If All You See…

…is a carbon pollution created sinkhole, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on outrage over MAGA bear.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Business Owners Considering Leaving Minneapolis Over Potential Police Defunding

Obviously, no one saw this coming

Dozens Of Minneapolis Businesses Consider Leaving, Cite Possibility Of Police Being Dismantled

Dozens of Minneapolis businesses are considering leaving downtown, citing concerns about the possibility of the police department being dismantled, CBS Minnesota reported.

A survey by the Downtown Council shows 45 business owners say they are considering leaving downtown Minneapolis because of the lack of people working and socializing in the area and also the idea that the police department could be dismantled, CBS reported.

One of the surveyed businesses that is considering leaving employs 600 people, deepening fears that the city could take another major blow to employment, which was hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The Council did not divulge which businesses are considering leaving.

“This is by far the biggest challenge that I’ve ever had in my 20 years of owning businesses downtown,” Erik Forsberg, who owns multiple restaurants in downtown Minneapolis told CBS. Forsberg’s restaurants have been reportedly closed since the pandemic began and crime multiplied.

Right now, the notion of defunding has been stalled

However, a Minneapolis commission decided Wednesday that it would take more time to review the City Council amendment to dismantle the police department after concerns that the process was being rushed. “The council says ‘Trust us. We’ll figure it out after this is approved. Trust us.’ We’ll I don’t, and we shouldn’t,” Berry Clegg, chairman of the Charter Commission said according to CBS News.

But there are enough city council members and members of the community who are pushing this, so, businesses are not going to take the chance, and will not sign new leases. They’re also seeing a lot fewer officers. More and more are seeking permanent disability, and

(Star Tribune) Minneapolis police are down at least 100 officers since the killing of George Floyd — more than 10% of the force — straining department resources amid a wave of violence and adding extra urgency to the political debate over its future.

Over the past two months, 40 cops have resigned, been fired or are in the process of leaving the force, and another 75 have taken a medical leave for post-traumatic stress disorder they say was caused by the riots that followed Floyd’s death. Dozens more are expected to file for leave in the coming months.

MPD officials not authorized to speak publicly estimate the department, which is budgeted for 888 officers this year, could lose as much as a third of its workforce by the end of the year.

This should end well.

Read: Surprise: Business Owners Considering Leaving Minneapolis Over Potential Police Defunding »

Some Kids Don’t Like To Go Outside As That Triggers Anxiety Over ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

Don’t blame the kids: blame the adults. Any of the parents, teachers, news figures, Warmists, etc, who push the gloom and doom frim the climate change scam

Some children find spending time in nature ‘distressing’ because it can trigger feelings of anxiety and despair linked to climate change

While most children benefit from having time outdoors, for some youngsters it is triggering feelings of anxiety and despair due to fears over climate change.

These ‘troubling emotions’ and their link to climate change have been studied by University of Colombia researchers for the British Ecological Society.

In the first of its kind study to focus on children and teenagers connecting with nature, the team conducted a full review of other studies, articles and books.

Children and teenagers were triggered by the natural world and their inability to control what was happening to the ‘unravelling biosphere’, the team said.

The authors found that measures currently used to connect children to the natural world can help others cope with feelings of fear linked to climate change.

Newsflash: children and teenagers have never had the ability to control what was happening in the world. Because they’re children and teenagers. Most adults don’t have power, either.

Within the past generation children’s lives have largely moved indoors with the loss of free-ranging exploration of the natural world, the team said.

Probably has less to do with ‘climate change’ and more with video games, smartphones, and being online. They grew up with these things, and adults do not seem to be forcing them outside, and, instead, catering to their inside lives.

Many children know they are inheriting a changing world that is likely to get worse and this leads them to feelings of anxiety and despair, said Chawla.

Thanks, adults, for creating mental messes.

This new study, which involved multiple pieces of literature, found time spent in the great outdoors was a ‘predictor’ for active care for nature in adulthood.

Yeah, but so many adults aren’t making their kids go outside, particularly in the very leftist areas.

But, how many will wake up? And how many will just be mental messes for the rest of their lives?

Read: Some Kids Don’t Like To Go Outside As That Triggers Anxiety Over ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

Portland Suddenly Upset Over Rioters Attempting To Light East Precinct On Fire

Where was Ted Wheeler’s concern when the same people were continuously attacking the federal building and federal employees, including with explosives and fire?

Portland mayor condemns rioters for ‘attempting to commit murder’

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Thursday evening condemned the actions of rioters who attempted to set fire to a police precinct and blocked the exits while officers were inside.

“When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder,” Wheeler said in a news conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell.

These are the same people who’s behavior he mostly excused for months

“Don’t think for a moment that you are if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are,” he said. “You are creating the B-roll film that will be used in ads nationally to help Donald Trump during this campaign. If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.”

A riot was declared Wednesday evening when agitators descended upon the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct building, spray-painted over security cameras, broke a glass door with a 2×4, lit a fire using an accelerant and threw fireworks and other objects at officers, according to FOX 12 in Portland.

Police said that a truck also attempted to run over officers.

Ah, so that’s what his actual concern is. Not the police officers, but, showing up on in a Trump ad.

Wheeler also urged peaceful protesters to avoid gatherings that could turn destructive or violent, according to Oregon Live.

“If you are a nonviolent demonstrator and you don’t want to be part of intentional violence, please stay away from these areas,” Wheeler said. “Our community must say that this violence is not Portland, that these actions do not reflect our values and these crimes are distracting from reform, not advancing.”

Except, they seem to represent the Portland community. How many are yelling for the city to put an end to this? They went after the East precinct Wednesday, then Thursday

Tensions between Portland police and a small group of protesters flared Thursday outside a Southeast Portland police precinct for the second straight night.

Police advanced on the demonstrators several times to keep them away from East Precinct, the site of a Wednesday night protest condemned by the city’s police chief and mayor after protesters damaged the building in various ways.

Police deemed Thursday night’s gathering unlawful soon after about 200 people converged outside the precinct. A few frontline protesters had splashed paint on the building, lit a fire in a trash can and argued with two bystanders who appeared to try to intervene.

Perhaps it’s time to just round them all up, throw them in jail. Well, that time was months ago. On the bright side, it’s reported that the Oregon State Police are part of the police line, and they all did

It would also be helpful if Mayor Ted wasn’t releasing those the police arrest

Read: Portland Suddenly Upset Over Rioters Attempting To Light East Precinct On Fire »

Doomism And Optimism Are Traps In Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Remember the little bit about whether being optimistic on the climate makes you pro-Trump? Well, let’s go to the UK Guardian

In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps

Protesters march in the streets in an “extinction rebellion” against the climate crisis, with some (but not all) of their leaders claiming that climate tipping points could kill billions in the coming decades. Others dismiss the importance or reality of the crisis, while new books loudly proclaim “apocalypse never” and “false alarm”.

The popular discourse around the climate emergency all too often highlights fringe voices that predict the end of the world or suggest that there is little to worry about. But as the climatologist Steven Schneider presciently remarked a decade ago, when it comes to the climate “the end of the world” and “good for us” are probably the two least likely outcomes.

So, we need to take a middle road?

The environmental crisis is one of the most serious and pressing issues facing the world today. We are already living with impacts of human-caused global heating, and the world is not doing nearly enough yet to put us on a pathway to avoiding potentially dire impacts later in the century to both humans and the natural world. But a discourse sharply divided between doom and dismissal risks obstructing climate action, rather than motivating it.

There’s your middle of the road. Is it any wonder climate cultists keep saying we’re doomed? As far as taking ‘climate change’ action, well, when it is mostly mule fritters, why would we? When few climate cultists are willing to make major changes in their own lives, why should we?

Uncertainty is not our friend. Because expected damages increase faster the hotter it gets, we stand a real risk of catastrophic impacts if we end up with an unlucky combination of a highly sensitive climate and faster accumulation of CO2. We will also have fewer options to stop or reverse this by the time it happens. These uncertainties are why it’s all the more important to control the one thing we can: our future emissions.

Middle of the road?

Perhaps some major league Warmists could show us the way?

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Read: Doomism And Optimism Are Traps In Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible moo cow hamburger, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on “protesters” suing Seattle because it’s too expensive to buy equipment to attack the police.

Read: If All You See… »

Woman Kicked Off Airplane For Wearing Inappropriate Mask, Plays The Victim

What is it with people who wear apparel that have highly inappropriate messages out in public? Then they get upset when someone calls them out, and they play the Victim

A Florida woman was kicked off American Airlines flight for wearing a ‘F— 12’ face mask

A South Florida activist was ejected from an American Airlines flight last week for wearing an anti-law enforcement face mask.

Arlinda Johns boarded the plane to Illinois when she was asked to cover her face mask that said “F— 12”, Miami’s WPLG reported. The number “12” refers to police departments.

Johns told the outlet she was an abolitionist and believes in defunding the police. After she was confronted, she told the outlet she abided by the airline’s rules and put on a new mask.

The plane was about to take off when a stewardess walked up to Johns in her seat and said, “‘I better not see that other mask,'” Johns told WPLG.

Right, right, I’m sure the flight attendant said that.

Minutes later, the plane returned to the boarding gate and airport officers escorted Johns off the aircraft, WPLG reported.

Johns reportedly recorded the incident and told the outlet, “I think I got taken off the plane because I’m Black.”


However, the airline said in a statement to Insider that Johns “refused to follow crew member instructions to remove or cover a face mask with offensive language.”

“Although [Johns] initially complied, [she] later continued to display the inappropriate language,” the airline said in a statement. “After arriving at the gate, the passenger was asked to deplane.”

In other words, she briefly took it off when asked then immediately put it back on. And, she was apparently streaming on Facebook Live, almost like she was expecting a problem, and, she’s playing the Victim, rather than the person who’s walking around an airport and airplane with “Fuck 12”, which means “Fuck The Police”. Local 10 notes

According to its Conditions of Carriage, American Airlines says “offensive clothing” is not allowed.

If you or I work a mask that said Fuck Trump or Fuck Biden, we’d be asked to remove it. If we put it back on, we’d be asked to deplane, then escorted right out of the airport.

More: Here’s another bit of Victimhood

Read More »

Read: Woman Kicked Off Airplane For Wearing Inappropriate Mask, Plays The Victim »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Will Soon Kill As Many People As All Infectious Diseases Combined

You just had to have that cheeseburger, didn’t you? And you drove your fossil fueled vehicle to get it, and didn’t even car pool. And you had a big syrupy drink with it. And, so, yeah, the Cult of Climastrology is continuing to use COVID 19 as a platform to pimp their cult

Without Urgent Action, Study Warns, Climate Crisis Could Kill as Many People as All Infectious Diseases Combined by 2100

A new study warns that the annual global death rate from the climate crisis could equal or even exceed current mortality levels from all infectious diseases combined by the end of the century if bold action is not taken.

“We are studying the risk of death faced by our own children,” said University of California public policy professor Solomon Hsiang, one of the report’s co-authors. “Today’s 10-year-old fifth grader will turn 65 in 2075, facing mortality risks from climate change every year of their retirement. Failing to address climate change is not that different from driving your kids around without a seat belt: you are putting their lives at risk.” (tweet to the Berkeley article was embedded)

The study, “Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits,” was published in the National Bureau of Economic Research on Monday.

According to Climate Impact Lab, which produced the report, the study “finds that in a world with continued high fossil-fuel emissions, warmer temperatures will rank among the world’s most significant public health threats by the end of the century.”

What they’re claiming is

The study, prepared by the Climate Impact Lab, reported that as greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere continue to escalate, rising temperatures in the decades ahead could raise annual global mortality rates by 73 deaths per 100,000 people. By comparison, the current death rate for all infectious diseases — including malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, plus diseases transmitted by ticks, mosquitos and parasites — is about 74 deaths per 100,000 people globally.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. More scaremongering.

The working paper was published Monday, August 3 by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The Climate Impact Lab is a multi-disciplinary consortium that includes scholars from the University of Chicago, Rutgers University, Berkeley and the Rhodium Group, based in Oakland, California; the lab includes a number of Berkeley faculty and graduates, with Hsiang serving as co-director.

A bunch of folks engaged in prognostication, who won’t be held accountable when this fails to come to pass in 80 years

Trevor Houser, a partner at analyst firm Rhodium Group and another report co-author, sounded a hopeful note, saying that if nations take decisive action now to combat the climate crisis, there’s hope that the dire predictions in the study won’t come to pass.

“The world can still change course by aggressively reducing emissions, and in doing so has the potential to deliver some of the most significant public health gains in human history,” said Houser.

So, why don’t members of the Cult of Climastrology actually reduce their own carbon footprints? Stop using fossil fuels, give up meat, take 2 minute showers, and so forth?

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Will Soon Kill As Many People As All Infectious Diseases Combined »

Portland Police Chief Finally Says “Enough Is Enough”

But, there might be a reason for this, after 70+ days of violence, and Chief Lovell, who was appointed police chief in early June, has been around for most of it

Portland police chief says riots not helping cause of racial justice: ‘Enough is enough’

Portland, Ore., police Chief Chuck Lovell on Wednesday morning decried violent instigators who he said are marring the message of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.

“Portlanders need to send a strong message that enough is enough,” Lovell told reporters at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, according to KGW-TV in Portland. “This is not forwarding the goals that are going to lead to better outcomes for people of color. This movement is really powerful, but the violence has taken away from it. … This is not what Portland is about. This is not what we need in our city.”

Lovell said there have been many large peaceful protests that required no police presence but the smaller offshoot actions — setting fires, breaking windows and throwing objects at police — are taking away from the larger message.

Late Wednesday, Portland police declared a riot and said they believe an explosive device had been left outside a precinct. People were ordered to disperse, and some streets were closed.


Yeah, there was a link to another story in the story about the Portland Police Association being trashed by “protesters” Wednesday. Couldn’t have anything to do with Lovell saying enough is enough, right?

He added that shootings have also spiked since the defunding of the Gun Violence Reduction Team over accusations of racism.

There were 99 shootings in July, up from 35 in July 2019, police said, according to OregonLive.com.

Lovell told reporters he doesn’t believe the team’s actions were racist even though it arrested more Black suspects than anyone else. He said the majority of victims are Black – 66% last month.

The team was defunded, but those officers are still with the PPD in other roles, and still you see an almost 3 times the shootings. What will it be like with the police department fully defunded and replaced with “civilians” and social workers? This is why we have experimental groups

He added that taking police off patrol to cover protests has left fewer officers to respond to emergencies, according to KGW.

You can bet criminals are taking advantage

Downtown protests have become more peaceful since federal officers agreed to leave last week, so some instigators have moved to other police buildings across the city to cause problems.

So now they’re going after Portland PD property, and suddenly the Portland PD cares, unlike with the federal property

Early Wednesday, police had declared a riot and made three arrests after saying demonstrators set fires, erected barricades in a street and broke into the police union headquarters. Police said someone also fired a gun during the unrest and a pickup truck accelerated into the crowd while pushing an unoccupied motorcycle in front of it.

Now that the “protesters” are attacking police property Lovell has now had enough.

As far as the motorcycle goes, perhaps Chief Lovell should get his officers to stop the “protesters” from blocking roads

Read: Portland Police Chief Finally Says “Enough Is Enough” »

Looks Like Joe Biden Will Also Not Attend The DNC

First, Democrats started floating the notion that there was no need for debates. Then they trotted out Jill Biden to say Joe will definitely be there for the debates, but Joe isn’t saying it. He snapped at a journalist, asking if he was a junkie.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and the rest of the planned convention speakers will not travel to Wisconsin for the quadrennial Democratic National Convention, according to a release from its committee Wednesday, citing health concerns with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“After ongoing consultation with public health officials and experts — who underscored the worsening coronavirus pandemic — the Democratic National Convention Committee announced today speakers for the 2020 Democratic National Convention will no longer travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in order to prevent risking the health of our host community as well as the convention’s production teams, security officials, community partners, media and others necessary to orchestrate the event,” the release said.

Biden, who was scheduled to accept the party’s nomination in the key battleground state on Aug. 20, will now accept the nomination from Delaware.

Will he ever leave Delaware? Will Joe’s speech be live, or pre-recorded? He rarely makes any live speeches or appearances, and we can all see why. Dude is crashing mentally.

Read: Looks Like Joe Biden Will Also Not Attend The DNC »

Pirate's Cove