If All You See…

…is a horrible world killing plastic straw, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on Antifa vs Sturgis bikers.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Has a Plan To Steal The Election Or Something

Remember, he stole the 2016 election by playing the game and campaigning in states he need to win, but, he has a dastardly plan for 2020! So says Jason Sattler at the USA Today

Trump has a plan to steal the election and it’s not clear Democrats have a plan to stop him

My only wish for the 2020 election was that it not turn out to be anything like the disaster that was 2016. Yet as we head into the Democratic National Convention, we’ve already seen almost everything that made our last presidential cycle a nightmare — and worse.

There are the ceaseless Russian attacks on democracy on behalf of President Donald Trump. But this time, instead of WikiLeaks, the disinformation is being laundered into our political system through House and Senate Republicans.

There is Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns. But now the Supreme Court has made sure taxpayers will not see these documents until after the election. That’s even after Trump has spent hundreds of millions in public funds and about a fourth of his presidency  acting as Ronald McDonald with a putter, hawking his own businesses while running a Washington, D.C., hotel that’s more like a vacuum sucking up cash from supplicants and favor seekers.

Still can’t get over the fake Russia Russia Russia stuff, eh? Nor the tax thing, eh?

Closest we’ve ever been to dictatorship

There is the voter suppression. But instead of just preventing voting in key states with needless ballot restrictions, the Trump campaign is fighting all efforts to make voting in the middle of pandemic easier and safer, including hobbling the U.S. Postal Service and increasing the cost of mail-in voting. And the president isn’t even hiding his goal — preventing voting by mail (probably so he can claim victory on election night regardless of the eventual results).

Uh huh. Closest to a dictatorship by a guy….who’s trying to reduce government dominance over the Citizens. I’m sure there must be some argument that he’s trying to steal the election, right?

And there’s the inflation of third-party candidates to help Trump have a chance to slip through the Electoral College, though he has no chance of ever getting near 50% of the popular vote. But this time, Republican operatives are actually trying to Mickey Mouse Kanye West onto the ballot, with bogus signatures in some cases, in an effort to hurt Joe Biden.

So, typical political tricks. And that is it. There are 11 more paragraphs, and none lay out any case that Trump is going to try to steal the election. Just whines about Trump. But, the headline is the point. People will cruise by it on news aggregation sites, won’t read it, but will remember the headline, and parrot it.

Read: Trump Has a Plan To Steal The Election Or Something »

European Union Looks To Tax Ships For Climate Change (scam) Emissions

Here’s how you reduce economic activity in the name of a cult

Green recovery or ‘nightmare’ for trade? Europe wants to tax emissions from ships

Europe’s plan to raise billions each year for coronavirus relief by charging ships for their pollution could inflame trade tensions at the worst moment for the global economy and set back efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

The European Commission is proposing to extend its Emissions Trading System (ETS) to shipping as one of a series of measures to help pay for rebuilding the EU economy, and to promote a green recovery from the crisis.

The European Union plans to spend 30% of its €750 billion ($889 billion) coronavirus recovery fund and next seven-year EU budget on climate-related projects in a bid to become the first carbon-neutral continent.

But the proposed shipping tax has run into fierce opposition from the industry, which says it would undermine efforts to tackle climate change at a global level and is likely to spark a backlash from non-EU countries, raising the specter of new trade disputes.

You know who pays for these taxes? Consumers. Not companies. Consumers pay in the form of higher prices.

Ships carry 80% of world goods trade by volume, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Any increase in costs from pollution charges could be passed on by operators to businesses and consumers in the form of higher prices.

Critics of the proposal say that countries outside the European Union are likely to view it as little more than a way to raise money. The European Commission has estimated that extending the ETS to the maritime sector and requiring airlines to pay more for their pollution could generate €10 billion ($11.8 billion) a year.

“This is an admission that this is not about climate whatsoever, it’s about raising funds,” said Lars Robert Pedersen, deputy secretary general of international shipping association BIMCO, which is headquartered in Copenhagen.

Hey, Europeans, this is what you vote for when you vote for far-left lunatics who believe in the what the Cult of Climastrology is pushing, so, don’t complain when it hits you in your wallet.

Read: European Union Looks To Tax Ships For Climate Change (scam) Emissions »

BLM To Play Elevated Roll At Convention Of Party That Keeps Black People Down

Seriously, where do blacks have it worst? In Democratic Party run cities and areas. Where are they kept downtrodden in crappy government housing, with poor schools, elevated crime, poor economic opportunities, urban blight, and pollution? In Democratic Party run areas. Also, it’s probably not helpful for average voters to see the message of a Marxist organization which wants money from people who were not even alive when slavery was legal, who want to defund the police, and have been rioting and looting, committing mayhem and assaulting people (along with their Progressive minded white Democrat voting Comrades)

Black Lives Matter movement to play elevated role at convention

The message of Black Lives Matter will be woven throughout the 2020 Democratic National Convention, starting with a focus on racial injustice during the first night of programming.

The plan by convention organizers to elevate the Black Lives Matter movement reflects the party’s growing embrace of its calls for action on racial inequality and police brutality over the past four years, particularly since the May 25 police killing of George Floyd.

The lineup of prime-time programming for the convention doesn’t list a time slot for Black Lives Matter activists as of Thursday, but the Democratic National Committee (DNC) indicated there would be a focus on the movement and racial injustice throughout the entirety of the convention.

“The Black Lives Matter movement has given voice to the deep-seated inequality that has plagued our nation since its inception,” DNC Chair Tom Perez said in a statement. “The Democratic Party shares in their commitment to justice and hears their demands for change. When we nominate Joe Biden to be our standard-bearer, we will not miss this moment to ensure those values are reflected in everything we do.”

Racial injustice will be a key part of the “We the People” programming on Monday, according to the DNC and Biden campaign. Speakers that evening include Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and former first lady Michelle Obama.

“[As] things become more mainstream, part of what happens is politicians take it on. I don’t think that we will be devoid of hearing statements about Black Lives Matter,” said Rashawn Ray, a governance studies fellow at The Brookings Institution.

“Rather than getting four or five minutes, or 15 minutes over the course three or four days, it becomes a part of the narrative,” he added.

It’s probably a good thing for the Democrats that there won’t be tens of thousands of people showing up for the convention, protesting and agitating and committing mayhem, spouting Marxist platforms and slogans, raising their fists in black power, making it hard for the Credentialed Media to hide. They want everyone (black) released from jail. That won’t play well. Reparations? Not going to play well. Defund the police? Won’t play well.

(NY Post) The president of Greater New York Black Lives Matter said that if the movement fails to achieve meaningful change during nationwide protests over George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers, it will “burn down this system.”

“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,” Hawk Newsome said during an interview Wednesday evening on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum.

Will that play well? We can all see what’s happening in Democratic Party run cities, with the Democratic Party governors of the states refusing to work to stop the violence. NYC, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and many others are burning. The only one attempting to stop it is Chicago, where the black hyper-Progressive mayor doesn’t care much about blacks shooting blacks, but, will send the police in when the tax base is attacked.

There probably won’t be all that much time to pander to Hispanics, eh?

Read: BLM To Play Elevated Roll At Convention Of Party That Keeps Black People Down »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on journalist Millie Weaver being arrested.

It’s denim week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. The air is great, the squirrels are squirreling, and getting some much needed rain. Not sure who this pinup is by, added a bit too it.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The People’s Cube covers math being white supremacy patriarchy
  2. The Right Scoop wonders why the media won’t take up the story of Cannon Hinnant, a white child murdered by a black man
  3. This ain’t Hell… discusses Pompeo inking a defense deal with Poland
  4. Weasel Zippers notes Paterson, NJ, having a do-over election due to so many mail-in ballot issues
  5. The First Street Journal highlights the continued murder in Philly
  6. Shot In The Dark doesn’t want to question the NY Times’ journalistic integrity, but, does
  7. Powerline shows our disgusting media in two headlines
  8. Patterico’s Pontifications covers NYC cancelling the 9/11 tribute lights
  9. Pacific Pundit notes that Cannon Hinnant’s candlelight vigil was cancelled, probably due to BLM threats
  10. Noisy Room covers Joe Biden’s extreme gun control positions
  11. Never Yet Melted discusses leftism being rooted in sexual inadequacy.
  12. neo-neocon discusses the left, mail-in voting, and the PostOfficegate meme
  13. Moonbattery covers why sports fans are tuning out
  14. Maggie’s Farm notes Trump’s Middle East policies working, with the Israel-UAE agreement
  15. And last, but not least,  Jihad Watch notes the UK allowing Sharia marriages, trapping women in moral captivity

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Durham, NC To Open Public Schools As Private Schools Because Public Schools Are Unsafe Or Something

This WRAL article not only gives information about this event, but, also shows that the news media is lazy and incompetent, since the writer, who doesn’t even get a byline, failed to ask any questions. I’m actually wondering if the article was written by the Durham Public School System

Durham Public Schools will provide ‘learning centers’ for K-5 students who need supervision in remote learning

Durham Public Schools will operate six “learning centers,” at W.G. Pearson, Southwest and Eno Valley elementary schools, and at Carrington, Githens and Shepard middle schools, for students who need supervision while classrooms are closed a learning is managed online.

“Opening our school year remotely is the right decision to protect our students and staff from COVID-19,” said DPS Superintendent Pascal Mubenga. “However, there are many families in Durham who need additional support during the school day. It will take a community effort to support each of these children, but DPS is doing its part.”

The DPS Learning Centers will provide a safe space to complete online learning, meals and snacks, and social-emotional activities. Students will be assigned to small pods with daily wellness screenings, distribution and required use of facemasks, and planned circulation and seating of six feet social distancing.

So, the schools are too dangerous for teachers and students, yet, they’ll open a few up?

Access to the learning centers will be free from some students, such as those receiving McKinney-Vento services and in foster care, other families will pay a $35 registration fee and a monthly weekly rate as follows:

Regular rate: $140

DPS employee rate: $105

Rate for students receiving free or reduced-price lunches: $70

Are they publicly funded day care centers or private schools? What they are is un-Constitution, per the NC Constitution

That would be Article 9, section 2(1). How is it Constitutional to do this with public schools? And who will be working them? Many cities across the country are doing something similar, turning public schools into private schools/day care centers, such as NYC.

Plenty more of those tweets under the main on, and listed at Twitchy.

Read: Durham, NC To Open Public Schools As Private Schools Because Public Schools Are Unsafe Or Something »

Climate Crisis (scam) Demands Diverse Leadership Or Something

This reminds of that that old joke from the Blues Brothers

Except here we have alarmists and cultists

Climate crisis demands diverse leadership

With California Sen. Kamala Harris as the Democratic pick for vice president, and Rep. Ilhan Omar winning her Minnesota primary on Tuesday, there is new reason to be optimistic about transformative national action on climate and energy. These pioneering women will work to shift priorities to ensure climate and energy policy is fair, just and inclusive.

Today, it is anything but.

Low-income communities and people of color suffer the most from our current fossil fueled energy system and from the climate disruptions that this system has caused. The fossil fuel industry, mostly led by white men, generates huge profits while strategically dismissing and denying the dangers.

Black Americans are more likely to live in the shadow of oil refineries and coal-fired power plants, and to get sick and die from breathing polluted air. Lacking parks and green space, many low-income neighborhoods bake during heat waves, the deadliest impact of climate change.

I’ll mention yet again that this mostly occurs in Democratic Party run areas, where they like to keep blacks on the Modern Plantation via their Modern Jim Crow policies

For too long, concerns of vulnerable communities have gone unheard in the halls of power. Without diverse leadership, the United States has invested in sustaining corporate profits and supporting the powerful fossil fuel industry rather than prioritizing the basic needs of people and communities.

Can someone point out what either Kamala or Ilhan has actually done for black people? How they have made their lives better? Think things will get better for low income (and no income) blacks when the cost of living skyrockets from climate cult policies?

Even well-meaning renewable energy incentives have disproportionately benefited white, well-off communities — and further exacerbated racial and economic disparities. This lack of representation has led to inadequate policies that widen inequities instead of leverage opportunities for job creation and advancing social justice.

Huh, so the Cult of Climastrology is pretty much racist?

With more diverse leadership, there is hope for innovative climate and energy policy that places social, economic and racial justice at its core. When women and people of color show up in leadership spaces where they have historically been excluded, their lived experiences provide powerfully different perspectives on social justice.

I’m starting to get the idea that this has nothing to do with science nor the climate.

Those perspectives are shaping a new policy agenda. Both Omar and Harris have been avid supporters of the Green New Deal, and both have resisted the influence of the oil and gas industry.

This would be the same GND that AOC refuses to demand a vote on, and the Democratic Party run House refuses to vote on. Since they won’t doesn’t that mean they’re racists? That’s how this works, right?

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Demands Diverse Leadership Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a desert created by fossil fueled carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Kamala Harris covering up clergy sex abuse of children.

Doubleshot below the post, check out The Other McCain, with a post on New Yorkers fleeing the city

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Comes For Vegan Movement, As It Goes Through Its Own Racial Reckoning

See, on one hand, you have the same people talking about diversity and multiculturalism. That we’re all humans, that we should be color blind. On the other hand, how dare vegans eat something not of their own race! So, we get #CancelCulture infighting

Dear White Vegans, Stop Appropriating Food

Cancel Culture Friendly FireWhen Afia Amoako became a vegan five years ago, she said she didn’t see herself reflected in the community, which was dominated by wealthy white women.

They often touted recipes—”African peanut stew” or “Asian stir fry”—that rely on racial stereotypes, said Amoako.

“One, they don’t look like you, and, two, they are appropriating your food. Those are ways to turn racialized people away.”

Amoako, 23, is a vegan Instagrammer and blogger based in Toronto (@thecanadianafrican). She said the weeks and months following the killing of George Floyd have been marked with an onslaught of support for Black creators, particularly from white-run accounts. It’s a stark departure from the white norm.

“These white women, they are the gatekeepers of the vegan movement,” Amoako said. “We Black creators have been here this whole time.”

White women are starting to acknowledge Black and racialized vegans now, following a string of racial reckonings happening in several sectors and communities, Amoako said, but “I’m not gonna lie to you, some of us are still skeptical.”

“Racialized vegans.”

Amoako isn’t the only racialized vegan who felt sidelined by the community. Black vegan influencer Tabitha Brown previously told VICE that before she cut out meat and dairy she thought vegans were “white ladies who do yoga.” White people and their blogs dominate the results when key terms like “vegans,” “vegetarians,” or “vegan recipes” are plugged into Google. Nital Jethalal, a board member for Toronto Vegetarians Association, told VICE News he has been putting together a conference for vegans and it has been a lot easier to find prominent panellists online who are white. “The problem is few people think to go to the second page of Google results,” Jethalal said.

And this is how Progressivism (nice Fascism) works: instead of building yourself up, you have to tear other people down.

In this post-Floyd world of racial reckonings, many vegans are starting to look inwards at their own privilege. White vegan influencers are urging people to follow BIPOC accounts as part of the #AmplifyMelanatedVoices campaign, while racialized vegans who have amassed large followings continue to post about Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Stories are surfacing in the vegan corners of the internet, highlighting vegan Black Instagram accounts and vegan Black-owned businesses.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Vegan Movement, As It Goes Through Its Own Racial Reckoning »

Pirate's Cove