25 States File Legal Challenge To Biden’s EV Mandate

OK, fine, it’s not actually a mandate, but, it operates in the same manner, forcing free US citizens into EVs they do not want

Half of US states revolt against EPA crackdown on gas cars with major legal challenge

Electric vehicleA coalition of 25 state attorneys general filed a legal challenge Thursday against the Biden administration over recent environmental regulations targeting gas-powered car emissions and pushing electric vehicles (EVs).

Led by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, the coalition filed a challenge against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, asking the court to declare the new rules unlawful. According to the filing, the EPA regulations impose “unworkable emissions standards” on passenger cars and medium-duty vehicles.

“Conservative attorneys general are slamming the brakes on President Biden’s radical green agenda that is using the weight of the federal government to force expensive EVs on families, workers and farmers,” Coleman said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“Even if Americans wanted to buy an electric car, we can’t afford them amid historic inflation,” he continued. “We’re taking President Biden’s EPA to court to block this latest big-government mandate and protect the free market.”

If you want one, get one. The federal government has no business telling the citizens what they can and cannot drive. Where is the statutory authority in the Constitution? Even if Congress passed a law, under what Constitutional principle? If a state wants to do this, go for it. If their own constitution allows it. The AGs should be asking if all the EPA folks forcing this down our throats are driving one. And, since this really originates from the White House, why Biden isn’t driving one.

Read: 25 States File Legal Challenge To Biden’s EV Mandate »

If All You See…

…is a horrible 1%er tennis court increasing carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on the police showing up at a British man’s house.

And thus ends fit ladies week. Any ideas for next week?

Read: If All You See… »

Iowa Governor Signs Bill Which Could Remove Illegals From State

It wouldn’t be necessary for states to pass any laws if the federal government under Joe Biden would simply do its job

Iowa governor signs ‘illegal reentry’ migrant bill into law

Americans before illegalsA new bill signed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) on Wednesday will make it illegal for a person to be in the state if they were previously denied entry to the United States or were removed from the country.

The bill — SF 2340 — will make it a state crime for someone to be in Iowa if they have outstanding deportation orders, were previously removed from the U.S. or were previously denied admission to Iowa. Once a suspect is in custody, the law states that they could agree to a judge’s order to leave the country or face further charges.

The judge’s order must include information on the method of transportation the person uses to get to the port of entry and the law enforcement officer or agency responsible for ensuring they comply with the order.

The law is reminiscent of a Texas state law that gives state law enforcement the authority to arrest people they suspect of entering the country illegally. The Texas law is facing legal battles as it is currently blocked in court.

Yeah, not quite, but, Credentialed Media gotta Credentialed Media. This is simply about those who are unlawfully present in the U.S. and getting them out of Iowa. Does Iowa have that big of a problem? It is most likely meant to deter illegals from coming to Iowa, much like the Texas law is about deterring them from crossing at the Mexican border with Texas.

“The Biden Administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk. Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them. This bill gives Iowa law enforcement the power to do what he is unwilling to do: enforce immigration laws already on the books.”

The legislation will be enacted on July 1.

Considering the location of Iowa in proximity to the sanctuary state of Illinois, they could well have an issue, plus all those that the Biden regime has flown in the dead of night to the state.

The bill has already faced criticism from activists and migrants living in Iowa. Advocacy group Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice vowed to fight the new legislation in a statement on Wednesday.

“Iowa politicians moved this ridiculous stunt forward in an election year in order to perpetuate partisan campaign rhetoric, drive fear in immigrant communities and mobilize voters using fear and anti-immigrant sentiment. Immigrants’ rights organizations are ready to fight back and work to block this unconstitutional law from going into effect,” the statement read.

What’s unconstitutional about getting those who are unlawfully present per federal law out of the state, and even country, especially when said illegals have deportation orders or were previously deported? People who have been already been removed and came back to the U.S. committed a felony. Every illegal takes money away from supporting U.S. citizens.

Read: Iowa Governor Signs Bill Which Could Remove Illegals From State »

Kenyans Switch From Cows To Camels To Fight Global Boiling Or Something

One would think the Kenyans would be like “why are all these 1st World elitists trying to keep us from having the same modern life they’ve been living?”

Blah blah blah. It’s one of those massively long articles you get from the Washington Post, despite this being really meaningless cult stuff

The camels had thump-thumped for seven days across northern Kenya, ushered by police reservists, winding at last toward their destination: less a village than a dusty clearing in the scrub, a place where something big was happening. People had walked for miles to be there. Soon the governor pulled up in his SUV. Women danced, and an emcee raised his hands to the sky. When the crowd gathered around an enclosure holding the camels, one man said he was looking at “the future.”

The camels had arrived to replace the cows.

Cows, here and across much of Africa, have been the most important animal for eons — the foundation of economies, diets, traditions.

But now grazable land is shrinking. Water sources are drying up. A three-year drought in the Horn of Africa that ended last year killed 80 percent of the cows in this part of Kenya and shattered the livelihoods of so many people.

Yeah, it’s not like that part of Africa isn’t constantly in drought, but, now they can blame this on witchcraft, er, you living a modern life, and, keep these 3rd world folks from access to reliable, affordable energy sources.

Read: Kenyans Switch From Cows To Camels To Fight Global Boiling Or Something »

Surprise: 13 Democrats Vote Against Resolution Condemning Iran For Attack On Israel

And they’re all exactly who you think they are, and, unsurprisingly, this is being ignored by most media outlets

13 Dems vote against resolution condemning Iran after Israel strike

More than a dozen House Democrats voted against a resolution condemning Iran’s airstrikes on Israel Thursday.

The resolution, which also affirms U.S. support for Israel responding to the attack however it deems necessary, overwhelmingly passed 404 to 14. Just one House Republican, Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., voted against the bill.

Fox News Digital reached out to Massie for comment.

Massie was joined by 13 Democrats, including “Squad” member Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Cori Bush, D-Mo.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.; and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., was also among those opposing the bill. (snip)

“House Democrats’ hatred for Israel runs so deep they would rather defend terrorists than support our strongest ally in the Middle East. Vote after vote, the Democrat Party continues to cement their position as the pro-terrorist party,” Emmer said.

We all know why these Democrats voted against it: they’re anti-Israel, anti-Jew, and pro-Islamic extremist. Not sure what Massie’s deal is

Ocasio-Cortez criticized that effort earlier this week in a statement, saying “Following last weekend’s unprecedented response by Iran to Israel’s attack on its consulate, the Republican Majority is explicitly leveraging a series of bills to further escalate tensions in the Middle East.”

“This is a blatant attempt to distract from their own incompetence. The country and the world need real leadership from the House of Representatives in this moment, not resolutions designed purposefully to increase the likelihood of a deadly regional war or worse. I will oppose any cynical effort to further inflame tensions, destroy a path to peace in the region, and further divide the American people,” she said.

Always amusing when they trot out the “distraction” stuff. America is pretty clear that Israel is the good guy and Hamas and their Palestinian supporters are the bad guys, as is Iran.

In full it reads: Do you know why nobody cares about our or financially supports a Tibetan State? Or a Basque State? Or a Puerto Rican State? Or a Native American State? Because they don’t blow up airplanes or busses, or machine gun toddlers in their pajamas, or gang rape young women at music festivals. Terrorism works. And spoiled rich white wimpy college brats think it’s trendy and cool. So do white European atheist socialists. And other rich white bed-wetters are too afraid to object.

Read: Surprise: 13 Democrats Vote Against Resolution Condemning Iran For Attack On Israel »

Climate Cult Groups Want Kennedy To Drop To “Honor Our Planet”

The wackadoodles think that Kennedy staying in will help Trump win, which is Bad For The Planet

Environmentalist ex-colleagues demand RFK Jr. drop out of 2024 race to ‘honor our planet’ — fear he’ll help Trump win

Dozens of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s former colleagues at an environmental advocacy group have demanded he drop out of the 2024 race to “honor our planet” — fearing that his campaign will sweep Donald Trump back into office.

The activists’ grievances with the 70-year-old Kennedy will be aired in an ad sponsored by the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund that will run in Sunday newspapers in the battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Kennedy, the son of the late attorney general and senator from New York Robert F. Kennedy, worked as a senior attorney at the NRDC for nearly three decades.

The ad buy was first reported by the New York Times.

“We have spent our careers fighting to protect the planet and its people. As current and former leadership and board members of the NRDC Action Fund, as well as former colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., we have one message for him: Honor our planet, drop out,” read the ads, placed to coincide with Monday’s Earth Day.

Kennedy himself is quite the Warmist, but not a full throated climate cult member, so, will this entice him to drop out? Probably not, he wants to beat Joe. He’s still rather wacky on many things, such as vaccination. Realistically, Trump actually saw more action in reducing “carbon pollution” than during Obama’s and Biden’s regimes, without slapping down all sorts of Government tyranny. But, the cultists prefer Biden and his green Fascism, all while most of the leaders still live high on the hog, with their big carbon footprints.

Read: Climate Cult Groups Want Kennedy To Drop To “Honor Our Planet” »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool certainly made with carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on denim jeans causing ‘climate change’.

Read: If All You See… »

DNC Expects Chicago To Minimize Illegal Alien Issue Before Convention

Democrats are more than happy to allow millions and millions of illegals into the U.s., as long as they are interfering with Other People, not themselves

Democratic Convention organizers leaning on locals to handle possible migrant surge in August

Anticipating Chicago will see a surge of buses bearing migrants from the southern border ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August, organizers say they’re relying on Mayor Brandon Johnson and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to come up with a plan to stave off any ensuing potential chaos.

So far, Johnson and Pritzker have not detailed how they’ll respond if Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas attempts to make political hay by busing a larger-than-normal number of asylum-seekers to Chicago during the four-day convention at which President Joe Biden is expected to accept his party’s renomination.

Both the mayor and the governor have publicly acknowledged the possibility of a swell in migrant arrivals timed for the convention and both have repeatedly accused Abbott of using vulnerable people as political pawns.

Along with tensions over the Biden administration’s ongoing support of Israel in its war in Gaza, disputes over the response to the migrant crisis have the potential to sow discord among Democrats as the party seeks to display unity while sending the president into a general election rematch with former Republican President Donald Trump.

The DNC doesn’t want to see them on the streets. Working in their favor is that the majority of Credentialed Media outlets will simply not show all the illegals in the streets, won’t show the buses, won’t mention the buses, will make everything see hunky-dory and calm during the convention. They’ll likewise barely show all the Pro-Hamas protesters at the convention

“We’re hoping that with the city’s help, with the state’s help, that we will have a plan in place so that it doesn’t feel like it’s just, ‘OK, we’ve got a bunch of buses coming in and providers should run,’ ” added Moore, a Chicago native and former aide to President Bill Clinton. “That’s not the way we are approaching this. We’re looking at a very holistic plan right now to make sure that they are safe if they come, if they’re just dropped off here.”

In other words, a plan to quickly get them out of the area without showing up on the news. Democrats do not want the fruits of their policies to be visible


Black Chicagoans stunned that government finds over $300 million to tackle migrant crisis after ignoring poverty for decades

The closure of Wadsworth elementary school in 2013 was a blow to the residents of the majority Black neighborhood it served, symbolizing a city indifferent to their interests

So when the city reopened Wadsworth last year to shelter hundreds of migrants, without seeking community input, it added insult to injury. Across Chicago, Black residents are frustrated that long-standing needs are not being met while the city’s newly arrived are cared for with a sense of urgency, and with their tax dollars.

“Our voices are not valued nor heard,” says Genesis Young, a lifelong Chicagoan who lives near Wadsworth. (snip)

To manage the influx, Chicago has already spent more than $300 million of city, state and federal funds to provide housing, health care, education and more to over 38,000 mostly South American migrants desperate for help. The speed with which these funds were marshaled has stirred widespread resentment among Black Chicagoans. But community leaders are trying to ease racial tensions and channel the public’s frustrations into agitating for the greater good.

The Democrats who run the city, even those who are black, do not care. They want blacks kept in poverty so that they are reliant on Government and vote Democrat to keep the free money coming, and it’s been this way since the late 60’s. The black folks in cities like Chicago shouldn’t be surprised, but, perhaps they finally opened their eyes.

Read: DNC Expects Chicago To Minimize Illegal Alien Issue Before Convention »

Might Brandon Declare A Climate (scam) Emergency For The Election?

It would be a shady, patronizing attempt by the Biden regime to placate their weak minded voters and entice them to get out and vote

REPORT: Biden’s Latest Reelection Gambit May Be Declaring National Climate Emergency

White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

President Joe Biden’s top advisers have returned to conversations about declaring such a national climate emergency, though those in discussion appear to be divided on the move, the sources told Bloomberg. While the move, the sources say, would stunt offshore drilling and curb greenhouse gas emissions, others think the move would help energize youth voters, particularly those with a focus on climate, Bloomberg reported.

“President Biden has treated the climate crisis as an emergency since day one and will continue to build a clean energy future that lowers utility bills, creates good-paying union jobs, makes our economy the envy of the world and prioritizes communities that for too long have been left behind,” White House spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez told the outlet while not commenting directly on the reported discussions. (snip)

Ahead of the 2024 election, such a move could help Biden win over some of the youth vote as the president trails hypothetical matchups with former President Donald Trump, Bloomberg reported.

The Sunrise Movement, Fridays For Future USA and the Campus Climate Network, all youth climate activist networks, are planning protests surrounding Earth Day in an effort to put pressure on the president to declare a climate emergency, Bloomberg reported.

Yes, these would all be the youts who mostly use tons of energy, travel around to get their selfies and vids, constantly order delivery, buy fast fashion, and consume quite a bit. From that Bloomberg article

Emergency declarations could enable the president to halt or limit crude exports for at least a year at a time, suspend offshore drilling, and throttle the movement of oil and gas on pipelines, ships and trains. Industry experts have warned that such a measure would discourage investment in domestic oil production and stoke higher retail prices.

Yeah, he might energize the youts a bit, but, when energy prices skyrocket people will directly blame Biden, so, the declaration would have to come early enough to get the youts to vote but late enough that the energy pain would come after election day.

Read: Might Brandon Declare A Climate (scam) Emergency For The Election? »

WWIII Watch: Iran Threatens To Target Israeli Nuclear Sites

Update before the scheduled post even posted:

Israel has carried out a strike inside Iran, US official tells CNN, as region braces for further escalation

Israel has carried out a military strike inside Iran, a US official told CNN, as blasts were heard near the city of Isfahan early Friday in a potentially escalatory move Iranian government officials have so far sought to play down.

The US was given advance notification Thursday of an intended Israeli strike in the coming days, but did not endorse the response, a second senior US official said.

Iran’s air defense systems were activated in several locations after three explosions were heard close to a major military airbase near the Iranian city of Isfahan, state media reported early Friday morning.

The NY Times claims that the strike hit an air base near Isfahan. The Natanz nuclear weapons development site is near there, so, will this set Iran off? Because on to the original post

Perhaps Biden shouldn’t have been so weak, shouldn’t have utterly messed up the Afghanistan withdrawal, shouldn’t have coddled Iran, shouldn’t have given them billion of dollars, shouldn’t have blown up all the growing peace accords in the Middle East, hadn’t equivocated after Hamas attacked Jewish civilians

Iran threatens to target Israeli nuke facilities; Middle East on ‘precipice’ of bigger war

The Middle East is on the “precipice” of a broader war that can be averted with a two-state solution allowing Israel and Palestine to exist side-by-side with Jerusalem as a shared capital, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday.

However, that solution won’t come from immediate U.S. recognition of a Palestinian state after the U.S. vetoed in the Security Council a draft resolution to that effect Thursday.

Guterres’ comments came as Tehran warned it has the ability to strike Israeli nuclear sites if Israel targets Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Guterres said a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis is the basis of U.N. resolutions, international law and previous agreements. The current Israeli government, however, has shown little interest in relinquishing control of the occupied territories.

The so-called Palestinians would be able to run Gaza as they see fit if they’d stop attacking Israel. And, let’s be honest, the Palestinians do not want a two state solution, they want it all from the river to the sea.

Guterres called on Israel as the “occupying power” to protect the Palestinian population in the West Bank against violence and intimidation and to allow safe passage for humanitarian aid into Gaza.

“Let me be clear ? the risks are spiraling on many fronts,” he said. “We have a shared responsibility to address those risks and pull the region back from the precipice.”

These anti-Semites always blame Israel but never the UN designated terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Which entices the Islamist terrorist groups, which are backed by Iran, to continue attacking Israel, continuing their provocations.

Iran could alter its peaceful “nuclear doctrine” and if Israel targets Iranian nuclear sites “we will surely and categorically reciprocate with advanced missiles against their own nuclear sites,” a senior commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said Thursday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is considering retaliating against Tehran for its weekend missile and drone attack.

Tehran has repeatedly claimed its nuclear program is for civilian purposes. Israel has accused Iran of attempting to obtain nuclear strike capability and has long pledged not to allow that to happen.

Seriously, everyone knows they are trying to get nuclear weapons, hence why Obama with Biden as VP did the terrible no good nuclear deal. We are getting that much closer to WWIII. What’s the over/under that Biden blows out of D.C. today and heads to Delaware, probably his beach house?

Read: WWIII Watch: Iran Threatens To Target Israeli Nuclear Sites »

Pirate's Cove