Democrats Set To Reveal Their Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation

Serendipidously, we’re going right back to the well of the DNC and the UK Guardian. Mitch McConnell should immediately put their bill up for a vote, get the Senate Democrats to go on the record. Well, as much as voting “present” is on the record

Democrats to unveil bold new climate plan to phase out emissions by 2050

House Democrats will unveil an aggressive climate crisis “action plan” on Tuesday to nearly eliminate US emissions by 2050, according to summary documents reviewed by the Guardian.

The net-zero emissions goal is what United Nations leaders and the scientific community say the world must achieve to avoid the worst of rising temperatures, and it’s what the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, says he would pursue if he were to win the White House in November.

I triple dog dare Joe Biden and the Democrats to make their 2020 campaigns net-zero emissions. Stop using fossil fuels, for a start

The Democrats’ proposal, referred to in a two-page summary as a “congressional action plan” and a “roadmap”, calls for interim targets to assess progress and make sure fossil fuel pollution is declining, particularly in communities of color that have suffered environmental injustices.

Ah, so it’s really all about patronizing black people and Latinos, who Democrats like to keep down on the plantation, then ignoring them again till they need their votes.

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, will announce the plan, compiled by the House select committee on the climate crisis that is chaired by the Florida congresswoman Kathy Castor, at an event in front of the US Capitol on Tuesday morning.

The more than 538-page report will include hundreds of policy recommendations focused on 12 key pillars, according to a separate outline.

Now, those are legislation pages, not book pages, but, still, that is going to be huge. It’s half the size of Obamacare, so, how much climacrazy will be in there? How many restrictions on your life, choice, and liberty? How many that increase your cost of living and taxes?

The proposal outline recommends a clean energy standard for net-zero electricity by 2040 and net-zero new buildings by 2030. It calls for only zero-emitting new vehicles to be sold by 2035, and it advocates for doubling funding for public transit.

How many actual zero-emitting vehicles are there now? Um, zero? How many people actually ride public transit?

Democrats will tout that the plan would provide almost $8tn in climate and health benefits through the middle of the century, but Republicans are sure to zero in on the proposal’s costs, arguing that they will stifle an already struggling economy.

Gee, ya think?

Investments would also be made to stem and respond to climate impacts, including water infrastructure to handle increased flooding and a next-generation 911 system to make sure wireless communications networks are reliable during disasters.

And it will bounce all over the place.

Oil and gas companies would no longer get “unnecessary tax breaks” and the US would place a price on carbon to make companies pay for their pollution. Under the plan, Congress would also implement policies to make sure heavy industries cut pollution in vulnerable communities, so that poor Americans and communities of color do not suffer from the transition.

That sounds like a national carbon tax, will will skyrocket the cost of living. Good luck with this, Dems! Is there a way for House Republicans to force a vote on it, because I’m betting that the Dems have zero interest in actually voting, much like with the Green New Deal. They just want to ClimaVirtue Signal.

Read: Democrats Set To Reveal Their Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation »

DNC Posts, Then Deletes, Tweet Calling Mt. Rushmore Raaaaacist

I suspect that if a poll was taken, there would be overwhelming support for Mt. Rushmore, and the DNC knows it

Dems tweet then delete post linking Trump’s Mt. Rushmore event to ‘glorifying white supremacy’

The Democrats, the official Twitter account of the Democratic National Committee, raised eyebrows on Monday night for accusing President Trump of “glorifying white supremacy” after he scheduled a Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore.

Trump is set to attend a fireworks display at the iconic landmark that honors George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

But a tweet from the Democrats’ official Twitter page took issue with the president for holding the event there and shared a link to an article published by The Guardian last week about the criticism he has received from the Native American community.

“Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again,” The Democrats wrote. “He’s attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he’s holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore- a region once sacred to tribal communities.”

Critics pounded the Democrats for the tweet, which has since been deleted.

“Would be curious to hear @TheDemocrats explain what part of shooting off fireworks at Mt. Rushmore for the 4th of July “glorifies white supremacy”. The fireworks? Mt. Rushmore itself? The 4th of July?” GOP pollster Logan Dobson asked. “Like I think I know what they’re implying here, and the tweet was obviously designed to tell their base something, but it would be really instructive if they were actually made to answer the question.”

And it looks like this (via Twitchy)

That Guardian article (yup, the uber-leftist UK Guardian) literally names one specific person who has an issue, despite saying a bunch of Indian tribes have issues. That’s all they could find: one.

While some activists, like Tilsen, want to see the monument removed altogether and the Black Hills region returned to the Lakota, others have called for a share in the economic benefits from the region and the tourists it attracts.

Tilsen is the one mentioned. The rest seem to want some of the cash from it. On that, we should. Anyhow, I’m guessing the DNC decided that this was not the hill they wanted to die on, one with some of our greatest presidents. Destroying Mt. Rushmore probably doesn’t poll well, including with your average Democrat voter, who’s probably being turned off by all this cancel culture crap.

BTW, don’t forget that there are calls to terminate the UK Guardian due to its links to slavery and anti-Lincoln propaganda.

Read: DNC Posts, Then Deletes, Tweet Calling Mt. Rushmore Raaaaacist »

Majority Of Americans And Canadians Agree On Doing Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

And they’re even willing to pay more in taxes!

Majority of Canadians and Americans agree on climate change issues, poll suggests

The majority of Canadians and Americans agree that climate change is real, a major crisis and more needs to be done to combat its effects, suggests a new poll.

In a survey of 1,000 adults from both sides of the border a majority of Canadians (64 per cent) and Americans (53 per cent) believe that global warming, or climate change, “is a fact and is mostly caused by emissions from vehicles and industrial facilities.” (snip)

Similarly, a majority of those polled feel climate change is a major crisis — 62 per cent of Canadians and 51 per cent of Americans — while 26 per cent on both sides agree it is a minor crisis, and a sliver of Canadians (7 per cent) and Americans (14 per cent) say it is not a crisis at all.

About two-thirds of Canadians think governments, companies and individuals need to do more to deal with issues relating to climate change, while just over half of Americans feel their country should do more.

And when it comes to paying to address those issues with higher taxes, about half of those surveyed would be willing to pay more to combat climate change, floods, forest fires, and fund improvements to transit, schools and housing.

Huh. That’s interesting. Most want Someone Else to deal with the issue, not themselves. Funny how That Guy has to pay the price for the Beliefs of climate cultists, eh? But, what of the taxes? If you click the link in the excerpt, it leads to another article which has links to the surveys. It asks if people are will to pay higher taxes for transit improvements, housing improvements, homelessness (why is this included?), schools, forest fires, floods, and ‘climate change’. For Canada on climate change we get

  • Definitely 29%
  • Probably 31%
  • Probably not 16%
  • Definitely not 19%
  • Not sure 5%

For America

  • Definitely 27%
  • Probably 27%
  • Probably not 16%
  • Definitely not 21%
  • Not sure 8%

What’s missing is how much they’d be willing to pay. Remember this?

Another emerging theme from the survey is that people do not want to spend their own money to combat climate change. Thirty-seven percent do not want to pay any additional taxes, and only 14 percent are willing to pay even $1 more a month.

$1. An this?

For example, while nearly half of adults say they would be willing to pay a $2 monthly tax on their electricity bills to help combat climate change, just over a quarter say they are willing to pay $10 extra each month. And while two-thirds support stricter fuel-efficiency standards for the nation’s cars and trucks, increases in the gas tax remain deeply unpopular.

And this?

70% of respondents are not willing to pay more in electric bills, 67% are not willing to pay more in transportation costs, 66% are not willing to pay more in taxes, and 67% are not willing to pay more in food costs to see a shift to 100% renewable energy.

Oh, and

When asked about the top issue on mind when casting a vote for federal office, respondents listed the economy and jobs (19%) and health care (16%) followed by gun policy, national security and seniors’ issues which all ranked at 8%. Only 7% of adults indicated that climate change was their top issue, tying with immigration.

The minute you add real issues, ‘climate change’ is relegated to fringe issue.

Then we get what people are willing to do in their own lives. American

  • Recycle more 56%
  • Drive less than usual 32%
  • Take shorter showers 31%
  • Reduce your consumption of meat 24%

There’s also two on voting habits. Canadian

  • Recycle more 67%
  • Drive less than usual 38%
  • Take shorter showers 34%
  • Reduce your consumption of meat 24%

Funny thing is, they never seem to do any of this.

Read: Majority Of Americans And Canadians Agree On Doing Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful green space that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on an environmentalist apologizing for the climate scare.

Read: If All You See… »

The Nation Explains How To Make Defunding The Police A Reality

Bruce Covert, a contributor at the uber-far left The Nation and the NY Times, yammers about defunding the police, and has apparently never heard the phrase “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it all”

How to Make Defunding the Police a Reality

On a Sunday in early June, Grand Army Plaza, a large square at the entrance to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, swarmed with people of all different races and ages. A family march of parents and their children flowed into groups of young people on bikes. Many held signs declaring “Black lives matter,” but there were perhaps an equal number of other signs: “Defund the police.”

It’s a radical demand that just a few weeks ago was rarely heard on the streets of New York City or in many other cities, for that matter. But since George Floyd, a black resident of Minneapolis, was killed by a white police officer and Breonna Taylor, a black emergency room technician, was killed by police in Louisville, Ky., in her sleep and outrage over these and countless other instances of police brutality pushed tens of thousands of people to protest in cities and towns across the country, it has become a rallying cry of the movement.

It’s not just a slogan. Out of the protest movement has come a surge of organizing to push city councils to shift money out of bloated police budgets and into starved social services—and activists are already seeing some concrete successes. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti walked back a proposed increase for the LAPD and has promised a $150 million cut instead. Lawmakers in 15 other cities have made similar pledges. The Minneapolis City Council has even voted to disband the city’s police department.

This is a very long article, which never really explains what cities without police look like, or just ones with a massive reduction in police.

It’s an unprecedented moment. Spending on the police by state and local governments jumped from about $2 billion in 1960 to $137 billion in 2018, unadjusted for inflation; the average share of city budgets spent on policing grew from 6.6 percent in 1977 to 7.8 percent in 2017. “We have had a persistent trend for the last half-century of spending ever more money on police and incarceration,” said Kelly Lytle Hernandez, a history professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. “This is a truly historic shift.” Organizers agree. “Something like ‘defund the police’ just two weeks ago…was a nonstarter,” said Nicolas O’Rourke, the Pennsylvania organizing director for the Working Families Party. Now it’s a chant heard nearly as often at protests as “No justice, no peace.”

Well, consider that costs of running the police have gone up. The cost of police cars, weapons, technology, etc, have gone up. They didn’t have computers and such in cars back in 1960, right? Dash cams? Body cams? Most wear body armor for simple duty? But, hey, what does it look like with fewer cops? In the post on D&D earlier today, we saw the increase in crime and shooting in NYC.

(Fox News) Seattle residents said Sunday that despite rumors that the city was going to reclaim the “occupied” area known as CHOP, little has changed on the ground and the “security” at the protest zone has actually gotten more “contentious” with residents who live nearby.

“They won’t let people in the neighborhood sometimes at night,” Matthew Ploszaj, who lives there, told KOMO News. He told the station that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement, but said it is a “terrible precedent” that “any political message can come in and occupy a neighborhood.” (snip)

Michael Solan, Seattle Police Officers Guild president, told Fox News on Saturday that business owners and residents there are effectively being held hostage.

“There were some city entities, as far as heads, that went into the area yesterday to try to remove some of the boundary areas – as far as blockades — and they were met with resistance. Armed people flocked into the area and prevented those city entities, those agencies to get the job done,” he told “Cavuto LIVE.” “So no, this has not been solved. It’s deeply troubling still.”

This little area is looking like a warlord area in a 3rd world nation. Crime ridden, people running around with guns and threatening people, really, just what you’d expect. And, let’s not forget that the Minneapolis city council has voted to fully defund their police force, yet, hired their own private security.

Here’s an idea: let’s defund it in Minneapolis and give it 5 years to see what happens. First, though, there needs to be a vote by all citizens. Those who vote for defunding will not be allowed to leave the city for those 5 years. They have to live in accordance with their votes. They have to deal with the consequences and fallout. Sure, no one will be killed by an LEO. And crime will reign supreme. Let Minneapolis be the experimental group, and see what happens.

Read: The Nation Explains How To Make Defunding The Police A Reality »

California Passes New Requirements For Trucks And Vans, Requiring Electrification Starting In 2024

States like Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona are thrilled, knowing that these regulations will drive businesses to relocate from California and consumers to make purchases not in California

California shakes up auto industry, says all vans and trucks must be electric by 2024

California regulators have approved new rules that would see a massive shift from conventional gas and diesel trucks and vans to ones powered by batteries and zero-emission hydrogen fuel cells.

The first-of-their-kind guidelines, which take effect in 2024, cover a broad range of truck segments, from medium-duty models up to the “big rigs” that move vast amount of goods throughout California and across the country. Current guidelines from the California Air Resources Board already press manufacturers to add electric and hydrogen trucks to light-duty segments.

California’s push to reduce truck emissions could lead to some major changes in a traditionally staid automotive industry. Among other things, it could encourage the emergence of new competitors such as Nikola Motors, which is producing an array of hydrogen-powered heavy-duty trucks, and Detroit-based start-up Rivian, which has a contract to produce around 100,000 all-electric delivery vans for Amazon.

What are the costs? Can they compete monetarily? Where do they get the hydrogen (know what happens with hydrogen power? It’s converted to clean (reportedly) water vapor. What’s the number one greenhouse gas? Water vapor. Now you’d have a lot more at surface level, increase temperature and humidity) from? Do states other than California bother, meaning that the vehicles can’t travel out of California?

“California is once again leading the nation in the fight to make our air cleaner, becoming the first place in the world to mandate zero-emission trucks by 2045,” Governor Gavin Newsom said in a Thursday statement. “Communities and children of color are often forced to breathe our most polluted air, and today’s vote moves us closer toward a healthier future for all of our kids.”

If it’s so important racially, why not mandate it now? Otherwise, you’re just killing kids of color.

Under guidelines approved Thursday, at least 40 percent of the tractor trailers sold in California would have to be powered by some form of zero-emissions technology by 2024. Medium-duty trucks, such as the Ford F-250 or Chevrolet Silverado HD, would be required to switch over 55 percent of their sales by 2035; and 75 percent of delivery trucks and vans would have to use zero-emissions powertrain technology by 2035, a point by which fully 100 percent of government fleets and last-mile delivery trucks would have to meet the target.

So, by those dates, purchases will be made in surrounding states. Unless California mandates that they cannot be driven on California roads, then people and businesses will see a huge decrease in deliveries and consumer goods, including food. And what of the state operations? Will they be replacing their own vehicles, moving on from fossil fuels? Since they’re using taxpayer money for these expensive vehicles, sure. Easy.

How many precious metals will have to be mined (using fossil fueled vehicles) to provide the means to make the batteries? Who makes all the hydrogen? What supplies power for charging stations? California is putting the cart before the horse, as the saying goes, but, hey, good luck with the loss of business and inability to move food to market.

Read: California Passes New Requirements For Trucks And Vans, Requiring Electrification Starting In 2024 »

Forget Social Distancing And Cops Quitting, The Important Issue Is Dungeons And Dragons

As the world passes 10 million cases of Bat Soup Virus and 500,000 deaths, social distancing took a hit

(The Blaze) June is Pride month, and June 28 is a celebrated day in LGBTQ history as it is the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City on June 28, 1969. Most cities have canceled their Pride events and parades because of the coronavirus pandemic. But apparently not everyone got the message, especially in Chicago, where a massive crowd gathered.

“Aerial footage shows massive crowds rallying to celebrate #Pride in Chicago,” the Bloomberg QuickTake Twitter account posted on Sunday with a video that featured people amassing with little or no social distancing.

There are lots of tweets with video at The Blaze showing this, including NYC, where some cops were there for protect, some had a massive problem clearing the folks to allow emergency vehicles through, and others got chased off. Also NYC

(Breitbart) According to figures released to the New York Post, about 272 NYPD uniformed officers have filed for retirement since riots over the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd began in late May. At the same time last year, about 183 officers had filed for retirement, indicating a nearly 50 percent spike in retirements this year.

One officer, who wanted to wait to retire until he hit 30 years with the NYPD, told the Post “It’s an all-out war on cops and we have no support.” More than 300 officers were injured in the recent riots.

Mayor Bill de Blasio has vowed to cut funding to the NYPD and Commissioner Dermot Shea has announced the disbanding of the city’s 600-officer undercover anti-crime unit that was responsible for keeping shootings and violent crime down.

Murder has increased by nearly 50 percent in New York City over the last month compared to the same time last year. Likewise, burglaries have spiked more than 122 percent and grand larceny auto has increased more than 56 percent.

And shootings have gone up 341% over the last week. But, the Virtue Signalers are more concerned with things like

‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Race Issues Have Deep Roots In The World Of Fantasy

Wizards of the Coast — the company behind the self-proclaimed “world’s greatest role-playing game,” “Dungeons & Dragons” — has committed to stressing diversity and removing racially problematic language from its product line, and fans are holding the company to account for its promises.

“Dungeons & Dragons,” commonly known as D&D, is a game in which a group of players creates characters, rolls dice and navigates a story overseen by a Dungeon Master. Originally created in 1974, the game issued a fifth edition in 2014 that became its most popular, especially after livestreaming platforms such as Twitch and shows such as Netflix’s “Stranger Things” introduced D&D to new audiences.

The game’s newfound popularity, however, has also invited critiques. Critics have pointed out that when creating a character, D&D players must choose a “race” — such as an elf, dwarf or gnome — and that this usage of the word is technically a misnomer.

“‘Races’ in D&D are fundamentally different than our concept of ‘races’ in the real world,” medievalist Paul B. Sturtevant told HuffPost. “In D&D, races are based in deep biological differences, whereas we know that in the real world, race is a social construct based upon arbitrary and superficial differences. Using the word ‘race’ in the game where they really mean something more like ‘species’ promotes racist ideas.”

It’s a very long article, originally from the HuffPost with added material. ON D&D being “problematic.” No, really. People getting apoplectic over how Orcs and other creatures are described. Forcing change. And the company behind it giving in. The Cancel Culture Virtue Signaling SJW Leftist moonbats should consider that their Comrades could come after the stuff they like next. Or themselves. Because everything is stupid these days.

Read: Forget Social Distancing And Cops Quitting, The Important Issue Is Dungeons And Dragons »

St. Greta Is Upset That Warmist Leaders Latch On To Her Fame

What, exactly, did she think was going to happen when she parlayed her blowing off education stunt into demanding that leaders do what she says?

Greta Thunberg hits out at leaders who use her fame to ‘look good’

Environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg has hit out at world leaders for wanting to be pictured with her to “look good”.

The 17-year-old became a global star thanks to her activism, and gave a powerful speech at the United Nations climate change summit in September in which she told world leaders: “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words … how dare you!”

As part of a series she has made about her campaigning for Swedish radio during the coronavirus lockdown, Thunberg revealed that the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, had queued up to have a “selfie” with the teenager at the international gathering in New York.

On the radio programme, she was critical of the way high-ranking figures had behaved after her UN appearance.

She said: “Presidents, prime ministers, kings and princesses came and wanted to talk to me.

“They saw me and suddenly saw the chance that they could take a photo with me for their Instagram account. Then the hashtag #savetheplanet.

“It seemed as if they had forgotten for a moment to be ashamed that their generation had let future generations down.”

Perhaps if she went to school she’d have realized this is the way the world works.

In follow-up comments made to the BBC, Thunberg, who has more than 4m Twitter followers, said she had a “dislike” for politicians who wanted to capitalise on her fame by being photographed alongside her.

“To be fair, it was not only her, it was many,” she said, when asked about the situation with Merkel.

“And those kinds of things happen all the time. People just want to stand next to me and other climate activists.

“They can post it on social media and it makes them look good, it makes them seem like they care.”

There’s a lot of whining going on. Perhaps if she was less concerned with using her fame to attempt to shame adults who actually graduated from schools and colleges and more with actually getting Warmists to practice what they preach, this wouldn’t be a concern. It’s like a movie or sports star whining about people wanting their autograph and a selfie.

Read: St. Greta Is Upset That Warmist Leaders Latch On To Her Fame »

If All You See…

…are lightbulbs which are not climate friendly, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on the reason why SCOTUS is not taking up gun cases, which is no trust in John Roberts.

It’s tight dresses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in America. The sun is shining, the bunnies are all over the backyard, and baseball is almost back. This pinup is by Zoey Mozart, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers covers Mississippi starting the process to change their state flag
  2. Vox Popoli notes Barnes and Nobles in free fall
  3. The Right Scoop discusses blacks disagreeing with white Leftists on getting rid of the police
  4. The Lid features 21 biggest lies about Trump
  5. The Last Refuge notes BLM restarting “polar bear hunting”
  6. The First Street Journal discusses reparations
  7. The Feral Irishman thought that working out was supposed to make you feel better
  8. The Daley Gator has a reminder to never, ever grovel to the SJW mob
  9. Raised On Hoecakes discusses the history of the Confederate flag
  10. Powerline notes Conservatives moving to bias free sources
  11. Patterico’s Pontifications takes a deep dive into the qualified immunity debate
  12. Doubleshot from Pacific Pundit, with both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer getting George Floyd’s name wrong
  13. Never Yet Melted notes leftists find a painting of St. Michael defeating Satan to be raaaaacist
  14. Moonbattery wonders what happened to Believe All Women
  15. And last, but not least, Legal Insurrection features a Venezuelan women explaining what comes after statue toppling
  16. And one to grow on: Vlad Tepes notes that Defunding police is ONE STEP before banning all private property

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove