Elected Dem Bobby Rush Compares Chicago Police To KKK

Bobby is going for the ultra-Hottake with this one

Bobby Rush: Chicago police union and KKK ‘are like kissing, hugging and law-breaking cousins’

Rep. Bobby Rush on Sunday likened Chicago’s largest police union to the Ku Klux Klan, saying the two organizations “are like kissing, hugging and law-breaking cousins.”

“The number-one cause that prevents police accountability, that promotes police corruption, that protects police lawlessness, is a culprit called the Fraternal Order of Police,” the Chicago Democrat said in an interview with POLITICO on Sunday. “They’re the organized guardians of continuous police lawlessness, of police murder and police brutality. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police is the most rabid, racist body of criminal lawlessness by police in the land. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the Ku Klux Klan then and the Ku Klux Klan now.”

Rush’s searing remarks were the latest escalation between him and police after Chicago officers were caught on video lounging in the congressman’s Chicago office for hours while violent police protests roiled the city during the weekend of May 30-31. It adds fuel to unrest in Chicago and across the nation after the death of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25.

Let’s unpack this: who does Bobby think runs Chicago? They haven’t elected a Republican mayor since 1927. They’ve essentially controlled the city council in full for the last 100 years. Brian Doherty, serving from 1991-2011, was the only Republican council member in recent decades. The Democratic machine is in charge of running the police force, hiring the chief, who controls the CPD. The people who overwhelmingly vote Democrat are the same ones joining the CPD. These are Bobby’s people.

Further, I love the part about him hating on the Fraternal Order Of Police, which is a union. I thought Democrats loved unions. Strange how the Chicago branch in a lock, stock, and barrel Democrat city is basically the KKK. Also strange how Bobby is less than concerned over the high shooting rate in Chicago, which primarily sees blacks killed and shot. No surprise, since Rush helped found the Chicago chapter of the Black Panthers. I hope the Chicago Police Officers are watching closely as to how much political support they have. Same with their voting family members and relatives. Same with any police officer and/or family member who manages to usually vote Democrat. Because they don’t have support, Democrats hate them.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar supports calls to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department: ‘you can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root’

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat, said Sunday she supported calls to defund and dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department following the police killing of 46-year-old George Floyd on May 25.

“You can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root, what you can do is rebuild,” Omar told Jake Tapper during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

On one hand, I agree that the department may be rotten to the root (in a Democratic run city, don’t you know). How is it that Chauvin felt emboldened to do what he did, even knowing that people were taking videos of him? That 3 other officers stood there. Yes, two were on the job for just 4 days, and one was being trained by Chauvin, but none did a things. Speaking of training, how does an officer with so many complaints get to train? How is it that no one said a thing to superiors? How is it no superior in the precinct did anything? Is there a bad culture in the precinct? If the precinct is bad, what of full MPD leadership? Where was Internal Affairs? Maybe an investigation finds that Chauvin hid it well. Let’s wait and see.

On the other hand, let’s start with pulling the MPD out of Ilhan’s neighborhood, let it serve as part of the experimental group. You can’t just defund and dismantle the police department and think everything will turn out OK. She does show that the Talking Points about “when they say defund they don’t really mean they want to get rid of the police department” are bogus.

Read: Elected Dem Bobby Rush Compares Chicago Police To KKK »

Who’s Up For Plastic Free Pints?

I’ll admit, when I first ran across this I was like “oh, goodness, these climanuts are ruining beer yet again,”, but, the environmentalist in me kinda agrees


With pubs still closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Brits have been getting their beer fix with takeaway pints instead. But could this be fuelling a different kind of crisis?

The UK government has started to relax lockdown restrictions, so people have begun flocking to public spaces. To provide much-needed refreshments for those venturing to local parks or beaches, restaurants and pubs have come up with innovative ways to serve customers – while maintaining social distancing.

In order to keep things safe and sanitary for takeaway orders, single-use packaging has made a significant comeback, meaning plastic waste is filling up in parks. Environmental charity Surfers Against Sewage reported that in Brighton, UK, an influx of visitors using takeaway services had led to a build up of plastic pollution on the city’s beaches.

Why not glass bottles?

Two UK-based organisations have started a campaign called Plastic Free Pints to deal with the “massive problem of post-lockdown litter.” The project aims to encourage people to bring their own drinking vessels instead of relying on single-use plastic. They say that after the positive effects lockdown has had on the health of our planet, it’s important that we don’t slip back into pre-pandemic habits.

They have a point. You’ve seen my opinion on plastic pollution previously, and my consideration of environmental policies.

“As pubs reopened, we were seeing a lot of litter and thought, given the success of coffee KeepCups, that the solution was pretty straightforward,” says Florence Wildblood, co-founder of Ours to Save, a crowdsourced environmental news platform. Wildblood created Ours to Save during the pandemic after noticing “how people also seemed to be developing sustainable habits and taking the climate crisis more seriously in lockdown”.

Ugh. Leave the climate crisis scam out of it. Stop screwing up real issues like plastic pollution.

Also, yes, I know how bad the beer in the picture is.

Read: Who’s Up For Plastic Free Pints? »

If All You See…

…is horrible pavement for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on today’s world being run by dolts.

It’s skateboarding week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Edward Runci Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The sun is shining, the bunnies are everywhere, and people are coming back to work. This pinup is by Edward Runci, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jo Nova notes how many times Britain’s Open Borders allowed Coronavirus in
  2. Adrienne’s Corner covers how much money WalMart gave to looters
  3. American Elephants notes that History is what happened in the past
  4. American Greatness wonders who will protect us from the lawlessness of Democrats
  5. Blazing Cat Fur covers a Baltimore church being fined while thousands protest in the streets
  6. Brass Pills says you can’t fix people
  7. Congrats to Bustednuckles on 8 years of not being an alcoholic
  8. Chicks On The Right covers the cops searching a 5th grader’s house over a BB gun
  9. Datechguy’s Blog notes the BLM surcharge
  10. Free North Carolina says that the Left’s war on cops is a war on black people
  11. Geller Report News notes truck drivers saying that won’t deliver to cities with defunded police
  12. IOTW covers moonbats looking to create an autonomous zone in Tennessee
  13. Jihad Watch notes that Christian religious leaders around the world are praising Trump’s religious freedom orders
  14. Moonbattery wonders if leftists will cancel Gandhi
  15. And last, but not least, neo-neocon notes that people are afraid, and rightly so, about disagreeing in academia

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

CancelCulture Alligator Demands More From Target, Other Stores

Target, which had nothing to do with the killing of George Floyd, saw one of its Minneapolis stores pillaged and heavily damaged. Other stores nationwide saw looting. So, what do they do?

Target Commits $10 Million and Ongoing Resources for Rebuilding Efforts and Advancing Social Justice

Today, our next steps include announcing a $10 million commitment and ongoing resources to advance social justice and support rebuilding and recovery efforts in local communities.

“Target stands with Black families, communities and team members. As we face an inflection point in Minneapolis and across the country, we’re listening to our team, guests and communities, committed to using our size, scale and resources to help heal and create lasting change,” says Brian Cornell, chairman and CEO, Target.

Having fed the Cancel Culture Gator already, it is still hungry

People Are Calling On Stores Like Target And Whole Foods To Take The 15 Percent Pledge

The internet is full of ways to support black-owned businesses, but when visiting your favorite major retailer, it can get a lot tougher to find their products. A new campaign is calling on stores to make space for more of these businesses in something called the 15 Percent Pledge.

The campaign was created by Aurora James, a fashion designer and founder of the label Brother Vellies, and she is calling on major retailers like Target, Whole Foods, and Sephora to take the pledge. The campaign gets its name, as The Takeout pointed out, because 15 percent of Americans are black, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Retailers who take the pledge would be promising 15 percent of their shelf space to black-owned businesses, which would make their stores’ space at least proportional to the U.S. population. This would not only help to create more equity in the products consumers purchase, but it would also help put $14.5 billion back into black communities, according to the site.

Technically, they would need to reserve just under 13% of space, since that is the population. But, what products would they be? And should we do the same with Latino products? We don’t have to worry about Asian, since they’re already a glut of products from China, Vietnam, and other Asian nations.

In an Instagram post, Aurora explained her mission and why this is a chance for companies to make a real and positive change toward diversifying the brands they have in stores and combatting systemic racism that keeps them from landing these placements.

Or, perhaps there aren’t products that will sell that much in that area. Personally, I don’t look at who makes them, and usually not where from. I do like that a ton of produce at my WalMart comes from NC farmers, and particularly those within the area. It’s easy to say regarding 15% products from black own businesses, but, what are they? Aurora mentions farmers. What if there aren’t any in the local area? There’s a lot of produce that comes from large, large agro companies, while smaller farmers sell a lot of their product at farmer’s markets, to smaller stores, and to big companies for use in their food products.

What about the local customers? Do they want products that may not be needed in the area? What if the products do not sell? Personally, I would consider it demeaning if the only way to get my products on the shelf was to show my skin color. Retail puts products on shelves that sell. Make products that sell and they’ll stock them. Once you make them as inexpensive as China, of course.

Anyhow, this is what feeding the alligator looks like. They will keep demanding even more once you have surrendered. And when dealing with SJWs, if you offer to help you have surrendered.

Meanwhile, black activists are questioning the roles of all these white folks who came out to support them with the George Floyd protests

While the diverse crowds have made for good television, some activists are skeptical that the show of support will produce long-term commitment among many white people, and they question whether surface-level activism and how it plays out on social media does more harm than good.

Ernest Owens, a 28-year-old black journalist, questions the concept of whites as “allies.”

While many have good intentions, he said true allyship — supporting black businesses, deeply exploring personal bias and ferreting out ways that white privilege contributes to persistent racism — must happen in order to genuinely stand in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed.

You cannot satisfy SJWs of any race. They will always want more.

True commitment means calling out your boss when he routinely mixes up your two Indian colleagues, or taking on a racist relative, Phillips said. It also means acting with your wallet, asking friends about their experiences of racism and sincerely listening.

“You can’t just say stuff,” she said, “and tick your activist box.”

The gator will not excuse you just because you are an SJW activist, either.

Read: CancelCulture Alligator Demands More From Target, Other Stores »

If All You See…

…is a world flooded because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on life without police.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Comes For Law And Order, Along With Star Character Olivia Benson

See, even though the character is a “good cop”, all cops are bad in the eyes of these nutters. Remember when Rolling Stone used to be counter-culture and about music?

Sorry, Olivia Benson Is Canceled Too

Cancel Culture AlligatorA few days ago, I was scrolling through TikTok and saw one featuring Olivia Benson, the beloved star of Law and Order: SVU played by Mariska Hargitay. The TikTok is captioned “#when I say ACAB,” and the audio is from Fergie’s “Big Girls Don’t Cry.” “I hope you know, I hope you know/That this has nothing to do with you,” the woman in the TikTok lip-syncs, as if pained to even be mentioning Olivia Benson and anti-cop sentiment in the same breath.

On social media, where defunding and abolishing the police has become an omnipresent rallying cry, a similar sentiment also reigns. “The only cop I have any respect for is Olivia Benson,” one tweet reads. “nOt AlL cOpS…you’re right, Olivia Benson from SVU would NEVER,” reads another. Even as fictional cops ranging from The Wire‘s Det. Bunk Moreland to Chase from Paw Patrol come under the microscope, Olivia Benson is in another class altogether. She is the minority, the exemption, the special case. She and she alone, it is generally agreed, is allowed to cloak herself in the mantle of Good Cop.

(lots of paragraphs about how great the character is and how great Hargitay is)

But not everyone who watches Law and Order: SVU interacts with it on those terms. A not-insignificant number of police officers have credited the show with their deciding to enter law enforcement, and it’s safe to assume that an even larger number of viewers watches the show and believe that police officers like Olivia Benson are fundamentally on the side of the vulnerable and disenfranchised. And this trope has significant real-life implications: according to a report from Color of Change (which features a screen grab from SVU) on the cover), crime series “make heroes out of people who violate our rights” and “do not depict the reality, causes, or consequences of [racial disparities in the criminal justice system] accurately.”

See? Even good cops bad

The truth is that, if you agree that the system is broken and great changes need to be made on all levels to fix it, you can’t pick and choose what needs to be changed. No matter how much you love Olivia Benson, you have to be willing to grapple with the fact that she plays a major role in perpetuating the idea that cops are inherently trustworthy and heroic, and that many viewers are unable to distinguish between the gossamer fantasy of how justice should be handled, and how it actually is. If cops are canceled, that means all cops are canceled, up to and including the strong and pretty ones we like to watch break down pedophiles in interrogation rooms. Revolution can’t be built on the backs of the exceptions, and those who perpetuate toxic systems can’t be deemed immune to critique just because we like them. It’s the simplest equation there is: if all cops are bastards, and Olivia Benson is a cop, that means she’s — kind of — a bastard. (Mariska is cool, though.)

Nothing is safe from Cancel Culture.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Law And Order, Along With Star Character Olivia Benson »

Climate Worst Case Scenarios May Be Worst Than Modeled Or Something

Members of the Cult of Climastrology are upset. They’ve mostly been ignored since the start of the world wide Bat Soup Virus pandemic. Even though they tried to hijack it and subsume it and link it and say that the world needs a Green recovery, the news media very much ignored the Warmists, even media darling uber-Warmist St. Greta of Stockholm. So, what to do? Be unhinged and say everything is worse than imagined!

Climate worst-case scenarios may not go far enough, cloud data shows

Worst-case global heating scenarios may need to be revised upwards in light of a better understanding of the role of clouds, scientists have said.

Recent modelling data suggests the climate is considerably more sensitive to carbon emissions than previously believed, and experts said the projections had the potential to be “incredibly alarming”, though they stressed further research would be needed to validate the new numbers.

Modelling results from more than 20 institutions are being compiled for the sixth assessment by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is due to be released next year.

Compared with the last assessment in 2014, 25% of them show a sharp upward shift from 3C to 5C in climate sensitivity – the amount of warming projected from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the preindustrial level of 280 parts per million. This has shocked many veteran observers, because assumptions about climate sensitivity have been relatively unchanged since the 1980s.

“That is a very deep concern,” Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said. “Climate sensitivity is the holy grail of climate science. It is the prime indicator of climate risk. For 40 years, it has been around 3C. Now, we are suddenly starting to see big climate models on the best supercomputers showing things could be worse than we thought.”

Who’s surprised? The CoC always needs to push bigger and bigger scares.

“The more we learn, the more fragile the Earth system seems to be and the faster we need to move,” he said. “It gives even stronger argument to step out of this Covid-19 crisis and move full speed towards decarbonising the economy.”

Let’s start with CoC members. Let them be the experimental group and give up all uses of fossil fuels. Meaning they cannot even purchase any goods that are linked to fossil fuels, cannot live in an abode that was made with fossil fuels, can only cook with “renewables”, can only heat and cool their abodes with renewables, and cannot use fossil fueled transportation. Let’s see how they enjoy this life, and if it makes any difference in “global heating”.

Read: Climate Worst Case Scenarios May Be Worst Than Modeled Or Something »

Bummer: BLM Says Seattle Nutters Have Hijacked Their Message

Well, what did they expect? This is what happens when you have so many hardcore elements within the Democratic Party. You have the climate (scam) cultists hijacking the protests. You have the gender confused trans whatever folks hijacking it. You have uber-white Hollywood nutters hijacking it and being paternalistic, because, let’s face it, so many white leftist elites do not think blacks can succeed without their helpful hands, along with the helpful hand of Government. It’s actually a rather racist attitude. They’re now demanding amnesty of all illegals. So, yeah

Black Lives Matter protesters say Seattle’s autonomous zone has hijacked message

Protesters inside the self-declared autonomous zone in downtown Seattle booed and heckled members of the African American Community Advisory Council Thursday afternoon as the group told demonstrators they had “hijacked” the message of Black Lives Matter.


“The thing is, you have hijacked this! You have taken the meaning away!” a woman from the council said, addressing demonstrators inside the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” (CHAZ)– a six-block region, which includes a police precinct— that has been taken over by protesters.

After weeks of protests, Seattle demonstrators successfully ousted police officers from the East Precinct, forcing them to shutter the building and leave, and attempts at negotiating a police presence have been unsuccessful.

“Black lives do matter but there are also black lives that are police lives,” a woman from the council said, according to reports by Komo News. “They feel the same way that you do.”

The woman was booed and demonstraters grabbed other microphones and began talking over her, the news outlet reported.

On one hand, what did they think was going to happen? Just look at Occupy Wall Street, which began as an idea that Wall Street and big companies were being hooked up while Main Street was being ignored, then quickly morphed into pushing ever Democrat issue, devaluing the meaning of OWS and turning people off. Leftists do this with ever issue. They did this the last time, when BLM was created.

On the same hand, when your compatriots are Antifa (big in Seattle), anarchists (who want more and more Big Government, not understanding what anarchy means), Progressives (nice Fascists), Communists, self style Activists, climate cultists, etc, and all of them who vote Democrat think they know what is best for Everyone Else, what did you think was going to happen?

So, do not have much in the way of sympathy for BLM on this. When you align yourselves with nutters, this is what happens. When you align yourself with Cancel Culture, they will cancel you if you aren’t going as hardcore. I mean, a black police chief for Seattle isn’t enough for these folks to start with, now the mostly white elitist CHAZ folks are taking it further. And you know what happens next? Americans start tuning out. Just like the last time. Most Americans were disgusted by what happened in Minneapolis. Most agree we need reform in policing, though, on the details there isn’t exactly agreement. In Real Life, I have people giving me this idea and that idea, while I have my own.

Then you have the defund the police folks

(Fox News) A New York Times op-ed published Friday attempted to make clear what “Defund the police” actually means.

Anti-criminalization activist Mariame Kaba attempted to settle the debate with the op-ed, “Yes, we mean literally abolish the police.”

“Congressional Democrats want to make it easier to identify and prosecute police misconduct; Joe Biden wants to give police departments $300 million. But efforts to solve police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century,” Kaba began. “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police.”

Altogether, 64% of Americans are against defunding the police. 55% of Democrats support. So, good luck pushing this notion as we approach the 2020 general election. Regardless, these are your Comrades in the CHAZ, BLMers. Enjoy.

Read: Bummer: BLM Says Seattle Nutters Have Hijacked Their Message »

Hot Take: The Nation Defends Property Destruction

Who wants to be that all the employees at The Nation, including writer R.H. Lossin, would have a big problem with their own homes and property being trashed

Uh huh

But what if property destruction is more than an understandable lapse of judgment and loss of control? What if it is not a frustrated, emotional reaction but a reasonable and articulate expression in itself? The destruction is too widespread to attribute it to a few bad actors, and in some cases—such as the attacks on the CNN headquarter and the widespread vandalism of Confederate monuments—too precise and symbolically potent to be attributed solely to an opportunistic “criminal” element. The fantasy of outside agitators—a perennial feature of politicians’ responses to radical political action—is a means of presenting the real threat posed by mass actions as something foreign to the action itself…

People are not objects; broken windows and burnt cars are simply not commensurate with the violence of state-sanctioned murder or the structural violence of poverty that has placed people of color at a disproportionate risk of dying of Covid-19. Plateglass windows don’t bleed. They don’t die and leave loved ones grieving. They don’t contribute to the collective trauma and terror experienced by their communities. They just break, and then, at some point, they are replaced by identical sheets of glass.

Yeah, this is one of those “it’s just property,” which is always cool when it is Someone Else’s property, right?

It really doesn’t get any better, but, hey, the Nation would be fine if their offices got trashed, rigth?

Read: Hot Take: The Nation Defends Property Destruction »

Pirate's Cove