If All You See…

…are wonderful train tracks, a form of transportation that Everyone Else should be forced to take, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on donuts now being a luxury item

Read: If All You See… »

GOP Draws Up Impeachment Articles Over Biden Withholding Israel Aid

This would be aid that was already appropriated. And for all those saying “oh, come on, stop”, well, we warned you and Democrats when Democrats did this to Trump

Articles of Impeachment Drawn over Biden’s Withholding of Israeli Aid for Political Reasons

Articles to impeach President Joe Biden over his decision to withhold aid to Israel for political reasons are in preparation, freshman Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) announced Thursday.

Biden’s decision to withhold bombs from Israel is concerning due to its political implications. Biden’s base wants him to defund Israel, while many moderate Democrats support Israel’s ability to defend itself against terrorists. Biden appears stuck between competing coalitions during an election year. He currently trails in the polls to Trump and has a historically low approval rating to win reelection as an incumbent.

Democrats accused former President Donald Trump in 2019 of withholding military aid from Ukraine for alleged political reasons.

“These are the same accusations made against President Trump, which resulted in his impeachment by Democrats. The same must happen for Joe Biden, which is why we’re drawing up articles of impeachment now,” Mills told Fox News.

Impeachment proceedings already have some support. “The House has no choice but to impeach Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) posted on X. “Only with Biden, it’s true.”

Why does Biden want to protect Hamas? That’s what he’s doing, along with pandering to his pro-Hamas and anti-Jew voters

(Fox News) “The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden. As Vice President, Biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to Ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating Burisma, a company financially benefiting his son Hunter, not to mention the 10% share for ‘the big guy’ himself,” Mills said in a statement.

“Now, Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don’t stop all operations with Hamas. It’s a very clear message, ‘this for that.’”

Israel is in a hot war against a U.S. State Department designated terrorist group, one which kicked this all off with their attack on civilians, killing over a 1,00o, torturing them, raping them, dragging their naked bodies through the streets, beheading children, and Biden wants to protect Hamas. So, yeah, the standard was set by Democrats and a few unhinged, TDS infused Republicans when they impeached Trump. Unsurprisingly, the major Democrat news outlets are mostly ignoring this, because then they’d have to point out that Democrats did the same thing, even though there was no quid pro quo on Trump’s part when it came to withholding aid from Ukraine.

The question now is, will Biden backtrack on the aid as Israel goes into Rafah? Will the GOP fast-track this impeachment if Joe withholds the allocated aid? If so, does this help or hurt Biden?

Read: GOP Draws Up Impeachment Articles Over Biden Withholding Israel Aid »

Germans, Europeans Way More Concerned Over Immigration Than Climate Doom

I bet all the elites who had been pushing climate doom as a way of taking more money from the peasants along with their freedom and life choices didn’t see this coming when they decided to allow mass immigration of people who have zero in common with the citizens and not only have zero interest in assimilating but expect the host countries to change for the immigrants

Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds

Europe has seen a sharp rise in the share of people who say that reducing immigration should be a top government priority, according to a study published Wednesday. Germany is topping the list.

At the same time, there was less desire to prioritize fighting climate change in the same countries, according to the survey commissioned by the Denmark-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation think tank.

Since 2022, an increasing number of Europeans say their government should prioritize “reducing immigration,” rising from just under 20% to a quarter.

Meanwhile, concern about climate change was on the slide across the continent.

“In 2024, for the first time, reducing immigration is a greater priority for most Europeans than fighting climate change,” the report said.

How much?

“Nowhere is this reversal more striking than in Germany, which now leads the world with the highest share of people who want their government to focus on reducing immigration — topping all other priorities — and now nearly twice as high as fighting climate change,” the report read.

About a quarter of Germans cited immigration as their main priority in 2022, which rose to 44% in the 2024 survey. About a third were most concerned about climate change two years ago, falling below the 25% mark this time.

Germans are on the front row of letting in people from 3rd world and Islamists who won’t learn the language, won’t learn the culture, and create their own little communities rife with crime and violence. And then they spread that diversity and multiculturalism out to the German citizens with assault, rape, murder, theft, etc.

On page 25 of that poll, good news for Warmists: climate change was not last. It was next to last, right before promote gender equality. Immigration is the next most important. In Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, and Norway, their concern for immigration has gone way up while caring about ‘climate change’ has gone down. The Elites created this situation, when they had a good thing going with their climate scame.

Read: Germans, Europeans Way More Concerned Over Immigration Than Climate Doom »

Talking Points Fail: Poll Finds Independents Think Biden Greater Threat To Democracy

They aught to be asking who’s the greater threat to freedom and liberty, but, I guess democracy will have to be OK

Poll: Independents Say Biden Is Greater Threat to Democracy than Trump

Independent voters are not buying the establishment media’s claim that former President Donald Trump is a greater threat to democracy than President Joe Biden, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

A majority of independent voters believe Biden is a greater threat to democracy than Trump, the poll found:

  • Biden: 53 percent
  • Trump: 42 percent

The poll sampled 1,199 Americans from April 22-24 with a 3.6 point margin of error.

“I find it shocking,” MSNBC commentator Susan Del Percio said about the poll. “I can’t make sense of that number. I wish I could. I wish I had some really great insight into it.”

Yeah, they pretty much had a meltdown on MSDNC. I’m shocked they covered it

Biden and his Credentialed Media comrades have been pushing the meme that Trump is bad for democracy, so, this is rather a fail on their part.

That said, what will Trump and his team do? It’s not 2016. That playbook obviously failed in 2020. Trump refused to adapt. He seems to be doing the same things for 2024. He needs to focus on the economy, inflation, freedom, free speech, limited government, then he can mix in some other stuff. But, will he? All he needs is to win the states he won in 2016.

Read: Talking Points Fail: Poll Finds Independents Think Biden Greater Threat To Democracy »

Michigan AG Plans To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies

Perhaps the AG can explain who Michigan can survive without fossil fuels. All those automobiles produced. All the shipping across the Great Lakes. How will they clear all the snow?

Nessel plans to sue oil and gas companies over Michigan’s changing climate

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Thursday her intention to sue the fossil fuel industry for its role in changing Michigan’s climate and threatening the state’s environment, infrastructure, health and economy.

The oil and gas industry profited while knowingly selling products that cause climate change, Nessel’s office said in a document disclosing the coming lawsuits. The industry also deceived the public about climate change, Nessel alleged, leaving the state with the expenses of adapting to and recovering from the effects of warming.

“I don’t know that there’s a bigger issue facing the state of Michigan than climate change,” Nessel said in an interview with The Detroit News. “We are talking about billions and billions of dollars in damages and we’re already starting to see that on a day to day basis. We know this is only going to get worse.”

Well, crime is pretty big in many Michigan cities. How about fixing the water issues in Flint? Or dealing with the Islamic extremists in places like Dearborn?

“Big oil caused these problems and they ought to pay the expenses related to these damages,” Nessel told The News.

They wouldn’t have succeeded if people didn’t want to use them. A lot of people in Michigan depend on fossil fuels, especially heating gas, for those cold winters. They need them for all their boats. For all the tourists. Will Michigan be shutting down the airports? If fossil fuels are so bad, why did she allow so many to travel to Detroit for the NFL draft? Why did she travel to Detroit?

Anyhow, unfortunately the gas and oil companies won’t do things like refuse to sell their products to the state government, or get photos and video of the AG traveling around in fossil fueled vehicles and planes.

Read: Michigan AG Plans To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon form of transportation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on who the next civil war will be between

Read: If All You See… »

Biden To Pitch Asylum Changes Or Something

But, will he? Will it make any difference? And, if it actually worked, will he keep it if he wins in 2024, or just end it?

Biden administration set to pitch new asylum changes

spite houseThe Biden administration will propose new changes to the asylum system on Thursday, four people familiar with the matter told POLITICO.

The forthcoming changes will address the stage at which migrants can be found ineligible to apply for and receive asylum. Under the current system, eligibility is determined based on a number of factors during the interview stage — the administration is set to propose applying these standards during the initial screening stage.

That change would effectively allow the U.S. to expedite the removal of migrants whom officials see as potentially ineligible to stay in the country due to national security or public safety risks, per all four people, who were granted anonymity to speak candidly about the administration’s plans. The Department of Homeland Security will announce the new policy via a proposed rule on Thursday.

Whoa, hold up there. Why would we allow any illegal to remain at all if they are national security or public safety risks, even if claiming asylum? They aren’t “potentially ineligible”, they are are ineligible, per the law as it stands. This is what multiple laws state, including the absurd asylum law.

And by expedite, how long? It should be immediate, but, seeing what Biden has done these last 3+ years, it won’t be immediate. They’ll probably be let go with a promise to return for their hearing years from now. So, unless this new rule includes too-sweet deportation, it means nothing.

The announcement is not slated to include several sweeping changes to migration policy that Biden administration officials have weighed, such as using a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act to bar migrants from seeking asylum in between ports of entry. Those larger-scale changes are not expected to get proposed until June at the earliest, according to the four people.

The biggest and best change, forcing people to apply outside the U.S. and wait for the determination, will be used just ahead of the Democratic National Convention as a way to attract voters, but, never implemented.

Thursday’s announcement likely won’t spur the kind of blowback from the left that an asylum ban would bring. But some immigration advocates are concerned about the implementation challenges the administration will face on the proposed rule. Already, credible fear screenings take asylum officers a few hours to complete. The new policy would further extend the process, putting more pressure on asylum officers who are already facing record demands.

There are also concerns about whether migrants, who will have little time to seek counsel before the preliminary screening, would get effective or proper legal representation under the proposed rule.

Ship the illegals to the areas where these “immigration advocates” live: see how they like having criminals near them. Of course, this is all window dressing. Biden won’t actually do anything, this is optics before an election, and, it’s weird that Biden has said for a year and a half that there was nothing he could do. This is all to settle down the Democrats in the areas like Chicago, NYC, Boston, Denver, and others who have received huge numbers of illegals.

Read: Biden To Pitch Asylum Changes Or Something »

Good Grief: We’re Apparently To Take Advice From Beyonce On Global Boiling And Housing

Hey, remember when we were not supposed to listen to people who aren’t climate scientists?

Fannie Mae CEO: Beyoncé is right. Climate change has already hit the housing market—and homeowners aren’t prepared

Two names you’d never expect to hear together: Beyoncé and Fannie Mae. But in her song “YA YA” on her new album, “Cowboy Carter,” she sounds an alarm that’s growing louder in communities across America. “Wildfire burnt his house down/Insurance ain’t gonna pay no Fannie Mae.”

We appreciate that Beyoncé raised this issue. For the record, Fannie Mae would help this man. While we don’t make home loans or collect payments (we buy and back mortgages), we do offer payment relief and other help if disaster strikes our homeowners.

However, Beyoncé has a point: An estimated one in 13 U.S. households are uninsured and two-thirds are underinsured. This means that millions of families have limited or no protection against growing climate-related risks, such as wildfires and other disasters.

For housing, climate change is a today problem. Each year since 2021, the U.S. has averaged 22 natural disasters with damage exceeding $1 billion. Last year brought 28. In the 1980s, the average was three per year. Forecasters already project this year’s Atlantic hurricane season will be “extremely active,” with the most storms since 1995.

So, we’re supposed to listen to a woman with no college degree, who has her own massive carbon footprint. The average American’s is 16 tons per year. Beyonce/JayZ had 9.5 million pounds from their 144 fossil fueled flights in 2023 alone. This doesn’t cover all the concerts, fossil fueled vehicles, mansions, and so forth.

That 2023 had more natural disasters exceeding $1 billion is just one event, especially when property, housing, and buildings are way more expensive. Now, if this happens year after year after year it would create a track record. But, it still cannot prove anthropogenic causation. Just that the world has warmed. And the last person we need to listen to is a pop star who didn’t even write the lyrics who was virtue signaling then flies back to her mansion.

Read: Good Grief: We’re Apparently To Take Advice From Beyonce On Global Boiling And Housing »

Surprise: UNRWA Caught Stealing And Selling Humanitarian Aid For Gazans

We already know that United Nations Relief and Works Agency employees are linked to Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. And Gazans are already having issues with Hamas stealing aid meant for Gazans, who mostly support Hamas, so, oh well. Now

From the link

UNRWA has been caught stealing and then selling humanitarian aid that came into Gaza that was intended to be given to Palestinian civilians, UN Watch reported on Wednesday, citing reports published by Palestinians in “an UNRWA-related chatroom.”

The Watch report also claims that those who report UNRWA‘s actions with the humanitarian aid “face reprisals.”

According to the report, Palestinians claimed that staff working for the UN agency “have their homes full of aid.” Additionally, a UNRWA warehouse chief sold 50 cartons of food for $5,000.

Items such as pampers, canned sweets, and tissues were sold at a UNRWA school door. This comes amid statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General Phillipe Lazzarini, who was quoted in the UN Watch report saying “there is more food available… it still does not mean that the food is accessible” as he was calling countries to increase direct cash assistance to Gazans.

UN Watch documents this extensively, check the link, which also notes plenty of anti-Semitism among UNRWA employees. None of this should be a surprise, because there is a long history of UN agencies being problematic, to put it mildly. There was the massive oil for food fraud involving Iraq and the UN. Peacekeepers assaulting and raping women in 3rd world nations. Theft of aid in those 3rd world nations. And so much more. Oh, and

(I24) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Shin Bet security agency announced on Sunday that it had conducted a strike on the command and control center belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization located within the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) compound in the central region of the Gaza Strip.

The IDF spokesperson stated that the strike was a response to recent terrorist activities directed towards IDF forces and humanitarian aid efforts.

Hmm, why was Hamas, a US State department, United Nations, and European Union designated terrorist organization, allowed to operate in a UNRWA building?

Read: Surprise: UNRWA Caught Stealing And Selling Humanitarian Aid For Gazans »

Californians Mad Over Power Bills From Law They Voted For

It’s truly lovely when support for climate cult legislation rears up and bites the cultists square in the derriere, eh?

Anger builds over sweeping change in the way most Californians will pay for electricity

With little debate two years ago, state lawmakers passed a complex energy bill that enabled a sweeping change in how most Californians are billed for electricity.

The legislation was what Pacific Gas & Electric had asked for from the state public utilities commission three months before: a transformation of electric rates so that households would pay a fixed charge each month in exchange for lower rates for each kilowatt hour they used.

Gov. Gavin Newsom submitted the bill as part of a massive 2022 budget revision. In four days, it was passed out of an Assembly committee hearing without discussion, approved by the full Assembly and Senate and signed by Newsom.

The state’s three largest investor-owned power companies that pushed for the change say it will encourage Californians to ditch cars and appliances that run on planet-warming fossil fuels and replace them with vehicles, stoves and heaters that operate on electricity from solar panels and wind turbines. They also say the new monthly fee would allow them to more evenly allocate fixed costs among customers.

The majority of citizens of the People’s Republik Of California voted for the people who quickly passed this, and, at the time, most Californians thought the legislation was the bee’s knees. They thought they would get the hook up on cheap energy bills in a state that is one of the highest in the nation. They were warned that this was a Bad Idea

But opponents say the legislation was a financial gift to PG&E, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric, and will cause millions of Californians who live in small homes or apartments that use little electricity to pay more, while residents in large homes that use a lot of electricity will save money.

Gee, ya think?

Now, as governor-appointed members of the California Public Utilities Commission prepare to approve a $24 monthly charge at a May 9 meeting, some lawmakers who voted for the original legislation are trying to reverse it. A coalition of more than 250 environmental and community groups are also protesting the law, claiming that its approval smacks of an all too cozy relationship between utility companies, regulators and think tank researchers.

Opponents complain that the new law eliminates a $10 cap on fixed charges that had been in place since 2013, and that there is now nothing to prevent the utilities from raising it higher and higher.

Consequences are not fun, eh? The little Warmists thought everything would be lollipops and unicorns, even with the evidence in front of their faces.

Of course, the LA Times, politicians, climate cult groups, and others are trying to blame PGE, who are not blameless, but, the politicians aren’t taking the blame, and this couldn’t happen without their votes. Nor could it happen without the votes from the citizens who voted for the Democratic Party politicians.

The next day, AB 205 and 28 other trailer bills addressing issues ranging from cannabis regulation to reproductive rights, were presented at a hearing of the Assembly Budget Committee.

According to a transcript, the committee’s leaders limited public discussion to one hour. The fixed electric charge was not mentioned.

Why would the elites want to hear from the little people? The politicians simply know better, so, shut up, plebes.

Read: Californians Mad Over Power Bills From Law They Voted For »

Pirate's Cove