Surprise: Blocked Firearms Applications Skyrocket

This is supposed to mean something Bad about firearms applications

Blocked gun sales skyrocket amid coronavirus pandemic

Internal FBI data reveal a jarring new stat: The number of people trying to buy guns who can’t legally own them has skyrocketed. That came as part of a surge in gun purchases in the first three months of 2020, compared to the same time period in 2019. And the change has raised concerns about gun safety.

In March 2019, the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) ran background checks on 823,273 attempted gun buys (the system immediately greenlights the vast majority of transactions). This past March, however, NICS processed more than 1.4 million background checks––a massive spike. The most dramatic shift, though, might be in how many people the system blocked from buying guns.

In March 2019 and February 2020, the NICS system blocked about 9,500 and 9,700, respectively. But in March 2020, it blocked more than double that amount: a whopping 23,692 gun sales.

Sounds like the system was working in that people who weren’t legally allowed to purchase were mostly denied.

“This FBI data confirms our fear that America’s background check system is completely overwhelmed, which means that more guns are slipping through the cracks and being sold to prohibited purchasers,” John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown, said in a statement. “Mitch McConnell can stop this by taking action to close the Charleston loophole, but he’s too scared of the gun lobby’s waning political power to do anything, even as gun violence rises in the midst of a pandemic.”

See, the system was blocking most of them (some did slip through due to the 3 day rule, where the results had to be returned in 3 days or the application was approved) as designed, but, of course the gun grabbers see this as a reason to implement more ways to restrict more citizens.

Read: Surprise: Blocked Firearms Applications Skyrocket »

If You Believe In Climate Crisis (scam) You Have To Vote For Joe Biden Or Something

Better yet, practice what you preach and and give up your own use of fossil fuels, etc and so on. This opinion piece is by Warmist Tom Steyer, who flamed out during the Democratic primary while running mostly on ‘climate change’, along with his climate cultist buddy Jay Inslee. Democrat voters didn’t really care that much. Oh, and Steyer made his money off of fossil fuels

Anyone Who Cares About the Climate Must Vote for Joe Biden | Opinion

We’ve heard it a million times: This is the most important election of our lifetimes. A global pandemic, burning planet, ongoing plague of systemic racism, a sitting president who is incapable and unwilling to lead on these issues. We are in crisis. Yet over time, the climate crisis poses the greatest threat to our country and our world.

In recent weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to talk extensively and openly with Joe Biden about climate policy, environmental justice, clean energy jobs and the need for global American leadership. He is committed to acting with the urgency this moment demands, as well as listening to and learning from local leaders and affected families across the country, especially communities of color, who bear the brunt of our climate crisis. His “Build Back Better” plan demonstrates his commitment to working with frontline communities to create an inclusive and sustainable green economy.

But any economic justification for sticking with a fossil fuel–based economy is crumbling. Since the pandemic, nearly half of Wells Fargo’s bad loans have come from oil and gas. An economy powered by oil, gas and fossil fuels is no longer sustainable in any sense of the word, and Joe knows this. His climate plan is a jobs plan. His vision for our country’s economic future isn’t based on archaic, corrupt powers, but rather on what’s best for all Americans.

Joe gets it. The former vice president understands that unchecked bad actors have intentionally and continuously poisoned the air and water across this nation—especially in lower-income communities and communities of color. Joe sees environmental justice as personal because it is. What is more personal than the air your children breathe and the asthma they get because of the neighborhood you can afford to live in? What is more personal than the water you drink that has been tainted by corporate polluters? These problems are real and demand a response from a leader who cares about people.

If they’re so important, why do Warmists do so little in their own lives? Why do people like Joe and Tom have massive carbon footprints, well beyond what the average American has? Why do they make zero attempt to modify their own lives?

This election will transform the trajectory of our nation and our planet. The next president will lead our response to the pandemic, the economy and the climate crisis. There is a massive gulf between the two candidates for president. And no question about who is better equipped to lead us out of the desert. That is why I am doing everything possible to elect Joe Biden and why I’m asking you to do the exact same thing.

There are times when I actually want to see this stuff enacted, which will result in all those voters going “hey, wait a minute, I didn’t think I was voting for all those bad things. You know, the higher taxes, higher energy costs, skyrocketing cost of living, loss of jobs, unreliable energy, too expensive and restrictive to travel, economy in the toilet, freedom, liberty, and choice taken away. I thought those things would only apply to Other People, not me! They lied to me.”

