Climate Crisis (scam) Is Being Built Into Pay And Benefits

Well, gee wiz, this won’t cause the cost of goods and services to go up, right?

How climate change is beginning to be built into employee pay and benefits

More workers in today’s labor market want to take action on climate change in some way as part of their jobs, yet many encounter a major stumbling block: lack of understanding when it comes to their employer’s own commitment to the issue. So-called green perks, also referred to as climate change benefits, could help to bridge that gap. A rising, though still marginal trend in the job market, employee enticement and compensation packages tied to climate change can help to make these abstractions clearer and more actionable in the workplace. (snip)

But for most rank-and-file employees, benefit packages in recent decades have had essentially two main categories — health and retirement. Now there are indications that green benefit packages may become more common. One potential spearhead for the nascent movement is commuter benefits, particularly benefits that facilitate healthier, eco-friendly modes of transportation, allowing employers to facilitate and promote lifestyles that appeal to an increasingly environmentally-conscious workforce, while lowering the company’s own net carbon footprint. (snip)

Walmart has a stated a goal of having 10% of its workforce biking to work in Bentonville — but the goal has been difficult to reach, and has been pushed back from 2023 to 2025 when the corporate headquarters are set for completion. Still, similar to the challenges of wider adoption of electric vehicles, infrastructure plays a major role in getting employees on bikes, and Walmart has gone all-in on this in Bentonville.

Many other companies are trying to get their peasant workers to bike instead of drive.

Younger workers from the Gen Z demographic may be front-and-center when it comes to including social and environmental consciousness in corporate benefit programs, but Mangiardi said, “It’s important to note that employees of all generations support sustainability.”

But, will the companies be giving normal raises? The money isn’t free. Or, the companies can just charge more. Really, this whole thing is like a cult, forcing itself on every facet of life. Will the Gen Z folks realized they’ve joined a cult?

Lizzy Kolar, co-founder & CEO of Scope Zero, which offers a carbon savings account (CSA) as a method for distributing green perks to employees, likened it to a health savings account. “But for home technology and personal transportation upgrades that drive corporate ESG efforts,” she said. Stipends for commuter benefits, biking, and EV discounts, as well as work-from-home expenses, are key components to the program.

Employer financial contribution to each employee’s CSA and the discounts from its vendor marketplace significantly reduce the upfront costs of home tech and personal transportation upgrades, Kolar said. Providing a platform designed for this type of perk also allows for customized upgrade recommendations, direction of employees to top products and vendors, and identification of relevant utility and government rebates.


Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Being Built Into Pay And Benefits »

Strange: Biden, UN, And Others Call For Israel To Have Restraint

It’s a very simple proposition: Islamic nations and groups need to stop attacking Israel. Don’t start none, won’t be none. Israel was literally attacked by Iran yesterday, and we’re getting

US works to prevent an escalation across the Mideast as Biden pushes Israel to show restraint

The United States on Sunday highlighted its role in helping Israel thwart Iran’s aerial attack as President Joe Biden convened leaders of the Group of Seven countries in an effort to prevent a wider regional escalation and coordinate a global rebuke of Tehran.

The U.S. assisted Israel in shooting down dozens of drones and missiles fired by Iran on Saturday in what was the first time it had launched a direct military assault on Israel. Israeli authorities said 99% of the inbound weapons were shot down without causing any significant damage.

U.S. officials said that despite the high interception rate, Iran’s intent was to “destroy and cause casualties” and that if successful, the strikes would have caused an “uncontrollable” escalation across the Mideast. U.S. officials said Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in an effort to contain tensions, that Washington would not participate in any offensive action against Iran, and the president made “very clear” to Netanyahu “that we do have to think carefully and strategically” about risks of escalation.

The push to encourage Israel to show restraint mirrored ongoing American efforts to curtail Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, which is now in its seventh month, and to do more to protect civilian lives in the territory.

How would Biden react if Iran parked a freighter 200 miles off the US coast and launched a barrage of missiles and drones at D.C. Or, say, his house at the beach? Think he would show restraint beyond sinking the ship? All this type of yammering does is incent Iran and the proxies to continue their attacks

UN chief urges ‘maximum restraint’ from Israel at emergency meeting after Iran’s attack

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Sunday warned members not to further escalate tensions with reprisals against Iran, while the U.S. warned the Security Council it would work to hold Tehran accountable at the U.N.

Guterres, speaking to a meeting of the U.N. Security Council, told member states that the U.N. charter bars the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state as he also condemned Iran’s attack on Israel. (snip)

“The Middle East is on the brink. The people of the region are confronting a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict. Now is the time to defuse and de-escalate,” Guterres told the meeting, which was called after Iran’s attack.

The time for saying this was before Iran attacked. But, we all know these people are haters of Israel and Jews, and placated the Islamic extremists, doing exactly as the Muslim Brotherhood playbook was meant to work

Why must Israel show restraint? Why not Iran and it’s proxies? This is like blaming the woman in the skirt and telling her to not go to the cops.

Read: Strange: Biden, UN, And Others Call For Israel To Have Restraint »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising ocean because Other People use AC, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a report that Biden told Israel that US will not support an attack on Iran.

It’s fit ladies week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Joyce Ballentyne

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbirds are mocking, and baseball is in full swing. This pinup is by Joyce Ballentyne, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Cold Fury discusses another war in which there are no rules
  2. Jihad Watch covers a report that the Islamic State planned to poison the Sea of Galilee
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog notes style vs substance in the Navy
  4. Flopping Aces features Biden begging for the Death To America vote
  5. Geller Report discusses Hamas throwing away international aid food
  6. IOTW Report covers NYC having problems with rat urine
  7. Irons In The Fire hopes Rand Paul has good security
  8. Legal Insurrection covers Consequences for an Israel hater who threatened city council
  9. Moonbattery shows Allah being worshiped at an NYC council meeting
  10. neo-neocon wonders if people understand war
  11. The First Street Journal puts WWIII on Jimmy Carter
  12. The Gateway Pundit covers the EU banning garden bonfires
  13. The Last Refuge notes 26 barges breaking loose on Ohio River
  14. The Lid highlights the wokesters now ruining Scrabble
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain says Brandon’s gun policies won’t work

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

After Biden Tells Iran “Don’t”, Iran Does, Launches Attack On Israel

It’s kinda hard to take Biden seriously when he blows out for the weekend

Booms and sirens in Israel after Iran launches over 200 missiles and drones in unprecedented attack

Booms and air raid sirens sounded across Israel early Sunday after Iran launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in an unprecedented revenge mission that pushed the Middle East closer to a regionwide war.

The attack marked the first time Iran has launched a direct military assault on Israel, despite decades of enmity dating back to the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. Condemnation from the United Nations chief and others was swift, with France saying Iran “is risking a potential military escalation,” Britain calling the attack “reckless” and Germany saying Iran and its proxies “must stop it immediately.”

Would these be the same people who’ve spent most of their time condemning Israel rather than Hamas? Which certainly incented Iran.

The Israeli military’s spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said Iran fired scores of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles — with the vast majority intercepted outside Israel’s borders. He said warplanes intercepted over 10 cruise missiles alone, also outside Israeli airspace.

He said a handful of missiles managed to land in Israel. Rescuers said one strike critically wounded a 10-year-old girl in a Bedouin Arab town in southern Israel, while Hagari said another missile struck an army base, causing light damage but no injuries.

“A wide-scale attack by Iran is a major escalation,” Hagari said. Asked whether Israel would respond, Hagari said only that the army “does and will do whatever is required to protect the security of the state of Israel.”

U.S. forces downed some of the Iran-launched drones flying toward Israel, according to a U.S. defense official and two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the matter.

What’s next?

