Durham Activists In Very Leftist City Demand Very Leftist Mayor Do Something For Blacks

Durham, North Carolina is a very leftist city in a very leftist county, one which voted over 70% for Hillary, Obama, and John Kerry. Everything is run by Democrats. So, why is this all necessary?

Durham protesters take their demands to mayor’s house for ‘honest conversation’

For weeks, protesters in Durham have taken to the streets to sound their calls about police department funding, ending racial injustice and remembering those who have died at the hands of police.

They’ve blocked highways, painted murals on the street and camped outside the police department.

Tuesday, they took their concerns straight to the home of Durham Mayor Steve Schewel.

About 20 people gathered outside his home, not far from 9th Street, and waited for him to speak with them. Shortly after 8 p.m., Schewel came out of his house and walked down a set of steps to listen to Skip Gibbs, an artist who is the founder of the Other American Movement grassroots group.

Why does it always seem as if the activists and Professional Protesters never really have actual jobs?

Gibbs told Schewel they want a crisis response team to respond to mental health-related situations; a community garden to be used for after-school programs and food security for the homeless; and ensuring that $3 million designated for the city’s small-business relief program go to businesses owned by Blacks and people of color.

In the course of the discussion, which lasted about 20 minutes, Schewel addressed Gibbs’ points.

He said he would work to divert the funds to businesses owned by people of color.

Isn’t that kind of, you know, racist? First, imagine that they were going to divert funds to white owned businesses, would that be decried? Further, are they saying that blacks cannot survive without the Helpful Hand Of Government? That they’re incompetent in doing it themselves? Racist. Further, what about other small businesses: don’t they deserve that relief money? And might they not sue if the money is used in a biased manner?

Anyhow, a community garden? Um, OK. That’ll solve….I’m not sure. It has nothing to do with the notion of reforming the police. None of this seems to have anything to do with police reform (defund was painted in the street right in front of the main police precinct)

But Gibbs pushed back, saying people who look like him will lose their lives unless a crisis response team is implemented sooner. He pleaded with the mayor to start a pilot program, like the one in Eugene, and then evaluate how it works in Durham.

Right, #SendASocialWorker. Should work well in an already dangerous city. Which is run by Democrats. Weird how black people have it so bad in a city run by Democrats, which blacks keep voting for.

Some of the members who stood outside the mayor’s home drove to Durham from Fayetteville, where they have advocated for similar reforms. Myah Warren said she came to Durham to “support her brothers and sisters,” but also to learn some tactics she can use at home.

Huh. Professional agitators.

Read: Durham Activists In Very Leftist City Demand Very Leftist Mayor Do Something For Blacks »

Surprise: Actions To Solve ‘Climate Change’ May Not Show Up for 30 Years

Get this, we’re supposed to give up lots of our money, along with freedom, liberty, and choice, and won’t know if it will make any difference anytime soon

Even if we start to fix climate change, the proof may not show up for 30 years

The young climate activists clamoring today for rapid cuts to the world’s fossil fuel emissions could be well into their 30s or 40s before the impact of those changes becomes apparent, scientists said in a study published Tuesday.

As if curbing climate change wasn’t tough enough already, the new research finds that even if humans sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions now — cutting carbon dioxide, methane and other pollutants by at least 5 percent or more a year — it could still take decades before it’s clear those actions are beginning to slow the rate of the Earth’s warming.

In short, because of the massive amount of fossil fuels burned since the Industrial Revolution, and the complexity of the Earth’s climate, there’s no quick payoff from changing our fossil fuel habits, researchers found.

The results lend added perspective to the relatively minor drop in emissions that occurred due to worldwide shutdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic — a drop that appears unlikely to have much effect on the planet’s overall temperature.

Hmm, that’s one short term reason for the study: “carbon pollution” was way down, and skeptics were asking “shouldn’t we see a reduction in global temperatures soon since Warmists say carbon dioxide is the control knob”? The other is to set the deflection terms when people start asking “why is nothing changing after taking all our money and liberty?”

Samset said the delayed benefits of climate action could complicate the push to quickly wean the world off fossil fuels, in part because politicians and policymakers might have a difficult time showing that measures to combat climate change are making a discernible difference in the short term — even if emissions cuts help stave off future warming.

“It’s one of the things that makes climate change so difficult,” he said. “You’re looking at an avoided issue in the long term. So the best thing you can hope for is to stay at the status quo.”

Climate cultists always have some sort of excuse, don’t they? Of course, the Washington Post writers failed to ask any of the “scientists” exactly what should happen, per their scientific models, if the nations implemented all their crazy policies.

There is some warming already in motion that hasn’t materialized yet, Samset observed. What’s more, the planet’s temperature is influenced significantly by natural variability, so it is hard to have an immediate impact on it. Even if greenhouse gases are reduced, this variability could temporarily introduce more warming anyway.

So, really, the temperature is mostly caused by natural variability.

Emissions declined by as much as 17 percent in early April, compared with the previous year, but then bounced back rapidly as shuttered economies around the world began to reopen. Overall, the globe’s 2020 emissions are likely to show only a single-digit drop from 2019 levels, experts project.

A comparable reduction would need to happen year after year for rising global temperatures to level off. A United Nations report in the fall found that the world’s emissions would need to shrink by 7.6 percent each year to meet the most ambitious aims of the Paris climate agreement, which has the support of nearly every nation except the United States under President Trump.

Did you enjoy your test drive of Cult of Climastrology policies? Would you enjoy doing this for up to 30 years to see if they made a change in the climate?

Read: Surprise: Actions To Solve ‘Climate Change’ May Not Show Up for 30 Years »

Dems Tlaib, Pressley Introduce Bill Defunding Police, Giving Reparations

They must be trying to turn the nation into an area similar to fellow Squad member Ilhan Omar’s nation of origin, Somalia

‘Squad’ Dems Tlaib, Pressley introduce bill bill to defund police, give reparations

Two congressional “squad” members unveiled a wide-ranging proposal Tuesday to defund police departments and establish a reparations program for African Americans and people harmed by the police and the criminal justice system.

Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, both Democrats, announced the BREATHE Act via a virtual conference call. Both lawmakers are part of the four-member “squad,” a group of female progressive House members that includes Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and ‎Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

“We can start to envision through this bill a new version for public safety — a new vision for public safety, one that protects and affirms black lives,” Tlaib said, according to the New York Post.

The legislation has not been introduced. Ocasio-Cortez and Omar were not announced as backers of the proposal.

Now that is an interesting point: not introduced. Will they? Or is this just an attempt to patronize their unhinged base?

Under the bill, federal funds to local police and federal agencies would be slashed and diverted to pay for health care, education, environmental housing programs. It would eliminate federal programs and agencies used to finance Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the controversial Department of Defense 1033 program, which transfers excess military equipment to civilian law enforcement agencies.

This is one reason why it is nuts that citizens are required to give so much of their hard earned money to the federal government, rather than their state and local governments: should Los Federales really be funding local police? Which gives them a measure of control over the police? It’s not in the Constitution as really one of their roles. ICE, though, would be part of the federal government’s duties.

Other provisions include abolishing surveillance tactics disproportionately used to target minority communities, electronic monitoring — including ankle monitors, smartphone apps and other tools – ending civil asset forfeiture, ending the “three strikes” law and repealing laws that criminalize illegal immigration.

In addition, it would offer a 50 percent match of savings for states to close down detention facilities and prisons, the elimination of gang databases and the forgiving of all fees and surcharges within the justice system.

Wow, they’re going full on moonbat, are they not? Full Category 5 Moonbat. One of the major reasons for the increase in violence in Democratic Party run Chicago is the growth of gangs, mostly black ones.

The reparations provisions include the passing the Commission to Study Reparation Proposal for African-Americans Act and establishing commissions to “design reparations” for mass incarceration to include those caught up in the War on Drugs, border and police violence and the “systemic violation of the U.S. Government’s treaty obligations to Tribal nations.”

Sure, why not. Let’s give reparations to people who’ve done time for breaking the law.

The will most likely not submit the bill, as it probably won’t even pass the Dem controlled House (almost none of the legislation introduced by Squad members has passed), and it won’t pass the Senate. However, if introduced, the Senate should take it up and have a debate and vote on it, putting Democrats on the record.

Read: Dems Tlaib, Pressley Introduce Bill Defunding Police, Giving Reparations »

Climate Cultists Look To Pass Law To Make ‘Climate Change’ Illegal Or Something

Funny thing is, the vast majority of Warmists fail to practice what they preach

The law that could make climate change illegal

Imagine this: it’s 2030 and a country has just missed its target for cutting carbon emissions, that was set back in 2020. People are frustrated, but several governments have come and gone since the goal was set. “Don’t blame us,” the current government says. “We didn’t take the decisions that led us here.”

The short-term cycles of government can be a real problem for climate change. Even if climate goals are laid down in law, there can often be few concrete measures to stop a succession of governments from taking decisions that collectively end up with them being missed.

But a new and ambitious climate law recently passed in Denmark tries to find a way around this problem, and some of the other common pitfalls of climate laws. It makes Denmark one of a small number of countries beginning to provide new blueprints of how government can genuinely tackle climate change. Its law could turn out to be one of the closest things yet to a law that would make climate change – or at least the lack of effort to stop it – genuinely illegal.

In January 2019, a petition was launched for a climate law that would bring Denmark in line with the Paris Agreement. After one week, it had been signed by more than 50,000 people – around 1% of Denmark’s population.

The demands of the petition failed to gain overall parliamentary support at the time, but became part of a growing climate movement that swept Denmark last year, along with much of the world. By the time Denmark’s election arrived in June, climate change had become a top election issue.

Once in office, Denmark’s new government, a coalition of left-wing parties led by the Social Democrats, began work on an ambitious climate law, which came into force in June. It is one of the strongest laws of its kind in the world, because it avoids five big pitfalls of climate laws elsewhere.

I’m 100% in favor of this: they can serve as the experimental group, and we can see what happens to Denmark. Their main exports are wind turbines, pharmaceuticals, machinery and instruments, meat and meat products, dairy products, fish, and furniture. How will they send them to Germany (15.5%), Sweden (11.6%), United Kingdom (8.2%), United States (7.5%), Norway (6.0%), and China (4.4%)?

The top imports of Denmark are Cars ($5.09B), Refined Petroleum ($4.52B), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($3.53B), Packaged Medicaments ($3.32B), and Crude Petroleum ($2.57B). Looks like they need to cut out the fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Cultists Look To Pass Law To Make ‘Climate Change’ Illegal Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a tropical tree that will soon grow in northern countries, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on the Israel hatred from Biden’s foreign policy boss.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Easily Offended People Less Productive, Bad Employees

The hell you say!

Study Reveals That Easily Offended People Are Less Productive, Bad Employees

A study conducted by a Professor at San Diego State University has discovered that people who are easily offended make terrible employees because they never get anything done.

The study, conducted by Dr. Jeremy Berneth (WT – actually, Bernerth), involved asking almost 400 employees, aged 25.9 on average, across seven US colleges about different events that have recently gotten “substantial media attention”.

The study notes that the events consisted of “17 items developed to assess the proclivity to be offended, eight moral outrage items, 11 microagression items and nine political correctness items.”

It noted that some people have a high “proclivity to be offended” (PTBO), which the study describes as “a state-like tendency to be sensitive to customarily innocuous societal events and traditions,” for example “playing of the United States’ National Anthem.”

Those with a high PTBO have a “tendency to view an array of events and/or traditions as offensive.”

They also “are likely to feel that social events or traditions to which they take offense also violate moral or equitable standards,” the study notes.

Basically, they’re easily triggered by anything.

Now, you may be wondering if this is satire. I can’t find anything that says it is. Summit News doesn’t seem to do satire like the Onion or Babylon Bee. Further, there is an actual Jeremy Berneth at San Diego State. Further, the above story (which has much more, make sure to read it) has an embed of said study via SCRIBD. It’s not a study that someone just made up to be satire, as it’s 10 pages.

The study also notes that the easily offended are less concerned with helping others, despite constantly engaging in virtual signalling to suggest that is their primary goal.

Shocking, eh?

It is funny, though, and just what you expect. And will surely make the easily Offended Offended.

Read: Surprise: Easily Offended People Less Productive, Bad Employees »

Rare Clouds May Be Harbinger Of Climate Doom Or Something

This is probably your fault for taking a long shower with the lights on, followed by a hearty breakfast with evil sausage. And your fossil fueled trip to work all alone? The climate gods want to have a word with you

Rare night clouds may be warning sign of climate crisis

Something magical appeared at night over London and other parts of Britain on 21 June: ripples of electric blue clouds shimmered in the twilight sky after sunset. These were noctilucent clouds, the highest clouds in the world, more than 80km (50 miles) up on the edge of space, and looked like something from another planet.

Noctilucent clouds form in the mesosphere, the rarefied upper atmosphere with little moisture and intensely low temperatures. The scant water vapour there can freeze on to specks of smoke from meteors burning up in the atmosphere, creating the crystals that form noctilucent clouds. The mesosphere is coldest in summer, allowing the crystals to form.

These clouds may also be a warning sign of the climate crisis. They were first recorded in 1885 and were rarely seen for years afterwards, largely in polar regions. But in recent times the clouds have appeared much further afield and are growing much brighter.

Much of the moisture needed to form the clouds comes from methane, a potent greenhouse gas that produces water vapour when it breaks down in the upper atmosphere. And as methane pollution has increased, so noctilucent clouds have grown more common and more widespread.

If you were expecting an explanation as to why this is Doom, nope, sorry, that is the entirety of the UK Guardian (when are they being cancelled for supporting slavery and being against Abraham Lincoln?) article. I will certainly agree that the increase of methane is problematic. I’ve been saying this for a long time. But, do we really know about prior to 1885, during the Little Ace Age? How about during the Medieval Warm Period prior to the LIA? This is not the first time that the clouds have been brought up.

NASA investigated this back in 2014. One of the things they noted

The model showed that the occurrence of noctilucent clouds had indeed increased from 2002 to 2011. These changes correlate to a decrease in temperature at the peak height where noctilucent clouds exist in the atmosphere. Temperatures at this height do not match temperatures at lower levels – indeed, the coldest place in the atmosphere is at this height during summertime over the poles – but a change there certainly does raise questions about change in the overall climate system.

Russell and his team will research further to determine if the noctilucent cloud frequency increase and accompanying temperature decrease over the 10 years could be due to a reduction in the sun’s energy and heat, which naturally occurred as the solar output went from solar maximum in 2002 to solar minimum in 2009.

“As the sun goes to solar minimum, the solar heating of the atmosphere decreases, and a cooling trend would be expected,” said Russell.

Wait, what was that part about a decrease in temperature?

Read: Rare Clouds May Be Harbinger Of Climate Doom Or Something »

Cancel Culture: Descendant Of Thomas Jefferson Calls For Removing D.C. Monument

Someone got infected with Virtue Signal Syndrome. And is anyone surprised that the NY Times would publish this? When does the NY Times get cancelled, considering it stole the property for its current building from People of Color via eminent domain?

From Thomas Jefferson’s own family, a call to take down his memorial

A direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson has called for the memorial to the third president to be removed from Washington, D.C.

Writing in the New York Times Monday morning, Lucian K. Truscott IV says his ancestor’s former estate at Monticello is enough of a tribute and that the Jefferson Memorial, located next to the Tidal Basin in the nation’s capital, should be replaced with a statue honoring the abolitionist hero Harriet Tubman.

“The memorial is a shrine to a man who during his lifetime owned more than 600 slaves and had at least six children with one of them, Sally Hemings,” Truscott writes. “It’s a shrine to a man who famously wrote that ‘all men are created equal’ in the Declaration of Independence that founded this nation — and yet never did much to make those words come true. Upon his death, he did not free the people he enslaved, other than those in the Hemings family, some of whom were his own children. He sold everyone else to pay off his debts.”

In the piece, Truscott argues that Monticello serves as an “almost perfect memorial” to the nation’s third president. In his opinion, Monticello notes Jefferson’s major contributions to the creation of the United States — including the Declaration of Independence — but also includes his history as a slave owner, or, as Truscott writes, “it reveals him with his moral failings in full, an imperfect man, a flawed founder.”

“I am the sixth-generation great-grandson of a slave owner,” Truscott continues. “My cousins from the Sally Hemings family are also the great-grandchildren of a slave owner. But the difference is that our great-grandfather owned their great-grandmother. My family owned their family. That is the American history you will not learn when you visit the Jefferson Memorial. But you will learn it when you visit Monticello: There’s now an exhibit of Sally Hemings’s bedroom in her cavelike living quarters in the south wing, a room my brother and I used to play in when we were boys.”

People have flaws. Things were much different in the 1700’s than they are now. I wonder if Truscott will come out against all the slavery in China? His other writings do not

Truscott is a novelist and columnist for Salon whose grandfather was a general during World War II.

Ah, Salon. You know Salon, right? A major hotbed of uber-far left insanity.

But, hey, Truscott is welcome to his opinion. Of course, he’s just one descendant. Jefferson had 10 kids and this was over 200 years ago. In the Yahoo article comments, Andrew writes

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Read: Cancel Culture: Descendant Of Thomas Jefferson Calls For Removing D.C. Monument »

Newest Climate Cult Idea: Use Pensions To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

Who thinks this is a good idea? And why do climate cultists never want to use their own money?

Use pension cash to fight climate change, says Comic Relief founder

Some £3 trillion of UK pension cash could be used to help fight climate change following the launch of a campaign by British film director Richard Curtis and ex-Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

Make My Money Matter wants pension savers to move investments out of areas like fossil fuels, tobacco, gambling and deforestation into sustainable alternatives.

Curtis, director of acclaimed British films including Notting Hill and Bridget Jones’ Diary, launched the movement to help “pensions do more”.

The campaign also wants the pension industry to commit to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Yes, move the money from things that tend to have a monetary reward to those that may or may not, and there being a good chance that the Warmist companies will go under

Some 57% of UK adults with a pension want to see their retirement funds invested in building a better future. Around 52% want their pensions to be part of the solution in tackling climate change.

But most of us do not know where our pension cash is being invested.

Well, good luck knowing where it’s going if invested in Cult stuff.

Markey Carney, ex-governor of the Bank of England, says: “By helping align finance with society’s values, the Make My Money Matter campaign can support the whole economy transition required to achieve net zero. This could turn the existential risks from climate change into the greatest commercial opportunity of our time.”

You can soon see that this will be Mandatory, right?

Read: Newest Climate Cult Idea: Use Pensions To Fight Hotcoldwetdry »

Frederick Douglass Statue Torn Down In Rochester, NY

No one knows who did it, but they all like to Blamestorm

Frederick Douglass statue vandalized in Rochester park

A statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, delivered in that city in 1852.

Police said the statue of Douglass was taken on Sunday from Maplewood Park, a site along the Underground Railroad where Douglass and Harriet Tubman helped shuttle slaves to freedom.

The statue was found at the brink of the Genesee River gorge about 50 feet (15 meters) from its pedestal, police said. There was damage to the base and a finger.

In Rochester on July 5, 1852, Douglass gave the speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July,” in which he called the celebration of liberty a sham in a nation that enslaves and oppresses its Black citizens.

So, there might be some significance to tearing it down on the 5th

Carvin Eison, a leader of the project that brought the Douglass statue to the park, told the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle another statue will take its place because the damage is too significant.

“Is this some type of retaliation because of the national fever over confederate monuments right now? Very disappointing, it’s beyond disappointing,” Eison told WROC.

All the articles go down this road. What’s more likely, though: a bunch of Confederate statue supporters in Rochester, NY (Hillary 54.9% Trump 39.7% for the entire county) or that a bunch of Modern Socialists, most like the non-black allies tore it down, either to create a situation or because they are just dumb and saw a statue?

Elsewhere, another bit of OK sign craziness has been solved

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Read: Frederick Douglass Statue Torn Down In Rochester, NY »

Pirate's Cove