If you want all those things, vote Joe. Before you do, ask yourselves why the grand high poobahs of the Cult of Climastrology never match their actions with their rhetoric.

Read: If You Believe In Climate Crisis (scam) You Have To Vote For Joe Biden Or Something »

Portland Rioters Worry Message On BLM Might Be Lost In Translation

What, exactly, is the message when mostly white Leftists are involved with vandalism, graffiti, property damage, assault, and arson, among others? What does it have to do with black lives matter?Just because they have signs (saying f*ck the police) doesn’t mean they really care, seems more about violence for the sake of violence

Portland protesters worry violence is taking away from Black Lives Matter message

Federal law enforcement agents clashed repeatedly with protesters early Friday morning, pushing through the streets to disperse crowds approaching the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in a running battle of tear gas, fireworks and pepper spray, the surreal atmosphere exacerbated by multiple people playing the “Imperial Death March” from “Star Wars” on portable speakers.

Two months after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked nationwide protests against racial injustice and a week after President Donald Trump sent federal officers toPortland to confront activists, another night of chaos unfolded in this largely liberal, mostly white city where residents have continuously taken to the streets to demand substantive police reform.

It’s cute how USA Today positions the deployment of federal law enforcement, right? Of course, the article itself in that link notes this was due to threats and actual attacks against federal property. Anyhow, the feds didn’t come out Friday till the rioters started attacking the gates and throwing things, including flammables, over the fence. And I wonder if USA Today missed this

“There’s not a lot of things people like us can do. We can vote, but does that really make a difference when the system is so stacked against us?” said Fae Preston, 21, a protester who described herself as a minimum-wage worker. “Government’s purpose is to serve the people. This is showing they are not serving us.”

So government is supposed to allow rioters to destroy federal property and attack federal employees?

For more than an hour on Thursday evening, activist Edreece Phillips, 48, a Black hip-hop artist who’s been protesting for weeks, had been keeping protesters and sightseers off the fence enclosing the federal courthouse. He said he’d talked to federal officials earlier in the day and said they’d agreed that if protesters stayed back, agents would stay inside the courthouse.

“They don’t come out unless we try to get in,” Phillips said. “All that stuff people are doing is making it so that Black voices are being heard less and less and less.”

Well, they attacked, feds came out. And they attacked a black man trying to stop them (looks different than Phillips, whose picture is in the article.)

“A lot of the people who are doing it are not Black. They throw shit and start shit and run away and yell ‘Black Lives Matter,’ and then go home and take off their clothes. But I can’t take off my black,” Phillips said. “And the more damage they do to this building— well, everyone thinks it’s people of color doing all this and it’s not. “

I know that the majority is caused by white Democrats in a city like Portland, but, yes, most people will see all the violence being done in the name of BLM and tune the whole thing out. Anyhow, that’s pretty much all there is regarding the headline.

But, remember, it was the BLM folks yelling “no justice no peace” without really setting the terms of what justice is beyond some nebulous talking points, so, BLM is seeing the results in Democratic Party run cities where hardcore white leftists (and some blacks and Latinos) run wild.

Read: Portland Rioters Worry Message On BLM Might Be Lost In Translation »

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on the post-liberal West.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: BLM Vandalizes Oakland Mayor’s House

It’s a real shame when your Comrades decide to target you, eh?

Black Lives Matter protesters vandalize Oakland mayor’s home; she accuses them of terrorism

The Democratic mayor of Oakland, California, accused vandals who left Black Lives Matter messages spray painted at her home of trying to “terrorize” her and her family.

The incident occurred in the early morning on Tuesday outside Mayor Libby Schaaf’s house.

Witnesses say that 30 to 40 protesters dressed in black fired off projectiles and firecrackers during the vandalism. They spray-painted messages on the mayor’s stone wall, sidewalk and garage, including “Defund OPD,” “homes 4 all,” and “blood on your hands.”

A spokesperson for Schaaf released a statement condemning the vandalism.

“This attack designed to intimidate the Mayor and strike fear into her family, will not stop her from advocating for the policies she believes are in the best long-term interests of her beloved hometown,” said Justin Berton.

“Like all Oaklanders, she supports passionate protest but does not support tactics meant to harm and terrorize others,” the statement concluded.

See, Schaaf was good with all the protests and criminal behavior beforehand: now they are terrorism. At least as she’s involved. If they stay away from her home she’ll be fine with it. She’s also suddenly not good with further cuts to the police, and you can bet her home is going to get protection now.

Read: Bummer: BLM Vandalizes Oakland Mayor’s House »

Say, What Does Joe’s Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Plan Signal?

It might be something about how the Elites will force Other People to do something, so says Excitable Warmist Bill McKibben

What Joe Biden’s Climate Plan Really Signals

When Joe Biden issued his extensive climate plan last week, there were endless analyses, including mostly positive reviews like those from the energy expert Julian Brave NoiseCat, who called it “a Green New Deal in our view, substantively,” and the Sunrise Movement, which had graded Biden’s primary-season plan an F, but now says that he’s “talking the talk,” and that a post-election mobilization will insure that he’ll “walk the walk.” The main opposition came from President Trump, who insisted that Biden, in his zeal for energy efficiency, had called for abolishing windows.

I don’t want to go deeply into the details of the plan here, because chances are that few of the proposals will get enacted in their precise form, but they seem a truly useful compendium of the mainstream and obvious ideas for an energy and conservation transition. And they provide a good roadmap by which to steer, even if that map avoids the most controversial areas of the debate. (The plan is especially quiet about the efforts that will be necessary to limit mining and drilling for fossil fuels.) The best way to understand them, I think, is as a loud signal in the ever-louder conversation among élites about the trajectory and the pace of that transition.

Huh. Bill doesn’t really have much else to say about Biden’s plan, so, I guess that is what it really signals. Elitists forcing other people to live their life in a certain way which they won’t, pay taxes they won’t, lose freedom and choice that they won’t.

Read: Say, What Does Joe’s Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Plan Signal? »

Portland Mayor Attends Portland “Protests”, Gives Stamp Of Approval To Attacking Federal Property And Employees

I’m all for Los Federales just leaving the city of Portland and letting it destroy itself, then sending a bill to the city for the destruction of federal property, but, on the flip side, they should not be allowed to destroy federal property with impunity

That was the headline yesterday. It’s changed a bit since if you click on the link

Portland Mayor Wheeler tear-gassed by federal officers, tells protesters he doesn’t support abolishing police

Mayor Ted Wheeler attended a protest in downtown Portland Wednesday night to answer protesters’ questions and hear their concerns. He was still in the crowd around 11:30 p.m. when federal officers used tear gas and other munitions to disperse the thousands of protesters outside the Multnomah County Justice Center.

Video from New York Times reporter Mike Baker shows Wheeler at the fence around the Justice Center as flash bangs and tear gas were being deployed by federal officers.

“I’m not gonna lie, it stings, it’s hard to breathe, and I can tell you with 100% honesty I saw nothing that provoked this response. It’s nasty stuff, I’m not afraid but I am pissed off,” Wheeler told Baker. “This is an egregious overreaction on the part of the federal officers. There was nothing that I saw anybody do that warranted this reaction. As you can see, all it’s done is piss everybody off. It’s made everybody angry. They’ve come in and they kicked the hornet’s nest. This is not a de-escalation strategy. This is flat out urban warfare and it’s being brought on the people of this country by the president of the United States and it’s got to stop now. This is a threat to our democracy.”

There’s something that the news outlet, which is a Portland TV station, forgot

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas. Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

If you’re lighting things on fire, you aren’t protesting peaceably anymore. If Wheeler doesn’t want the federal officers in Portland, then he should tell people to stop attacking the federal center and federal employees. Stop the vandalism. Stop the property destruction. Stop tearing down fencing, stop throwing things, stop trying to break in. It’s that simple. It’s cause and effect: the violent hooligans attacked the federal buildings, hence, federal officers came.

Oh, BTW, the protesters jeered Wheeler and called for him to resign.

Protesters in the crowd held signs aloft that read “Tear Gas Ted” in reference to the Portland Police Bureau’s use of the substance before federal agents arrived. When the mayor left the protest, around 12:40 a.m., some protesters surrounded him and shouted angrily at him as he walked away. One person shouted, “You’ve got to be here every single night!”

Why isn’t Ted social distancing? You can see plenty of video in Andy’s tweets showing the violence and arson, such as here and here, including setting a Comrade on fire.


Downtown Portland business owners feel negative impacts of continued nightly protests

What happens when all these businesses, and those in other parts of the city, flee? The owners may “support the purpose of the protests”, they don’t want their businesses trashed and know that few are going to want to come to the area.

Read: Portland Mayor Attends Portland “Protests”, Gives Stamp Of Approval To Attacking Federal Property And Employees »

Know What We Really Need? A Department Of Climate

Personally, I’d say that all members of the Cult of Climastrology should voluntarily give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral, but, then, this isn’t about climate, it’s about installing Progressive (nice Fascist) government. I wonder if the crazy folks at Vox, including Warmist writer Allison Crimmins, realize that all the bad parts about taxation and loss of freedom and choice will actually hit themselves? That the cost of energy will skyrocket the cost of running Vox?

Why the next president should establish a Department of Climate

It’s been a big month for new climate policy ideas in the US, with a flurry of plans out, brimming with hundreds of policy recommendations. The presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden campaign’s task force on climate change, for example, released new proposals on July 14 for reducing fossil fuel use, aiming to establish a national clean energy standard and rectify climate injustices.

Earlier in July, the campaign also convened a new Climate Engagement Advisory Council to mobilize more people in the fight against climate change and systemic racism. And in late June, the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming put out a 500-plus-page Climate Crisis Action Plan.

But so far, none of these plans has included a key action that would strengthen the government’s ability to make these policies a reality: the creation of a new, Cabinet-level Department of Climate.

To give these new proposals a fighting chance, the committees and councils must recognize that the executive branch is not yet properly aligned to respond to climate change, a complex problem of unmatched size and duration.

It’s also not part of the Constitution, but, Warmists only care about that “antiquated document” when it’s convenient

To meet the threat of climate change, one of the first actions of the next administration and the 177th Congress should be to create this Department of Climate. Its mission would be to mitigate global climate change, reduce America’s vulnerability to climate impacts, build resiliency to the impacts that do occur, and strengthen our nation’s infrastructure by forging a sustainable, thriving, and just economy.

And when Trump wins, he should create this department, which will require all Warmist states to practice what they preach, and raise their taxes. Sound good? Anyhow, it’s Vox, so this keeps going on and on with Reasons.

Read: Know What We Really Need? A Department Of Climate »

If All You See…

…is a lawn that needs to be mowed which causes carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Australia wondering if America is crazy enough to elect Joe Biden.

Read: If All You See… »

To Fight Rising Crime, NYC Gets Rid Of Traffic And Homeless Units

Of course, they and the news are trying to Blame guns, not the criminals using them who also vote Democrat in this Democrat run city

NYPD scraps traffic and homeless units and reassigns officers to fight rising gun crime

The NYPD has cut traffic and homeless units to focus on rising gun violence following mayor Bill DeBlasio’s move to defund police, according to reports.

Senior police leadership transferred 114 members of the traffic congestion mitigation and 85 members of the homeless outreach units, according to official documents seen by The New York Post.

The 199 officers were reassigned to precincts to combat a recent spike in shootings across the city, an NYPD spokesperson told the Post.

It comes after the New York City Council defunded the NYPD budget by nearly $1 billion. (snip)

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea called City Hall leadership cowards who won’t stand up for what’s right or have a “goddamn clue what they’re talking about”, in a video leaked to the NY Daily News.

Mr Shea has heavily criticised police reform bills signed by the mayor, and said that the chipping away of resources to the NYPD would adversely affect public safety.

In fairness to DeBlasio, he does see traffic enforcement as part of the police department’s duties, and, he’s right: many people might not like getting busted for their bad driving, but, it’s about safeguarding other people first, at least in terms of moving violations. They also help relieve the massive traffic that happens in NYC. Regardless, because of the malfeasance of NYC leaders crime is spiking in NYC, and the police are the ones that have to attempt to deal with it, even as they are given no backing by the city, and you have plenty of officers retiring and leaving.

“They are failing at every possible measure to be leaders, and they throw it on the backs of the men and women of this police department, and curse them with one hand and then blame them with the other,” Mr Shea said during a weekly CompStat meeting with top police officials.

“People that don’t have a clue about how to keep New Yorkers safe suddenly think they know about policing. I have another thing to tell them — they don’t have a goddamn clue what they are talking about. But we are not going to let them destroy this city,” he continued.

See, even while being insulted and such, the police will still do their job. And, really, the spike started the minute the city disbanded the anti-crime unit, along with bail changes which released violators right back into the community.

Of course, Comrade DeBlasio and the city leaders are not big fans of people protesting near city hall

New York police seen clearing protesters from Occupy City Hall zone

New York police officers are seen clearing protesters from the Occupy City Hall zone on July 22.

The footage shows a large group of officers sweep through the camp, forcing protesters out of the area.


Read: To Fight Rising Crime, NYC Gets Rid Of Traffic And Homeless Units »

Pirate's Cove