If All You See…

…is an area made hazy from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post on jumping on the bandwagon of cheap virtue.

Read: If All You See… »

AOC Uses Juneteenth To Call For Reparations

Democrats using Juneteenth to virtue signal is really not a good idea, because it shows that it was Republicans who freed the slaves. The Democratic party, not just in the South but in the North, was against ending slavery. We should make Juneteenth an official holiday so this can be celebrated every year

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Celebrate Juneteenth by Enacting Commission to Study Reparations

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Friday the United States should celebrate Juneteenth, the day commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S., by enacting Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) legislation forming a commission to study proposals for issuing reparations.

“Happy #Juneteenth!” the New York lawmaker said on social media. “To celebrate, let’s pass legislation that makes Juneteenth a national holiday and enact H.R. 40, Rep @JacksonLeeTX18’s Commission on Reparations”:

Jackson Lee introduced H.R.40, formally titled the “Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act,” in January 2019. The legislation establishes a commission to explore the possibilities of compensating descendants of slaves in the U.S., spanning from 1619 to the present day and “recommend appropriate remedies.”

“Among other requirements, the commission shall identify (1) the role of federal and state governments in supporting the institution of slavery, (2) forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed slaves and their descendants, and (3) lingering negative effects of slavery on living African-Americans and society,” per the measure

The House held a hearing on slavery reparations last year — a proposal that remained widely unpopular among the American electorate. The logistics of such a massive proposal also remain up in the air, from cost to the basic process of determining who would qualify for compensation.

So, AOC is good with paying reparations herself, right? It matters not that her mother was born in Puerto Rico, or that her family on her father’s side came to the U.S. long, long after the Civil War and had nothing to do with holding and supporting slavery: she’s here, she should pay, right? Is there any reporter which will ask her?

I’m all for reparations: we should pay them to any person who was personally a slave here in the United States. And make Juneteenth an official holiday, celebrating a day which saw the Republican party freeing the slaves.



I’ve read like ten articles on this, and not one features a Native American complaining about the use of the word chief (which was also used with European groups such as the Vikings and Celts), just a bunch of lily white stick up their bums Democrat virtue signalers who think they Know What’s Best for groups like Native Americans. Rather racist, eh? But, no real calls for reparations for Native Americans.

Read: AOC Uses Juneteenth To Call For Reparations »

Climate Crisis Might Maybe Cause Pregnancy Risks, Especially For Black Mothers Or Something

Here’s today’s scary prognostication from the Cult of Climastrology, which you can find all over the news. It’s also meant to hijack the current strife with black people

Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most

Pregnant women exposed to high temperatures or air pollution are more likely to have children who are premature, underweight or stillborn, and African-American mothers and babies are harmed at a much higher rate than the population at large, according to sweeping new research examining more than 32 million births in the United States.

The research adds to a growing body of evidence that minorities bear a disproportionate share of the danger from pollution and global warming. Not only are minority communities in the United States far more likely to be hotter than the surrounding areas, a phenomenon known as the “heat island” effect, but they are also more likely to be located near polluting industries.

“We already know that these pregnancy outcomes are worse for black women,” said Rupa Basu, one of the paper’s authors and the chief of the air and climate epidemiological section for the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in California. “It’s even more exacerbated by these exposures.”

The research, published Thursday in JAMA Network Open, part of the Journal of the American Medical Association, presents some of the most sweeping evidence so far linking aspects of climate change with harm to newborn children. The project looked at 57 studies published since 2007 that found a relationship between heat or air pollution and birth outcomes in the United States.

First, air pollution is not the same as man-caused climate change. Second, the study doesn’t say what temperature range is optimal. Third, what about cold temperatures? Fourth, the cities with the worst air pollution are run by Democrats, who make up the bulk of the ‘climate change’ believers in the U.S. Fifth, there are lots and lots and lots of humans living in very warm areas around the world who get pregnant and have babies just fine. Sixth, most of the problems seem to revolve around air pollution, not warmth.

Seventh, it is interesting that this mentions the urban heat island effect. It’s surprising that the NY Times would even allow that to be mentioned, though they do leave out the word “urban”, because UHI shows that a goodly chunk of warming is localized, not global, as the climate cultists try to tell us. Yes, UHI is the fault of mankind, but it has less to do with global greenhouse gases and more towards buildings, roads, and other things that trap and hold heat and change wind flow, along with air pollutants that trap heat. If you take cities out of world wide temperature readings, you’ll surely find that the actual worldwide temperature increase since 1850 is not all that much.

Also interesting is the concern for black babies, since the #1 tenant in the Democratic party is abortion, and the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a virulent racist who wanted to eliminate as many black babies as possible, and no group has abortions by percentage than black women. And since most of the worst air pollution is in Democratic Party run cities, well, #CancelTheDemocrats.

Read: Climate Crisis Might Maybe Cause Pregnancy Risks, Especially For Black Mothers Or Something »

Say, Should We Be Talking About Canceling The Democratic Party?

See, here’s the way Cancel Culture works: it doesn’t matter how far in the past it happened, if it is racism, sexist, mean, whatever, it should get cancelled. Apologies and doing good work doesn’t matter. Heck, an apology is more of a reason to cancel something

Kevin McCarthy: Should Nancy Pelosi ‘Start Talking About Changing the Name of Her Party’?

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wondered this week if Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should consider changing the name of the Democrat Party given her newfound commitment to purging the U.S. Capitol of all things reminiscent of the Confederacy.

“The speaker has the power to do that,” McCarthy said in response to Pelosi moving to remove portraits of four speakers — all Democrats — who served in the Confederacy.

“If the speaker is concerned about that, should she also start talking about changing the name of her party and actually changing the nominee?” McCarthy asked in a reference to Joe Biden (D), who referred to late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), a former KKK member, as a mentor and “dear friend.”

Pelosi made the formal plea for the removal of the portraits in a letter to House Clerk Cheryl Johnson, requesting the “immediate removal of the portraits in the U.S. Capitol of four previous Speakers who served in the Confederacy: Robert Hunter of Virginia (1839-1841), Howell Cobb of Georgia (1849-1851), James Orr of South Carolina (1857-1859), and Charles Crisp of Georgia (1891-1895).”

All of those men were also once members of her Democrat Party– the party that has a long, tumultuous history of defending the institution of slavery and fighting to keep it.

Pelosi is calling for the removal of all Confederate statues, and, look, I agree with her, except for the ones that aren’t about individual people, those ones that recognize all those who died. But, I’ve thought going back to when I first came to North Carolina that it is weird to have statues and things named after Confederate big wigs because, well, they lost. And they were the ones defending against stopping slavery. Even ones like Robert E Lee, who was against slavery. He lost. He defended the Confederacy. There may have been more to the war than just slavery, but, that was the major point.

But, Pelosi’s party is the party of the Confederacy, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK, and now attempting to keep Blacks down on the urban plantation, living in squalid conditions with crime and poor education. Their mid to early 20th Century platforms refers to blacks as Negros, a verboten word these days. Their 1868 platform is not happy about the Republicans allowing “Negro supremacy.” Their 1856 platform fully embraced slavery. Their 1920 platform was very anti-Asian. Robert Byrd, a “former” member of the KKK, who’s said some pretty bad things about Blacks, was a member of the US Senate as a Democrat till he died in 2010. It doesn’t matter than he apologized: cancel culture doesn’t accept apologies. All things Byrd should be torn down/have their names changed.

Cancel the Democrats.

Read: Say, Should We Be Talking About Canceling The Democratic Party? »

Hotcoldwetdry Is Racial Injustice Or Something

The hijacking of current affairs continues. Not that it wasn’t going on before: Warmists have been attempting to make fixing ‘climate change’ about racial injustice, that it affects women and people of color more, dragging the gender confused in. It’s just at a Category 5 right now, rather than the normal 3

‘Climate Change Is Racial Injustice’: Students Speak Their Truth In Winning Podcast

I like how they say it’s “their truth.” Nothing cultish about that

The club was supposed to meet once a week. But for many of the members of Men in Color, Wednesday afternoons turned into Monday afternoons and Thursdays too.

Imagine a group called “Men in Caucasian.” Would that be OK?

“After school, we were always in Mr. C’s room,” says Jaheim Birch-Gentles, a recent graduate of the High School for Innovation in Advertising and Media in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn. He’s referring to one of the club’s advisors, Mischaël Cetoute. The club served as a safe space for students to talk through issues and ideas.

If you need a safe space, then you are really a child mentally, because you are unable to consider alternative views.

Those afternoon meetings gave rise to the Flossy Podcast, where the students tackle big social issues mixed in with their lived experiences.

Their episode about climate change and environmental racism is one of this year’s grand-prize winners in the NPR Student Podcast Challenge. It was created by Jaheim and fellow club members Joshua Bovell, Brianna Johnson, Jamar Thompson, Kamari Murdock, Isaiah Dupuy, with theme music produced by club member Ieszan McKinney.

The episode begins with the idea that, “climate change Is racial injustice,” and focuses on the idea that pollution and the environment impact communities differently — even within Brooklyn.

Wait, which political party runs Brooklyn?

“For people growing up in Canarsie, we don’t really realize we’re living in these areas,” says Joshua Bovell in the podcast. “But then you go somewhere else, like Mill Basin, and you’re like, ‘Why is this so different than where I live?’ “

Welcome to the party, pal! Life isn’t the same everywhere. BTW, Canarsie is one of the nicest, least dangerous areas in Brooklyn. So these kids have Privilege.

They visited a Climate Change March in Manhattan, where they saw mostly white people demonstrating. And in their podcast they wonder, aloud, Why?

Because, generally, mostly middle class to upper class whites pretend to care because they have no real problems in their lives, so, because this is a Victimhood society, they have to invent problems. Much like this entitled, privileged black kids in Canarsie

The students cited in their reporting research that shows climate change, including rising temperatures in cities and poor air quality, disproportionately affects non-white neighborhoods. Black communities face dangerously high levels of pollution and are more likely to live near landfills and industrial plants that pollute water and air and erode quality of life, according to a 2018 report from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Which Party runs these schools and areas?

For co-host Jamar Thompson, the topic is not only urgent and relevant, it’s also related to what’s happening now with protests and Black Lives Matter. “Racism is like a tree,” he says, “and police brutality and environmental racism are just a couple of branches off that giant tree.”

This isn’t really about climate, eh? Also, I would do a graphic like the top one with black kids, but, can’t find a photo with lots of black people marching at climate hysteric stuff.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Is Racial Injustice Or Something »

If All You See…

..is an overly bright day from carbon pollution from fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on failing liberal cities using climate lawsuits as fiscal escape hatches.

Read: If All You See… »

Horror: Designated Hitter May Be Coming To The National League

If you are a National League fan, like me (I’ve rooted for the Dodgers since my t-ball days), you will either love or loathe this

(Dodgers Nation) Baseball purists, you’re going to want to look away. Fans of keeping the designated hitter out of the National League are going to be very disappointed in the MLB. (snip)

Reports then surfaced that MLB and the player’s union were closing in on a deal to get things moving, which was later refuted. The league has sent over a proposal to the union, but that has yet to officially be agreed on or denied at this point. In that agreement though, there was one interesting change to play.

The designated hitter has long been held strictly to the American League and AL home games. That might be changing, as the new agreement would make the DH universal for 2020 and 2021. If that’s the case, it’s likely that the DH will be universal in the next collective bargaining agreement as well.

Not good

Will a pitcher ever hit for himself again in Major League Baseball?

The shortened 2020 MLB season is paving the way for the universal designated hitter, equalizing the American and National Leagues for the first time since 1973.

According to the proposed agreement for this year and next, the universal DH will be instituted beginning this season. The deal also calls for the DH next year.

Couple that with the belief the DH was going to become universal in the next collective bargaining agreement (2021), and could it mean we’ve seen a pitcher bat for himself for the final time in Major League Baseball history?

That’s not to say a pitcher will never bat again. Some may be utilized as a pinch-hitter. But a NL manager will never be forced to write in his starting pitcher’s name into the lineup card. Relievers no longer carry the burden (as long as they face three batters!) of leaving the game when their spot in the order is due up.

