If All You See…

…are wonderful high density buildings which help reduce urban sprawl which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the 2 tiered justice system, which is why Ilhan Omar won’t be prosecuted.

Read: If All You See… »

LA Times: Camping Is Totally Racist, You Know

I love one of the photos that accompanies this story

It’s great 3 white Leftists think that black people are all too poor and dumb to be able to afford camping gear

Want more diversity in camping? Start with the gear

In May, Mo Jackson was camping with a friend in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. They woke at 5 to start a fire, make breakfast and — in the midst of a pandemic — experience the peace that comes with an early morning in a secluded spot.

The beauty of that morning moved Jackson to tears. “I had the most clarifying moment. You know, I just thought, I wish everyone could feel this.”

Jackson realized that, although they could not help everyone feel more connected to nature, they could get a few more people outside by offering free camping gear. “That day I was like, OK, what can I do to get more Black people outdoors? And I thought, well, I have enough savings to get three camping kits together.”

On May 19, Jackson posted on Instagram asking if any people of color wanted a free camping kit. “No need to demonstrate need or anything,” Jackson wrote. “Just ask and we can get something out to you.”

The kit would include two sleeping bags, a tent and a cooler. Jackson included a Venmo account on Instagram so people could donate to the cause.

Mo is the woman (assumed gender!) at the lower right, who identifies as black. Isn’t she appropriating culture by dyeing her hair blonde?

Camping is often called America’s favorite outdoor activity. This summer, when many travel options have been eliminated, the go-to vacation has been camping or renting an RV and visiting public lands.

But camping and national parks have a complicated past when it comes to racial equality and equal access for all. National parks have a history of segregation that dates to the 1930s, something that didn’t change until the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Yeah, so, something that has been illegal since 1964

A 2018 study by the Society of American Foresters found that between 2010 and 2014, 94.6% of visitors to national forests identified as white. People who identified as Latino made up 5.7%, and those who identified as Black made up 1.2%.

Are we supposed to force blacks and Latinos to go camping?

This time the response was much bigger. “People just cared more all of a sudden,” Jackson said. More than 600 people reached out and asked for camping kits. Jackson needed more funding and took the campaign to GoFundme, where, as of Aug. 5, more than $55,000 had been raised.

“I think there is a lot of white guilt right now,” Jackson said, explaining why donations suddenly took off. “We’re all learning and growing; sometimes guilt is part of it too — not that we want guilt and shame, but we do want growth.”

Yeah, and a lot of people who are cool with free stuff. Will they use it and actually go camping?

The disparity in access to the outdoors is particularly frustrating to Harris, who pointed out that those who could most benefit from being in a rural environment have often felt excluded. “Being in nature is healing,” she said. “People who need that healing most are Black and Indigenous people, and the idea that it’s inaccessible … it’s just not right.”

Everyone has the same access. If you want to go, go. These Leftists really do think that someone is physically stopping non-whites from going, and that non-whites can’t get the gear. We all pay the same price.

Jackson intends to expand the BIPOC Camping Kits venture. “Black and Indigenous people have historically had connections to nature and the land that have been stripped from us,” they said. “My bigger picture is full solidarity; it’s going to take all of us coming together to topple these racist systems so we can find our sacred places again, and find peace again, together.”

Huh what? Her people are not from America. Is she planning on camping in Africa? What, exactly, is racist about having full access to national parks if one wants to go?

Read: LA Times: Camping Is Totally Racist, You Know »

Harris, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Climate Equity Plan

It’s really all about patronizing “people of color” while using the climate change scam as the plaform

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Landmark Legislation to Empower Frontline Communities

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) last Thursday introduced the Climate Equity Act, legislation to ensure that the United States government centers communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis in policy related to climate and the environment. For the last year, Harris and Ocasio-Cortez have worked with frontline community leaders to receive feedback on this legislation to ensure the strongest policy possible.

“COVID-19 has laid bare the realities of systemic racial, health, economic, and environmental injustices that persist in our country,”said Sen. Harris. “The environment we live in cannot be disentangled from the rest of our lives, and it is more important than ever that we work toward a more just and equitable future. That is why, as we combat the climate crisis and build a clean economy; we must put justice and equity first. I’m proud to partner with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez on this comprehensive proposal to empower communities that have been neglected by policymakers for far too long.”

“The Democratic Party is now finally starting to embrace what many activists have long advocated: climate policy must be driven by and centered around frontline communities,”said Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. “Major environmental policies must be written by the black, brown, and low-income people who have been and will be disproportionately impacted by it, just like the Green New Deal envisioned. For too long, policies that affect communities of color have been determined by a few white men in a room in Washington. The budding grassroots movement and electoral results we’re seeing around the country make clear that Americans want to upend old, exclusionary order. I’m proud to partner with Senator Harris on a bill that will pave the way for a new, inclusionary way of doing things in D.C.”

The Climate Equity Act creates an administrative structure within the federal government to ensure that as we boldly address the climate crisis, our policies are founded in equity and justice for frontline communities. By ensuring that frontline community leaders and allies are playing a fundamental role in shaping and guiding federal policy, the Climate Equity Ac thelps hold the government accountable for creating a more just and equitable future as we tackle the climate crisis and build a clean economy.

So, whatever happened to AOC’s Green New Deal, submitted in February, 2019? She hasn’t demanded a vote on that. But, up, this whole Climate Equity act seems familiar

AOC, Kamala Harris Release A Climate Equity Plan Or Something

It’s almost like this whole ‘climate change’ meme has nothing to do with science and everything to do with their authoritarian policies


Yeah, that was a year ago. And they’ve done what, since? No votes on this legislation, which they said supports the GND, which hasn’t been voted on in the House, and saw every Democrat, including Harris, vote “present” in the Senate. Now they’re resubmitting this loser legislation using COVID-19 as the backdrop? Really, this is about patronizing people of color, mostly blacks, as the election approaches, proclaiming that black people, er, frontline communities, will have seats at the table when creating government rules and regs and stuff.

Read: Harris, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Climate Equity Plan »

Seattle Council Approves Plan To Start Defunding Police, Chief Resigns

Is this the start, or the total plan? Time will tell

Seattle City Council approves plan to defund police department, slashes jobs and salaries

The Seattle City Council voted Monday to move forward with a controversial proposal that would begin the process of defunding the police department.

The 7-1 vote comes despite objections from the city’s police chief, mayor and the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild.

The plan would ultimately slash funding to the department but not the 50% some had sought. Seattle currently has around 1,400 police officers, and the current plan would see about 100 cut. It was also cut the police department’s $400 million budget by about $3 million, according to KOMO.

Councilmember Kshama Sawant was the sole “no” vote because she felt the proposals didn’t go far enough, while Debora Juarez abstained, according to MyNorthWest.com.

The council reviewed a final set of amendments Monday before the vote, which included reducing the police department by up to 100 officers through layoffs and attrition as well as cutting the $285,000 annual salary of the Police Chief Carmen Best and other top officers. Best is the city’s first Black police chief and the pay cut would put her salary well below her White predecessor.

What happens now? That’s a 7% reduction of the police force in a city that has been seeing ever-increasing crime, both violent and property, over the years. It’s also see a huge homeless population increase, and the city voted to disband the unit that gets rid of homeless encampments. How many citizens and businesses take the opportunity to leave? And what will this do to the property values? What will this do to the crime rate?

Some council members have said the initial cuts are a first step to more sweeping reductions and a rethinking of law enforcement in Seattle.

You just have to know that a goodly chunk of Seattle residents, who vote mostly Democratic Party and consider themselves Progressives (nice Fascists), approve of all this in theory, but, in practice, they want their own neighborhoods and businesses protected. And will be uninterested in losing that protection. The police will surely protect the more upscale areas first, and the lower middle class and lower class areas will be the first to suffer.

As for Chief Best, who really hasn’t done a whole lot over the months to stop the Crazy in Seattle these past months, well, she resigned

Carmen Best, the Seattle police chief, emailed her resignation notice to police officers in the department late Monday hours after the City Council made good on its promise to approve sweeping proposals that would cut about 100 officers and slash the department’s budget.

Best’s email, which was obtained by Jason Rantz, a radio host in the city, said that her retirement will be effective Sept. 2.

It seems she’s mostly upset over the reduction of her pay.

Anyhow, you have to wonder if the department will suddenly find itself with a large amount of resignations, with the overall departures exceeding that 100 number. The cops know they don’t have the backing of the city, and will be called on to do more work from the layoffs which causes an exploding crime rate.

Read: Seattle Council Approves Plan To Start Defunding Police, Chief Resigns »

We Can Totally Build An Equitable ‘Climate Change’ Society After The Statues Come Down Or Something

It’s all so simple!

Dawone Robinson column: After the statues come down, let’s build a more equitable society

The fall of the Confederate statues reminds us that no nation forever can be shackled to symbols that defy its values, subvert its purpose, and cause its people anguish and pain.

Removing these statues, though, also creates an opportunity, and focuses us on what we must do to build a just and equitable society.

Part of the answer must be to confront the ways systemic racism has put Black people on the front lines of environmental hazard and harm far too often, and for far too long.

Few things more directly impact the quality of our lives and health. Drinking safe water, breathing clean air and eating healthy food are basic human rights. And part of the promise of an equitable society is that each of us has the opportunity to live in a comfortable and affordable home near good schools, workplaces and centers of commerce. (snip)

When factories and toxic waste sites disproportionately are located where Black people live; when Black people drink water contaminated by concentrated animal feeding operations; and when Black people breathe fumes from nearby incinerators, that is environmental racism. Putting an end to it is part of our larger charge to ensure justice for all.

The strange thing is how it is Democrats who are keeping black people in these conditions, yet black people keep voting overwhelmingly for the people who keep them in poor conditions

Second, we need to center justice in our fight against the central environmental challenge of our time: climate change. Black people, other people of color and low-income communities are bearing a disproportionate share of the costs and risks of rising seas, withering heat, raging storms and floods, and other consequences of climate change. We need help now to prepare our communities for more change to come.

Sure, why not ask your Democratic Party pals? I’m sure they’d be happy to patronize black people while continuing to enforce their modern version of Jim Crow. And it’s cute how Dawone is using the Cult of Climastrology to hijack BLM

We need to expand, for example, access to healthy, sustainable food for Black people, too many of whom live in urban food deserts where it’s easier to buy packaged snack foods than fresh produce.

So, band together and purchase supermarkets for those areas. I’m sure you won’t mind all the losses, from those from using EBT to theft to BLM “protesters” breaking in and trashing the places, right? If you rely on the Government, you get Government conditions. And then they own you. And passing ‘climate change’ legislation is just going to make the poor poorer.

And thank your Democratic Party pals for putting blacks in this situation.

Read: We Can Totally Build An Equitable ‘Climate Change’ Society After The Statues Come Down Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on the teeth gnashing from idiots on dropping The Bomb 75 years ago.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: LA Councillor Who Voted To Defund Police Sure Likes Calling Them On Protesters

Of course, Mike Bonin is Blaming the police for the responses to his home

REVEALED: LA councilor who voted to slash police funds has ‘called cops to his home EIGHT TIMES’ since April asking for protection from protesters

A councilor for Los Angeles who voted to slash $150 million from the annual budget of the LAPD has called the police to his house eight times since April, it has been claimed.

Mike Bonin, 53, was among 11 councilors who agreed in June to reduce the annual budget, in the wake of calls to defund police forces across the country following the May 25 death of George Floyd.

On Friday night Bonin was accused of having called the cops to his LA home eight times since April, including requesting protection from protesters.

Bonin whined back at Melugin

Bonin, however, denied that he had made the calls, and said they were generated by the police themselves.

‘I have NEVER asked LAPD for patrols at my house,’ he tweeted in response to Melugin, and described the Fox reporter’s tweet as ‘false’.

‘When protests occurred at the homes of other elected officials and LAPD offered to send patrols to my home as a precaution, I specifically asked for no patrols at my home.

‘Seven of the eight calls you cite were apparently generated by LAPD themselves, sending patrols without my request and often without my knowledge.

He whined that this was being done to damage his reputation

‘This is a cute tactic to try to silence or intimidate a public official who is standing up to the police union,’ he said. ‘It ain’t working.’

Uh huh

Melugin then hit back, tweeting what he said was a text message from a LAPD source denying that the calls to Bonin’s home were generated by the police, without his knowledge.

‘This was definitely a call for service by Bonin or a member of his staff,’ the text read.

‘The call would have been placed by the resident or someone reporting something happening at that address.’

The LAPD should put him on a “no response” list.

Read: Surprise: LA Councillor Who Voted To Defund Police Sure Likes Calling Them On Protesters »

Climate Change (scam) To Make Your Commute Worse Or Something

Dragging out the crystal balls on this one

Why climate change is about to make your bad commute worse

Something remarkable happened on American roadways during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic: In even the most congested cities, traffic started moving again. With Americans staying home, cars suddenly rolled over highways like water through a freshly unclogged pipe. By mid-April, traffic had fallen to just 52 percent of pre-pandemic levels, according to traffic research firm INRIX.

But the reprieve was short-lived. As states and cities reopened their economies, drivers restarted their vehicles. By late June, INRIX reported, travel nationwide had already reached pre-pandemic levels, and in many states traffic was actually exceeding those levels.

Most motorists are familiar with many of the reasons for bad traffic: more cars on the road, unskilled drivers, construction, inadequate mass transit, crashes. Increasingly, however, there’s at least one more culprit to consider: climate change.

“America’s transportation system is not set up to recover and regain functionality after a major disruption or disasters,” said Paula Pagniez, director of the Climate and Resilience Hub at global risk management firm Willis Towers Watson. “Both chronic and acute changes in weather impact America’s roads, bridges, tunnels and transit.”

Got that? You ate a cheeseburger and took a fossil fueled trip, so, that’s going to cause more Bad Weather which harm the roads.

In fact, weather already causes approximately 15 percent of congestion, according to the Federal Highway Administration. And with climate change escalating — scientists expect extreme weather events such as heat waves, snow storms, hurricanes and floods to increase in both frequency and intensity — gridlock will only grow. That is, unless governments change the way they plan, design and manage climate-sensitive infrastructure.

Did they just say that greenhouse gases are going to cause more extreme snow storms? Yes, this is a cult

The problem is, thanks to climate change, past is no longer prologue. “We’re not going to shut off CO2 emissions overnight, so the climate is going to continue changing. The question is, by how much and in which direction?” Chester said.

“Let’s say you design a road in Chicago for the hottest week on record, which might be 105 degrees. Well, the hottest week going forward might be 108 degrees, or it could be 120 degrees,” he said.

See, it’s all about prognostication. And freakouts. All over a minor 1.5F increase over 170 years. And guess who gets to pay for someone else’s cultish beliefs.

Read: Climate Change (scam) To Make Your Commute Worse Or Something »

BLM Riots, Loots In Chicago After Police Shoot Criminal Who Shot At Them

Just like every weekend, Chicago was a hotbed of violence. 37 shot, 3 killed. The vast majority, if not all, were black. There haven’t been any riots of blacks shooting blacks. Yet

Chicago rocked by widespread looting caught on video after police-involved shooting

Widespread looting and police clashes in downtown Chicago were caught on video early Monday, in response to a police-involved shooting Sunday that wounded a suspect in his late teens or early 20s.

Fox 32 Chicago reported that the shooting occurred Sunday afternoon in the city’s Englewood neighborhood. A crowd emerged that faced off against the police and eventually began hauling things at the officers. Police told the Chicago Tribune that someone spread the unfounded rumor that it was a child who was hit.

A police officer told the station that an officer sustained a shoulder injury in the confrontation and one of the police cars had its windows broken. The tension carried on into the night.

Police initially responded to a report of a man with a gun and chased the suspect. Police said the suspect turned and fired at the pursuing officers who returned fire. The suspect’s condition was unknown. The Chicago Tribune reported that a weapon was found at the scene.

The police were responding to a call that the suspect had a firearm, which, of course, the man’s brother says is totally false, because his brother is an angel, despite having been charged with domestic battery (charges dropped) and currently under investigation for reckless conduct and child endangerment. Anyhow, what happened?

The situation seemed to continue to intensify and reportedly led to widespread riots across the city, including the Magnificent Mile.

Andy Ngo, the conservative journalist, took to Twitter to say “BLM-inspired rioting and looting is happening in Chicago tonight.” He wrote that police “look completely overwhelmed.”

Ryan Baker, an anchor for CBS Chicago, also tweeted, “Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago with more overnight looting and vandalism in the Loop. Appears to be coordinated effort with minimal police presence.”

Social media users posted videos of hundreds of people looting a Nordstrom, Walgreens, Macy’s, Coach, Gucci and Louis Vuitton. The Chicago Police Department did not immediately respond to an email from Fox News.

It’s amazing how few media outlets have stories on this. CNN has nothing, but, they do note Chicago’s mayor putting up fencing because people were at the beach. CBS News calls it “unrest“. I’m sure the NY Times considers it local news, but they do cover the Sturgis biker rally. Nor anything from the Washington Post, but, they do talk about parties in Saint-Tropez.

What does this have to do with BLM?

Read: BLM Riots, Loots In Chicago After Police Shoot Criminal Who Shot At Them »

Say, What Are Young Climate Cultists Doing Instead Of Protests?

Remember, this is all about Science!

COVID-19 canceled mass protests. Here’s what youth climate activists are doing instead.

For young climate activists in the United States, staying home because of the pandemic does not mean staying silent, with plans gathering pace across the country to make their voices heard in November’s elections.

It has been nearly a year since an estimated 6 million people across the world joined the youth-led global climate strikes on September 20.

In the United States, students from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., skipped school to voice their frustration over the slow response to the climate crisis by elected leaders, and Greta Thunberg told a cheering crowd in New York City “this is only the beginning.”

But in the 10 months since the historic protests, the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the United States, making meeting and organizing in person hazardous. Climate strikes, including a major three-day mass protest that was planned for Earth Day 2020 in April, have been canceled.

Hey, don’t they know that protests for Modern Socialist causes are allowed?

But networks of youth climate activists have been regrouping, with a new focus on election campaigning with phone banks, social media, and friend-to-friend organizing, according to interviews with organizers.

The stakes could not be higher for young people, according to 23-year-old Aracely Jimenez-Hudis, the deputy communications director of the Sunrise Movement, a leading youth advocacy group on the climate.

“We are a generation that was really born into crises,” said Jimenez-Hudis. “We don’t have some golden age that we can look back on and feel that there is any kind of resonance with a call to normalcy because our normal has always been endless wars, has always been police brutality.”

See? Science. Because no one else has been born into crisis. There were no wars before these youths were born, you know.

The group has more recently been pushing Democratic leaders to embrace the Green New Deal, a bold carbon-neutral plan for the economy championed by progressive Democrats including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Backing the policy was initially seen as too radical by many Democrats, but it has now been embraced more widely by members of the party. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, recently unveiled a climate and jobs plan that mirrors some of the aggressiveness of the Green New Deal, though some activists believe he is not tough enough on fossil fuel industries.

We should give them what they want, but, just for themselves. Make them live the lives that they demand, that the GND and other climate cult policy requires. See how they like it.

Aligning racial justice and climate fights

Why does this seem to be all about politics?

“We want climate change to be a top priority on people’s minds when they’re going to the polls in November because of the way it will impact people of color and people living in those cities,” said Zanagee Artis, the 20-year-old co-founder and deputy director of digital advocacy for Zero Hour.

Of course, poll after poll show that people might care in theory, but, not in practice. No one is willing to give up their own money or modern lives, nor give up freedom, liberty, and choice. That’s always for Someone Else.

Read: Say, What Are Young Climate Cultists Doing Instead Of Protests? »

Pirate's Cove