Jewish Students Sue Columbia Over Anti-Jew Hatred

Columbia has pretty much let this go on for weeks. It was easy to see, as the Jew haters were upfront with their beliefs, and the constant reports of Jewish students being harassed and attacked were real. Columbia was also promising to Do Something all Monday, yet, never did. They’re getting what they asked for

Jewish student files class action lawsuit against Columbia for failing to guarantee safety

A class action lawsuit against Columbia University was filed in federal court on Monday morning on behalf of a second-year Jewish student who alleges the school could not guarantee their safety.

“We support peaceful protests but when a sliver of them invites and engages in violence including saying all “Zionist’s” (read “Jews”) should be killed and calls for terrorists attacks on American soil, that has no place in our country,” Jay Edelson, the attorney representing the students, said in a post on X.

According to Edelson, the lawsuit alleges Columbia needs to enforce its policies and let students feel free to study, take finals and otherwise be students “without worrying they will be assaulted.

“We are proceeding on a breach of contract theory and are seeking immediate injunctive relief,” Edelson wrote on X.

And that’s where it’s going to go badly for Columbia, in that the school has refused to enforce it’s published code of conduct. As has been said, if “protesters” were doing this against blacks or LGBTs, the school would have shut it down and expelled any students involved and terminated employment for any employees.

The lawsuit says many individuals at Columbia are exercising their constitutionally protected right to protest and express their views about Israel, but there’s a subset of protestors who have gone beyond engaging in free speech and have “menacing goals” including committing acts of violence and intimidating and harassing Jewish students and faculty members.

Many are, even though they are dupes and morons, taking the side of Islamic extremists. Any wearing an Intifada keffiyeh are supporting Jew killers.

The lawsuit accuses the Gaza Solidarity Encampment of being the center of “round-the-clock” harassment of Jewish students who have been punched, shoved, spat upon, blocked from attending classes and moving freely about campus.

“These extreme demonstrators are not engaging in constitutionally protected free speech. Instead, they are openly inciting violence against Jewish students,” according to the lawsuit.

And all of this is easily provable with video and photos. We’ve seen massive banners and signs––with statements such as: “Death to the Jews”; “Long live Hamas”; “Globalize the Intifada2”; “there is only one solution, Intifada revolution” (invoking Hitler’s “final solution” of killing all Jews); “Hamas we love you.” Columbia will soon be paying quite a bit of money. And many pro-Hamas students and employees are going to have their faces splashed in the news.

Read: Jewish Students Sue Columbia Over Anti-Jew Hatred »

Washington Post: Those Darned Republicans Are Seizing On College Kids Being Jew Haters

It was just a matter of time, right?

It’s a pretty hard paywall at the WP, no reprint at Yahoo News yet, but, you get the idea. But, yeah, pretty peaceful, except for all the threats against Jews and Israel, the support of a U.S. State Department designated terrorist group, the calls for a world-wide Intifada, chants of death to America, assaulting Jews, blocking them from going places, resisting arrest, assaulting law enforcement, etc, along with all the vandalism

It’s a long thread of photos.

Here’s one of my favorites

Read More »

Read: Washington Post: Those Darned Republicans Are Seizing On College Kids Being Jew Haters »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution rolling into a city, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on some states refusing to cooperate with Biden’s extreme Title IX trans rules.

Read: If All You See… »

Interest Rates Staying High Blamed On “Affluent Americans”

See, it’s not that the policies of Biden and Democrats, such as too much spending and borrowing money, are causing issues. Nope, it’s you older rich Americans

Affluent Americans are driving US economy and likely delaying need for Fed rate cuts

I did that BidenSince retiring two years ago, Joan Harris has upped her travel game.

Once or twice a year, she visits her two adult children in different states. She’s planning multiple other trips, including to a science fiction convention in Scotland and a Disney cruise soon after that, along with a trip next year to neolithic sites in Great Britain.

“I really have more money to spend now than when I was working,” said Harris, 64, an engineer who worked 29 years for the federal government and lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

So, taking normal trips is now bad? What about the Democrat Congress critters who are taking a large number of flights to D.C. from their homes each month? This is silly

Older Americans like Harris are fueling a sustained boost to the U.S. economy. Benefiting from outsize gains in the stock and housing markets over the past several years, they are accounting for a larger share of consumer spending — the principal driver of economic growth — than ever before.

And much of their spending is going toward higher-priced services like travel, health care and entertainment, putting further upward pressure on those prices — and on inflation. Such spending is relatively immune to the Federal Reserve’s push to slow growth and tame inflation through higher borrowing rates, because it rarely requires borrowing.

Affluent older Americans, if they own government bonds, may even be benefiting from the Fed’s rate hikes. Those hikes have led to higher bond yields, generating more income for those who own such bonds.

It’s not like they’re going out and buying lots and lots of big ticket items. It’s more like they’re simply the recipients of the Feds policy of higher rates

Wealth is also disproportionately held by older Americans. People ages 55 and over now own nearly three-quarters of all household wealth, up from 68% in 2010, according to the Fed. In percentage terms since the pandemic, household net worth has also surged for younger households. But because younger adults started from a much lower level, their gains haven’t been anywhere near enough to keep pace with older Americans.

Well, yeah, because they worked for it. They weren’t getting worthless degrees which make it hard to get a good paying job. They aren’t putting on too many visible tattoos and face piercings which makes it tough to employ them. And having a poor work attitude. So, the wealth has to go somewhere, and the Millennials and GenZers haven’t put in the work to increase the pie and put it in their pockets

One result of the Fed’s higher rates has been a kind of bifurcated economy, by age. Older, wealthier Americans who already own homes and cars have been much less affected by the Fed’s rate hikes. By contrast, younger Americans are enduring a combination of expensive home prices and high mortgage rates, making it much harder to buy a first home.

Well, yeah. And, so far, has it really helped?

(Daily Caller) The U.S. economy is showing signs of stagflation as growth slumps down and prices continue to surge for average Americans, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

U.S. annual economic growth measured just 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024, following a report of persistently high inflation in March of 3.5% year-over-year. The combination of both low growth and high inflation, in conjunction with continuously high amounts of government spending and debt, has led to signs of stagflation in the U.S. economy, which wreaked havoc on U.S. consumers throughout the 1970’s, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.

Well, we’ll see. There are lots of reports like this, but, unemployment isn’t spiking, and low growth is not happening quarter after quarter. Anyhow, the media will do anything to avoid blaming Biden and Democrats for their policies and reckless spending.

Read: Interest Rates Staying High Blamed On “Affluent Americans” »

Bummer: Ford Loses $1.3 Billion In First Quarter On EVs

Ford violated one of the main rules of any company that sells products to consumers: listen to what the consumer wants. The number who wanted EVs was low. And do not sell at an overall loss

Ford Loses $1.3 Billion on Electric Vehicles in First Quarter of 2024, Delays Plans to Make More

Ford Motor Company reported a whopping $132,000 loss on each electric vehicle (EV) sold during the first three months of 2024, amassing a $1.3 billion loss.

The auto manufacturer’s electric vehicle unit revealed Thursday that they experienced a 20 percent decrease in sales volume and were forced to slash prices due to low consumer demand, CNN reported.

The revenue for Ford’s EV car, the Model e, plunged by 84 percent to about $100 million, which the company blamed on EV price cuts across the auto industry.

“That resulted in the $1.3 billion loss before interest and taxes (EBIT), and the massive per-vehicle loss in the Model e unit,” the publication noted.?

The recent figures are part of a trend of loss for Ford, with their Model e reporting a full-year EBIT loss of $4.7 billion on the sale of 116,000 units. This is an average loss of $40,525 per vehicle — and even that is just a third of the per-vehicle loss seen in the first three months of 2024.

Now, company officials are estimating that their EV division will lose a grand total of $5 billion this year, up from $4.7 billion last year.

There’s nothing wrong with Ford making EVs: there is a demand for them, even if small. But, they moved too far too fast, far exceeding demand, leaving them with lots and lots of inventory that couldn’t be moved. And leaving dealers with expensive burdens on their lots, which they were forced to purchase from Ford.

“Americans don’t want EVs at levels Biden’s climate hysteria require,” author and businessman Andy Puzder wrote on X. “Ford’s EV Q1 losses soared to $1.3 billion — a ridiculous $132,000 per EV sold. All Ford’s profits came from combustion engine vehicle sales. Collectivist policies destroy prosperity.”

Well, yeah. After the initial interest in the “Mustang” that died down, and many sold them off and get a gas vehicle, either straight petrol or hybrid. And, quite frankly, it’s often difficult to get people into a hybrid. Heck, it’s still sometimes the money. When my lease is up next April the Civic hybrid will be here. I’ll look at the lease values of it and the straight petrol versions. I drive less than 10K a year, so, unless the hybrid lease price makes sense I’ll just stay with the regular.

Read: Bummer: Ford Loses $1.3 Billion In First Quarter On EVs »

Pro-Hamas Protesters Want Amnesty, Records Wiped To Avoid Future Consequences

Last I checked, every single one of these Jew hating Hamas loving “protesters” were adults and made the choice to go out there and chant things like “death to America,”, “death to Israel,” “death to Jews”, and all the other things

College protesters want ‘amnesty.’ At stake: Tuition, legal charges, grades and graduation

Maryam Alwan figured the worst was over after New York City police in riot gear arrested her and other protesters on the Columbia University campus, loaded them onto buses and held them in custody for hours.

But the next evening, the college junior received an email from the university. Alwan and other students were being suspended after their arrests at the “ Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” a tactic colleges across the country have deployed to calm growing campus protests against the Israel-Hamas war.

The students’ plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives.

Questions about their academic futures remain. Will they be allowed to take final exams? What about financial aid? Graduation? Columbia says outcomes will be decided at disciplinary hearings, but Alwan says she has not been given a date.

“This feels very dystopian,” said Alwan, a comparative literature and society major.

Dystopian? You literally put yourself in this situation. Here she is laughing and smiling

Even if the charges are dropped and records cleared, will companies want to hire someone involved with all the violent rhetoric against Jews and taking the side of a terrorist organization? All these kiddies do know that the Internet is forever, and recruiters will see them wearing Intifada keffiyehs, a symbol of murdering Jews and attacking Israel, right?

For international students facing suspension, there is the added fear of losing their visas, said Radhika Sainath, an attorney with Palestine Legal, which helped a group of Columbia students file a federal civil rights complaint against the school Thursday. It accuses Columbia of not doing enough to address discrimination against Palestinian students.

“The level of punishment is not even just draconian, it feels like over-the-top callousness,” Sainath said.

You’re a guest in our country. If you want to play terrorist games, well you get prizes you won’t like, but, you earned them. Every single one of the people at these protests who can be identified should be given the J6 treatment: hunted down by law enforcement, and, if not a citizen, deported immediately. If they are naturalized or a permanent resident, well, those statuses should be revoked and be removed. Consequences are a bitch! Have fun with future employment!

Read: Pro-Hamas Protesters Want Amnesty, Records Wiped To Avoid Future Consequences »

If All You See…

…is a see that will soon rise dozens of feet by 2050, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a really bad poll for Biden from CNN.

It’s an easy bikini week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once And Future Nation Of America! The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NY Giants had a good draft. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Chicks On The Right covers the only trans military chaplain in Canada suspended for sexual misconduct
  2. Climate Depot discusses NOAA’s data not supporting a climate emergency
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog notes real Islamophobia in action
  4. Gates Of Vienna highlights honor killings in Islamist Italy
  5. Geller Report laughs over COVID kids who missed high school graduation potentially missing college graduation due to Hamas protests
  6. LMAO discusses the one time laws are actually important in L.A.
  7. Legal Insurrection covers Adam Schiff’s luggage being stolen
  8. Moonbattery has a profile in counter-moonbattery
  9. neo-neocon covers Columbia’s president committing academic fraud
  10. Never Yet Melted notes another chicken coming home to roost
  11. Pacific Pundit features Gretchen Whitmer boo’d at the NFL draft
  12. Sultan Knish discusses Victimhood and relative rights
  13. The First Street Journal covers green virtue signaling
  14. The Gateway Pundit features Joe Biden doing interesting things during a speech
  15. And last, but, not least, Hot Air wonders about our tanks in Ukraine

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

AP: You Know, There Were Some Reports Of Anti-Semitism On Campus, Which Could Lead To Shutting Down Camps

You have to love the Credentialed Media: they make it sound like there were some rumors and some people making claims, despite numerous actual videos, speeches, and signs. Oh, and calling the protesters anti-war, even though so many are hoping for the destruction of Israel

Anti-war protesters dig in as some schools close encampments after reports of antisemitic activity

As students protesting the Israel-Hamas war at college campuses across U.S. dug in Saturday and dozens of demonstrators were arrested, some universities moved to shut down encampments after reports of antisemitic activity.

With the death toll mounting in the war in Gaza, protesters nationwide are demanding that schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.

“Some people said something”, like, again, there aren’t lots of videos of this. And signs

As workers pulled down tents and bagged up the debris from the encampment, several dozen people across from the encampment chanted, “Let the Kids Go,” and slogans against the war in Gaza. They also booed as police cars passed and taunted the officers who stood guard over the encampment.

Just some slogans, eh?

The Usual Suspects are trying to blame this on Jews saying this, but, that’s BS, and this stuff was going on at the school and so many others

At the University of Pennsylvania on Friday, interim President J. Larry Jameson called for an encampment of protesters on the west Philadelphia campus to be disbanded, saying it violates the university’s facilities policies, though about 40 tents remained in place Saturday morning.

The “harassing and intimidating comments and actions” by some protesters violate the school’s open expression guidelines as well as state and federal law, Jameson said, and vandalism of a statue with antisemitic graffiti was “especially reprehensible and will be investigated as a hate crime.”

It’s like the schools, and especially the AP, are trying to minimize this

(Breitbart) On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway stated that there’s a “striking” “double standard” in the treatment of campus demonstrations over the past week and stated that if he did the same thing to black students, “we’d call in the f*cking National Guard.” And “what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

Galloway said, “The double standard here is pretty striking. Dylann Roof goes into a Charleston church and kills nine members of a black church, if I went down to the plaza of any of these universities with a white hood, a Confederate flag, and signs and started saying, globalize Dylann, kill black people, there’d be no need for context, we wouldn’t be talking about free speech, I’d be out of academia. And if I whipped up students into a frenzy such that we started harassing non-white students on their way to the library and I started getting in their face or even throwing things at them — and that has happened — we wouldn’t be having a conversation about the First Amendment, we’d call in the f*cking National Guard. And what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

So far, all there’s been is some “we’re very disappointed” yammering, maybe a bit of “shame on yous”, but, few in government and the powers that be have slammed down on these folks. Once you call for killing and destruction you’ve abandoned free speech. Once you’ve done this and harassed and attacked Jewish students you no longer have the right to protest, because you’re not peaceable. This is going to backfire spectacularly on Democrats, who are going to look towards these folks for votes.

Read: AP: You Know, There Were Some Reports Of Anti-Semitism On Campus, Which Could Lead To Shutting Down Camps »

NY Times Excited To Give “Conservative” Warmists Platform

We are seeing more of this, Gen Z Republicans who are thrilled to Do Something about ‘climate change’, but, failing to explain why the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind

I’m a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change

Conservatives were once America’s environmental champions. Not that long ago, Republican presidents were carrying out the Clean Air and Water Acts, creating the Environmental Protection Agency, expanding the National Park System and even initiating the country’s most authoritative report on climate change, the National Climate Assessment.

But times have changed.

Many of today’s Republican leaders stoke fear and anger by mocking the most divisive climate activists while claiming that every environmental solution is a radical one. If they’re not doing that, Republicans can often be found on the sidelines and disengaged from the issue completely.

And therein is the issue: ‘climate change’ is a political issue, and mostly separate from actual environmental issue

Instead of continuing the environmental legacy they were once known for, they have ceded the fight against climate change to Democrats, putting themselves on the wrong side of history. Not a single Republican voted in 2022 for the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that is funneling hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds to red states and blue states alike for climate mitigation and resilience projects. And it has cost them: A recent working paper from the University of Colorado, Boulder, found that opinion on climate change was one of the strongest predictors of whom independents voted for in 2020, probably giving President Biden enough of an edge to tip the election in his favor. In other words, Donald Trump’s denial of climate change probably cost him the White House.

Once you’ve gone and defended the horrendous IRA, which hasn’t helped reduce inflation and is, instead, increasing the cost of living for Americans via ‘climate change’ mambo pambo, you’ve moved more to the Democrats position of Big Government. And citing a paper from an uber-leftist group which is also part of the climate cult to say this is why Trump lost is deluded.

The fact of the matter is this: We cannot address climate change or solve any other environmental issue without the buy-in and leadership of conservative America. And there are clear opportunities for climate action that conservatives can champion without sacrificing core values, from sustainable agriculture to nuclear energy and the onshoring of clean energy production.

So, basically we must listen to the Elites, who will tell the peasants what to do. Does that sound like American conservatism?

As a member of Gen Z, I believe it’s time for my generation to mobilize around climate solutions that bring both sides to the table — and demand our leaders do the same. Liberals must stop denigrating and abandoning key communities they need to solve the problem, and conservatives must stop denying the problem and take ownership of climate solutions. If the Republican Party wants to expand its coalition, it will need to recruit young voters with a far more pragmatic message.

Which is? I’m still waiting for actual ideas

This environmental movement will look slightly different from what the Democrats have built. We firmly believe fossil fuels must be part of our transition to cleaner energy sources for years to come. So our movement will aim to improve the environmental impact of all energy sources, not just wind and solar. We’ll also focus on ecosystem restoration and other conservation measures that lower emissions. And we’ll call on policymakers to prioritize permitting reform, reducing government overreach and making it easier to build clean energy projects in the United States more quickly.

Scam. No matter how you slice it, “solving” global boiling requires government dictates and decrees, forcing citizens to act in a certain way, limit what they can buy and drive, controlling their lives. That’s not American Conservatism. You want to talk real environmental issues, great! The climate scam? No.

Read: NY Times Excited To Give “Conservative” Warmists Platform »

Pirate's Cove