Hey, We Can Turn Bat Soup Virus Around In 2-3 Weeks If Everyone Does Their Part. Or 6 Weeks. Maybe

Goal posts keep moving. We did what we were asked (and told): social distance, wash hands, get locked down. Now

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams says the US can turn coronavirus around in ‘2 or 3 weeks if everyone does their part’

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams says the US could turn around its novel coronavirus infections in two to three weeks if “everyone does their part” by following official recommendations like social distancing and use of face coverings.

Adams appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, two days after the US recorded more than 65,000 COVID-19 infections, its most in a single day. Adams said that despite sharp rises in states across the country, if Americans follow guidelines en masse, the US could see near-immediate decreases in infections.

“So just as we’ve seen cases skyrocket, we can turn this thing around in two to three weeks if we can get a critical mass of people wearing face coverings, practicing at least 6 feet of social distancing, doing the things that we know are effective,” Adams said.

Just 2-3 weeks, right?

CDC Director Robert Redfield: If Everyone Wore a Mask for Next 6 Weeks We Could Drive Pandemic ‘Into the Ground’

During a press conference on Monday afternoon the Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, continued with the theme of pleading with Americans to put on a mask to stymie the spread of COVID-19. He said that, if everyone complied with said pleading, then “over the next six weeks we could drive [the virus] into the ground.”

The reward for such a proposition certainly seems tantalizing (and relatively easy) for the average citizen (even if it ultimately doesn’t work), though it’s likely to fall on millions of deaf ears rendering that timeline into an unattainable pipe dream. Maybe it’s best ,you know, for your sanity, if you just prep yourself for indefinite lockdown.

The first article is from Sunday. The second was published on Monday. So, which is it? What comes next? I think we all understand that COVID19 seems to constantly be changing, regardless of whether came from eating bats or something or released from the center in Wuhan. Everytime we have a guidance it seems to change. California was one of the most locked down states, and now they are re-locking everything down.

What will they think of next? Will this suddenly disappear the day after election day?

Read: Hey, We Can Turn Bat Soup Virus Around In 2-3 Weeks If Everyone Does Their Part. Or 6 Weeks. Maybe »

Bummer: Feeding The Poor Better Food Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’

Obviously, this is all your fault and you need to be forced to cut back

Better food for world’s poor could hike climate-changing emissions

To feed their people a healthy diet, countries from Ethiopia to India may need to hike their climate-changing emissions – a shift only possible if richer nations simultaneously curb theirs, a United Nations flagship report on hunger said Monday.

Increasing emissions to provide poor children, in particular, with more protein or dairy products – “outweighs the negative effects deriving from higher national emissions” in those countries, the report said.

But Brent Loken, lead author of an upcoming report on the G20’s role in transforming the food system, said overall global emissions cannot increase as diets improve in poorer countries.

That means rich nations – from the United States and Britain to South Korea and Argentina – would need to cut back on carbon-intensive diets, both he and the annual U.N. report said.

“If we truly feel that every single person on the planet has a right to healthy food, has a right to be able to eat enough food, this is the only way that we’re going to be able to do this without destroying the planet,” Loken said.

The only way to do this is for Government to make you change your diet. Are you good with that? How about all you Warmists? You good with that? Government controlling what you eat? Most of you Warmists won’t modify your behavior voluntarily, so, you fine with Government making you? Limiting the amount of meat you can eat? Why does it always seem that the complaints from the Cult Of Climastrology always require massive new government control?

And you can bet those people working for the UN and representing their nations to the UN aren’t giving up their own food impacts.

Read: Bummer: Feeding The Poor Better Food Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’ »

Who Had “Texas Rangers” On Their Cancel Culture Hit Card?

Everyone seems surprised that there has been no real reform on policing, but, the SJWs seem to be going after everything, causing people to tune out from reform and BLM

Remember, we weren’t allowed to go back far into Obama’s history to see who he was, but we’re supposed to go hundreds of years ago for the Rangers. From the screed

As the Washington football team finally gives up its racist slur of a name, there is one major sports team that has avoided the spotlight and resisted meaningful engagement with the violent and racist implications of its name. To know the full history of the Texas Rangers is to understand that the team’s name is not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen.

I grew up in Dallas, raised on myths about Texas Rangers as brave and wholesome guardians of the Texas frontier, helping protect innocent settlers from violent Indians. At church, boys could sign up to be Royal Rangers, the Christian equivalent of the Boy Scouts. I still remember the excitement when Chuck Norris himself, star of the television show “Walker, Texas Ranger,” came to visit my elementary school class. (snip)

What we didn’t realize at the time was that the Rangers were a cruel, racist force when it came to the nonwhites who inhabited the beautiful and untamed Texas territory. The first job of the Rangers, formed in 1835 after Texas declared independence from Mexico, was to clear the land of Indian for white settlers.

That was just the start. The Rangers oppressed black people, helping capture runaway slaves trying to escape to Mexico; in the aftermath of the Civil War, they killed free blacks with impunity. “The negroes here need killing,” a Ranger wrote in a local newspaper in 1877, after Rangers fired on a party of black former Buffalo soldiers, killing four of them and a 4-year old girl. A jury would later find that the black soldiers “came to their death while resisting officers in the discharge of their duty,” an unsettling echo of the justification for modern-day police killings.

But, what of more recently?

But Ranger racism is not an artifact of the distant past. Rangers would be called on to protect white supremacy into the 1960s, deployed to prevent school integration. In 1956, when black students were attempting to take classes at all-white Texarkana Junior College, Rangers stood by as the mob attacked them — and threatened to arrest the black students. For their efforts, Swanson writes, they were rewarded with a chicken dinner from the White Citizens’ Council in Texarkana.

And she says

But there is no storage unit for the baseball team, whose owners have expressed no inclination to change the name. “While we may have originally taken our name from the law enforcement agency, since 1971 the Texas Rangers Baseball Club has forged its own, independent identity,” the team said in a statement. “The Texas Rangers Baseball Club stands for equality. We condemn racism, bigotry and discrimination in all forms.”

This is revisionist history — and the team knows it. When the franchise, formerly the Washington Senators, moved to Texas in 1971, the Ranger name was met with protests, which were duly ignored.

See, in Cancel Culture World, there is no forgiving. Ever. So, just wondering: Stilson Hutchins, who founded the Washington Post in 1877, started the paper to push the ideals and beliefs of the Democratic Party. You know, the Party of slavery? The Party of Jim Crow and segregation? Who created the same KKK mentioned above? Who’s 1880 platform was highly anti-Chinese? And if the Washington Post finds George Washington’s name problematic, shouldn’t they be forced to change the name of the paper? And, since the Democratic Party has all those skeletons in the closet, shouldn’t they be forced to change their name? When will Cancel Culture require this?

Read: Who Had “Texas Rangers” On Their Cancel Culture Hit Card? »

Fighting Climate Change (scam) Requires A New Capitalism Or Something

What’s interesting in this Forbes interview is that they never actually ask Rebecca Henderson what that new capitalism looks like, nor does she really volunteer. I wonder why?

Fighting Climate Change Requires A New Capitalism

Rebecca Henderson spent her young adult years living two lives.

At work, she preached the risks of resisting change to MBA students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, drawing on lessons she learned while watching factories close as a management consultant. But at home, she found comfort in the seeming permanence of nature and trees, whose leafy branches provided solace to her as a child. (snip)

Business was ever-changing, but nature was constant. It wasn’t until in the mid-2000s, at her brother’s urging, that she started to read about the science of climate change—and the part that business has played in accelerating it. The revelation shook her world view.

After debating whether to quit her job at MIT, Henderson started seeking out like-minded leaders who shared her concerns. Her experiences and the research that came out of them culminate in her new book, Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire, a deeply personal exploration of capitalism’s role in addressing climate change.

The puff piece interview follow, and the closest it comes is

Henderson: In the ’70s, when the conversation about shareholder value first began, and in the ’80s, when it really took off, it was fine for business to just focus on making money. We had a very cohesive society and a strong government.

But right now, we have a political system that’s incredibly partisan. It’s very difficult to get anything done. And we have a government that is, as a result of years of attack on the very idea of government, fundamentally very weak. You can really see that in the current COVID-19 emergency, both in the slowness of the federal government’s response, and in its decision not to step up as a central buyer of things like personal protective equipment (PPE). States are bidding against each other for medical equipment, which seems extraordinary.

There are moments when you really need government. Controlling climate pollution is one example. Without the right kinds of rules, firms run the risk of causing more damage from the the carbon dioxide they emit than the value they create.

Hmm, sounds like a call for the Government to control the economy. Why don’t Warmists just come out and say what they really want? Are the afraid to scare people off with their Modern Socialist views?

Read: Fighting Climate Change (scam) Requires A New Capitalism Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…., with a post on your Monday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

#CancelCulture Comes For Killing Eve Star Because Her Boyfriend Is A Republican

Hey, you know how liberals say they are super-tolerant? They love them some multiculturalism and respect everyone’s views? That’s whay you call the Big Lie

Now the army of overgrown babies who say everyone must think like them are invading our bedrooms, says DOUGLAS MURRAY after the attempt to ‘cancel’ Killing Eve star Jodie Comer

Cancel Culture AlligatorDo you believe in thought crime? In picking people off, one by one, till everybody agrees with just a single point of view? Each week, we see this world come a little closer.

Many of the victims are famous. But people who are not remotely well known are writing to me every week to say that they, too, now fear for their livelihoods.

Still more are keeping their heads down, fearing what will happen if they dare to speak out against the dogmas of the time and the new totalitarians who promote them. (snip)

Take last week’s attempt to ‘cancel’ the Killing Eve actress Jodie Comer. Her crime? Nothing she has said or thought.

Instead, the online trolls had been enraged to discovered who she is dating. The supposed culprit is an American lacrosse player called James Burke.

His crime? Mr Burke is alleged to be a registered Republican and a Donald Trump supporter. Cue an internet meltdown and a demand by activists that Comer be prevented from working again.

It’s a long piece, worth the read. Of course, the Cancel Culture folks won’t get it.

Thomas Bosco is a very involved with progressive projects, but, since he voted for Trump and says he will do so again, he’s being badgered and hectored.

Related, the Washington Redskins are planning on announcing a new team name today. Warriors is supposedly the leading name, which would allow them to keep their secondary logos. Think people won’t also say that it is raaaaacist? Then there is Red Tails, which, while might pay homage to the Tuskegee Airman, would also cause the usual whiners to whine, and also has links to Native American beliefs, which will lead to complaints. Red Wolves? Links to Native American beliefs, plus, people might notice that Arkansas State University did the exact same thing in changing their name to Red Wolves.

You will never satisfy the SJWs, and when you give in they will come after you harder. You can bet that once the name of the Redskins is changed that the SJWs will want team owner Daniel Snyder to pay reparations.

Read: #CancelCulture Comes For Killing Eve Star Because Her Boyfriend Is A Republican »

CNN: We Need To Stop Using Bricks We’ve Been Using For 5,000 Years To Stop Climate Crisis

Strangely, there’s no condemnation of all the “protesters” using bricks to destroy property early in the latest incident of BLM, eh?

We’ve been using the same bricks for over 5,000 years. This engineer says it’s time for a change.

climate change joke

Although we’re surrounded by millions of them every day, most of us don’t think about bricks too often. For thousands of years, the humble clay-fired brick hasn’t changed. The building blocks of modern suburban homes would be familiar to the city planners of ancient Babylon, the bricklayers of the Great Wall of China, or the builders of Moscow’s Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

But the brick as we know it causes significant environmental problems, by using up raw, finite materials and creating carbon emissions. That’s why Gabriela Medero, a professor of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering at Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University, decided to reinvent it.

Originally from Brazil, Medero says she was drawn to civil engineering because it gave her passion for maths and physics a practical outlet. As she became aware of the construction industry’s sustainability issues, she started looking for solutions. With her university’s support, Medero joined forces with fellow engineer Sam Chapman and founded Kenoteq in 2009. (snip)

Although they’re made from natural materials, there are problems with bricks at every step of their production.

Bricks are made from clay — a type of soil found all over the world. Clay mining strips the land’s fertile topsoil, inhibiting plant growth.

Once made, bricks must be transported to construction sites, generating more carbon emissions.

Interestingly, most of these same climate cultists aren’t complaining about all the precious metals and such being mined and transported to make their precious solar panels, which provide power sporadically.

Enter the K-Briq. To make it, construction and demolition waste including bricks, gravel, sand and plasterboard is crushed and mixed with water and a binder. The bricks are then pressed in customized molds. Tinted with recycled pigments, they can be made in any color.

But, they aren’t really new. They’re just recycled bricks. Which, let’s admit, is good, because reusing bricks wasn’t really a thing. But, it still uses lots of water, and still requires transportation to construction sites. And what happens when they run out of old style bricks? What then?

Medero should be congratulated for finding a way to recycle the bricks, but, really, was it necessary to drag the climate crisis (scam) into the mix?

Read: CNN: We Need To Stop Using Bricks We’ve Been Using For 5,000 Years To Stop Climate Crisis »

USA Today Says Trump Campaign’s Eagle Symbol Is Nazi-Like

Has anyone told the USA Today that the Bald Eagle is a national symbol of the United States?

From the screed

President Donald Trump’s campaign website recently unveiled a T-shirt that has come under fire because of design similarities between its logo and a Nazi symbol.

The similarity was first noticed, according to Forward, by two Twitter accounts, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, described as a Jewish progressive group, and the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group formed by Republicans.

“The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection with a Nazi symbol. Again,” Bend the Arc tweeted on July 1.

Several Facebook posts have noted the similarities, as well. One user noted, “Trump is now selling straight up nazi propaganda shirts.”

They did eventually clarify in a tweet, but, still call the symbol Nazi-like, even after spending time in the “fact check” laying out that they are very, very different.

But the designs have key differences. In Trump’s, the eagle holds the American flag up near its chest; the Nazi symbol holds the swastika lower. Trump’s design also features “Trump 2020” below it. The American eagle is also a bald eagle, whereas the Nazi eagle is depicted as an all-black bird. (snip)

The claims that a Trump campaign T-shirt has come under criticism for using a symbol similar to a Nazi eagle is TRUE, based on our research. But it is worth noting that the eagle is a common symbol in American politics, and is included in the presidential seal of the U.S., as well as many federal departments.

The hell you say!

And remember this?

These people are nuts.

Read: USA Today Says Trump Campaign’s Eagle Symbol Is Nazi-Like »

Who’s Ready For Climate Change Induced Poison Ivy Doom?

There’s a very interesting admission on this doom-mongering piece

Poison ivy likely to become more abundant and more potent with climate change
A six-year study found that elevated levels of carbon dioxide increase the growth of poison ivy

Leaves of three, let it be. Many of us were taught this rhyme as children to keep us on the lookout for the dreaded poison ivy plant. If you think you’re seeing more of it these days, it’s probably not your imagination. It’s also likely to be larger than you’ve seen it in the past and will cause a more potent rash.

Several Manitoulin Islanders have shared their recent experiences, saying they have reacted badly this year but have never experienced the painful, itchy rash previously. Brittany from Manitowaning had to bandage most of her leg. Bill P. said the usual patches near his property had spread, and the plants were looking very healthy.

A six-year study completed by Duke University researchers found that elevated levels of carbon dioxide not only increased the growth of poison ivy but those high carbon dioxide receiving plants produced a more potent form of urushiol. That’s the oil that causes the skin inflammation, Rhus-dermatitis, in 50 to 80 per cent of humans when they come into contact with the plant (only humans and apes react to urushiol). Urushiol is poison ivy’s defense mechanism.

Wait, wait, I thought we were told that carbon dioxide was bad for plants? No? It makes them grow? Flourish? Spread?

You will generally find poison icy wherever humans have disturbed the land. It is possible that once established in newly disturbed areas elevated carbon dioxide levels will promote faster growth. She hasn’t noticed a correlation between a greater abundance of poison ivy and a warming climate but noted she hasn’t worked directly with the plant.

Huh. So, not necessarily due to a warming climate? Regardless, this doesn’t prove that the current warm period was caused by Man’s output of “carbon pollution.”

Read: Who’s Ready For Climate Change Induced Poison Ivy Doom? »

If All You See…

…is horrible paint that causes climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on what happens when you throw a gas can at a federal police officer.

It’s jeans week on IAYS. This one was a perfect transition from the patriotism week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove