If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be too expensive to purchase unless you’re uber-rich, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on cameras being raaaaacist.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Regime Give Condolences To Iran On Death Of “Butcher Of Tehran”

I remember when Obama picked Biden for his “vast foreign policy experience.” I also remember when all the Leftists in the news media said Biden would bring sanity back the foreign policy of the United States. Here’s the latest example of how bad it is

Biden Admin Expresses ‘Official Condolences’ For Death Of Iranian President Who Was Dubbed The ‘Butcher Of Tehran’

The Biden administration on Monday expressed condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Raisi and several Iranian regime officials were killed in a helicopter crash in northern Iran over the weekend. Raisi, known as the “Butcher of Tehran,” oversaw aggressive foreign policies that increased tensions with the West and authoritarian domestic policies to repress and abuse the Iranian population, whom he was deeply unpopular with.

“The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement on Monday. “As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

“We regret any loss of life. We don’t want to see anyone die in a helicopter crash,” Miller told reporters on Monday.

Raisi was elected to the presidency in 2021 but had spent decades serving in various roles in the Iranian regime. As a prosecutor in 1988, Raisi was on a “death commission” panel responsible for ordering the execution of thousands of Iranian political prisoners, earning him the “Butcher” nickname. Raisi boasted of his role in executing the prisoners and called it “one of the proud achievements” of the Iranian regime, according to Amnesty International.

The article itself goes into much more detail of how bad Raisi was. For one thing, Iran is still the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism. How about all the morality police assaulting and even killing women for not wearing a hijab? Executing gays? Raisi was simply not a good person, and the US should not be officially expressing condolences for his death. Would the Biden admin do this if Putin died? How about Kim Jong Un?

Just imagine if it was the Trump State Department making this official proclamation: the Credentialed Media would be destroying him. Bored Panda has a long thread on women celebrating Raisi’s death, which, unfortunately, puts the women on the radar of Iran’s government, which has a tendency to do bad things to women. Further, Iranian dissidents around the world celebrated his death. But

(NY Post) But in the medium term, it (sadly) seems unlikely to change anything significantly.

Iran is still committed to its project of regional hegemony, a project far bigger than Raisi.

The Islamic Republic has scored a number of big wins on that front through proxies in recent months: the Houthi offensive against Red Sea shipping; Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities; the gathering storm of an Israel-Hezbollah war.

Nothing will change. Iran leaders will simply appoint another leader who will continue the same path as Iran has been traveling since their revolution in 1979. I have to wonder if it would have made a positive difference if Obama, with Biden as his VP, had completely backed the Iranian Green uprising, instead of blowing it off.

Meanwhile, Eli Copter enters the discussion

Read: Biden Regime Give Condolences To Iran On Death Of “Butcher Of Tehran” »

Woke Pope Says Hotcoldwetdry Is “A Road To Death”

Strangely, he had nothing to say about Norah O’Donnell taking a long, fossil fueled flight to interview him at the Vatican

Pope Francis: “Climate change at this moment is a road to death”

Pope Francis says the climate crisis has “gotten to the point of no return” as the planet continues to see the effects of global warming and world leaders have an even greater responsibility to take action.

“How worried are you about climate change?” CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell asked Francis during a historic interview in Vatican City.

“Unfortunately, we have gotten to a point of no return. It’s sad, but that’s what it is. Global warming is a serious problem,” Francis replied. “Climate change at this moment is a road to death.”

How can he be the Pope when his has forsaken the Catholic church and joined the Cult of Climastrology?

Francis said wealthy countries reliant on fossil fuels are contributing to the problem.

The Vatican, a nation of its own, is pretty rich, and the Woke Pope takes lots of long, fossil fueled trips around the world. Likewise, around 5 million people take fossil fueled trips to the Vatican each year. Francis should tell them to stop doing that.

He apparently talked about a lot of stuff which seemed to be more his Wokeness than about Catholic doctrine emanating from The Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

Read: Woke Pope Says Hotcoldwetdry Is “A Road To Death” »

AP Works Overtime To Let You Stupid Peasants Know The Trump Economy Wasn’t Good

The best part here is that the AP actually tries to Blame COVID on Trump

Many remember solid economy under Trump, but his record also full of tax cut hype, debt and disease

It was a time of fear and chaos four years ago.

The death count was mounting as COVID-19 spread. Financial markets were panicked. Oil prices briefly went negative. The Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark interest rates to combat the sudden recession. And the U.S. government went on a historic borrowing spree — adding trillions to the national debt — to keep families and businesses afloat.

Strange that the AP fails to Blame other world leaders like Justin Trudeau. Or mentions that more died in Biden’s first year from COVID than under Trump, even with all the forced masking, vaccines, and better knowledge. Or that it was mostly Democrats who were locking down schools, businesses, and citizens. Or all the unnecessary COVID relief funding passed in 2021.

But as Donald Trump recalled that moment at a recent rally, the former president exuded pride.

“We had the greatest economy in history,” the Republican told his Wisconsin audience. “The 30-year mortgage rate was at a record low, the lowest ever recorded … 2.65%, that’s what your mortgage rates were.”

The question of who can best steer the U.S. economy could be a deciding factor in who wins November’s presidential election. While an April Gallup poll found that Americans were most likely to say that immigration is the country’s top problem, the economy in general and inflation were also high on the list.

Trump may have an edge over President Joe Biden on key economic concerns, according to an April poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs. The survey found that Americans were more likely to say that as president, Trump helped the country with job creation and cost of living. Nearly 6 in 10 Americans said that Biden’s presidency hurt the country on the cost of living.

Of course, you peasants need to stop paying to your own lying eyes

But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump’s time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs.

And there was the pandemic, an event that caused historic job losses for which Trump accepts no responsibility as well as low inflation — for which Trump takes full credit.

If anything, the economy during Trump’s presidency never lived up to his own hype.

Just stop. This is pathetic. And simply reinforces the reality that the Credentialed Media has abandoned all forms of journalism and are simply activists for Democrats. It’s a long, long hit piece, but, really, do you think people really buy this garbage anymore?

Read: AP Works Overtime To Let You Stupid Peasants Know The Trump Economy Wasn’t Good »

Wackjob International Criminal Court Seeks Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu

It’s utterly insane that the ICC would equate Netanyahu with the leader of Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., U.N., and E.U.

ICC requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders over ‘war crimes’

An International Criminal Court prosecutor announced Monday that he has filed applications for arrest warrants against Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas leaders for allegedly committing “war crimes” during the conflict in Gaza.

Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement that based on evidence collected and examined by his office, he has “reasonable grounds” to believe Netanyahu and Gallant “bear criminal responsibility for… war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine.”

He said those alleged crimes include “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare” and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population.”

Khan also said he is seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, its top political leader Ismail Haniyeh and its military commander Mohammed Dief.

The Hamas terrorists were pretty much included as an afterthought. Not like the ICC is actually going to try to get them

Israeli war cabinet member and opposition leader Benny Gantz blasted the ICC’s announcement Monday, saying “the prosecutor’s position to apply for arrest warrants is in itself a crime of historic proportion to be remembered for generations.”

“While Israel fights with one of the strictest moral codes in history, while complying with international law and boasting a robust independent judiciary – drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of a blood-thirsty terror organization is a deep distortion of justice and blatant moral bankruptcy,” he added.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the move is a “historic disgrace that will be remembered forever,” The Associated Press reports.

Neither the IS or Israel are part of the ICC, though, Palestinians are, despite really having no nation. Why? To blame Israel

(Politico) “I will feverishly work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle in both chambers to levy damning sanctions against the ICC,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said shortly after the news became public.

In a statement, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that “Khan’s kangaroo court has no jurisdiction in Israel to pursue these anti-Semitic and politically motivated ‘charges,’” adding that he looks “forward to making sure neither Khan, his associates nor their families will ever set foot again in the United States.”

The outrage was not isolated to Republicans. Democrats representing large Jewish American communities also slammed the decision. In a post on X, Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) slammed the warrants as “not justice but rather retribution against Israel for the original sin of existing as a Jewish State and the subsequent sin of defending itself amid the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.”


Progressives, however, celebrated the decision. “If Netanyahu comes to address Congress, I would be more than glad to show the ICC the way to the House floor to issue that warrant. Ditto for Hamas leader,” Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), a past head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, posted on X. A handful of progressive Democrats have previously indicated support for an arrest warrant.

Well, of course they’re saying this, but, not saying a damned thing about the Hamas leaders. I wonder why?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken came out against the warrant requests Monday afternoon: “We reject the prosecutor’s equivalence of Israel with Hamas. It is shameful,” he said in a statement. “This decision does nothing to help, and could jeopardize, ongoing efforts to reach a cease-fire agreement that would get hostages out and surge humanitarian assistance in.”

In a statement, President Joe Biden called the announcement “outrageous” and stated that “We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

Good on Blinken and Biden. But, how long does that last when the unhinged, Jew hating base bleats at Biden?

Read: Wackjob International Criminal Court Seeks Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, no good fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on electric van sales on the decline.

Read: If All You See… »

Uber-Democrat Voting Norfolk, Mass, Mad About Illegal Aliens Coming To Their Town

It’s always amusing when Democrats, who advocate for unfettered illegal immigration, have to actually deal with illegal aliens themselves

Democratic town furious over migrant shelter opening in neighborhood

illegal alien DemocratResidents in a New England town are fuming that they have not been consulted on plans to convert a former state prison into a tax-payer-funded migrant shelter for hundreds of people.

The state is refurbishing Norfolk, Massachusetts’ Bay State Correctional Center, a former minimum-security dorm-like facility, to accommodate migrants and homeless individuals who are currently holed up at Boston’s Logan International Airport and are on the waitlist for an emergency shelter program. The facility is located on the grounds of Massachusetts Correctional Institution (MCI), a medium-security prison.

Norfolk has a population of about 11,500 and voted heavily in favor of President Joe Biden in 2020. (snip)

Residents said they want answers about the impact on schools, police and emergency services, pointing out that municipal budgets are already stretched thin.

“Let’s face it, we don’t want it here. We don’t,” resident John Semas said, according to GBH.

“And, it doesn’t make us bad people, it doesn’t make me not compassionate, it doesn’t make me a bad father.” Semas was among a small group of people donning shirts and placards that read “Save Norfolk: No Shelter,” the publication reports.

It does make you hypocrites. And it does make you bad people because by supporting Biden and other Democrats you support bringing millions of mostly unvetted illegal aliens into the U.S. You just want them to be Over There. Somewhere Else. Maybe where those Republican voters live in flyover land.

The state’s emergency assistance director, Scott Rice, says that the facility remains in good condition and has the space to accommodate around 140 families.

Except, will they actually be families, or, mostly single, fighting age males, who seem to be the majority of those coming across the borrder?

The site will be staffed 24/7 by a contracted service provider and families will be provided with transportation on and off site. The razor wire on the fence surrounding the facility will be removed, and the gates will remain open, so families will be free to exit and return as needed, the governor’s office says.

Will Norfolk get to experience the same crime and other problems that Democrat cities have had to deal with? The theft, prostitution, panhandling, harassment of women, unlicensed shops in the streets, loud music and parties at all hours? Anyhow, it’s fun that states can suddenly find lots of resources for illegals, but, not U.S. citizens.

Read: Uber-Democrat Voting Norfolk, Mass, Mad About Illegal Aliens Coming To Their Town »

Climate Wackos Glue Themselves To Munich Airport Taxiway

They totally wimped out in not gluing themselves to a runway

Climate Crazies Glue Themselves to Munich Airport Runway

German authorities closed down Munich airport temporarily on Saturday after six climate activists broke through a security fence and glued themselves to access routes leading to runways, officials and local media reported.

The activists from the group Last Generation were protesting flying, the most polluting form of transportation, said the German news agency dpa.

Police have detained the six.

Incoming flights had to be diverted to other airports, an airport spokesperson said. After a couple of hours, the airport’s two runways were reopened though some disruptions to flight schedules may happen, a statement on the airport´s official website said.

Last Generation posted on social media platform X, accusing the German government of “downplaying” the negative effects of flying on the environment instead of “finally acting sincerely.”

Well, they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Maybe let a large jet cruise over them, freak them out. Of course, no one wants to take a chance that the expensive jet will be damaged. Make the climate wackos repay the costs for the delays.

Read: Climate Wackos Glue Themselves To Munich Airport Taxiway »

Canadian Police Investigate After Hamas Supporters Hijab Yanked Off

The Canadian police aren’t quite so thorough in going after those who threaten Jews. It happens, but, not with the same zeal

Police investigate after woman’s hijab pulled off at pro-Palestinian demonstration

The Ottawa Police Service’s hate crime and bias unit is investigating after a woman’s hijab was pulled off during a demonstration outside an Israel Independence Day ceremony at city hall.

The May 14 incident was captured on video and has since been shared widely on social media.

Hayfa Abdelkhaleq, who identified herself to CBC as the woman in the video, said she’s still shaken by what happened.

“I feel really down. She humiliated me. I can’t sleep normal, I can’t eat normal, I’m not functioning normally,” she said.

Do you know who else isn’t functioning normally? All the Jews killed in the October 7th Hamas attack. As Hyfa is wearing an Intifada keffiyeh, she probably approves with the slaughter of Jews.

In the video, Abdelkhaleq can be seen waving a large Palestinian flag with the words “Free Palestine” on it. She’s heard chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

If a Jewish protester was saying kick the Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank, they’d be arrested, tried, and jailed under Canadian law.

Another person enters the frame and shows their middle finger to the camera before reaching out and pulling off Abdelkhaleq’s hijab.

In an unblurred version of the video reviewed by CBC, Abdelkhaleq’s hijab is entirely removed from her head, revealing her hair.

Head to the link to see the short video, where they literally blur Hayfa’s head after the hijab, an article of clothing of female subjugation in Islam, was slightly pulled off.

After composing herself, Abdelkhaleq said she tried to follow the person, whom she saw join the flag-raising ceremony. She said she told a police officer who was monitoring the event about what happened.

Shortly after, Abdelkhaleq said she filed a police report and was connected to someone from the police’s hate crime and bias unit.

She was also told to go back home. Here’s a question: was this staged? I really wouldn’t be surprised.

In an email, Ottawa police said they’re treating what happened to Abdelkhaleq as a hate-motivated incident.

The suspect still hasn’t been identified, police said. They’re still investigating and are looking to anyone who may have seen what happened or might have more information.

Why aren’t the police investigating Hayfa for a hate crime, as she is specifically calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and killing Jews? Her Facebook is littered with this

As someone born and raised in Nablus in the West Bank, Abdelkhaleq said she remains committed to supporting the Palestinian cause.

They never really assimilate. People used to come to Western nations to be a part of them. Now they refuse to give up their own cultures and demand we change for them.

Read: Canadian Police Investigate After Hamas Supporters Hijab Yanked Off »

Black Sails Is Definitely Worth The Watch

Finally finished Black Sails after sorta binging. I prefer not too watch too many episodes of a series that I’ve never watched before, and, let me tell you, this was a great show. I highly recommend watching this, but, then, I do love a good pirate movie or show, just like I love horror and science fiction.

I won’t repeat what so many have written about it, suffice to say great characters, great scenery, and great story. You really do get a sense of what the Golden Age of Pirates was like, and they talked in a flowing way that people did in that era.

Obviously, it mixed quite a bit of fantasy with reality, always pointing to Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Interestingly enough, there is a small island in the Manasquan River where I grew up that is called, informally, Treasure Island, as Stevenson visited the area 5 years after he wrote the novel, dubbing it that name.

Some apparently did not like the ending, but, I thought it was perfect: spoiler ahead

It pretty much ended almost exactly the way it started: a strong women running Nassau backed by a figurehead male, with a governor who turned a blind eye, and even profited, from piracy. It was tolerated as long as it didn’t get too bad. Did John Silver reconcile with Madi? It looks like it. Did Captain Flint give up the treasure? They never truly said. Things were mostly back to normal, with just new people running the show.

And Calico Jack Rackham was back to piracy, with Ann Bonney, and Mary Reade, in disguise, joining up. It was a good ending. Of course, things would soon come crashing down in the near future, with Jack and Ann captured, Jack being hung, the British truly cracking down on piracy in the Caribbean, driving pirates out, with many moving to the east coast of Africa.

It’s always nice when a show ends exactly as it should. Wings, with Joe and Helen flying off to France so Helen can pursue her dream, while Brian accepts responsibility to keep the airline running. Continuum, where Kiera saves the timeline for her child, but, is now out of time herself, and can only watch the “original” Kiera raise her son. As time travel should be. Psych, with one last mystery.

Black Sails: 5 out of 5 stars.

Read: Black Sails Is Definitely Worth The Watch »

Pirate's Cove