The World Will Soon Have Baghdad Type Heat From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

See, it never got hot in Baghdad before the invention of the fossil fueled combustion engine

Baghdad’s record heat offers glimpse of world’s climate change future

This city roars in the summertime. You hear the generators on every street, shaking and shuddering to keep electric fans whirring as the air seems to shimmer in the heat.

Iraq isn’t just hot. It’s punishingly hot. Record-breakingly hot. When one of us returned here last week, the air outside felt like an oven. The suitcase crackled as it was unzipped. It turned out that the synthetic fibers of a headscarf had melted crispy and were now stuck to the top of the case. A cold bottle of water was suddenly warm to the lips. At our office, the door handle was so hot it left blisters at the touch.

Baghdad hit 125.2 degrees on July 28, blowing past the previous record of 123.8 degrees — which was set here five years ago — and topping 120 degrees for four days in a row. Sitting in one of the fastest warming parts of the globe, the city offers a troubling snapshot of the future that climate change might one day bring other parts of the world.

Experts say temperature records like the one seen in Baghdad will continue to fall as climate change advances.

Now, if you would just agree to pay taxes and give up your modern lifestyle, along with your freedom, liberty, and choice, we could fix this. If not, the world is doomed

If the world acts to dramatically limit climate change, such extremes of heat, with temperatures above 120 degrees, would probably be limited to parts of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and India, Lelieveld said.

But if not, temperatures in parts of the Persian Gulf region and South Asia could eventually exceed 130 degrees. Nor would the rest of the world be spared extreme spikes. Indeed, one recent study found that by the year 2050, the climate of Phoenix could closely resemble that of Baghdad.

Sorry, Phoenix, even the majority of high ranking members of the Cult of Climastrology refuse to modify their own lives, so, guess you’re just going to have to deal with it.

(Weather Atlas) The last month of the summer, August, is another extremely hot month in Baghdad, Iraq, with average temperature fluctuating between 25°C (77°F) and 43°C (109.4°F). In August, the average high-temperature is almost the same as in July – an extremely hot 43°C (109.4°F).

You know how averages occur, right? And that there are extreme records set all the time, right? That weather patterns change, and that long term warm periods have been occurring throughout the Holocene, right? Did you know that Tirat Tsvi, Israel, also recorded a high of 129.2 degrees on June 22, 1942? That was at the tail end of the massive warm spike which preceded the cooling that lasted till the late 1970’s.

Still, you need to be forced to pay taxes, give up burgers, and turn your AC up to 80, to solve this. We can also restrict all media outlets from using fossil fuels to travel to gather the news and deliver newspapers. Bet the Credentialed Media, like the above Washington Post, would give up their climate hysteria if they were forced to comply.

Read: The World Will Soon Have Baghdad Type Heat From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Irony: Handsy Joe Accuses Trump Of Coddling Thugs And Terrorists

Obviously, the Credentialed Media refused to fact check this

Biden Accuses Trump of ‘Coddling Terrorists and Thugs’ Overseas

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, accused President Donald Trump on Wednesday of “coddling terrorists and thugs” around the globe.

“We’re going to get to work fixing the mess that President Trump and Vice President [Mike] Pence have created, both at home and abroad, through four years of mismanagement and coddling of terrorists and thugs around the world,” Biden said during an event in Delaware alongside his newly announced running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Biden’s comments took some Republicans, including Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), by surprise given the former vice president’s history of opposing military efforts against terrorist leaders.

Zeldin wrote on social media:

With a straight face, Biden just said President Trump has been coddling terrorists around the world. After Biden advised against taking out [Osama] Bin Laden, now he’s ignoring that it was Pres. Trump who had Soleimani & al-Baghdadi killed, the ISIS caliphate eliminated, and far more.

Earlier this year, Biden opposed the Trump administration’s assassination of Qasem Soleimani, a onetime high ranking figure in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard. At the time, Biden argued that although Soleimani was guilty of perpetrating “crimes against American troops and thousands of innocents” throughout the Middle East, Trump’s move risked starting a war with Iran. Although those fears never materialized, Biden has remained a staunch critic of the assassination

Let’s not forget, Biden was the Vice President as ISIS rose, which his boss called the “JV team”, and did little. He was part of the administration which called Syria’s hardcore dictator “a reformer”, which blew off the Green Uprising of the Iranian people, blew off the Arab Spring, which blew off Syria gassing citizens and didn’t follow through on Obama’s “red line”. How they did nothing over Russia invading Crimea. Obama saying he’d have “more flexibility” towards Russia. Obama wouldn’t even say “radical Islamic terrorist”. He called Islamist terrorist attacks “workplace violence.”

Let’s also not forget the Obama admin’s failure to defend U.S. citizens in Benghanzi, after ignoring the security risks in Benghazi and the eastern part of Libya, after destabilizing the nation with his air war to protect oil flowing to France and England. Everyone, including the news outlets, knew how dangerous the area had become, and pulled their reporters and ambassadors out.

How about coddling the terrorist/thug regime in Iran with their Iran Deal, which gave Iran almost everything and the world almost nothing. All it did was postpone when Iran could continue making a nuclear weapon. By retreating from Iraq, Iran filled the vacuum, which helped the rise of Iran.

Sure, Obama did some good things. As David French wrote

Osama bin Laden is dead, but ISIS is alive. There has been no 9/11-style terror attack, but there have been attacks in Paris, Brussels, Fort Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando, St. Cloud, Manhattan, and Columbus. Jihadist violence has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions. Iran’s nuclear program has arguably been slowed, but at the price of magnifying its power, influence, and ability to kill Americans. So Obama’s legacy is mixed. He had his successes, but he fails the simplest test of all: Are we really safer today than we were eight years ago?

Joe initially was against attacking bin Laden. And he’s coddling all the Left wing crazies in Antifa and BLM involved with violence right now.

(The Atlantic) Joe Biden has been wrong a lot on foreign and defense policy. A lot. This year’s presumptive Democratic presidential nominee voted against the 1991 Gulf War, in which the United States and a broad multinational coalition quickly achieved their goals, and in favor of the 2003 Iraq War, and regretted both votes. Years into hostilities, he opposed the troop surges that brought some stability to both Iraq and Afghanistan and even insisted that “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” He argued for carving Iraq into sectarian statelets even as Iraqis voted for cross-sectarian political lists. And he opposed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. These stances suggest not only that he lacks a philosophy of how to use military force effectively, but also that his instincts on when to use it are often faulty.

Perhaps for that reason, Biden was seldom a major force in American foreign and defense policy during more than three decades in the Senate—even though he served as the chairman of its Foreign Relations Committee. But he has shown an embarrassing tendency to embellish his contributions, such as claiming he was responsible for ending genocide in Bosnia.

Robert Gates, who served as the secretary of defense under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, wrote in his 2014 memoir that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Last year, Gates reiterated his concerns. “I think that the vice president had some issues with the military,” he declared on CBS’s Face the Nation.

So, Joe is constantly wrong and soft on terrorists and thugs.

Read: Irony: Handsy Joe Accuses Trump Of Coddling Thugs And Terrorists »

BLM “Protesters” Attack Black Police Officer, Vandalize Girlfriend’s Home

Of course, how many of the “protesters” were lilly white liberals?

Black Lives Matter mob shoots at black cop, physically assaults him at girlfriend’s home they vandalized

A black police officer said protesters chanted “black lives matter” while shooting at him and punching him at his girlfriend’s Wisconsin home Saturday night.

Wauwatosa Officer Joseph Mensah posted on Facebook that protesters “tried to kill me. I was unarmed and tried to defend my property and the property of my girlfriend. We were both assaulted, punched, and ultimately shot at several times. A shotgun round missed me by inches. Not once did I ever swing back or reciprocate any the hate that was being directed at me. I am all for peaceful protests, even against me, but this was anything but peaceful. They threw toilet paper in her trees, broke her windows, and again, shot at both of us as they were trying to kill me. There are children that live there any the knew that. The irony in all of this is that they chanted Black Lives Matter the entire time, but had zero regard for any of the black children that live there or me, a black man.”

Now, in all fairness, Mensah has some issues

Over the last five years, Mensah fatally shot three people in the line of duty, most recently a 17-year-old earlier this year, WITI-TV reported. Mensah’s fatal shootings in 2015 and 2016 were ruled justified, but he was suspended in July over the Feb. 2 fatal shooting of Alvin Cole, the station said. The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office is still reviewing the Cole case, but Wauwatosa’s mayor called for Mensah to “transition from the Wauwatosa Police Department’s employment,” WITI said.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Mensah was suspended with pay, and the families of the people he fatally shot — two were black; one was Latino/Native American — said they plan to pursue legal action.

But, we let the legal justice system work. Not assault them and trash their girlfriend’s home.

Wauwatosa Mayor Dennis McBride said he would meet with the police chief and other city officials Monday morning to ensure Mensah is “fully protected and that criminal behavior of this kind will not happen again,” the Journal Sentinel said.

“The City of Wauwatosa has always supported and protected the right to peaceful protest,” McBride added in his statement, the paper said. “Last night’s event was not a peaceful protest; it was criminal behavior. If the perpetrators of this criminal behavior are identified, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law.”

That’s mostly all we’re seeing, criminal behavior.

Read: BLM “Protesters” Attack Black Police Officer, Vandalize Girlfriend’s Home »

If All You See…

…are tropical plants which will soon grow in Canada, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Biden being able to sniff Kamala’s hair all the time now.

I’m sure you’ve read tons about Handsy Joe picking Kamala, fun graphic below the fold from Proof

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Guy Kamala Slept With To Get District Attorney Job Advises To Decline VP Slot

You remember Willie Brown, right? He was the married man Kamala Harris had an affair with, right before she got the San Fran AG position. Now he’s advising

Willie Brown urges Kamala Harris to decline offer to be Joe Biden’s VP

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has advised senator Kamala Harris to “politely decline” if Joe Biden makes her an offer to be his presidential running mate.

The former mayor wrote in an opinion article for The San Fransisco Chronicle that the vice presidency is a “dead end” and “not the job she should go for”.

“Historically, the vice presidency has often ended up being a dead end. For every George HW Bush, who ascended from the job to the presidency, there’s an Al Gore, who never got there,” he wrote on Saturday.

Mr Brown recommended that Sen Harris should ask for the position of attorney general instead, saying that the position has “legitimate power”.

“From atop the Justice Department, the boss can make a real mark on everything from police reform to racial justice to prosecuting corporate misdeeds,” he wrote.

“And the attorney general gets to name every US attorney in the country. That’s power.”

Mr Brown, who served as mayor in San Francisco from 1996 to 2004, has previously appointed Sen Harris to positions on the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.

No mention that he had an affair with her.

Mr Brown continued in his editorial to warn Sen Harris against accepting the position on the basis that the administration would face a tough term in the midst of a pandemic and an economic downturn.

Well, sure, and since Biden is losing his marbles, she’ll be the one making the decisions. Unfortunately, Willie published this prior to Kamala accepting.

Some headlines from Breitbart

That’s just a smattering of her brand of Modern Socialist crazy.

Read: Guy Kamala Slept With To Get District Attorney Job Advises To Decline VP Slot »

Bummer: Yet Another Poll Shows That People Really Do Not Care About ‘Climate Change’

We just had a poll from Gallup which showed that, despite the heavy push from the Cult of Climastrology during lockdown, people just don’t care about the climate change scam that much in practice. Now (via Climate Change Dispatch)

Exclusive poll: Amid COVID-19, Americans don’t care about climate change anymore

Battered by pandemic and economic collapse, do Americans have the capacity to care about the environment? Not so much, judging by a national poll we just conducted.

We asked a panel of U.S. adults a series of questions about today’s most crucial issues, environmental policy options, and their own behavior. In all three categories, I was personally surprised and discouraged to discover that our devotion to the world around us is flagging.

In a survey we at the Harris Poll conducted last December, American adults said climate change was the number one issue facing society. Today, it comes in second to last on a list of a dozen options, ahead of only overpopulation. Among Gen X men, in fact, more than third dismiss climate change as unimportant. COVID-19 and the recession have, of course, reordered priorities around the world. Still, the coronavirus didn’t elbow aside other issues as muscularly as it did climate change. (Incidentally, global warming is a bigger concern to retirement-age women than any other age group except millennial men.)

Additionally, we asked about policies the government could adopt to fight global warming or help the environment generally. There was majority support for only one of nine initiatives, with 51% endorsing tax credits or rebates for greater energy efficiency in buildings. Moreover, 13% of all respondents say the government should do nothing to improve the environment, a stance that rises to nearly one in five of all survey takers in the South.

Bummer. It just goes to show, people may care about the climate change scam in theory, but, not in practice. Anyhow, the one thing I’m not finding is the actual poll itself. The article writer is Will Johnson, the Harris CEO, but, no one, including Harris, has the poll metrics.

Anyhow, it gets even worse for the Cult of Climastrology, and the Democrats, since their 2020 strategy seems to revolve around Hotcoldwetdry

But we are also reverting back to a society that throws too much away. Younger men in particular are ordering more takeout food, packed in single-use plastic bags and disposable boxes, often with those plastic straws scorned for littering the landscape and polluting waterways. We are toting reusable bags less often on errands. Probably because more of us are home, we also are consuming more energy to keep our homes cooler in the summer and warmer in chilly months than we used to.

And when the pandemic ends—or at least is suitably controlled—American adults say they’ll behave in ways that would increase their carbon footprint. According to our survey, we’ll drive as much as we did before, take public transportation less, bicycle or walk less, buy more clothes, and have more stuff packaged up and shipped to our homes. And most of us plan to jack up the home AC and heat even more than we already have.

Read: Bummer: Yet Another Poll Shows That People Really Do Not Care About ‘Climate Change’ »

Portland Riots Move Into Residential Areas, Making Residents Unhappy

How many of these residents have cheered on Antifa and the destruction?

Neighbors unhappy as demonstrations move east into residential Portland

As Portland’s protests against police violence and systemic racism approach 80 consecutive nights, the location of the main action has shifted from downtown to residential neighborhoods on the east side of the Willamette River, bringing crowds of demonstrators and a heavy police force onto usually quiet nighttime streets.

That’s some pretty insane “reporting” from Oregon Live by Lizzie Acker. The people “protesting” are pretty much white leftists, quite a few who aren’t from the Portland area. Or even from Oregon. Are they protesting their own racism in their lilly white city? How is rioting demonstrating?

On Reddit and Facebook, people who live in the area expressed anger about property destruction.

“Lots of people worked hard to make our little neighborhood pleasant and to help the local businesses stay open,” wrote Redditor WheeblesWobble in a post called “Leave Kenton Alone!”

“Now it’s trashed,” the user wrote. “This was not a BLM protest, this was a tantrum by a bunch of entitled kids.”

The writer of the post and many commenters noted that some of the damaged property was at Po’Shine’s, a Black-owned business.

The damage was to a dumpster, Po’Shine’s head chef James Bradley, said Tuesday.

“What a dumpster has to do with Black Lives Matter, I don’t know,” Bradley said.

See, they’re just demonstrators, protesting for black lives, right? Many residents have support the BLM/Antifa rioters by sheltering them in their homes when the police come after them. Now the riots are in their neighborhoods. And they’re crying. See, they were fine with the violence in Other Areas, but not their own.

Outlets like Oregon Live and BLM/Antifa rioter enablers blame the police for pushing the violence into neighborhoods, but, the meeting point was near the residence area to start with.

And the violence will only get worse

Hundreds of Portland protesters will see their criminal cases dropped as DA announces plan to ‘recognize the right to speak’

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, leaning on a group of community representatives he called his transition team, announced Tuesday that his office will drop most of the charges filed against protesters in Portland.

His prosecutors won’t pursue demonstrators accused of interfering with police, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, escape or harassment if the allegations don’t involve “deliberate’’ property damage, theft or force against another person or threats of force, Schmidt said.

Oh, sure, that won’t entice the rioters to become more violent.

Don’t complain, Portland residents, and those in the suburbs outside Portland, when the violence comes for you. This is what you support and enable.

Read: Portland Riots Move Into Residential Areas, Making Residents Unhappy »

Bad News: Climate Crisis Is Causing Penguins To Thrive

Another Cult of Climastrology meme down the drain

From the link

A new study of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes fosteri) populations in 2019 found that it had grown by up to 10% since 2009. The largest of all penguin species in the Antarctic, emperors now number as many as 282,150 breeding pairs (up from about 256,500) out of a total population of over 600,000 birds. This growth occurred despite a loss of thousands of chicks in 2016 when one of the Antarctic ice shelves they were huddled upon collapsed. The latest IUCN Red List assessment, completed in 2018, classified emperors as ‘Near Threatened’, a small step up from ‘Least Concern’. In their justification for this classification, the authors concluded:

This species is listed as Near Threatened because it is projected to undergo a moderately rapid population decline over the next three generations owing to the projected effects of climate change. However, it should be noted that there is considerable uncertainty over future climatic changes and how these will impact the species.

Oddly, however, other biologists studying this species are currently petitioning the IUCN to upgrade emperor penguins to ‘Vulnerable’ (a classification equivalent to ‘Threatened’ in the US system) based on survival models that predict the species could be close to extinction by 2100 using the RCP8.5 ‘worse case’ climate change scenario that polar bear biologists have so far found irresistible. As polar bear biologists have also done, they insist that if we reduce CO2 emissions via global political policy, the penguins will be saved.

Funny how they always predict doom despite actual facts showing something different, eh? Hence the reason they always trot out 2100 for the doom date. The vast majority of people won’t be around to fact check them.

(Good News Network) A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are nearly 20% more emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica than was previously thought.

Researchers reported this week how they used images from the European Commission’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite mission to locate the birds.

They found 11 new breeding colonies, three of which were previously identified but never confirmed. That takes the global census to 61 colonies around the continent.

Sorry, don’t have the time to do a new graphic for the penguins.

Read: Bad News: Climate Crisis Is Causing Penguins To Thrive »

If All You See…

…are wonderful high density buildings which help reduce urban sprawl which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the 2 tiered justice system, which is why Ilhan Omar won’t be prosecuted.

Read: If All You See… »

LA Times: Camping Is Totally Racist, You Know

I love one of the photos that accompanies this story

It’s great 3 white Leftists think that black people are all too poor and dumb to be able to afford camping gear

Want more diversity in camping? Start with the gear

In May, Mo Jackson was camping with a friend in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. They woke at 5 to start a fire, make breakfast and — in the midst of a pandemic — experience the peace that comes with an early morning in a secluded spot.

The beauty of that morning moved Jackson to tears. “I had the most clarifying moment. You know, I just thought, I wish everyone could feel this.”

Jackson realized that, although they could not help everyone feel more connected to nature, they could get a few more people outside by offering free camping gear. “That day I was like, OK, what can I do to get more Black people outdoors? And I thought, well, I have enough savings to get three camping kits together.”

On May 19, Jackson posted on Instagram asking if any people of color wanted a free camping kit. “No need to demonstrate need or anything,” Jackson wrote. “Just ask and we can get something out to you.”

The kit would include two sleeping bags, a tent and a cooler. Jackson included a Venmo account on Instagram so people could donate to the cause.

Mo is the woman (assumed gender!) at the lower right, who identifies as black. Isn’t she appropriating culture by dyeing her hair blonde?

Camping is often called America’s favorite outdoor activity. This summer, when many travel options have been eliminated, the go-to vacation has been camping or renting an RV and visiting public lands.

But camping and national parks have a complicated past when it comes to racial equality and equal access for all. National parks have a history of segregation that dates to the 1930s, something that didn’t change until the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Yeah, so, something that has been illegal since 1964

A 2018 study by the Society of American Foresters found that between 2010 and 2014, 94.6% of visitors to national forests identified as white. People who identified as Latino made up 5.7%, and those who identified as Black made up 1.2%.

Are we supposed to force blacks and Latinos to go camping?

This time the response was much bigger. “People just cared more all of a sudden,” Jackson said. More than 600 people reached out and asked for camping kits. Jackson needed more funding and took the campaign to GoFundme, where, as of Aug. 5, more than $55,000 had been raised.

“I think there is a lot of white guilt right now,” Jackson said, explaining why donations suddenly took off. “We’re all learning and growing; sometimes guilt is part of it too — not that we want guilt and shame, but we do want growth.”

Yeah, and a lot of people who are cool with free stuff. Will they use it and actually go camping?

The disparity in access to the outdoors is particularly frustrating to Harris, who pointed out that those who could most benefit from being in a rural environment have often felt excluded. “Being in nature is healing,” she said. “People who need that healing most are Black and Indigenous people, and the idea that it’s inaccessible … it’s just not right.”

Everyone has the same access. If you want to go, go. These Leftists really do think that someone is physically stopping non-whites from going, and that non-whites can’t get the gear. We all pay the same price.

Jackson intends to expand the BIPOC Camping Kits venture. “Black and Indigenous people have historically had connections to nature and the land that have been stripped from us,” they said. “My bigger picture is full solidarity; it’s going to take all of us coming together to topple these racist systems so we can find our sacred places again, and find peace again, together.”

Huh what? Her people are not from America. Is she planning on camping in Africa? What, exactly, is racist about having full access to national parks if one wants to go?

Read: LA Times: Camping Is Totally Racist, You Know »

Pirate's Cove