Well, not really, the NY Times is focused on all you little people, and how to get government to force you to make those individual changes
What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change?
Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt them.
Make more beef-free meals. Compost food scraps. Replace a natural gas stove with an electric one.
These are all fairly simple ways people can help combat climate change in their own kitchens. Still, most Americans don’t do it. Why?
Because it means changing lifelong habits. Because they believe it won’t make a difference. Because they think their friends and neighbors aren’t doing it.
Research shows that it is not easy to motivate people to curb their emissions, but some strategies do work, and experts are trying to identify the best ones.
I’m confused: why don’t Warmists do this voluntarily? They believe that the climate has warmed mostly/solely do the actions of Mankind, right? So, they should be happy to change their lives. Also, this NY Times article fails to mention what changes the company has made, nor those that climate cult member and writer Alina Tugend has made in her own life.
Magnus Bergquist, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said widespread behavior transformation is difficult, as people often have contradictory goals. For example, changing habits or buying energy-efficient products, “can conflict with people’s goals of seeking comfort, saving money and gaining social acceptance,” he said in a video interview.
In other words, they’re climahypocrites. They want to force That Guy to change, to go after corporations. Skipping all the way to the end
Political actions, such as voting and pressuring elected officials, can help, Ms. Guenther said in a video interview.
“Our true responsibility is to use our choices as political agents in the world to try to shift power, take power away from the people who are blocking the transition away from fossil fuels and give it to people who will lead into a livable future,” she said.
That’s not personal actions: that’s forcing your beliefs on everyone else when you refuse to practice those beliefs.
Read: NY Times: What If Every Warmist Practiced What They Preached? »