp, 2 of the 4 points are Passing Congressional Term Limits and Ending Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses. Think those won’t resonate with voters?

He even wants to Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans, which shouldn’t be a bipartisan thing, but, of course, Democrats want to simply control your behavior by force of law to do things like this. But, at the end of the day, the two biggest things will be COVID19 and Jobs

  • Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
  • Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
  • Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
  • Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
  • “Made in America” Tax Credits
  • Expand Opportunity Zones
  • Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence

Compare that with Joe’s sorta Jobs plan of race baiting, clamping down on the economy until COVID19 is gone, giving money to states and municipalities so government workers won’t be laid off, bring back manufacturing for the unions, “green jobs” (say, what happened to all those under Obama’s Stimulus, which Biden was tasked with administering?), government sponsored child care, $15 minimum wage (which will destroy jobs, especially part time), and, of course, racial fear-mongering/patronizing. I love this part

And, Biden will immediately put people to work by enlisting them to help fight the pandemic, including through a Public Health Jobs Corps.

Would these be temporary jobs, or simply become permanent, unionized, impossible to get rid of jobs that don’t really do anything?

Anyhow, you remember that Lindsay Graham was not a big Trump fan prior to the election. He’s now making the case that people should be voting for Donald Trump, not against Handsy Joe Biden. And, it is a strong case

In picking conservative judges, President Trump has nominated, and the Senate has confirmed, over 200 district and circuit court judges, along with two incredibly talented Supreme Court justices.

If you don’t think that is a major thing, just imagine Handsy Joe picking extreme left wing judges and most like at least one Supreme Court Justice.

He has delivered on long-sought-after criminal justice reform, paving the way for mostly young African American and Latino men to be released from long jail sentences for nonviolent offenses so they can return to the workforce. This is a major bipartisan achievement, long sought by many presidents, that became a reality on President Trump’s watch.

Where was Joe during the last 40 years or so of him being in office in doing things like this?

President Trump has cut taxes and massively deregulated the economy so it can grow and breathe.

The number one issue is always people’s pocketbooks. During the RNC people will hear a message of positivity, love of America, and belief in the people, wanting to elevate them, not control them.

Read: Trump Releases 2nd Term Agenda Ahead Of GOP Convention »

Pirate's Cove