Good News: Wall Street Is To Blame For ‘Climate Change’, Police Brutality, And The Wealth Gap

Think ahead to July 2021: other than a few uber-leftist cities defunding their police, either partially or totally, causing a massive spike in criminal activity and people and companies abandoning those cities, nothing will have been done for real on police reform. Why? Because uber-leftists added all their pet issues into the mix, making it too convoluted to care about, and people just tune out

What Do the Racial Wealth Gap, Police Brutality, and the Climate Crisis Have in Common? Wall Street

In case you missed their tweets and statements, Wall Street wants you to know that it is definitely, without a doubt, very much not racist. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, even took a knee for one particularly well-lit photo opportunity. Yet, peek behind the curtain and it’s clear that white supremacy continues to pull Wall Street’s strings.

Not that this should surprise anyone.

For generations, the slave trade and the financial system operated in a twisted symbiosis. Banks provided loans to white plantation owners to buy black slaves. Plantation owners used slaves as collateral to take out more loans. In southern states, as many as eighty percent of mortgages were taken out using enslaved black people as collateral.

That was hundreds of years ago. The people involved are long dead.

When plantation owners defaulted on their debts, banks would take direct ownership of slaves. JPMorgan Chase has admitted that its forebears owned more than 1,250 enslaved people. It should surprise no one that Wall Street was New York’s first slave market. And banks weren’t the only ones making a killing. Insurance companies like AIG and New York Life sold policies to slave owners guaranteeing pay-outs if their slaves were killed or injured. In all, forty percent of cotton revenue may have ended up in New York.

Sounds like we have to #CancelNYC.

A report by the Action Center on Race and the Economy has highlighted how Wall Street made $891 million in profit from what they call police brutality bonds―high-interest rate loans to cities and counties that cover the costs of police brutality legal settlements.

Um, what of those cities and counties with the claims? Oh, right, uber-far left Common Dreams will excuse them because they are mostly run by Democrats.

Then there is the fact that since the Paris Agreement was signed, the world’s largest banks have loaned more than $2.7 trillion to the fossil fuel industry. JPMorgan Chase alone has provided over $296 billion to the fossil fuel industry in that time.

The fossil fuel corporations funded by Wall Street cause vast harm to black communities; yet, black communities reap almost no benefit from the industry. As a 2014 NAACP report documented, 68% of African Americans live within thirty miles of a coal-fired power plant, resulting in higher rates of birth defects, cancers, heart disease, and other maladies, as well as lower property values. Yet, African Americans hold only 1.1% of the nation’s energy jobs and claim just 0.001% of the revenue from energy industries.

Of course, fossil fuel companies are also wrecking our planet’s climate. As the 130 organizations in the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition have been pointing out, the money that Wall Street pipes to the fossil fuel industry is the oxygen upon which the fire of global warming burns. Without it, the fossil fuel industry simply couldn’t afford to build its new coal mines and oil pipelines.

Wall Street, it turns out, is every bit as complicit in the climate crisis as it was in the slave trade.

When will Common Dreams call out all the people who actually use fossil fuels, such as the Democrats campaigning across the country?

Read: Good News: Wall Street Is To Blame For ‘Climate Change’, Police Brutality, And The Wealth Gap »

Biden Releases America First “Economic Plan”, Forgetting His Dismal Record During Obama Years

Hey, remember when Democrats made fun of Trump wanting products made in America? Wanting manufacturing in America?

Biden pushes populist ‘made in America’ plan to pump up economy

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden returned to his childhoold hometown in Pennsylvania on Thursday during a trip where he proposed spending $700 billion on American products and research – in the hopes of bringing back millions of jobs lost by an economy flattened by the coronavirus pandemic.

The former vice president unveiled his populist plan during a speech at a metal works factory in Dunmore, Pa., just minutes from his childhood home in Scranton.

His proposal – called the “Build Back Better” plan – also seeks to create 5 million new jobs and is the first of four economic proposals Biden is expected to roll out over the coming weeks.

“Let’s use this opportunity to take bold investments in American industry and innovation, so the future is made in America, all in America,” Biden emphasized.

“When the federal government spends taxpayers’ money, we should use it to buy American products and support American jobs,” he added.

Perhaps some in the lapdog media could ask how well Joe Biden did administering Obama’s Stimulus. Remember how Obama called him Sheriff Joe, and they Joe would make it happen?

“I do not buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past,” Biden said. He also touted his longstanding close ties to union workers, saying, “I had an uncle who said, ‘Joey, you’re labor from belt buckle to shoe sole.’ Well I’ve taken pride in that.”

Huh. Democrats said American manufacturing was gone when Trump was talking about bringing it back.

The first part of the former vice president’s proposal is a $400 billion investment by the federal government to purchase American products such as cement, concrete, steel, and other materials to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

Why does the federal government need more money for this? Shouldn’t they be buying American whenever they can?

The second part is a $300 billion investment in research for new technologies, such as electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, and 5G.

Again, why? The private sector is doing just fine on their own. The private sector comes up with most new technologies, they’re the ones doing the electric car thing (not that most buyers care, and these are mostly for rich people), the last thing we need is the federal government getting involved with AI, and 5G has already been created and is being deployed. Does Handsy Joe even know that? 5G is being deployed nationwide by the major carriers, and they already have, and have had, phones for this.

The president’s reelection campaign has slammed Biden for the slow economic recovery from the Great Recession during Biden’s tenure as President Obama’s vice president.

“Biden’s policies caused the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression, anemic job growth, and depressed wages for the workers left,” Trump campaign national press secretary Hogan Gidley argued.

That would be the Stimulus, son of stimulus, and all the other stuff from the Obama admin. Democrats like to say that Trump’s good economy is due to Obama’s policies: why’d they take over 8 years to kick in if true?

Read: Biden Releases America First “Economic Plan”, Forgetting His Dismal Record During Obama Years »

Surprise: Chance Of World Hitting 1.5C Doubles In New “Model”

I guess no one is buying all the “Coronavirus is the time to Do (destroy the world’s economy an control everyone’s lives) Something” talking points, so, back to straight scaremongering

Chances of global warming to 1.5C within five years doubles under new modelling

Global temperatures have a 20 per cent change of reaching 1.5C above pre-industrial levels in the next five years, according to new analysis from the World Meteorological Organisation which doubles the likelihood from an earlier assessment.

Analysis last year from the Met Office, which led on the new report, put the likelihood at 10 per cent.

The Met Office said the higher figure was produced by using models from ten different climate centres around the world for the first time.

The Paris Agreement, which governments signed up to in 2015, aims to limit global warming to 1.5C and at least 2C, based on averages over a 30-year period.

Current warming is at 1C, which the WMO said would continue over the next five years, with a one in five chance that one year would hit 1.5C and a 70 per cent chance that one month would.

So, if the world is at 1.8 Fahrenheit now, they’re claiming that there’s a 20% chance of having a year were it gets to at least 2.7F, and 70% a full month would be at 2.7F. Despite only rising 1.8F since 1850, something that is utterly normal during a Holocene warm period. The Medieval Warm Period was almost 1.8F higher than it is today, with, get this, no fossil fueled vehicles. Depending on the data, the MWP may have spiked almost 3.5F from the Dark Ages before dropping back to the Little Ice Age. Previous warm periods may have been warmer.

But, you know, this is all your fault for eating a cheeseburger the other day. And the climate cult has some fearmongering to offer.

Read: Surprise: Chance Of World Hitting 1.5C Doubles In New “Model” »

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution from Other People, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Black In Origin crime exploding.

Read: If All You See… »

BLM “Protester” Punches Black Trump Supporter, Immediately Arrested

The best part of this is how the friends of the guy who punched the other have provided evidence for the prosecution as well as any potential lawsuit. I wonder if people will ever learn that taking video of themselves and/or their friends doing bad things is rather stupid

VIDEO: Black Lives Matter protester punches black reported Trump supporter in the face — immediately gets arrested

A Black Lives Matter protester was arrested Tuesday evening literally seconds after he reportedly assaulted a man — right in front of police.

Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura posted the video of the incident to Twitter and said the man punched in the face — who was black — was a Trump supporter.

Ventura told TheBlaze in an Instagram message that the man “was talking about how he couldn’t wait to get Trump reelected and he kept yelling ‘Trump 2020, 4 more years!’ which angered the crowd.”

The protester punched the man in the face while several police officers stood no more than 10 feet away. Then the officers immediately approached the protester and dragged him away from the crowd before detaining him.

Another video posted by Ventura minutes later shows protesters yelling and pushing into officers as they escort the protester who assaulted the man into a police vehicle.

I’ve seen similar video posted from other angles, apparently by his Comrades. And some of those Comrades should have been arrested for interfering with the police. See, Black Lives Matter, but only Certain Black Lives.

Read: BLM “Protester” Punches Black Trump Supporter, Immediately Arrested »

The Uber-White Climate Movement Is Embracing Environmental Racism Or Something

They’re fighting it, you know. On behalf of People Of Color. Because these uber-white Warmists are like most of the rest of their Progressive brethren: racists at heart. They have a low opinion of POC, especially black people, who they think cannot survive without the helpful hand of government and white leftists

Why the Larger Climate Movement Is Finally Embracing the Fight Against Environmental Racism

The 2019 fire at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery started with a simple failure: one leaky elbow pipe in a 1,400-acre facility covered with pipes, tanks and industrial towers. Within a few hours last June, enough gaseous propane had seeped into the air to ignite the facility into a fiery hellscape with an explosion hurling human-size pieces of industrial equipment into the air and shaking the ground miles away. Workers rapidly shut down the facility, which had for decades converted crude oil into usable products.

The workers escaped with only a few minor injuries, but the facility had already spent decades killing its neighbors in South Philadelphia. The refinery–the largest on the East Coast, dating back to the early days of the oil industry in the 19th century–was single-handedly responsible for more than half of the city’s cancer-causing air toxics, according to a report from the city. And it contributed to the 125 premature deaths that the American Thoracic Society and New York University say result from air pollution in Philadelphia each year. The South Philadelphia area surrounding the facility, where 60% of residents are Black, has some of the highest asthma-hospitalization rates in the city, where asthma numbers top those in all but a few U.S. cities. The explosion “was kind of a wake-up call for the rest of the city,” says Derek S. Green, an at-large city-council member in Philadelphia. “If you’re living there every day, the pollution is something that you were constantly dealing with.”

Eight months later and five miles away, a group of Black voters from across Philadelphia filed into a bland conference room of a downtown office building for a focus group on climate change organized by Third Way, a center-left Washington, D.C., policy think tank. The warming planet ranked low on the attendees’ list of priorities, at least at first, but the conversation turned passionate when it came to the pollution in their own backyard.

“You come out and it’s hard to breathe on most days,” said one attendee. Another noted that in Southwest Philadelphia, “all the African Americans grew up with asthma.” The Energy Solutions refinery drew near universal condemnation. “All y’all did was put out the fire,” said another attendee, pointing to the government response. “You didn’t do nothing for those thousand houses who have to breathe in this air. It’s messed up.”

One has to wonder why Democrats have kept black people in the crummy areas of their cities, close to places like the refinery. Aren’t these the areas where White Democrats build public housing projects?

These dynamics are nothing new. For decades, environmental-justice advocates in the U.S. have worked to bring attention to the heightened environmental risks faced by communities of color: higher levels of lead exposure, higher risks of facing catastrophic flooding, and poorer air quality, to name just a few. But progress has been slow on the national stage as the most powerful groups fighting for environmental rules, not to mention government leaders, have largely ignored them.

Today, that conversation is changing. With partisanship at record levels and Republicans still skeptical of climate rules, environmental activists have realized they need a big coalition to pass legislation, and that means getting the enthusiastic backing of people of color. To do that, they are not only talking about the environmental hazards faced by people of color but also putting their concerns at the core of their campaigns.

So, they’ve taken something that’s real, environmental issues affecting neighborhoods, and meshed it with the climate crisis scam? Oh, right, it gives them an extra chance at patronizing POC, and blacks in particular. It also is a way of position the notion that these people are owed fixes, owed reparations, owed money.

COVID-19, which is killing Black Americans at twice the rate of their white counterparts in large part because of environmental issues like pollution-caused asthma and heart disease, has only advanced the urgency for climate backers.

Strange that this is happening in Democratic Party run cities, eh? Something this long, long, long Time Magazine article fails to mention. Let’s skip to the end

This understanding has come slowly, but the increased attention to systemic racism and the urgency of climate change has made for a unique opportunity: address centuries of racism while saving the world from a global warming catastrophe. Indeed, tackling the two together may be a political necessity.

Now ask people if they’re willing to have lots of their own money taken along with lots of their freedom, liberty, and choice, and see how that goes. And ask why there are so many problems in Democratic run cities. And ask why they aren’t addressing actual pollution, rather than dragging in the idiocy of ‘climate change’.

Read: The Uber-White Climate Movement Is Embracing Environmental Racism Or Something »

Not Wearing A Mask? Colorado City Could Send You To Jail For A Year

Remember when this lockdown would only last 15 days? And if we’d only social distance and not touch and wash our hands, things would be OK? Then it was STAY HOME!!!! And then a recommendation to wear masks after the CDC changed their guidance on May 30th? Then Government telling us to wear masks? Englewood, Colorado, with their progressive mayor, have kicked it up a few notches

Colorado city to mandate coronavirus face coverings, threatening up to a year in jail for violators

The city of Englewood, Colo. located just south of Denver, will require all citizens to wear face masks Friday as coronavirus cases are on the rise. Violators will have the right to a trial but could face up to a year in prison or a $2,600 fine.

The emergency order was issued by City Manager J. Shawn Lewis and approved by the city council Monday, detailing that everyone over the age of 6-years old will be required to wear a mask when outside of their homes.

The order directs all members of the public to wear face masks that cover both their nose and mouth while in any retail, commercial, or government offices along with all health care facilities, including veterinary offices.

All people taking public transportation are required to wear face masks. Drivers of public transportation services, like Uber and taxi services are required to wear a face mask unless members of their family are in the vehicle.

Face coverings are not required when in a personal office and individuals are more than six feet apart from one another.

Does anyone else think that all these types of restrictions would work better if Government used more of a light touch, more of a carrot vs the stick? People don’t respond well to threats of “you better do this or else” when it comes to these things, do the?

The city’s police department has been authorized to ticket first offenders with a $15 fine. The second offense will be an additional $25 fine.

The order also notes that “Any person charged with an offense under this Emergency Order may choose to enter a plea of not guilty and be entitled to a trial as authorized by the law.”

The maximum penalty someone can receive for not abiding by the mask order is a fine that cannot exceed $2,650 and up to 360 days in prison.

But, hey, if you smoke pot, which is illegal under federal law, you’re perfectly fine.

I guess the police have nothing better to do. And when these little tinpot dictators got a little taste of control, they loved it, and wanted more. What’s next, full face shields? Requiring people wear long pants and long sleeves? Keeping your head and neck covered? Of course, they’ll say “at least we’re allowing you outside, right? We could lock you down again.”

Read: Not Wearing A Mask? Colorado City Could Send You To Jail For A Year »

Seattle NHL Arena To Be Named “Climate Pledge Arena” By Amazon

As of this time, the Seattle expansion NHL team doesn’t even have a name or logo or anything. But

Amazon to Name Seattle NHL Arena the ‘Climate Pledge Arena’

As part of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ commitment to climate change, Seattle’s new NHL arena will be named Climate Pledge Arena. The arena, which was formerly called Key Arena, is underdoing a major renovation, and Amazon secured the naming rights to the revamped building. Located in downtown Seattle, the 18,100-seat arena will become the home to the NHL’s newest team, which has yet to be named and to the Seattle Storm, the city’s WNBA team.

According to Amazon, Climate Pledge Arena will be the world’s first net zero carbon-certified arena, and it will be powered with 100% renewable energy and generate zero waste from operations and events. For hockey games, the arena will use reclaimed rainwater to create surface ice.

“Instead of naming it after Amazon, we’re calling it Climate Pledge Arena as a regular reminder of the importance of fighting climate change,” said Bezos.

Catchy, eh?

As part of Amazon’s climate pledge, the company has committed to be net zero carbon by 2040. The company is starting its climate pledge with $2 billion in initial funding. That money will be used to support companies whose products and services will help advance the transition to a zero carbon economy.

Last September, as part of the climate change pledge, Amazon ordered 100,000 electric delivery vehicles from an electric vehicle start-up, Rivian.

So, what type of power will be used to charge those trucks? Oh, and will patrons of the CCCP, er, CPA, be required to not travel to the arena in fossil fueled vehicles? How about the players? Road games require lots of fossil fuels. Running an arena requires lots and lots of energy, and solar and wind won’t cut it.

The NHL has a vastly Republican leaning fan base: can a Seattle team survive with only the liberals from Seattle and surround cities, driving away those in the suburbs and rural areas who vote Republican?

Read: Seattle NHL Arena To Be Named “Climate Pledge Arena” By Amazon »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on being fired for a finger offense.

Read: If All You See… »

Durham Activists In Very Leftist City Demand Very Leftist Mayor Do Something For Blacks

Durham, North Carolina is a very leftist city in a very leftist county, one which voted over 70% for Hillary, Obama, and John Kerry. Everything is run by Democrats. So, why is this all necessary?

Durham protesters take their demands to mayor’s house for ‘honest conversation’

For weeks, protesters in Durham have taken to the streets to sound their calls about police department funding, ending racial injustice and remembering those who have died at the hands of police.

They’ve blocked highways, painted murals on the street and camped outside the police department.

Tuesday, they took their concerns straight to the home of Durham Mayor Steve Schewel.

About 20 people gathered outside his home, not far from 9th Street, and waited for him to speak with them. Shortly after 8 p.m., Schewel came out of his house and walked down a set of steps to listen to Skip Gibbs, an artist who is the founder of the Other American Movement grassroots group.

Why does it always seem as if the activists and Professional Protesters never really have actual jobs?

Gibbs told Schewel they want a crisis response team to respond to mental health-related situations; a community garden to be used for after-school programs and food security for the homeless; and ensuring that $3 million designated for the city’s small-business relief program go to businesses owned by Blacks and people of color.

In the course of the discussion, which lasted about 20 minutes, Schewel addressed Gibbs’ points.

He said he would work to divert the funds to businesses owned by people of color.

Isn’t that kind of, you know, racist? First, imagine that they were going to divert funds to white owned businesses, would that be decried? Further, are they saying that blacks cannot survive without the Helpful Hand Of Government? That they’re incompetent in doing it themselves? Racist. Further, what about other small businesses: don’t they deserve that relief money? And might they not sue if the money is used in a biased manner?

Anyhow, a community garden? Um, OK. That’ll solve….I’m not sure. It has nothing to do with the notion of reforming the police. None of this seems to have anything to do with police reform (defund was painted in the street right in front of the main police precinct)

But Gibbs pushed back, saying people who look like him will lose their lives unless a crisis response team is implemented sooner. He pleaded with the mayor to start a pilot program, like the one in Eugene, and then evaluate how it works in Durham.

Right, #SendASocialWorker. Should work well in an already dangerous city. Which is run by Democrats. Weird how black people have it so bad in a city run by Democrats, which blacks keep voting for.

Some of the members who stood outside the mayor’s home drove to Durham from Fayetteville, where they have advocated for similar reforms. Myah Warren said she came to Durham to “support her brothers and sisters,” but also to learn some tactics she can use at home.

Huh. Professional agitators.

Read: Durham Activists In Very Leftist City Demand Very Leftist Mayor Do Something For Blacks »

Pirate's Cove