If All You See…

…is a paddle needed for when the world floods from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Knowledge Is Power, with a post on the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture: Gyms, Vogue, And Paw Patrol

If you’ve never read the book by Vox Day SJWs Always Lie (there’s apparently a follow up now), read it. Really, you only have to get halfway through to understand how to deal with SJWs, which is what the book was focused on, rather than who they are. One of the important points is to never apologize, because SJWs, who also want easy targets, will use that as a reason to go after you more. To demand more. They won’t forgive you, just use the apology to come after you, your money, your family, your business, your job

André Leon Talley Says Anna Wintour’s Vogue Apology “Came Out of the Space of White Privilege”

Cancel Culture AlligatorAndré Leon Talley is speaking out about Anna Wintour’s message to her staff at Vogue.

In the memo obtained by E! News, the editor-in-chief acknowledged that the publication “has not found enough ways to elevate and give space to Black editors, writers, photographers, designers and other creators.”

“We have made mistakes too, publishing images or stories that have been hurtful or intolerant. I take full responsibility for those mistakes,” Wintour continued, adding that there are “too few” Black employees at Vogue. “It can’t be easy to be a Black employee at Vogue.”

“I know that it is not enough to say we will do better, but we will—and please know that I value your voices and responses as we move forward,” she added. “I am listening and would like to hear your feedback and your advice if you would like to share either.”

Shortly after Wintour’s comments appeared online, Talley—who previously worked alongside Wintour as Vogue‘s editor-at-large and detailed their working relationship in his book, The Chiffon Trenches—spoke out about the apology in a conversation with Sandra Bernhard.

How do you think this went?

Talley then returned to Wintour’s message, saying, “The statement that she made, you know, the world of white privilege is complicated.”

“The statement came out of the space of white privilege,” Talley continued. “I wanna say one thing, Dame Anna Wintour is a colonial broad, she’s a colonial dame. She comes from British, she’s part of an environment of colonialism.”

“I do not think she will ever let anything get in the way of her white privilege,” Talley continued. “That announcement was like the man who made the announcement for the NFL.”

They’ll complain if you don’t speak out (and even defriend you), and then insult you when you do. Expect more to come after Wintour and Vogue now. Lady Antebellum decided to change their name to Lady A because they’ve been assured that the word antebellum, which simply means occurring or existing before a particular war, but was hijacked by people who probably have no clue what it means, is Bad. Now that they’ve surrendered, the SJWs will come after them more, and, really, is this a thing that concerns country music fans in the least? I doubt any even had a thought on it.

On to gyms

Read More »

Read: Cancel Culture: Gyms, Vogue, And Paw Patrol »

The Protests And ‘Climate Change” Are Connected Or Something

Does this mean the looting and rioting are also connected to the climate crisis (scam)? Or is it just that the climate cultists want to hijack the Black Lives Matter movement?

A Green New Deal architect explains how the protests and climate crisis are connected

Demands for climate action have largely faded into the background as the covid-19 pandemic, the economic meltdown, and widespread protests over police brutality have seized the world’s attention.

But for Rhiana Gunn-Wright, the director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute and one of the architects of the Green New Deal, the issues are inextricably intertwined. You can’t appreciate the real toll of the fossil-fuel sector if you’re not looking at it through the lenses of racial justice, economic inequality, and public health, she says in an interview with MIT Technology Review.

In other words, if you can’t look at this from a view of Victimhoodology, well, you just suck, you know

People of color are more likely to live near power plants and other polluting factories, and they suffer higher levels of asthma and greater risks of early death from air pollution. The coronavirus death rate among black Americans is more than twice that of whites. And global warming and factory farming practices will release more deadly pathogens and reshape the range of infectious diseases, Gunn-Wright argued in April in a New York Times op-ed  titled “Think This Pandemic Is Bad? We Have Another Crisis Coming.”

It’s interesting that this tends to happen in areas run by Democrats. It’s almost like the party of the KKK, segregation, and Jim Crow now give poor blacks housing and government funded neighborhoods in less than desirable areas because they still think poorly of blacks.

