Irish Warmists Finally Win A Climate Change Lawsuit Against Government

This is only the second time the climate cultists have won a case against government. Have they considered that forcing government to Do Something will cause their own cost of living to skyrocket and limit their freedom and choice?


A group of Irish citizens has won a climate change lawsuit against the country’s government.

The legal action—known as Climate Case Ireland—was launched by Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE). The environmental advocacy group took the Irish government to the Supreme Court. It alleged Ireland failed to take “adequate action” on climate change.

According to a statement by FIE, the group’s goal was to hold the government “accountable for its role in knowingly contributing to dangerous levels of climate change.”

“There is a need to move early to achieve sharp reductions if climate change is to be averted,” Eoin McCullough, Senior Counsel, Friends of the Irish Environment, said during the hearing.

“Ireland has persistently failed to meet any target that has been set for it to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And the National Mitigation Plan fails to provide for reductions in emissions” McCullough added.

The case is the first of its kind in Ireland. It’s also only the second case in the world in which a government has been held accountable by a national court of law.

So, what happens now? Well, Ireland will have to change its already tough national climate policy

FIE argued that the plan wouldn’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term. Ireland’s Climate Change Advisory Council also revealed the country would not be able to meet its 2020 and 2030 emissions reduction targets.

“Without urgent action that leads to tangible and substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, Ireland is unlikely to deliver on national, EU, and international obligations. [It] will drift further from […] transition[ing] to a low carbon economy and society,” said McCullough

Here’s what would happen in a sane world: the government would ask everyone if they agree that anthropogenic climate change is a threat, and if they agree with the terms of the lawsuit. Everyone who answers in the affirmative will be slapped with all sorts of taxes and restrictions on their lives. Let them live the life, make them life the life, of the policies they agitate for. If they own a business, the climate cult policies will be extended to that business.

Of course, what will really happen is that the government will rewrite the national climate plan and then do very little about it.

Read: Irish Warmists Finally Win A Climate Change Lawsuit Against Government »

As Shootings Skyrocket In Democrat Run Cities, They Say More Police Aren’t The Answer

Shootings, as well as all sorts of crime, are skyrocketing due to multiple reasons, including wanting to defund the police and the police saying “we’re going to take a light touch because you people suck and we get blamed for responding to your violence”, the BLM movement being hijacked by white, liberal Antifa nutters, and from BLM itself, and they don’t think cops will help

Record wave of deadly shootings hits US cities. More police aren’t the answer, activists say

The Rev. Carl Day knows he’s taking a risk every day he walks the streets of Philadelphia, where at least one person has died violently every day this year, mostly from guns.

Known as the “Pastor in the Hood,” Day, who leads the Culture Changing Christians church, talks to young drug dealers and gang members, asks them “why are you out here? Who will look after your kids if you die? What needs to change?”

And something needs to change: As of Aug. 14, Philadelphia has seen at least 262 homicides this year, 30% more than this time last year.

“People are scared. Legitimately. My wife is scared,” says Day, 35. “There’s a lot of wars going on in Philadelphia now. But we don’t allow those things to deter us. You have to either hide or try to engage. And we have to engage.”

All due respect, how’s that working, Rev? The engagement needs to begin when they are very young, to offset the engagement of turning inner city kids into thugs.

Philadelphia is just one of dozens of major U.S. cities plagued by a horrifying increase in gun violence this year, from New York and Milwaukee to Los Angeles and Denver. Experts say systemic reforms are needed to reduce the violence, not just more police officers on the streets.

The violence — from nine people shot at a family picnic in Denver last weekend to three fatal shootings Wednesday in Indianapolis — comes amid a backdrop of nightly protests against police brutality, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic devastation caused by widespread unemployment.

Blaming the gun for the actions of thugs.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly singled out many of those cities, criticizing their Democratic leadership, including Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, for failing to control their streets. In July, the president announced he was dispatching hundreds of federal agents and investigators into Chicago, Kansas City and Albuquerque, among other cities, to assist local police departments as part of Operation LeGend, named for a four-year-old boy who was shot and killed while sleeping at his Kansas City home in June.

“This rampage of violence shocks the conscience of our nation, and we will not stand by and watch it happen. Can’t do that,” Trump said last month.

But violence-prevention experts say the president’s comments reflect a simplistic approach to a historically complicated problem of violence within Black communities. They say a heavy-handed approach, while politically popular with the president’s largely white, suburban base, will likely exacerbate existing conditions as communities recoil against what could be seen as an occupying force.

Right, because stopping criminals is apparently bad. Yet, all we read throughout the story is that homicide is way up in Democratic Party run cities all over the country.

Many Black community advocates say sending more law enforcement officers to violence-plagued cities fails to address the underlying drivers of that violence: generations of institutional racism, systemic poverty and the unaddressed consequences of slavery. They argue those factors have created a cauldron of violence that can only be addressed by major, sustained campaigns aimed at changing the way people are educated and how they value the lives of those around them, while also providing alternatives through good jobs and stable housing.

How, exactly, do those conditions create violent people? Slavery ended 150 years ago. There’s not one person alive who was a slave in the U.S. during that time. As for institutional racism and systemic poverty, this is happening in Democratic Party run cities, ones run by Democrats for 50+ years. Of course, after giving these inner city blacks money, food, and housing, they want more. As for jobs, we’ve all seen the trope about those on welfare in government housing refusing to work. It may sound raaaaacist, but, you can’t argue with reality.

“There’s a perfect storm of economic, psychological and health crises in our country, and that’s impacting communities that have always borne the brunt of these disparities,” says Reggie Moore, the injury and violence prevention director for the Office of Violence Prevention in Milwaukee, where homicides have doubled to 106 as of Friday afternoon, compared to the same time last year. Non-fatal shootings in the same period have risen from 235 to 408 this year, Moore said, citing city statistics.

“There’s been generations of pain and trauma,” Moore says. “When you feel that either everybody in your community has been shot or is shooting, that normalizes violence.”

But, who’s shooting? It isn’t white people. This is what the FBI calls “black in origin crime”.

“There’s this hopelessness: if you think you’re going to die tomorrow, why does it matter what you do today?,” says Taifa, 65, a Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist, activist and author of the book “Black Power, Black Lawyer: My Audacious Quest for Justice.” “Many people don’t acknowledge the root causes of the crime that’s going on in these communities. When there is lack, and there is so much lack in Black communities, it’s predictable you will have crime.”

None of this explains why there is a big jump crime in black neighborhoods all of a sudden. And so many of these same people do not want police, so, they get no police. And all this is happening in Democratic Party run cities.

Read: As Shootings Skyrocket In Democrat Run Cities, They Say More Police Aren’t The Answer »

We’re Save: Ben & Jerry’s Launches Vegan Ice Cream To Solve ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

I wonder what the carbon footprint is of producing ice cream all over the world and delivering it in fossil fueled trucks


This week, ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s launched a limited-edition Un-fudge Our Future vegan flavor in Australia as part of a campaign to petition the country’s leaders to create a more sustainable future by banning fossil fuels. Made in partnership with environmental organization Australia, the new vegan flavor features non-dairy ice cream dotted with fudge brownies and peanut butter cookie dough.

“Un-fudge our Future isn’t just a tasty new vegan flavor you can’t miss, it’s a climate crisis call-to-action you can’t ignore,” the brand states. “Ben & Jerry’s is supporting climate leaders Australia and the inspiring global movement of young people demanding climate action. There is no planet B, that’s why we will donate part of the proceeds of each pint to the movement fighting for our future.”

The launch of Un-fudge Our Future coincides with the Australian government’s upcoming release of the October Budget, which will outline the country’s economic investments—which Ben & Jerry’s hopes will lean heavily toward sustainability initiatives as Australia has one of the highest per capita carbon dioxide emissions in the world. “When Parliament sits next, our leaders will be making big decisions about where to spend the public’s money to reboot the economy,” the brand states. “We need to tell them that we want a clean, resilient, and fair future and that it’s time to make fossil fuels history.” Australian citizens can voice their climate concerns to politicians directly through Ben & Jerry’s Un-fudge Our Future campaign.

So, everyone who Cares in Australia needs to ….. jump in their fossil fueled vehicle and head to the supermarket to purchase this atrocity. We would call this a “non-dairy desert” here in the U.S., because it is not made with dairy.

Anyhow, Australian politicians should remember what has happened in the nation when they’ve implemented climate cult policies in the past: those politicians were voted out. Just look at the Queensland 2012 elections, where the ruling Labor Party, which put climate cult laws in place, lost so badly that they didn’t have enough seats left to be considered a recognized party.

Read: We’re Save: Ben & Jerry’s Launches Vegan Ice Cream To Solve ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a horrible wall meant to stop climate refuges, you might just be a Warmist

If All You See…

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post wondering how much crazy AOC can fit into 60 seconds.

Read: If All You See… »

Oregon State Police Leaving Portland Due To Lack Of Prosecutions

Why bother arresting law breakers when you know that prosecutors will ignore the law and not prosecute?

Oregon State Police leaving Portland over lack of prosecutions

Oregon State Police on Thursday said they were withdrawing protection from Portland’s federal courthouse over frustration at a prosecutor’s decision not to indict many people arrested in protests there.

The state police were deployed to Portland two weeks ago under an agreement between Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Vice President Mike Pence to withdraw federal agents after weeks of clashes with protesters. President Donald Trump threatened to send National Guard troops to Portland, if requested by Oregon authorities, if local law enforcement was unable to protect the federal courthouse.

Oregon State Police are “continually reassessing our resources and the needs of our partner agencies, and at this time we are inclined to move those resources back to counties where prosecution of criminal conduct is still a priority,” spokesman Timothy Fox said in a statement.

The police force is angry at Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s decision not to prosecute many people arrested during weeks of protests at the courthouse, Fox said.

Schmidt on Tuesday said he would only press charges against protesters arrested for assault, theft or property damage in Portland protests that began in late May after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Schmidt signaled he would be dropping lesser charges such as rioting and disorderly conduct.

Reuters is gaslighting a bit on this

Hundreds of Portland protesters will see their criminal cases dropped as DA announces plan to ‘recognize the right to speak’

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, leaning on a group of community representatives he called his transition team, announced Tuesday that his office will drop most of the charges filed against protesters in Portland.

His prosecutors won’t pursue demonstrators accused of interfering with police, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, escape or harassment if the allegations don’t involve “deliberate’’ property damage, theft or force against another person or threats of force, Schmidt said.

Further, what surely was the proverbial straw is that “Charges of assault of officer will be subject to “high scrutiny.”” Meaning that charges will surely be dropped in almost every case.

Anyhow, what happens when the state police leave and the BLM/Antifa “protesters” start attacking the federal building again? Do federal troops come back? I say, let it burn. Let the whole city burn, showing what happens in Democratic Party run areas. Then stick the city of Portland with a bill for the building, which can be enforced by garnishing federal appropriations.

Read: Oregon State Police Leaving Portland Due To Lack Of Prosecutions »

Young Warmists Say Lawmakers Will Totally Listen To Them

Here’s a tough, hard, real world lesson for them: the only way politicians actually listen is if you are high profile and/or donate a lot of money. Otherwise, they’ll pretend to listen and simply patronize you

Earth Uprising Climate Change Activist Says ‘Lawmakers Will Listen’ to Youth Movement

As young people around the world become increasingly aware of how climate change is impacted by decisions made by lawmakers, they’ve been starting their own coalitions that push for real policy change.

Alexandria Villaseñor, the 15-year-old founder of Earth Uprising, a global movement focusing on policy spearheaded by youth climate activists, said young people’s willingness to share information, educate each other regarding the climate crisis and demand change is working.

“I think that one thing that the youth movement has made clear is that lawmakers will listen to us because we continue to take action and make our voices heard,” she told Cheddar.

Villaseñor said she launched Earth Uprising after the devastating 2018 Paradise Fire in Northern California.

“Seeing climate impact my community, that was something that I wanted to find out more about,” she explained.

The Paradise fire was caused by mankind, but not via carbon pollution: it was negligence from maintaining power lines and allowing a buildup of vegetation. I’d also be interested in knowing exactly what action they are taking themselves to reduce their carbon footprints. Mostly, this seems the same as the Sunrise Movement (the other young climate cultist organization): agitation, spreading awareness, a lot of yelling and screeching, a lot of Demanding.

Have they considered that, per their own beliefs, ‘climate change’ is impacted not by lawmaker decisions but by their own actions?

Earth Uprising has not only garnered the attention of global policymakers, but it also found itself a corporate partner in GAP Kids, working to shine a light on youth leaders through a virtual rally, set for Friday.

“I think it’s amazing that they’re giving all these youth activists the support and space to tell our stories and send our messages to a larger audience,” Villaseñor said.

The social campaign, according to Villaseñor, will use the hashtag #BeTheFutureThatWill to encourage young people to make their voices heard about issues that they want to have addressed, whether it is climate change or otherwise.

Remember when we were supposed to only listen to climate scientists? Now we’re supposed to listen to kids. Let’s start taxing the hell out of their allowances to reduce the kids’ carbon footprints, see how they like it. How many would continue to spout their cultish talking points and go to protests and such if they had the policies from their beliefs forced on their own lives?

Read: Young Warmists Say Lawmakers Will Totally Listen To Them »

Guy Hiding In His Basement Calls For National Mask Mandate

Wouldn’t it be great if we had a media which would ask tough questions, such as “under what Constitutional authority would you be able to do this, Joe?”

Biden calls for mask mandates in all 50 states: ‘It’s about saving Americans’ lives’

Joe Biden on Thursday called for a mask mandate that would cover all 50 states, as COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. approach 170,000 and cases continue to rise.

At a campaign event in Wilmington, Del., the presumptive Democratic nominee for president urged governors to be in one accord and require universal use of masks, citing “overwhelming evidence” that wearing a mask helps prevent the spread of the deadly disease. Public health experts are almost unanimous in agreeing that masks help curb the transmission of the coronavirus.

“This is not about Democrat, Republican or independent,” he said. “It’s about saving Americans’ lives. So let’s institute a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediately, and we will save lives.”

At a press briefing a few hours later, President Trump inaccurately described Biden’s proposal as a nationwide mandate imposed by federal decree, in contrast to his own approach of leaving it to the states.

And how would Handsy Joe enforce a national mask mandate? Send in federal police? The Constitution gives the Executive Office no authorization to implement a national mask mandate. Yes, some argue that one would violate the 1st Amendment, but, they’re missing the point that the Constitution, including the Bill Of Rights, gives no power to federal government, including the Legislative Branch (John Yoo and James Phillips make the case that Congress could possibly get away with passing one), no power to have one. That power would be left to the states.

But as the virus shows no signs of slowing down, some officials, such as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., have called for a national mask mandate.

The U.S. has the highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, with 5 million positive cases, according to data provided by Johns Hopkins University, and about 166,000 deaths.

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum,” said Biden.

So, if most people are wearing masks, why does the number of cases keep increasing?

Now, what if Trump had instituted a national mask mandate? How do you think Democrats and their pet media would have reacted? Would they say “thank you, good job” or “hell no, Mr. President, you don’t have the authority to do this!!!!!!” And perhaps some “my body my choice” signs, which some anti-mask, and some freedom, people have already brought out.

Read: Guy Hiding In His Basement Calls For National Mask Mandate »

British Climate Cultists Call For Law Right Now To Reach Net Zero

These would be the same people who mostly won’t live the life they want Everyone Else to be forced to live

‘We can’t wait until 2050 to reach net zero’: Campaigners call for climate crisis to be enshrined in law

A new Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE Bill) demanding the UK government act with emergency measures on the twin crises has been written and will be put before parliament if it receives enough support.

A campaign was launched on Wednesday and supporters have high hopes that the Bill will be introduced in the House of Commons when it reconvenes on 1 September.

The CEE Bill comes a year after the British parliament declared a climate emergency. If passed, it would substantially amend the Climate Change Act 2008, tightening the framework and accelerating the speed in which the UK has to act.

For the most part, the article attempts to avoid mentioning that this is being pushed strongly by the insane climate cultists in Extinction Rebellion. But, what does it do?

  • – Create a plan to completely reduce its carbon emissions in real terms with immediate effect;
  • – Calculate the entire carbon footprint of the UK, including emissions caused internationally through import and export;
  • – Actively conserve and restore nature here in the UK with focus both on biodiversity and soils’ protection and produce ways to evaluate how effectively this action is implemented;
  • – Actively mitigate the damage to nature along the UK’s supply chains – both in the UK and internationally. The bill calls for accountability on the impact on the natural world as a consequence of our consumption;
  • – Reduce reliance on speculative future carbon capture technologies, and to actively restore natural carbon sinks, such as the conservation of woodlands, and restoring peat bogs and the overall vital function of soils that act as a natural reservoir for carbon and keeping it out of the atmosphere;
  • – And create a “Citizens Assembly” so the people can have a real say in the way forward, bringing social equity into decision making.

So, not so much a plan, but a plan to create a plan to come up with a plan to Do Something. While giving Government all sorts of power, along with yet another un-elected, unaccountable group which can tell Other People how to live their lives.

The new campaign comes after a report by the government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) which revealed that the UK’s net zero by 2050 target gives only a “greater than 50%” chance of averting climate catastrophe. Their most recent report released in June recommends preparing for a 2-4 degree increase in global temperatures.

You know what? I think they should pass this. Like I’ve said before, there needs to be experimental groups to show people the outcomes. Let’s see how fast the people of the U.K., including the hardcore Warmists once they realize that all the Bad Stuff applies in their own lives, rebel and vote the government nutters out and get rid of the climate change scam laws and rules and regulations.

Read: British Climate Cultists Call For Law Right Now To Reach Net Zero »

If All You See…

…is an inland sea created by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post noting that not all black lives matter.

Read: If All You See… »

Winning Hearts And Minds: Chicago “Protesters” Attack Ronald McDonald House

Nothing says “we care” like attacking a facility that helps kids of all races

Ronald McDonald House Was One of the Chicago Looters’ Targets

The Ronald McDonald House in the Streeterville neighborhood of Chicago was targeted by looters early Monday morning.

The facility provides housing and resources to families who have a child receiving treatment at a local hospital. The suspected vandals allegedly broke into the facility near Lurie Children’s Hospital while families were sleeping inside, CBS Chicago reported.

Several windows were left smashed, and the front door to the facility had to be boarded up.

Residents had to be placed on lockdown while the mayhem took place outside.

“We’re here for families at all times — whether there’s a pandemic or civil unrest, we need to make sure that we are here allowing families to get the rest they need while they have a child in the hospital seeking care, and so it’s so important that anything that might be going on outside, we maintain our care for families,” said Lisa Mitchell of Ronald McDonald House.

Such nice people

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Read: Winning Hearts And Minds: Chicago “Protesters” Attack Ronald McDonald House »

Pirate's Cove