While seeing a big slugger, usually someone who has been kicked out of playing a position as they get older, maybe the knees are not so good anymore, come up and destroy a ball is exciting. But, having pitchers bat and then getting all sorts of substitutes later in the game makes it a chess match in the NL. Do you keep the pitcher in and let them bat, or have a substitute hitter, meaning you need a new pitcher and you’re down 1 on the bench? What happens if the game goes extra innings? Do you have enough pitchers? Will they run out of gas? I’m not a big fan of the DH. We’ll see if the Player’s Association accepts this proposal.

What do you think?

Read: Horror: Designated Hitter May Be Coming To The National League »

IEA Chief Warns We Only Have Six Months To Avoid Climate Doom Or Something

Set your alarm, see if doom starts in 6 months. Meh, we all know what happens: the people publishing this drek never follow up when the prognostications fail to materialize, and Warmists will just make new ones

World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert

The world has only six months in which to change the course of the climate crisis and prevent a post-lockdown rebound in greenhouse gas emissions that would overwhelm efforts to stave off climate catastrophe, one of the world’s foremost energy experts has warned.

“This year is the last time we have, if we are not to see a carbon rebound,” said Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency.

Governments are planning to spend $9tn (£7.2tn) globally in the next few months on rescuing their economies from the coronavirus crisis, the IEA has calculated. The stimulus packages created this year will determine the shape of the global economy for the next three years, according to Birol, and within that time emissions must start to fall sharply and permanently, or climate targets will be out of reach.

“The next three years will determine the course of the next 30 years and beyond,” Birol told the Guardian. “If we do not [take action] we will surely see a rebound in emissions. If emissions rebound, it is very difficult to see how they will be brought down in future. This is why we are urging governments to have sustainable recovery packages.”

It’s so strange that climate cultists want to change and control economies around the world, isn’t it? It’s almost like they’re making an excuse of a doomy climate to institute their beliefs, eh?

Creating jobs must be the priority for countries where millions have been thrown into unemployment by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns. The IEA’s analysis shows that targeting green jobs – such as retrofitting buildings to make them more energy efficient, putting up solar panels and constructing wind farms – is more effective than pouring money into the high-carbon economy.

So, they want to turn everyone into a low skill worker doing basic jobs.

Sam Fankhauser, executive director of the Grantham Research Institute on climate change at the London School of Economics, who was not involved in the report, said: “Building efficiency ticks all the recovery boxes – shovel-ready, employment intensive, a high economic multiplier, and is absolutely key for zero carbon [as it is] a hard-to-treat sector, and has big social benefits, in the form of lower fuel bills.”

But, how much of this really needs to be done? Most homes have insulation, as do business buildings. Remember how Obama, the Democrats, and even other countries tried this in the wake of the 2008 worldwide economic meltdown, wasted lots of money, and saw little return? Remember Obama laughing about the shovel ready jobs being not so ready? Most of these same type “green economy” jobs failed to materialize. There were a whole lot less than they said, and most disappeared because they were temporary jobs. The push for electric vehicles failed, as well.

But, this is not about anything but control. And we’ll get the same prognostication of climate doom in 6 months.

Read: IEA Chief Warns We Only Have Six Months To Avoid Climate Doom Or Something »

Cancel Culture Gator Comes For “Gator Bait” Cheer

A reminder: there’s an old saying about feeding the alligator hoping it will get you last. The Cancel Culture alligator is always coming for people and entities who have committed Wrongthink, and someone is always trying to feed it. It matters not if someone is an ally

Univ. of Florida ends ‘gator bait’ cheer, cites racism

The University of Florida is ending its “gator bait” cheer at football games and other sports events because of its racial connotations, the school’s president announced Thursday in a letter making several other similar changes on campus.

Florida president Kent Fuchs said in a letter to the university’s faculty, students, and staff that the cheer has a “horrific historic racist imagery” involving African American people, especially children, being used as bait for alligators.

“Accordingly, university athletics and the Gator Band will discontinue the use of the cheer,” Fuchs wrote.

The link to racism is borne out by news articles in years past. For example, in 1923, Time Magazine published a story about how “colored babies were being used for alligator bait” in Chipley, Florida.

“The infants are allowed to play in the shallow water while expert riflemen watch from concealment nearby,” the article said. “When a saurian (alligator) approaches this prey, he is shot by the riflemen.” The Chipley Chamber of Commerce responded to the Time article by calling it a “silly lie, false and absurd.”

That seems to be the only example that the Associated Press article can find, an anecdotal one which is disputed. Anyhow, how will this work? The band won’t be allowed to play the tune which gets folks to do the gator bait cheer. What happens when the people in the stands start doing it themselves? Will security be called to remove people? Will future games be cancelled? And why is Fuchs so concerned about racism when the U of F is stocked full of leftist administrators and teachers, along with students? Students who had zero to do with this mythical “gator baiting?

Among other things, Fuchs said the university will require students, faculty, and staff to be trained on “racism, inclusion and bias” and will also bring a new focus on the African American experience in the upcoming academic year.

Why would so many Democrats need this training?

In his letter, Fuchs said the school will look into a number of other race-related topics. These include one task force to document the university’s history regarding race and ethnicity, and a second task force to examine the reasons behind honorary namings on campus.

So, expect the Cancel Culture Gator to eat more things at the U of F.

Fuchs said that he is ending the university’s practice of using prison and jail inmates as farm labor in some of its agricultural programs. He also said the university will redouble its efforts to recruit and retain African American students, faculty, and staff.

So, those inmates will lose valuable time outside earning some money. What do they do then? Seems to be giving a second punishment to inmates. And just wait till Fuchs realizes that the gator mascots only represent two genders!

Cancel Culture Gator

Read: Cancel Culture Gator Comes For “Gator Bait” Cheer »

Culture Climate Friendly Fire: Now They’re Coming For The UK Guardian

In case you haven’t noticed, the UK Guardian is a vastly left leaning news out, and they aren’t afraid to show it. They consistently take a hard left line on everything. They are also one of the leading Cult of Climastrology papers in the world. They are one of the few who consistently have articles about ‘climate change’. Well, incoming!

Thousands Sign Petition to Shut Down Guardian over Links to Slavery, Anti-Lincoln Propaganda

Cancel Culture Friendly FireThe British left’s flagship newspaper is facing the call to eat its own tail, after more than 12,000 people have signed a petition calling for the liberal, pro-Black Lives Matter Guardian to be shut down over its historical links to slavery and for siding with the Confederate states during the American Civil War.

The Change.org petition to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) already has more than 12,000 signatures with the number growing hourly, spurred on by accusations against the newspaper of hypocrisy for backing the far-left BLM while having a history connected to slavery.

The call comes after far-left activists have demanded the removal of statues of prominent figures in British history who may have profited from slavery, supported colonialism, or even have been wrongly accused of extremism.

The Guardian had published pieces in the past admitting not only did it print anti-Lincoln propaganda, but said Manchester’s working-class mill workers who refused to touch plantation cotton — in solidarity with black American slaves — should be effectively subjected to slavery themselves and forced back to work.

The then-named Manchester Guardian was founded in 1821 by John Edward Taylor, who profited from cotton plantation slavery, according to political website Guido Fawkes. After he died in 1844, the newspaper continued its relationship with the slave trade, making money from the slave-backing cotton mill owners of Manchester who paid for advertising.

During Black History Month in 2008, The Guardian published a letter revealing that the newspaper had printed confederate propaganda against Abraham Lincoln in October 1862, writing that “it was an evil day both for America and the world when he was chosen President of the United States”.

See, it doesn’t matter that this was well over 150 years: Cancel Culture never forgets, and past transgressions must be the cause of current day destruction. It doesn’t matter if the transgressor is an A+ ally: they must be destroyed. If something came out about CNN, Media Matters, Daily Kos, and so forth, the SJWs would go hard at them.

Even though I think this is nuts, and the Guardian shouldn’t be punished for things so long ago, hey, they’ve asked for this with their hardcore Modern Socialism. They refuse to allow counter-voices to be hear, especially in the climate section. They advocate for other outlets in the UK and around the world to shut down climate skeptics, and anyone else who doesn’t toe the line. So, this is rather ironic, and they’re getting a taste of what they give.

Read: Culture Climate Friendly Fire: Now They’re Coming For The UK Guardian »

Pirate's Cove