If All You See…

…are cereals that will soon disappear due to carbon pollution killing off grains, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on an Iowa State instructor warning that anti-BLM and pro-life beliefs are “grounds for dismissal.”

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Plans To Tax The Rich Or Something

Going to the same well again and again

Biden’s tax plan: Eyes on the 1% and corporations like Amazon

Trump’s press secretary opened by saying that “the first night of the Democratic convention left out the fact that Joe Biden would raise taxes on more than 80% of Americans by at least $4 trillion.”

The numbers were slightly off but are true in the broad strokes. According to analysts, Biden’s tax plan would raise “between $3.35 trillion and $3.67 trillion” in the coming decade.

And Biden himself isn’t denying it. He has directly said to high-income earners that “if you elect me your taxes are going to be raised.”

Biden’s increases would “primarily aim at raising taxes on higher earners, raising taxes on corporations, and raising taxes on business and investment income for those higher earners,” says Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation who has analyzed the candidate’s plans.

Does anyone actually think that Joe is going to raise the taxes of those who donate and vote Democrat? Think Hollywood is going to pay more? How about progressive companies like Amazon and, well, Progressive Insurance? Big companies like NBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, NY Times, and LA Times, among others? Or will there be tons of loopholes? It’s the slightly smaller ones that will bear the burden.

Biden’s tax plans have been analyzed by a range of groups, including the American Enterprise Institute to the Brookings Institution. A combination of multiple analyses found that Biden’s plans would mean that the richest Americans would see their taxes go up by 13% to 18%. Americans of more moderate means would also see tax increases, but they have been called “indirect” and amount to a smaller increase: around 0.2% to 0.6%.

In other words, in the Real World, your cost of living will go up, most likely, several percentage points, because the companies that do actually pay higher taxes (and, we can debate large companies and their tax burdens) will pass those on to the consumer.

Biden’s tax plan – if implemented – would slow the pace of economic growth. Watson estimates GDP growth would be reduced by about 1.5% over the long term, and notes that hard conversations will be needed – whoever is president – after the pandemic ends about spending cuts and the “tradeoff when it comes to these tax hikes in the form of reduced growth.”

You know what this will also do? Decrease hiring. If the cost of doing business goes up, something has to bear that burden. And that would be hiring, especially part time, and would also hit potential employee pay. Let’s not forget Democrats want to make the minimum wage $15 an hour, so, yeah, things would be bad for business.

Read: Biden Plans To Tax The Rich Or Something »

Your Fault: Beer To Taste Different Due To ‘Climate Change’

Thanks. Just because of your selfishness in eating burgers, driving fossil fueled vehicles, and living a modern lifestyle, rather than giving up meat, paying $130K for a Tesla, and paying extra taxes to The Government, beer will taste different

Climate Change Will Make Beer Taste Different (Yes, Really)

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Colleen Doherty, an associate professor of molecular and structural biochemistry at NC State whose work focuses on the connection between time and stress in plants. This post is part of a series highlighting ways that NC State is helping us understand, mitigate and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Although centuries old, beer is continually changing. New trends in everything from ingredients to brewing styles alter how a beer tastes. But not all changes are under our control. Beer is almost certainly going to taste different in the future, because the ingredients themselves are changing.

Specifically, beer won’t taste the same due to the effects of changing global temperatures on hops and other components of beer.

A 2018 report in Nature pointed out that beer prices may rise due to climate change. Increasing temperatures and more frequent droughts will drive up the costs of beer ingredients such as hops and barley. However, the impacts they identified are just the foam on the surface – the taste of beer will change too. That’s because changes in temperature and rainfall affect the biochemistry of beer ingredients like hops – and that makes them taste different.

But rising temperatures aren’t the only problem. My research focuses on the fact that the timing of our current temperature increase is different than anything we’ve seen since agriculture started thousands of years ago. These changes in daily and seasonal temperature patterns – warmer nights, earlier springs – disrupt how plants function, hurts yields, affects the cost of the ingredients, and affect how beer tastes.

Basically, this is what has always happened. There’s no need to bringing witchcraft, er, anthropogenic causation into the Blamestorm. It was warmer during the Global Climate Optimum and Roman Warm Period. What caused those? As well as the other warm periods during the Holocene? What brought on the Holocene, ending the last glacial age? What caused the cool periods between the warm ones?

…However, one majorly scary aspect of climate change, at least from the beer production perspective, is that nights are warming faster than days. (This is actually scary for lots of crops).

Suffering through a warm summer day in North Carolina, you can predict that the night will be cooler than the day, but not too cold. Likewise, in winter, even though it’s cold outside, there’s a good chance it will be even colder at night. The difference between the day and night temperature difference is relatively consistent all year round here in North Carolina. There’s always a few exceptions where a cold front moves through, and the night will be warmer than the day, but these are rare, happening no more than a few times per year. However, this consistent degree-difference between day and night is shrinking, mostly because nights are getting warmer.

Nights are warming faster than days due to something called the “boundary layer effect,” which basically means that subtle changes in daytime temperature are amplified at night. One effect of this, for example, is that the number of nights where the temperature dips below freezing (32?) has decreased over the last 50 years. And warmer nights also affect the compounds produced by hops.

Now, that is a big concern, but, so far, it cannot be definitively be proven that this is mostly/solely caused by Mankind’s output of greenhouse gases (nor can the whole of a changed climate). Certainly, things like land use, the urban heat island effect, and aerial pollutants have an effect.

None of this matters. It is simply an attempt to scare Other People into joining the Cult of Climastrology.

Read: Your Fault: Beer To Taste Different Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

Democrats Are Against Trump, But, What Are They Actually For?

Night two of the Democratic National Convention was about as boring as night one, though it did explain why Unhinged Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was only given 60 seconds

(Fox News) Firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called out “racial injustice, colonization, misogyny” as she helped nominate progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT., to be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.

While former Vice President Joe Biden was assured to win the nomination vote, Sanders did earn delegates during the primary and was formally nominated during the Democratic National Convention proceedings.

That’s right, she nominated Comrade Bernie. She didn’t really talk about polices, just grievances, which is strange, since they were things the Democrats started and still do in Democratic Party run cities.

Democrats are against Trump — but what are they for?: Goodwin

Watching the long slog of the second night of the Democrat’s convention, a famous Winston Churchill line came to mind: “Take this pudding away—it has no theme!”

Old and young, progressive and super progressive, left and far left, black, white, Asian, Latino, Native American — they all had something to say. But if there was a theme running through the night, I couldn’t find it.

Oh, yes, Donald Trump bad, got that. Really, really bad. Ok, got that, too.

Then what? What do Democrats stand for and, more to the point, what are they promising voters if they gain the White House? I honestly don’t know.

I do know that, once again, they failed to address the violence erupting across the country, as if it isn’t happening. Or maybe they are afraid to criticize it because it will somehow come off as pro-police, which would infuriate the Black Lives Matter movement the party is embracing.

For whatever reason, Dems are ceding a huge issue to Trump, one that resonates across income, race and geographic boundaries. Public safety is a civil right and it matters to everyone.

That’s just one of many areas where it sometimes feels as if the Dems are keeping their plans secret and will spring them on us after the election. More likely, they haven’t yet made up their minds and the agenda, to put it kindly, is still a work in progress as they sort out their ideological differences.

Michael Goodwin has more, worth the read, but, it all comes down to “what is their agenda? What’s the platform?” If they think they can get away with ignoring it, they’re forgetting who is the GOP nominee, and that the GOP convention will feature Trump and the rest talking about why people should vote Republican, and contrast that with what the Democrats really want to do. Sure, slamming your opponent is Politics 101, but, at some point, you have to say what you want to do differently. Knowing the Democrats platform, it’s always amazed me that people buy in, because they never seem to realize that it will damage their own lives, freedom, cost of living, earnings, choice, and liberty.

Doug Schoen: Democratic Convention– What worked and what didn’t on second night

In terms of what worked on Tuesday night, the Democrats in many ways succeeded in reminding many Americans why they had happily voted for the Democratic ticket and supported Democratic policies in the past.

Indeed, the Democratic Party and policies that were on display Tuesday night—for instance, those of Clinton—are of a different period which, in large measure, succeeded in taking the country in a mostly positive and successful direction.

However, in terms of what did not work, with Ocasio-Cortez’s speech, the Democrats did not succeed in convincing those Americans that they can trust this new Democratic Party to pursue policies and interests that will bring the country together and move us forward in a moderate and inclusive direction.

The policies of Clinton were a far, far different era. Bill may have been a scummy politician (then, most are scummy, they’re just better at hiding it), but, things mostly went pretty well for the country, especially since he had his Third Way and worked with the GOP House to make things better. I doubt a president Gore or Kerry would have been all that much different (though Kerry would have been horrible for foreign policy). Things took a pretty hard left turn when Bush 43 won re-election in 2004, and even worse with Obama in 2008, when the Progressives/Marxists/Modern Socialists felt emboldened to push their agenda of authoritarianism/Statism.

But, trotting out Bill Clinton in the era of #MeToo? Oh, that’s right, they’ll dispose of it for political convenience. And you know who was missing? Hillary. No mentions or sightings. Maybe she’ll be featured tonight? Heck, maybe someone will actually talk policy.

Read: Democrats Are Against Trump, But, What Are They Actually For? »

Bat Soup Virus Response Proves We Can Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Have you enjoyed lockdown, which never seems to really end? You don’t really have to get beyond the subhead (but, we will)

‘Coronavirus response proves we can solve climate crisis’ says top Lancaster academic
Pointless, wasteful activities have pushed us to the edge of a global climate crisis – but coronavirus has proved we have the ability to step back from the edge, says one of Britain’s leading sustainability thinkers.

Prof Mike Berners-Lee – a leading authority on calculating carbon footprints – says he feels more hopeful that we can effectively tackle climate change than he had for years.

But the Lancaster University academic has criticised our “incredible capacity” to “completely pointlessly” waste natural resources on activities such as space tourism and cryptocurrency mining which are responsible for huge amounts of additional CO2 entering our atmosphere.

In an interview with Steven Day, co-founder of 100 per cent renewable energy supplier Pure Planet, Prof Berners-Lee said: “Some things give me more hope than I’ve had for years, but we are so heading for trouble now in a short time frame – I can’t tell you exactly how it’s going to pan out and what year – but it’s not far off now so we really need this change right now.

“The virus has shown that we are capable of a level of change that a lot of us have assumed is impossible because we have always lived a certain way but we’ve just shown that of course you can do it.

“For me, the optimism started growing before this virus hit because of kids taking to the streets and joining protests like Extinction Rebellion. I was noticing a change of attitude in the business community too. It was beginning to feel like this intractable system was beginning to show some cracks.

“And then the virus happened. It was a distraction but has proven that change is possible. We can choose how we live and it can be different. So it’s an interesting moment and there’s everything to play for. I really hope we come out of lockdown in a better way and everything about the recovery needs to go through our deep green lens now.”

I don’t really need to remind you of the draconian, authoritarian measures put in place by government at all levels, right? Ones which are still in place? Things that are arbitrary? Why can people go to a store or restaurant (reduced capacity) but not church (at reduced capacity)? Why can kids go to school in NC, go to restaurants, but not the gym or bar or movie theater (not that there’s anything to actually watch, and wasn’t much before Bat Soup)? Why are people yelled at for being in their own front yards? Told they can’t go to their vacation homes? Well, not told, so much as threatened. Busted for being out on a paddleboard in the ocean when not near anyone? Have snitch lines for people out and about? Must I go further? How about the unemployment and lowered inventory? You know all this stuff. This is the world Warmists are pushing, yet, they never seem to get the idea that this will all apply to themselves.

Read: Bat Soup Virus Response Proves We Can Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fence, which stops climate refugees from escaping their horrid conditions, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on some Russiagate.

Read: If All You See… »

Liz Harrington: Don’t Fall For Dems Latest Conspiracy On Stolen Mailboxes

Democrats can’t win on the issues, hence the content free opening night of their convention. So, why not push conspiracies that are easily proven false, except that the Credentialed Media mostly won’t bother?

Stolen Mailboxes? Don’t Fall for Dems’ Latest Conspiracy Theory

Democrats and the media are meddling in our elections again. But this is getting absurd.

Joe Biden peddles fake stories of “tractor trailers picking up mailboxes.” Members of Congress threaten to throw the postmaster general in jail. Soviet-style propaganda posters of mailboxes propagate on social media. Prominent Democrats share grainy photos tweeted by has-been actresses with crackpot theories of MAGA-hat wearing postmen out to steal the election.

Never mind every major Postal Service union has endorsed Biden, including the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers, which together represent 520,000 active and retired USPS employees. The APWU recently said 2020 is “shaping up to be a major election for our Union,” and view President Trump as a “serious threat.”

Details. But it can’t be a vast conspiracy theory without Hillary Clinton’s projection. “Nothing stops the mail,” the Chardonnay enthusiast tweeted. Except when USPS partnered with unions to allow mail carriers to take time off to try to get Clinton elected, in “systematic violation” of the law.

There was no Russia collusion in 2016. There were no Julie Swetnick “train rapes” in 2018. And there are no disappearing post boxes in 2020. KATU, the local ABC affiliate in Portland, discovered the bombshell reason mailboxes were on that truck: “To replace them because they’re old.” Whoops.

The rest of the article is well worth the read, but, Liz forgets one thing: one of the main reasons the Democrats are doing this is so they can spend 4 years claiming Trump stole the 2020 election. If they hold the House and/or retake the Senate, they’ll have hearing after hearing, investigation after investigation, trot out their impeachment garbage.

Read: Liz Harrington: Don’t Fall For Dems Latest Conspiracy On Stolen Mailboxes »

Bummer: Carbon Taxes Failed To Lower Emissions In Canadian Provinces

Carbon taxes are really just another way for governments to take more money from citizens and private entities while doing nothing to reduce the government’s carbon footprint. Have you ever seen government cut back, especially since all their fossil fueled operations are paid for by forcibly taking money from citizens

Report says carbon taxes in B.C. and Alberta ‘failed’ in not lowering emissions

A new report says carbon taxes in B.C. and Alberta have done nothing to lower emissions in the provinces.

The study, by the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), compared B.C.’s carbon tax and Alberta’s tax on large emitters to the European emissions trading scheme and Quebec’s cap-and-trade agreement with California.

“Overall, the emissions trading system (ETS) policy was found to be more effective at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than the Carbon Tax policy or a Hybrid policy,” said the study.

“B.C. carbon tax policy boosted economic activity but had no effect on emissions. Since the objective of regulatory policy is to reduce emissions, our results suggest that the carbon tax policy in British Columbia failed to achieve its goal.

“In fact, oil prices have been found to have a bigger effect on emissions in B.C. than carbon tax.”

“Alberta SGER policy did not reduce GHG emissions as well.”

You know why these straight taxes make no difference? Because they just pass on the costs to the consumer. All that happens is consumers pay more and government gets more, but, consider, not just from charging the carbon tax: they get more tax revenue from sales tax due to the higher price of the products and services. A double win for government.

But, hey, if citizens want to vote for this idiocy, let them feel the monetary pain.

Read: Bummer: Carbon Taxes Failed To Lower Emissions In Canadian Provinces »

Excitable Gun Grabber Shannon Watts Says There’s No Better Time For A Gun Sense President Then Now

Shannon Watts, as you may know, is the founder of Mom’s Demand Action, and has never found someone who wanted to debate her than she won’t block. You know how they say politics is a veneer of civilized discussion over a reality over being a dirty, nasty business? What Mom’s Demand is a veneer of common sense, easily accessible gun control measures over a reality of gun grabbing and banning, disarming law abiding citizens. And, Shannon thinks Joe and Kamala would be perfect to make it happen, writing in Marie Claire, a magazine of fashion and stuff (yes, you can wear glitter nail polish!)

A Gun Sense Presidential Ticket Matters Now More Than Ever


America is mired in two deadly public health crises: COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more than 165,000 people and, at the same time, gun violence continues to kill more than 100 Americans on average per day, wounding hundreds more. Sadly, our country’s gun violence epidemic didn’t end when the pandemic began (gun sales have surged, and our country has seen an uptick in deadly gun violence), and both crises are disproportionately devastating communities of color: Black Americans are 10 times more likely than white Americans to die by gun homicide, and Black Americans are dying at 2.5 times the rate of white Americans from COVID-19.

Recent polling shows the vast majority of Americans believe gun safety measures are growing more important in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Gun safety has become one of the defining issues of this election—one that moves people to get out and vote, especially women voters who will play a decisive role in electing our next president. I am part of an army of women who have made gun violence prevention the fight of our lives, and we’re proud to fight like hell to elect Vice President Biden and Senator Harris. We need a gun sense presidential ticket now more than ever before.

It’s cute how she’s joining Bat Soup Virus with gun grabbing, isn’t it? The weird part is that the majority of this happens in cities and areas run by Democrats. It’s not white Republicans running Chicago who see blacks shooting each other constantly. Most of the shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, Los Angeles, and other Dem run cities are done by blacks against blacks. I don’t think the guns are to blame. Marie Claire just gave me a popup about exfoliating face mask. Roughly around 50% of all shootings are committed by blacks.

In addition to Senator Harris’ impressive credentials as a senator, state attorney general, and district attorney, and her longtime “F” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), Harris has spent her career voting for and enforcing the very laws that we know keep our communities safe. During her time in Congress, Senator Harris co-sponsored life-saving gun violence prevention legislation, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, and regulating assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and 3D-printed guns. She’s also worked to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, including abusive romantic partners and stalkers, people convicted of violent hate crimes, and those who pose an extreme risk to themselves or others. She fought to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and called out the NRA for its eagerness to put women’s lives on the line to sell more guns.

Women are buying guns more than ever, as are law abiding blacks, because they see the the violence rising in Democratic Party run cities and areas. But, what Shannon and Mom’s Demand want, what Democrats want, is women disarmed. A gun is an equalizer when a much bigger man wants to attack them. Democrats want all citizens disarmed, meaning those who have firearms will be criminals and Government.

Of course, for most citizens, “common sense gun control” is about as important as ‘climate change’, meaning not. You go ahead and push this stuff, Dems. Why does it seem that Democrats are constantly attempting to take away citizen’s rights.

Read: Excitable Gun Grabber Shannon Watts Says There’s No Better Time For A Gun Sense President Then Now »

Coronavirus Shows Us How To Deal With ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Have you enjoyed your climate cult test drive? Did you like being locked up, and, even if not, there being nowhere to go because everything else was locked up? No beach, mountains, lakes, parks, museums, etc? Economic activity collapsing? Unemployment spiking? Etc and so on?

The pandemic shows us how to tackle the climate crisis

Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) are describing how tough lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic could be used to tackle climate change and slow global warming.

“The corona crisis is a test case for global emergency prevention and management in general,” said study lead author Kira Vinke. “The pandemic has shown that when reaction time is kept to a minimum, a larger public health crisis can be averted. In fact, we should take this very lesson to heart and apply it to managing the climate emergency.”

The analysis was focused on four dimensions of risk management: diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and rehabilitation.

“The risks and causes of both the coronavirus and the climate crisis have to be scientifically assessed and quantified,” explained study co-author Johan Rockström.

Would you enjoy doing what we’ve been through, and still continues in many areas, for the long term?

“Countries like New Zealand and Germany were able to predict the outbreak’s possible effects and moreover had the ability of immediate action. In the same vein, the global community must integrate climate risks assessments into decision making and act accordingly.”

Must? Who’s going to force private entities to do this? Rather smacks of authoritarianism.

“Both the corona and the climate crisis are the result of increasing human pressure on the planet,” said study co-author Sabine Gabrysch. “But the good news is that the pandemic has demonstrated that with a combination of government action and individual lifestyle changes, it is possible to prevent damages. If there is a will, there is a way.”

Apparently, we never had pandemics before. There never was a Black Death (75 million to 200 million killed). Further, who makes those lifestyle changes? Warmists won’t do it now for themselves. Will Government force those changes? What kind of government is that called, again?

The researchers have created a climate corona contract that is designed to unite the younger and older generations on the principle of social justice.

“Younger generations would agree to protect the elderly from COVID-19 by adhering to social distancing measures, while the older generations would push for measures to keep global warming in line with the Paris Agreement,” explained study co-author Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.

This is a win-win for the older generations, who won’t pay the price for the increased taxation, increased cost of living, and loss of freedom, liberty, and choice. That younger generation would. Let this young climate cultists be forced to practice what they preach.

Read: Coronavirus Shows Us How To Deal With ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove