You Can Fight The Climate Crisis (scam) With You Undies Or Something

Everyone must comply, Comrades

Fight Climate Change With Your Undies — A Hang Drying Manifesto

Hang drying clothes is a simple practice that holds nothing short of immense power and pollution-saving potential. This most humdrumiest of daily chores, in which we simply hang damp clothes over a line or rack and wait for the sun or air to dry them, has the potential to match the herculean efforts of the entire power sector — from its bulldozers, dump trucks, and train cars to its conveyor belts, thousand-degree boilers, massive cooling towers, and overhead power lines.

Yes, line drying is one ace in the hole for a species that needs every single effort to get itself out of a warming-world, 11th hour predicament. It’s a proverbial slingshot stone as we nervously stare down Carbon Goliath. Hanging laundry ranks at the top of the list of life choices we small folk can make for its ease and extraordinary, pollution-eliminating effects.

We could probably discuss how the article goes into a massive climawhine over the use of clothes dryers, but, why bother? These people really do want to kill off so much of the modern world, because their cult demands it. And you just know that the majority who push this do not practice what they preach.

Read: You Can Fight The Climate Crisis (scam) With You Undies Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on the Dems featuring a convicted murderer and kidnapper.

It’s beer week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. The Sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the Dodgers are kicking butt. This pinup is by Tanja Doronina, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers notes Antfia animals throwing feces filled balloons at police
  2. Watcher of Weasels says there’s a reason Netflix is sexualizing young girls
  3. Vox Popoli notes immigrants are trying to axe everything British
  4. Virtual Mirage discusses the Great Normal Shark
  5. Victory Girls Blog covers Handsy Joe saying he won’t defund the police
  6. The Right Scoop highlights the massive brawl in Portland’s streets (where were the police?)
  7. The Other McCain notes that crazy (leftist) people are dangerous
  8. The Last Tradition covers Biden promising to destroy the economy with a 2nd shutdown
  9. The First Street Journal notes the left seeing all landlords as Rich
  10. Raised On Hoecakes covers when virtual schooling turns into child neglect
  11. Powerline notes a “Unity” event cancelled due to threats of violence
  12. Pacific Pundit highlights the Democrat who stole a 7 year old’s Trump hat being arrested
  13. discusses Woke Capitalism
  14. Moonbattery covers a Sumter mayoral candidate arrested for a race hate hoax
  15. And last, but not least, Legal Insurrection notes BLM/Antifa mob terrorizing residential neighborhoods

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Michigan Appeals Court Backs Gov. Whitmer Over Actual Law On Emergency Powers

How do you get authoritarian government? This is how

Michigan appeals court backs Whitmer’s use of emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic

A Michigan appeals court on Friday ruled in favor of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, finding that her emergency declarations and orders in response to the coronavirus were legal.

Whitmer implemented strict lockdown measures during the crisis, and has since extended the state of emergency to keep gyms and movie theaters closed. Masks are required in many parts of the state.

Republicans in the state’s Legislature argued that she had overstepped her authority, and can unilaterally extend emergencies only if they are local, not statewide, under the 1945 Emergency Powers of the Governor Act (EPGA). They said a separate 1976 law means statewide emergencies need the Legislature’s approval after 28 days.

The appeals court, in a 2-1 decision, however, upheld a lower court’s ruling that the moves were within her power.

“A declared statewide emergency only ends upon the governor’s declaration that the emergency no longer exists. That has yet to occur in the instant case,” the ruling said.

The ruling stands squarely in opposition to the actual laws, and simply gives Whitmer the ability to just continue her repressive, semi-authoritarian decrees. When is the so-called emergency over? What terms and/or conditions end it? She hasn’t really said. Remember, initially the lockdowns were all about keeping the emergency rooms and hospitals from being overrun. Now it’s….what? Open ended till she unilaterally decides that the peasants can go back to their lives?

Republicans have promised to appeal, arguing the court got it wrong.

“The Court of Appeals ruled today that as long as it’s the opinion of a sitting governor that there’s an emergency, they can take over complete, unilateral control of the state for as long as he or she decides. No checks on power. No separation of power,” Speaker Lee Chatfield said. “This is unconstitutional.”

The legislature passes laws. The executive implements/enforces those laws. The judiciary rules whether those laws are constitutional. Now the judiciary is deciding to ignore the laws passed. Whitmer has signed 170 executive orders this year, after just 19 in 2019. Not all of them are about Coronavirus, but most are. Now, imagine this was Donald Trump ignoring the law and just issuing restrictive EOs. How would Democrats and their pet media respond? Heck, do you think freedom loving Republicans would be listening to him, or blasting him, similar to the way Republicans blasted George W. Bush when he attempted that “pathway to citizenship”, ie, amnesty, for illegal aliens? He’d lost my potential vote.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey also said this week that a group was trying to gather 340,000 signatures to repeal the 1945 law.

If they get the signatures, the Legislature can pass a bill to repeal it, and Whitmer is unable to veto. Shirkey said they currently have more than 200,000.

If Michigan can’t produce 300k signatures, they’re lost as a state.

Read: Michigan Appeals Court Backs Gov. Whitmer Over Actual Law On Emergency Powers »

Excitable AOC Uses Double Tropical System To Push Her Green New Deal

You remember the Green New Deal, right? It was the one which AOC’s chief of staff said wasn’t even about climate change

This would be the same GND that has been around since February 2019, and has not been voted on in the House. I can’t even find any discussion on it in committee. Nor has AOC demanded a vote on it. And, remember, she pitched a fit when it was voted on in the GOP controlled Senate, where every Democrat voted present, including the Senate sponsor, Ed Markey. Heck, she even forgot that Markey sponsored it, wondering why they were voting on HER bill introduced in the House. She also can’t explain how her GND would stop tropical systems. Unless forcing Everyone Else to take the train (you don’t think she takes the train, right? Nothing so plebeian for her, she surely flies first class).

Meanwhile, the Earth will soon be above 130F all the time

Read More »

Read: Excitable AOC Uses Double Tropical System To Push Her Green New Deal »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on why Democrats won’t discuss policy.

Read: If All You See… »

Hot Take: Putin Will Be On The Ballot This Fall

Not only can Democrats not let the bad meme go, they are attempting to set the terms to Blamestorm if Trump wins, so they can caterwaul about Trump cheating for 4 more years

When you mark your ballot this year, Vladimir Putin will be on it

Vladimir Putin is on the ballot this November.

You won’t see his name or watch his ads. But make no mistake, Putin has a lot riding on this election and he’s counting on your vote.

What will a vote for Putin mean?

First, Putin is looking to reshape the world order in a way that benefits Moscow, builds his personal power and establishes him as the world’s toughest leader capable of outrageous cunning, manipulation and disruption.

A successful outcome — meaning President Donald Trump is reelected — means his Russia will be able to wantonly throw its weight around globally. He will assertively create unseen but ever-present fear and dependence in neighboring nations including Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic states and Georgia. Russia’s renewed and enhanced influence also will be felt in countries farther away and immediately affected by America’s acquiescence to Putin’s newfound power. Countries such as Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

It was horrible how Trump allowed Putin to just walk into Crimea and take it over, eh? And how about when he ceded the Syrian conflict to be controlled by Russia by blowing off the red lines Trump set? Then there was that whole thing where the State Department sold U.S. ownership of uranium to Russia

Not so with Russia or Putin. The two parties diverge dramatically. Somehow, a party that was once the most vocal, moral and aggressively determined to counter Moscow has now embraced Putin and his posse. What happened?

Putin is on this year’s ballot, so think twice before marking mail-in ballots or donning masks to go pull a lever. The vote you cast counts in both Moscow and the world.

See, if you vote Trump, you vote Putin! Can someone explain what, exactly, Obama/Biden did to push back at Putin in their 8 years? Not much. Lots of words, little action. A guy like Putin respects strength, not cutesy speeches. Consider

Trump has placed more sanctions on Russia in 18 months than Obama did in eight years.


Finally, Trump has taken decisive action to unleash an instrument of American power that Putin fears the most: U.S. energy. I’ll never forget a meeting I attended with Sen. John McCain and a prominent Russian dissident, who told us that the No. 1 thing the United States could do to undermine Putin was to “produce more American energy.”

There’s quite a bit more in that opinion piece by Republican Senator Dan Sullivan, worth the read. Let’s consider that while Obama was dithering, EU nations, especially eastern ones, were looking more and more towards Russia for fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Poland in particular, since Obama pissed them off early by refusing to help with missile defense. Dan ends his piece with “Facts are stubborn things, and when it comes to Russia and Vladimir Putin, actions speak louder than words.” But, don’t expect the Credentialed Media to let you know the facts.

Read: Hot Take: Putin Will Be On The Ballot This Fall »

Handsy Joe Calls ‘Climate Change’ (scam) One Of America’s Four Major Crisis

Joe is willing to force a shutdown of the economy if the “scientists” tell him to. Perhaps he could tell all his supporters to stop using fossil fuels and practice what they preach

Biden calls climate change one of America’s four major crises

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden listed climate change among the major crises facing America as he seeks to rally Democrats heading toward the November election.

“History has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments America has ever faced. Four historic crises. All at the same time. A perfect storm,” Biden said when accepting the Democratic nomination late Thursday.

“The worst pandemic in over 100 years. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The most compelling call for racial justice since the ’60s. And the undeniable realities and accelerating threats of climate change.”

Biden’s comments at the Democratic National Convention come after environmental groups complained frequently throughout the primary that climate change was getting short shrift from campaigns. Many called for a standalone climate debate as the topic was overshadowed by discussion of health care and the economy.

But, most only care about anthropogenic climate change in theory, not practice. Notice that the Democrats who flamed out quickly from the primaries where those whose campaigns focused mostly on ‘climate change’, most namely Jay Inslee (a governor of a state with executive experience and not losing his mental faculties) and Tom Steyer. Mike Bloomberg was also big on this subject, as was John Hickenlooper (also a governor). Jay, much like Kamala Harris, didn’t even make it too the primaries, withdrawing prior due to such low ratings.

If ‘climate change’ was so important, why did Democrats not care enough to go with the people most “qualified” on the subject? Fortunately, Joe may actually practice what he preaches, namely, not using fossil fuels!

No campaigning, no using fossil fuels!

BTW, this sure seems to be more than just an offhand comment, and could be a continuation of Basement Joe till election day.

Read: Handsy Joe Calls ‘Climate Change’ (scam) One Of America’s Four Major Crisis »

All Hail Olympia, Washington, Which Stopped Sending Police To Every 911 Call

You know, if you ask a lot of police officers, there are many situations in which they would rather not have to respond, because these situations wouldn’t normally be a good use of their time and training. But, they still go, because history has shown that things can go pear shaped quickly, hence why they respond in force for things such as a simple domestic dispute. This article, a collaboration between The Marshall Project and the Daily Beast, leaves out some rather significant, important information

From the link

On a rainy June day, the manager of a Motel 6 outside Olympia decided one guest had to leave. The woman had been smoking indoors and had an unauthorized visitor. She appeared to be on drugs and was acting erratically.

Normally, that manager might call 911, which would bring police officers to the scene. If the guest refused to leave, the cops might handcuff and arrest her for trespassing. They could find an open warrant on her record or drugs in her room. The interaction could easily escalate into violence, especially if the woman grew angry over facing jail time or another night on the streets. It’s the kind of low-level, “quality of life” call that takes up much of an officer’s day.

But over a year ago, Olympia started taking a different approach to nonviolent incidents caused by someone experiencing mental illness, addiction, or homelessness. Instead of sending armed officers to respond, the city dispatches “crisis responders” to diffuse the situation and connect the individual with services—a model now being considered by a growing number of cities across the U.S.

That day, instead of a police officer, the woman had two “crisis responders” knocking on her door, carrying only a radio and a backpack of clean clothes.

And, perhaps that works 9 out of 10 times. What happens on the 10th when they show up and the person is drugged out and goes on a rampage and stabs the social workers?

As protestors call for abolishing or vastly reducing police presence in communities, sparked by the killing of George Floyd, creating an alternative crisis team like Olympia’s seems like a straightforward place to start. Police respond to a wide range of problems, many of them relatively minor or involving someone having a psychotic episode or sleeping on the streets. Using civilian first responders instead, advocates of this approach say, keeps interactions from escalating into violence, and diverts people from jail and toward social services. It also frees up police resources to focus on more serious crime.

It sounds good in theory, right up till the person goes violent, or continues being a danger to others. Police show up to these calls for Reasons, based on past encounters. It would be great if they could be freed up for more serious crime, and apparently, they have been in Olympia. Let’s take a look at how that’s working out

With a crime rate of 44 per one thousand residents, Olympia has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes – from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One’s chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 23. Within Washington, more than 89% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Olympia.

Separately, it is always interesting and important to compare a city’s crime rate with those of similarly sized communities – a fair comparison as larger cities tend to have more crime. NeighborhoodScout has done just that. With a population of 52,555, Olympia has a combined rate of violent and property crime that is very high compared to other places of similar population size. Regardless of whether Olympia does well or poorly compared to all other cities and towns in the US of all sizes, compared to places with a similar population, it fares badly. Few other communities of this size have a crime rate as high as Olympia.


From our analysis, we discovered that violent crime in Olympia occurs at a rate higher than in most communities of all population sizes in America. The chance that a person will become a victim of a violent crime in Olympia; such as armed robbery, aggravated assault, rape or murder; is 1 in 211. This equates to a rate of 5 per one thousand inhabitants.

In addition, NeighborhoodScout found that a lot of the crime that takes place in Olympia is property crime. Property crimes that are tracked for this analysis are burglary, larceny over fifty dollars, motor vehicle theft, and arson. In Olympia, your chance of becoming a victim of a property crime is one in 26, which is a rate of 39 per one thousand population.

There’s also a much higher chance of having your car stolen, too. Olympia is a “6”, meaning that it is safer than just 6 percent of U.S. cities. Think about this: you think of Los Angeles as having a lot of crime, right? It’s actually a 12. How about Chicago? It’s a 7 (though that will probably go to a 4 or 5 for next year’s ratings).

Perhaps someone can come up with a plan to reduce the need for police officers to respond to all calls, freeing their time up. This isn’t the plan.

Read: All Hail Olympia, Washington, Which Stopped Sending Police To Every 911 Call »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful field that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on what Texas gov Abbott said to cities that want to defund the police.

Forgot to save to autopost. My bad!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove