UN Warmist Says Bat Soup Is A “Fire Drill” For Climate Crisis (scam)

One has to wonder why all these Cult of Climastrology members who attend all the United Nations ‘climate change’ conferences refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and work to make their own lives carbon neutral

Covid-19 pandemic is ‘fire drill’ for effects of climate crisis, says UN official

The coronavirus pandemic is “just a fire drill” for what is likely to follow from the climate crisis, and the protests over racial injustice around the world show the need to tie together social equality, environmental sustainability and health, the UN’s sustainable business chief has said.

“The overall problem is that we are not sustainable in the ways we are living and producing on the planet today,” said Lise Kingo, the executive director of the UN Global Compact, under which businesses sign up to principles of environmental protection and social justice. “The only way forward is to create a world that leaves no one behind.”

She said there were “very, very clear connections” between the Covid-19 and climate crises, and the Black Lives Matter protests around the world, which she said had helped to reveal deep-seated inequalities and “endemic and structural racism”.

“We have seen illustrated to everyone that social inequality issues are part of the sustainable development agenda,” Kingo said

Lise really took a step further, linking the climate scam, Coronavirus, BLM, and income inequality together, didn’t she? Would it surprise you to learn that she drastically increased he net worth from somewhere between $100000-$1 million in 2018 to somewhere between $1 million to $5 million in 2019 while working for the United Nations doing climate scam stuff?

She called on business leaders to take heed. “We want all chief executives to become social activists – to understand social equality,” she said. Not only was this the right thing to do, but “it creates stable markets for companies around the world” and reflects the desires of young people.

“Young people are so engaged, so dedicated to this agenda, they don’t want to work for companies that do not have a solid responsibility strategy,” she said.

The point of a company is to make money (apparently, the same for working for the UN): if these young people are dedicated to this agenda, let them start their own companies, see how long they stay in business.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, said building a fairer society would be essential to the world’s health, as well as to saving the planet from climate breakdown and ecological destruction.

“Today, the fabric of society and the wellbeing of people hinge on our ability to build a fair globalisation,” he told the two-day UN Global Compact virtual conference of business leaders, which started on Monday.

Modern Socialism for all, except for the Elites like Antonio. You get bread and gruel, they get caviar and lobster.

Anyhow, yeah, coronavirus is a drill, showing us how bad things will be, at a minimum, with Cult of Climastrology polices in action.

Read: UN Warmist Says Bat Soup Is A “Fire Drill” For Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is horrible concrete which creates lots of carbon emissions, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on WuFlu killing off Maryland’s foam ban.

Read: If All You See… »

People Don’t Understand How A 7 Year Old At A Violent “Protest” Can Be Maced

I wondering how this happened, as well

‘I just don’t understand how any of them can sleep’: Parents of seven-year-old allegedly maced at Seattle protest speak out against police

The parents of a seven-year-old child who was allegedly sprayed with mace by police at a peaceful protest in Seattle have spoken out about the traumatising incident.

Footage of the protest that showed the boy screaming in pain while protesters attempt to help by using a milk-like substance to wash the child’s eyes went viral online at the beginning of June.

The video also shows protesters confronting the officers allegedly involved in spraying the child and asking for their badge numbers. One officer allegedly refused to give the protesters his badge number.

Mando Avery, the father of the seven-year-old, told The Guardian that he and his son had just finished praying with members of their church as part of a peaceful anti-racism protest when a police officer fired mace at the group which hit his son in the face. (snip)

Shenelle Williams, the boy’s mother, told the newspaper that hearing her son’s scream was the “most gut-wrenching feeling”.

“I kind of feel like a failure as well,” she said, “because I feel like I couldn’t protect him, but there was nothing that we could do at that time to prevent it.”

But, hey, they felt like it would be totally safe!

The family have received some criticism online about bringing their young child to the protests, but said that when they arrived they had seen other families and young children, saying that it had initially felt “completely safe”.

See, you’re bringing your young child to a protest that you know will, at a minimum, get out of hand. There was a history of things happening that caused police to deploy chemical irritants. A history of “protesters” getting violent. Which is really weird considering this is a city completely run by Democrats. They, as parents, put their child in harm’s way.

And not to get all conspiracy theory-y, but you really have to wonder if the child was exposed intentionally in order to create the Narrative. Never put something like that out of the way, because Democrat activists love them some human shields.

Read: People Don’t Understand How A 7 Year Old At A Violent “Protest” Can Be Maced »

Bummer: Bat Soup Virus Is Very Inconvenient To Passing Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation

All these people getting sick from Coronavirus, all the people dying, all the people who were scared and unsure, they were all just very inconvenient for the Cult of Climastrology

Pandemic clouds progress on climate change legislation

Before Covid-19 hit, 2020 was shaping up to be a momentous year for climate change policy in Vermont.

After a series of publicized protests and Statehouse interruptions, lawmakers were poised this year to move ahead on a bill that would require the state to meet strict greenhouse gas reduction targets.

In addition, the state was considering joining a regional pact to reduce car and truck pollution.

But then the pandemic came.

Now, with state officials and lawmakers still sorting out Covid relief and huge budget shortfalls, the path for moving ahead on climate action is unclear.

Just so darned inconvenient. You sick and dying people shouldn’t have gotten sick and died. The rest of you shouldn’t have been so darned concerned with Bat Soup Virus, shouldn’t have quarantined yourselves and forced government to institute all sorts of restrictions, including forcing businesses to close, hence losing all that tax money. It was all very selfish, thinking only of yourselves and family members when we have a scam to solve!

But he’s not sure that getting out both complex bills in short order will be possible, and his committee will prioritize Act 250 reform.

“It’s talking about laying out a plan for the next 30 years, right,” he said of the Global Warming Solutions Act. “We’re not going to do long term planning based on very limited testimony. We need to make sure it’s a good long term plan that will achieve what we’re hoping for.”

And it comes with a nearly $1 million dollar price tag for the Agency of Natural Resources to hire staff needed for technical components of the planning. That cost could be a challenge for lawmakers who are contending with massive revenue losses from the pandemic’s economic strain. The agency has raised concerns about hiring and training employees right now with budget constraints, said Bray.

See? Y’all should have just kept working, virus be damned.

Gov. Phil Scott has said he won’t sign on to TCI until he sees the final agreement between the states, which was supposed to come out this spring. But the pandemic has pushed that release date back to the fall. Walke, who has been Vermont’s lead on TCI negotiations, said the states didn’t feel they could have the “robust policy discussions” during the pandemic.

This fall the governor will be evaluating TCI against the backdrop of a changed economic landscape. Advocacy groups point out that because gasoline prices are low now could be a good time to move ahead with an agreement that would nominally increase gas prices, said Walke.

But, with tens of thousands of people unemployed, “now is a challenging moment to do anything that would increase the cost of basic goods,” he said.

Wait, wait, wait, what was that part about increasing the cost of basic goods? Don’t Warmists usually tell us that all these climate cult measures will not cost us anything? Anyhow, even with everyone back to work, wouldn’t it be a bad thing to raise their cost of living?

Read: Bummer: Bat Soup Virus Is Very Inconvenient To Passing Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation »

Trump To Sign Executive Order On Police Reform

Unsurprisingly, the Leftist media is finding fault

Trump’s answer to nationwide protests: Police-friendly reforms

President Donald Trump hopes to acknowledge a nationwide uproar over police brutality while preventing rifts with police and other law enforcement groups integral to his political future.

With an executive order set to be unveiled at a White House event on Tuesday, the president is expected to lay out the case for the creation of a national database of police misconduct, so officers with a history of overly aggressive behavior cannot simply move to another department or state to escape scrutiny, according to a senior administration official. The order will also urge social workers and mental health professionals to work more closely alongside frontline officers. Finally, it will offer guidelines for new training and credentialing for police officers on de-escalating tense situations, and the best times to use force, according to the senior administration official, who said the goal of the order was not to demonize police officers.

The White House’s latest move, following weeks of protests in communities across the nation, has been crafted in close consultation with police officers, mayors, conservative African Americans, faith-based leaders and the families of victims, according to people familiar with the planning. Maintaining the political support of police — and appearing like a law-and-order president — has been a leading imperative for Trump’s top aides and political advisers as some liberal activists push to defund police departments and divert money to community programs.

And then there’s the Washington Post

Power Up: Trump’s ‘thread the needle’ policing executive order unlikely to satisfy protesters

It’s Tuesday. And five centuries, I mean years, since Trump launched his 2016 presidential bid

That was the subhead. No political bias at the WP, eh?

‘THREAD THE NEEDLE’: President Trump plans to take executive action today to address a national clamor for massive changes to police departments after George Floyd’s death. But the new measures are likely to fall well short of calls by Black Lives Matter protesters around the country, many of whom want to “defund the police” to radically overhaul how law enforcement works and prevent more police killings of black people.

Well, yeah, nothing will satisfy the “protesters” who are throwing rocks and bottles at police. Who try to set them on fire. Who shoot at them and attack them. Except defunding the police. Which they should be allowed to do in their leftist cities. And we should have a national database of those who vote for this, so when they attempt to escape from the 3rd world shithole they’ve created they cannot call the police for help in their new city.

This is a start. There are certainly more things we can do regarding police reform, however, most of that realistically needs to come from the states and cities. Why? Because that’s what the Constitution says. This is not a power designated to the federal government, hence, 10th Amendment. Of course, Los Federales are providing vast amounts of federal money to states and cities for police support. Which means the feds are taking too much money from citizens, as the money should have gone directly to state government. That’s a different story.

We all know, though, that the activists and looters, along with the elected Democrat and news media comrades, will be roasting the plan when Trump signs it late this morning. But, they aren’t actually offering their own plans, other than either defunding the police or replacing lots of officers with community organizers and social workers.

At the end of the day, most Americans do support what the “protesters” and BLM folks are pushing. They might not always like the police, but, they support them. Which plays right into Trump’s hands.

Read: Trump To Sign Executive Order On Police Reform »

New Creepy Crawly Named After St. Greta

Sadly, it wasn’t named Climatus Delusionus

New hunstman spider species named after climate campaigner Greta Thunberg

Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg can add to her list of personal accolades, including TIME magazine’s Person of the Year, a group of spiders named after her. Thunberga gen. nov. is a new genus of huntsman spiders from Madagascar, described by German arachnologist Peter Jager, and named after the wunderkind in honour of her commitment to tackling climate change.

“The rising temperatures affect all areas of nature — including the endemic diversity and spider fauna of Madagascar,” said Jager, who has participated in several protests inspired by Thunberg’s School Strike for Climate.

In a study printed in the scientific journal Zootaxa, Jager explained that the new genus differed from other huntsmans in their eye arrangement and unique dotted patterns on their backs.

Kinda like St. Greta differs from other climate cultists in that…well, not much.

Read: New Creepy Crawly Named After St. Greta »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on solutions mean actions.

Read: If All You See… »

Oscars Will Now Require “Diversity”

Why yes, the ubur-white elitists in Hollywood think that minorities, especially blacks, cannot succeed without their helpful hand

Want an Oscar? Better be inclusive. Academy to make diversity requirements part of awards eligibility.

On the heels of a historic election that saw a record number of women and people of color — including Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg and Oscar-nominated filmmaker Ava DuVernay — elected to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences board of governors, the organization behind the Oscars has announced new representation and inclusion initiatives for 2020 and beyond. The most striking and potentially most controversial: to be eligible for a future Oscar, contenders would have to meet some as-yet unspecified diversity requirement.

“While the Academy has made strides, we know there is much more work to be done in order to ensure equitable opportunities across the board,” Academy CEO Dawn Hudson said in a statement. “The need to address this issue is urgent. To that end, we will amend — and continue to examine — our rules and procedures to ensure that all voices are heard and celebrated.” (snip)

For the Oscars, the Academy will create a new task force — whose membership will include current Governor-at-Large DeVon Franklin — that will implement new representation and inclusion standards for Oscar eligibility. They are tasked with coming up with rules that will go into effect beginning with films released in 2021. Meanwhile, the number of Best Picture nominees will officially be set at 10, allowing for a greater range of titles to be in contention for the top prize. (The Academy made the move back to 10 nominees in 2009, but allowed the number to fluctuate in recent years.)

At the end of the day, it will become less about the quality of the movie and more about things other than the quality of the movie. Movies will have to give blacks and other “minorities” roles not because they are great actors and fit the role, but because they need to check off the Diversity Box. Tokenism. Being given a role, a position in the filming team, simply because of the color of their skin.

Might as well just give everyone a trophy for making a movie. What is funny is that this uber-leftist organization needs to set rules because they aren’t inclusive. What they’re going to do is end up ruining even more films. Seriously, everyone can tell when there is a token person in a film or TV show. I have zero problem with some of these mostly black movies and TV shows. Go for it. People want to watch what they identify with.

How is it an Oscar if it is based not on quality and content but on skin color? John Nolte notes

The Woke Taliban have been chipping away at artistic freedom for three decades, and now the actual death of artistic freedom will be enshrined by the Motion Picture Academy’s new “diversity requirements.”

Over the past three decades, the fascism of political correctness has only grown more oppressive and suffocating, but now, with the left-wing moral panic sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody, the left is emboldened; and when the left is emboldened, cities burn, statues topple, careers and people are disappeared, good men are murdered, civil liberties are trampled, and the dual horrors of blacklisting and censorship reign supreme.

The left’s blacklisting rampage is already in full force, and only getting started. Classic movies and television shows that are not disappearing entirely are either under direct threat or face the desecration of a Big Brother Corporation instructing us on how to think and feel about art.

In a sane world, the one guardian against this vandalism and terror would be the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the keepers of the flame of artistic freedom. But the left are no longer sane and rather than rage against the Woke Taliban destroying and suffocating art and artists, the AMPAS has not only remained silent, it has joined the mob…

Read the rest.

Read: Oscars Will Now Require “Diversity” »

Say, What Happens When Silicon Valley Goes Dark?

Man, if only California used reliable energy

When Silicon Valley Goes Dark This Time, There Will Be No Refuge

Blackouts that hit millions of Californians in 2019 could be doubly calamitous this year with tech giants Google, Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc. among the many companies keeping offices closed until the fall or later in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic.

If utilities cut power again, home offices set up during the pandemic could go dark and stay dark for days, and they’ll have no corporate offices to flee to for power. In October 2019, more than 3 million people were affected by a series of rolling blackouts over more than a week as PG&E Corp. and Edison International tried to prevent live wires from sparking wildfires.

Call it a collision of crises. Blackouts could limit California’s push to revive an economy largely paralyzed by stay-at-home orders this spring. The state, utilities and individual companies are all seeking ways to deal with blackouts before a wildfire season forecast to be worse than normal. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., for one, has “long contemplated this type of scenario,” according to spokesman Adam Bauer.

Neither Google, Twitter nor Facebook would comment on their plans. The state’s utilities and government officials, though, have said they’re working to minimize the threat.

California regulators last month adopted new shutoff rules that will require the companies to restore electricity within 24 hours after the weather clears, although the state’s wind storms can last several days. PG&E, the state’s largest utility, has set its own goal of 12 daylight hours after the winds ease, and has nearly doubled the number of helicopters it will use to look for downed lines.

California is a state known for periods of very high winds due to where the state is located. It has always happened. So, instead of spending money fortifying the lines, burying them, and other measures, the state has wasted enormous amounts of money on barely viable “renewables”. Excluding hydrothermal, because they want existing dams torn down. California, and those Silicon Valley companies, should be more concerned with stable energy and power delivery than fairy tale anthropogenic climate change.

And, get this: since California is banning natural gas more and more, backup generators have to run on regular gasoline. With the push for battery cars, how do they charge them with no power? All those solar panels hooked into the grid won’t be providing power back to the homeowner when the power is out. Well, heck, these people voted for this insanity.

Read: Say, What Happens When Silicon Valley Goes Dark? »

Elected Dem Bobby Rush Compares Chicago Police To KKK

Bobby is going for the ultra-Hottake with this one

Bobby Rush: Chicago police union and KKK ‘are like kissing, hugging and law-breaking cousins’

Rep. Bobby Rush on Sunday likened Chicago’s largest police union to the Ku Klux Klan, saying the two organizations “are like kissing, hugging and law-breaking cousins.”

“The number-one cause that prevents police accountability, that promotes police corruption, that protects police lawlessness, is a culprit called the Fraternal Order of Police,” the Chicago Democrat said in an interview with POLITICO on Sunday. “They’re the organized guardians of continuous police lawlessness, of police murder and police brutality. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police is the most rabid, racist body of criminal lawlessness by police in the land. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the Ku Klux Klan then and the Ku Klux Klan now.”

Rush’s searing remarks were the latest escalation between him and police after Chicago officers were caught on video lounging in the congressman’s Chicago office for hours while violent police protests roiled the city during the weekend of May 30-31. It adds fuel to unrest in Chicago and across the nation after the death of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25.

Let’s unpack this: who does Bobby think runs Chicago? They haven’t elected a Republican mayor since 1927. They’ve essentially controlled the city council in full for the last 100 years. Brian Doherty, serving from 1991-2011, was the only Republican council member in recent decades. The Democratic machine is in charge of running the police force, hiring the chief, who controls the CPD. The people who overwhelmingly vote Democrat are the same ones joining the CPD. These are Bobby’s people.

Further, I love the part about him hating on the Fraternal Order Of Police, which is a union. I thought Democrats loved unions. Strange how the Chicago branch in a lock, stock, and barrel Democrat city is basically the KKK. Also strange how Bobby is less than concerned over the high shooting rate in Chicago, which primarily sees blacks killed and shot. No surprise, since Rush helped found the Chicago chapter of the Black Panthers. I hope the Chicago Police Officers are watching closely as to how much political support they have. Same with their voting family members and relatives. Same with any police officer and/or family member who manages to usually vote Democrat. Because they don’t have support, Democrats hate them.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar supports calls to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department: ‘you can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root’

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat, said Sunday she supported calls to defund and dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department following the police killing of 46-year-old George Floyd on May 25.

“You can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root, what you can do is rebuild,” Omar told Jake Tapper during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

On one hand, I agree that the department may be rotten to the root (in a Democratic run city, don’t you know). How is it that Chauvin felt emboldened to do what he did, even knowing that people were taking videos of him? That 3 other officers stood there. Yes, two were on the job for just 4 days, and one was being trained by Chauvin, but none did a things. Speaking of training, how does an officer with so many complaints get to train? How is it that no one said a thing to superiors? How is it no superior in the precinct did anything? Is there a bad culture in the precinct? If the precinct is bad, what of full MPD leadership? Where was Internal Affairs? Maybe an investigation finds that Chauvin hid it well. Let’s wait and see.

On the other hand, let’s start with pulling the MPD out of Ilhan’s neighborhood, let it serve as part of the experimental group. You can’t just defund and dismantle the police department and think everything will turn out OK. She does show that the Talking Points about “when they say defund they don’t really mean they want to get rid of the police department” are bogus.

Read: Elected Dem Bobby Rush Compares Chicago Police To KKK »

Pirate's Cove