Apple Releases Plan To Have Zero Carbon Impact By 2030

And Vogue wants you to meet the woman behind this!

Apple Is Striving for Zero Climate Impact by 2030—Meet the Woman Behind the Mission

Try to think of a brand with greater influence over your life than Apple. Most of us can’t get through the day without our iPhones or the multitude of apps they support, and our new #WFH reality has only reinforced just how much we rely on—no, need—our technology. Apple has reached near-mythical status as a result, representing the ne plus ultra of American innovation, progressive thought, and mind-boggling success: In January, weeks before the coronavirus had escalated to a pandemic, Apple reported the most profitable quarter of any corporation ever, a cool $22.2 billion.

All to say: If any company can make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change, it’s Apple. Today, the company is releasing an ambitious road map to achieve true climate neutrality across its entire business by 2030. Its corporate operations are already neutral—meaning Apple offsets the carbon emissions it can’t avoid through investing in forests and nature-based solutions like mangrove restoration and regenerative agriculture. But by 2030 it will be carbon-neutral across its entire supply chain and products too. That means they’ll take the energy you use to charge your iPhone, MacBook, AirPods, and iPad into account then offset it responsibly.

In other words, you’ll pay even more for your Apple products. I wonder, will Apple stop using China for so much of its manufacturing? Or their massive global supply chain? How many parts and components are put on fossil fueled ships and airplanes, shipped to the US and around the world for manufacturing, then shipped around the world for sales?

Other ambitious goals on Apple’s list include transitioning dozens of its suppliers to clean energy; incorporating more recycled plastic, tin, aluminum, and rare materials into Apple products; and sourcing paper only from responsibly managed forests. In the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, Apple is also unveiling a new racial equity and justice initiative to address the connections between climate change and racial inequity. “You can’t have justice if you don’t have environmental justice,” Jackson says. “The pandemic has brought environmental justice back up to the front [of the conversation]. There’s an imperative to our work that we don’t talk about enough, which is [the need to] help people who didn’t cause the problem but will be the victims of the problem because of where they live and their access to fresh water or food, which will both be challenged.”

This really isn’t about climate, is it? You’ll get a nice helping of Virtue Signalling and SJW garbage with your iPhone, so that young ladies can post sexily for their Instagram and stuff. Anyhow, the rest of the article is an interview of Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environment, policy, and social initiatives, and you continue learning that this really isn’t about climate, but, SJW garbage, and that you’re really going to pay more for your Apple products, and that Apple seems to be pushing for you to pay more on your electric bill to offset your carbon pollution.

Read: Apple Releases Plan To Have Zero Carbon Impact By 2030 »

Portland Leftist Suddenly Discover 10th Amendment As They Sue Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

This really is hilarious. I was laughing and smiling reading it late yesterday, and I’m still chuckling now. Suddenly, the 10th Amendment is important to these Progressives (nice Fascists), when they usually blow it off. Also, they’re attempting to cite it so that violent “protesters” can continue being violent

New lawsuit filed accuses federal law enforcement of violating Tenth Amendment in Portland

Several federal law enforcement agencies are facing another lawsuit over officers’ actions during the ongoing Portland protests.

Western States Center, Inc., First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, Sara Eddie, Oregon Rep. Karin Power, and Rep. Janelle Bynum filed the lawsuit Tuesday against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Federal Protective Service, and the U.S. Marshals Service.

The lawsuit accuses the agencies of violating the limitations of the U.S. Constitution by taking citizens into custody off the streets, putting them into vans, taking them to unknown locations before releasing them when those people were walking home peacefully.

The lawsuit acknowledges that federal officers have the right to protect federal property and personnel, but it claims the people who were detained were walking away from federal property when they were taken into custody.

Um, you don’t get to get off scott free just because you’re walking away from the fruits of your violence. “Hey, officer, you can’t arrest me for the graffiti and attempted arson, for breaking windows and throwing bottles at officers, for tearing down fencing: see, I’m walking away!” It’s like the old myth that a cop can’t bust you for a moving violation if you make it into your driveway. Pro tip: they can.

The Executive Office has the Constitutional authority to deploy federal law enforcement to, at a minimum, defend federal property and detain citizens engaged in criminal violations, which is codified in 40 U.S. Code § 1315. The president doesn’t even have to do anything, say anything, put out an Executive Order, etc: agency heads and such can do it on their own.

The lawsuit intends to stop the federal government from depriving Portlanders of the right to be policed solely by those the Constitution permits. It also intends to vindicate the First Amendment rights of a church whose “religious practice includes activism and protest in the face of injustice.”

Suddenly they care about the religion part of the 1st Amendment.

Rep. Power says she is suing because the federal law enforcement agencies violated the Tenth Amendment and made it more difficult for her to set state law enforcement policy applicable in Portland and throughout the state.

Rep. Bynum says she and her family are afraid to move through Portland with federal officers in the city. Like Power, Bynum says that by violating the Tenth Amendment, the agencies are impeding on her ability to set state law enforcement policy.

All they have to do is NOT attack federal property, and won’t be a problem. She can help set state law enforcement policy, but, they cannot dictate that federal law enforcement cannot defend federal property and personnel. Perhaps the Representatives should have been more concerned with the violence when it started almost 60 days ago.

The Tenth Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, not prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

It’s a lazy article that fails to mention that the Executive Office has those powers. They couldn’t, say, start arresting people in Portland who hadn’t broken federal law, but, remember, ICE has the lawful authority to wander around and arrest illegals and other such targets on their radar. Of course, these Progressives only care so much about the 10th. Over at Portland’s KOIN they discuss the same lawsuit, while also noting in an article that was right next to it

Judge deals blow to Oregon group’s vision of ‘Greater Idaho’

A federal judge struck a blow to rural conservatives who hope to constrict Oregon’s borders and create “Greater Idaho.”

The group Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho wants a majority of Oregon’s land to be absorbed by Idaho, along with a portion of Northern California. They feel Idaho better fits their needs and values. The group’s president, Michael McCarter, recently filed a federal lawsuit seeking a reduction of the number of signatures required to get the initiative on ballots in rural Oregon counties, arguing COVID-19 restrictions have made it “practically impossible” to gather enough signatures.

Portland and the rest of the state should be backing the group’s attempt, because of the People part of the 10th. As we all know, Democrats only care about the Constitution and Bill of Rights when convenient.

Read: Portland Leftist Suddenly Discover 10th Amendment As They Sue Federal Law Enforcement Agencies »

St. Greta Wins Big Prize, Complains About EU COVID Recovery Plan

St. Greta is putting all her worldly experience and numerous degrees to good use

Greta Thunberg wins prize worth €1m – but pledges to give it away to climate change charities

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was on Monday awarded a Portuguese rights award and promptly pledged the €1 million prize to groups working to protect the environment and halt climate change.

Thunberg was awarded the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity for the way she “has been able to mobilise younger generations for the cause of climate change and her tenacious struggle to alter a status quo that persists”, Jorge Sampaio, chair of the prize jury, said earlier.

But Thunberg said she would use the money to support charities working to protect the environment.

So, they gave her the prize for doing…..nothing. Just yapping. Of course, this is more of an indictment of the award committee than St. Greta. Too many confuse “organizing” and being an activist with actually doing something concrete. Meanwhile

Greta Thunberg says EU recovery plan fails to tackle climate crisis

Greta Thunberg has accused EU politicians of failing to acknowledge the scale of the climate crisis and said its €750bn Covid-19 recovery plan does not do enough to tackle the issue.

The climate campaigner said the package of measures agreed by EU leaders proved that politicians were still not treating climate change as an emergency.

“They are still denying the fact and ignoring the fact that we are facing a climate emergency, and the climate crisis has still not once been treated as a crisis,” Thunberg told the Guardian. “As long as the climate crisis is not being treated as a crisis, the changes that are necessary will not happen.”

First, there is no climate crisis. Second, most people who think there is are only willing to do things theoretically, not in actual practice. Remember, most do not want to spend their own money or modify their own lives. Third, St. Greta is a child. An uneducated one at that. Why would anyone listen? If your 17 year old child was telling you how to live your life, would you listen? But, these lunatic climate cultists elevated this child, so, they’re getting what they created.

Read: St. Greta Wins Big Prize, Complains About EU COVID Recovery Plan »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from Other People’s fossil fuels emissions, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on Tuesday morning links.

Read: If All You See… »

Redwood, Ca. Removes BLM Slogan From Street After Resident Asks To Paint MAGA

The resident should have asked to paint something like “Back The Blue”, but, this shows government being used for hardcore leftist purposes

A California city removed its Black Lives Matter mural in the middle of the night after a Trump supporter asked to paint ‘MAGA 2020’ on the same street

A California city removed its Black Lives Matter mural in the middle of the night last week after a local lawyer asked whether she could install one nearby in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection bid.

CBS San Francisco reported on Sunday that a Redwood City resident, Dan Pease, asked city officials earlier in July if he could paint “Black Live Matter” on a street downtown as part of an Independence Day public-art celebration. Officials agreed and provided him with yellow poster-board paint he used to paint the 17-foot mural.

“Because we were using the poster-board paint that would eventually deteriorate over time, my understanding from them was that the mural would last as long as the paint lasted,” Pease told the outlet.

But on Thursday, city officials scrubbed the mural from the street in the middle of the night, saying it could be a traffic hazard, CBS San Francisco reported.

“Traffic hazard”. Would love for them to explain how so.

They removed it not long after Maria Rutenburg, a real-estate lawyer, requested that she be allowed to paint “MAGA 2020,” Trump’s reelection campaign slogan, on the same street.

“I saw ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign appearing on Broadway Street, on the asphalt. I figured that’s going to be a new public space open for discussion, and I wanted to get my message out too,” Rutenburg told the local CBS station.

Surprise! People should make these requests in every city, see how the city responds, whether they will be allowed to pain their own  “murals”.

Read: Redwood, Ca. Removes BLM Slogan From Street After Resident Asks To Paint MAGA »

Here We Go Again: CoC Claims Polar Bears Could Be Lost By 2100

Never let a good talking point go to waste

Climate change: Polar bears could be lost by 2100

Polar bears will be wiped out by the end of the century unless more is done to tackle climate change, a study predicts.

Scientists say some populations have already reached their survival limits as the Arctic sea ice shrinks.

The carnivores rely on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean to hunt for seals.

As the ice breaks up, the animals are forced to roam for long distances or on to shore, where they struggle to find food and feed their cubs.

The bear has become the “poster child of climate change”, said Dr Peter Molnar of the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.

“Predicts”. Using computer models, of course. Because the Cult of Climastrology always has to have some sort of scary prognostication that cannot be proven, and when the scaremongering doesn’t happen, they’ll say it was because of changes that were made or something. The first three stores on Google News for climate change over the last 24 hours were the same thing. And, see, the study is simply activist

The study, published in Nature Climate Change, said “aggressive” cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are now needed to save the animals, which rely on sea ice to reach their prey, from extinction.

Let’s start with putting a carbon tax on the activities of climate scientists. Bet they change their tune quickly.

New Polar Bear ‘Death’ Model Based On Junk Science And Climate Porn


This new model, published today as a pay-walled paper in Nature Climate Change, also did something I warned against in my last post: it uses polar bear data collected up to 2009 only from Western Hudson Bay – which is an outlier in many respects – to predict the response of bears worldwide.

The lead author, Peter Molnar, is a former student of vocal polar bear catastrophist Andrew Derocher – who himself learned his trade from the king of polar bear calamity forecasts, Ian Stirling.

Steven Amstrup, another co-author of this paper, provided the ‘expert opinion’ for the failed USGS polar bear extinction model featured in my book, The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened.

Well, these authors and their supporters got the headlines they crave, including coverage by outlets like the BBC and New York Times (see below), but I have to say that the combination of using out-of-date Western Hudson Bay information on when polar bears come ashore in summer and leave for the ice in fall (only to 2009) to make vague projections (‘possible’, ‘likely’, ‘very likely’) about all other subpopulations in addition to depending on the most extreme and now discredited RCP8.5 climate scenario (Hausfather and Peters 2020) for this newest polar bear survival model is all that’s needed to dismiss it as exaggerated-fear-mongering-by-proxy.

In reality, polar bear populations are thriving.

Read: Here We Go Again: CoC Claims Polar Bears Could Be Lost By 2100 »

Racism On Display: Judge Refuses To Release Girl From Facility Over Missed Homework

This has become a cause celebre’ for the BLM crew and their “non-black allies”

Judge denies release of teen girl who was jailed after not doing homework

Race CardA 15-year-old Black girl who has been incarcerated in Michigan since mid-May after she failed to do her online schoolwork won’t be returning home, a judge decided Monday, in a case that has stoked outrage that it is emblematic of systemic racism and the criminalization of Black children.

Oakland County Judge Mary Ellen Brennan determined that the girl has been benefiting from a residential treatment program at a juvenile detention center, but is not yet ready to be with her mother. Brennan, the presiding judge of the court’s Family Division, scheduled another hearing for September, NBC affiliate WDIV reported.

The girl, who is being identified only by her middle name, Grace, was the subject of a report published last week by ProPublica Illinois, with politicians and community activists expressing outrage over her incarceration.

Well, she should have done her homework, right?

This past school year, Grace was a sophomore at Groves High School in the Birmingham Public Schools, which is 79 percent white, according to school district data.

See, gotta be racism. Seriously, jailed for not doing homework?

At Monday’s hearing, Brennan stressed that police had responded to incidents between the mother and the daughter three times, and that Grace’s detainment was the result of that, the Detroit News reported.

“She was not detained because she didn’t turn her homework in,” Brennan said. “She was detained because she was a threat to her mother.”

Ah. So the story finally comes out.

Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., is among those who have questioned whether race was a factor in detaining Grace. Black youth in Michigan are more than four times as likely to be detained or committed than white youth, according to 2015 data analyzed by the nonprofit Sentencing Project.

“If it was a white young person, I really question whether the judge would have done this,” Dingell said Monday on MSNBC. “Putting a young person in a confined area in the midst of COVID isn’t the answer.”

Of course he says this.

Her case not only touches upon the issue of racial bias within the criminal justice system, but is also entwined with larger concerns over the coronavirus’ spread in juvenile detention centers, as well as how children with learning disabilities are being disparately affected during the pandemic as a result of home schooling.

So, open the schools?

The girl and her mother, identified as Charisse, had bouts of conflict. In 2018, Grace was placed into a court diversion program for “incorrigibility,” but was released from it early, Charisse told ProPublica.

In November, an assault charge was filed against Grace after police were called to an incident in which the mother said Grace became violent because she was upset she couldn’t go to a friend’s house. Weeks later, according to ProPublica, Grace was charged with larceny after she was caught on surveillance video stealing another student’s cellphone from a school locker room. The phone was subsequently returned.

So, not homework? She’s a violent teenager and a thief?

Brennan sentenced Grace to “intensive probation,” with several requirements, including staying home, checking in with a caseworker, no phone use and completing her schoolwork. But the girl was unable to focus properly while learning from home, and she told a new caseworker in April that she felt anxious about the probation and overwhelmed.

After her caseworker learned she had fallen back asleep one day and failed to do her homework, a hearing was held in May and the judge decided she had violated the terms of her probation.

And that’s where the homework thing came from, because Grace failed to do the requirements. If she feels overwhelmed, then she should maybe work on her anger issues.

Tylene Henry, who has a teenage son in the local school district and was among several supporters outside of the courthouse Monday, said she doesn’t know Grace, but her situation has “opened up my eyes to the school-to-prison pipeline problem.”

Henry said she supports Grace’s release and a larger overhaul of the juvenile system.

“There’s a lot of students like Grace. They’re put into the criminal justice system as children instead of getting the help they really need,” she said. “Why does mental health and behavioral health treatment have to come at a cost of being held in a detention center?”

And why do these things keep happening in cities run by the Democratic Party? I’m confident I’ll be deemed a raaaaacist for asking, but, why, out of 4,800 juvenile cases going through Oakland County Circuit court, are 42% of them black kids, when blacks are only 15% of the population?

Read: Racism On Display: Judge Refuses To Release Girl From Facility Over Missed Homework »

Democrats Want To “Close The Digital Divide” To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

I’m starting to think this really has nothing to do with science or the climate

To fight climate change, Democrats want to close the ‘digital divide’

One of the starkest inequalities exposed by the coronavirus pandemic is the difference between the digital haves and have-nots. Those with a fast internet connection are more able to work and learn remotely, stay in touch with loved ones, and access critical services like telemedicine. For the millions of Americans who live in an internet dead zone, fully participating in society in the age of social distancing has become difficult if not impossible.

But if the pandemic has laid bare America’s so-called “digital divide,” climate change will only worsen the inequality that stems from it. As the weather grows more extreme and unpredictable, wealthy urban communities with faster, more reliable internet access will have an easier time responding to and recovering from disasters, while rural and low-income Americans — already especially vulnerable to the impacts of a warming climate — could be left in the dark.

Unless, that is, we can bring everyone’s internet up to speed, which is what Democratic lawmakers on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis are now hoping to do.

Buried in a sweeping, 538-page climate change plan the committee released last month is a call to expand and modernize the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure in order to prepare it, and vulnerable communities around the country, for future extreme weather events and climate disruptions. The plan calls for increasing broadband internet access nationwide with the goal of getting everyone connected, updating the country’s 911 emergency call systems, and ensuring cellular communications providers are able to keep their networks up and running amid hurricane force winds and raging wildfires. This plan isn’t the first to point out that America’s internet infrastructure is in dire need of an upgrade, but it is unusual to see lawmakers frame better internet access as an important step toward building climate resilience.

And guess who would control that Internet service? For all the words in the Dems climate plan and in the long, long article, it’s about government controlling the Internet, including that via your mobile service. It’s just like the Net Neutrality push.

The call for hardening our internet infrastructure is especially salient to Paul Barford, a computer scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In 2018, Barford and two colleagues published a study highlighting the vulnerability of America’s fiber cables to sea level rise, and he’s currently investigating how wildfires threaten mobile networks. In both cases, he says, it’s clear that the telecommunications infrastructure deployed today was designed with historical extreme conditions in mind — and that has to change.

“We’re living in a world of climate change,” he said. “And if the intention is to make this new infrastructure that will serve the population for many years to come, then it is simply not feasible to deploy it without considering the potential effects of climate change, which include, of course, rising seas, severe weather, floods, and wildfires.”

Just using the climate change scam to implement more control. This is what Democrats do. Guess whose bill will go up?

Read: Democrats Want To “Close The Digital Divide” To Fight Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on pro-life now being deemed a raaaaacist term.

Read: If All You See… »

Naked Woman Challenges Portland Police Or Something

She’s definitely doing this to help BLM and not stuff for her Instagram, right? Has nothing to do with narcissism, right?

From the article

This cheeky protester gave cops in Portland a public dressing-down.

Wearing only a face mask and a beanie, a woman dubbed “Naked Athena” waltzed between officers and protesters during a standoff in the city on Friday night, according to Oregon Live.

Video posted on social media shows the woman pacing the sidewalk, before sitting down and launching into a series of yoga and ballet poses.

Right, right, totally about protesting, folks. Totally. Meanwhile

Read: Naked Woman Challenges Portland Police Or Something »

Pirate's Cove