UN Secretary General Calls For A “New Model For Global Governance” To Stop ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

Remember, this is all about Science and has nothing to do with politics

UN chief calls for “a new model for global governance”

In what The Guardian newspaper called “his most stinging speeches to date”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted the global crisis of inequality as “a growing threat to our future” that should be addressed with a “New Global Deal” before it “destroys our economies and societies”.

The UN chief used this year’s Nelson Mandela lecture on Saturday, July 18, to point out that the coronavirus pandemic is exposing “fallacies and falsehoods everywhere”: “While we are all floating on the same sea, it’s clear that some of us are in superyachts while others are clinging to the floating debris”, he said. (snip)

The UN chief stated that addressing inequality must start by reforming global institutions at the top.

With an indirect reference to the five permanent members of the Security Council he lamented that this was not happening: “The nations that came out on top more than seven decades ago have refused to contemplate the reforms needed to change power relations in international institutions. The composition and voting rights in the United Nations Security Council and the boards of the Bretton Woods system are a case in point.”

According to the UN Secretary-General, “the global political and economic system are not delivering on critical global public goods: public health, climate action, sustainable development, peace.” He called for a “New Social Contract” and a “New Global Deal” that “create equal opportunities for all, and respect the rights and freedoms of all” and bring about “a redistribution of power, wealth and opportunities.”

First, this doesn’t give too much ammunition to 1 World conspiracy theory folks, eh? Second, it’s always interesting that one of the primary policy prescriptions for solving Hotcoldwetdry is massive centralized Big Government, eh?

In his speech Guterres advocated a “new model for global governance” that “must be based on full, inclusive and equal participation in global institutions.” He did not provide specifics on how exactly this model should look like, though.

Would it be too much to suggest that Guterres wants the UN to run every nation and country, be in control of your lives? You know member nations like China, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the 3rd World sh*tholes with repressive governments would love a shot at controlling 1st World nations.

Read: UN Secretary General Calls For A “New Model For Global Governance” To Stop ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

Thousands Plan To Walk Off Jobs To Protest Inequality For BLM Monday

Checking the notes, these are mostly union employee….say, isn’t the point of a union to protect the employees? They’re apparently doing a poor job for all that money forceibly taken from employee paychecks….who are using BLM and the killing of George Floyd to agitate for their same old same old

Thousands to walk off job to protest racial inequality

Organizers of a national workers strike say tens of thousands are set to walk off the job Monday in more than two dozen U.S. cities to protest systemic racism and economic inequality that has only worsened during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dubbed the “Strike for Black Lives,” labor unions, along with social and racial justice organizations from New York City to Los Angeles, will participate in a range of planned actions. Where work stoppages are not possible for a full day, participants will either picket during a lunch break or observe moments of silence to honor Black lives lost to police violence, organizers said.

“We are … building a country where Black lives matter in every aspect of society — including in the workplace,” said Ash-Lee Henderson, an organizer with the Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of over 150 organizations that make up the Black Lives Matter movement.

“The Strike for Black Lives is a moment of reckoning for corporations that have long ignored the concerns of their Black workforce and denied them better working conditions, living wages and healthcare,” said Henderson, who is also co-executive director of the Tennessee-based Highlander Research and Education Center.

Among the strikers will be essential workers: nursing home employees, janitors and delivery men and women. Fast food, ride-share and airport workers are also expected to take part in planned events.

I’m not quite sure what this has to do with police reform, which was the entire point of all this, wasn’t it?

When the strike was announced on July 8, partnering unions included the Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the American Federation of Teachers, United Farm Workers and the Fight for $15 and a Union. Several more worker collectives have since joined, along with social and racial justice groups.

So, the same old same old groups.

In Manhattan, essential workers will gather outside of the Trump International Hotel to demand the Senate and President Donald Trump pass and sign the HEROES Act. The House-passed legislation provides protective equipment, essential pay and extended unemployment benefits to workers who have not had the option of working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. Organizers said New York Sen. Chuck Schumer is expected to rally with workers.

And agitating in a political manner.

Strikers in Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed on May 25, will include nursing home and airport workers demanding a $15-per-hour minimum wage, organizers said. In Missouri, participants will rally at McDonald’s locations in St. Louis and Ferguson, a key landmark in the protest movement sparked by the death of Michael Brown, a Black teenager who was killed by police in 2014. The Ferguson strikers will also march to a memorial site located on the spot where Brown was shot and killed.

“We want free money!!!!” Oh, and Michael Brown was shot for attacking a police officer multiple times. Even Obama’s DOJ said so.

Meanwhile, at least these people still have jobs. Lots of people don’t. Want more money? Get a better education. Learn to do your job better and get a raise and/or promotion. Get a better job elsewhere. That’s the way it works. And this is just another example of the continuation of the dilution of the original police reform message.

Read: Thousands Plan To Walk Off Jobs To Protest Inequality For BLM Monday »

Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Is Heavy On Inequality And Jobs

This really isn’t about the climate, is it

Biden’s Climate Plan Puts Inequality and Jobs on Par With CO2

When Joe Biden released his climate plan last week, the Democratic candidate for president emphasized one overarching goal—and it wasn’t the reduction of greenhouse gases. Instead, he unequivocally linked broad climate action to employment.“When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is ‘hoax,’” Biden said in a speech unveiling the plan. “When I think about climate change, the word I think of is ‘jobs.’” His proposal aims to create 1 million openings in the auto sector, in part by investing in electric vehicle charging, plus another 1 million positions retrofitting homes for energy efficiency and weather resilience. The word “union” appears 32 times in the plan’s 15-page outline.

A campaign promise is not policy, but the rhetoric and substance of Biden’s proposal represented two noteworthy developments. As a candidate, he’s signaling a bigger commitment to addressing climate change through policies targeting racial and economic inequality. At the same time, Biden is moving away from the discussion of climate change as a purely scientific problem.

That’s good, because it’s not about science. And this is the same guy who was in charge of the failed 2009 Stimulus, which, yes, did create a whole bunch of jobs, but most were temporary and disappeared after the money dried up, while others were lost when the “green” companies went belly up. Still others which were permanent were teachers (surprise). It cost somewhere between $540k to $4.1 million per job.

Biden isn’t the first American politician to link climate and jobs—in 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama pledged to create 5 million “green collar” jobs in the next decade—but the extent of the emphasis on employment is refreshing for many in the climate justice movement. “One of the critiques of the way many White organizations discuss climate change is that it is all technocratic, not something that the public can readily grasp or feel it’s relevant,” says Peggy Shepard, executive director of We Act, a Harlem-based non-profit environmental justice advocacy group, who said she was one of the many consulted by the Biden team. That approach to climate, as she sees it, can lead to narrow questions: “What can the average person do about reducing carbon by a certain percentage by a certain year?”

Yet, it was nowhere close to that number. How many of Joe’s jobs will be government jobs?

By emphasizing policies that address racial and economic equity, Biden’s plan takes an approach to climate that goes beyond market-driven solutions. There’s no mention of a carbon tax, for instance. And while the proposal does emphasize business-oriented priorities such as putting the country in a position to manufacture nascent technologies such as carbon capture and green hydrogen, a related social justice-centric plan also outlines the creation of a White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council and aims to “target resources in a way that is consistent with prioritization of environmental and climate justice.” (Michael R. Bloomberg, founder and majority shareholder of Bloomberg News parent company Bloomberg LP, wrote an editorial in support of the plan.)

So, this is really all just left wing mule fritters, wrapping their Modern Socialist policies in the banner of ‘climate change’.

Read: Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Is Heavy On Inequality And Jobs »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on due process of law gone missing.

It’s country women week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The sun is shining, the bunnies are hopping, and the birds are singing. This pinup is by Ted Withers, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Real Climate Science discusses renaming the Redskins
  2. No Tricks Zone covers the Northern Hemisphere temperature falling
  3. Blazing Cat Fur notes a defund the police wacko arrested on child pornography
  4. Bustednuckles has Portland’s new tourism ad
  5. Chicks On The Right features “Baby Lives Matter” in front of Planned Parenthood
  6. DaTechGuy’s Blog wonders about applying the Woke rules to the NBA and NFL
  7. Dissecting Leftism wonders if Britain already has herd immunity
  8. IOTW Report covers Mike Pence on Joe Biden’s economic policies
  9. Jihad Watch discusses building power for Muslims in politics
  10. Legal Insurrection notes a college calling the police on student who mocked diversity demands
  11. Moonbattery covers a crazy Portland organizer calling to get rid of the USA
  12. neo-neocon highlights the Floyd/Chauvin transcript
  13. Noisy Room says what they really mean is “No Marxism No Peace”
  14. Powerline wonders if “Wokeism” is systematically racist
  15. And last, but not least, Raised On Hoecakes discusses the right to make a living

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Portland Declares Riot, Blames Federal Police Who Were Protecting Federal Property

Remember the good old days when Liberals said they were peaceful, that they were against violence? Also, remember when cities did what they could to crack down on violence early, rather than allowing this to continue for 52 days and nights (which is also blamed on Trump, rather than the Democrats running Portland)

Portland police declare ‘riot’ after fires set, fences moved

Protesters broke into a building, set it on fire and started dumpster fires late Saturday night in Oregon’s largest city, police said, as demonstrations that have been taking place since the death of George Floyd intensified for another night in Portland.

The fire at the Portland Police Association building was put out a short time later, Portland police said on Twitter. The department declared the gathering a riot, and began working to clear the downtown area.

Tear gas was deployed, according to pictures and video from the scene. Fencing that had been placed around federal courthouse had also been removed by protesters and made into barricades, police tweeted.

What’s even more surprising is that Portland police officers haven’t resigned en’ mass, considering how badly they’ve been treated by the city and as Portland looks to defund them.

Before the aggressive language and action from federal officials, the unrest had frustrated Mayor Ted Wheeler and other local authorities, who had said a small cadre of violent activists were drowning out the message of peaceful protesters in the city. But Wheeler said the federal presence in the city is now exacerbating a tense situation and he has told them to depart.

“Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city,” Wheeler said Friday.

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum late Friday sued Homeland Security and the Marshals Service in federal court. The complaint said unidentified federal agents have grabbed people off Portland’s streets “without warning or explanation, without a warrant, and without providing any way to determine who is directing this action.”

Rosenblum said she was seeking a temporary restraining order to “immediately stop federal authorities from unlawfully detaining Oregonians.”

Federal officers, who are all wearing uniforms identifying them as DHS and Police, are going to arrest/detain the hoodlums (they ain’t protesters if they’re engaged in violence) before they can get into federal buildings. And their uniforms are more in the way of body armor, because the “protesters” are violent.

But, their uniforms do not have their specific names on them

In a statement, DHS insisted that agents are identifying themselves as Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents. But they admitted agents are not wearing name tags — citing recent doxing incidents against law enforcement.

“The CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter,” the DHS said in a statement. “The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country.”

Seriously, who had “defunding and destroying police officers” on their 2020 election issues card? It’s a matter of law and order vs violent leftist nutjobs on the ballot this year. And all violence happening in Portland is going to drive away businesses, which can’t operate, and have to keep boarding their windows up for the nightly violence. And drive away residents.

Read: Portland Declares Riot, Blames Federal Police Who Were Protecting Federal Property »

The Real 2020 Issue Is ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Or Something

The climate cultists are wishful (and unwilling to practice what they preach nor spend their own money)

The Real Issue At Stake: Why The US 2020 Elections Is A Climate Story More Than Anything

EVERY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION is critical in its way. Even so, 2020 manages to feel unique. With a deadly virus stalking the land and crashing the economy and political polarization so high that the truth itself is often in question, this November will certainly mark a turning point in American history.

The election is also pivotal for the climate emergency—and its solutions.

As Justin Worland wrote in the cover story for a tour de force Time magazine special issue last week, “In the future, we may look back at 2020 as the year we decided to keep driving off the climate cliff—or to take the last exit.” A serious response to the threat, he said, means spending on green energy, restricting emissions for companies that receive government bailouts, and bolstering green transportation in cities. Entrenchment in fossil fuels will instead spell climate catastrophe. “What we do now,” Worland wrote, “will define the fate of the planet—and human life on it—for decades.”

Well, good luck with this. No one really cares, except in theory. In practice, they care about the economy, COVID19, and, can you believe defunding the police? Who had that last one on their “2020 Issues” card? Yapping about ‘climate change’ has failed again and again. If it was so important, then why did the Hotcoldwetdry candidate, Tom Steyer and Jay Inslee bomb out fast?

In any election year, it is journalists’ job to inform the public and convey the full measure of what’s at stake. That’s why, even as the coronavirus outbreak rages—a tragic case study in ignoring science—and activists fight to topple long-standing systems of inequality, the climate crisis must be a priority for newsrooms this campaign season.

I thought it was a journalist’s job to report the news, not be activists? And they wonder why they are rated so low and no one trusts them.

Still, doing justice to the climate story will take leadership and discipline from newsrooms. Reporters and editors must step back from ephemeral shifts in the polls and all the nitnoid controversies of campaign overload. Decades from now, most of us will have forgotten the names and deeds of Donald Trump’s various associates. But we will surely take note of unlivable heat and flood waters lapping at our feet if we ignore the climate crisis this campaign season. Will journalists count the 2020 election a missed opportunity, or will it be the breakthrough moment when they got the climate story right—and helped America do the same?

Good luck with this. If the “news” tries pushing it, people will tune out for outlets involved in reporting things that actually matter, not a low hanging issue like this.

Read: The Real 2020 Issue Is ‘Climate Change’ (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible suburban lawn which needs watering, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a short history of climate alarmism.

Double shot below the fold, so check out 357 Magnum, with a post on the breakdown of civilization continuing.

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Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Shootings On The Rise In Democrat Run Cities Which Are Abandoning Their Police

Children are paying the price for this. Can you guess what is missing from this USA Today article by Grace Hauck?

Shootings are on the rise in several cities, and children are paying the price

Amaria Jones, 13, was in the living room of her West Side Chicago home showing her mom a new TikTok dance when a stray bullet came through the front window, pierced her neck and lodged in the TV.

The spray of bullets outside also wounded two boys, 15 and 16, sitting on the front porch.

Amaria was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. (snip)

Amaria was one of at least 12 minors fatally shot in Chicago in the past month – many while playing outside, riding in a car or sitting on a couch – and many more have been wounded.

Overall crime rates – including violent crime rates – are still low across the U.S. But homicides and shootings are on the rise this year in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C., Philadelphia, Houston, Charlotte, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Kansas City.

They are all cities run by Democrats, some completely and utterly run by Democrats. The same ones calling to defund the police, who don’t have the back’s of police, and are backing BLM, yet still work to keep blacks down in the slums, er, low income housing and reliant on government.

The word Democrat appears nowhere in the article. But, they do have Excuses

“Due to the pandemic as well as a confluence of factors, we’ve just seen a truly perfect storm develop in communities that are already grappling with systemic inequity and a lack of access to opportunity,” said Michael-Sean Spence, director of policy and implementation for Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit advocating for gun control. “Cites are grappling with dual pandemics.” (snip)

The pandemic has exacerbated the root causes of gun violence, such as income inequality, Hatch, the West Side pastor, said. The violence is the “despair and depravity that goes along from people being valued less, disinvested in.”

Why do Democrat run cities have so many issues like this? Why are they valuing black people less? Why is casual gunfire, and murderous gunfire, so common in these areas?

“Right now, there are stresses everywhere. People are staying home. People are out of jobs. There’s social unrest. All of these things can push an epidemic problem to become worse, and that’s what happening with violence,” said Charlie Ransford, director of science and policy at Cure Violence, a Chicago-based nonprofit combating gun violence. “It’s a contagious problem.”

Why isn’t this happening in Republican run cities and areas?

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Read: Surprise: Shootings On The Rise In Democrat Run Cities Which Are Abandoning Their Police »

The Only Solution To The Climate Crisis (scam) Is De-growth Or Something

Of course, this is only one climate cultist, but, then, we’ve seen lots and lots of cultists take the same viewpoint many, many times

De-growth only solution to tackle climate change: Expert

The problem of climate change cannot be solved without tackling earth’s growing human population, which gives rise to greater consumption and carbon emissions, according to a climate scientist.

Known as the greatest threat to the planet, the climate crisis is exacerbated by growing pressure from the human population, while it continues to increasingly affect the planet’s inhabitants.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency, Levent Kurnaz, a professor at the Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies at Istanbul’s Bogazici University, described the link between climate change and the humans as “two cycles” instead of one “vicious circle.” (big snip)

The only solution to tackle climate change is de-growth, not only economically but also de-growth of the population, he stressed.

As a theory that criticizes economic growth, de-growth is based on various frameworks, including political ecology, ecological economics, and environmental justice.

Reiterating the cycles of the growing population and climate change, he said: “Both cycles need to be broken … even if we leave aside all our consumption habits, and keep what we eat at a minimum, if the human population rises to 20 billion, this problem will continue.”

“On one hand, we need to restrain population growth around the world, and on the other, we need to restrain consumption per capita,” he said.

What’s missing from the climascreed is exactly how we are to restrain or “de-grow” the population and the economy. Most climate cultists avoid explaining how they want this type of stuff to be implemented. Are we to go with a China style one-child policy? Or just restrict people from having children altogether (especially Warmists)? Or are we to kill off humans? Maybe just let those who are sick die instead of saving them?

How about the economy? How do they de-grow it? They just don’t like to say that this really means putting the government in complete control, owning the economy and the means of production. Limiting your choice in purchasing, what you can own, what you can buy. Knocking the economy back to the 1700’s.

Read: The Only Solution To The Climate Crisis (scam) Is De-growth Or Something »

Pirate's Cove