If All You See…

…is a pool overlooking an ocean which will soon rise up to meet it, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is MOTUS A.D., with a post on Michelle O having a sad.

It’s Asian week

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and life is great. This pinup is by, I believe, Doronina Tatiana, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Powerline discusses Trump’s EO’s on Coronavirus relief (which is driving Democrats nuts)
  2. Not a blog, but, the NY Post notes New Yorkers in good areas fleeing NYC due to the rising violence
  3. neo-neocon highlights another analysis of George Floyd’s death
  4. Moonbattery covers BLM/Antifa terrorists assailing old ladies
  5. Legal Insurrection notes Biden going beyond gaffes
  6. IOTW Report notes what happened when Austin voted to defund the police
  7. Geller News Report covers a rapist released from jail over COVID murdering his accuser
  8. Gates Of Vienna highlights Germany degenerating into dicatorship of the left
  9. Blazing Cat Fur notes how many children have been shot in Dem run city of Philly
  10. A View From The Beach notes an MMA hero taking on the SJWs
  11. Real Climate Science covers rising Coronavirus in Japan, where everyone wears a mask
  12. Climate Change Dispatch discusses the high costs and low benefits of electric cars
  13. Independent Sentinel notes that most nations ban mail in voting due to fraud and vote buying
  14. Weasel Zippers brings the comedy, with a naked man chasing the boar that took his laptop
  15. And last, but not least, Virtual Mirage discusses riots then and now

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Duke Researches Test Different Masks To See Which Are Best, Worst

One has to wonder, what with all the tyrants in governor’s office, such as Gretchen Whitmer, if this will result in them mandating what masks are acceptable and which aren’t

Duke researchers put masks, face coverings to the test

How can consumers know how much protection their face covering really offers? A new Duke University study attempts to answer that very question.

The study conducted at Duke will help not only in the Triangle but all across the country.

Fitted N95 masks performed very well, according to the study, by keeping droplets inside the mask. But some coverings didn’t do so well. (snip)

Despite testing, the surgical mask didn’t do as well as the N95 because there are some gaps in the mask where droplets can escape. Researchers found that the two-layer cloth mask doesn’t give droplets much room to escape. However, it does not provide a tight seal like the N95. (snip)

The bandana face-covering did not do well in the study. The researchers said it may look fashionable, but it did very little for protection.

“Because the material is thin, it transmits lots of droplets,” Fischer said. “A bandana has lots of gaps.”

Lastly, and perhaps most surprisingly, the neck fleece had the highest number of droplets released – more than if no mask were worn. The researchers believe the material breaks larger droplets into smaller particles.

So, will they ban use of ones like neck fleece, which most people refer to as gaiters, and bandanas? How about all these colorful masks worn by people that are typically still rather thin, not much different from t-shirt material, and leave openings? Will governor’s mandate that the companies making them test them to see if effective?

In fairness, if they work, wear it when you are supposed to. It is what it is. Such is life pretty much around the world right now.

How about every day?

Read: Duke Researches Test Different Masks To See Which Are Best, Worst »

Bummer: Bat Soup Virus Lockdowns Will Have Really No Effect On Climate (scam)

So, let’s see: the Cult of Climastrology has been screeching about reducing carbon pollution. Lockdowns significantly reduced it, temporarily. So, there should be at least a blip in the temperature measurements, right?

COVID-19 Lockdowns Will Barely Reduce Global Warming, New Study Finds

The shelter in place orders that brought clean skies to some of the world’s most polluted cities and saw greenhouse gas emissions plummet were just a temporary relief that provided an illusory benefit to the long-term consequences of the climate crisis. According to new research, the COVID-19 lockdowns will have a “neglible” impact on global warming, as Newshub in New Zealand reported.

The severe measures that were taken on a global scale to stem the tide of the novel coronavirus pandemic did curb pollution in the atmosphere, but the researchers found the impact will cut global heating by just 0.01 degrees Celsius by 2030, as The Guardian reported.

“The direct effect of the pandemic-driven [lockdown] will be negligible,” said the researchers, whose analysis was led by Piers Forster at the University of Leeds in the UK, as The Guardian reported. “In contrast, with an economic recovery tilted towards green stimulus and reductions in fossil fuel investments, it is possible to avoid future warming of 0.3C by 2050.”

In other words, they’re now at the Excuse Making segment, because there should be at least some temporary change. But, they know it is mule fritters

The study was published in Nature Climate Change. To figure out the impact of the lockdowns, the researchers looked at mobility data from Google and Apple in 123 countries that covers 99 percent of fossil fuel emissions. The information gives real-time information on travel and work patterns, which allows researchers to use advanced computations to estimate emissions levels, according to The Guardian.

In other words, they used your information without permission

What they found was that emissions from people using transportation was at its lowest in April, with nitrogen oxide levels falling by 30 percent and carbon dioxide levels dropping by 25 percent, according to Newshub.

But, they claim really no affect.

“It is now make or break for the 1.5 Celsius target,” said Forster, as The Guardian reported. “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to really change the direction of society. We do not have to go back to where we were, because times of crisis are also the time to change.”

Modern Socialism for all Everyone Else.

Read: Bummer: Bat Soup Virus Lockdowns Will Have Really No Effect On Climate (scam) »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on eradicating a leftist lie.

Read: If All You See… »

Utah Prosecutors Go Hard After BLM “Protesters”

Utah is not playing

Utah protesters face charges with potential life sentence

Some Black Lives Matter protesters in Salt Lake City could face up to life in prison if they’re convicted of splashing red paint and smashing windows during a protest, a potential punishment that stands out among demonstrators arrested around the country and one that critics say doesn’t fit the alleged crime.

The felony criminal mischief charges are more serious because they carry a gang enhancement. Prosecutors said Wednesday that’s justified because the protesters worked together to cause thousands of dollars in damage, but watchdogs called the use of the 1990s-era law troubling, especially in the context of criminal justice reform and minority communities.

“This is so far beyond just the enforcement of the law, it feels retaliatory,” said Madalena McNeil, who is facing a potential life sentence over felony criminal mischief and riot charges. Charging documents say she bought red paint at a Home Depot before the July 9 demonstration sparked by a fatal police shooting ruling. She later yelled at and shifted her weight as if to slam into police during the demonstration, charges state. “It’s really frustrating and scary … I just feel so much concern for what this means for the right to protest in general.”

Just like the federal bill of rights, the Utah Constitution also mentions protesting peaceably (Article 1, Section 1). These people were not protesting peaceably. They weren’t protesting, they were violent. Perhaps the charges were too much, but, let’s face it, these folks, so many who style themselves as Antifa, are involved in organized violence.

The Utah demonstrators are unlikely to serve prison time, said Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill. Though they’d get at least five years if convicted as charged, criminal cases often end with a plea to lesser counts. (snip)

Still, he argued “there’s some people who want to engage in protest, but they want to be absolved of absolved of any behavior,” he said. “This is not about protest, this is about people who are engaging in criminal conduct.”

And that’s what it is. And it does distract from the core message. Really, do people care that much anymore?

“We have to have some agreement of what constitutes protected First Amendment speech,” Gill said. “When you cross that threshold, should you be held accountable or not?”

Once it becomes violent, 1st protections end. And throwing paint, damaging buildings, assault, and so forth are not protected. As the old saying goes “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.”

Read: Utah Prosecutors Go Hard After BLM “Protesters” »

Bummer: Despite Pushing ‘Climate Change’ Hard During Lockdown, Most People Really Don’t Care

The Cult of Climastrology has been pushing for their watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) solutions for the Coronavirus recovery, saying we should pass things like a Green New Deal, carbon taxes, and all their other things. Too bad, no one really cares in practice. Oh, people might care in theory, but not in practice

Poll: Plurality of Americans Call Coronavirus Most Important U.S. Problem, Climate Change Among Least

A plurality of Americans considers the Chinese coronavirus the most important problem facing the country, while climate change — an issue central to the Democrat Party’s agenda — remains among the lowest in importance, garnering just one percent, a Gallup survey released this week found.

The Gallup poll, taken July 1-23, among U.S. 1,007 adults, asked respondents, “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?”

A plurality, or 30 percent, chose “coronavirus/diseases” as the most important problem, followed by “the government/poor leadership” (23 percent), race relations/racism (16 percent), “unifying the country” (six percent), and “crime/violence” (five percent).

Nine percent of respondents chose economic problems, which included the economy “in general,” unemployment, and the wealth gap.

Notably, “climate change/environment/pollution” — green issues central to the progressive agenda and embraced by Joe Biden — came at the very bottom of the list, garnering just one percent support.

On a list of things people care about in practice, ‘climate change’ gets just one percent. For what we are told is the Most Important Issue Facing The World. Other issues can fluctuate up and down, but Hotcoldwetdry is always right there at the bottom. Other than showing the results, the Gallup article doesn’t even mention Hotcoldwetdry, despite the Cult constantly, again, saying that the solution to the COVID killed economies around the world are ‘climate change’ policies.

Read: Bummer: Despite Pushing ‘Climate Change’ Hard During Lockdown, Most People Really Don’t Care »

Portland Mom Surprised She Was “Shot” During Riots

If you’re attending a mostly peaceful violent protest, why would anyone be surprised that law enforcement fights back? Especially since she seems to know what has been happening. Of course, she wants to play the Victim

I’m a Mom Who Came Out to Protest for Black Lives in Portland. I Was Shot by Federal Agents

Our president wants you to believe I am a terrorist, a professional agitator stalking the Pacific Northwest.

Four days before federal agents shoot me in Portland, Ore., I riffle through the garage, shooing spiders from my son’s snowboarding helmet. Will it buckle beneath a steel baton? I press my daughter’s swim goggles to my face, testing the fit. Can they repel tear gas? I run my hands over my husband’s life jacket. Can it stop a bullet?

I don’t yet realize how many other moms are slipping oven mitts into backpacks (to minimize burns when tossing aside flaming grenades and tear-gas canisters), how many dads are hoisting leaf blowers from sheds (to clear tear gas), how many teens are gathering plastic toboggans to shield themselves from officers in combat fatigues aiming stun-grenade launchers through temporary fencing around the federal courthouse. This is what happens when you rattle the barricade that policymakers hide behind, screaming “Black lives matter,” protesting for 60-plus nights the brutal tactics officers use to kill Black men on camera and Black women in beds.

People do not need helmets during peaceful protests. They don’t need goggles. They don’t need body armor. They don’t need oven mitts. They don’t need leaf blowers. This isn’t the 60’s where police officers in Democratic Party run areas were sent in to run off blacks protesting. The police are responding strictly to the violence from civilians, many of whom weren’t even from Portland, or even Oregon.

The night I am shot, the sky shimmers with a leftover Fourth of July firework lit by a privileged son whose college closed in the spring. He is here because Black lives matter to him but also because he senses the video game he now plays nightly has sprung to life and he won’t be left out. That boy is pretext, he and his friends tossing plastic water bottles at stone walls, justification for an elite force to quell a gathering of Black people and their allies at the door of the same courthouse where four years earlier the white militiamen who led an armed takeover of another federal building in Oregon were acquitted of any wrongdoing in a 41-day siege.

She does understand that those fireworks were being shot at the federal building….no, she sees things through her Marxist colored glasses, failing to see the violence that originated through her Comrades.

And that is when they shoot us, point blank, with impact munitions. The woman on my right falls forward; the woman on my left is struck in the head; I feel my bone break. My right ankle is encased in a bulky cast after a fall the previous week, and those American sons shoot my other foot out from under me.

Perhaps you shouldn’t be part of a riot.

Today, now that federal agents have withdrawn, our protests go on peacefully. But America, be wary. Forget Portland at your peril. Everyone thinks they’d have joined the Resistance if they lived in 1940s Europe, when we know that most stayed inside, served supper, tucked the children into bed with a kiss and a lie: “All is well, close your eyes.”


We were told that if the federal law enforcement agents left violence would stop.

Read: Portland Mom Surprised She Was “Shot” During Riots »

AOC Nominated For Emmy For Green New Deal Film Or Something

Y’all remember the Green New Deal, right? It was the piece of something or other submitted by AOC and Senator Ed Markey back in February of 2019, which the House of Representatives, run by Democrats, has never voted on. It was voted on in the Senate, and every Democrat voted “present”, including main sponsor Ed Markey. AOC had a fit over the Senate voting on “her” legislation. And, to this day, AOC hasn’t bothered demanding a vote on it. Yet

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez nominated for Emmy for Green New Deal film

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was nominated for an Emmy for her film project “Art of the Green New Deal.”

The seven-minute film, which was a collaboration with The Intercept, is narrated by Ocasio-Cortez and illustrated by Molly Crabapple.

“Set a couple of decades from now, it’s a flat-out rejection of the idea that a dystopian future is a forgone conclusion,” The Intercept article introducing the video states. “Instead, it offers a thought experiment: What if we decided not to drive off the climate cliff? What if we chose to radically change course and save both our habitat and ourselves?”

Yet, she’s not pushing for a vote on it. Weird, eh? But, then, this isn’t about the climate, but control.

Read: AOC Nominated For Emmy For Green New Deal Film Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a carbon pollution created sinkhole, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on outrage over MAGA bear.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove