DOOM: The World Has Had Two Extra Heatwave Days Per Decade Because You Ate A Burger

This is horrible, horrible news, and I’m looking squarely at you for taking a fossil fueled trip down to that burger joint and eating. Probably with evil cheese on it, along with lettuce and tomatoes which have big road miles to them

OPINION The world endured two extra heatwave days per decade since 1950 – but the worst is yet to come

The term “heatwave” is no stranger to Australians. Defined as when conditions are excessively hot for at least three days in a row, these extreme temperature events have always punctuated our climate.

With many of us in the thick of winter dreaming of warmer days, it’s important to remember how damaging heatwaves can be.

In 2009, the heatwave that preceded Black Saturday killed 374 people. The economic impact on Australia’s workforce from heatwaves is US$6.2 billion a year (almost AU$9 billion). And just last summer, extreme temperature records tumbled, contributing to Australia’s unprecedented bushfire season.

Well, people setting fires contributed to the bushfires, but, whatever, we have a Narrative

Our new study – the first worldwide assessment of heatwaves at the regional scale – found heatwaves have become longer and more frequent since 1950. And worryingly, we found this trend has accelerated. (snip through explanation as to their definition of a heatwave)

We found almost every global region has experienced a significant increase in heatwave frequency since 1950. For example, southern Australia has experienced, on average, one extra heatwave day per decade since 1950.

However, other regions have experienced much more rapid increases. The Mediterranean has seen approximately 2.5 more heatwave days per decade, while the Amazon rainforest has seen an extra 5.5 more heatwave days per decade since 1950.

The global average sits at approximately two extra heatwave days per decade.

Can’t you just feel the doom? I’m not even going to get into how dumb this all is, I’ve done it before.

While Australia may be no stranger to heatwaves in the past, those we see in the future under these accelerating trends will certainly be foreign.

For example, a 2014 study found that depending on where you are in Australia, anywhere between 15 and 50 extra heatwave days will occur by 2100 compared to the second half of the 20th century.

But, it is pure prognostication of future doom.

We can still abate those trends if we work collectively, effectively and urgently to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

So, they should demand that the University of New South Wales, where this is published, should give up its own use of fossil fuels.

Read: DOOM: The World Has Had Two Extra Heatwave Days Per Decade Because You Ate A Burger »

Protesters In Seattle’s Streets Are Shocked That Cars Drive Through Their Tik Tok Videos, Er, Protests

If you’re dancing in the streets to put stuff up on Chinese owned Tik Tok and other social media, “protesting”, don’t be surprised when vehicles drive through

Marchers say hit-and-run that killed protester on I-5 isn’t the only time they’ve been targeted by drivers

Demonstrators protesting racial injustice and police brutality had marched on Interstate 5 in Seattle for 19 consecutive nights without incident before a driver bypassed Washington State Patrol barricades early Saturday morning to careen into a group of marchers, killing one and seriously injuring another.

The fatal hit-and-run drew national attention, with lawmakers expressing shock and horror over the death of Summer Taylor, 24. The driver also hit Diaz Love, 32, who remains in serious condition at Harborview Medical Center but is improving, a hospital spokesperson said Sunday evening.

Why does a hotbed of Modern Socialism need to protest? Are they saying they’re racists? And most of them are uber-white. An if the police were closing a major highway, I-5, how did the driver get on it?

If protesters were blocking off sections, then why is anyone surprised someone was driving on a highway? Interestingly, none of the Seattle media, nor the few national outlets covering this, are mentioning that driver was black.

But the collision — which demonstrators say seemed intentional — isn’t the first time cars have sped into the ongoing protests in Seattle sparked by the killing of George Floyd, a Black man in Minneapolis, by a white police officer.

“Everyone wants to use the excuse of us being on the freeway,” said a protest organizer, who gave their name as Nicole, in a video statement broadcast on Facebook. “This happens to us on a daily basis. Cars try to run through us on a daily basis, no matter where we are.”

Um, because you’re in the streets? Made to convey vehicles from place to place. The article mentions one “incident” in Seattle and a couple in other states. Funny how they don’t mention the ones where people were driving then attacked, such as in Utah.

In the aftermath of the fatal hit-and-run, the Washington State Patrol said Saturday it would begin arresting people for walking on the freeway because the agency can no longer guarantee protesters’ safety, said Capt. Ron Mead, who made the decision to close I-5.

So, after 19 nights of “protests”, the police plan to do their jobs?

At the request of the State Patrol, the Washington State Department of Transportation announced June 4 it would close the I-5 express lanes for several days “in order to keep all people safe during the demonstrations in the city.”

According to Washington law, pedestrians are not permitted to walk in the center of the highway, although WSDOT may restrict vehicle traffic for funeral processions or parades or for pedestrians or other nonmotorized traffic.

Illegal. Do you know why people aren’t allowed to hitchhike or walk on the side of a highway? Of course you do.

The crowd was dancing the Cupid Shuffle when, 45 minutes later, Dawit Kelete, 27, drove his white Jaguar the wrong way up a freeway exit ramp and swerved into the protesters at high speed, killing Taylor and injuring Love.

Sounds more like they were using the notion of a protest to simply do their thing for social media.

Read: Protesters In Seattle’s Streets Are Shocked That Cars Drive Through Their Tik Tok Videos, Er, Protests »

53 U.N. Member Nations Vote For Anti-Freedom Chinese Crackdown On Hong Kong

Yes, there’s a lot of this and that regarding the freedom push in Hong Kong, but they are for freedom and liberty, the opposite of what China wants. It’s long past time to pull out of the UN, not just the so-called Human Rights Committe

At UN Human Rights Council, 53 countries back China’s draconian Hong Kong crackdown

Fifty-three countries at the U.N. Human Rights Council, led by Cuba, came out in support of China’s national security law this week — a law that has formed the basis of the communist regime’s latest crackdown on the people of Hong Kong.

Dueling statements were read out in the Council Tuesday in support and against the national security law. According to Axios, Cuba read out a statement in favor of the law backed by 52 other countries, while the U.K. read out a statement against it, representing itself and 26 other countries.

Chinese state media Xinhua reported that the Cuban statement said the law was beneficial for Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, and guarantees that Hong Kong residents can exercise their freedom in a “safe environment.”

The law criminalizes anti-government movements, and is targeted at pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong who have pushed back against Beijing’s incursions on freedoms in the territory — which is supposed to be ruled on the principle of “one country, two systems.”

The law punishes crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that “Free Hong Kong was one of the world’s most stable, prosperous and dynamic cities. Now it’s just another communist-run city where its people will be subject to the party elites wins.”

But at the Human Rights Council, where a number of countries with poor human rights records sit, those in favor of the draconian measure outnumbered those who opposed it. The Council came under renewed scrutiny over its membership this year, when Venezuela was among those with records of human rights abuse who took a seat.

This is what you get with the United Nations, a veritable cesspool of tyranny and hatred of freedom. We pulled out of the HRC in 2018. It’s time to go all together. Let’s see how well this pit of dictatorship, scum, and human rights violators like it without United States money.

Also, Trump and the Congressional Republicans should force Democrats to go on the record over this backing of China. See what they do.

Read: 53 U.N. Member Nations Vote For Anti-Freedom Chinese Crackdown On Hong Kong »

If All You See…

…is a horrible gas fired grill, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Proof Positive, with a post explaining who was Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it was a great 4th of July. Not sure who did this pinup, checked a few places, no dice. It’s been sitting in the pinups folder for years. The unedited one will be below the fold.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the UN warning of devastating environmental impacts of electric cars
  2. JoNova notes that everything you’ve heard about koalas going extinct is wrong
  3. No Pasaran! says that the NY Times is indistinguishable from Teen Vogue
  4. American Greatness covers the cancelling of David Starkey
  5. Blazing Cat Fur notes the myth of white guilt
  6. Brass Pills says to not let the Outrage Machine ruin your life (good advice. I spend more time looking at stuff not-politics than politics and ‘climate change’
  7. Hogewash has the Hubble telescopes look at the universe
  8. Busted Knuckles discusses Trump’s big speech
  9. Chicks On The Right covers a white BLM protester assaulting a black man
  10. Creeping Sharia notes Jihadists calling for death to America in NYC
  11. Datechguy’s Blog covers #CancelCulture coming for the Catholic Church
  12. Dissecting Leftism discussing Hydroxychloroquine cutting COVID deaths in half
  13. Geller Report News features Trump’s call for a National Garden of Heroes
  14. IOTW Report covers NYC retailers suing to break their leases to leave the city
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery notes the Liberal purge hitting science

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

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Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Driver Plows Through Protesters In Seattle, Killing One, No Protests

Strange how this story is mostly just a local one, right? A driver speeds through a group of BLM protesters and virtually no one is covering it outside of Seattle. This is rather graphic

Most people would slow down if they saw vehicles stopped in the road, right? No brakelights till driver saw the people, but still didn’t really slow down. The driver did stop down the road, and the protesters started coming his way. It sure sounds like gunfire, eh? So, driver took off. The Seattle Times originally used an AP article, replacing with a locally written one. An now we see

1 protester dead, 1 injured after man drives into protesters on I-5 in Seattle

One person was killed and another was seriously injured after a driver plowed into a nightly protest on a closed stretch of Interstate 5 in Seattle early Saturday.

Summer Taylor, a 24-year-old from Seattle, died Saturday night at Harborview Medical Center, said Harborview Medical Center spokesperson Susan Gregg. Diaz Love, a 32-year-old from Portland, Oregon, was in serious condition in the intensive-care unit Saturday night.

Washington State Patrol said the driver was Dawit Kelete, 27, of Seattle. He was booked into King County Jail on Saturday morning on investigation of felony vehicular assault. Troopers don’t believe impairment was a factor and said Kelete drove the wrong way on the Stewart Street off-ramp to enter the interstate, which had been partially shut down in response to protesters.

The ladies were part of the Black Femme March. Hit the link, and you’ll see that neither is black. As lilly white liberal as it gets. Doesn’t mean they should be run over. And the driver? Can you guess?

So, no protests? Huh. He attacked the Black Femme March. He’s in very deep trouble, BTW, since he snuck on the freeway, since much was closed. I suspect he wanted to open up his Jaguar.

You know who will also be in trouble? The State Police and DOT

State Patrol closed both directions of I-5 along downtown Seattle shortly before midnight Friday, when it appeared protesters would enter the roadway. Troopers and personnel from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) used their vehicles to block on-ramps between Interstate 90 and Highway 520, State Patrol spokesperson Chase Van Cleave said.

Protesters with the Black Femme March stopped on the interstate on their way back to Capitol Hill after going on their nightly march to the Seattle Police Department’s West Precinct. Moments before the car struck the demonstrators, the crowd had been dancing to the Cupid Shuffle, videos show.

Maybe they shouldn’t be on a freaking highway, even at 1 in the morning. And law enforcement should have kept them off, not sorta blocked off an Interstate. It is against the law for pedestrians to be on the highway, much less blocking it off. I guess I didn’t retweet it, but there was a photo of some cones and a giant garbage bin blocking off one entranceway.

State Patrol announced Saturday evening that it would no longer allow protesters on the interstate.

The change in strategy comes as protests against police brutality and racism enter their second month in Seattle. The hit-and-run was the latest traumatic event to occur at or near protest areas, including shootings near the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, which was shut down by police Wednesday.

“Blocking a freeway is a crime and no longer are we going to enable that criminal conduct to continue,” said State Patrol Capt. Ron Mead, who made the decision to no longer close the interstate. “We are not going to be allowing protesters to access the freeway unimpeded, and there are consequences for criminal conduct.”

And the State Police allowed it. How big a lawsuit do you think it will be for the State Police helping the criminal conduct to happen.

In related news, the Gov on Minnesota, who did nothing when the riots started in Minneapolis, wants Trump to declare the area a federal disaster zone and get around $15 million to help fix it. And one of the people arrested for the Molotov cocktail incident in NYC, who’s an uber-white liberal, attempted to throw her black Comrades under the bus.

More: Evil Blogger Lady calls this Seattle’s Summer Of Love. I see what she did there.

Read: Driver Plows Through Protesters In Seattle, Killing One, No Protests »

Germany To Phase Out Coal, Replace With Pixie Dust And Unicorn Flatulence

Germany is already slated to do away with all nuclear power by 2022, which accounted for around 11% of its power needs. Now we get coal, accounting for around 40% of Germany’s energy

Germany is first major economy to phase out coal and nuclear

German lawmakers have finalized the country’s long-awaited phase-out of coal as an energy source, backing a plan that environmental groups say isn’t ambitious enough and free marketeers criticize as a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Bills approved by both houses of parliament Friday envision shutting down the last coal-fired power plant by 2038 and spending some 40 billion euros ($45 billion) to help affected regions cope with the transition.

The plan is part of Germany’s ‘energy transition’ – an effort to wean Europe’s biggest economy off planet-warming fossil fuels and generate all of the country’s considerable energy needs from renewable sources. Achieving that goal is made harder than in comparable countries such as France and Britain because of Germany’s existing commitment to also phase out nuclear power by the end of 2022.

“The days of coal are numbered in Germany,” Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said. “Germany is the first industrialized country that leaves behind both nuclear energy and coal.”

Of course, they’re kinda forgetting to mention exactly what they will replace 51% of their energy budget with. Will they allow more natural gas? Germans have been switching to it over the years, and big portion comes from Russia. Virtually all comes from Russia, the UK, and Norway. They are also importing a lot of wood, in the form of wood pellets. Why? Solar and wind are unreliable, and it is not a good place for geothermal nor hydrothermal. And ecowackos won’t allow dams to be built.

“Germany, the country that burns the greatest amount of lignite coal worldwide, will burden the next generation with 18 more years of carbon dioxide,” Greenpeace Germany’s executive director Martin Kaiser told The Associated Press.

Exactly. If this is so darned important, why wait till 2038? Do it now. We’re told that solar and wind is ready for prime time. I’m no fan of coal, but, how will they replace 40% of their energy?

Read: Germany To Phase Out Coal, Replace With Pixie Dust And Unicorn Flatulence »

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon bikes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on our patriotic duty.

Doubleshot below the fold, so check out Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on great patriotic movies.

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Read: If All You See… »

It’s Hard For Modern Socialists To Celebrate July 4th This Year Or Something

Let’s be honest, it’s hard for a goodly chunk of Democrat Party voters to celebrate Independence Day every year, as they hate the U.S.

It’s hard to celebrate the Fourth of July this year

In 1975, PBS aired an episode of the documentary series Bill Moyers Journal called “Rosedale: The Way It Is”, about the firebombings of black families’ homes in Rosedale, then a predominantly white area of Queens, New York. A disturbing two-minute clip from the documentary — in which a mob of white children and teens verbally and physically abuse a group of Black children who were biking through the neighborhood — went viral after being posted on Twitter last year, prompting The New York Times to seek out those involved. They could find none of the assailants, but they tracked down a dozen of the victims, most of whom are now in their fifties.

As they were on their “bike hike,” they told the Times, they saw people gathered beneath an American flag, and, thinking it was a parade, they went over to have a look. “I laugh about it until this day, because it was a parade,” said Mark Blagrove, now 57. “To get the Black people out of Rosedale.” The children had stumbled into a rally for a white supremacist group then active in the area, and within seconds, they were surrounded and assaulted with racist epithets and stones.

“The American flag is the image when I think about that incident,” Renée Lipscomb-McDonald, now 58, said. “That’s the symbol that pulled us into that situation, because of the idea that we live in America, the American flag means good things … They took that beautiful image and turned it into something ugly for me.”

That’s right, The Week writer Jacob Lambert really went back to 1975 to find a way to show his hate for the flag (in mostly Democrat voting NYC), which is surely causing other Democrats to agree on how much they hate the American Flag.

On this Fourth of July, I’ve been thinking about those words, that video, and about how our symbols can mean radically different things to different people. On one side of that Rosedale street, the flag symbolized a place in which non-whites were unwelcome; on the other, it represented aspiration and hope. But as the crowd closed in, the latter meaning collapsed. In that moment, for both groups, there was only one way to interpret the flag.

In post-George Floyd America, with the nation’s racist rot exposed to a degree of sunlight not seen in years, Lipscomb-McDonald’s disillusionment seems appropriate. The ugly version of America feels unsettlingly present, as does the obvious fact that for the country’s people of color, it has always felt that way. Amid the rage and sadness of recent weeks, our rhetoric and our symbols — the soaring eagle, the land of the free — have come to feel like relics, as does the holiday on which those symbols coalesce.

See, when one person does something bad, which had nothing to do with the flag or really America (and let’s not forget that Minneapolis overwhelmingly votes Democrat), we have to hate on America and the flag. Especially on Independence Day. But don’t you dare say Democrats are unpatriotic and hate America.

Celebrating Independence Day — really celebrating it — has always necessitated a certain suspension of disbelief: We are asked to wear the colors and wave the flag as if it is V-Day, as if living here can bring us only joy. In some years — and especially for white people like myself, towards whom the American system tilts — this is not so hard to do. But in 2020, the prescribed exuberance feels out of step with our grim reality.

There are 6 more paragraphs of America hate. Are you surprised? Interestingly, these people never actually leave despite hating the nation so much.

Read: It’s Hard For Modern Socialists To Celebrate July 4th This Year Or Something »

Happy Independence Day Patriotic Pinup (sticky post)

Everyone have a great day!

Read: Happy Independence Day Patriotic Pinup (sticky post) »

Pirate's Cove