Democrats Pass Infrastructure Bill Which Is All About ‘Climate Change’

They know it won’t pass the Senate. They know it won’t even be brought up in the Senate. This is all about ClimaVirtue Signalling to their unhinged base while refusing to give up their own use of fossil fuels

Passing infrastructure bill, Democrats go all-in on climate

The $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill the House passed 233-188 on Wednesday has little chance of advancing in the Republican-controlled Senate. But it fired a political warning shot: Democrats view climate change as a top issue for an already turbulent election year.

“This bill, as audacious as it is, will do one thing for sure: give Democratic candidates talking points for their campaigns this fall. It also sets the agenda for a big infrastructure push for a possible future Biden administration,” said Ross Baker, a Rutgers University political science professor.

In the middle of a pandemic that underscores the value of science and public health, Democrats are carving out territory on climate change and pushing it as an election issue for November and a threat that intersects with voters’ daily lives.

In other words, they wasted House time voting on a bill with no chance of becoming law which focuses on a low hanging issue while people are suffering, physically, mentally, economically from the pandemic which they initially said was less than the regular flu.

The bill, which passed the same week Democrats on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released a 547-page report laying out a strategy for tackling climate change, would require states to commit to reducing greenhouse gases and other climate measures in order to receive federal dollars. It includes measures that would increase federal dollars for projects built with materials that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How about we just stop sending so much of our hard earned money to Los Federales so they can spread it around for stupid crap? It’s long past time for States to reclaim their 10th Amendment powers and independence within the framework of the Constitution.

It would devote federal dollars to installing charging stations for electric and alternative fuel vehicles. And it would create a $250 million per year grant program to support local investments in reducing greenhouse gases.

How in the hell does this help infrastructure? And why aren’t all Democrats driving electric vehicles themselves?

Liz Hamel, vice president and director of public opinion and survey research at the Kaiser Family Foundation, said climate change is a significantly more critical issue for Democrats than for Republicans. Still, Hamel said it lags behind health care, the economy and the coronavirus — even among Democratic voters.

“There’s so much for people to be concerned about and worried about and outraged about right now that to break through to those who weren’t already extremely concerned about climate change, it’s difficult,” Hamel said.

Democrats apparently want to run on the climate scam, tearing down everything America, and defunding the police. Good luck!

Read: Democrats Pass Infrastructure Bill Which Is All About ‘Climate Change’ »

America’s National Parks Are Raaaaacist Or Something

There is a continuing amount of serious Hot Takes going on, as you all know. All which heavily deflect from the actual issue of police reform, right? While speaking with a black person I know last week, I mentioned that all these white liberals were basically attempting to speak for blacks, like mom calling the dentist for you when you’re 21. He said “we need all the help we can get.” Is this really helping when it deflects off the central message? Seriously, the dad of the kid killed in the CHOP was on Fox weeping for his son killed by Marxists and ABC is out here tweeting “iS tHE oUtSIdE rACisT?”

America’s national parks face existential crisis over race
A mostly white workforce, visitation threatens parks’ survival and public health

As millions of Americans escape home quarantine to the great outdoors this summer, they’ll venture into parks, campgrounds and forest lands that remain stubborn bastions of self-segregation.

“The outdoors and public lands suffer from the same systemic racism that the rest of our society does,” said Joel Pannell, associate director of the Sierra Club, which is leading an effort to boost diversity in the wilderness and access to natural spaces.

New government data, shared first with ABC News, shows the country’s premier outdoor spaces — the 419 national parks — remain overwhelmingly white. Just 23% of visitors to the parks were people of color, the National Park Service found in its most recent 10-year survey; 77% were white. Minorities make up 42% of the U.S. population.

“That tells me that we’ve got a lot of work to do,” said David Vela, acting director of the National Park Service.

The career park administrator, appointed by President Donald Trump to the post in 2017, is the first Latino to lead the agency.

The membership of the Sierra Club is overwhelmingly white Modern Socialist. I guess they’re raaaaacist Exactly what is the solution, though? Are we supposed to force “minorities” to visit national parks and make them take jobs working for the parks? Are we to force minorities to visit the great outdoors?

Government officials and environmental advocates agree that the racial disparity in the outdoors is an existential crisis.

“If we don’t address this, and we don’t see how all these things are interrelated, then we’re going to risk losing everything,” said Pannell. “You’re not going to have public lands to enjoy.”

This level of racial fear-mongering and crazy is beyond comment, is it not? Seriously, even a face-palm GIF just doesn’t seem to fit with this level of Moonbattery.

Ambreen Tariq, creator of the “Brown People Camping” social media campaign, learned to camp with her family in Minnesota after they emigrated to the U.S. from India. She now advocates for representation of families like hers and people of color to enjoy the outdoors.

“The future of our country is more and more diverse, … we’re going to have more people of color in this country than white people, but our parks, our green spaces, our conservation spaces, those demographics are remaining white. What does that mean for the future of our land, for environmentalism? We need everyone to experience and then love the land so that they will stay and fight,” Tariq said.

I think we need to pass a law forcing People Of Color to spend time in the great outdoors, along with a lottery system that forces POC to take jobs at parks.

However, when she camps or hikes as an adult, Tariq said she still faces assumptions that she doesn’t belong and a sense of “imposter syndrome” and fear — even facing questions from rangers about whether she has followed park rules when she doesn’t see white visitors asked the same questions.

Oh, good grief, get over yourself. If you see her picture, she looks Middle Eastern. She’s trying to play the Victim, hijacking the Black Lives Matter movement (which is pure Marxist at its root). How does this help with police reform?

Read: America’s National Parks Are Raaaaacist Or Something »

‘Climate Change” Is The Social Justice Issue Of Our Lives Or Something

Hey, remember when this was about Science?

Climate change is social justice issue of our time — Will Busse

The national conversation about race has caused many Americans to examine their roles in maintaining systemic inequality. From today’s perspective, it’s easy to judge our nation’s history of slavery and wonder in disbelief how such a dehumanizing system was tolerated by so many for so long.

But the human tendency to minimize the negative impact of our choices on others persists, and future generations may make similar judgments about us today.

Experts have warned us for decades about the threat of climate change, and the evidence is increasingly before our eyes — historic flooding, temperature records broken, unprecedented melting of arctic ice sheets, and the thawing of permafrost that accelerates warming.

We don’t have to live this way. A price on pollution will drastically reduce carbon emissions while spurring innovation for clean energy. Climate change has exacerbated inequality around the globe by disproportionately affecting disadvantaged populations who are more vulnerable to food shortages and damage to infrastructure caused by extreme weather.

Addressing this problem is the social justice issue of our time. Let’s wake up and do our part to build a future that offers more opportunities for all.

So, um, why do so few Warmists want to do anything in their own lives? Why do they seem to Virtue Signal so often, and think they know what’s best for “minorities”? Why do these uber-white leftists think that people who don’t look like them are minorities? They aren’t minorities in Africa, Asia, Latin and South America, right? Why do they think they can speak for them, and down to them in a patronizing manner?

Oh, right, because the membership of the Cult of Climastrology is uber-leftist Caucasian

Read More »

Read: ‘Climate Change” Is The Social Justice Issue Of Our Lives Or Something »

Lego Joins “Anti-Hate” Facebook Boycott Campaign

On one hand, Facebook is garbage. On the other, they are trying to resist the forces of Ultra Wokeness coming after them. On the 3rd hand, they’ve empowered the forces of Wokeness, but, they never anticipated that those forces would grow stronger, more crazy, and more demanding. They dug their own hole. And Lego has decided to join the party and go Woke

Toymaker Lego joins ad boycott campaign

Toymaker Lego said on Wednesday it would pause social media advertising for at least a month, joining a long list of companies that say Facebook is not doing enough to stop hate speech on its platforms.

The Danish company, known for its colourful plastic bricks, said in a statement it would review the “standards we apply to advertising and engagement on global social media platforms”.

The ‘Stop Hate for Profit’ campaign was started by several U.S. civil rights groups after the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody triggered widespread protests against racial discrimination in the United States.

Go Woke Go Broke. Let’s see how well they’re doing financially in a year if they continue down this road.

Meanwhile, more Wokeness

Read: Lego Joins “Anti-Hate” Facebook Boycott Campaign »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of fellow climate cultists, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the “tolerant” Left giving death threats to a teen who supports the police.

Read: If All You See… »

House Democrats Release Their Climate Crisis (scam) Plan, Which Ends Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2050

Yeah, the plan is as stupid as you’d expect

House Democrats climate plan would end greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a plan to address climate change that would set a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, while pushing renewable energy such as wind and solar power and addressing environmental contamination that disproportionately harms low-income and minority communities.

The election-year plan backed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leaders is less ambitious than a sweeping Green New Deal that a group of progressive Democrats outlined last year to combat climate change and create thousands of jobs in renewable energy.

The Green New Deal, championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., calls for dramatic steps to virtually eliminate U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 with a goal of meeting “100% of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources,” including nuclear power.

The new plan, put forth Tuesday in a 538-page report, offers similar goals but at a slower pace. It sets a range of targets, including a 45% reduction by 2030 of greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming.

But, will they even vote on it? They haven’t on the Green New Deal. Again, Mitch McConnell should put it up for a vote in the Senate, see the Democrats squirm.

The plan also would require that by 2035 new cars emit no greenhouse gases, while heavy-duty trucks would eliminate those emissions by 2040. The plan would eliminate overall emissions from the power sector by 2040 and all but eliminate greenhouse emissions from all economic sectors by 2050.

So, by 2035 most citizens will not be able to afford a vehicle. What are families supposed to do regarding minivans and mid-size SUVs?

While likely to win approval in the Democratic-controlled House, the plan faces insurmountable opposition in the Republican-controlled Senate. Democrats are hoping to make inaction on climate change by congressional Republicans and the Trump administration a key campaign issue in November’s election.

Keep an eye on it, see if they even bring it up to vote in the House. Just a few points, it gets the federal government heavily involved in your home condition, in building new homes, in your energy use and restricting your usage. It gets Los Federales heavily involved in telecommunications, because they’ve failed on Net Neutrality. It will kill off lots of pipelines. It gets the federal government even more involved in private sector business decisions, in your healthcare decisions, more involved in running municipalities. It takes over more state owned land and puts the government in charge of all waterways (after Obama’s Waters of the US rule was killed off). It makes the military all about ‘climate change’. You can see it all here.

I triple dog dare them to vote on it.

Read: House Democrats Release Their Climate Crisis (scam) Plan, Which Ends Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2050 »

#CallASocialWorker: Los Angeles Moving Ahead With Plan To Replace Armed Officers On Non-Violent Calls

It’s going to be a new era of public safety for Los Angeles, you know

L.A. council advances plan to replace LAPD officers with social workers on non-violent police calls

The Los Angeles City Council took its first step toward replacing police officers with social workers on nonviolent calls for service, voting unanimously Tuesday to develop a model for unarmed crisis response.

The motion instructs city officials to work with Los Angeles police and agencies like the L.A. Homeless Services Authority and county Department of Mental Health to offer “non-law enforcement solutions in circumstances that are non-criminal.” It comes amid calls nationwide for police divestment and reform in the wake of George Floyd’s killing.

Herb Wesson, one of the six councilmembers who presented the measure, said it signals “the dawn of a new era of public safety in Los Angeles.”

“The bottom line is that the way things have been going is not working for our communities,” he wrote in a tweet. “This last month has made that crystal clear. We have a responsibility to listen to our people, and our people have spoken.”

The mob has spoken, and they’re getting what they wished for.

Under the plan, trained professionals like homeless outreach and medical workers would handle certain emergency situations, such as mental health crises, substance abuse calls and even neighborly disputes.

How many “neighborly disputes” turn violent?

When L.A.’s motion was introduced, Robert Harris, director of the Los Angeles Police Protective League told the L.A. Daily News his union has been discussing the idea “for a long time” and he supports the move. The union represents more than 9,000 of the LAPD’s 13,000 employees.

“For these calls that don’t necessarily need a law enforcement response, can we shift that response to somebody else?” he said.

A big reason for the shift to armed police officers had to do with non-armed people showing up and not being able to do anything because of the violence.

In New Haven, Connecticut, it is being reported that 95.6% of calls do not involve violence

The CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) reports show that less than 4.4 percent of those dispatches—or a total of 6,809—were for calls about assault, gunfire, robbery, rape, stabbing, murder, or person shot.

There were calls that closely aligned with what Compstat reports identify as property crime: residential burglary alarm activation (12,464 / 7.97 percent of all calls), theft (6,040 / 3.86 percent), burglary occurred (1,315 / 0.84 percent), stolen auto (748 / 0.48 percent), and burglary in progress (202 / 0.13 percent).

There were dispatches that fall within what Compstat reports single out as “other crime”: criminal mischief / vandalism (3,076 / 1.97 percent), threatening / stalking (1,645 / 1.05 percent), drug / narcotics complaint (1,342 / 0.86 percent), prostitution complaint (104 / 0.07 percent), and weapons complaint (712 / 0.46 percent).

There are multiple charts at the website, worth a click, because they are big and the writing is tiny. Think how quickly things could possibly go pear shaped during these calls. Certainly, if someone has come home and the house is burgled, or their car broken into, their car was stolen, sure, don’t really need an armed officer to take the report. If the burglary is in progress? Might not want to send a social worker.

A domestic dispute? These could very well get violent. Someone having a drug incident? These can go bad, which is why police often escort ambulances. Weapons complain? No, really, they include this in “non-violent” response.

Trespassing? There’s a chance for violence. Same with noise complaint. And door check/welfare complaint. We’ve seen motor vehicle stops get violent (will social workers be allowed to cruise and give violations tickets?). Suspicious person(s). And they include warrant/wanted person. No, really.

But, hey, we should all back Los Angeles in doing this. During any experiment we need an experimental group. We can watch what happens. Hey, perhaps it works. If so, great. It can free up armed officers for important calls. Sadly, because of society (and not just in the U.S.), interactions that shouldn’t have any violence have a chance to become violent, which is why police officers started showing up where non-armed non-LEOs used to respond.

Heck, sometimes even one officer isn’t enough. Here’s in Alexandria, La

According to a post on the Alexandria, La Police Department’s Facebook page, It all started just before 9:30 p.m. Friday, when the officer saw a group of people in a vehicle near the hospital entrance playing loud music and disturbing people who were there for medical treatment.

The officer first asked them to turn down the music, which they did. Until the officer left the area, and then, they allegedly cranked up the music again.

The officer heard it, returned and instructed them to leave the property or face possible arrest. However, a short time later the officer observed the suspects back on hospital property at the entrance to the emergency room.

And the officer came back to arrest him, and the people jumped him and knocked him out, and even attempted to take his weapon. Fortunately, bystanders and other police came to the rescue. Now, can you see a social worker or some sort of non-armed police officer showing up for a noise or trespassing complaint?

Read: #CallASocialWorker: Los Angeles Moving Ahead With Plan To Replace Armed Officers On Non-Violent Calls »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles that No One Else should be allowed to drive, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on fresh evidence Obama ordered up Russiagate.

Read: If All You See… »

Exaggerated? UNC Chapel Hill To Require 3 Feet For School Year

Why 3 feet? Could it be that this is, in fact, overblown? Exaggerated? I’m saying it isn’t dangerous, but, things like this make you think that the danger is exaggerated

UNC Chapel Hill says 3 feet is enough space for upcoming semester.

UNC Chapel Hill announced a social distancing policy of 3 feet for the upcoming Fall 2020 semester.

Kristen and Jonathan Knudsen, who have kids attending UNC, said they don’t think that’s enough distance.

“CDC guidance and State of North Carolina and Orange County are all saying 6 feet,” said Knudsen.

The UNC website also said that faculty and students will not be notified if a classmate tests positive for COVID-19.

Even when contact-tracing or alerting students who may have been exposed to COVID-19, UNC’s website said they would not consider students who sat 3 feet apart and wore masks to be ‘close contacts’ – and therefore they would not be considered someone who needs to be traced, alerted or quarantined.

If only WRAL had some reporters who could have asked UNC-CH some pointed questions. News outlets these days aren’t much above casual bloggers and Tweeters. Then there’s this

More Americans, especially Republicans, say coronavirus outbreak exaggerated, poll finds

An increasing share of Americans — especially Republicans — believe the coronavirus pandemic is being overexaggerated and see news about the outbreak with partisan viewpoints, according to a new Pew Research study.

Generally, nearly 64 percent of American adults believe the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health organizations get the facts right about COVID-19 “almost all” the time, while 30 percent say the same about the Trump administration.

When pandemic dominated the news cycle in April to late May — just before the death of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that have erupted since — the share of Americans who said the outbreak has been exaggerated grew from 29 percent to 38 percent.

I have no problem with social distancing, no touching (I’ve always hated shaking hands, no idea how dirty people’s are), washing hands (which I’ve always done a lot). Nor lots of measures put in place which keep me distanced from customers. I’ve yet to have a cold or the flu this year (knock on wood). Some people get very sick from Coronavirus. Many have died. But, how many did not really even get as sick as having a cold? Remember when they were talking about 1-2 million U.S. deaths? I guarantee that if the media was deemed non-essential the coverage would have been vastly different. I also bet it disappears the day after the election in November if Biden wins.

Read: Exaggerated? UNC Chapel Hill To Require 3 Feet For School Year »

Liberal Privilege Fail: Child Sexually Assaulted In Powderhorn Park

Hey, remember the story the other day about uber-white liberals in Minneapolis pledging not to call the police, even with all the masses of homeless moving into Powderhorn Park?

But times have changed. After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, Ms. Albers, who is white, and many of her progressive neighbors have vowed to avoid calling law enforcement into their community. Doing so, they believed, would add to the pain that black residents of Minneapolis were feeling and could put them in danger.


Already, that commitment is being challenged. Two weeks ago, dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood park. They were brought by homeless people who were displaced during the unrest that gripped the city. The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day. They do laundry, listen to music and strategize about how to find permanent housing. Some are hampered by mental illness, addiction or both.

But, they’re still working hard to check their white liberal privilege

Reports: Child sexually assaulted at Powderhorn Park encampment

A child was sexually assaulted at Powderhorn Park, site of a controversial homeless encampment that sprung up in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the unrest following the death of George Floyd.

Multiple reports say the victim was molested this past week at the park, which is located in south Minneapolis.

People at the park brought the victim to Abbott Northwestern Hospital early Friday, prompting staff to notify the police, KSTP reports.  

The station says no arrest has been made yet, and that there’s not much information about the suspect.

That’s right, someone brought the child to the hospital, but did not call law enforcement. The hospital call the police, as they are required to do by law. Liberals have gone from being a mental disorder to being downright dangerous.

Read: Liberal Privilege Fail: Child Sexually Assaulted In Powderhorn Park »

Pirate's Cove