If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise up and destroy all the coastal cities, you mjust might be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post wondering how political is the coronavirus.

Read: If All You See… »

Former Obama Official Says We Could Stop COVID Easy Peasy With Just A Few Steps

All we have to do is lock everyone down

US could ‘virtually eliminate’ coronavirus if ‘we decide to’, top Obama administration health official says

A top Obama administration health official has said the United States could “virtually eliminate” the coronavirus “any time we decide to” if the country were to take universal steps in controlling the virus.

Andy Slavitt, the former acting administrator of the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Barack Obama, shared a 38-tweet thread about what the country could be doing during the pandemic. (snip)

A six-step “kitchen sink” plan was recommended by the health official. If the US implemented the six steps immediately, Mr Slavitt said it could be “with the goal of being open for business in October – meaning schools, in person voting, sports, everything”.

The plan would involve a 90 per cent lockdown instead of a 50 per cent lockdown, which is what the country implemented in March into April. It was only 50 per cent lockdown because not all states shut down and there were still a lot of essential employees going to work that would instead stay home.

Huh. Remember when People In Charge said the lockdowns before would stop it? Perhaps Andy could explain who provides food? Who provides healthcare? Yes, he recommends that health professionals stay home.

For how long? At least 2-3 weeks. Or is it 8 weeks?

By the end of the eight weeks, Mr Slavitt said the US would not be at zero cases, but instead there would be “embers” of the virus left behind. These “embers”, though, would be controllable by health officials in every area, as they would be able to quickly test, isolate, and trace the virus in each individual impacted.

You also see 4-6 above

Remember when they said masks were only for those who were sick, and the CDC didn’t update their guidance till May 30th? Most bars are still closed, most restaurants and churches had been closed. A lot of restaurants have never re-opened, and never will.

And then Government will have to step in to supply all the money to survive, because people are broke. But, hey, y’all have no problem being locked down at home for 3-8 weeks without having been convicted of a crime, right?

Read: Former Obama Official Says We Could Stop COVID Easy Peasy With Just A Few Steps »

HotCold Take: The US Withdrawing From The Paris Climate Agreement Is Raaaaacist

Does this kind of thing play to anyone beyond the hardcore Cult of Climastrology membership? Is there anyone who’s not one and goes “hey, you’re right”?

The US withdrawal from the Paris climate accord is a racist act
The Paris agreement threw a lifeline to millions of people of color facing a premature death. Trump is tearing that away

The subhead kinda says it all for the unhinged tool uber-crazy part, right?

It’s official – in 100 days the United States will formally withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. The impact of Donald Trump’s decision, taken three years ago, is already being felt by environmental justice communities.

Racism is the driving force behind why certain people and places face disproportionate environmental exposure to toxic substances, adverse climate change effects, Covid-19 infections and deaths. This raises the question: was withdrawing from the Paris agreement also a racist decision? How will this morally incomprehensible policy change affect Black, Latinx, Indigenous and other communities of color?

It’s weird that People Of Color face these things mostly in Leftist run cities, eh? And, BTW, most Latinos despise being called Latinx, a word that uber-white Modern Socialists (UWMS) came up with. This also goes to uber-White Modern Socialists thinking that these … would it be too much to say at least a billion?…POC world wide cannot survive without the helpful hand of UBMS.

After the US withdrawal was announced, I participated on a group call to identify spokespeople knowledgable on the economic consequences of the US withdrawal. No one mentioned the impact on people, particularly people of color. I pointed out this oversight again on the call with the reporter but quickly realized they weren’t interested.

What impact? The US never really did anything after Obama signed the document, which was designed to skip the duly elected Legislative Branch. Why don’t the other nations step up and do more? Oh, right, they’re barely doing anything now, with the vast majority failing to hit their won targets

The bad news is that current pledges aren’t enough to reduce emissions in line with the goals of the Paris agreement.

And their targets aren’t strong enough in the first place, according to climate cultists.

So, ask yourself: if the first group of people in the US to truly benefit from efforts to decrease global warming emissions by participating in the Paris agreement are people of color, what else can we call this but environmental racism and willful neglect?

Read: HotCold Take: The US Withdrawing From The Paris Climate Agreement Is Raaaaacist »

Coronavirus Is Turning Millennials Socialist Or Something

See, it’s the pandemic, not the American school system and Democratic voting parents

From the article

Everything about SARS-CoV-2 seems unfair. It afflicts the poor worse than the rich, and Blacks more than Whites. It also disrupts — and potentially derails — the lives of people in some generations more than others. There’s social and political dynamite in this inequity. One likely effect is to make several developed countries swerve left politically, toward some bowdlerized form of “socialism.”

The generational effects of Covid-19 may seem counterintuitive. Medically, the virus is most life-threatening to the so-called “silent generation” of people in their late 70s, 80s or 90s. But economically, the coronavirus has left these lives relatively unscathed. Their careers have been had, their retirement savings — if they had any — had already been turned into annuities. The Silents as a group are not the pandemic’s biggest economic losers.

(a couple paragraphs on Boomers and Generation X doing OK)

Studies show that even a decade after the crash, all but the most educated Millennials were earning and saving less than Xers or Boomers did at the same age. Lower entry-level salaries can have consequences (“wage scars”) that last an entire life time. This precarious outlook is probably one reason why Millennials had already been delaying marriage and children longer than preceding generations did, and are more likely to still be living with (gasp) their parents.

Yeah, well, maybe they shouldn’t have obtained degrees not worth that much on the market, while getting themselves into massive loan debt.

So Millennials have a right to be frustrated. But what makes many of them irate is watching the older generations milk the system at their expense, through what some economists call “Boomer socialism.”

Consider the generous but unsustainable public pensions going to Boomers in most developed countries, which are paid for largely by Millennials and Xers. In the U.S., there’s also health care that’s universal and public for the old (called Medicare) but often unavailable or unaffordable for the young. In many countries, the Boomers have also bid up house prices beyond the reach of Millennials, in part with tax breaks for mortgage interest that disproportionately benefit older taxpayers. Oh, and there’s the mountain of student-loan debt bearing down on many American Millennials.

Wait, so they’re upset over the systems that Democrats put in place, along with their own idiocy for their own loans? Huh.

This distress, coupled with the hypocrisy of Boomers who claim to oppose big government while enjoying it in so many ways, explains why Millennials have been trending left and even embracing the loaded word “socialism.” It’s these fed-up young voters who boosted the campaigns of lefty Boomer populists like Bernie Sanders in the U.S. and Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K.

Whether Millennials actually use the word “socialism” properly — as government ownership of the means of production — is moot. More likely, they simply want better public policy that addresses their specific problems. Even then, however, they often fall prey to political snake oil such as rent controls or wealth taxes.

True, text book Political Theory 101 Socialism wouldn’t be as bad as what they want, because personal freedom would be high with the government staying out of our lives on almost everything, and we’d have voting by citizens on almost everything, with elected officials almost unnecessary. Of course, that’s not what these Millennials want: they want Progressivism, otherwise known as Nice Fascism. They want government control of Other People’s money, Other People’s lives, and the ability to overturn any vote they don’t like on a whim.

The better path for policymakers across the West is to offer more pragmatic, but still sufficiently bold, alternatives. And as I’ve argued, this means reviving classical liberalism — not in the American sense of “left” but in the European sense of “freedom.”

Health care, for example, can be provided publicly, privately or in a mixed system like Germany’s; but it should always be universal. Pension reform is a no-brainer. So is tax simplification that cuts loopholes for Boomers, thus broadening the base without necessarily raising rates. And yes, we should keep studying the idea, still never properly tried, of a Universal Basic Income — not to expand, but to replace the welfare state.

So, give them Government? Classical Liberalism can easily be defined as “the government that governs least governs best”, meaning it only gets involved when it has to, with minimal interference in the Moral (individual lives), Political (minimal restrictions on who can vote, such as having to be 18 and an actual citizen), and Economic (very little interference in the economy). What Bloomberg is pushing is Socialism and punishing people for having had a good life, burdening senior citizens with heaving taxation. And, really, Millennials didn’t just start turning Modern Socialist.

Read: Coronavirus Is Turning Millennials Socialist Or Something »

Union County, NJ, Joins Call To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies

I’d like to see Union County survive without fossil fuels

Union County Joins Call for N.J. to Sue Polluters for Climate Change Damages

Union County leaders this week joined a growing number of elected officials, groups, and individuals across New Jersey calling on Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal to pursue legal action against fossil fuel companies to make them, rather than taxpayers, pay for the cost of damages caused by climate change.

The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders voted unanimously on July 23 to support a bipartisan resolution before the New Jersey Senate that urges state leaders to “take all appropriate legal action” against “the companies who knew their actions were contributing to climate change and its dangerous impacts, but continued to product, promote, market, and sell fossil fuels.” Atlantic County Freeholders passed a similar resolution in support of the measure earlier this month.

Senate Resolution 57 cites the oil and gas industry’s decades-long knowledge that their products posed a “catastrophic” threat to the climate. It outlines many of the costly damages that climate change is now causing to New Jersey’s residents, property, and infrastructure, through more intense superstorms, flooding, coastal erosion, heatwaves, and more. (snip)

Earlier this year, the borough councils of Sea Bright and Bradley Beach passed their own resolutions calling on the state to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for climate change costs.

None of them would survive without fossil fuels, especially Sea Bright and Bradley Beach, which are right there on the coast. How are vacationers to get to the beach? What about all the attractions, maintenance, food, and so forth? How is Union County to operate all their trucks and such? Same with New Jersey? Give it a shot, folks, try it. And, again, all the companies to be sued should refuse to sell their products to those suing them.


How Do I Teach My Kids About Climate Change?

The Hawaii Department of Education’s climate change curriculum is far-reaching — covering air pollution, insect disturbance and deforestation. But the pandemic has ushered in virtual school: stretching teachers thin and limiting options for student engagement.

“We’re going to have to push even more to really think about what we value the most during the face to face time that we have with students, because it will be very limited,” said Buffy Cushman-Patz, executive director of The School for Examining Essential Questions of Sustainability, a charter school in Honolulu.

Parents are worried that teachers might not be able to fully cover complicated subjects like climate change this school year, and a growing number of parents are considering homeschooling.

Hawaii would likewise not survive without fossil fuels, at least as a modern state. They have to bring in most products with fossil fueled ships and planes, and without fossil fuels their entire economy would collapse, as tourism would be done.

Read: Union County, NJ, Joins Call To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fuels pump, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on some humorous words on masks.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Mayor Blames “Gun Violence” On States With Fewer Restrictions

There’s no such thing as gun violence. Guns are inanimate objects which require a human to discharge them. Funny that this seems to happen primarily in areas run by Democrats

Chicago Mayor Blames Other States With ‘No Gun Control’ for City’s Increasing Violence

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has blamed her city’s worsening gun violence crisis on neighboring states with less regulation on guns, calling on President Donald Trump for support through firearms legislation and community investment—not the deployment of federal forces.

In an interview with CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning, Lightfoot called the president’s offer to “solve” Chicago’s soaring murder rate by sending in 50,000 to 75,000 federal personnel to the city “classic Trump hyperbole.” She argued the issue lies with an influx of firearms from outside of Illinois, where she said 60 percent of the city’s guns originate.

“We are being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons,” Lightfoot said.

“That is hurting cities like Chicago,” she added. “That is the thing that if the president wanted to help and the other things I identified in my letter he could do today, tomorrow but he is not really interested in helping in that way.”

Um, every state has background checks. They’re required federally. Perhaps Lightfoot could tell us which states, specifically, that she’s talking about. Obviously, the non-journalists at CNN failed to ask her that basic question, a “prove it” question. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was correct, though, however, most of those guns are not ones purchased legally, but stolen.

With Chicago on track to have its deadliest year in two decades, the United States’ third-largest city has made headlines for rampant shootings that have already killed more than 400 people. Trump’s response has been to institute a “surge” of federal law enforcement officers from Department of Justice agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the U.S. Marshals Service, as well as forces from the Department of Homeland Security.

One has to wonder: why aren’t the criminals in Chicago following all the super-restrictive gun laws of the city of Chicago and State of Illinois? The only ones who seem to be following the law are the normal non-criminal folks, who are left unarmed against the violence in Chicago.

Of course, the vast majority of the “gun violence” is in black neighborhoods, and the majority shot, and the majority killed, are blacks, and even a black Democratic mayor doesn’t really seem to care, but, that’s par for the course with Democrats.

Read: Chicago Mayor Blames “Gun Violence” On States With Fewer Restrictions »

Surprise: Biden Will Have To Admit There Will Be “Trade Offs” To Reach Net Zero

Trade offs, eh? Who woulda thunk it?

Climate expert suggests Biden will have to ‘admit there will be tradeoffs’ to reach zero carbon goal

Climate activists and scientists have generally received former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to eliminate U.S. carbon emissions by 2035 warmly, but there will likely be some backlash ahead, especially regarding a potential reliance on wind and solar alternatives, The Guardian reports.

David Keith, a climate and energy expert at Harvard University who co-authored research in 2018 that found America’s transition to solar and particularly wind would require up to 20 times more land area than previously thought, said windmills certainly shouldn’t be abandoned moving forward, but suggested they could be limited. “You should tilt the energy system toward low land footprints, which means focusing on solar, nuclear, and carbon capture and storage, with wind at the margins,” he told The Guardian.

Yeah, but most climate cultists won’t accept nuclear power. They’re dead set against it.

Keith added that if the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee defeats President Trump, the incoming Biden administration will need to “admit there will be tradeoffs for a shared national goal” and that “there will be local decisions people don’t like” en route to an emission-free future.

Whatever could those decisions be? One phrase left out of what Keith said in the Guardian article is “states’ rights”. So, an overbearing, dominant centralized authoritarian government.

But while there are concerns about the effect renewable energy systems can have on land and biodiversity, Melissa Lott, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, said the side effects of renewables are unequivocally worth getting to zero carbon. Read more at The Guardian.

Over to the Guardian

But protests have also started to flare around some clean energy projects, such as a Virginia community opposed to a huge solar farm 60 miles south of Washington DC, or demonstrations in the Hawaiian island of Oahu over new wind turbines that led to more than 100 arrests late last year.

“It’s not fair that AES [the company behind the wind project] can just build these monsters in our backyards, rake in all the money from them and leave us to live with the eyesore and all the side-effects,” said Kryssa Stevenson, one of the Oahu protesters, in December.

See, these projects are popular in theory, and popular as long as they are Someone Else’s problem. As soon as they start going up in people’s areas they’re like “whoa, not here.” NIMBY. Like how Ted Kennedy and John Kerry were dead set against the Cape Wind project.

Ultimately, however, the impacts of a surge in renewable energy construction may have to be weighed against an alternative where emissions are not cut and the US is roiled by unbearable heatwaves, failed crops and increasingly powerful storms.

“It’s important that the Biden plan is technology neutral, so communities can pick their path to zero emissions,” said Melissa Lott, senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “A portion of the country will oppose this but that’s the case for anything that is built. On balance, are these impacts better than a carbon-intensive grid that will cut thousands of lives short? The answer is an unequivocal yes.

In other words, Los Federales will force communities to do this, regardless. And regardless of whether the power supply will be affordable and reliable. If these climate cultists were smart they’d push for nuclear. But, they won’t.

Read: Surprise: Biden Will Have To Admit There Will Be “Trade Offs” To Reach Net Zero »

Downtown Portland Businesses Seeing Business Collapse Due To “Protests”

I hope the Portland businesses don’t think that this is going to end anytime soon, because the mostly white non-peaceable protesters aren’t going away. It’s a real shame, but, you can bet these store owners in this mostly hard left city vote for far left Democrats and had supported the “protesters”

Downtown Portland businesses, derailed by pandemic, say protests present a new challenge

Adam Milne, the owner of Old Town Pizza & Brewing, realized he had to shut down his flagship Portland taproom on July 9 after the business closed out the day with just $18.75 in sales.

As he walked through downtown and saw the boarded-up storefronts and empty streets that day, it was hard for Milne to envision customers returning to his restaurant anytime soon. He knew he couldn’t keep bleeding money by keeping the taproom open.

“I think all restaurants are really hurting and struggling, but I’m not sure if the city and state officials realize that to be a restaurant and to be in downtown Portland right now is a double blow,” Milne said. “Not only are we suffering from the pandemic, but we have an area of the state that everyone is avoiding eating and drinking.”

But downtown Portland business owners say they are facing unique challenges as they try to recover from the economic devastation brought on by the pandemic. Many point to the raucous protests downtown and the controversial federal response, which have put the city atop national headlines.

While most of downtown is tranquil, and nearly all confrontations between protestors and police take place late at night, the nightly protests have given Portland a reputation for upheaval that businesses say is keeping shoppers away.

Office buildings remain empty because of the pandemic and tourists have yet to return, taking away a large customer base for many downtown businesses. More tents have appeared along the sidewalks near downtown as the city has limited cleanups of homeless camps due to the pandemic.

Even before the federal law enforcement folks streamed into Portland to protect the federal Justice Center and federal employees from the attacks by the far left “protesters”, the violence was there. The property destruction.

They hit Starbucks again Sunday night. Think the “protesters” care? All the BLM folks, Antifa, anarchists, the Black Bloc, “Moms”, and all the other Progressive (nice Fascism) groups? No. Sacrifices must be made, including among fellow travelers.

Those factors have limited foot traffic in downtown. TriMet says trips downtown are down more than 75% this summer compared to last year. Parking meter transactions are down a similar amount, and traffic into downtown across the Morrison Bridge has fallen 43% compared to last year, according to the Portland Bureau of Transportation.

The decline in hotel occupancy in the central city is the worst in the state, down 73% compared to last year, according to data provided by Travel Portland.

Remember, this didn’t start over the last month when federal police deployed

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on the night of May 30 to protest police brutality and systemic racism in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. Floyd’s death has ignited a national reckoning, and protesters have returned to downtown Portland every night since that first night in May.

But the night of upheaval ended with break-ins and looting in downtown. Murfitt watched on his live security footage feed as looters trashed his store and police officers failed to intervene. He said officers later came to take his statement and collect security footage, but haven’t been in touch since.

Revolutions need sacrifices, and these people are the sacrifices.

Read: Downtown Portland Businesses Seeing Business Collapse Due To “Protests” »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful solar light, and Everyone Else should be made to use them, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is MOTUS AD, with a post on Ann Arbor’s cancel culture.

It’s tight dresses week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove