If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Bubba Wallace wanting to make a Statement.

Read: If All You See… »

Bubba Wallace Doubles Down On Racism Accusations Despite FBI Investigation

I’ve ignored this story, because we all knew the way it was going to end. Just like most all the others, as a hoax, as people being over-wrought over something that wasn’t real, that they just saw things the wrong way. The very minute it was noted that the “noose” was attached to the garage door most rational thinking people said “door rope”. Instead of saying something like “I’m so glad that the FBI found that it was not a noose” Bubba has double down

Bubba Wallace defiant, calls rope ‘straight-up noose’ after FBI says no crime occurred

In all his years in auto racing, NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace said Tuesday night, he has never seen anything like what he described as a “straight-up noose” that was being used as a door pull in the garage he was assigned last week at Talladega Speedway in Alabama.

“I’ve been racing all of my life,” Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that. So people that want to call it a garage pull and put out all the videos and photos of knots being as their evidence, go ahead, but from the evidence that we have – and I have – it’s a straight-up noose.”

The FBI determined Tuesday that the rope had been hanging in the garage since last year and it wasn’t intended as a hate crime against Wallace.

He said he hadn’t seen the noose himself but had seen photos of it.

“It wasn’t directed at me,” Wallace added, “but it was a noose.”

So he didn’t actually see it? He literally says he has proof

CNNLOL: Have you seen ropes like that hanging from garages. It’s that fairly typical?

BUBBA WALLACE: Don, the damage I have of what I’ve seen of what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull. I’ve been racing all my life, we’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that have never had garage pulls like that. So people who want to call it a garage pull and put out videos and photos of knots as their evidence, go ahead. But from the evidence that we have, that I have, it’s a straight-up noose. The FBI has stated it was a noose over and over again. NASCAR leadership has stated that it was a noose. I can confirm that. I actually got evidence of what was hanging in my garage, over my car, around my pit crew guys, to confirm that it was a noose. Never seen anything like it. I talked to my crew chief about it. I said, Is this something like — I wanted to make sure we weren’t jumping the gun. And I said this isn’t a knot, this isn’t — and he’s like, Bubba; this isn’t something that can be done within a second of just tying a knot and being on the way. This is something that took time.

Don Lemon forgot to ask for that proof. Let’s see it, Bubba. Because the FBI, which wasted the time of 15 agents on this, said it wasn’t, and NASCAR is saying they are glad it wasn’t. And it wasn’t hanging over the car, it hangs on the side of the door.

These pulls are tied so they do not slide, so you have a handle. A noose would slide, grabbing fingers. They all have it. Why was the rope cut so no one could see it? In today’s society there is no way a million pictures and videos weren’t taken of it. Essentially, every garage has a “noose.”

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Read: Bubba Wallace Doubles Down On Racism Accusations Despite FBI Investigation »

Democrat Big Wigs Battle It Out On Climate Policy

It’s rather like watching like watching two different Nazi groups debate. The first are just Nazi troops, the other are members of the SS. Both are hardcore, but one is more hardcore. The difference between Stalin and Mao: both are horrible, but 3 million to 20 million died under Stalin, and 20-46 million under Mao

DNC ‘Snubs’ Climate Movement Just as Greenpeace Endorses Democratic Panel’s Visionary Plan

Despite mounting pressure on the party to craft a 2020 platform that includes ambitious climate policies, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez on Monday announced a drafting committee that, in the words of journalist Emily Atkin, “snubs progressive climate activists again.”

Perez’s announcement followed reporting that Democratic Party leadership was “irked” when the DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis released policy recommendations for the platform on June 4 that are bolder than the proposals in presidential candidate Joe Biden’s climate plan. Party insiders told Reuters the panel is an “insurgent” group that is not “taken seriously.”

Several climate advocacy groups have endorsed the panel’s recommendations, including Greenpeace USA on Tuesday. Charlie Jiang, a campaigner for the group, declared that “as we confront the interwoven crises of climate change, white supremacy, and Covid-19, we must demand nothing short of a visionary, transformative agenda from Democratic leadership.”

See, this really isn’t about climate, but pure politics.

Perez, for his part, said in a statement that “crafting our party platform is important work, and I’m confident that the members of this committee will engage Americans in a substantive dialogue of ideas and solutions that will articulate our party’s vision for the country and mobilize voters in every community to elect Joe Biden.”

In other words, they’re trying to minimize the crazy to appear not crazy come election time

However, the positions and backgrounds of those charged with drafting that Democratic Party’s platform suggest the final version could fall far short of climate activists’ demands. As Atkin detailed in her HEATED newsletter Tuesday..

Let’s face it, even Warmists like Tom Perez know that ‘climate change’ is low hanging fruit that most people do not really care about, at least in practice.

Atkin’s analysis came after she reported for HEATED last month that Michelle Deatrick, who chairs the DNC climate panel, was worried that the platform drafting committee “would be filled with people who don’t prioritize progressive climate policy like the Green New Deal.” As Atkin put it Tuesday: “Her fears were founded.”

Heck, even those who submitted the Green New Deal are not prioritizing it. In the Senate, every Dem voted “present”, including sponsor Ed Markey, who has failed to demand a proper debate on it. In the House, Dem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the House sponsor, has failed to demand a debate and vote on it. If they aren’t prioritizing it, why would anyone else.

The panel suggested spending $10-$16 trillion on tackling the climate crisis over the next decade and committing to various emissions and renewable energy targets—specifically, “near-zero emissions by 2040; 100% clean renewable energy by 2030 in electricity generation, buildings, and transportation; and 100% zero-carbon new building infrastructure by 2025.”

Submit that as a platform, and then try and explain how it will be paid for. Explain what happens to people’s cost of living. Better yet, try and get Joe Biden, who seems to be not in a good place mentally, to explain it. You really want Trump to come after Joe on it and watch Joe try to explain it on live TV?

“As platform negotiations continue, we hope to see more details emerge as to how the part plans to meet its important goals for achieving 100% clean power, transportation, buildings, agriculture, and industry; deploy federal investments quickly and equitably; and meaningfully engage with impacted workers and communities,” Jiang added. “We must prioritize racial and economic justice for frontline communities while mobilizing the full power of the federal government to tackle the historic crises we face.”

Yeah, this isn’t about science.

Read: Democrat Big Wigs Battle It Out On Climate Policy »

Lunatics Plan To Tear Down Emancipation Memorial, Crazy Democrat Introduces Legislation To Take It Down

Everything is bad and must be torn down, you know. These no-longer protesters because they are using violence are pledging to tear the memorial down today

Petition calls for removal of Emancipation Statue in Capitol Hill’s Lincoln Park; Some fight to protect it

As the debate over confederate statues and other monuments continues to heat up around the country and here at home, equal rights advocates are shifting their attention to another controversial statue on Capitol Hill and now a petition to bring it down.

The Emancipation statue, at the center of Lincoln Park, has stood high for more than a century. It depicts President Abraham Lincoln standing over a freed enslaved African American who appears to be kneeling at his feet with broken shackles around his wrists. The statue was erected in 1876 to pay homage to the president, but many have taken issue with its ‘degrading racial undertones,’ as described in a new petition.

Marcus Goodwin, a D.C. native and candidate for an at-large seat on the D.C. Council, started an online petition after scaling the statue for an up-close-and- personal view. From his vantage point, it stirred up a lot of thoughts and emotion about racial inequality in America and imagery that depicts African Americans as inferior to others.

Someone was Offended, hence, things must be censored

“I really got up close to see the Abraham Lincoln Statue in a way that I don’t think many people have ever seen it,” Goodwin said. “ Washington, D.C. is a country African-Americans have contributed to socially, culturally, economically and we need imagery that represents that, not statues and memorials that demean or degrade us.”

So, pay for it. Build it.

The statue is the result of contributions from freed slaves, who wanted to honor President Lincoln on the 11th anniversary of his death. He was assassinated in 1865.

A former slave named Charlotte Scott used her first five dollars earned in freedom to launch a fundraising campaign for the statue that would honor him, according to the National Park Service (NPS). The funds were collected solely from freed slaves, though the organization controlling the effort and keeping the funds was a white-run, war-relief agency based in St. Louis, according to  NPS.

They dishonor their forebears by wanting to destroy the memorial.

DC Congresswoman to introduce legislation to remove Emancipation Memorial from Lincoln Park

D.C. Congresswoman Del. Eleanor Norton announced plans Tuesday to introduce legislation to remove the Emancipation Memorial from Lincoln Park.

“You will soon see my bill to remove this problematic statue from Lincoln Park,” Nortan said in a statement.

Norton said the statue fails to note how enslaved African Americans pushed for their own emancipation.

So submit a bill calling for building one about that ending. Instead, she will submit one that violates the 1st Amendment, that calls for censorship. True censorship, since this is Government doing it. These same people hold that burning an American flag is freedom of speech. Well, then, so are monuments.

This is why Republicans should mostly stay silent, including Trump. Let the Democrats do this, let them own it. Drop a few comments here and there for context, but, as the saying goes “never interrupt an enemy in the middle of making a mistake.”

Read: Lunatics Plan To Tear Down Emancipation Memorial, Crazy Democrat Introduces Legislation To Take It Down »

Wisconsin Governor Asks Citizens For Ideas On Hotcoldwetdry

I actually fully agree with this

Wisconsin governor asking public for policy suggestions on climate change

As Gov. Tony Evers begins crafting his second budget, his administration is asking for suggestions on ways the state can fight and adapt to climate change.

The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, headed by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, will hold a series of listening sessions over the next month as the group crafts policy recommendations for the 2021-2023 budget.

Loosely modeled on the listening sessions Evers held around the state before introducing his first budget request — which he dubbed “the people’s budget” — the online climate meetings will include presentations as well as small group discussions. Participants will be able to offer commentary and recommendations.

Barnes is encouraging all Wisconsin residents to participate, but especially those from low income and predominantly minority communities.

“In Wisconsin and across the globe, communities of color and low-income communities often experience the worst consequences of climate change, and for far too long, they have been excluded from the policy-making process,” Barnes said in a statement provided to the State Journal. “These communities know best which policies will work for them, and that’s why we are centering their knowledge and experience as we craft our recommendations.”

So, of course they have to make this about race and inequality, because it is not about science, but politics.

But, yes, I fully agree with this. First, because the Warmists should be making recommendations that will negatively affect their own lives and wallets. Their money. Let them deal with the fallout. And if stuff is implemented, they shouldn’t be allowed to escape to other states.

It will be interesting to see if the climate cultists do their normal and recommend policies that only affect Other People.

Second, Wisconsin could end up with lots and lots of people saying “no, we’re good. This is a bunch of mule fritters, a low hanging issue of non-importance, let’s deal with real issues.”

Read: Wisconsin Governor Asks Citizens For Ideas On Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post noting one of the statues defaced was of guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Read: If All You See… »

Seattle Proclaims It’s Time For The IdiotZone To Go

And residents are wondering why it took so long

Residents near Seattle’s CHOP ask what took city so long to move to break up protest

Residents who live near Seattle’s “police-free” zone called CHOP –­ “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” – expressed relief after Mayor Jenny Durkan announced Monday that city officials are working to end the protest, following two shootings over the weekend, one of them deadly.

But despite the mayor’s decision to act, some residents who live by the area were critical of the city’s leadership for taking so long to act.

“It was doomed to happen from Day One,” Matthew Ploszaj, who lives in the vicinity, told KOMO News. “No one wanted to say it, but I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. It should have ended when the Car Tender got broken and the mob went down and broke his fence. It did not have to come to this.”

Durkan said the violence was distracting from changes sought by thousands of peaceful protesters opposing racial inequity and police brutality. She said at a news conference that the city is working with the community to bring CHOP to an end and that police soon would move back into a precinct building in the area they had largely abandoned.

The mayor did not give an immediate timeline for clearing out the occupation but said “additional steps” would be examined if people don’t leave voluntarily. With scores of people camping in a park in the protest zone, Durkan said peaceful demonstrations could continue, but nighttime disorder had to stop.

Distracting? The hell you say! But, one has to wonder how long it will take if they are “working with the community” rather than simply kicking them out. Why negotiate and play nice? They should have been stopped in the first place. These idiots gave up a police station, then the nutters were walking around with rifles.

Here’s a question for derelict Seattle government: who pays for the cleanup? Residents and business owners will be coming back to graffiti and property damage. How many residences and businesses have been ransacked and/or damaged? People’s property stolen? Every single person in that zone needs to be searched on the way out to see if they have property that is not theirs. Asking business owners and people who live in the area to simply file an insurance claim would be absurd and unfair.

You can bet there will be lots of photos of destruction and looting and property damage once these folks finally get out. How much will have disappeared from the police station that the Seattle PD abandoned like they were under assault in a 3rd world shithole? How much damage to government buildings, which the taxpayers will have to pay for?

There should be no negotiations. Send in the National Guard to surround the area. Start bringing the people out and arrest those who have violated the law. Ones who have guns with no permits, those who have stolen and destroyed. You know that won’t happen, though, unless there is a really big incident. It will probably take a month or more to wind this thing down.

Read: Seattle Proclaims It’s Time For The IdiotZone To Go »

Bummer: Planting New Forests Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’

Now, this is an interesting take from the Cult of Climastrology

Climate change: Planting new forests ‘can do more harm than good’

Rather than benefiting the environment, large-scale tree planting may do the opposite, two new studies have found.

One paper says that financial incentives to plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity with little impact on carbon emissions.

A separate project found that the amount of carbon that new forests can absorb may be overestimated.

The key message from both papers is that planting trees is not a simple climate solution.

Over the past few years, the idea of planting trees as a low cost, high impact solution to climate change has really taken hold.

Previous studies have indicated that trees have enormous potential to soak up and store carbon, and many countries have established tree planting campaigns as a key element of their plans to tackle climate change.

Now, you can read the explanations later in the article, which seem to be more about money and politics than actual effectiveness, but, you know why we are seeing these kinds of “nevermind the trees” things after decades of being told to plant trees, after all this time of carbon offsets being based on planting trees?

In the US, even President Donald Trump has rowed in behind the Trillion Trees Campaign.

Ever since Trump announced his support during the World Economic Forum and the 2020 SOTU Warmists have been having fits about this. CNN’s John Sutter went full on Barking Moonbat. Warmists are now saying that planting trees is just a minor thing

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has summed this up diplomatically.

“Planting trees is good, of course, but it’s nowhere near enough of what needs to be done, and it cannot replace real mitigation or rewilding nature,” she said during the World Economic Forum, the meeting where Trump announced he would join the trees initiative.

If a President Hillary (shudder) announced this, Warmists would be ecstatic. But, because it was Trump, they are now against it. It’s a lunatic, doomsday political cult, nothing more.

Read: Bummer: Planting New Forests Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’ »

Most Americans Against Defunding, Abolishing Police

Even a goodly chunk of Democrats are against this idiocy, which is perhaps why you aren’t hearing as many calls from Democrats as of late, except for the moonbats. It is a small poll, but, you can surely get a good sense of the nation from it

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Oppose ‘Abolishing’ the Police

A majority of Americans oppose defunding the police, and an even greater majority oppose “abolishing” the police, a recently released YouGov poll revealed.

The survey, taken June 14-16 among 1,500 U.S. adults (1,160 of whom are registered voters), found that the majority of Americans disagree with the “defund the police” movement popularized by the Black Lives Matter movement.

The majority, 53 percent, indicated that they oppose defunding police, while 24 percent said they support the proposal. What is more, nearly three-quarters of Americans, 73 percent, said they oppose “abolishing” the police altogether, with just 11 percent supporting the call. Even a majority of Democrats oppose abolishing the police, with 63 percent opposing and 19 percent favoring. Sixty-nine percent of independents oppose abolishing the police, and 90 percent of Republicans fall say the same

Those two questions are asked exactly like that, so, perhaps some of the folks are thinking defund means to simply reduce, which is not what the hardcore nutters who vote Democrat want. 44% of Democrats do factor defunding, while just 17% of Independents are on board. 50% of Independents are against, while 32% are unsure.

When it comes to abolishing, 63% D, 69% Independent, and 90% R are against. 19% D are for, so, we know that 19% are just beyond insane at this time.

Also, 63% think corporate responses regarding BLM are just pandering. As for BLM, just 48% find it positive. 30% say negative and 20% neutral.

But, all lives matter gets 53% positive, 23% negative, 20% neutral. So, it polls better than BLM. Oh, well.

Read: Most Americans Against Defunding, Abolishing Police »

There’s A Worrisome Link Between Deforestation (Climate Change) And Viruses Or Something

You know I’m not a big fan of deforestation and clear cutting. But, of course, the Cult of Climastrology is trying to link it to viruses, because Wuhan Virus Bat Soup Virus is flowing around

‘Like Poking a Beehive’: The Worrisome Link Between Deforestation And Disease

In 2013, an 18-month old boy got sick after playing near a hollow tree in his backyard, in a remote West African village. He developed a fever and started vomiting. His stool turned black. Two days later, he died.

Two years and more than 11,000 deaths later, the World Health Organization put out a report saying the Ebola outbreak that likely emanated from that hollow tree may have been caused in part by deforestation, led by “foreign mining and timber operations.”

The tree the boy played near was infested with fruit bats — bats that may have been pushed into the boy’s village because upwards of 80 percent of their natural habitat had been destroyed.

Except, Ebola has been around a lot longer than those trees have been cut down. Notice the use of the words “likely” and “may”. In other words, they do not have proof, they’re just brainstorming and fearmongering.

Scientists have long warned that the reshaping of Earth’s landscapes will have broad ramifications for the climate and biodiversity. A growing body of evidence shows that forest loss and fragmentation can also increase the risk of animal-borne infectious disease, similar to the type that’s currently upending the world.

Health experts say that the novel coronavirus, which has killed nearly half a million people worldwide, originated in an animal. Likely, a bat. And while it’s too soon to know whether deforestation or land-use change played any role in its path to becoming a global pandemic, there are concerns that the economic ruin it’s leaving behind could help set the stage for future pandemics.

Most likely, it originated in a “research” facility in Wuhan province, not from eating a bat (or Pangolin). The area has long been deforested, so, it’s not like they just clear cut it and things got bad. But, hey, the cult always has to link things. Skipping to the end of a long screed

But she (Amy Vittor, an assistant professor at the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute) says action is needed because the warming climate and land-use changes are not slowing down. Every time humans alter the landscape, Vittor says, it’s kind of like poking a beehive.

“If we continue to poke the beehive in nature, we will continue to see these kinds of events occur.”

What Ms. Vittor is describing is not anthropogenic climate change from greenhouse gases, but, localized climatic changes caused by land use.

Also, consider that there has been a big uptick in the use of wood for heating and cooking due to the forced use of solar and wind, which are not reliable.

Read: There’s A Worrisome Link Between Deforestation (Climate Change) And Viruses Or Something »

Pirate's Cove