Minneapolis City Council Looking To Defund The Police Hires $4500 A Day Private Security

The Minneapolis City Council is looking to fully defund their police department. Not reduce funding, eliminate them. They’ve voted on it. Yet

Minneapolis council members calling to defund police spend $63G on private security details after receiving death threats

Several Minneapolis City Council members who have received death threats following their calls to defund the police after the death of George Floyd have been assigned private security details — reportedly costing the city $4,500 a day in taxpayer dollars.

According to information obtained by Fox News, the city has spent $63,000 on private security over the last three weeks.

“The names of the people getting security details are not public,” a city spokesperson told Fox News Saturday.

The names of three council members who are receiving private security detail have already been made public, two of whom interviewed with local affiliate Fox 9 on Friday. The spokesperson did not respond to Fox News’ questions about whether or not there were additional council members receiving security detail.

The threats reportedly came after the council members were vocal in their calls to defund the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).

The Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a proposal to eliminate the city’s police department Friday, initiating steps toward establishing a new “holistic” approach to public safety.

Must be nice to use public funds to get private security protection, something most citizens cannot afford. If only there was a group that already works for the government which could do this….oh, right, they’ve pissed them off in trying to take all their jobs away. Why aren’t they depending on the holistic approach themselves? Surely a social worker could provide protection, right?

The Minneapolis Police Department, which would traditionally provide security in this scenario, could not be reached by Fox News but told Fox 9 that the MPD does not have any records of recent threats against the three council members — adding that it was possible the record could have been filed confidentially.

“Council members have reported to staff numerous threats to themselves personally,” the city told Fox News Saturday.

One of the council members who spoke with Fox 9 said they did not alert the threats to the MPD because they were consumed with dealing with the “global pandemic and global uprising” after Floyd‘s death. But they noted that the threats had been wide-ranging, attacking their ethnicity, gender identity and sexuality.

Isn’t the wise idea to report threats to law enforcement so they are on record? That way they can be investigated and, at the least, be on record if someone needs to be arrested? Those private security folks can’t. How does the judicial system get involved if there are no complaints? Isn’t there a social worker on the force who could take the complaint?

This would be the state of cities when they defund the police: everyone else would fear for their lives (think legal and illegal ownership of firearms would spike?), and big wigs would get private security.



Read: Minneapolis City Council Looking To Defund The Police Hires $4500 A Day Private Security »

D.C. Joins The Madness Of Suing Fossil Fuels Companies Due To ‘Climate Change’

The District Of Columbia could literally not run without fossil fuels. All the cars and buses. All the people coming to tour the capital in fossil fueled vehicles and airplanes. All the government workers using fossil fueled travel. All the elected officials. Visitors and government folks coming from other countries. If there’s any one place playing this lawsuit game where the fossil fuels companies could say “nope, not selling fossil fuels in the area”, D.C. would be it

District of Columbia Sues BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell for Misleading Public on Climate Change

Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl A. Racine sued four of the world’s largest oil and gas companies on Thursday for misleading consumers about the impact their products have on the climate.

Coming just a day after Minnesota filed a similar suit, the District lawsuit contends that BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell have been aware since the 1950s of the threat posed by fossil fuels but launched public relations campaigns to manufacture doubt about the reality and seriousness of climate change. It seeks a court order for the companies to pay civil penalties, provide financial relief for District residents, and stop their disingenuous PR campaigns.

“For decades, these oil and gas companies spent millions to mislead consumers and discredit climate science in pursuit of profits,” Racine said in a statement. “The defendants violated the District’s consumer protection law by concealing the fact that using fossil fuels threatens the health of District residents and the environment. [The Office of the Attorney General] filed this suit to end these disinformation campaigns and to hold these companies accountable for their deceptive practices.”

For all the fancy rationale, this is simply a shakedown.

The lawsuit also maintains that the companies’ current marketing campaigns hype the relative “green” benefits of natural gas and other products, suggesting that they are “clean” and “emissions-reducing,” while concealing the fact that they still contribute significantly to the climate crisis.

And no more natural gas for D.C.

Start by refusing to sell to the D.C. government.

Read: D.C. Joins The Madness Of Suing Fossil Fuels Companies Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…are monkeys spreading into areas that used to be too cold for them due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on chess being deemed racist.

Read: If All You See… »

House Democrats Patronize Blacks By Passing DC Statehood Bill

The District of Columbia is 45% black and 42% white. Of course, the major majority Democrat voting whites like to keep the blacks in their own areas. And now they want to patronize them

House passes DC statehood bill: Here’s how it would work

The Democratic-led House on Friday for the first time passed a bill that would make Washington, D.C. the 51st state. While it’s not expected to any further — with Republicans controlling the Senate and the White House — here’s how H.R. 51, The D.C. Statehood Act, as proposed by Democrats, would work:

The new state would be called “Washington, Douglass Commonwealth.” In order to preserve its abbreviated name, D.C. would stand for “Douglass Commonwealth” after Maryland abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

The mayor would become governor and the city council would perform as a legislative assembly. Congress currently serves as a type of overlord over D.C. and can intervene in some of the city’s laws and policies. But the bill would wipe out the role of Congress in D.C.’s affairs.

D.C. residents currently pay taxes but have no voting representation on Capitol Hill. That spawned the city to issue license plates in the mid-1990s which read “Taxation Without Representation.”

The city has no official Senate representation except a “shadow senator,” who isn’t formally recognized by the legislative body. D.C. also has a nonvoting delegate to the House, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC). She can do everything in Congress except vote on the House floor.

Wait, I thought Democrats were upset about tiny population states having two Senators? Oh, right, that’s only when the talking points are convenient. Seriously, D.C. has a population of 702,455 residents (which is 702,455 residents too many. No one should actually live there).

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution calls for the creation of a federal district to be the seat of government. The Founders carved D.C. out of two states, Maryland and Virginia, so no single state would have undue influence, hosting the capital.

However, the legislation would carve out a capital city district, a special political subdivision, around the White House, government buildings, the national mall and U.S. Capitol. That would be all that was left of the “District of Columbia.”

There is zero chance of this being taken up by the Senate, and even if Biden wins in 2020 and the Dems are able to get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to pass it, it would still really be un-Constitutional and would have little chance of making it through the Supreme Court.

Even the liberal The Week is against this.

If admitted to the Union as a state in its own right, Washington or New Columbia or Pronoun City or whatever they could get away with calling it in 2020 would not only be far and away the smallest state in geographical terms; it would have the third lowest population but the highest median household income and unprecedented influence over the workings of the federal government, which it would contain and, in many ways, effectively control. (This ultimately was the reason that Britain was forced to create new devolved parliaments in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, in order to balance out de facto English authority over the center of the kingdom.) It would also be the only state with no rural population. It would be, constitutionally speaking, a freak, an arbitrary creation that would forever alter the meaning of statehood itself.

But, hey, if they really want to do this, let’s move the capital to the central U.S. It would primarily be made up of government and business buildings. The only residences allowed would be for elected officials to live in while working in D.C. Any worker bees for Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court who want to live there will understand that if they call this their home they cannot vote for representation. Heck, if you work directly for Congress you shouldn’t be voting in the first place.

And repeal the 17th Amendment if Dems are so concerned about Senators having undue influence.

But, this is more about patronizing blacks than anything else.

Read: House Democrats Patronize Blacks By Passing DC Statehood Bill »

Enviroweenies Look To Hijack “I Can’t Breathe”

Well, at least they mention a black woman, Heather McTeer Toney, in the article, because this stuff is usually only from uber-white enviroweenies and climate cultists. Of course, her group, Mom’s Air Force, only has two blacks out of 18 people on its national team

For some environmentalists, ‘I can’t breathe’ is about more than police brutality

“I can’t breathe.”

Those three words were uttered by Eric Garner in 2014 and again by George Floyd in 2020, when both men died while in police custody.

The words have become a rallying cry for protesters. But for some, “I can’t breathe” is about more than police violence.

“It’s not just about being choked out by police brutality — it’s about being choked out because of air pollution,” said Heather McTeer Toney, a former regional administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Barack Obama and is now a national field director at Moms Clean Air Force, an advocacy group.

Communities of color in the US are more likely to breathe air pollution, despite contributing less to fouling the air. They are more likely to be exposed to contaminated water, and to live near hazardous waste sites. And as the climate crisis worsens, many groups — including poor communities and communities of color — are the most vulnerable to the dangers of a warming planet.

In short, experts say Black people in the US are dying as a result of environmental racism.

Well, getting beyond the notion of hijacking, it’s rather weird that most of this stuff is happening in Democratic Party run cities, eh? Why are they keeping all these people of color in such poor environmental conditions? Why do they not give them clean water and air? Why do they make them live like hazardous waste sites?

For many, Flint, Michigan, has become synonymous with the problem of mass water contamination in the US.

After local and state officials decided to switch Flint’s water supply to cut costs, thousands of residents of the predominantly Black city — including children — were exposed to dangerous levels of lead.

Who primarily ran Flint? Democrats. Which president mostly ignored the issue? Obama.

The 2018 National Climate Assessment, the US government’s most comprehensive report on the impact of current and future climate change, says, “Across all climate risks, children, older adults, low-income communities, some communities of color, and those experiencing discrimination are disproportionately affected by extreme weather and climate events, partially because they are often excluded in planning processes.”

“Low-resource people are more likely to be in the impact zone,” Miranda said. “And they’re more likely to live in places that don’t have the resources to bring good mitigation technologies to bear.”

Why do Democrats keep people of color poor and make them live in areas that might possibly maybe “It Could Happen!!!!!” be affected by ‘climate change’? Do they hate people of color?

It’s great the way these nutters hijack everything and destroy its meaning.

Read: Enviroweenies Look To Hijack “I Can’t Breathe” »

Coke Suspends Social Media Advertising To Pressure Tech Companies To Censor Users

It took a while to get to the heart of why Coke is suspending advertising for a bit, but, it, hey, if they want to call for private companies to censor users, maybe it’s time to boycott Coke

Coca-Cola announces pause on all social media advertising

Coca-Cola announced on Friday that it is pausing its advertising on all social media platforms for 30 days as it assesses its strategy amid a flood of criticism over tech companies’ handling of racist content on their platforms.

James Quincey, CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, said his organization would take the time to examine if changes are needed in its policy and called on social media platforms to allow greater accountability over what’s written online.

“There is no place for racism in the world and there is no place for racism on social media. The Coca-Cola Company will pause paid advertising on all social media platforms globally for at least 30 days,” he said in a statement. “We will take this time to reassess our advertising policies to determine whether revisions are needed. We also expect greater accountability and transparency from our social media partners.”

The company did not clarify if it was joining a burgeoning boycott of social media advertising that has taken off in the aftermath of national protests over systemic racism and police brutality. The company’s social media accounts have been amplifying messages advocating for systemic changes.

They may not have clarified, but, The Hill sure seems confident over this

Coca-Cola’s announcement comes as a growing number of organizations call on Facebook advertisers to pause their ad spending on the platform. Unilever, which owns Dove, Ben & Jerry’s and Hellmann’s, also said Friday it will cease advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in the U.S. at least through Dec. 31.

The boycotts are part of an effort to pressure social media companies to adopt stricter policies regarding hate speech and disinformation.

In other words, they want these companies to censor its users for Wrongthink. And, yes, they can do that, they are private companies, they can allow and disallow whatever content they want.

In apparent recognition of the criticism, Facebook announced Friday it will label but leave up posts deemed “newsworthy” that violate company policies, a major reversal that comes after weeks of criticism.

Say what you will, Facebook is learning that whacking content is a bad idea for their business model, because people will just stop using it. They’ve already had enough problems. They probably also finally realize that they will never win with the unhinged Leftist SJWs.

People are already abandoning Twitter at a huge rate for Parler. They’re tired of the double standard of how conservatives are put in timeout and “permanently suspended” while this rarely happens to liberals. Though, with Instagram, who cares? That just seems to be a spot for people to be uber-narcissistic.

If Coke and these other companies want to be for their own Free Speech but against others, they will be rather surprised that their new Wokeness causes a massive monetary hit.

Read: Coke Suspends Social Media Advertising To Pressure Tech Companies To Censor Users »

Climate Cultists Recommend Total Transformation Of Food System

You know the only way this happens, right? Government dictating it

New report recommends transforming food systems under climate change

The 70-page report, “Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change,”​ was developed under the guidance of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). It comes on the heels of a new assessment from the United Nations warning the pandemic could precipitate a “global food emergency.”

In the document, dairy is mentioned, as there is a recommendation to incentivize reductions in dairy consumption in 15 high- and middle-income countries and all C40 cities by 2030.

While overall, the document gives a “report card” ranking for the global food system as “grave concern,” it offers a global plan to rebuild all types of food production around the world—from smallholder farming to large-scale production—that have been rocked by the pandemic but will face even greater challenges from climate change.

“It’s time for all of us to get talking about food and most importantly about food systems,”​ said David Nabarro, a World Health Organization Special Envoy for COVID-19 and Curator of the Food Systems Dialogue, who is kicking off a round-the-world “relay” briefing on the action plan.

It’s always interesting how these climate elitists always want to institute measures that control everything, isn’t it? It’s like this has nothing to do with science.

The 11 actions include efforts to sustainably increase food production in developing countries in ways that increase incomes and food security in poor, agriculture-dependent rural communities. Doing so, the report states, could dramatically reduce the need for humanitarian assistance in the coming years, freeing up billions of dollars for investing in social safety nets.

Their policies usually end up increasing costs, while taking away choice.

In addition, the report lays out a policy framework for directing US$320bn in public and private finance to food systems transformation. And it seeks more support for “youth-centered social movements” committed to building sustainable food systems, noting they can be especially effective agents of change.

These people should just mind their own business. Or, hey, spend their own money. Stop attempting to force their beliefs on Everyone Else while refusing to change their own lives.

Read: Climate Cultists Recommend Total Transformation Of Food System »

If All You See…

…is a forest area being turned to desert due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on leftists who hate Andrew Jackson being just like him.

Read: If All You See… »

FYI: Open And Concealed Carry Allowed In North Carolina While Wearing COVID19 Mask

Quite a few people are concerned about this, even going so far as to say that mask rules are being implemented to stifled 2nd Amendment Rights. Many states are making sure that there are no legal issues. I ran across a story at WRAL on this, but, it left out some relevant information, so, going to the Charlotte Observer

Carrying a gun while wearing a mask: NC sheriffs clarify what’s legal during pandemic

It’s illegal to wear a mask in an attempt to conceal your identity in North Carolina unless it’s Halloween, Mardi Gras or you’re attending a masquerade ball, according to general statutes.

At least it was, pre-pandemic.

Now, as local officials from Raleigh to Boone institute mask requirements to protect against the coronavirus and N.C. Gov. Roy Cooper weighs a statewide mandate, residents are seeking a clarification of the rules — particularly those with gun permits.

A statewide mask requirement goes into effect at 5pm today, Friday the 26th. The story goes on to note that in Illinois and, yes, even Virginia, people are allowed to carry both concealed and open while wearing a mask as long as they are not in the commission of a crime.

As North Carolina inches toward a potentially similar mandate, law enforcement officials have said the same logic would apply to concealed carry permit holders here. But unlike Illinois, North Carolina’s mask-wearing statute outlawing citizens from attempting to hide their identity does not mention weapons.

Still, Guilford County Sheriff D.H. Rogers in Greensboro said in a news release Wednesday that several citizens had asked about “the legality of carrying a concealed handgun while wearing a COVID-19 protective mask.”

“If you have a valid CCH permit, it is legal (i.e., it is not a crime) to carry a concealed handgun while wearing a mask, provided that you are wearing the mask to protect yourself or others from the COVID-19 virus,” he said in response.

Permit holders must, however, remove the mask if instructed to do so by a law enforcement officer, according to the release. (snip)

According to Senate Bill 704 or Session Law 2020-3, face coverings are allowed “for the purpose of ensuring the physical health or safety of the wearer or others.”

“Session Law 2020-3 was specifically enacted so people could carry concealed (or open carry) while wearing a mask. This is valid until August 1st, although it may be revisited and extended, especially if face masks become mandatory,” spokesperson Christina Howell told the Winston-Salem Journal.

So, if you want to carry and not commit a crime, you’re good to go.

Read: FYI: Open And Concealed Carry Allowed In North Carolina While Wearing COVID19 Mask »

How’s The Mass Experiment For Solving Climate Crisis (scam) Going?

One has to wonder how helpful these articles are in reminding people how miserable things were during full lockdown, and how they aren’t fulling working yet

A ‘mass experiment’ for the climate

Has the pandemic helped individuals and leaders get any closer to tackling the environmental crisis?

“I was so worried about the dangers of going too far,” says Sally Capp, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, when she now thinks about her pre-pandemic leadership on the environment. The leader of Australia’s second most populated city believes Covid-19 has helped her clarify what’s important to her as an individual and as mayor. “I have become much more resolute about my values, prioritising humanity and protecting the environment, so they can play a larger role in driving my agenda.”

The pandemic has created the most significant economic shock since the Great Depression, besides being a public health crisis like no other in living memory. The existential threat that it has posed has set many individuals, cities and national leaders on a new track. In Capp’s case, it has meant taking very different decisions on the environment, leading in a way that focuses on what’s truly important. Capp believes this trend needs to continue post Covid-19.

There is indeed a large movement to “build back better” from the pandemic in a way that confronts the climate crisis. Attitudes are changing. But however good our intentions as individuals, it will take determined moves by industry, national and local government to modify the environment so that we can all build on any attitude changes. Has the pandemic helped us make the changes needed to tackle the environmental crisis?

Nope. Because people are starting to realize that the policies the Cult of Climastrology push will make our lives look like during lockdown.

Many of these changes in the way we act have had a sustainable dimension, such as curtailing the vast majority of our long-distance travel. Our reduction in movement has led to the biggest carbon crash ever recorded.

Did you enjoy that time? Because it will become the norm under COC policies by government force. I can’t travel to see the parents in NJ due to Bat Soup Virus restrictions. I’d have to stay locked down for 14 days. But, I wouldn’t go anyhow because of the potential for being asymptomatic and giving it to them. In the future, I’d have restrictions by Government. They might let me take the train to Trenton. Not sure how to get to the east side of NJ from there.

As the world has changed around us, how has that changed our perception of the environment and our behaviour towards it? Elise Amel, a professor in psychology at the University of St Thomas in St Paul and Minneapolis, points out that when people can see the impact they cause – when the invisible becomes visible – they behave differently. “When you are spending time at home, working there or because you’ve lost your job or been furloughed, you could see for the first time how much energy you are using or how much food you are throwing away, which may make you stop, think and change your behaviour,” says Amel.

Yeah, now that lockdown is slowly ending, people are going back to their previous lives, because the do not want those restrictions. And, seriously, these lunatics writing this drivel actually think someone who has lost their job or been furloughed are more concerned with ‘climate change’?

However, Jo Hale, a research fellow at University College London who studies sustainability and health in urban environments, warns that if we take part in one pro-environmental activity we may feel we have a moral license to stop there, a tendency known as “single-action bias”. As we have ticked the sustainable box we may think we have played our part.

That’s pretty much most Warmists, who do not practice what they preach.

Perhaps the change will be driven by cities, not countries. Mark Watts leads C40, a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. Since Covid-19 he has been convening a bi-weekly meetings of the big city mayors to discuss tackling the epidemic and how to manage a green recovery. Watts told me the sense of possibility is palatable, even in a virtual meeting. “The mayors are treating this time as a massive game-changing moment. This epidemic experience will have been the greatest pressure that most of these individuals have been under, as hundreds of thousands of people have been dying in their cities. But with increased public trust in government, they are sensing this is the moment they have to be strong and bold to take radical steps to protect our environment.”

So, let’s use people dying in their cities to push climate cult stuff?


Read: How’s The Mass Experiment For Solving Climate Crisis (scam) Going? »

Pirate's Cove