Doomsday Cult Of Climastrology Suddenly Discovers The Role Of Clouds In Weather And Climate

No, really

No one really has a written article on this, they’re just using the video. One has to wonder how clouds could be ignored so much

An unprecedented study was recently launched to explore clouds, which cover two thirds of the Earth’s surface on average. Scientists still understand precious little about the phenomenon, but most climatologists believe they hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of climate change. “CBS This Morning: Saturday” took a closer look at where scientists are conducting the study out in the Caribbean.

Seriously, we know quite a bit about clouds. Ignoring the climahysteric stuff from NASA, we can see the cycle. The Sun itself is the primary driver, as has always been, and is now, which is natural. But, see, the point here is to create a link between clouds and your carbon pollution, because the Cult of Climastrology always has to find ways to take things and make them the fault of Mankind, just like how they blame cold and snow on you having a burger last week.

Read: Doomsday Cult Of Climastrology Suddenly Discovers The Role Of Clouds In Weather And Climate »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post noting that proper hygiene is sexy.

It’s out in nature week, because with all this time off we can get out and about, right?

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in America, no matter what’s going on. Spring is coming, the birds are singing (you know they are really screaming for sex, right?), and we all get to relax! This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. I will say that having no NHL, as bad as my Devils are, stinks, and they are closing the community gym for a week. But, it actually might be good for my thumb healing, because all the lifting has slowed that down. Long, boring story, I won’t bother you with it.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers says Biden’s virtual town hall went about how you expected
  2. Watcher Of Weasels discusses what went wrong in Italy
  3. The Right Scoop covers De Blasio wanting to nationalize industry
  4. The People’s Cube has Coronavirus tips from high ranking Party members
  5. The Other McCain discusses Russia, Ukraine, and now Wuhan!
  6. The Lid notes a report on how many people Trump’s wall is stopping
  7. The First Street Journal is not impressed by do-gooderism
  8. The Feral Irishman features what sums up Crazy Uncle Joe’s campaign
  9. The American Conservative wonders if Wuhan will wipe out the New World Order
  10. Powerline discusses Mexico considering shutting down the border
  11. Political Clown Parade features the Great Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020
  12. Pacific Pundit notes Michigan’s socialist governor declaring martial law
  13. Moonbattery covers a Feminist setting another on fire
  14. IOTW Report discussing supply chains
  15. And last, but not least, Blazing Cat Fur covers a white police official suing over pay discrimination

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Americans Returning From Overseas Whine About Having To Wait For Coronavirus Screening

They should be grateful they aren’t being quarantined for a week or two, and that the tests don’t require testing in, let’s say, the back nether-regions

US citizens returning from overseas say they are waiting hours for coronavirus screening at airports

As Americans are being urged to keep their distance from one another, travelers returning on flights from Europe say they are being made to wait for hours in close quarters at US airports to get screened for coronavirus.

Several travelers told CNN that when they arrived at airports in Dallas, Chicago and New York, they faced long lines and confusion.

President Donald Trump announced restrictions on entry into the US from 26 countries in Europe on Wednesday. The ban went into effect at midnight on Friday, but only after the original announcement sparked chaos at European airports as Americans sought ways to return home before it went into place.

Karen Rogers, a passenger returning from Paris by way of London told CNN Saturday night she had been waiting in line for at least five hours to be screened at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and was told she would have at least another hour to go.

Ann Lewis Schmidt, a passenger returning from Iceland, said the process in place at O’Hare has passengers “essentially go(ing) through customs twice.”

And they have to fill out forms!

“One was just name, passport number, flight number, seat, address, emergency contact, and details about your trip,” Deibler said.

The second form asked specific questions about symptoms and travel to coronavirus hot zones, she said.

OMG, that’s horrible! And some had to share pens!!!!!

Aww, poor baby. Perhaps you and the rest should have considered your over-seas flights prior to taking it, because we all knew about the potential spread weeks ago

And CNN isn’t the only one featuring whining by citizens. At Fox News we see

Read More »

Read: Americans Returning From Overseas Whine About Having To Wait For Coronavirus Screening »

Young Climate Cultists Bring Their Protests Online

Because they have been told to not gather in large groups out in the streets (accomplishing nothing but spreading awareness and being hysterical), the young doomsday cultists are trying something new

‘Coronavirus Isn’t Stopping Us!’: Youth Activists Adapt to Global Pandemic With Digital #ClimateStrikeOnline

Fridays for Future strikers around the world shared their demands for bold climate action online Friday as many youth activists heeded public health experts’ recommendations in the face of the coronavirus pandemic by eschewing public protests in favor of digital demonstrations.

The online displays followed the call earlier this week from school strike for climate pioneer Greta Thunberg to #ClimateStrikeOnline.

In a Friday tweet as Thunberg marked her 82nd week of school strikes, she reiterated the basis for her call.

“In a crisis we change our behaviour and adapt to the new circumstances for the greater good of society,” she wrote.

For a moment, I thought they were going to get offline, putting down the Internet, which uses vast amounts of energy. No social media, no binge watching (which is supposedly horrible for Hotcoldwetdry)

Oh, a selfie with a message! ZOMG! So brave. There are lots of silly tweets, taken surely between playing on the game console, and this might be my favorite

That green part in the bottom right explains how to get involved with….sending a tweet. Sigh. Perhaps the parents should take away all their things that are powered by electricity, see if they are so hot to be climate cultists then.

Read: Young Climate Cultists Bring Their Protests Online »

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert because Other People are not paying a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the California governor looking to commandeer property due to Coronavirus

Read: If All You See… »

Coronavirus Has Something To Teach Us About The Climate Change Scam

See, the thing is, the Government has to force all people, excluding the Big Shots, to stop flying

Coronavirus has something to teach us about how to save the planet — by staying put

It’s stunning how a pandemic can destabilize seemingly unbreakable social norms and habits. Flying anywhere anytime, and cheaply, has been considered a divine right in the global order, certainly among citizens in the developed world and now among the newly rich of the global south. The number of passengers flying skyrocketed from fewer than half a billion in the late 1990s to more than 4.3 billion in 2018.

Yet here we are, with the coronavirus forcing a massive reduction of global air travel. Airlines, tour companies, hotels and every other service industry that depends on a freewheeling and free-spending, footloose population are facing lost profits that will likely amount to the hundreds of billions of dollars.

As it happens, a lot less flying is required if we are to stabilize a non-nightmarish planetary climate for our children, our grandchildren and their children.

How much less flying?

The spread of the novel coronavirus comes in the wake of an unvarnished report on how to ameliorate climate change that was commissioned by the United Kingdom and published in November. Called “Absolute Zero,” the report, drafted by a group of scientists from the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and the Imperial College London, advised how Britain could reach its stated target of zero emissions by 2050.

Among their conclusions: Because at present and for the foreseeable future there is no carbon-neutral alternative for the powering of planes, all air travel in the U.K. will have to decline precipitously by 2030 — 10 years from now — and cease altogether by 2050. “For some period,” the report says, “we’ll all stop using aeroplanes.”

What’s true for Britain, of course, has to be true globally — an end to air travel as we know it if the planet is to keep within the putatively safe carbon budget that holds warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade. And one can read that conclusion another way: Present-day rates of carbon-intensive travel and tourism are among the many time bombs that industrial society has set to destroy future generations.

See, taking a vacation is an unnecessary luxury

Viewed from the perspective of the coming climate apocalypse, much of our flying is narcissistic, wasteful and unnecessary. Jet-setting and even mere vacation travel is too often a luxury, a form of conspicuous display, born of a blinkered attitude of carbon entitlement.

Yeah, I’ll give up my maybe once a year flights when all the members of the Cult of Climastrology give up theirs. No more flights to climate conferences in far off exotic vacation spots.

We have to start thinking now — right now, today, as you read this — about a livable, equitable future for our children, and for that future to be realized we must embrace a world thatthe coronavirus, perversely, is laying out for us. It is a world of less travel, less consumption, one not pathogen-determined but instead created by our own collective self-restraint, humility and altruism.

Well, since even Warmists cannot practice what they preach, it’s up to government to dictate, right?

Read: Coronavirus Has Something To Teach Us About The Climate Change Scam »

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Will Kill Us All

Is it any wonder that so many young folks are suffering from “climate anxiety”? They’ve been taught to freak out, so, are losing their minds and are living in (fake) fear. Witness

Climate change affects us all – will kill us all

I AM sorry to say that I don’t have the guts to miss any more of my lessons by going on strike or to miss my GCSEs.

I’m sorry that I don’t want to be seen as rude and ungrateful by telling my relatives and friends to not get me anything that adds to our carbon footprint.

And I am sorry that I still do buy myself a new top or some jeans now and then even if it may be from somewhere a tad more ethical than some other shops.

I am sorry for my selfishness. I wish I could do better.

But this just shows how messed up the world is, making a kid feel bad about anything that they do in case it causes more damage to the planet.

You can feel the Victimhood, can’t you? People love to revel in their Victimhood these days, it makes them feel powerful, like a hero.

We can all try our best to make the little choices in our everyday lives to help save the planet. We can all have a vegan meal. But nothing will change until the governments force businesses to be more environmentally friendly.

But, don’t call the Cult of Climastrology Fascist or something

Leaders, politicians, businesses – you need to make better choices. And the rest of us, we will kick up a fuss, we will fight for our future, we will fight for justice!

Stop pushing this back, ignoring it! I am not saying that issues like Brexit are unimportant. However, compared to climate change they are miniscule.

Climate change affects us all; is what will kill us all. But I don’t think that I need to show you any of the mind-blowing evidence of this, do I? I think that you can just switch the news on and find out for yourself.

The little snowflake who wrote this is just 15, and has truly been indoctrinated into the Cult. How many others are doomsdayers? Ones who really won’t change much in their own lives, but demand Government do it, and think we’re all going to die? This is what they’re learning in school and from the news and doomsday cult activists. It’s child abuse.

Read: Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Will Kill Us All »

After Years Of Calling Trump Authoritarian, Media Upset Trump’s Not Being Authoritarian On Coronavirus

Trump has been called all sorts of things. such as Nazi, Fascist, Putin’s buddy, till the Democrats and the Credentialed Media settled on “authoritarian”. They can’t actually show any proof of Trump doing things authoritarian, but, that doesn’t stop them. Now that he’s not telling people what to do with the force of government, they seem upset

There’s a difference between leading and telling people what to do, right? There’s also two documents to stop that kind of governmental behavior. Chris must either be unfamiliar with the Constitution and Bill of Rights or is just ignoring them. Then we have the Washington Post Editorial Board

The rest of the country is admirably picking up Trump’s slack

AMID DREAD and uncertainty, the American people are displaying extraordinary purpose and motivation to meet the coronavirus threat head-on. From darkening Broadway to silencing professional and amateur sports leagues, from closing Disneyland to shuttering cathedrals, we are witnessing the response of an open democratic society, with unfettered news and social media, and civic and political institutions and leadership ready to make hard decisions. This is America at its best.

Ever since experts began calling for social distancing to reduce transmission of the respiratory virus, people in the United States have demonstrated they were listening. Their actions have ranged from small acts of kindness, such as a young woman buying groceries for an elderly couple, to disruptive decisions that until recently would have seemed unthinkable, such as emptying sports stadiums and turning out the lights at universities. Costly, emotionally fraught choices have engendered remarkably little complaining or bitterness.

The response is all the more remarkable given the absence of credible leadership from President Trump. Though he declared a state of emergency Friday, he generally has taken the negligent approach that people shouldn’t worry; everything is “totally under control.” This is hardly an ideal situation for a nation in crisis. But it is heartening, three years into Mr. Trump’s presidency, to see that society is capable of navigating these rough seas based on collective common sense and despite this president’s lies, hatreds and distractions.

Why do they seem so upset that Trump won’t force schools and businesses to close, for sports leagues to stop playing, etc? These are functions of state, local, and county government, along with private enterprise. Had Trump demanded that all this stuff close we’d be reading editorials and opinion pieces about Trump acting like a dictator.

Then the NY Times with “news analysis”, meaning it is a pure opinion piece in the straight news

The President as Bystander: Trump Struggles to Unify a Nation on Edge

As he confronts the most serious crisis of his tenure, President Trump has been assertive in closing borders to many outsiders, one of his favorite policies. But within the United States, as the coronavirus spreads from one community to another, he has been more follower than leader.

While he presents himself as the nation’s commanding figure, Mr. Trump has essentially become a bystander as school superintendents, sports commissioners, college presidents, governors and business owners across the country take it upon themselves to shut down much of American life without clear guidance from the president.

For weeks, he resisted telling Americans to cancel or stay away from large gatherings, reluctant even on Thursday to call off his own campaign rallies even as he grudgingly acknowledged he would probably have to. Instead, it fell to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s most famous scientist, to say publicly what the president would not, leading the nation’s basketball, hockey, soccer and baseball leagues in just 24 hours to suspend play and call off tournaments.

Mayors and county executives, hospital executives and factory owners received no further direction from the president as he talked about the virus in the Oval Office on Thursday than they did during his prime-time address to the nation the night before. Beyond travel limits and wash-your-hands reminders, Mr. Trump has left it to others to set the course in combating the pandemic and has indicated he was in no rush to take further action.

And, he’s be called a dictator if he did. Even though Democrats want a dictator. Look at Excitable Nicholas Kristoff, who offers 12 steps. It’s not all bad, but

5. Cancel vacations of health workers, bring back retired doctors and nurses, and repurpose cardiologists and pediatricians to deal with a torrent of coronavirus patients — in expectation of record numbers of doctors out sick. We should prepare to allow military medics to assist in E.R.s as well.

So, the Federal Government is supposed to do this? Under what statutorily is the government going to cancel vacations and retirements and force them to work? Remind me what that is called? As for the military in ERs? Trump would be called Stalin and Hitler.

10. Greatly step up production of personal protective equipment needed in hospitals.

Again, this would be forcing private sector citizens to work and businesses to operate.

Trump should demand that newsrooms, both for TV and print, work from home rather than gather. Let’s see how places like the Times and Washington Post respond.

Read: After Years Of Calling Trump Authoritarian, Media Upset Trump’s Not Being Authoritarian On Coronavirus »

Trump Considering Travel Ban On California And Washington

I was hoping to avoid more Covid 19 news, but, this is just too funny

Trump considers travel restrictions to California and Washington in attempt to stop coronavirus spread

President Trump said Thursday that travel restrictions to California and Washington, two states hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak, were possible “if an area gets too hot.”

One day after announcing a 30-day suspension of travel from the European Union to the United States, Trump was asked by a reporter in the Oval Office whether domestic restrictions were also possible.

“Is it a possibility?” Trump responded. “Yes, if somebody gets a little bit out of control, if an area gets too hot.”

Trump canceled his own trip to Nevada and Colorado minutes after announcing the EU travel restrictions.

Of the more than 1,400 cases of coronavirus confirmed in the United States, the largest number, 341, are in Washington state. New York has reported 327 cases, the second-highest, and California currently has 201.

Trump’s use of international travel bans has been criticized by public health officials who say the virus is already in the United States and spreading rapidly.

Well, of course Trump is being criticized. No matter what he does the Democrats and their compliant Credentialed Media will criticize him. The Washington Post and NY Times, among others, of course panned his Oval Office speech as Bad. Anyhow, maybe it’s time to build a wall around California and Washington, and New York, or at least the parts run by Democrats? Democrats were screaming for travel bans, and then when Trump puts them in place, they screech about that. There’s just no winning with these people. It’s almost like this is about politics.

Read: Trump Considering Travel Ban On California And Washington »

Pirate's Cove