If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon sailboats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Federalist, with a post by David Harsanyi entitled “The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy”.

Read: If All You See… »

Modern Socialism Fail: LA Mayor Begs Rich People To Buy Homes For Homeless

What happens when a city becomes a haven for the homeless, protects them, nurtures them? What happens when they’ve invited them, legal residents and illegals? What happens when they’ve overspend their already high budget on initiates, including homeless, and still do not have enough money to deal with the issue?

LA Mayor pleads for wealthy to help buy housing for the homeless: ‘Unprecedented partnership’

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass pleaded with “the most fortunate” to help fund housing for the homeless as part of a new strategy to tackle the crisis during her State of the City address on Monday.

“We will not hide people but what we will do is house people,” the Democratic leader touted as she began her remarks on the city’s struggle to house over 40,000 homeless people. “The crisis on our streets is nothing less than a disaster.”

Bass touted the success of her signature Inside Safe program, which moved over 21,000 homeless people into temporary shelters, according to The Associated Press. She insisted this “strategy” and “system” moving the homeless into temporary housing would eventually end the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles.

Acknowledging the costliness of this endeavor, Bass asked the wealthy to help “speed up” housing purchases for the homeless.

“Right now, we’re working to move past nightly rentals,” she continued. “We are asking the most fortunate Angelenos to participate in this effort, with personal, private sector and philanthropic funds – to help us acquire more properties, lower the cost of capital and speed up housing.”

“This is the mission of our new capital campaign, LA4LA.”

In 2023, Bass allotted $1.3 billion for the homeless in her budget proposal. The city is spending billions and billions each year, to go with all the money the state is spending. And they were spending an eye popping $837K per person to house them in 2022. Even with the cost of real estate and homes in California this is nuts. So, now the city turns to begging the “most fortunate”…how soon till these Modern Socialists say that anyone who has housing is “most fortunate”?….to fund the issue that the Democrats have caused. And, how many of these “most fortunate” have voted for the Modern Socialist initiatives which helped create the outsized homeless issue? Of course, how many have abandoned the city due to crazy policies?

Taking care of all the homeless, and giving them homes, will simply entice more homeless to come to LA, especially when the city mostly goes easy on them. Anyhow, have fun, because you know the city will soon look for ways to force the “most fortunate” to fund this.

Read: Modern Socialism Fail: LA Mayor Begs Rich People To Buy Homes For Homeless »

Climate Crisis (scam) Now Blamed For Killer Cold Ocean Outbreaks

No matter the question the answer is always “climate change!” Even when it makes no sense

How climate change could be driving ‘killer’ cold outbreaks in oceans

It’s not just ocean heat that’s affecting marine life – new research shows extremely cold events are welling up and causing mass mortalities. And the same planet-warming pollution that’s driving the climate crisis is likely to blame for these “killer events” on the other end of the temperature spectrum. (snip)

But even as ocean temperatures climb, extremely cold upwelling events — when strong winds and ocean currents bring pockets of cold water up to the surface, replacing the warm water that was there — are also becoming more frequent and intense, threatening sea life, according to the study published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

“Climate change is actually really complex,” said Nicolas Lubitz, lead author of the study and a researcher at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. “It’s not just warming of the globe, but it’s really changing the way our oceans function.”

Right, right, warming is also causing cooling. I remember back in the early 80’s when we went out for dawn patrol, knowing the waves would be awesome from an offshore nor’easter. Except, it also dredged up deep, cold water, and, it was cold enough you needed gloves and headgear to surf. Fricking mid-40’s water in July. Yeah, we went home and I went back to sleep. Was that because you or your parents drove fossil fueled vehicles?

What I’m not seeing in the article is any scientific proof that this is linked to either man-caused or natural climate change. It’s something that does happen periodically, it’s just that a big even happened. Nor is it shown that climate change of either type is responsible, just that words have to be included to get news coverage.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Now Blamed For Killer Cold Ocean Outbreaks »

Illegals In SCNY Demand City Make It Easier For Them To Work

Amazing. They come to our nation illegally, demanding asylum they do not deserve, and, among the other things they demand is that we allow these people to work

Migrants rally at NYC’s City Hall, want officials to make it easier for them to work

Hundreds of Black migrants, many from African countries, showed up at City Hall Tuesday demanding better treatment.

They say they just want a job, and basic shelter.

The migrants and their advocates say they’ve received unfair treatment and have been left forgotten. The rally at City Hall was a bid to get attention of state and federal lawmakers. They’re hoping changes could be made to immigration laws, and they could help contribute to the economy.

They said they want to work, and are trying to cut through the red tape that’s stopping them. They asked for local leaders to put more pressure on Washington, D.C. to make a change.

Dozens rallied on the steps outside City Hall, and hundreds gathered in support nearby while inside the City Council chambers, tears were shed for all Black migrants impacted by what advocates are calling unfair treatment.

How much does it cost to travel from the continent of Africa? It’s not cheap. And, apparently it comes with a Race Card

Tuesday, City Council members held their first meeting to learn more about the experiences Black migrants have been going through in New York.

“Black migrants have reported verbal and physical abuse due to the color of their skin,” one person said.

Wait, the citizens of the uber-Democratic SCNY have been mean? Even I don’t believe it, although the illegals may not be used to the NYC attitude. They can always leave if they do not like it

Mohammed Bah said he came from Guinea five months ago ready to work.

“Anywhere you go to find a job, they ask for working papers,” Bah said

If he came the legal route with a visa then he’d have those papers. He, and the others didn’t. That’s there problem. They’re welcome to travel to another country and give it a shot. I hear Canada is nice this time of year.

“It’s clear our immigration system is broken, and needs overhauling,” New York City Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro said.

This again? Though, if you think about it, the insane asylum setup is absurd.

“Find solutions for all African community,” one person said. “They’re young guys. They’re 19 or 20 years old, so they’re ready to work. But we need to get better conditions for these guys.”

Yeah, we have a whole bunch of mostly young men coming illegally to the U.S., spending a lot of money to do so, and bringing their 3rd world beliefs with them.

Read: Illegals In SCNY Demand City Make It Easier For Them To Work »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Causing More Car Crashes And Lyme Disease From Dear

Obviously, the reporter read about or heard about there being more deer and crashes and immediately jumped to “how do we blame anthropogenic climate change?”, because this is a cult

Car crashes, Lyme: Deer cause havoc in NY, and population is exploding amid climate change

More than 70,000 New Yorkers suffer injuries or financial hardships after their vehicles hit deer on roads each year, with an average repair bill of $4,000.

Another 7,000 residents fall seriously ill each year with severe pain, headaches, and other debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease — caused by bites from parasitic ticks that feed on deer to survive.

New York farmers also estimated their deer-related crop damage losses to be about $59 million per year, state records show.

And these costs are expected to get worse as the warming climate allows more deer to thrive across large swaths of New York.

Threats to humans from deer — which are primary hosts of adult ticks and crucial in spreading a range of illnesses — are already playing out in communities throughout New York, Cornell University Professor Bernd Blossey said.

“The deer come to us because what we have created is perfect deer habitat,” he said, referring to the gardens, farms, parks and other deer food sources built into many communities.

But deer overabundance, in many ways, stemmed from the first half of the 20th century. At the time, state environmental measures helped replenish deer populations after rampant deforestation and uncontrolled hunting wiped out 95% of the country’s deer in the 19th century.

Yeah, so, realistically, it’s that conservation laws were changed, less deforestation, and there were not as many predators for the deer (bear, bobcat, and coyote numbers are down in NY. Wolves were almost extinct, but, are making a comeback), as well as hunting was reduced, hence, an explosion on deer. That’s not to say that the slight temperature increase around the globe hasn’t helped, but, do they really notice a 1.5F increase in 170 years?

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Causing More Car Crashes And Lyme Disease From Dear »

If All You See…

…are bad weather clouds rolling in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The H2, with some rock n memes.

Read: If All You See… »

Douglas County, Colorado Sues State Over Sanctuary Policies

The original purpose of being a sanctuary jurisdiction was that they wouldn’t release any illegal to ICE without a very specific warrant. That quickly morphed into a refusal to notify ICE that an illegal alien was in custody for committing a crime, attempting to hide that status from ICE since ICE actually looks at arrests of foreign nationals, and attempting to shelter illegals. And law enforcement was forbidden from arresting any illegal over them being in the U.S. illegally. Douglas County isn’t interested in being part of this

Colorado county sues state government over sanctuary immigration policies: ‘Quality of life comes first’

Americans before illegalsA county in Colorado is suing its own state over sanctuary immigration policies, according to a new filing.

Douglas County filed a lawsuit on Monday morning against Governor Jared Polis and the Centennial State, in reference to Colorado House bills 19-1124 and 23-1100. The state is currently seeking the right to comply with the federal government on immigration matters, which the bills prohibit.

Specifically, the bills forbid Colorado police from arresting and detaining undocumented immigrants based on immigration status. It also prevents state judges from exchanging information with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Local Colorado governments are also prohibited from entering into agreements with the federal government on matters related to immigration enforcement under the bills.

Weirdly, these same Leftists who push sanctuary policies, blowing off the federal government, are also upset when some states like Texas decide they are going to pass laws allowing them to do the job of the federal government when it comes to illegal immigration. Remember when they all blew a gasket over Arizona’s SB1070? Also weirdly, these lefty supporters of sanctuary policies are very unhappy when the illegals are in their own towns and neighborhoods.

County Commissioner Abe Laydon added that he “recognize[d] the plight of those that are seeking refuge and asylum here,” while supporting the filing of the lawsuit.

“Douglas County is a place where quality of life comes first, and we want to prioritize the rights of those who are legally here first,” he explained.

Unsurprisingly, Douglas County went to Trump by 52.14% to Biden’s 44.99%. And why should they spend their own taxpayer money on people who shouldn’t even be present in the U.S.? They should ship any in their county right out and back to Denver. Drop them off right in front of the governor’s mansion or state house.

This is the type of thing that happens in sanctuary juridictions

Illegal migrant convicted of child rape arrested after district court ignored detainer request

An illegal immigrant from Brazil charged with child rape was recently arrested after a Massachusetts District Court ignored a detainer request from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and let him back into the community.

Per Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston, Border Patrol Arizona arrested the Brazilian illegal immigrant in July 2021 then released him into custody.

The illegal alien was arrested in Massachusetts for child rape last December, but Milford District Court ignored a detainer request from ICE and released the migrant into the community on $5,000 bail without notice in late January.

Of course he was. But, ICE offices around the nation keep an eye on arrests and court appearances, and caught this one. And there are people within the police departments and judicial system who quietly alert ICE when things like this happen. Seriously, the illegal shouldn’t have been released simply for the crime he committed, and, if he wasn’t an illegal, he might not have. But, sanctuary jurisdictions often release illegals accused of despicable acts so that ICE can’t get them. Fortunately, ICE ended up finding this scumbag.

Read: Douglas County, Colorado Sues State Over Sanctuary Policies »

German Peasants Warned They Could Be Restricted From Driving On The Weekends To Meet Net Zero

Well, hey, this is the kind of insanity that German voters voted for, so, they shouldn’t be surprised or resistant (via Steve Milloy)

German transport minister warns of weekend driving ban

Germany’s transport minister has warned that driving will have to be banned at the weekends unless the country’s net zero laws are changed.

Volker Wissing’s FDP party wants the law amended so the polluting transport sector can miss carbon emissions reduction targets, as long as Germany as a whole reaches them.

But the change is opposed by the Greens, who are part of the three-way coalition with the pro-business FDP and the Social Democrats (SPD), led by Olaf Scholz, the chancellor.

Negotiations over the law have dragged on since September last year. In a bid to heap pressure on his coalition partners to amend the law, Mr Wissing said that he would have to enforce a ban on weekend driving to abide by the law unless it was changed before mid-July.

So, what you have here is a horrible, restrictive, doomsday cult law which could well have Unintended consequences. But, you know the Elites, including all those elected Greens, will feel themselves to be exempt from any restrictions. Wissing should be asking how many of the Greens are driving EVs.

Julia Verlinden, the Green’s parliamentary group leader, said there were other ways to tackle pollution, including introducing a speed limit on the nation’s autobahns.

Well, good luck with that. Might be a revolt.

Greenhouse emissions in Europe’s biggest economy fell to the lowest level in 70 years in 2023, but the transport sector has been consistently failing to meet its climate targets.

According to the current climate protection law, the ministry responsible for underperforming sectors must launch an immediate programme to put them back on track.

Mr Wissing has not yet done so. His ministry claims reforming the sector is more challenging than other areas of the economy because it affects people’s everyday lives and cannot be changed quickly.

I’m all for seeing the German economy collapse and see what happens. Every experiment needs an experimental group, right? Or, better yet, force all those who voted Green to give up all their own fossil fueled travel.

Read: German Peasants Warned They Could Be Restricted From Driving On The Weekends To Meet Net Zero »

Pro-Hamas Forces Block Bridges And Airports Days After Iran Attacked Israel

I certainly hope none of the Democrat voters in these areas are complaining: the Islamic terrorism helpers hold the same pro-terrorist and anti-Jew/Israel opinions

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators shut down airport highways and key bridges in major U.S. cities

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators blocked roadways in Illinois, California, New York and the Pacific Northwest on Monday, temporarily shutting down travel into some of the nation’s most heavily used airports, onto the Golden Gate and Brooklyn bridges and on a busy West Coast highway.

In Chicago, protesters linked arms and blocked lanes of Interstate 190 leading into O’Hare International Airport around 7 a.m. in a demonstration they said was part of a global “economic blockade to free Palestine,” according to Rifqa Falaneh, one of the organizers.

Traffic in the San Francisco Bay Area was snarled for hours as demonstrators shut down all vehicle, pedestrian and bike traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge and chained themselves to 55-gallon drums filled with cement across Interstate 880 in Oakland. Protesters marching into Brooklyn blocked Manhattan-bound traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. In Eugene, Oregon, protesters blocked Interstate 5, shutting down traffic on the major highway for about 45 minutes. (snip)

Near Seattle, the Washington State Department of Transportation said a demonstration closed the main road to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Social media posts showed people holding a banner and waving Palestinian flags while standing on the highway. State authorities urged people to use light rail instead.

The Palestinian areas like Gaza would be just fine if they didn’t back a U.S. State Department designated terrorist organization. They’d be fine if the terrorist organization didn’t wantonly attack civilians in Israel, raping, torturing, and killing them. If they didn’t constantly fire rockets, for which Hamas dug up water lines to make them. If the Palestinians stopped Hamas from using civilian buildings like hospitals as weapons storage and command and control centers. If they stopped Hamas from digging all those tunnels.

And, the cops arrested lots of folks at these Islamist protests, but, we know they’ll simply be released with no charges.

Read: Pro-Hamas Forces Block Bridges And Airports Days After Iran Attacked Israel »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Drives Predatory Loans

OK, this is a new one. And the subhead is a hoot

Climate change driving demand for predatory loans, research shows
Study connects heatwaves and cold snaps to surges in payday lending, keeping people in debt and harming communities of color

Got that? Heat trapping gasses causing cold snaps. And, of course, it involves low income folks and “people of color”. Funny how the Warmists always think all black people are poor

Two competing payday loan stores stand on the corners of an intersection in south Los Angeles. An area of persistent poverty, south LA is also a banking desert where payday lenders fill the gap. Long lines form inside the stores on the first of the month, when rent is due.

Banking desert is a new one, too. Perhaps lots of banks do not want to operate in these areas of high crime? It’s hard to know when the article doesn’t state which Speedy Cash it is in question to compare to the number of banks. Regardless, banks will not have branches in areas where people do not use them, especially these days.

Guillermina Molina, a 60-year-old retired housekeeper, visits the same Speedy Cash each month. During the summer months – which are becoming increasingly hot – she runs her air conditioner but frets about her utility bills. “It’s kind of hard because the [power bill] is coming up too high because you gotta have the air conditioner on,” Molina said. (snip)

Molina doesn’t have savings, so to cover her bills she takes out a $225 payday loan every month, paying $45 in interest on each loan. When she’s unable to pay back her loan on time, she’s charged extra. “There’s nothing left over,” Vargas said.

I wonder how many of these people are illegals, hence, cannot open a bank account? Anyhow

A study released earlier this year found that extreme temperature shocks – like heatwaves and cold snaps – are leading to surges in demand for payday loans in the US.

The paper, published in January by the Bank of Canada, suggests extreme heat and cold may increase demand for payday loans in several ways: increased energy costs as people turn on heating or cooling devices, lost income for people who are unable to work in extreme heat, and health problems leading to medical costs for underinsured or uninsured people

Your use of fossil fuels causes it to….get cold. Big long snip through very silly stuff to near the end

Lusson said Xie’s study highlighted the “heat-or-eat conundrum” in which families face difficult choices between paying utility bills or buying groceries and medicine. “When you throw in climate change, and the fact that 2023 was the hottest year in the recorded history of the planet, the unaffordability problem can be expected to grow more dire,” she said.

Hey, California being absurdly expensive to live couldn’t be a factor, could it?

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Drives Predatory Loans »

Pirate's Cove