If All You See…

…is horrible paint that causes climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on what happens when you throw a gas can at a federal police officer.

It’s jeans week on IAYS. This one was a perfect transition from the patriotism week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and baseball is close to maybe sorta being back. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Dissecting Leftism wonders why no one is talking about Taiwan’s response to Bat Soup
  2. Diogenes’ Middle Finger covers Teen Vogue telling Salman Rushdie that censorship is great
  3. Geller Report News discusses leftist terrorists tearing down a flag at a 9/11 memorial
  4. hogewash has a Frankengalaxy
  5. IOTW Report covers Trump denying Minneapolis federal disaster relief (good. They made their bed, let them lay in it)
  6. Jihad Watch discusses Ilhan Omar’s threat to tear down our system
  7. Legal Insurrection covers the Goya Foods boycott calls
  8. Moonbattery notes “All Lives Matter” used in a hate hoax
  9. neo-neocon features 1968 vs today
  10. Noisy Room covers what the hatred of the Redskins is all about
  11. Pacific Pundit notes police officers in Minneapolis filing for disability
  12. Patterico’s Pontifications discusses face masks and Bat Soup Virus
  13. Powerline notes that book burning is back
  14. Raised On Hoecakes features some karma for car thieves
  15. And last, but not least, Sonoran Conservative features some Useful Idiots

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Media Seem Rather Unhinged Over Trump Finally Wearing A Mask

Don’t forget, the CDC guidance on wearing  a mask prior to May 30th was that people didn’t need to and should not wear a face mask unless they were actually sick (via Twitchy)

He wore a mask!

President Trump wore a mask in public for the first time Saturday, more than three months after public health officials from his own administration recommended that all Americans cover their face when social distancing was not possible. (snip)

For months, public health officials and several Republican lawmakers have urged Trump to model good public health practices by wearing a mask in public, even though he is in a unique situation because he is regularly tested for coronavirus. Trump resisted, and the concept of mask-wearing became part of the country’s partisan political battles as the coronavirus spread rapidly in America and other countries gained control of the pandemic.

Can you guess what’s missing from the article? Any actual names of those public health officials. None. Zip. Nada. The only Republican mentioned is

“Unfortunately this simple lifesaving practice has become part of a political debate that says: If you’re for Trump, you don’t wear a mask. If you’re against Trump, you do,” Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said last month during a Senate hearing. “That is why I have suggested the president should occasionally wear a mask even though there are not many occasions when it is necessary for him to do so. The president has millions of admirers. They would follow his lead.”

Perhaps the Washington Post should read the Washington Post

Huh. How about that? The full guidance was changed May 30. Prior to that, in early April, they recommended the use of a “non-medical, cloth mask” when it is essential to be in public places, because some people could be asymptomatic and not know it so a cloth covering could keep these people who are sick from spreading it. Trump is getting tested all the time, so, he doesn’t have it, so, he won’t be asymptomatic.

Read More »

Read: Media Seem Rather Unhinged Over Trump Finally Wearing A Mask »

Climate Cultists Should Take Lessons From Occupy Wall Street Or Something

It’s all to adopt mature activism

Lessons from Occupy Wallstreet to Arab Spring — young people must adopt mature activism

As the world now faces the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression, there will be greater social unrest and calls for a new set of solutions.

Youth movements will need to find a more mature form of activism to counter the popularized puritanism that has prevailed. More precisely, here are 4 considerations for young change-makers as they seek a more just and equitable world:

1. Learn from the past


Youth movements that are informed by the success and pitfalls of prior efforts offer a more promising outcome. Take for example, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, co-founded by a 32-year old Alicia Garza.

I’m not quite sure where the headline came from, because neither is mentioned in the article, really, just the heavily Marxist and racist BLM. Does the author actually want the climate kids to be like OWS? All the rapes (remember, they had to put up a tent as a “rape free zone” at Zuccotti Park), the stabbings, the drugs, the filth and squalor, pooping on police cars and people’s doorsteps. How about all the violence as the movement spread? The people who tried to bomb things? One of the big roots of Antifa is OWS: a lot of the folks in OWS moved into Antifa (along with the ACORN folks and “anarchists” (do anarchists know that they should be against government?).

Is this what they are pushing for the climate kids to become?

Read: Climate Cultists Should Take Lessons From Occupy Wall Street Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Biden’s sign language interpreter having trouble interpreting his incoherence.

Read: If All You See… »

#CancelCulture: They’re Coming After The Chiefs, Blackhawks, And Braves, As Well

Hey, remember when this was all about reforming the police?

The Racial Justice Reckoning Over Sports Team Names Is Spreading

Lots of people, especially many Native Americans, loathe the name of the Washington, D.C., NFL team, the Redskins.

“The origin of that name is rooted in murder and violence and genocide and hate,” says Crystal Echo Hawk, the founder and CEO of the advocacy group IllumiNative. “It’s a dictionary-defined racial slur, full-stop.”

And lots don’t.

Echo Hawk says a 30-year stalemate over the team name suddenly broke when the team’s corporate sponsors demanded a new name, and the team agreed to consider it.

“What changed was the murder of George Floyd,” says Echo Hawk. “And it changed everything in this country.”

What does George Floyd have to do with the name of the Redskins? How did we go from police reform to this?

“I think we’ve reached a point where the Redskins name is now more of a burden than a benefit to the team,” says Mike Lewis, a marketing professor at Emory University.

Lewis says this reckoning — he calls it a “purity spiral” — is just getting started.

“I’ve been looking at this stuff for years and the Redskins has always been sort of the focal point for the controversy,” he says. “The Indians second, the Chiefs probably third. The Braves and the Blackhawks don’t take a lot of heat for whatever reason. But at this point, I think all sorts of team names are now in play.”

The Cleveland Indians have launched a formal name review.

That leaves primarily the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team. The three teams all claim to venerate Native Americans.

Crystal Echo Hawk says the names Braves, Blackhawks and Chiefs are not racial slurs, but they do carry baggage.

If fans of these teams think this will stop, good luck with that.

“It’s the imagery that gets associated with those names. It’s the racist fan behavior. When a fan paints their face red, right? That is blackface. Blackface is wrong. We, I think most people in this country, get that now,” says Echo Hawk.

They’re coming after the tomahawk chop at Braves and Chiefs games. They’re coming after the logos and the names. It won’t stop.

Read: #CancelCulture: They’re Coming After The Chiefs, Blackhawks, And Braves, As Well »

French Political Party Recommends Forcing Companies To Advertise Responsibly For ‘Climate Change’

Funny how climate cultists always go to the well of Governmental control, eh? In case you don’t see it, the party, split from others in the French Parliament, is called “Ecology Democracy Solidarity”. Nothing too Modern Socialist about it, right?

Push to make French advertising a weapon against climate change

Advertising in France may be about to get a lot greener after a bill was tabled in parliament that obliges large companies to use their advertising euros as a force for environmental good.

Putting forward the proposed law, the newly created political group Ecologie, Démocracie et Solidarité (EDS) argued that advertising had the potential to be a “powerful lever” in propelling France’s ecological transition.

The bill aims to give advertising a driving role in the transition towards a greener economy, and to iron out the “incompatibilities” between some ads and France’s green ambitions.

Along with a series of progressive bans on polluting products and services, it suggests the creation of a “responsible advertising” support fund to help retrain professionals working within the advertising sector.

So, not only does EDS want to force companies to advertise in a Specific Manner, but, they will require “re-education camps” for advertising execs.

Group co-president Matthieu Orphelin said the world of advertising needed to undergo a major revolution if it was to play any real role in the fight against climate change.

“Let us be the first country to make advertising work towards a serious goal, to put advertising at the service of the (ecological) transition,” Orphelin told FranceInfo radio.

Why do they need to play a role? Their job is to literally accept commissions from companies to create ads to get people to buy the products and services of companies and such, right? It’s not their job to be good little climate cultists.

EDS estimates that, each year, French companies pour 34 billion euros into the country’s marketing industry – something they say should be redirected towards protecting the environment and preserving resources.

Warmists always want to spend Other People’s money.

Read: French Political Party Recommends Forcing Companies To Advertise Responsibly For ‘Climate Change’ »

NY Times Allows Op-Ed Advocating For The End Of Israel

Well, sure, why not, Liberals are trying to cancel everything else right now, taking advantage of the whole black lives matter thing

NYT Publishes Peter Beinart Op-ed Calling for End of Israel

Liberal writer Peter Beinart’s latest oped published in the New York Times Wednesday has sparked outrage among U.S. Jewish leaders for calling for the end of Israel.

The opinion article, entitled “I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State,” calls for Israel to be replaced with a binational, unitary state called “Israel-Palestine.”

“Israel-Palestine can be a Jewish home that is also, equally, a Palestinian home,” writes Beinart in the July 8 piece.

The head of the American Jewish Committee compared Beinart’s remarks to those of late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who called for a similar “solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a 2001 oped published by the Times.

“NYTimes’ opeds calling for the end of Israel, the tiny sliver of land where Jews exercise sovereignty in their ancestral home: -Muammar Qaddafi, 1/21/09 –Peter Beinart, 7/8/20 Can anyone recall the NYTimes publishing opeds urging the end of any other nation (& UN member)? Hmm,” Harris wrote.

Beinart wrote

Israel has all but made its decision: one country that includes millions of Palestinians who lack basic rights. Now liberal Zionists must make our decision, too. It’s time to abandon the traditional two-state solution and embrace the goal of equal rights for Jews and Palestinians. It’s time to imagine a Jewish home that is not a Jewish state.

Equality could come in the form of one state that includes Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, as writers such as Yousef Munayyer and Edward Said have proposed; or it could be a confederation that allows free movement between two deeply integrated countries. (I discuss these options at greater length in an essay in Jewish Currents). The process of achieving equality would be long and difficult, and would most likely meet resistance from both Palestinian and Jewish hard-liners.

Beinart forgets that it’s Palestinians (and terrorists operating in the name of Palestinians) who keep attacking Israel with bombs and guns and knives and more. Who intentionally attack civilians. And that Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more rights than most people do in all the other Middle East nations.

What this all is, though, is just Excuse-making for the destruction of Israel, the only Democracy model nation in the ME, and, more importantly, the Jewish homeland, because even non-Israeli Jews like Beinart have been taught to hate Israel and Jews.

Read: NY Times Allows Op-Ed Advocating For The End Of Israel »

We Can’t Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless Black Lives Matter Or Something

I guess this makes sense, since both movements are hardcore Leftist/Marxist (they’re Comrades try an say they aren’t, but, their agenda says they are (also, racist))

We Can’t Solve the Climate Crisis Unless Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement is not a distraction from saving the planet. We can’t solve the climate crisis without people of color, but we could probably solve it without racists.

Whether it’s Hurricane Katrina or air pollution, storms and exposure to toxins cause much greater harm to communities of color. (Although, yes, in the longer term, climate change is coming for us all, even if you have a bunker in New Zealand.) So it follows that if we’re thinking about how to become more resilient to the impacts of climate change, we must focus on the people who are actually the most impacted. And we must understand that it is people from their own communities who are best equipped to lead them.

Funny how blacks have such problems in Democratic Party run cities. Aren’t they the BLM Comrades?

I simply don’t see how we win at addressing the climate crisis without elevating Black, and Indigenous, and Latinx, and Asian leaders. Because it is not merely a technical challenge we are facing. It’s not just about solar panels and electric cars. This is about how we implement solutions, how we replicate and scale them; it’s about communities and governments and corporations changing the way they do things–solving the climate crisis is about everything. So we need to find ways that everyone can be a part of this transformation.

What’s missing are the solutions.

If climate organizations fail to prioritize welcoming people of color, the movement will never grow large enough to succeed. Furthermore, people of color are significantly more concerned about climate change than white people are (49% of whites, 57% of Blacks, 69% of Latinx). That’s tens of millions of people of color in the U.S. who could be a major part of the solutions we need if unburdened by white supremacy.

So, wait, climate organizations are racist? Huh.

Let’s include ever more expansive understandings of justice in environmental work. Let’s integrate an understanding of interdependence. Let’s take a holistic approach inspired by ecosystems. Let’s value human diversity as much as we do biodiversity. Let’s think about the world we want to live in, and how we can build it, together.

Huh? Modern Socialist/Marxist duckspeak. Pure babble. BTW, setting buildings and fossil fueled vehicles on fire doesn’t really help the environment, nor their beliefs in carbon pollution, does it? Nor the bonfires in the streets and all the illegal fireworks (remember, the Cult of Climastrology is against both, and has tried to shut down both).

Read: We Can’t Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless Black Lives Matter Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible big home that Other People shouldn’t be allowed to live in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Leftists freaking out over some liberals supporting free speech.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove