If All You See…

…is horrible summer heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on grammar being deemed racist by Rutgers.

Read: If All You See… »

Bed And Breakfast Removes Norwegian Flag After Accusations It Was Confederacy

Welcome to 2020

From the article

Bed and breakfast Nordic Pineapple in Saint Johns has removed their Norwegian flag after dozens of people confuse it for the Confederate flag.

Greg and Kjersten Offbecker moved into the historic mansion two years ago and turned it into a bed and breakfast. As decoration, they hung a Norwegian flag next to the American flag at the front entrance of the inn, but dozens of guests and people driving by have accused the couple of flying a Confederate flag.

“They are the same color, but there are no stars on the Norwegian flag, and the Confederate flag is a big ‘x’ and the Norwegian flag is part of the Nordic countries, they’re all crosses,” Offbecker said.

Last week, the couple decided to remove the flag as they were updating their marketing materials.

Offbecker said she was trying to represent her heritage, but it’s not worth the frustration. She said they have received cruel emails and phone calls over the confusion of the flag.

“What we’re getting is so much more negative now,” she said. “It’s not just, ‘hey you’re flying the Confederate flag.’ It’s, ‘you should be ashamed to fly the Confederate flag. You’re a bigot because you fly the Confederate flag.‘”

Some people are even convinced the home was built by Confederate leaders. In fact, it was built by union workers for the daughter of the Saint Johns founder.

Normally, I might wonder if they just made this kind of stuff up to get some free press for their business, like so many things are made up these days, but, you can really see this kind of thing happening during this era, right?

Read: Bed And Breakfast Removes Norwegian Flag After Accusations It Was Confederacy »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Increase African Yellow Fever Deaths By 25%

We could fix this with a tax, redistributing money from the 1st World, and restricting the type of power that Africans can use

Climate change could ‘increase yellow fever deaths in Africa by up to 25% by 2050’

An estimated 25% increase in deaths from yellow fever could be seen in Africa by 2050 due to climate change.

That’s according to a new study by the Imperial College London and the World Health Organisation (WHO), which forecasts some East African countries, including Ethiopia and Somalia, will face an increase because of the changing temperature and the frequent occurrence of rainfalls.

The scientific team modelled changes in temperature and rainfall across African countries under four climate change scenarios, with the best-case involving carbon dioxide emissions peaking by the 2030s and decreasing thereafter.

The worst case of the analysis was based on the hypothesis that carbon emissions will be steadily increasing throughout the century.

The modelling demonstrated by 2050 deaths could increase by around 11% for the best-case scenario and up to 25% for the worst-case scenario.

Modelling! Doom! Here’s what the World Health Organization has to say about Yellow Fever in their key facts

  • Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The “yellow” in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients.
  • Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.
  • A small proportion of patients who contract the virus develop severe symptoms and approximately half of those die within 7 to 10 days.
  • The virus is endemic in tropical areas of Africa and Central and South America.
  • 27 countries are at highest risk for yellow fever epidemics in Africa. (that’s half the nations in the continent)
  • The burden of yellow fever in Africa is estimated at 84,000–170,000 severe cases and 29,000–60,000 deaths annually.
  • In 2016, during the two-linked urban yellow fever outbreaks – in Angola and DRC – 965 cases were confirmed and around 400 people died. The epidemic created an urgent need for more than 28 million doses of yellow fever vaccines total, which exhausted the existing global vaccine supply. It also diverted public health authorities from tackling other public health issues with an impact on health systems. Additionally, 11 cases were exported to China.
  • Since the launch of the Yellow Fever Initiative in 2006, significant progress in combatting the disease has been made in West Africa and more than 105 million people have been vaccinated in mass campaigns. No outbreaks of yellow fever were reported in West Africa during 2015.
  • Large epidemics of yellow fever occur when infected people introduce the virus into heavily populated areas with high mosquito density and where most people have little or no immunity, due to lack of vaccination. In these conditions, infected mosquitoes transmit the virus from person to person.
  • Yellow fever is prevented by an extremely effective vaccine, which is safe and affordable. A single dose of yellow fever vaccine is sufficient to confer sustained immunity and life-long protection against yellow fever disease and a booster dose of the vaccine is not needed. The vaccine provides effective immunity within 30 days for 99% of persons vaccinated.

So, the study is stating that because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle and eat burgers, there could be as many as 36,000-75,000 deaths per year, an extra 7,000-15,000. Perhaps instead of playing these games the Cult of Climastrology could invest in the vaccine for the estimated 440 million (overall for Africa and Central and South America) over the next 10 years. Because it has been warmer in Africa during previous Holocene warm periods than it is today. But, climate cultists have to scaremonger.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Increase African Yellow Fever Deaths By 25% »

Next Up For Bat Soup Virus: Eye Protection

See, here was my bet for the next thing that would be recommended then become a mandate

Here’s where Dr. Fauci is going

(Fox News) Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, this week said wearing goggles or an eye shield in addition to a face mask would provide more complete protection against the coronavirus, according to a report.

“Theoretically you should protect all of the mucosal surfaces [eyes, nose, mouth], so if you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” he said in an interview with ABC News on Instagram Wednesday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already recommends wearing a face mask that covers the nose and mouth in public but the virus can also enter through the eyes.

Fauci recommended goggles in addition to a face mask for those who want “perfect protection” from the COVID-19 but admitted it’s not “universally recommended.”

He added one of the reasons eyewear hasn’t been recommended yet is “it’s so easy for people to just make a cloth mask.”

“Yet.” Will this happen? Time will tell. Remember, there was a time when the CDC said that only those who were sick should wear face masks. CDC guidance wasn’t changed on masks till May 30th for everyone to wear them. It’s always dangerous when people like Fauci start “just wondering.


Read: Next Up For Bat Soup Virus: Eye Protection »

UN Wants Youths To Advise Them On Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Hey, remember when we were only supposed to listen to people with degrees in climate science?

UN calls on youth activists to advise on climate crisis and Covid-19 recovery

Youth climate activists are to advise the UN secretary general on the climate emergency as part of a new effort to bring young people into decision-making and planning on the crisis.

Seven young people, aged between 18 and 28, will take on roles to “provide perspectives, ideas and solutions” to the secretary general, António Guterres, aimed at helping to scale up global climate action in the recovery from the coronavirus crisis and ahead of a crunch summit next year on the climate.

Guterres said: “We need urgent action now, to recover better from Covid-19, to confront injustice and inequality, and address climate disruption. We have seen young people on the front lines of climate action, showing us what bold leadership looks like.”

The new advisory group includes: a young woman from Sudan, Nisreen Elsaim, who is already a junior negotiator at intergovernmental climate forums; an economist, Vladislav Kaim from Moldova; Paloma Costa, a lawyer and human rights defender from Brazil; and from India, Archana Soreng, who works on the traditional knowledge and cultural practices of indigenous people.

They will provide quarterly updates to Guterres, beginning next month, with a particular emphasis on how the global economic recovery from Covid-19 can be aligned with the drastic cuts needed to greenhouse gas emissions.

“We want to ensure the voices of young people are heard not only on the streets, but in the conference chambers,” said Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN secretary general’s envoy on youth. “The reality is that young people today will live with the repercussions [of climate breakdown]. We want to look at the lessons learned from Madrid. This is their future we are talking about.”


Read: UN Wants Youths To Advise Them On Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the restaurant holocaust.

Read: If All You See… »

Governors Upset Large Gatherings Fueling Rising COVID Cases (but not protests)

You see, Bat Soup Virus apparently doesn’t attack anyone involved in a protest or riot

Rising Covid-19 cases are fueled by gatherings but some Americans won’t stop

With the coronavirus running rampant within American communities, health officials have made clear it’s not yet time to ease up on precautions.

Instead, governors and experts from coast to coast have urged Americans to keep face masks in indoor public spaces, maintain their distance from others and avoid crowded spaces.

That’s as infections nationwide have climbed past 4.3 million and at least 149,258 have lost their lives — and some experts say the coming months could mean thousands of more deaths.

During a stop in Kentucky over the weekend, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx urged states who are seeing a concerning increase in cases to downsize their gatherings to less than 10 people, adding many of the young people who are spreading the virus are asymptomatic.

But protests are fine

In Jackson, New Jersey, it took police more than five hours Sunday to break up a house party with about 700 guests. The home was being rented out through Airbnb, police said.

“Come on folks! Come on,” Gov. Phil Murphy, said during a news conference Monday. “That’s needlessly putting men and women in uniform and their families at risk.”

Well, yes, agreed, because the party was loud, raucous, and caused lots of issues for the residents of the community. But, if they called themselves a protest would it have been OK?

In New York, authorities are investigating a drive-in concert at the Hamptons after footage appeared to show large groups of people not following social distancing guidelines.

The “Safe & Sound” benefit concert took place in Southampton Saturday, according to Jack Sterne, a spokesman for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. It was headlined by The Chainsmokers and an event page said it would allow about 600 vehicles.

Cuomo posted a video on Twitter Monday, saying there were “egregious social distancing violations.”

Yet, Cuomo has nary a word for those “protesting” in NYC and other NY cities.

In Michigan, health officials traced at least 43 cases of the virus back to a large house party in Washtenaw County, Michigan, earlier this month. (snip)

And in Minnesota, despite restrictions on gatherings, thousands of peopleb– many without masks — attended a rodeo last week in protest after officials attempted to limit spectators.

It’s just so strange that CNN failed to mention any of the BLM protests or Antifa riots.

Read: Governors Upset Large Gatherings Fueling Rising COVID Cases (but not protests) »

The Climate Crisis (scam) Will Make Systemic Racism Worse Or Something

The Cult of Climastrology has really ramped up their use of black people as props as of late, eh? They’ve always treated blacks and other “minorities” as unable to protect or take care of themselves, but, hey, that’s what Progressives do

The climate crisis will make systemic racism worse, new research confirms

climate change joke

Extreme heat is not only a public health issue — it’s a racial justice issue, too. Now, new research suggests that the mounting climate crisis will only widen racial disparities. The findings lay bare generations of discriminatory housing policies and other forms of systemic racism that cause Black and brown communities to be highly exposed to deadly heat.

Climate scientists anticipate that heatwaves will grow more widespread, severe, and prolonged without sufficient intervention, worsening existing racial injustice, per The Guardian. According to data from the Union of Concerned Scientists disclosed exclusively to the outlet, U.S. counties consisting of fewer than 25% Black residents experienced an average of seven days per year of above-100°F temperatures between 1971 and 2000, while those with more than 25% Black residents had 18, more than twice as many. And if we fail to reach Paris climate accord goals by 2050, U.S. counties with smaller Black populations will have 36 extremely hot days annually on average, while those with larger Black populations will have 72.

The climate crisis has disproportionately harmed Latinx communities, too, according to The Guardian. U.S. counties consisting of more than 25% Latinx residents have typically experienced 13 extremely hot days a year, which could jump to 49 by 2050 if we don’t curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Um, what? Everyone else in those counties will have the same. And Latinos hate the term Latinx, which is essentially a word made up by white Progressives.

These disparities exist because of a practice that dates back to the 1930s known as redlining, which deemed communities of color “hazardous,” The Guardian explains. Redlining denied these neighborhoods essential services like healthcare, parks, and banking, while building chemical plants and other projects in them that harm the environment and human health.

With this history in mind, the emergence of heat islands in these neighborhoods — created by structures like buildings and parking lots that trap heat, as well as sparse greenery — comes as no surprise. The Guardian cited a study of 108 U.S. cities that found that redlined neighborhoods are up to 12.6 °F hotter than in non-redlined neighborhoods in the same city. Portland and Denver showed the widest temperature gaps between redlined and non-redlined neighborhoods. In Minneapolis, where police killed George Floyd, once-redlined neighborhoods are nearly 11°F hotter.

It’s interesting that most of these redlined neighborhoods are in areas run by Democrats, and Democrats work hard to keep the “low income” areas like that.

These neighborhoods often lack access to air conditioning, bus fare, and other resources that could alleviate the potentially deadly effects of extreme heat, The Guardian reports. What’s more, members of these communities have a higher risk of diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions that might make them more susceptible to heat-related illnesses.

It’s remarkable that no one ever seems to slam Warmists for thinking that blacks and Latinos are too dumb and/or incompetent to earn a living to be able to afford AC and bus fare.

In other words, racial injustice is no accident. Policymaking that forces communities of color to withstand extreme heat, among other environmental hazards — with few, if any, sources of relief — is just one way of perpetuating it.

Who runs these cities?

Read: The Climate Crisis (scam) Will Make Systemic Racism Worse Or Something »

Over 100 Police Departments Decide They Will No Longer Help Secure Democrat Convention

Whomever the Democrats get to replace these police officers should be required to be unarmed, since Democrats are anti-2nd Amendment, and want to use the notion of “gun violence” to disarm average Americans in their draft 2020 platfrom

From the article

More than 100 law enforcement agencies have reportedly pulled out of security agreements to send personnel to help with security at the Democratic National Convention next month in part because they are concerned about recent efforts to limit law enforcement’s use of tear gas and pepper spray in responding to violent riots.

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales was ordered last month to change the department’s policies to ban the use of tear gas and pepper spray.

“Since the Milwaukee order was issued, more than 100 law enforcement agencies in Wisconsin and across the country decided against coming to Milwaukee, Morales told WTMJ-TV on Tuesday,” the Associated Press reported. “They were concerned with directives placed on the police department, including not allowing tear gas or pepper spray, he said.”

In Wisconsin, Franklin Police Chief Rick Oliva said, “It is apparent there is a lack of commitment to provide the Milwaukee Police Department with the resources it needs to ensure the safety of peaceful protesters, attendees, citizens and police personnel. I can not send personnel if they are not properly equipped or will not be allowed to engage in appropriate actions which would ensure their safety.”

What do Democrats expect police officers to do, use harsh language?

Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson responded by indicating that his department would not be sending officers to event, saying, “I understand that use of chemical irritants and pepper spray is serious and those are to be used only when legally justified. But when you take that out of the continuum that doesn’t leave the officers much other than getting harmed or using deadly force and that’s not good for any officer or the public.”

And, you know there will be plenty of violent Democratic Party voting “protesters” on hand, just like these same unhinged Democrats will be at the RNC. Why would police want to put themselves in harms way with little recourse to protect themselves? Especially when there will be plenty of rants during the DNC against police officers, calls to defund them, calls to prosecute them, and calls to remove legal protections. Their draft platform (page 32) has the federal government essentially controlling local law enforcement. And make it damned impossible to do their jobs. And restrict use of deadly force to make it almost impossible for officers to protect themselves.

It’ll be interesting to see how many police officers actually work the event in total.

Read: Over 100 Police Departments Decide They Will No Longer Help Secure Democrat Convention »

National Carbon Tax Legislation Could Prevent Catastrophe Worse Than Bat Soup Virus Or Something

The weird thing here is that Warmists never seem to want to use their own money, always Other People’s money

Commentary: Climate change bill would prevent catastrophe worse than the pandemic

We have attempted to patch up this and that, unemployment being one of the issues. Stimulus payments helped a bit, for a bit. But like the case rate and death rate from the disease, unemployment is still on the rise. But consider the relationship — the possibility of lessening unemployment and arresting climate change at the same time. There is not only a connection, there’s hope. And hope is in desperately short supply.

The source of this hope is legislation pending in Congress. It’s HR 763, formally known as the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. If it is enacted without delay as a national priority, it could have far-reaching positive effects. These could be felt before a lab-proven vaccine is ready.

There’s the old dividend garbage again

Describing the features of this bill should convince everyone of its benefits. First of all, it seeks — expects — support from Democrats and Republicans alike. Driving down the country’s carbon footprint by 40% and replacing it with climate-saving technology and ingenuity in the first 12 years of its life is one of its benefits. By its design, the act will improve people’s health and save lives. Atmospheric pollution has its own large claim on lives beyond what the pandemic is doing.

When Government starts yammering about this stuff, you know they’re full of mule fritters and this is really about power

Flying directly in the face of the job-and-business killing pandemic, the act will be good for the economy and is projected to create 2.1 million jobs that will usher in a new green, clean energy economy and way of life.

Remember all the money spent on the Stimulus? What happened to those green jobs and clean energy? As for “way of life”, when far left climate cultists bring that up it should give great pause, since, for one thing, they refuse to live that life themselves right now. And will refuse to discuss what they actually mean

It has another important economic provision: It provides a monthly dividend, putting money directly into people’s pockets to spend as they see fit. It will especially help low- and middle-income Americans, including those who are presently unemployed.

Right. The government is going to give you back money to cover up the massive cost of living increase that will occur, along with much higher unemployment. And makes people, get this, more dependent on government.

Where do all these funds come from? From companies that deal in fossil fuels that have made them rich by selling these finite natural resources that have ended up as carbon dioxide, methane, oxides of nitrogen and other greenhouse gasses that are causing global warming. We can call these funds “carbon fees.”

Yet, Warmists refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. Remember, the vast majority of people refuse to pay more than $10 extra a month for energy. Another study says people won’t pay more than $1 a month. People will pay way more than that, and the “dividend” is only designed to pay out some of that increase. Think government won’t slowly decrease the dividend, keeping more for other things?

But, hey, if Democrats want to run on this, go for it. ‘Climate change’ is a theoretical issue: people may care a lot in theory, but, in practice? Not so much. Hence why it always ranks low when compared with real issues. And most who run on ‘climate change’ lose.

Read: National Carbon Tax Legislation Could Prevent Catastrophe Worse Than Bat Soup Virus Or Something »

Pirate's Cove