If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post wondering how much the protest have fed a 2nd wave with social distancing being ignored.

Read: If All You See… »

Fortnite Removes Police Cars From Game

The crazy continues

Fortnite has quietly removed police cars

Last week, Fortnite fans noticed police cars could no longer be found on the game’s map.

The change, reported on at the time by Kotaku, appeared to have been made at the same time as Fortnite’s new season.

Fans on reddit noticed police cars dotted around the Battle Royale map were now civilian vehicles. Police cars in the game’s Creative Mode were gone. Junk Rifts, an item which could spawn a police car, now spawned regular cars instead.

At the time, Epic Games declined to comment on their apparent removal.

Now, however, a development source has confirmed to Wall St Journal that the change was a deliberate response in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent widespread global demonstrations against police brutality.

You can’t even drive cars in Fortnite. Apparently, just seeing a cop car will trigger the Offended.

Here’s a recommendation: when the employees of Fortnite call the police, they don’t come. Send a social worker. Seriously, because a small few police are bad, we have to punish all the police?

Seriously, while the violence in Fortnite may be “cartoonish”, players are killing each other left and right. And they’re worried about cop cars.


Read: Fortnite Removes Police Cars From Game »

French Climate Cultists Recommend Making “Ecocide” A Crime

These Warmists should be careful with this type of recommendation, because they might get it, and be hit with the criminal penalties themselves

French Climate Council Urges Referendum On Making ‘Ecocide’ A Crime

A citizens’ council set up by President Emmanuel Macron to explore measures for cutting carbon emissions urged the French leader on Sunday to hold a referendum on making the destruction of nature a crime.

The “ecocide” proposal topped dozens of ideas presented by the 150 randomly picked members of the Citizen’s Convention on Climate, along with inscribing the fight against global warming in the French Constitution.

The move was a rejection of Macron’s suggestion last week that a referendum could be held on the individual measures, which range from improving home insulation to cutting maximum highway speeds to 110 km/h from 130 km/h (80 mph to 70 mph). (snip)

Macron formed the council in response to demands for greater “direct democracy” in the wave of the “yellow vest” anti-government protests that rocked the country in 2018 and 2019.

The unexpectedly fierce rebellion was sparked by a planned fuel tax hike aimed at funding the climate-change fight, which critics said unfairly targeted people who have no choice but to rely on their cars.

The council was tasked with finding ways to reduce France’s carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030, compared with the levels of 1990 “in a spirit of social justice.”

Hey, I think they should institute this. France can serve as the experimental group, and let’s see just how pissed off people will get when they are arrested for daring to drive a fossil fueled vehicle, using wood for heating, eating meat on the wrong day, taking a shower that lasts more than 2 minutes, and eating ice cream. Then we can watch even more protests and riots in France.

Read: French Climate Cultists Recommend Making “Ecocide” A Crime »

Cancel Culture: Spartans, Yale, And Teddy Roosevelt

It just doesn’t stop. They won’t stop. Even if their own stuff gets whacked, they won’t stop

Seriously, the folks at 4Chan who came up with the joke on the OK sign have performed one of the best, if not the best ever, bit of trolling in the history of the Internet

(Yahoo Sports) San Jose State said Thursday that it would be ending its official use of the “Spartan Up” hand gesture because of the way the “OK” hand gesture has been adopted by white supremacists.

The gesture, created in 1990 by the school’s former band director, encourages SJSU fans to create a Spartan head with their hand by forming “a helmet with your thumb and index finger. Curl remaining three fingers over the top of the helmet, mimicking a feathered plume.”

“We all agree that the gesture has become part of the fabric and footprint of our university, however when the gesture is used improperly, it can be offensive to some members of our university family,” SJSU athletic director Marie Tuite said in a statement. “When our ‘Spartan Up’ hand gesture was misinterpreted as an ‘okay’ sign and not the proper gesture, the improper sign created a division in our campus community. It was timely and appropriate to make the decision to no longer use the hand gesture associated with Spartan Up.’”

OK, so, what happens when students still do it? Will they be punished? And then sue the school for violation of their federal and state free speech right? How about alumni? Whatcha gonna do?

Teddy Roosevelt Statue to be Removed from Museum of Natural History

Cancel Culture AlligatorNew York City’s American Museum of Natural History announced Sunday that it will remove a statue of former president Theodore Roosevelt from outside its entrance.

The bronze statue, which has stood outside of the museum entrance since 1940, depicts Roosevelt riding horseback accompanied by a Native American and an African American male. According to the announcement, the move stems from nationwide attacks on confederate statues and protests over the death of George Floyd.

“Over the last few weeks, our museum community has been profoundly moved by the ever-widening movement for racial justice that has emerged after the killing of George Floyd,” the museum’s president, Ellen V. Futter, told the New York Times. “We have watched as the attention of the world and the country has increasingly turned to statues as powerful and hurtful symbols of systemic racism.”

“Simply put,” Futter added, “the time has come to move it.”