One critique of the Green New Deal was that it took on too much, multiplying the difficulty of making progress on any one of the deeply polarized issues it addressed. But Gunn-Wright argues that this was its strength: tying together these seemingly distinct causes into a sweeping policy package underscored the connections between them and helped build a broader coalition of supporters behind them.

In the interview that follows, she says everything that’s happened in 2020 has only deepened those convictions.

Of course she does. Perhaps she can explain why every Democratic Party senator voted present on the GND? And why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refuses to demand a vote on it in the House? Here’s her words in the interview

We were essentially saying that climate change is not just a technical problem. It’s not just an issue of emissions. It’s an issue of the systems that have allowed an industry that essentially poisons people to continue, and to do so even as it further and further imperils our survival, both as a nation and as a globe. It comes down to issues of race and class and place.

And so this moment actually makes me glad that we did that work before. Because it has meant that some groups that are seen solely as climate, like the Sunrise Movement, have invested in this set of uprisings. They’re working with the Movement for Black Lives to get their members out to protest, to connect them to actions, to help them understand how climate is connected to this.

So why are none of these Warmists giving up their own use of fossil fuels and non-renewable energy themselves if it is essentially racist?

Q: What can the climate community do to be more inclusive and more responsive to other social justice issues?

One is hire people of color. And particularly people of color who don’t have the same educational background as I think is common in climate or policy work in general.

What if blacks do not want to work for the climate community as agitators and such? Should they be forced? Because we’ve long known that most of the people involved are overwhelmingly white, upper middle class to rich, and 1st worlders.

Read: The Protests And ‘Climate Change” Are Connected Or Something »

LA Times Boss Deems “Looting” To Be Raaaaacist

The definition of loot from Miriam Webster in this context: something appropriated illegally often by force or violence

As a verb: to plunder or sack in war; to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption

Synonyms are: despoil, maraud, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack.

They say the first use was in 1788, but that it goes back to Hindi & Urdu word lūṭ; akin to Sanskrit luṇṭati he plunders

LA Times executive editor says the word ‘looting’ has racist connotation

On Tuesday’s PBS NewsHour, there was a panel discussion about black representation in the newsroom and how recent controversies like at The New York Times would not have happened if black journalists were “at the table.”

Pearlstein then shed light on a debate that occurred at his own paper.

“One of the active debates we had over the past week was about the use of the word “looting” to describe the destruction of property,” Pearlstein said. “The feeling among the black journalists at The Los Angeles Times who frankly educated the rest of us to the fact that looting had a pejorative racist connotation and that comparing it to the kind of behavior of the police and the kind of behavior that we witnessed really was a false equivalency and yet it was one that we were making as journalists if you picked up a copy of our paper.”

National Association of Black Journalists president Dorothy Tucker called the conversation “interesting,” adding that the word “riot” falls in a “similar” category as the word “looting.

Would they be OK with using the word “pillaging”? How about plundering? But, you know, everything is now raaaaacist if it shows blacks in a negative light. If we were talking about whites looting and rioting, would that be OK? What about Hispanics? Asians? There were definitely a bunch of whites involved in the George Floyd riots and looting.

What would they have us call the systemic theft of of property from stores that occurred during so many of the protests turned violent? Riot: “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd”.

Read: LA Times Boss Deems “Looting” To Be Raaaaacist »

Cancel Culture Today: UCLA, LivePD, And Disney World

Will organizations ever learn that feeding the alligator never works, that appeasing Mobs of SJWs just means you’ve surrendered and they will demand more and more?

George Floyd protests: UCLA lecturer suspended after refusing lenient marking for black students

Cancel Culture AlligatorA lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has been placed on leave, after students criticised his response to a request that asked for him to provide leniency to black students during final exams, amid the George Floyd protests.

Accounting lecturer, Gordon Klein, was put on leave and placed under police protection, after his emails were posted online and subsequently angered students, according to The Daily Mail.

Mr Klein has been suspended for three weeks, and his “classes have been reassigned to other faculty”, according to a statement by the School of Management on Tuesday.

Got that? He’s suspended for 3 weeks for doing his job (if he isn’t getting paid, expect a lawsuit). Further, he needs police protection from the “peaceful” protesters

The incident occurred after a group of students, who described themselves as “non-black allies”, wrote to Mr Klein, and asked him to extend deadlines for projects, and to provide leniency to African American students, during their final exams.

They wrote that because of the trauma black students have faced in the last couple of weeks, “we have been placed in a position where we must choose between actively supporting our black classmates or focusing on finishing up our spring quarter”, according to Inside Higher Education.

Don’t you love how “non-black allies” have to protect blacks? This isn’t too patronizing, is it? Isn’t it rather racist to think that blacks can’t do things on their own?

Why Disney fans want to change the theme of Splash Mountain

Disney fans and some employees are calling for the company to change the theme of its popular Splash Mountain ride, which is based on the 1946 movie “Song of the South” that critics say is one of Disney’s most racist films.

An online petition calls for the Splash Mountain ride, which has been a longtime staple at Disney World and Disneyland, to be re-themed to the 2009 Disney movie “The Princess and the Frog,” which features Tiana, Disney’s first black princess.

“There is a huge need for diversity in the parks and this could help fill that need,” the petition reads. “Princess and the Frog is a beloved princess movie but has very little representation in the parks. Tiana could be one of the first princesses with a thrill ride, as well as giving her a much deserved place in the parks.

What’s the over/under on Disney caving? And once they cave, there will be more demands. Will they come after Disney owned networks like ESPN if they do not have enough minority representation?

‘Live P.D.’ Canceled By A&E Amid Nationwide Protests Against Police Brutality

A&E Network has decided to cancel Live P.D. amid the nationwide protests against police brutality. In a statement given to ET, the network says it will cease production and try to find ways to better tell the stories of the community and police officers.

“This is a critical time in our nation’s history and we have made the decision to cease production on Live P.D. Going forward, we will determine if there is a clear pathway to tell the stories of both the community and the police officers whose role it is to serve them,” the statement reads. “And with that, we will be meeting with community and civil rights leaders as well as police departments.”

There will now be a call for A&E to put more SJW/BLM programming on, to genuflect to the Cancel Culture mob.

What’s next? Law and Order? Chicago PD? 911? Brooklyn 99 All cop shows, which are big hits and money makers for networks?

Read: Cancel Culture Today: UCLA, LivePD, And Disney World »

If All You See…

…is a rising ocean encroaching on housing because Other People took fossil fueled trips, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is No Pasaran, with a post on propaganda sob stories in the media.

Read: If All You See… »

“Protesters” Who Took Over Seattle Area Have Demands

Perhaps we should be calling them insurrectionists?

Seattle Protesters Issue Demands: Abolish Police, Grant Amnesty, Give Free Health Care and College

Protesters who have cordoned off several blocks in Seattle, declaring it a “cop-free zone” and “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” have released a long list of demands, including abolition of the Seattle Police Department and prisons, amnesty for all illegal migrants, and free health care and college for all, especially for blacks as a form of reparations.

“This document is to represent the black voices who spoke in victory at the top of 12th & Pine after 9 days of peaceful protest while under constant nightly attack from the Seattle Police Department. These are words from that night, June 8th, 2020,” the document states.

The demands are divided into four sections — the justice system, health and human services, economics, and education.

The justice system demands include that the “Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus.” This includes seizing police pensions. It also calls for prohibiting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from operating in the city.

Under the health and human services portion of the document it states, “We demand the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients” and — even though police will be gone if these demands are met — a separate 911 line manned by mental health professionals.

In both the economic section and elsewhere, the protesters demand free college, socialized medicine, and free public housing.

A couple points. First, they built a wall around the area, so, apparently they’re good with walls. Second, why are so many white voices saying they speak for blacks?

Seattle estimates itself being 64.5 white, Asian 14.9%, and just 6.8%. I guess the uber-Leftist whites think that Blacks cannot do anything without the Helpful Hand of white government and white people. Kind of a racist attitude, don’t you think?

Third, I think we should give them what they want. We can try this for a 10 year period. However, no Seattle resident will be allowed to leave the city and move elsewhere. They must stay residents of the city. It’s important that all the pieces of the experimental group stick around. They can experience the crime, urban blight, theft, assaults, and more with no police department. We get to hear their complaints when they get beat up and calling 911 results in someone to give them a hug and a lecture on systemic racism. We get to hear their complaints when their taxes skyrocket to pay for all the free college and free healthcare. We get to hear them complain when they’re accused of being racists for not speaking Spanish. We get to hear the complaints when all those in prison for serious crimes cause problems when released. And the prisoners must also stay in Seattle.

We can wall of the entire place for 10 years. Sounds fair, right?

Read: “Protesters” Who Took Over Seattle Area Have Demands »

Magazines Science, Nature, Shut Down For A Day Over Systemic Racism In Science Or Something

If science is now up for activism, how can we trust it when they start yapping about ‘climate change’ and the climate crisis? I’ve posted many an article from both Science and Nature, and read plenty others

Radical Protests Shut Down Science, Nature for a Day

Radical activists persuaded top science journals to stop work on June 10 and to validate their claims of “white supremacy” throughout the American science sector.

The willingness of top scientists to submit to the radicals’ half-disguised political goals is a dangerous failure, said Bret Weinstein, a biologist and a champion for free speech. In a June 10 broadcast on YouTube, he argued thas the radicals will use the one-day June 10 concession to demand more damaging concessions from science, he said, adding:

If you think you’re helping black people by “Shutting Down STEM!,” you have not understood what’s going on. Science is the key to avoiding bias. It is the key to escaping oppression. It is the key to discovering what it is about our system that is systematically biased, and to eliminate it. So you are doing black people no favor by challenging that mechanism.

Weinstein’s response came after a small group of black academics and scientists used the emotional wave caused by the police death of George Floyd to demand that science be reorganized to help black Americans in science. The group pushed the hashtag #ShutDownSTEM.

It’s typical insanity. Science, math, technology, end engineering are hard disciplines. 2+2+4. That’s not racist. Things like the Law of Thermodynamics and Theory of Gravity are not part of white supremacy. Much like with hardcore feminists claiming STEM is sexist and women should go to college and acquire STEM degrees (while taking worthless degrees themselves), these black groups are claiming STEM is racist, and that blacks are being excluded. In reality, like with women, they can take classes and get a degree if the want to. Perhaps we should force a portion to get their degrees in STEM?

One of the manifestos demanded that the goal of “justice” be prioritized above scientists’ discovery of objective reality:

We must confront the institutional barriers to justice for Black people in academia and beyond, challenge the notion of the meritocracy whereby “objective and neutral” criteria infused with systemic racism are used to exclude Black people from physics and other academic disciplines, and rebuild our institutions and collaborations in a way that is just and equitable …

Huh what? Sorry, I don’t speak Radical Modern Socialist.

In response to the manifestos, two of the leading science publications, Science Magazine and Nature, agreed to halt their advocacy for science on June 10 and instead use their Twitter accounts to post demands and claims by some of the radicals.

Science did similar stuff, bending the knee to the black radicals and becoming their Useful Idiots.

It’s a long, long article, worth the read, and, the two magazines should remember two things. First, if they’re are claiming that science is raaaaacist, then they cannot be trusted on what they publish. Two, now that they have bent the knee, they SJWs will keep coming after them, demanding this and that and the other. They’ve shown their willingness to surrender. They SJW alligator never gives up.

Read: Magazines Science, Nature, Shut Down For A Day Over Systemic Racism In Science Or Something »

Durham, Orange Counties To Require Face Masks In Public

Remember when they told us that masks were for health care workers and people who are sick? Then they changed the rules because of so-called asymptomatic carriers?  Well, now that all the lockdown requirements have been eased and are going away, Government has to have some measure to control people

(WRAL) Orange County (North Carolina) has extended their state of emergency to require more people to wear face masks.

Customers and employees entering any store or restaurant are required to wear a face mask starting Friday. This requirement will be in effect until Aug. 31, the county said in a statement.

Anyone “in an indoor or outdoor situation” who can’t maintain a 6-foot distance from another person is required to wear a mask.

If someone is driving or riding public transportation, they also have to wear a mask.

There’s actually been heavy editing on this story since yesterday, most likely to soften the verbiage on how draconian this is. How is one supposed to actually eat with a mask on? Why do you need a mask when driving alone in your car? The order for Orange is almost identical for Durham County, both counties being two of the most liberal in the state of North Carolina

“Until there is a vaccine for COVID-19, face coverings are a part of our new normal,” Orange County Health Director Quintana Stewart said. “We know it will take some time to get used to, but it will help save lives.”

Move those goal posts. In the same breathe. First it is August 31, having ruined all the summer. Then till there’s a vaccine, which could be soon or years, especially since COVID-19 seems to be branching out, much like there are many different versions of the regular flu. They even go on to say you are allowed to not wear a mask in your own home. Authoritarians are granting you a boon.

Funny, but the Orange and Durham county leaders weren’t complaining about lots of people not wearing masks during the George Floyd protests. Anyhow, speaking of ruining the summer

Durham is latest to cancel fireworks celebration

Durham’s annual Independence Day celebration is the latest to fall to the considerations of coronavirus. The city announced on Wednesday that the baseball game and fireworks display that draw thousands of people to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park every year will not be held in 2020.

The event is produced annually in a partnership between the Durham Bulls and Durham Parks and Recreation Department.

“In light of the state and local safer-at-home orders limiting the number of people in mass gatherings and the recent data provided by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), the event was canceled to protect the health and safety of residents and visitors,” the city said in a statement.

Yet, not a peep from the city on the large number of people protesting, gathered together, within 6 feet, many with no masks. Of course, let’s be honest, the uber-Leftists who run the city of Durham are probably thrilled to get away with cancelling the 4th Of July fireworks, because they hate the United States.

Read: Durham, Orange Counties To Require Face Masks In Public »

Surprise: Germany’s Green Power Is Quickly Becoming Unaffordable

Well, it became rather unaffordable years ago, especially in the winter, when German citizens started purchasing wood pellets imported from the U.S. and Brazil for heating and cooking, like they did hundreds of years ago. Now it is how this “green” energy is financed

Germany’s Green Power Finance Is Becoming Unaffordable

The German program that’s spurred the nation’s switch to green power is buckling under the weight of surging costs and needs an urgent fix.

That’s the assessment of one of the scheme’s chief designers, Hans Josef Fell. Designed in 2000 to enable Germany to meet United Nations pledges on climate change, it has pushed renewable energy to make up over 50% of the nation’s energy capacity.

Yet the system’s increasing costs have become glaring in the during the coronavirus pandemic, the veteran Green Party lawmaker said. High and guaranteed payments made to investors in clean power plants are the problem Fell said in an interview.

German power consumers have to contribute to help finance the payments through a surcharge in their monthly electricity bills, and a quirk of how they’re calculated threatens to send the program’s costs skyrocketing, he said.

On one hand, you can see how consumers are going to get boned above the already boned level of energy cost they’re paying now, which leads to an increase in the cost of living. On the other, German citizens keep voting for the people who enact these Hotcoldwetdry policies, so, they’re getting what they voted for. Will they eventually get to the point of the French citizens and their yellow vest protests/riots? Of course, they haven’t voted out their Warmist nutters yet, so, I have little sympathy for them.

Power consumers make up the difference between payments made to investors and the wholesale power price. That causes the green surcharge to rise when wholesale prices fall, and they’ve dropped 20% since January as coronavirus lockdowns hit power demand.

A guaranteed price for shoddy, already expensive, unreliable power.

Read: Surprise: Germany’s Green Power Is Quickly Becoming Unaffordable »

Pirate's Cove