(Yahoo News) A representative from Iran said the offensive was in retaliation for the bombing of Iran’s embassy in Syria on April 1, and that Iran considered the matter “concluded.” President Biden pledged his support for Israel Saturday night.

But, will Iran truly consider it concluded? They won’t stop supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups attacking Israel. Will Israel consider this concluded? This was enough for Biden to come back from his typical weekend off in Delaware. At first he was going to make a speech, then that was cancelled. What’s the over/under he leaves D.C. Sunday?

Read: After Biden Tells Iran “Don’t”, Iran Does, Launches Attack On Israel »

Cool: Archeologists Find Links To Trojan War In Pompeii

I find this kind of thing super awesome

Archaeologists make ‘stunning’ find of banquet hall in Pompeii

A group of archaeologists excavating the doomed city of Pompeii found quite the surprise earlier this week: a banquet hall complete with paintings inspired by the Trojan War.

The discovery was announced earlier this week, The Associated Press noted.

The banquet hall and its mosaic floor were uncovered during a project to help prevent further demise of the ruins of Pompeii. (snip)

The images painted on the walls include Helen of Troy, Apollo and Cassandra.

The paintings were likely meant to both entertain and to “provide conversation starters,” the same source said.

It looks like this

The Trojan War took place sometime in the 12th or 13th century BCE, and no one has been able to determine if it was real. Does this add to knowledge that it could be real, happening 1200-1300 years after?

Read: Cool: Archeologists Find Links To Trojan War In Pompeii »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea which will soon swamp homes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on illegals held hostage in a human smuggling stash house.

Read: If All You See… »

Six Killed, Many Wounded In Knife Attack In Australia Mall

The authorities are doing everything possible to avoid linking this to radical Islam

Six people killed, attacker shot dead in Bondi Junction shopping centre stabbing attack

Police are working to formally identify a man who was shot dead after multiple people were stabbed at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney’s east.

Six people have died, including a 38-year-old mother, who along with her nine-month-old baby was among those injured at the shopping centre.

Eight people are being treated in hospitals around Sydney, including the nine-month-old child.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb confirmed four other women and one man died at the centre.

Webb said later this evening police became aware of who they believe the offender may be.

“He is a 40-year-old man however we are waiting to formally identify him and we can not speculate on his identification,” she said.

“But let me assure you that we are confident that there is no ongoing risk and we are dealing with one person who is now deceased.”

Webb said, if the man is to be formally identified as suspected, officers do not believe he acted “with an ideation” consistent with a terrorist attack.

Well, as Samantha Maiden at writes, all of Australia is waiting to see if this was a terrorist attack. Interestingly, most news outlets running with the stabbing story omit any picture or video of the wackjob, other than the source for the excerpt. That the authorities are refusing to release the name of the killer often tells you what you need to know. He sure fits the profile of an Islamic extremist. Time will tell. How long will authorities refuse to release the name?

(Jihad Watch) The police are saying the usual things they say about the attacker’s motive being unclear. They do not, of course, point out the obvious: the attack fits the pattern of multiple jihad attacks we have seen in Europe (and some in the U.S.) over the years, and the photos of the attacker suggest that just possibly he could be a member of a demographic containing a large number of jihadis. Also, the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have repeatedly called upon Muslims to mount attacks of this kind. So is this a jihad attack? It certainly seems so, but this could still be the one time when the authorities are correct, and it’s a random attack with no clear motive.

It could be someone, even a Muslim, going nuts, and have nothing to do with terrorism. The guy could have snapped. Perhaps it was personal and he was going after someone he knows, deciding to take out others, and it has nothing to do with terrorism. But, the odds are it was terrorism. The police, per the article, know the guy. How? No one is saying. But, would we be surprised, especially with war that Hamas started going on?

Read: Six Killed, Many Wounded In Knife Attack In Australia Mall »

Your Fault: Flamingos Might Have To Move Due To ‘Climate Change’

This could have been avoided if you would have just moved into a 15 minute city, you know

Study warns climate change could force flamingos from their natural homes

Rising water levels threaten to flush colorful flamingos from their homes, a new study has suggested.

Huge flocks or “flamboyances” of flamingos around East Africa’s lakes have been called one of the world’s most spectacular sights, being displayed in the film “Out of Africa and David Attenborough’s A Perfect Planet.”

Now, research from King’s College London suggests that this spectacular sight could be a thing of the past, as the lesser flamingo is in danger of being flushed out of its historic feeding grounds.

For the first time satellite data has been used to study all the key flamingo-feeding lakes in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania over two decades—which identified how rising water levels are reducing the birds’ main food source.

The region was once home to more than three-quarters of the global population of lesser flamingos, but their numbers are declining.

The scientists do understand that the flamingos have been moving with the lakes, and the water levels of the lakes will have gone up and down throughout the Holocene, right? And that the whole area of those three nations are part of a massive fault line, including one which is splitting off from Western Africa, right? And those fault lines have created so many of the lakes, right? Oh, sorry, it’s because people drive fossil fueled vehicles.

The study, published in the journal Current Biology, discovered that rising water levels in soda lakes are diluting their normally salty and alkaline nature, leading to a decline in flamingo’s main food source of phytoplankton.

This change was notably seen at the important tourist lake Nakuru, which has historically supported over one million birds at a time.

The lake increased in surface area by 91 percent from 2009 to 2022 whilst its mean chlorophyll-a concentrations halved.

A goodly chunk of African flamingos live in the area associated with the Great Rift Valley, which grows bigger each year. Not much, plate tectonics are slow. Many of the main lakes are only about 10,000 years old, created as the sea levels rose as the last glacial age was really ending, along with rift. Funny how none of the articles mention any of this.

Oh, and the article itself really doesn’t mention climatic changes, man-caused or natural. It’s like they had to run the cult headline. The flamingos will just move, like life on Earth has always done.

Read: Your Fault: Flamingos Might Have To Move Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

Biden Tells Iran Regarding Retaliation Against Israel: “Don’t”

It’s nice that Biden is telling Iran this, but, there’s a problem

Biden’s message to Iran about retaliatory strike on Israel: ‘Don’t’

President Joe Biden told reporters Friday afternoon he expects an Iranian strike on Israel to occur “sooner than later” amid urgent concerns that Iran was about to retaliate for the bombing of its consulate in Damascus, Syria, earlier this month.

Asked for his message to Iran in the tense moment, Biden was blunt, saying simply, “Don’t.”

“Would the U.S. respond?” ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce asked repeatedly as the president walked away after the end of an unrelated event. He paused, thought for a moment and then returned to the lectern.

“We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel and Iran will not succeed,” he said.

I’m not sure what they consider the “unrelated event.” The are really only two things on his schedule today. First, he “delivers virtual remarks at the National Action Network Convention.” So, he wasn’t even there. So, it must be “The President departs the White House en route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware”. I doubt the White House press was there when he arrived.

So, a. the media is shady in not bothering to mention he was taking the weekend off at the beach yet again and b. this was simply an off the cuff remark, which, unfortunately, won’t make Iran think twice. But, in fairness, Iran wouldn’t listen if this was an official press room comment, unless Biden truly threatened retaliation.

At the same time, the U.S. was moving troops and other assets to the Middle East as Iran readied a large number of missiles and drones for a potential strike against Israel, according to U.S. officials.

The deployment of American troops was intended to try to deter Iran from launching a large-scale attack and protecting U.S. troops in the region

According to one U.S. defense official, the assets being moved to the region include both “ships and aircraft.”

I hope the US military is ready to shoot down any missiles launched. But, at least Biden did say something.

Read: Biden Tells Iran Regarding Retaliation Against Israel: “Don’t” »

Pirate's Cove