Gotta wonder how many other things are Wrongthink in the museum. It’s a museum of history, they apparently can’t deal with history. Say, let’s go check the Metropolitan Museum of Art, bet there’s something we can cancel.

#CancelYale trending on Twitter nationwide

Yale University has come under fire Saturday through tweets pointing out the university was named after Elihu Yale, a slave trader.

The hashtag “#CancelYale” started trending nationwide on Twitter.

In one tweet, from Jesse Kelly, around 12:30 p.m. Saturday, he said he called on Yale to “change its name immediately and strip the name of Yale from every building, piece of paper, and merchandise. Otherwise, they hate Black people. #CancelYale”

The university has previously been brought in the spotlight in August 2016 for a push to rename the Ivy League campus, starting at the top with Elihu Yale, “slave trader extraordinaire,” as he was described in a story then by the Wall Street Journal.

In today’s #CancelCulture Yale would need to be ended, not have their name changed. Jesse Kelly also noted that the founder of Georgetown University, John Carroll, owned 100 slaves, and should be Canceled. And that everyone with a degree from Yale and Georgetown should give up their degrees. Obviously, Jesse was trolling, and pointing out the hypocrisy of the SJWs. But, like I tell people when they says “what about X?”, don’t give them ideas, because they are in a cancelling mood.

Read: Cancel Culture: Spartans, Yale, And Teddy Roosevelt »

NPR Seems Upset About “Protesters” Getting Run Over

See, this is all your fault

Vehicle Attacks Rise As Extremists Target Protesters

Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons, with reports of 50 vehicle-ramming incidents since protests against police violence erupted nationwide in late May.

At least 18 are categorized as deliberate attacks; another two dozen are unclear as to motivation or are still under investigation, according to a count released Friday by Ari Weil, a terrorism researcher at the University of Chicago’s Chicago Project on Security and Threats. Weil has tracked vehicle ramming attacks, or VRAs, since protests began.

The 20 people facing prosecution in the rammings include a state leader of the Virginia Ku Klux Klan, as well as a California man who was charged with attempted murder after antagonizing protesters and then driving into them, striking a teenage girl. Video footage of some attacks shows drivers yelling at or threatening Black Lives Matter protesters before hitting the gas.

Yes, some are intentionally doing this, putting themselves in situations where this is self defense. But, aren’t the roads open to all? Perhaps Democrats and NPR should be taking the Democrats to task for inventing the KKK, and, weird, isn’t California a Progressive Utopia?

From May 27 to June 17, Weil recorded at least 50 vehicle ramming attacks nationwide. Of those, five were by law enforcement and 45 by civilians. At least 18 of the civilian incidents involved malice and another 23 remain unclear as to motive, according to Weil’s analysis of police and court records, as well as news reports. The bulk of the attacks occurred in the first 14 days of protests.

So, cops trying to escape from unhinged, violent mobs hating on police. The 23 “unclear”? Check the photo at NPR


Now watch the video

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Read: NPR Seems Upset About “Protesters” Getting Run Over »

If All You See…

…is a world killing dog causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post on a new badge for the Boy Scouts.

It’s animals week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A great deal in the awesome nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, summer is almost here. This pinup is by Bill Layne, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers covers the history illiterate tearing down statues
  2. Virtual Mirage discusses champagne Bolsheviks
  3. This ain’t Hell… notes the objectives of the Seattle IdiotZone
  4. The Right Scoop notes the NYPD discussing striking on July 4th
  5. The People’s Cube covers Meghan Markle and her destiny to fight systemic racism
  6. The Other McCain tried to warn us about statues
  7. The Lid notes how many Atlanta cops have resigned since Rolfe’s charges
  8. The Last Tradition covers New York becoming Chicago
  9. The Last Refuge notes people concerned about Handsy Joe’s dementia
  10. A very rare linkage of The Gateway Pundit, with a post on lots and lots of violence in Minneapolis
  11. The First Street Journal highlights media bias, with the news forgetting a very important point
  12. The Feral Irishman discusses Juneteenth and why we’re hearing about it all of a sudden
  13. White House Dossier notes the slavery links to those Kente cloths the Dems wore while kneeling
  14. Shot In The Dark discusses cultural appropriation
  15. And last, but not least, Raised On Hoecakes notes how “the “request” became a “demand” and then a “threat.”

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Mob Rule: Police Told To Stand Down As “Protesters” Tore Down Statues

I wonder if the Capital Police would be so easy going if the mob was going after the Governor’s Mansion, State House, or something else owned by the citizens of the State of North Carolina

Police told to stand down before protesters toppled monuments, officials explain why

One of the main questions about Friday’s protest in downtown Raleigh — where two Confederate statues were torn down by protesters — was the lack of police presence at the height of it all.

A spokeswoman for the State Capitol police said the decision was made to tell officers to stand down not long before protesters eventually toppled the monuments. She said officers were present but the chief of State Capitol police made the call to make sure no officers got hurt.

Protestors took matters into their own hands Friday night after the officers left, using straps to pull two statues down at the State Capitol in Raleigh.

The spokeswoman with State Capitol police told WRAL officers remained on the grounds as they prevented protestors from trying to pull down the same statues earlier Friday to maintain public safety. She said crowds grew and the situation escalated after dark as protestors tried removing the statues a second time.

Audio obtained by WRAL reveals the incident commander calling for assistance but telling officers to back off for their safety.

Interestingly, WRAL doesn’t seem to be asking the question “who, exactly, gave the order for the police to not do their job in stopping a mob from destroying public property?” It shouldn’t matter what the statues are, they are still public property and a mob should not be allowed to destroy them. We have a civilized process in place.

Officials also said there were injuries to officers earlier Friday, which also led to the decision to pull back and away from the protesters. One officer had a fractured wrist, another had lacerations to the hand and another had to have their eyes flushed due to an unknown liquid being thrown in their face. Numerous officers also had paint and what is believed to be urine thrown on them, as well as getting pelted with rocks and frozen water bottles.

That says they aren’t protesters, they are a mob. Neither the 1st Amendment nor the NC Constitution allow violent protest, just peaceable ones. These people are breaking they law. They assaulted official Law Enforcement Officers. While one mob member was arrested, all involved should have been hauled away. Really, they never should have been allowed to destroy property.

Would WRAL or NC Governor Rory Cooper be so glib about this if they were going after the WRAL’s building or the gates of the Governor’s Mansion? The bricks were made with prisoner labor, as prisoners were used for construction. Marble for steps were stolen from the Native Americans in Cherokee County. Of any number of racist Democratic Party NC governor’s, let’s consider Charles Brantley Aycock, who even spoke of the “Negro problem”: he lived in the mansion, so, tear it down! That’s how this works, you know.

Look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m not a fan of the Confederate statues, excepting the more general ones which are odes to all those who died in the Civil War. The common person sent to fight. But, Confederate big wigs? They lost! They defended the Confederacy. Even Robert E Lee, who was no friend of slavery, shouldn’t have one. He lost. He was part of rebellion against the U.S., and was defending slavery. I’ve been in NC since 1985, full time since 1991, and, while I rarely ever saw one, I never cared for them. We shouldn’t have monuments and such as odes to people who lost.

That said, there are processes for this. Civilized ones. Mob violence should not be tolerated. What if it was a Conservative group tearing something down, would that have been allowed? Would the news media be so accommodating?

Problem number two is the old saying “give an inch, they take a mile.” That’s what’s happening, just like we saw last time. They say they just want to get rid of the Confederate/slavery stuff, and then they come after Jefferson, Washington, heck, even ones like Junipero Serro and

Grant was given slaves by the family he married into, and freed them. There’s always something more they want, the goal posts always move. Hence the reason Conservatives haven’t been willing to comply. I suspect most are not fans of Confederate monuments and such, but, we don’t give in to mob rule. Say, when does the mob go after things like Yale University and Columbia University? Both have big links to slavery. How about Hollywood, which has produced racist movies and TV shows, and had ones with people in blackface?

We can be civilized or a mob.

Read: Mob Rule: Police Told To Stand Down As “Protesters” Tore Down Statues »

Swedish Mayor Calls To Replace Charles XII Statue With One Of St. Greta

Definitely not a cult, right?

The king is dead! Long live… Greta? Swedish former mayor calls for replacement of Charles XII statue with one of Thunberg

An ex-mayor of a Swedish municipality took some heat online for suggesting that a statue of King Charles XII be pulled down, and a sculpture of Greta Thunberg or the late UN head, Dag Hammarskjold, be installed instead.

Jan Björinge, the former mayor of the Umea municipality, couldn’t resist jumping in as the Black Lives Matter-inspired trend of toppling statues gained traction across the world. Joining the debate in an opinion piece for the Aftonbladet newspaper, he wondered if it was “right to allow public places to disseminate anti-democratic values” on Swedish soil.

He recalled that a number of statues of “oppressors” had been pulled down over the years, and made particular mention of Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, and Saddam Hussein – quite a mixed bag, in anyone’s view. And Sweden, he said, had its own bronze candidate for removal, who also went by the name Karl.

For Björinge, King Karl XII (otherwise known as Charles XII), who occupied the Swedish throne between 1697 and 1718, was undemocratic enough to warrant being removed from his pedestal. Pushing ahead with his argument, he went a lot further than others who advocate the tearing down of controversial statues.

Hammarskjöld, a renowned Swedish diplomat who led the United Nations in the 1950s, and Thunberg, a long-time mainstream-media darling, especially since her incendiary UN speech in 2019, “contributed to a more humane and more sustainable world,” the retired politician insisted.

This actually didn’t go over to well online with fellow Swedes, but, personally, I think this is great. Let’s replace the king’s statue with that of a girl who stopped going to school, has no high school diploma, and is the face of a movement that’s supposed to be about science, yet, all she does is scold.

Read: Swedish Mayor Calls To Replace Charles XII Statue With One Of St. Greta »

If All You See…

…is an area made hazy from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on jumping on the bandwagon of cheap virtue.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove