If All You See…

…is air that’s very hazy from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on Forest Fenn’s treasure being found.

Read: If All You See… »

TV Show Cops Cancelled After 31 Years By Woke Network

It definitely makes sense, because you surely do not want a TV show highlighting the good work police officers perform and what the criminal element acts like

Cancel Culture Alligator(Breitbart) Whatcha gonna do when the woke mob comes for you?

Cops — the long-running reality series following  police officers on high-speed chases, drug busts, and other dangerous missions —  has been cancelled after a more than 30-year run as anti-police sentiment continues to sweep through Hollywood following last month’s death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody.

The Paramount Network has decided not to bring Cops back after it put the show on hiatus last week in the midst of #BlackLivesMatter protests and growing demands to defund police departments around the country.

“Cops is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return,” a network spokesperson told multiple outlets on Tuesday.

The ViacomCBS-owned cable channel has publicly supported the #BlackLivesMatter movement, saying in a recent tweet that “these racist and brutal attacks must end.”

Cops has been around since 1989 on Fox, and then moved to Spike, which became Paramount, in 2013.

Police-themed TV shows now face an uncertain future as demands to defund the police continue to gather steam. A&E has put its Live PD documentary series on indefinite hold. Sony’s L.A.’s Finest was scheduled to debut on Spectrum,  but has been postponed until later this year, according to Deadline.

Live PD shows cops taking care of crime and helping people, giving people a virtual ride-along in real time. LA’s Finest features Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union, a Latina and a black, as the leads. Will wokeness kill it off? The Washington Post published an op-ed calling to shut down all police shows and movies just six days ago. Will we get rid of NCIS, Criminal Minds, Fargo, Ozark, the 37 different Law and Orders, Chicago PD, SWAT, Bosch, FBI, Killing Eve, 9-1-1, Prodigal Son, and so many more? How about Carnival Row? Sure, it’s periodic and features fae-folk and monsters, but, it has police, and some police being mean!

And, while we’re at it, let’s stop showing replays of cop shows. No reruns. No on-demand streaming of old shows. Take them off Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Youtube, and everything else. Not even Dragnet. Take the cop movies off the streaming services. Hollywood not allowed to make any movies with cops.

This is Cancel Culture, and all those who support Cancel Culture should remember that it takes just one tiny mistake for your friends in the mob to turn on you in a heartbeat.

Oh, and Cancel Culture managed to get HBO Max to remove Gone With The Wind. Hattie McDaniel was the first African American actor to win an Oscar for her role in Gone With The Wind. It’s also her birthday today.

Read: TV Show Cops Cancelled After 31 Years By Woke Network »

Lockdown Totally Shows What ‘Climate Change’ Looks Like In Sheffield

Charlotte Compton of the Sheffield Telegraph takes the exactly wrong lesson, but, that’s what cultists do

Lockdown has highlighted climate crisis

A city, not so long ago characterised by constant hustle and bustle, shut down its industries, shops and bars.

However, in the silence, the needs of the environment can easily be heard.

With fewer cars on the road and reduced transport services, the skies have taken a break from the smog which has lingered since its industrial past.

PHD student Rohit Chakraborty, who has been monitoring the impacts of the lockdown on the local air quality, says: “There was a drop of 40 per cent in nitrogen dioxide levels in the week after the lockdown announcement, compared with the previous week.”

This improvement, caused by reduced exhaust emissions, follows the national trend, as road traffic in the UK fell by 70 per cent in the first weeks of lockdown.

But, that is environmental issues, not a global warming issue. But, let’s consider one thing: the drop in pollutants effects the urban heat island effect, whereby urban areas hold more heat. Or it should have, right? Because the data isn’t showing any real difference, meaning that it is less anthropogenic and more what has always happened, nature doing its thing.

The lockdown has also seen the return of wildlife.

In Sheffield city centre, a morning commuter spotted a badger outside the railway station, while a deer was seen near The Moor Market.

That has zero do do with the “climate crisis”.

On a global level, the natural world has blossomed in the absence of people and industry, as a third of the world’s population are confined to home and economic activity has paused.

Again, nothing to do with the climate crisis, except this is what a world with enacted Cult of Climastrology policies will look like. People not working, people not able to go anywhere, people without money to go anywhere. Only the rich and elites will have the ability to purchase and use a $100,000+ all electric vehicle.

Peter Betts, previously the UK’s lead climate negotiator, says: “Closing down our entire economies for a period of weeks or months is not going to get us toward decarbonising.”

Unfortunately, just as the climate challenge started to build momentum, the cause has had to be put on hold.

Did Betts, and the Sheffield Telegraph, just advocate to close our economies down for years, if not permanently?

Read: Lockdown Totally Shows What ‘Climate Change’ Looks Like In Sheffield »

LA Teachers Union Calls To “Defund” Police In Schools

See, for all those proclaiming that “defund the police” doesn’t mean defund the police, eliminating the police force, they should pay attention, because in most cases, it means defunding the police, not reducing their budget. “Defund” must not be polling well, shockingly

L.A. Teachers’ Union Calls for Elimination of School Police Force

The United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), representing teachers and support staff in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), called Monday for the elimination of the 400-member police force protecting schools in the district.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the teachers’ union made the announcement at an event with Black Lives Matter leaders, and called the move a step toward dismantling “white supremacy”:

Leaders of United Teachers Los Angeles said Monday they support a movement to eliminate the Los Angeles School Police Department, a force of about 400 that serves the L.A. Unified School District and accounts for about $70 million of the district’s $7.9 billion budget.

“We have to dismantle white supremacy. We must … defund the police and bring in the mental health services that our students need,” said Cecily Myart-Cruz, the incoming president of UTLA, which represents about 30,000 teachers, nurses, counselors and other staff in the school district.

You know what? I think this is a great idea. Let’s pull all those 400 officers from the schools. Let the teacher’s union and other Modern Socialists in Los Angeles deal with solving the violence, assaults, theft, and other crime. Let them deal with students who are beyond unruly. Let them deal with the kids who bring guns and knives. Let them deal with the kids who will assault teachers in the classrooms. Assault the nurses, counselors, and other staff. Steal their cars. Let’s see how well “mental health services” deal with kids in the neighborhoods where cops are required in schools. I’m sure they will totally respond to some hugs, right? And a lecture on their privilege if their aren’t black, right?

Someone asked me on Twitter about going through with defunding in certain places, using them as an experimental group, because we already know liberalism is bat guano insane. Well, see, some of us know it, but, most people need a reminder what hardcore Modern Socialism brings to the table, including your average person who is simply a Democrat voter, not a nutty leftist. Quite frankly, Trump should shut up and not tweet right now, let the Democrats dig their holes. As the saying goes “never interrupt your enemy in the midst of making a mistake.”

What Minneapolis Will Look Like After They Abolish Their Police Department

After a week and a half of national and global demonstrations protesting George Floyd’s death and uplifting the Black Lives Matter movement, nine members of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday declared their intent to abolish the city’s police department. The nine-person majority behind this action, of 12 members total, presented the public with their veto-proof decision during a rally held by social justice organizations Reclaim the Block and Black Visions Collective at Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park.

The council members, all of whom individually took to the mic to express their support for disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department, noted in a released statement that “We will be taking intermediate steps towards ending the MPD through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months.”

The ultimate goal, according to the council, is to abolish the MPD entirely, which is still in it’s early stages. However, they detailed that the first steps to this include a commitment to listening to the community about what would better serve them, including listening to what residents think a “police-free future” looks like and engaging with community members “over the next year to identify what safety looks like for everyone.”

See, when they mean “defund”, they mean “defund”. Eliminate. The article is a little short on what Minneapolis will look like, but, I’m betting something like Mogadishu in the 1990’s, at it’s worst. Heck, if you though Detroit was bad with a police force that took an average of 55 minutes to respond, just wait till we get Minneapolis. I’m figuring the tax base of middle and upper class citizens will disappear. The businesses will leave. No one should be surprised if many are trying to get out now. It will be somewhat easy for many businesses that rent/lease their storefonts, but, what of those who own those spots? Same with those who own their homes. Who wants to buy, knowing that the city will soon be a 3rd world lawless zone.

Read: LA Teachers Union Calls To “Defund” Police In Schools »

Hey, Remember When Walls Were Bad?

See, walls are only good when they are for protection of Other People (a reminder of the meaning of that), not the Modern Socialist elite


Yeah, Wheeler said just last year in January “Let’s build bridges, not walls. Work together, not against each other.”

His white female police chief of 6 months resigned to give the chance to a black Lieutenant, a Category 5 Virtue Signal.

And then there’s this from uber-Leftist Seattle, which also hates walls, and is a sanctuary city just like Portland

Read More »

Read: Hey, Remember When Walls Were Bad? »

DNC Climate Committee Looks To Spend $10-$16 Trillion On Climate Crisis (scam)

If Joe Biden thought his little climate bedwetting plan was going to excite Warmist, well, nope. Hard left Modern Socialists always want more. Not from themselves, mind you, always from That Guy

This DNC council sees Biden’s climate plan, and raises him — by $14 trillion

Bernie may be out of the primaries, but his $16 trillion climate plan lives on.

Last week, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) council proposed that the federal government spend a whopping $10 to 16 trillion addressing the climate crisis over the next 10 years. The group — officially called the DNC Council on the Environment and the Climate Crisis — is chaired by Michelle Deatrick, who was a surrogate for the Sanders campaign during the Democratic primaries.

Just $10-16 trillion, no biggie. Taxes surely won’t go up, right? The cost of living certainly won’t go up, right? You liberty and choice won’t be limited, right? Here’s an idea: if Democrats believe so heavily in the climate crisis, why don’t they spend their own money? Surely, between all the big companies that support them, all the rich folks like those in tech and Hollywood, all the sports figures who make tens of millions a year and can do without another mansion, all the media folks and companies, all the little folks, they can raise the money, right?

Altogether, the proposal more closely resembles Sanders’ climate plan in policies and scope than Biden’s, which only calls for a piddling $1.7 trillion in climate spending over the next decade.

Biden’s proposal has fallen flat with some progressive voters and environmental groups, many of whom supported Sanders during the primary and who have so far refused to throw their weight behind the Biden campaign without significant policy concessions. “We’ve tried to be super clear about the way that we need them to improve on not only their climate policy but their immigration, criminal justice, and financial regulation policies,” Sunrise Movement co-founder and executive director Varshini Prakash told Vice News in April.

The watermelon colored alligator will always demand more. You cannot satisfying it.

Say, why won’t Democrats give up their own use of fossil fuels? They could make a big statement by banning the use of fossil fueled vehicles to bring people to this years DNC convention, no fossil fueled airplanes, all goods must not use fossil fuels to bring them in.

That plan essentially is calling for the federal government to control 50% of all US lands and oceans by 2050 (page 1). What could possibly go wrong?

Commit to ambitious short- and long-term emissions and renewable energy targets: near-zero emissions by 2040; 100% clean renewable energy by 2030 in electricity generation, buildings, and transportation; and 100% zero-carbon new building infrastructure by 2025.

That’s just a pipe dream. They couldn’t run CNN or MSNBC on this. Hollywood would be toast. How would elected Democrats take publicly funded junkets?

End the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2030 through reinstatement and acceleration of stringent fuel economy standards and national vehicle emissions standards, and regulate non-road vehicles, small equipment, and engines at levels consistent with national emissions goals.

That’s great for those who can afford $36,000 for a base model that goes not far. You know, like the rich folks in the DNC who make money off the backs of knowing what policies will be passed by government.

Invest in Green Agriculture and Food

A government takeover of the food and agriculture industries.

Invest in our chronically underfunded public health system, ensure a resilient hospital system, ramp up funding for public health agencies and mental health agencies, and ensure universal access to affordable health care.

Using ‘climate change’ to implement Single Payer.

Stop construction, rescind environmental waivers, and tear down the offensive, racist southern border wall, which is injurious to humans and wildlife.

How about Democrats tear down the racist walls for their homes first? See how they like it? There is a lot more loony with this plan, these are just a few things I’ve yanked.

Read: DNC Climate Committee Looks To Spend $10-$16 Trillion On Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution which can be solved with a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist


The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on George Floyd and liberal self debasement.

Read: If All You See… »

WHO Says Those With Asymptomatic Coronavirus Rarely Spread Disease

Wait, what?

W.H.O.: Asymptomatic Coronavirus Spread Is ‘Very Rare’

Coronavirus patients without symptoms, or asymptomatic patients, are not the ones spreading the virus, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced Monday.

The organization’s announcement comes at a time where some researchers shared concerns that the disease could be difficult to contain due to asymptomatic infectious people, CNBC reported.

Some people who are young and otherwise healthy who catch the coronavirus never develop symptoms or only develop mild symptoms. Other people might not develop symptoms until several days after they catch the infection.

Preliminary evidence showed that coronavirus could be spread from person-to-person contact, even if the carrier was asymptomatic, but now the W.H.O. is saying the coronavirus is not mainly spread through these asymptomatic people.

“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of W.H.O.’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.”

People being asymptomatic was a huge reason for social distancing and #StayAtHome, for the lockdowns that occurred, for destroying economies world wide. For limiting people’s ability to go anywhere, for arresting them for daring to be out on the ocean on a paddleboard with no one else nearby, for saying they couldn’t even garden in their own yards. Now we find this out?

Of course, with all that said, when this all started we just didn’t know, and governments were just slapping policies in place based on the best guesses of doctors and scientists, especially since people were scared and unsure. Things kept escalating, we all have to remember what February and March felt like.

But, wait, what’s this?

Nearly Half of Coronavirus Spread May Be Traced to People Without Any Symptoms

One of the more insidious features of the new coronavirus behind COVID-19 is its ability to settle into unsuspecting hosts who never show signs of being sick but are able to spread the virus to others.

In a study published June 3 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers at the Scripps Research Translational Institute reviewed data from 16 different groups of COVID-19 patients from around the world to get a better idea of how many cases of coronavirus can likely be traced to people who spread the virus without ever knowing they were infected. Their conclusion: at minimum, 30%, and more likely 40% to 45%.

This was published just a few days before the WHO announcement. So, which is it?

Read: WHO Says Those With Asymptomatic Coronavirus Rarely Spread Disease »

Bat Soup Virus Shows We Need A Modern Socialist Economy For Well-being Or Something

Nope, the Cult of Climastrology won’t give up on their push to make Coronavirus all about ‘climate change’ fixes, forgetting that things are already starting to recover and Warmists do not practice what they preach

Coronavirus shows why we need an economy designed for wellbeing

We have been starkly reminded of the importance of our health – both physical and mental. During lockdown, we have missed giving and receiving affection with friends and family who don’t live with us. We worry about the gap in our childrens’ schooling.

We might miss going to work, feeling like we have a purpose, and having the time or space to do the things we enjoy. We dislike our freedoms being constrained and feeling unable to influence the decision making of local and national governments.

Which is interesting, since these same Warmists were also part of the group telling people to STAY HOME OR YOU’LL KILL GRANDMA, effectively wanting the economy destroyed. They couldn’t have possibly have had an ulterior motive, right?

As we move forwards, we should consider maintaining some of these new approaches to satisfying our needs, and we will certainly want to change others. But crucially, we now know we have the capacity to change the way we satisfy our needs – so that every individual has a decent standard of living, and we live safely within the environmental limits of our planet.

Just say it already, you want a hardcore leftist government run economic system. Stop beating around the bush.

Before the pandemic we had become too focused on the means by which we satisfy our needs, rather than on our needs themselves. At a personal level, we focused on increasing our income and wealth, whilst ignoring some of our core needs by working too much so we could consume things that don’t make us happy. At a societal level, we focused on increasing GDP, without realising that it is not possible to separate increased economic activity from increased environmental pressures.

Of course, stark reductions in income make the situation all the more dire. But it is not the lack of money in itself that is a problem, it is the fact that a lack of money can prevent us from satisfying our needs in our current economy. Lack of money can prevent us from buying food, paying rent or utilities, socialising with friends – the things we need to live well. (snip)

If we want to build back better after the pandemic, to tackle the climate crisis alongside inequality and deprivation, it is clear that we must not go back to relying on our past methods of satisfying needs. They were leading us to stark social and environmental issues, with not enough progress being made in terms of emissions reductions or poverty reduction, for example.

They just can’t help themselves. It is also interesting they Warmists always want to tell Other People how to lead their lives, and are willing to get Government to force those lifestyle changes.

A majority of people want us to prioritise wellbeing over GDP, according to a recent YouGov poll. The time is ripe for decision-makers to start involving their citizens more meaningfully and start listening. A focus on wellbeing will ensure we do not lose sight of what is truly important, while finding out the best ways to get there, together.

That poll is for the U.K. Perhaps they should give it a whirl, serving as the experimental group to show us that this doesn’t work. Did we all enjoy the test drive of a climate cultist enacted policy world?

Read: Bat Soup Virus Shows We Need A Modern Socialist Economy For Well-being Or Something »

Durham, NC Joins The “Defund” Bandwagon

For those who live in North Carolina, and especially the Triangle area, Durham is considered to be one of the most criminal cities, if not the most criminal, in NC. Shootings, burglaries, assaults, property crimes. There are sections of Durham where you just do not go, even in the daytime. Many stores have bullet proof plexiglass where the money is taken. So, yeah, let’s defund the police

Defunding police part of discussion for Durham, as council votes on new budget

In cities across the country, some protesters calling for change are demanding that funding be cut to police departments. The idea of “defunding police departments” is gaining momentum as cities and counties look for the way forward after the death of George Floyd.

Gaining traction in Democrat run cities by uber-leftists. One has to wonder what the average Democrat thinks of this, wondering just who in the hell comes when they have been robbed, their car has been stolen, they’ve been raped, a family member has been murdered. They’re surely wondering who will stop crime, arrest criminals, and work to reduce crime. Oh, and they’re surely wondering if they will be able to sell their homes and get the hell out of dodge beforehand.

As concerned citizens question what “defunding the police” could look like locally, North Carolina municipal y leaders are getting ready to vote on new budgets.

First of all, leaders explain, any change would be gradual. Nothing would happen overnight.

Who would replace police?

The group Durham Beyond Policing explained that cities could form Crisis Intervention Teams. But primarily, their focus is on redirecting money to tackle the root causes of crime. The group believes rather than giving more money to police, cities should prioritize things like community centers, youth organizations and food security.

So, what, Government is going to run youth groups, indoctrinating them? Running supermarkets? Has any reporter asked a rather important question of these defund nutters, namely “government has already spent enormous amounts on education and projects to “tackle the root causes of crime”: how is removing the police going to help? What specific projects would tackle those root causes?”

One member of the group, Danielle Purifoy, said, “The institutions that we have right now, if they were invested in the ways that we invest in the police, would do a much better job of keeping us safe than the police do now.”

The thing is, these types of folks are typically long on talking points and short on actual plans.

Jillian Johnson, who serves as mayor pro tempore and on Durham City Council, said, “Some cities have Crisis Response Teams that are unarmed.”

In all fairness, things like that are not bad ideas. We don’t always need to send armed law enforcement officers for every call. The LA Times editorial board actually has some good ideas along these lines, and are also not down with the whole defund thing. Let’s say it’s just reducing the police budget heavily: can you guess who gets hurt the most? Law enforcement will spend more of their limited money, time, and resources in the middle and upper class neighborhoods, both residential and business. The poor sections will get a driveby patrol now and then. It’ll basically be mid-90’s Detroit.

Good point. All those mayors and city council members, nutters like Ilhan Omar and AOC, and others calling for defunding the police should have their own security pulled. Further, let’s ban the use of private security in those same cities.

Read: Durham, NC Joins The “Defund” Bandwagon »

Pirate's Cove