Say, Will President Kamala Harris Act Boldly On Climate Crisis (scam)?

Does Super Warmist and Grand High Poobah in the Cult of Climastrology Bill McKibben know that Kamala is Handsy Joe’s VP pick?

Will Kamala Harris Act Boldly on Climate Change?

We’re in the Kamala Harris era now, and so far, so good. Of the four people on the major-party Presidential tickets, she appears to be the most energetic and normal. I’ve never met Harris, but I did spend a number of days sitting next to her sister Maya when we both served on the 2016 Democratic platform-drafting committee. Maya Harris was tack-smart and tightly focussed, which appears to run in the family. Listening to Joe Biden speak, I feel a constant mild apprehension about what may emerge; Harris relaxes me.

Given the very real possibility that she’ll be at or near the pinnacle of our politics for somewhere between four and sixteen years, it’s worth asking how she will handle the gravest crisis that looms over our planet. That’s not the same as asking if she should be elected, because, on climate issues, a shrink-wrapped pallet of frozen Ore-Ida French fries would be a vast improvement on the incumbent. But it’s going to take an unflinching, unrelenting effort to transform America’s energy system and lead a similar process globally. Is she committed to that?

Her defenders point to a number of powerful statements that she made over the course of her Presidential primary campaign. She’d eliminate the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal. She’d tell the Department of Justice to investigate oil and gas companies. “When you take away that money because you take them to court and sue them, as I have done, it’s extraordinary how they will change behaviors,” Harris said. “Maybe this is the prosecutor in me. They have to be held accountable.” Harris has been particularly outspoken about environmental injustice: just six days before she got the V.P. nod, she joined Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to introduce the Climate Equity Act, which, as the Times explained, “would create a dedicated Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability within the White House and require the federal government to rate the effect that every environmental legislation or regulation would have on low-income communities.”

Anyhow, Bill finds that she has been just so-so. And he really doesn’t delve deep into whether Kamala would be good or bad for climate, or just “meh.” But, of course, she has to win in November, first. And, then, care enough to push Joe to Do Something.

Read: Say, Will President Kamala Harris Act Boldly On Climate Crisis (scam)? »

Steve Levy: Why Suburbanites Should Be Wary Of DNC Platform

Steve Levy writes about how, according to polls, Trump is losing support in the suburbs, and why they should be wary of voting Democrat

DNC platform should wake up Trump-wary suburbanites – here are 7 reasons why

(poll stuff)

But, first, let’s dissect why suburban women are rejecting a second Trump term. It’s not his policies; it’s his demeanor. (snip)

1. Taxes – Get ready to pay more

Not much attention is being given to Biden‘s efforts to restore taxes to the Obama administration levels. But why would any of us want to revert to a time when the GDP was a mere 1.6%, wages were stagnant. and income inequality was actually on the rise?

It was the Trump tax cuts and deregulation that accelerated unemployment down to record low levels. These policies boosted confidence within the corporate world, leading to enormous investment (and the market soaring) and wages piercing the 3% level for the first time in over a decade.

Demeanor and stuff is nice, but, it comes down to policies. Seriously, all politicians are, well, politicians. So many are power hungry, and, really, would you really trust any of them personally? Whose policies are better, Trump’s or Biden’s? Which one is going to do more for empowering citizens, keeping the government off their backs and “out of their bedrooms”, and power the economy?

Then we have

  • 2. Doubling capital gains taxes (think this can’t hit the middle class? You could have a million dollars in sales in your business, but your actual take home will be less, and you’ll be hit)
  • 3. Estate taxes (yes, middle class folks pass this on to their kids)
  • 4. Raising business taxes (will hit middle class small businesses, and cause job loss in bigger companies, which will hurt the middle and lower classes)
  • 5. Ending the Business Income deduction (small businesses will see their taxes go way up)


6. Overruling Local Zoning

Suburbanites need to know that Biden will reinstate an Obama decree that gives far more powers to the federal government to supersede local zoning powers in the name of social justice.

It’s a clear violation of the 10th Amendment, and a typical over-reach of Modern Socialists who want that authoritarian control.

7. Violent Crimes Coming Your Way

Once the coronavirus subsides, suburbanites commuting each morning to their city offices or seeking an evening of culture in the urban center will now potentially have to contend with violent crime sprees. And while Biden claims he’s against defunding police out of one side of his mouth, he thoroughly embraces the notion of “redirecting” funds away from the police. Translation: more social workers, fewer cops.

Funny thing is, Democrats are good with this as long it is Over There, in That Neighborhood. The minute it happens in their own they complain.

And here’s Handsy Joe

Read More »

Read: Steve Levy: Why Suburbanites Should Be Wary Of DNC Platform »

UK Guardian Advises To Use Coronavirus To Seize The Chance On ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

It really is fantastic that the leading Big Media outlet wants to use the suffering of people around the world, and the deaths of millions, to push their climate cult beliefs

The Guardian view on coronavirus and the climate crisis: seize this chance

In the early days of the pandemic, many people urged that societies could not and should not return to business as usual afterwards. Coronavirus not only confronted us with danger, but showed what was possible. By forcing massive overnight change, it demonstrated that dramatic action could be taken when a crisis was urgent enough; that many people could agree to make sacrifices when truly necessary; and that governments could invest trillions when the future of their countries demanded it. But as the great pause has turned into a gradual reopening, there is little sign that these lessons have been learned.

Greta Thunberg’s call for climate action should be seen in this context. The campaigner, writing for the Guardian to mark the second anniversary of her first school strike, says the world has wasted that time. While millions have been inspired to follow her in protest, and the European parliament has declared a climate and environmental emergency, little action has resulted.

Over the last six months or so, the pandemic has not only demonstrated that change can be quicker than anyone anticipated, it has also offered a practical opportunity to reconfigure economies. Governments are spending money as they have never done in peacetime. Germany and South Korea have seized this chance for big green investments. Others, including the UK, have not. Shockingly, G20 countries are spending much more in support of fossil fuels than on low-carbon energy in their rescue packages; few even imposed green targets when they bailed out the airlines, as France did.

(blah blah blah)

There is still time to act. Economic rescue packages are still being shaped; Berlin’s has shown what is possible. In the UK, coal’s role in power generation has slumped from almost 25% to 2% in just a few years, and the offshore wind industry is thriving. The ban on petrol and diesel cars slated for 2035 should be accelerated, and the installation of gas boilers outlawed. But above all, pandemic response spending must be directed to those parts of the economy that can reduce global heating, not worsen it.

The Coronavirus pandemic is real. And showed that so many Modern Socialist leaders were more than willing to implement draconian, authoritarian, Progressive (nice Fascism) “solutions”, controlling and limiting the lives of people, many of them very arbitrary. You can’t go to the gym in most states, but you can go out and riot. You can’t go to an indoor church, but, you can march in the streets. This business can open, but that one can’t. You couldn’t go to your second home, you couldn’t travel. Economic activity crashed, and Democrats and Modern Socialists around the world tried to keep it there. Has everyone enjoyed their test drive of Modern Socialism? And they want to make it so the average person cannot move around except on Government run mass transit, and get rid of reliable, inexpensive natural gas for your home. Easier to control you.

Read: UK Guardian Advises To Use Coronavirus To Seize The Chance On ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

Chicago Mayor Suddenly Has A Problem With “Protesters” – Because They Are At Her House

Say, Lori, if they’re so peaceful why are you concerned?

From the link

Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department’s ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.

Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors’ homes, such as Rahm Emanuel’s Ravenswood residence, are unfair because “this is a different time like no other,” Lightfoot told reporters.

“I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure,” Lightfoot said. (snip)

“I’m not going to make any excuses for the fact that, given the threats I have personally received, given the threats to my home and my family, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure they’re protected,” Lightfoot said. “I make no apologies whatsoever for that.”

But, hey, if “protesters” are burning down Other People’s businesses, keeping Other People awake and scaring them at their homes, that’s fine with her. And she, along with previous Democratic Party mayors, has worked hard to disarm the law abiding citizens, while she’s surrounded with armed protection.

Democratic Party elected officials, celebs, and many other Dems are fine with the “protesters” as long as they are Over There. Once they show up in their own neighborhoods and at their businesses, they want it stopped.

Read: Chicago Mayor Suddenly Has A Problem With “Protesters” – Because They Are At Her House »

LA Mayor Orders Electricity Cut To “Party House”

Yay, Big Government

L.A. cuts utilities to ‘party house’ in Hollywood Hills

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti ordered utilities cut off Wednesday at a home where “several” parties have been held in violation of social distancing rules during the coronavirus pandemic, his office said.

Garcetti had vowed on Aug. 5 to disconnect utilities at homes where local laws prohibiting large gatherings are repeatedly violated.

“With more than 2,000 Angelenos — and over 170,000 Americans — lost to COVID-19, we need every resident to undertake critical safeguards to stop the spread of this virus,” he said in a statement. “That includes not hosting or attending parties that put themselves, their neighbors, and many others at risk.”

So, hey, Liberals, do you enjoy Government having the power to cut your power off for Wrongthink? You talk of freedom. This should scare you all.

Think of it this way: what if Trump, or a Republican governor or mayor, decided to do this to someone else: would you be fine with it? Call it Fascism? Call them dictators? Or defend it? What if they did it to you? You cool with that? These are the people you vote for, willing to exercise Power via energy that you pay for. Is it such a great idea that Government has this much control over your energy?


While the picture maybe absurd, the idea isn’t. And it is not a parody: it originated via Maine Public Radio, as linked in the article.

Read: LA Mayor Orders Electricity Cut To “Party House” »

If All You See…

…is a horrible low MPG fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on woke, woker, and wokest.

Read: If All You See… »

DNC Launches Attack On 2nd Amendment Rights

Alternate headline: People protected by armed security want to disarm law abiding citizens

Day 3 of Democrat Convention Launches with Assault on Guns

Day three of the Democrat National Convention launched on Wednesday with a full-blown assault on guns in America.

The night began with a video collage of speakers who lost family members to gun crime and also focused on the speakers at the March 24, 2018, March for Our Lives rally in Washington, DC.

Speakers from the rally said, “They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence; we call B.S.”

They then said, “They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun; we call B.S.”

They did not mention that Cook County, Illinois — which constitutes a large portion of the Chicago area — has an “assault weapons” ban. They did not mention that the state of Illinois has licensing requirements for all gun owners and the process for obtaining that license — a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card — requires a background check. They did not mention that Illinois has a 72-hour waiting period on gun purchases nor did they point out that background checks for all retail gun sales are a federal requirement and have been a requirement since 1998. This means a retail gun sale in any state and/or city requires a background check, yet the violence in Chicago grows.

If a good guy with a legal gun doesn’t stop a bad guy with an illegal gun, what stops the bad guy?

(357 Magnum) They thought breaking into an occupied dwelling was a good idea. UPDATE: Conecuh County Sheriff says homeowner shot at three men breaking into house, killing one.

Conecuh County Sheriff Randy Brock says two brothers and another family member were trying to break into a home Friday afternoon. The trio did not know the homeowner was inside, and the homeowner fired shots at them, striking one of the men.

His 2 accomplices loaded him into a pickup truck and fled. It doesn’t say if they took him to a hospital or not, only that they traveled to different county.

Back to original article

On August 19, 2020, Breitbart News reported that the 2020 Democrat Platform includes a ban on “assault weapons,” “high-capacity” magazines, and an expansion on the number of persons prohibited from gun ownership. They also seek storage requirements for gun owners and plan to open gun makers to lawsuits by doing away with the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005).

Some things seem common sense, like restricting people accused of domestic violence from having a firearm, right? Allow lawsuits of gun makers is an attempt to put them out of business, or at least making sure they do not sell their product in the United States. And, let’s not forget, via This ain’t Hell…, what Kamala wants to do

While USA Today is correct that Harris has never explicitly maintained that she would sign an executive order to “send police” to break down your door, she is the first person to be on a major presidential ticket in American history who openly supports gun confiscation. Whether she promised to implement those plans through legislation or via executive order is also, at best, opaque, despite factcheckers’ efforts to claim otherwise.

Democrats have said it more than enough times that the end game is disarm law abiding citizens. You just have to listen.

Republicans should attempt to slide in an amendment to every Democrat gun bill that would require that the security of all elected officials be disarmed. And that private citizens should not be allowed to have armed security. That would not make elected Democrats, media, Hollywood, entertainment, and sports people happy, right?

Read: DNC Launches Attack On 2nd Amendment Rights »

California’s Lack Of Power And Blackouts Are Due To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

California has a wee bit of a problem as of late, eh?

(Breitbart) This week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) told his state — and his party — that they needed to “sober up” about the potential of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to manage the needs of an advanced economy.

Newsom explained that the state was short of power because the wind was not blowing, and because solar power was not available as the sun went down — right as demand peaked for electricity as the state struggled with a major heat wave.

He went on to say that while he remained committed to fulfilling California’s law mandating 100% renewable energy by 2045, the state needed “backup” and “insurance” because “green” energy sources were simply not reliable enough.

California has been doing away with everything not “renewable”, including nuclear power. But, see, the real problem is “extreme weather” because you ate a cheeseburger

Climate Change Lesson From California’s Blackouts: Prepare For Extremes

Scorching heat across the Western United States has left California scrambling to avoid rolling blackouts, as air conditioners send electricity use soaring.

Some people blame the power outages on California’s reliance on solar power, which drops off when the sun sets. But energy experts say state officials failed to prepare adequately for high temperatures, despite the fact that California’s own scientists and regulators have warned that increasingly common heat waves driven by climate change would stress the electricity grid.

“You can’t control the weather, but you can prepare for the weather events,” California Governor Gavin Newsom said. “And let me just make this crystal clear, we failed to predict and plan for these shortages.”

The California Independent System Operator runs most of the state’s grid, the system of transmission lines that takes electricity from power plants to communities. As temperatures crept above 110 degrees in some parts of the state over the last week, California ISO knew the end of each day would be the toughest.

See? It’s the fault of anthropogenic climate change, not that there just isn’t enough energy production from solar and wind (also, that government is too heavily involved in controlling energy production and distribution). Extremes will always happen: that’s why there are weather averages. That’s life on earth. But, is anyone hearing about rolling blackouts in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, or Texas?

“I don’t think this is the fault of solar at all,” says Borenstein. “I think it means that we have to take a new planning approach.”

Instead of making more electricity, one option is to simply reduce demand on hot days. The state already has voluntary programs where homeowners and large commercial and industrial facilities pay lower electricity rates, in exchange for agreeing to reduce their power use on very hot days. Private companies, like OhmConnect, also enroll homeowners to reduce their use on demand.

See? The solution to not getting power when the sun is down is to just get people to turn their electricity off. Voluntary blackouts.

“Air conditioning is a huge amount of the load in California on very hot days,” says Borenstein. “And so if we could get people to just reset their air conditioning four degrees warmer, we would probably be able to get through even the very tough Monday and Tuesday of this week.”

But, if you set it 4 degrees higher, it will still be turning on and off almost the same in an attempt to keep the building that temperature. Seriously, rather than having a proper supply of power to keep citizens comfortable during the summer, using the modern convenience of air conditioning, they want us to just sweat and be miserable for their climate cult beliefs.

Read: California’s Lack Of Power And Blackouts Are Due To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Rep. Debbie Dingle Warns Democrats Not To Dismiss Violence In Democratic Party Controlled Cities

Sorry, Debbie, very few in your political party care that your party has defended, protected, and even cajoled the “protesters” to be violent

Rep. Debbie Dingell warns Democrats that voter concerns over violence could be more important than trade this election year

Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell has a stark warning for her fellow Democrats: The spike in violence in many urban areas, combined with attacks on the police, could become the wedge issue that once again costs her party the electoral votes of her state, and possibly the election.

“Law enforcement and support of law enforcement is an issue I am seeing in the suburbs [and] is an issue we really do need to pay attention to,” Dingell told the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast. “You’ve seen what’s happening in the urban cities and some of this crime and the violence that you’re seeing at some of these protests. And Donald Trump is trying to use it as a wedge issue.”

Dingell, the widow of the popular Michigan Rep. John Dingell, famously warned the Hillary Clinton campaign four years ago it was in danger of losing Michigan because of frustration among voters about trade agreements that critics charged cost the jobs of American workers. Her forecast proved prescient as Trump narrowly carried the state by 11,000 votes.

Now, she said, violence and lawlessness could play the same role this year as trade did in 2016 if the Biden-Harris campaign and the Democratic Party as a whole doesn’t make a stand for public safety. It’s a message she says she has delivered to the Biden campaign, but worries that Democrats will find it too “uncomfortable” a subject to talk about.

“I’ve flagged it for everybody that this could be the trade issue and we can’t let [Trump] use it as a wedge issue,” Dingell said in the interview.

Democrats, elected and supporters, have been running around screaming about systemic racism and defunding the police for months now. They rarely have a bad word to say about “protesters” being violent. Most Democratic Party politicians have only gotten upset when the protesters show up at their own homes.

Dingell said it is important for the Democratic Party to remember that, as with teachers, law enforcement should be considered essential personnel.

“Our law enforcement, like our teachers, are social workers,” she said. “Domestic abuse is really on the rise. … Who’s the first responding?”

Even though Joe walked back comments on defunding the police and said that “most cops are good” the other day, Democrats, particularly high visibility ones, have come out in favor of defunding. Democratic Party run cities across the country have been attempting to make that happen. Many Dem cities have significantly reduced police budgets, gotten rid of special divisions which helped reduce crime, and plan on reducing the number of police officers. Many Dem cities are seeing abnormally high levels of retirements of officers. Many cities are holding law enforcement back from enforcing the law on these “protests.”

They aren’t going to listen to Debbie, though. If they didn’t listen early on that allowing violence to flourish, they aren’t going to do it now.

(Oregon Live) Multnomah County’s sheriff and top elected leader on Wednesday decried a fire set hours earlier inside the Multnomah Building that left the county’s first-floor Office of Community Involvement with broken glass, water and smoke damage and put at risk an emergency stockpile of medical gear assembled in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

At the Multnomah Building on Southeast Hawthorne Avenue, people threw large rocks through the first-floor windows, someone poured lighter fluid into the office and then someone later tossed burning material into the same area, said Chris Liedle, a spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office.

“A line is crossed when peaceful protest becomes violent,” Sheriff Mike Reese said during a media video conference.

He called the setting of the fire, the “profane and hateful” graffiti to the county headquarters “simply reprehensible,” actions that serve “no legitimate purpose.”

The sheriff, who keeps the county a sanctuary for illegal aliens, is finally upset after 84 days of riots, because they attacked his building.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, in a prepared statement, condemned the “criminal destruction” to the county building, and Police Chief Chuck Lovell and Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt denounced the pattern of violence in separate statements.

84 days later.

What’s missing, Portland Deputy Police Chief Chris Davis said, is a “very clear and very consistent public messaging from elected leaders and the community at large, that this behavior is not how we do business in Portland. It’s violent, it’s not productive.”

Well, good luck with this, Chief Davis: Democrats aren’t interested in any of that. They’ve been propping up the Marxists in Black Lives Matter and the unhinged Antifa. And you can bet this will play a role during the GOP convention.

Read: Rep. Debbie Dingle Warns Democrats Not To Dismiss Violence In Democratic Party Controlled Cities »

Bummer: Democrats Remove Ending Fossil Fuels Tax Breaks From Platform

It’s not like the Democrats were going to give up their own use of fossil fuels, especially the Elites. They were just going to disallow fossil fuels companies to use the same tax breaks, what Dems call “subsidies”, as every other company, which would lead to massive lawsuits involving the phrase “equal treatment under the law”

Democrats backtrack and remove demand to end fossil fuel tax breaks from platform

In the midst of the convention, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has dropped from its party platform a demand for no more oil and gas subsidies and tax breaks, Huffington Post reported on Tuesday.

The statement – “Democrats support eliminating tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuels, and will fight to defend and extend tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy” – originally appeared as an amendment to party demands last month and was approved, the report said.

However, the final draft of the platform was missing the statement, HuffPost reported. The Independent has contacted the DNC for comment.

Unsurprisingly, many climate cultists are upset, such as Excitable Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben, environmentalist and founder of climate non-profit, tweeted: “Hoping this was just a mistake, because ending fossil fuel subsidies is a no-brainer. Pretty sure it was in the 2016 platform (pretty sure I wrote it in, in fact) Seems like something they could and should fix easily.”

You could charitably call all the tax breaks to fossil fuels companies as “subsidies”, considering the definition “A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business, or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.” But, government does that across all industries, some more than others. Tax the very specific tax breaks away from the fossil fuels industry and it will survive. Sure, costs will go up and the cost of fuels will go up and the cost of living will go up, but, it will survive. Look at Europe, where oil and gas costs much more. People still drive.

Take those same very specific tax breaks away from the “green” energy companies, specifically wind and solar, and they will barely survive, if not die. That isn’t even accounting for the direct loans, which never seem to get repaid, to these companies using the People’s Money. The only people who would be able to afford it would be the uber-rich, and they didn’t use it much prior to all the massive tax breaks and such. Most R&D would end. Private companies aren’t going to piss money away when it won’t eventually make them a profit.

Anyhow, can’t wait for the continued freakout from the climate cultists.

Says the Marxists.

Read: Bummer: Democrats Remove Ending Fossil Fuels Tax Breaks From Platform »

Pirate's Cove