If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from carbon pollution heat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Cancel Culturing Aunt Jemima.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture: Washington Post Goes After Woman In Blackface From Two Years Ago

The best part of this is that it’s double friendly fire: the woman is a friend of Washington Post employee Tom Toles and an uber-leftist


Every year, Tom Toles’s Halloween party draws an eclectic mix — journalists and political types from Washington’s power elite, but also artists and musicians, everyone from retirees to college kids, jammed into small rooms and sprawled across the backyard, dancing and gossiping, checking out the crowd to see who has the most inventive and outrageous costumes.

At the 2018 party at the home of The Washington Post’s editorial cartoonist, in addition to several Ruth Bader Ginsburgs, someone dressed as the “Mueller Witch Hunt” and Post columnist Dana Milbank came as just-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, complete with a beer-dispensing device on his head. A guest named Lexie Gruber wore a scary “Beetlejuice” get-up and called herself “dead.”

A middle-aged white woman named Sue Schafer wore a conservative business suit and a name tag that said, “Hello, My Name is Megyn Kelly.” Her face was almost entirely blackened with makeup. Kelly, then an NBC morning show host, had just that week caused a stir by defending the use of blackface by white people: “When I was a kid, that was okay, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.”

So just before heading over to the party, Schafer, a graphic designer and friend of Toles, decided to dress as Kelly in blackface to mock her, she said.

Got that? She was mocking her. Sorry, not allowed

Nearly two years later, the incident, which has bothered some people ever since but which many guests remember only barely or not at all, has resurfaced in the nationwide reckoning over race after George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, was killed when a white police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Many protesters have called on white Americans to reassess their own actions or inactions when confronting violent and everyday racism alike.

Gruber felt compelled to revive the 2018 incident. Last week, she emailed Toles, whom she has never met. (snip)

Gruber, a 27-year-old management consultant, told Toles that the incident had “weighed heavily on my heart — it was abhorrent and egregious.” She asked him to help her identify the woman.

If you’re letting a minor incident from two years ago bother you to this extent, you should seek professional mental health help. And so the Washington Post wrote this article, and it is long. Really long

On her Facebook page, Schafer posts often about her opposition to President Trump and her support of immigrants, gun control, gay rights and anti-racism causes, including photos she took at marches and demonstrations she attended.

So, she’s a Leftist

On Wednesday, after Schafer informed her employer, a government contractor, about the blackface incident and The Post’s forthcoming article, she was fired, she said.

And now fired. Welcome to Cancel Culture, Schafer. These are your Comrades, people who are beyond intolerant, will not accept apologies, and will ruin your life.

Read: Cancel Culture: Washington Post Goes After Woman In Blackface From Two Years Ago »

Who’s Up For Knee And Hip Operations With Local Anesthetic To Save Us From ‘Climate Change’?

You can do your part to stop the climate crisis (scam). What’s a little pain and massive discomfort during long operations (both typically take about 2 hours), listening to all the scary noises of bones, all the blood

Hip and knee operations ‘should be done under local anesthetic to help cut carbon emissions’

Using local instead of general anaesthetic for hip, knee and other operations could help cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study.

Drugs used for general anaesthetics contain greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide, which can stay in the atmosphere for up to 114 years and contribute to global warming.

Switching the one million annual hip and knee replacement operations in the United States to local anaesthetic would save the equivalent of 7.3 million miles driven in a car, according to the study, which was based on a one-year experiment at a hospital in New York and published in the journal Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

Surgeons at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York carried out 96 per cent of their hip and knee replacements using local anaesthesia in 2019, and estimated they saved the equivalent of 60,500 car miles.

That compared to an average of 75 per cent normally done under general anesthesia.

One has to wonder how many fewer hip and knee surgeries that hospital is now doing. I’m damned sure not interested in staying awake for that. I’ve had surgery on ankle (2 screws and a plate, later removed) and leg (stainless steel rod, kneecap moved to do it, still in), general for both. How about you, do you have interest in staying awake for these to stop the climate scam?

Perhaps we should force everyone who claims to believe that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by the actions of mankind to get locals for every operation where feasible.

It came as the government was warned that the NHS is not doing enough to cut its environmental impact. The health service has the biggest carbon footprint in the public sector, contributing 6.3 per cent of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and using the same amount of water as the entire country of Estonia.

The parliamentary environmental audit committee called on the NHS and Public Health England to eliminate coal and oil powered heating, to tackle fluorinated gases such as those used in asthma inhalers and to speed up a switch to electric vehicles.

It’s hard enough for old people to get knee and hip replacement surgeries in England under their Single Payer system

The biggest single source of emissions within the health service is pharmaceutical production; one year of kidney dialysis emits greenhouse gases equivalent to seven return flights between London and New York.

Aw, hell, let’s just let them die instead, and kill off those who need the knee and hip surgeries. They’re usually old anyhow, right? No longer a need for their carbon pollution. They could be saving the next generation!!!!!

Read: Who’s Up For Knee And Hip Operations With Local Anesthetic To Save Us From ‘Climate Change’? »

Atlanta DA Charges Officer With Murder, Ruins Chances Of Conviction Two Weeks Prior

Atlanta’s district attorney made things very difficult for himself by referring charges just days after the shooting, without bothering to wait for, you know, the investigation. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation tweeted that they were not made away of DA Paul Howard’s press conference, on the charges, and will continue to work to complete the full investigation. There’s zero possibility Howard has the full details, he’s responding to the mob

Officer charged with murder for shooting Rayshard Brooks

Prosecutors brought murder charges Wednesday against the white Atlanta police officer who shot Rayshard Brooks in the back, saying that Brooks was not a deadly threat and that the officer kicked the wounded black man and offered no medical treatment for over two minutes as he lay dying on the ground.

Brooks, 27, was holding a stun gun he had snatched from officers, and he fired it at them during the clash, but he was running away at the time and was 18 feet, 3 inches from Officer Garrett Rolfe when Rolfe started shooting, District Attorney Paul Howard said in announcing the charges. Stun guns have a range of around 15 feet.

The felony murder charge against Rolfe, 27, carries life in prison or the death penalty, if prosecutors decide to seek it. He was also charged with 10 other offenses punishable by decades behind bars.

A second officer, Devin Brosnan, 26, stood on Brooks’ shoulder as he struggled for his life, Howard said. Brosnan was charged with aggravated assault and violating his oath.

While the link is WRAL, it is an Associated Press article. It was not a stun gun. It was a taser. A police issue one. Something you cannot buy off the shelf.

Ahead of the district attorney’s announcement, Rolfe’s lawyers issued a statement saying the officer feared for his safety and that of others around him and was justified in shooting Brooks. Rolfe opened fire after hearing a sound “like a gunshot and saw a flash in front of him,” apparently from the stun gun.

“Mr. Brooks violently attacked two officers and disarmed one of them. When Mr. Brooks turned and pointed an object at Officer Rolfe, any officer would have reasonably believed that he intended to disarm, disable or seriously injure him,” the lawyers said.

But the district attorney said the stun gun that Brooks held had already been fired twice and was thus empty and no longer a threat.

That is an important point. Did the officers know that it was empty? Because

So, if a taser is considered a deadly weapon, than Rolfe was allowed to use deadly force. So, there’s a good chance a jury finds him not guilty.

He’s also charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, will probably get off on that one. Aggravated assault for kicking Brooks when down, which the defense will argue was done under Atlanta police guidelines, checking on the perp and attempting to keep distance. Four counts of violation of oath, three aggravated assault charges for his 3rd shot striking a civilian vehicle with 3 people in it, and one count of criminal property damage in the first for hitting the car with the bullet. Many, many lawyers are calling this a huge prosecutorial over-reach.

Howard is probably trying to make a splash before election time, because he is under investigation for illegally funneling money to his own paycheck. Neither officer would see a trial for years, long after the election.

Meanwhile, as the morale of Atlanta police officers hits bottom, lots and lots have resigned. And lots and lots walked out in a Blue Flu yesterday, especially at night after the DA’s announcement.


I’m not sure why all the cop haters and those who want to defund the cops were complaining. This is what they wanted, right? No cops.

Read: Atlanta DA Charges Officer With Murder, Ruins Chances Of Conviction Two Weeks Prior »

The Media Isn’t Ready To Cover Climate Apartheid Or Something

Most people tune out when the media yammers on about ‘climate change’, think they care about the climate change movement hijacking a term like apartheid?

The Media Isn’t Ready to Cover Climate Apartheid

Deaths from the coronavirus pandemic foreshadow another global disaster, one that will not be eased by a vaccine or masks: the climate crisis. And like Covid-19, the calamities of climate change will not be experienced equally. The wealthy will escape the brunt of environmental destruction, while much of the world’s poor will be forced to migrate, fall ill, or die. The United Nations warned last year that the world is rushing toward “climate apartheid.”

Climate change will kill 250,000 people every year between 2030 and 2050 by malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress alone, and by 2050, it will displace 140 million people, according to predictions from a 2019 UN report.

In a climate apartheid world, said Philip Alston, the former UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, “the wealthy pay to escape overheating, hunger, and conflict, while the rest of the world is left to suffer.” A similar dynamic appeared in the early days of the pandemic, when many rich New Yorkers decamped to second homes and the sheltering-in-place middle class in the city paid others, mostly black, Asian, and Latino men, to deliver their meals.

So……elite leftist will leave everyone else to suffer? Huh.

The question for those of us left in the news business is: Are we prepared to cover a collective threat with such disproportionate impacts? If the coronavirus is a test for gauging the media’s readiness, the results are discouraging.

Go for it. I suggest the media, as much as The Nation is media, tell all their climate Comrades to give up their own use of fossil fuels, give up their big carbon footprints, and give all their money to Other People.

This may explain why the US media fixates on political infighting over the Green New Deal, but pays scant attention to the basics of global warming. This point of view assigns news value—and awards prizes—to narratives of misery in the wake of climate disasters, but neglects the systems of oppression that drive the devastation. It deems as newsworthy debates about whether almond or oat milk causes more environmental damage, but not the thousands of people living in a tent city in Puerto Rico following an earthquake.

Earthquakes are not caused by the climate crisis (scam). We’re done here. Nutjob cultists.

Read: The Media Isn’t Ready To Cover Climate Apartheid Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon swamp the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on the heroes whose monuments have been attacked.

Read: If All You See… »

Good Grief: Seattle IdiotZone Prompts Rethink On Policing

Most people are probably thinking “yeah, we need police, even with their faults”. Not in the world of Ann Scott Tyson at the Christian Science Monitor

‘History in the making’? Seattle protest zone prompts rethink on policing.

As a police chopper circles overhead, a protester named John, wearing a Black power pin, stands watch at a barricade at the entrance to Seattle’s spontaneous new hub of activism – a six-block area that demonstrators initially dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).

Orange barricades left behind by police, who abruptly vacated the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct building last week amid rallies against racism and police brutality, are now plastered with posters calling to “Defund SPD” – a key demand of activists here who seek to shift half the police budget into community services.

But views are mixed on the police role and future of the station. Many signs and graffiti are hostile to cops. Yet John, an unemployed theater worker who lives a block away and withheld his last name for privacy, says “autonomous zone” is a misnomer, and stresses that police can return to the station “whenever they want.” City officials, including police, Fire Chief Harold Scoggins, and Mayor Jenny Durkan, have freely entered the “zone” in recent days, along with flocks of visitors.

“There is no reason peaceful protest can’t coexist with police presence,” John says of the CHAZ, which over the weekend was renamed the CHOP. What that stands for, however, depends on whom you ask – a reflection of the movement’s evolving goals and leadership. An entry sign calls it the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest; some say the O now stands for “Organized.” John and others say they sought freedom to protest, but never asked police to leave.

This is the very definition of a gaslighting article. This is the kind of thing the media got away with pre-Internet, and when there weren’t lots and lots of different news channels on your TV.

“It’s showing the world that having police breathing down your neck all the time is not necessary,” says Black Lives Matter organizer Mark Henry Jr., standing in front of the boarded-up precinct building, its sign altered with gold spray paint to read: Seattle People’s Department. “This place will be a monument to social justice, and a beacon of hope to the world that police reform is not only possible, it is necessary.”

The people in that zone didn’t have the police breathing down their neck all the time: in fact, they relied upon them. Now? Many are living in hotels because they cannot get in, because of the violence, because of the noise. Even just outside the zone, the cops are not coming even when you call them 19 times and the protesters are trying to set your store on fire. Stores in the CHAZ have been destroyed.

“This is a pivotal moment in history,” Chief Best, the first black woman to hold SPD’s top post, said Sunday in an appearance on Face the Nation. “We are going to move in a different direction and policing will never be the same,” she said, after participating in a Black Lives Matter march of 60,000 people in Seattle on Saturday that she said brought her an “epiphany.”

Right now you have armed idiots (suddenly the leftist gun grabbers are not demonizing guns) patrolling CHAZ, a self proclaimed warlord, all sorts of violence, rape, arson, robbery, and other felonies occurring. I think most of us prefer the old style policing.

“It seems to be a good place to live. I’m not going to be bothered by the cops,” says Ada, an out-of-work computer programmer who moved here from Dallas several weeks ago and has been living out of her car. “It’s history in the making. It’s cool,” she says, cooking a pan of beans and rice over a camping stove set up in a red wagon, “but also complicated.”

Let’s block them all in. Since they think they are no longer part of the U.S., no leaving. Shut the power and water off. Let’s see how well they do. They can’t survive without help from the outside. They really do not have food without outside help. Shut the power off and there’s no Internet. How will they charge their phones? Seriously, this entire article attempts to paint a rosy picture, but we can see the photos and videos.

Read: Good Grief: Seattle IdiotZone Prompts Rethink On Policing »

Warmists Wonder What Happens If We Don’t Re-open The Economy After Bat Soup Virus

Well, economies around the world are starting to re-open at differing paces, so, it would be tough to stop this, but climate crisis (scam) cultists would like to put the kibosh on further economic activity

COVID-19 Broke the Economy. What If We Don’t Fix It?

At the end of March, Donald Trump tweeted, in all capital letters, “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.”

He was referring to the economic ramifications of shutting down the country in order to protect the public from the novel coronavirus, which has now killed over 100,000 Americans.

The economy is in trouble. In the first quarter of the year, gross domestic product, or GDP, contracted 5 percent, the “largest quarterly rate of decline since last recession,” reported the Wall Street Journal. One week in May, over 2.1 million unemployment claims were filed, bringing the total to over 40 million—or about one of every four workers in the United States.

Proposed recovery and stimulus packages aim to get the economy and employment back to where they were before the pandemic. But with everything closed or ramped down, what if instead of putting it all back, we kept certain industries closed? What if, instead of going back to work full-time, we decided to work less, buy less, make less, and not fight to raise GDP at any cost?

What if money to pay for food, clothing, utilities, housing, etc, just grows on trees? What if we shut down Vice to help save the Earth from getting a fever? I’m sure Shayla Love, who wrote this screed, would be good with that, right? Or at least going pure part time.

Certain researchers have argued that our hyperfocus on economic growth was problematic long before we knew the words SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. The “degrowth” movement has advocated for reducing production of goods, working hours, and, inevitably, GDP—all with the end goal of reducing carbon emissions. With the economy at a standstill, we’re being challenged by some experts to envision a different kind of economy—one that could help solve the climate crisis, rather than make it worse.

Let’s put each of them on part time, see how they like it.

The reduction of consumption, emissions, and lowering of GDP that is happening now is a side effect of the pandemic, not a sustainable or desirable way to slash carbon output because of the loss of human life, strict lockdowns, and shuttering of schools and small businesses we value.

But in Future Earth, Maurie Cohen, a professor of sustainability studies at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, wrote that the pandemic, from a sustainability standpoint, offers a rare window of opportunity both for quality of life and the habitability of the planet. Rather than aiming to have the economy—and emissions—jump back up after the pandemic is over, it could be a moment to think about how to keep emissions down as we reopen and rebuild. That might involve leaving growth behind.

You know, it’s funny that Warmists always tell us that instituting ‘climate change’ polices will lead to lots of growth and money, but then they tell us that we need to seriously reduce growth in order to save the planet from a slight fever.

This is a long, long, long article, let’s skip to the end

“Suddenly this virus comes along and it’s clear there is an emergency brake and it can be pulled relatively easily,” Hickel said. “The government can, in fact, slow down parts of the economy for the sake of protecting public health and human wellbeing. In a way, the curtain has been pulled back and the Wizard of Oz exposed. We can imagine ways of pulling it that are ecologically meaningful and socially safe. Cognitive seals have really been broken.”

Did you enjoy your 3+ month test drive of a climate change policy world?

Read: Warmists Wonder What Happens If We Don’t Re-open The Economy After Bat Soup Virus »

Everything’s Stupid: Cereal Is Now Raaaaacist

This is one of the points where a serious conversation on a serious issue which most everyone agrees on and wants to see reform jumps the shark and people start tuning out and little gets done (via Twitchy)

I don’t need to post photos for you to know what the boxes look like, do I?

(UK Daily Mail) Coco Pops has been a much-loved breakfast staple for decades with one of the most recognisable mascots in TV advertising.

But Coco the Monkey has come under suspicion from disgraced former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who has written to Kellogg’s asking why they chose that animal to represent the chocolate-flavoured cereal when Rice Krispies uses ‘three white boys’.

Ms Onasanya, who was jailed for three months in January 2019 after she was convicted of lying to police about a speeding ticket, says that there is little difference between Coco Pops and sister brand Rice Krispies beyond their colour and flavour.

Of course, they aren’t 3 white boys, but three elves. And Coco Pops uses a monkey because it is for kids, and monkeys amuse kids, especially with a big wide smile. Seriously, when I see a monkey I think “monkey”, I don’t think “oh, black people.” But, race baiters like Fiona only see things in terms of race, because they’re nuts and have nothing better to do.

Other nutters demanding that the police be defunded, who riot, pillage, loot, commit arson and assault, who block fire trucks, who take over sections of a city, tearing down statues (but not those of Robert “KKK” Byrd), they aren’t helping at all, and cause many to tune out to the discussion. Idiots like Fiona cause people to say we no longer need a conversation, because this is all stupid.

Read: Everything’s Stupid: Cereal Is Now Raaaaacist »

UN Warmist Says Bat Soup Is A “Fire Drill” For Climate Crisis (scam)

One has to wonder why all these Cult of Climastrology members who attend all the United Nations ‘climate change’ conferences refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and work to make their own lives carbon neutral

Covid-19 pandemic is ‘fire drill’ for effects of climate crisis, says UN official

The coronavirus pandemic is “just a fire drill” for what is likely to follow from the climate crisis, and the protests over racial injustice around the world show the need to tie together social equality, environmental sustainability and health, the UN’s sustainable business chief has said.

“The overall problem is that we are not sustainable in the ways we are living and producing on the planet today,” said Lise Kingo, the executive director of the UN Global Compact, under which businesses sign up to principles of environmental protection and social justice. “The only way forward is to create a world that leaves no one behind.”

She said there were “very, very clear connections” between the Covid-19 and climate crises, and the Black Lives Matter protests around the world, which she said had helped to reveal deep-seated inequalities and “endemic and structural racism”.

“We have seen illustrated to everyone that social inequality issues are part of the sustainable development agenda,” Kingo said

Lise really took a step further, linking the climate scam, Coronavirus, BLM, and income inequality together, didn’t she? Would it surprise you to learn that she drastically increased he net worth from somewhere between $100000-$1 million in 2018 to somewhere between $1 million to $5 million in 2019 while working for the United Nations doing climate scam stuff?

She called on business leaders to take heed. “We want all chief executives to become social activists – to understand social equality,” she said. Not only was this the right thing to do, but “it creates stable markets for companies around the world” and reflects the desires of young people.

“Young people are so engaged, so dedicated to this agenda, they don’t want to work for companies that do not have a solid responsibility strategy,” she said.

The point of a company is to make money (apparently, the same for working for the UN): if these young people are dedicated to this agenda, let them start their own companies, see how long they stay in business.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, said building a fairer society would be essential to the world’s health, as well as to saving the planet from climate breakdown and ecological destruction.

“Today, the fabric of society and the wellbeing of people hinge on our ability to build a fair globalisation,” he told the two-day UN Global Compact virtual conference of business leaders, which started on Monday.

Modern Socialism for all, except for the Elites like Antonio. You get bread and gruel, they get caviar and lobster.

Anyhow, yeah, coronavirus is a drill, showing us how bad things will be, at a minimum, with Cult of Climastrology polices in action.

Read: UN Warmist Says Bat Soup Is A “Fire Drill” For Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove