With Homeless Camp Moving In, Moonbat White Liberals Have Hard Time Checking Their Privilege

It’s easy to be a Principled uber-white liberal when you aren’t confronted with Bad Things. Not so easy when the crime starts rising. Their neighborhood is about middling safe, and surrounded by much higher crime neighborhoods. Aaaaaand….action

A Minneapolis Neighborhood Vowed to Check Its Privilege. It’s Already Being Tested.

When Shari Albers moved three decades ago into Powderhorn Park, a tree-lined Minneapolis neighborhood known as a haven to leftist activists and bohemian artists like herself, she went to work sprucing it up.

She became a block club leader, organizing her mostly white neighbors to bring in playgrounds and help tackle longstanding issues with crime.

On many nights, she banged on the car windows of men who had come to solicit prostitutes outside her door, she said. She kept meticulous notes when dozens of men would gather in a circle for gang meetings in the park across from her house. After each episode, she called the police.

But times have changed. After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, Ms. Albers, who is white, and many of her progressive neighbors have vowed to avoid calling law enforcement into their community. Doing so, they believed, would add to the pain that black residents of Minneapolis were feeling and could put them in danger.

See, they kept crime in check by utilizing the police and keeping dangerous elements out. Hence the reason their neighborhood isn’t dark blue (should be interesting when Neighborhood Scout updates), but, now they’ll virtue signal.

Already, that commitment is being challenged. Two weeks ago, dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood park. They were brought by homeless people who were displaced during the unrest that gripped the city. The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day. They do laundry, listen to music and strategize about how to find permanent housing. Some are hampered by mental illness, addiction or both.

So, the commitment lasted all of two weeks before being tested.

Their presence has drawn heavy car traffic into the neighborhood, some from drug dealers. At least two residents have overdosed in the encampment and had to be taken away in ambulances.

The influx of outsiders has kept Ms. Albers awake at night. Though it is unlikely to happen, she has had visions of people from the tent camp forcing their way into her home. She imagines using a baseball bat to defend herself.

Not being able to call the police, as she has done for decades, has shaken her.

“I am afraid,” she said. “I know my neighbors are around, but I’m not feeling grounded in my city at all. Anything could happen.”

Welcome to the crazy urban world that Liberalism creates.

In the city where the movement began, residents are not surprised that it is being taken especially seriously in Powderhorn Park, just blocks from Mr. Floyd’s deadly encounter with the police. For decades, the community has been a refuge for scrappy working-class activists with far-left politics. The biggest day of the year, locals often boast, is the May Day parade celebrating laborers.

Who’s surprised that they go for May Day above things like Independence Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, and others?

“I’m not being judgmental,” said Carrie Nightshade, 44, who explained that she no longer felt comfortable letting her children, 12 and 9, play in the park by themselves. “It’s not personal. It’s just not safe.”

Sucks when reality interferes with your Virtue Signaling, eh? Anyhow, there’s plenty of crazy in this piece, you really, really need to read it full. Let’s skip ahead to Category 5 Moonbattery

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Read: With Homeless Camp Moving In, Moonbat White Liberals Have Hard Time Checking Their Privilege »

Disney To Redo Splash Mountain

Remember when I mentioned on June 11th that the #CancelCulture nutters were coming after Disney’s Splash Mountain, because it “is based on the 1946 movie “Song of the South” that critics say is one of Disney’s most racist films.” Not that the kids who ride it know or care, they just want to be entertained and get splashed. And the CC SJWs wanted it named after The Princess and the Frog, right?

Disney claims they have been working on this for years, because they don’t want to say that they’ve surrendered to the nutters, because they surely know “get woke, go broke.” They own ESPN, after all.

Don’t give them ideas.

Read: Disney To Redo Splash Mountain »

St. Greta Boots Journalists From Climate (scam) Conference

She was rather upset about the photos and videos of kids crying and stuff, losing their minds because cultist adults, and St. Greta, have taught them that they’re doomed

From the article

On the last day of the “Smile for Future” climate summit at the University of Lausanne, the mood among the teenagers remains tense. Since Wednesday, when there had been crying fits and violent quarrels at times at the meeting, the activists are under particular observation.

The idol of the movement, Greta Thunberg, knows that too. The friction among the youngsters does not leave the 16-year-old Swede indifferent. On the contrary: On Friday morning her patience snapped. She personally had the journalists present thrown out of the hall.

Then, from the back rows in the hall, a teenager speaks up. It is Greta Thunberg. The climate icon believes the media are to blame for the bad mood. Thunberg therefore advocates excluding the journalists “because they otherwise portray it as if we had a quarrel”.

Only on Wednesday BLICK had reported on the giant spat among the Greta disciples. The headline caused a stir and was also picked up by newspapers abroad. Thunberg was not pleased that the images of exasperated and crying teenagers attracted so much attention. She also rejected the claim in an article by “Buzzfeed” that she had participated in a summit strike.

These are the people leftist want voting? But, then, adult leftist do this as well.

Read: St. Greta Boots Journalists From Climate (scam) Conference »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pig which causes the temperature to spike, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on Michael Flynn and Obamagate developments.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Is Coming After The National Anthem (Again)

They’ve tried before. Will they succeed this time? Will they push hard for this? It’s great how a Lindsay Parker, editor in chief of Yahoo Music, wants to censor music

Why it might be time to finally replace ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ with a new national anthem

In an increasingly antiracist era when problematic iconography — ranging from Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben to even the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee car and country band Lady Antebellum’s name — is being reassessed, revised or retired, America’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” seems to be striking a wrong note.

Last week, protesters in San Francisco toppled a statue of the song’s composer, Francis Scott Key, a known slaveholder who once said that African-Americans were “a distinct and inferior race of people, which all experience proves to be the greatest evil that afflicts a community.” This week, Liana Morales, an Afro-Latinx student at New York’s Urban Assembly School for the Performing Arts, refused to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at her virtual graduation ceremony, explaining to the Wall Street Journal, “With everything that’s happening, if I stand there and sing it, I’m being complicit to a system that has oppressed people of color.” Instead, Morales performed “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” a hymn widely considered to be the “Black national anthem.”

So, is it time for this country to dispense with “The Star-Spangled Banner” and adopt a new anthem with a less troubling history and a more inclusive message? Historian and scholar Dr. Daniel E. Walker, the author of No More, No More: Slavery and Cultural Resistance in Havana and New Orleans and producer of the documentary How Sweet the Sound: Gospel in Los Angeles, says yes.

“The 53-year-old in me says, we can’t change things that have existed forever. But then there are these young people who say that America needs to live up to its real creed,” Walker tells Yahoo Entertainment. “And so, I do side with the people who say that we should rethink this as the national anthem, because this is about the deep-seated legacy of slavery and white supremacy in America, where we do things over and over and over again that are a slap in the face of people of color and women. We do it first because we knew what we were doing and we wanted to be sexist and racist. And now we do it under the guise of ‘legacy.’”

Most of this is about how Key grew up in a slave holding family and such, hence, the song is bad. Perhaps they want to replace it with hip hop, which extols misogyny, racism towards non-black, black supremacy, violence, and crime?

In fact “The Star-Spangled Banner,” based on a poem Key wrote about his eyewitness account of the War of 1812, originally featured a little-heard third stanza that was blatantly racist: “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave/And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave/O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” While that version of the song is rarely performed today, Powell has been aware of it for years, and, like Morales, has therefore refused to sing the anthem since he was in high school in the 1980s, when he first learned of its history.

“I grew up in hip-hop,” says Powell, who used to write for Vibe magazine, “and I remember how people would criticize hip-hop for being violent. Yet ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ is riddled with violence. How are you criticizing a rap song for being violent, but when we get to kindergarten, we are literally teaching children violence through song? I said, ‘I can’t participate anymore.’ So I stopped a long time ago.’”

Of course the song is riddled with violence: it was about the British bombing Ft McHenry during the War of 1812. Wars are rather violent. It was written as a poem, then set to music in 1931.

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Read: Cancel Culture Is Coming After The National Anthem (Again) »

NRDC Decides Now Is A Good Time To Take On The Sustainability Of Toilet Paper

How many people are going to care about this and how many will think they are just nutball cultists who need to mind their own business? Because people want their good, soft, strong toilet paper. Noticing you only have one roll of TP left will have you running to the store, right? It will give you anxiety when it is low, right? How’d you feel walking into the supermarket actually needing TP and seeing empty shelves? So, of course, the National Resource Defense Council decides this is the perfect time to whine about people using TP

Toilet Paper and Climate Change: NRDC’s Updated “Issue With Tissue” Ranks Brands on Sustainability

NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) today released an updated analysis of the climate impacts caused by the “tree to toilet” pipeline destroying the climate-critical Canadian boreal forest. The “Issue with Tissue 2.0” report includes a new sustainability ranking for toilet paper brands and other tissue products made by major U.S. producers.

While toilet paper’s emergence as one of the most sought-after products in America was an unexpected side effect of COVID-19, the toilet paper shortage has brought to the forefront the urgency of creating a more sustainable, resilient means of production of tissue products. Currently, the industry clearcuts one million acres of boreal forest each year – leading Canada to rank third globally, behind Russia and Brazil, in terms of global intact forest loss – in part to produce pulp that U.S. tissue makers roll into the ultimate disposable product: toilet paper.

“By making toilet paper from ancient forests essential to the climate fight, tissue companies are flushing away our forests and our planet’s future,” said Shelley Vinyard, NRDC’s Boreal Campaign Manager and report co-author. “Instead of exacerbating the climate crisis, companies like Procter & Gamble must take urgent action to create more sustainable products. Our planet has no time for the largest companies in the world to take half-measures or deflect blame,” said Vinyard.

NRDC’s 2020 scorecard ranks 26 toilet paper brands, giving an A or A+ score to 11 brands, including the new winner “Who Gives A Crap,” which received the top grade for its rolls made of 100 percent recycled materials, including 95 percent postconsumer recycled product. Major brands — Charmin, Cottonelle, and Quilted Northern — bring up the rear with F grades, because they are made entirely of virgin forest fiber. NRDC evaluated facial tissue and paper towel brands, as well.

Now, I’m all for protecting forests and the environment, but, first, the NRDC is making this more about ‘climate change’ than the environment, and second, are you thinking more about your posterior comfort than if the world’s temperature might possibly maybe go up a bit some time in the future? But, hey, if you’re a Warmist, you’re going to run out and buy the most expensive stuff which is good for the climate, right? It doesn’t matter if it is scratchy and uncomfortable, you’re doing your cult part.

Read: NRDC Decides Now Is A Good Time To Take On The Sustainability Of Toilet Paper »

NY BLM Leader Says They Will “Burn It Down” If They Don’t Get What They Want

Are NY liberals good with this? How about other liberals? Because if things are getting burned down, literally or figuratively, it will mostly happen in liberal cities and liberal neighborhoods

(Breitbart) Appearing Wednesday on the Fox News Channel’s The Story with host Martha MacCallum, Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that if the United States “doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”

MARTHA MACCALLUM: People watch what you say in that video, that you now want to show legislation down people’s throats now that you have everyone’s attention and you’ve also said violence is sometimes necessary in these situations. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?

HAWK NEWSOME: Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical.

That sounds like he’s proposing actual violence. Which, let’s be honest, is something that has happened throughout history in all sorts of countries. This has been happening in South Africa, but, there are a hell of a lot more non-blacks in the US than blacks, unlike SA.

MACCALLUM: The only reason why I posed that first question to you the way that I did is I watched you talking on a bunch of different interviews today and you said, “burn it down.” You said, “burn it down, it’s time.” That makes me think you want to burn it down.

HAWK NEWSOME: I said If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation. Let’s be very real and let’s observe the history of the 1960s. When black people were rioting, we have their highest growth and wealth, in property ownership. Think about the last few weeks. Since you started protesting there have been eight cops fired across the country. Remember you were telling us that there was Due Process?

That’s why the cop that choked Eric Gardner kept his job and kept receiving raises for five years. Anytime a cop hurt a woman, a child, our elders, there was always a call for due process. But the moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically. What is this country rewarding? What behavior is it listening to? Obviously not marching. But, when people get aggressive and they escalate their protests, cops get fired, now, you have police officers and Republican politicians talking about police reform. I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting but I’m just telling what I observed.

This is a good way for people to tune out when they’re hearing a message of blackmail and threats: “give us what we want or we just might get violent.” This is much the way the mafia operated. And one reason the FBI along with federal, state, and local justice departments went after them.

Mark Levin notes

“This is a civil society,” Levin continued. “It’s a great country. You don’t like it? Pick up your a– and leave. We have people trying to get into this country by the millions, from every continent on the face of the earth. Every color, every background. Why? Because we’re systemically racist? We’re not systemically racist and the police force isn’t systemically racist.

“Now, these are Bernie Sanders radicals,” Levin added. “These are Marxists. They go out and get hats, and they get shirts, and they burn things down and break things in Democrat cities because these pathetic left-wing Democrat mayors won’t stand up to them.”

Exactly. If they don’t like it, leave. If they want change, do it peaceably. And, perhaps they could tell their fellow Modern Socialists to leave the climate change, trans this and trans that, and all the other stuff out of it. Once you start mixing the messages, making them muddled, people tune out.

Meanwhile, Newsome also has other thoughts

The Black Lives Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called war on police, according to one of its leaders.

Protests broke out across the country following the death of unarmed Minneapolis black man George Floyd while in police custody, bringing the BLM movement back into national focus. In an interview with the Daily Mail, BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome described how the group plans to follow in the footsteps of the Black Panthers Party by matching fire with fire – when necessary.

He’s talking about creating armed officer units to patrol black areas and clash with real government forces. It’s not quite at the “no-go” with sharia law officers in European nations, but, seriously, what could possibly go wrong with armed “officers” wandering around interfering with the operations with duly enabled government law enforcement officers? How’s it going to look when they are protecting actual criminals?

Read: NY BLM Leader Says They Will “Burn It Down” If They Don’t Get What They Want »

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Crisis (scam)

Having solved all the crime issues in Minnesota, everything is hunky dory in Minneapolis, Keith turns his sights on oil companies

AG Ellison Sues Oil Companies, Saying They Deceived Minnesotans About Climate Change

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has filed a major lawsuit against big oil companies.

The newly-filed lawsuit names ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, and American Petroleum Institute. Ellison argues that these companies lied about the impact of their operations, pertaining to the subject of climate change.

“When corporations and trade associations break the law and hurt Minnesotans, it’s my job and my duty to hold them accountable. The fraud, deceptive advertising, and other violations of Minnesota state law and common law that the lawsuit shows they perpetrated have harmed Minnesotans’ health and our state’s environment, infrastructure, and economy,” Ellison said.

The suit claims fraud against the companies cited, arguing that they violated Minnesota statues that prohibit consumer fraud, deceptive trade practices and false advertising, and did so for decades.

As usual, I have two things. First, when will Ellison give up his own use of fossil fuels? How about requiring the entire AG’s office to give up official use? The Minnesota Department of Justice? How about all the police? Heck, the entire government of Minnesota? Why not make all the citizens stop using fossil fuels? That would work well during the winter months, eh?

Second, I would love to see these sued companies say “you want to really do this, Sparky? Fine. We’ll cease selling our products to the state government of Minnesota. Good luck with your operations!” Heck, threaten to pull all sales out of the state. See what the citizens think.

As usual, this is probably going to fail, as all the others have. They are basically shakedowns, and their Ivy league lawyers can keep these suits going for decades.

Read: Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Bubba Wallace wanting to make a Statement.

Read: If All You See… »

Bubba Wallace Doubles Down On Racism Accusations Despite FBI Investigation

I’ve ignored this story, because we all knew the way it was going to end. Just like most all the others, as a hoax, as people being over-wrought over something that wasn’t real, that they just saw things the wrong way. The very minute it was noted that the “noose” was attached to the garage door most rational thinking people said “door rope”. Instead of saying something like “I’m so glad that the FBI found that it was not a noose” Bubba has double down

Bubba Wallace defiant, calls rope ‘straight-up noose’ after FBI says no crime occurred

In all his years in auto racing, NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace said Tuesday night, he has never seen anything like what he described as a “straight-up noose” that was being used as a door pull in the garage he was assigned last week at Talladega Speedway in Alabama.

“I’ve been racing all of my life,” Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that. So people that want to call it a garage pull and put out all the videos and photos of knots being as their evidence, go ahead, but from the evidence that we have – and I have – it’s a straight-up noose.”

The FBI determined Tuesday that the rope had been hanging in the garage since last year and it wasn’t intended as a hate crime against Wallace.

He said he hadn’t seen the noose himself but had seen photos of it.

“It wasn’t directed at me,” Wallace added, “but it was a noose.”

So he didn’t actually see it? He literally says he has proof

CNNLOL: Have you seen ropes like that hanging from garages. It’s that fairly typical?

BUBBA WALLACE: Don, the damage I have of what I’ve seen of what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull. I’ve been racing all my life, we’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that have never had garage pulls like that. So people who want to call it a garage pull and put out videos and photos of knots as their evidence, go ahead. But from the evidence that we have, that I have, it’s a straight-up noose. The FBI has stated it was a noose over and over again. NASCAR leadership has stated that it was a noose. I can confirm that. I actually got evidence of what was hanging in my garage, over my car, around my pit crew guys, to confirm that it was a noose. Never seen anything like it. I talked to my crew chief about it. I said, Is this something like — I wanted to make sure we weren’t jumping the gun. And I said this isn’t a knot, this isn’t — and he’s like, Bubba; this isn’t something that can be done within a second of just tying a knot and being on the way. This is something that took time.

Don Lemon forgot to ask for that proof. Let’s see it, Bubba. Because the FBI, which wasted the time of 15 agents on this, said it wasn’t, and NASCAR is saying they are glad it wasn’t. And it wasn’t hanging over the car, it hangs on the side of the door.

These pulls are tied so they do not slide, so you have a handle. A noose would slide, grabbing fingers. They all have it. Why was the rope cut so no one could see it? In today’s society there is no way a million pictures and videos weren’t taken of it. Essentially, every garage has a “noose.”

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Read: Bubba Wallace Doubles Down On Racism Accusations Despite FBI Investigation »

Pirate's Cove