NY Times Recommends Getting Rid Of Presidential Debates

Of course, with the obvious mental decline of Joe Biden, combined with him having to defend the far Left Modern Socialist ideas, such as defunding the police, from Donald Trump, who never has a care over attacking, this will surely only apply for this election

From the screed

Nervous managers of the scheduled 2020 presidential debates are shuffling the logistics and locations to deal with the threat of the coronavirus. But here’s a better idea: Scrap them altogether. And not for health reasons.

Yes, health reasons. But, not COVID19 ones, Joe Biden ones. If you put that there in the first paragraph, that’s the focus

The debates have never made sense as a test for presidential leadership. In fact, one could argue that they reward precisely the opposite of what we want in a president. When we were serious about the presidency, we wanted intelligence, thoughtfulness, knowledge, empathy and, to be sure, likability. It should also go without saying, dignity.

But, hey, you know what makes sense? Demanding Trump’s tax returns.

Over time, the debates came to resemble professional wrestling matches, and more substantive debates were widely panned in the press. Points went to snappy comebacks and one-liners. Witty remarks drew laughs from the audience and got repeated for days and remembered for years.

That’s pretty much politics in the modern era, really going back to the Nixon-JFK debate, which is mentioned.

This, by the way, isn’t written out of any concern that Donald Trump will prevail over Joe Biden in the debates; Mr. Biden has done just fine in a long string of such contests. The point is that “winning” a debate, however assessed, should be irrelevant, as are the debates themselves.

Yes, it is.

The better way to pay attention to and choose among the presidential candidates is to follow the long campaign that so many complain about. The reason for such moaning has always been a mystery, because unless the campaign is taking place in your living room, you can simply switch it off.

Should we pay attention that Biden is essentially hiding? That we rarely ever see him speak, and when he does, it is not good? That the only coherent sentences he speaks are in commercials in which we don’t actually see him speaking them? I watch a lot of programs on Discovery Go and there have been lots of those Biden commercials, none with him actually speaking the lines.

The party conventions, also vestigial organs of a political system that no longer exists, are close to being done away with, if not for the reasons they should be. There’s no reason not to throw the presidential debates on the trash heap of useless (at best) rituals that are no help in our making such a fateful decision.

And next up is doing away with Biden having to make a speech at the convention. Probably just walk out, wave, and walk off.

Read: NY Times Recommends Getting Rid Of Presidential Debates »

Bummer: Carbon Taxes Are Not So Popular Anymore

The one thing this article forgets is to mention what is popular with Alarmists

Putting A Price On Carbon: It Was Hot, Now It’s Not

“A carbon tax is the most straight-forward and efficient strategy for quickly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” That statement, from Bernie Sanders in 2014, was accepted as gospel in climate policy circles for many years.

Today, not so much. The evolving political consensus, at least on the left, has relegated carbon pricing to second-tier status, while measures involving more targeted government intervention have gained prominence.

Adding a tax to the price of carbon-based fuels to capture their real cost to society has long enjoyed broad appeal. Taxing pollution produced by the fossil fuel industry resonates with progressives, and, as a broad-based market mechanism, it also finds favor with conservative economists.

(discussion of attempts to implement one)

The Democrats have now moved on.

Presidential candidate Jay Inslee, who as governor battled doggedly but unsuccessfully for a carbon fee in the state of Washington, has shifted his attention to other climate policies.

A recent draft of the 2020 Democratic Party Platform is silent on carbon pricing. This omission is undoubtedly intentional because it was included in the 2016 platform — it called for greenhouse gases to “be priced to reflect their negative externalities.”

The Green New Deal, an evolving progressive policy framework introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, is likewise agnostic on carbon pricing.

I wonder why?

First of all, taxes aren’t popular. In France, a fuel tax increase in 2018 set off the gilets jaunes protests, not because people were ignorant of climate risks, but because they lacked practical transportation options, and they felt the tax was punitive.

In theory, the taxes aren’t supposed to hurt the middle and lower classes. In practice, the only group who isn’t harmed is The Rich. Oh, and the Political Aristocracy who ignores all the mandates and such.

Furthermore, to achieve meaningful emissions reductions, carbon pricing has to ramp up rapidly. When asked about why he has cooled off on carbon pricing, Jay Inslee said, “To actually get carbon savings, you need to jack up the price so high that it becomes politically untenable.”

The hell you say!

The transition to the carbon-free economy will require systemic transformation — a reconciliation of our social and ecological realities with the entrenched infrastructure of the capitalist economy. It’s a far bigger job than what carbon pricing could be expected to achieve.

They never want to say what that systemic transformation involves, eh?

Read: Bummer: Carbon Taxes Are Not So Popular Anymore »

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution hanging in the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on voting Trump if you want government accountability.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Democrat Voters Might Stay Home On Election Day

That would be a real shame, eh?

Why Democratic voters might stay home on Election Day

Alarm is growing in Democratic circles that the massively unpopular President Trump might connive to keep himself in office past January even if he is voted out. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, has warned repeatedly that Trump will steal the election. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the president “plans to install himself in some kind of emergency way to continue to hold onto office.” Publications including The Atlantic and The Washington Post have carried stories speculating that Trump will usurp the election or reject its results. Trump himself fed the speculation last week by suggesting the election be delayed — a notion quickly squashed by Republican officeholders across the spectrum.

These warnings are rooted in Trump’s clear disregard for American democracy, or any rule that keeps him from getting what he wants. But what if all this doomsaying scares Biden’s voters away from the polls? Rick Henderson, editor-in-chief of Carolina Journal — and a friend of mine — raised the question Sunday: “‘Responsible’ people on both sides seeding doubt about the legitimacy of the election (and possible transfer of power) is nuts,” he wrote on Twitter. “If no one trusts the election to be fair, why would anyone want to vote and play a sucker’s game?”

Democrats have been worried that their voters won’t make it to the polls this fall, but those concerns are mostly rooted in a fear of overconfidence within the party, and GOP voter-suppression efforts. There hasn’t been much concern — publicly, at least — that voters will conclude American democracy is already dead and thus it’s not worth the effort of casting a ballot.

There’s lots more fear-mongering in the article, but, what this is really all about is setting the stage for when Biden loses, claiming that the election was fraudulent. They claimed it was Russia Russia Russia for the 2016 election, and could never prove it. They need Reasons as to why the hardcore Modern Socialist agenda is not really that popular across the country.

Really, though, you can see lots of non-crazy Democrats, the ones who aren’t the far left nuts, along with Independents who lean Democrat not bothering to vote this time. Lots of them. They’ll see the issues with Joe Biden, such as his mental deterioration and hard Progressive turn, and just stay home. Meaning that the down ballot votes will not go their way. They compare the Dem candidates agenda to Trump, and see people who want Crazy vs a guy who seems to be a jerk personally but gets things done in office. And understand that all politicians are jerks, most just hide it better. These people may not vote Trump, but, they won’t vote Dem, either. They’ll stay home.

There is already some reason to be concerned about Democratic turnout this year. Recent polls suggest that, when it comes to voter enthusiasm, Biden lags Trump in key battleground states. That could mean Democrats are less likely to vote in November. Or it could mean very little. Democratic voters may have to hold their noses at the ballot box, but they’ll still cast a vote for Biden. As CBS News’ Kabir Khanna observed, “an unenthusiastic vote … counts just the same as an enthusiastic one.” Indeed, it seems a fair number of likely Biden voters are settling for him not because they love him or his potential policies, but because they see him as a “safe” candidate in a time of great peril.

Who can get enthused by Biden? Will he continue to hide till election day? Will he debate? If all he gets is Hillary’s 2016 states, he loses. Is anything he’s doing expanding the votes to flip the Trump 2016 states?

Read: Bummer: Democrat Voters Might Stay Home On Election Day »

Cult of Climastroloy Looks To Ban Ads For SUVs In U.K.

Remember, this bit of Progressivism (nice Fascism) is for your own good, and I can totally understand why the CoC gets upset when we call them things like Fascists, Marxists, and Authoritarians

Climate crisis: ‘Ban ads for polluting SUVs’ campaign urges, highlighting damaging trend for ever larger vehicles

Advertising the most polluting cars on the roads – predominantly large Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) – should be immediately banned, according to a new campaign highlighting the growing damage done by the trend for ever larger private vehicles on British roads.

The rapidly increasing sales of bigger and more polluting SUVs around the world is jeopardising climate goals, a report by thinktank The New Weather Institute and climate charity Possible claims.

The authors say car brands appear to be “disproportionately promoting larger, more polluting SUVs due to higher profit margins on these vehicles”.

SUVs now make up more than four in 10 new cars sold in the UK – while fully electric vehicles account for fewer than two in 100.

They aren’t advertising them more for greater profits, they’re advertising them more because that’s what people are more interested in. If that’s the demand, that’s what you push the most. And, really, SUVs do not tend to carry more profit than sedans. A CRV or RAV4 holds about the same as an Accord or Camry. And, really, almost no one gives a rat’s pattootie about fully electric vehicles. I bet most, if not all, of the people complaining about the SUV advertising are not driving FEVs themselves. And many drive SUVs. Or a mini-van. The bulk of the SUVs sold will be ones with 4 cylinder engines. People are buying compact (like RAV4, CRV, Escape) and subcompact (such as HRV, CH-R, Kona) instead of mid-size and compact sedans (mid is size of compact SUV, compact sedan size of subcompact SUV).

Andrew Simms, co-director of the New Weather Institute, said: “We ended tobacco advertising when we understood the threat from smoking to public health. Now that we know the human health and climate damage done by car pollution, it’s time to stop adverts making the problem worse.

“In a pandemic-prone world people need clean air and more space on town and city streets.” (snip)

The campaign calls on the secretary of state for Culture, Media and Sport, Oliver Dowden, to introduce new legislation to outlaw advertising for the ‘dirtiest third’ of new cars sold in the UK, as well as advertising for any cars which are too large for a standard UK parking space.

Nope, nothing Fascist there. I might take their beliefs more serious if Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fueled vehicles.

Read: Cult of Climastroloy Looks To Ban Ads For SUVs In U.K. »

Louisville Cubans Rally Around Business Owner Threatened By BLM

They’re referring to the actions of BLM as “mafia like”. That would make them illegal. This was plainly extortion

Cuban business owner in Louisville decries BLM protesters’ demands as ‘mafia tactics’

Fernando Martinez, a business owner in downtown Louisville, took part in a protest Sunday with fellow members of the Cuban community and expressed solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters after he called their recent demands in the city “mafia tactics.”

The Louisville Courier-Journal reported that business owners in the area received letters from protesters that included a list of demands to improve diversity in the community and in the workplace. The paper cited a press release that said the letter was delivered by protesters who told Martinez to put it on his front door so “your business is not f***ed with.”

The paper reported that Martinez, who is a partner of the Ole Restaurant Group and came to the U.S. on a raft at 18, was not the only business owner who received the letter and he took to Facebook to write, “There comes a time in life that you have to make a stand and you have to really prove your convictions and what you believe in. All good people need to denounce this. How can you justified (sic) injustice with more injustice?”

The paper reported that some of the demands laid out in the letter included a minimum of 23 percent of the staff being Black and buying at least 23 percent of their goods from Black-owned retailers, to name a few.

The letter further demanded that the employees receive diversity training and display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement. Martinez is himself black. That Louisville Courier-Journal link reports

Phelix Crittenden, an activist who works with Black Lives Matter Louisville, said the demands and related “NuLu social justice health and wellness ratings” were not meant to be a threat but were instead intended to start a conversation with owners about how their businesses can better reflect and support Black people.

Right, right, not a threat, just a conversation. And it would be a real shame if something happened without the conversation, right? The letter was distributed on July 24th, and

The restaurant remained closed the next two days because “management and staff were concerned about safety,” according to the release. “30+ staff members (mostly immigrants) were unable to earn a paycheck.”

Nice people in BLM, eh?

At the root of the protesters’ demands is the request that business owners acknowledge the harm brought on Black residents when they were displaced from NuLu and the adjoining Phoenix Hill neighborhood during the demolition of the Clarksdale housing project in the early 2000s.

Something which Martinez and the other business owners had nothing to do with. And was a place of drugs and violence, which did not fit in with the economic expansion of Louisville.

Read: Louisville Cubans Rally Around Business Owner Threatened By BLM »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Democratic privilege in funerals.

It’s cleaning out the folder week.

Double shot, since I uploaded the above before realizing it was small. Check out MOTUS AD, with a post on running monkeys.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers are kicking butt. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Pacific Pundit discusses rumors of Handsy Joe picking Michelle Obama as a running mate
  2. Power Line covers Germans marching against lockdown
  3. The First Street Journal notes that being Woke means never having to think things through
  4. The Other McCain covers “implied meanings”
  5. The People’s Cube notes that a picture is worth a thousand Kulturmarxists
  6. The Political Hat covers woke medicine being necessary in Michigan
  7. The Right Scoop notes that your local zoo isn’t the only place with wild animals
  8. This ain’t Hell… discusses Trump being able to keep building the wall
  9. Virtual Mirage features secular Sharia
  10. Weasel Zippers covers Seattle’s proposal to replace the police
  11. Climate Change Dispatch notes the EPA prioritizing Superfund cleanup over ‘climate change’
  12. Green Jihad thinks Patreon will be the latest casualty of the culture war
  13. Watts Up With That? features Warmists saying delay is the new denial
  14. Blazing Cat Fur covers the #WEscandal up in Canada
  15. And last, but not least, Brass Pills notes the Wokefish dating trend

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Tulsa To Remove BLM Street Graffiti After Request To Paint Pro-Police Slogan In Street

Remember how Redwood, California decided to remove their BLM slogan after a request to paint a MAGA one? Now we get

A Black Lives Matter mural is set to be removed in Tulsa after the city received a request for a pro-police painting

Tulsa, Oklahoma city council set to remove Black Lives Matter street mural after failing to receive city permission.

The Black Lives Matter mural in Tulsa was painted in the Greenwood District, known as Black Wall Street, by local artists to commemorate Juneteenth, the anniversary of Texas freeing slaves in 1865. Black Lives Matter paintings have appeared in major cities across the country after the death of George Floyd.

According to Tulsa World, chairman of the Tulsa County Republican Party, Bob Jack, sent a request to the city councilor and mayor about the process to create a pro-police “Back the Blue” mural in solidarity of the city’s police department.

In a city council meeting on Wednesday, officials gathered to discuss granting license agreements to permit street paintings and the Black Lives Matter mural was on the agenda, according to Tulsa World.

The artist and organizer of the mural, Ryan Rhoades, along with volunteers didn’t receive approval from the city to execute the painting on the street.

So, they never received permission to paint it from the get go, yet the city did nothing about it?

Tulsa City attorney David O’Meilia said during the council meeting that “paintings for city streets are only allowed for safety reasons” and “allowing one group to paint messages on the street means everyone would be able to do so,” KJRH-TV reported.

According to CNN, during the meeting Councilor Connie Dodson referred to regulations from the Federal Highway Administration regarding street paintings, saying they should not be allowed “for safety reasons, federal guideline reasons and city liability reasons” and “that those First Amendment freedoms get expressed another way.”

It’s been up for around a month and a half, being painted on June 18th. But, now that there’s been an official request to put up the Back The Blue one, suddenly the city is going to remove the BLM one? Huh. Why don’t they want both? What would the city do if the BTB group simply went and painted it? According to CNN

During the council’s meeting on Wednesday, Senior Assistant City Attorney Mark Swiney argued such signs are not legal under the city’s laws.

“There really isn’t anything in our laws that makes a street into a canvas to convey a message or essentially make a sign out of a street surface,” Swiney said.

He suggested that if a group wanted to paint a message or a slogan, they should do so on private property.

So now they want this only on private property? Again, huh. Even the Washington Post noted the hypocrisy and Excuse-Making

Tulsa allowed a Black Lives Matter message to remain — until a pro-police group asked for its own street painting

Councilor Connie Dodson insisted that the decision was not tied to the Black Lives Matter message of the Greenwood Avenue mural — but rather said that if it was allowed to stand, other murals, like the pro-police message, would also have to be allowed.

“I applaud it,” she said in Wednesday’s meeting. “It’s great. But at the same point, it comes down to: Yes, if you allow one, then you have to allow all of them.”

One has to wonder what would have happened if a group started painting “Defund The Police” in the street. Would they have allowed it?

Read: Tulsa To Remove BLM Street Graffiti After Request To Paint Pro-Police Slogan In Street »

Massachusetts House Approves Climate Change Bill Or Something

They’re confusing ‘climate change’ with the environment

Mass. House Approves Major Climate Action Bill

The Mass. State House on Friday night approved a climate change bill that addresses a 2050 emissions reduction roadmap, solar energy net metering, grid modernization and workforce development, setting up likely talks with the Senate on a compromise bill.

The 142-17 vote to pass the bill came just before 9:30 p.m. and following deliberations on amendments over two days.

The House agreed to East Boston Rep. Adrian Madaro’s proposal that would mandate environmental impact reports for any project that is likely to cause damage to the environment and is located within one mile of an environmental justice population.

A neighborhood must meet at least one of five requirements to be considered an environmental justice population, such as having an annual median household income less than 65% of the state average, 25% or more households lack English language proficiency, or minorities comprise 25% or more of the population.

Perhaps they should spend less time worrying about Hotcoldwetdry and more on helping them with real environmental issues.

Anyhow, not many news outlets are even discussing this. You can see the bill itself in the link in the excerpt, which discusses “Market-based compliance mechanism”, which means a tax scheme. It limits GHG limits (but exempts the Mass. government operations). It allows the bureaucracy to simply make up whatever rules the want however they want whenever the want without input from the People or the elected lawmakers.

A commission will be created, which can call forth hearings and inquiries whenever they want for whatever they want.

Property owners and tenants will have to make huge, costly upgrades to properties. Smart meters will be required for all residential and non-residential buildings, giving Government more control of people’s power usage.

Those are just a few tidbits.

Also in Mass

Group to look at reducing greenhouse gas emissions on Cape Cod

Cape Cod climate change advocates are cautiously optimistic that the Cape Cod Commission will find ways to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions over the next six months.

In a unanimous vote by the full commission last week, the regional land use, planning and environmental agency responded to a citizen petition by forming a subcommittee that included various stakeholders and staff to develop a climate action plan and amendments to accomplish those goals.

Here’s an idea: ban visitors from coming to Cape Cod in fossil fueled vehicles. That would work, right? It’s not like Cape Cod depends on tourism from fossil fueled travel, right?

Read: Massachusetts House Approves Climate Change Bill Or Something »

Pirate's Cove