Weird: Americans Moving To Regions (Supposedly) Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry

Well, why shouldn’t they? You have people like Obama and Al Gore buying homes at the shore. Biden has his Delaware beach house. So many of the Elites pushing climate doom have their own beach homes. That said, this cBS News article gets incredibly stupid

Americans are flocking to U.S. regions most threatened by climate change

Americans often pull up roots in search of better jobs and cheaper housing. But in recent years, those moves have drawn more people into regions with higher risk of natural disasters, which have become more destructive because of climate change.

Hurricane Milton, a powerful Category 4 storm on Tuesday afternoon, is on a path to hit the Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida, area late Wednesday or very early Thursday morning. Yet the metropolitan region has grown by 39% since 2000, boosting its population by an additional 1 million residents during that time.

Last month’s Hurricane Helene devastated parts of western North Carolina, including the city of Asheville, the population of which has increased by 13% since 2000, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The region attracted new residents during the past few decades by appealing to retirees, remote workers and other professionals pursuing Asheville’s highly rated quality of life.

The population growth of Tampa and Asheville are part of a trend noted by economists, demographers and scientists: Regions facing heightened risks from climate change drawing in more residents. The juxtaposition of growing populations and intensifying natural disasters, in turn, creates the risk for even greater losses to human life and property.

Good grief. Tampa has always been in an area in danger from tropical systems, much less big thunderstorms. Asheville? It’s in the mountains. And has had devastating floods previously. Weather happens.

The populations of high-risk counties have grown at a rate that’s 3 percentage points faster than low-risk counties over the last three decades, according to research from economists Agustin Indaco, Francesc Ortega and Xinle Pang.

“Our results show that, in general, the U.S. population is not retreating from high-risk areas,” they noted in a 2023 paper published in Econofact. “In fact, there’s increasing agglomeration in areas with high climate risk.”

Added the economists, “These results imply that, even in the optimistic (and unlikely) event that climate risk were to remain constant, natural hazards with record-breaking damages will continue to take place over the foreseeable future.”

In other words, when it comes to living someplace nice no one cares about the climate scam, even Warmists.

Read: Weird: Americans Moving To Regions (Supposedly) Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry »

Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Running Sex Trafficking Ring

Unsurprisingly, she was let in by the Biden-Harris administration

Tatted-up female Tren de Aragua gang member called ‘The Barbie’ busted for running brutal sex trafficking ring

This Barbie is a sex trafficker.

A heavily tattooed female Tren de Aragua gang member is accused of running a sex trafficking operation out of a border town hotel the gang took over, according to a leaked Border Patrol memo obtained by The Post.

At least one victim alleged Estefania Primera — a Venezuelan illegal migrant who goes by the street name “La Barbie” — drugged her and brought men in to gang rape her while she was unconscious, court documents said.

Primera was arrested in El Paso, Texas on Sept. 27 after she was spotted with her young five kids, the memo said.

Authorities say she also uses her kids as drug mules to hold and sell her narcotics, per the memo.

The women being trafficked and gang raped could be a friend, a coworker, your own daughter.

Primera was arrested on Sept. 27 outside the Sacred Heart Church in El Paso, which serves newly arrived migrants. It’s also an area where The Post previously has identified migrants with Tren de Aragua’s signature gang tattoos.

Primera crossed the border illegally with family members near El Paso in August 2023, and was quickly released into the US, Homeland Security sources told The Post.

She told Border Patrol agents she was bound for Illinois and was placed under the supervision of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) electronic monitoring technology, per the sources.

Within weeks of her release, she ditched the ankle monitor.

How is it that a Venezuelan gang member illegally crossed the border, was picked up, and simply released? A member wearing the tattoos of a violent gang. Would anyone in the Credentialed Media like to ask Kamala and Joe how this happens? How the government of the United States Of America, tasked with protecting the border from invasion and the citizens, can allow this to happen?

Read: Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Running Sex Trafficking Ring »

“Scientists” Say It’ll Be Hard To Cool The Planet Down Now Or Something

There was a time when these members of a doomsday cult would have been laughed at and run out of academia and other jobs. Now their doomy bloviating is taken as gospel (non-paywalled here)

Scientists have said that we can cool the planet back down. Now they’re not sure it will be so easy.

For years, scientists and world leaders have pinned their hopes for the future on a hazy promise — that, even if temperatures soar far above global targets, the planet can eventually be cooled back down.

Would these be the same scientists and world leaders who fly all over the world to climate conferences on fossil fueled planes?

This phenomenon, known as a temperature “overshoot,” has been baked into most climate models and plans for the future. In theory, even if global warming reaches the dreaded 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial temperatures, it could be brought back down by pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

But a new study published Wednesday in the journal Nature shows that blowing past climate goals is more dangerous than it originally seemed. Even if temperatures come back down to 1.5 degrees C, the authors found, many climate impacts — like rising sea levels and thawing permafrost — will persist for centuries to millennia.

It’s always some sort of apocalypse with these people. Which gets them more funding and accolades and mentions.

In the new study, the authors warn that sea-level rise and melting permafrost may be irreversible for hundreds, if not thousands of years, even if temperatures later come back down. The extinction of species that could result from these massive planetary shifts, they added, are also not reversible.

You mean the thing that’s been going on for 20,000 years as the last glacial age ended?

And future generations may not even be motivated to do so. Oliver Geden, a senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, says that once the world warms more than 1.5 degrees C, countries may not want to spend the money and energy to bring temperatures back down. “We’re in a world that does not even manage to bring emissions down now,” he said.

People will be used to it. Just like they got used to the previous Holocene warm periods. Which then saw cool periods which caused many issues. Anyhow, there would be no problem if all the scientists and politicians and such who believed that Mankind is mostly/solely at fault made their own lives carbon neutral. Let’s start with making all climate conferences zoom calls.

Read: “Scientists” Say It’ll Be Hard To Cool The Planet Down Now Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible weeds growing in the Arctic due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the Biden-Harris border legacy.

Read: If All You See… »

Report States Israel Will Attack Iran’s Military, Not Nuclear Program

Well, the original source is the NY Times, so, take that with a grain of salt

Israel to refrain from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites, focus on military targets, sources say

Israel is not expected to attack Iran’s nuclear program but rather focus on various kinds of military bases and intelligence sites, The Jerusalem Post has learned, following a New York Times report on the issue.

Confronted with the Times report, sources did not deny the thrust of it, which predicted that Israel’s retaliation against Iran for its massive October 1 strike on the Jewish state would fall more in the medium range of attack scenarios.

Further, the Post understands that Israel’s attack on Iran – which virtually all top Israeli officials have publicly promised – will still be much more substantial than its narrower retaliation on April 19, when Iran’s S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was damaged.

Despite being presented with the idea that the current context could be a once-in-50-years opportunity to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, sources indicated that attacking Iran’s nuclear program would not necessarily be consistent with the “goals of the war” as set by the security cabinet.

For example, while the most stated goal of the war is to defeat Hamas, and returning Israel’s northern residents to the Lebanon border in security has also been discussed a lot lately, another formal goal is not to be dragged into a regional war, especially with Iran, the Post understands.

There’s a supposed concern that if Israel blows up Iran’s nuclear weapons program it could lead to regional war, which would be a distraction from finishing off Hamas and Hezbollah. But, is the NY Times report true? Or, did they just make it up? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, here’s the view from Mary Robinson, former Ireland president, oh, and globalist and Israel hater

A Ceasefire Is Just the Start. Here’s How to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Once and for All

One year on from the appalling, unjustifiable Oct. 7 Hamas attacks and Israel’s ongoing, disproportionate military assault and atrocities in Gaza, the whole Middle East is on the brink of a catastrophic regional war.

The most urgent priorities are to secure a full and immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, wider de-escalation by Israel and Iran, and the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas as well as arbitrarily detained Palestinian prisoners.

But beyond this, bold, principled actions, and long-view leadership are needed to bring a permanent end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has raged for over 75 years and remains at the heart of regional tensions and instability. The best way to achieve this is still a two-state solution based on self-determination, sovereignty, and security for both peoples.

Most of this screed blames Israel, because Jew haters will always be Jew haters. There’s very little condemnation for Iran, and barely any mention of terrorism by groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, the latter of which is not even mentioned. It’s mostly about how mean Israel is, and how their government needs to be changed. But, let’s say there is a two state solution with self determination by the Palestinians: how does that stop attacks, especially if Hamas is still the government? Iran is a separate nation and attacks Israel. Hezbollah works out of Lebanon, a separate state. Israel haters will always put the blame on Israel (which isn’t perfect, just like all nations and people).

It’s a simple concept: stop attacking Israel. Stop giving aid, comfort, and shelter to Islamic terrorist groups. If Hamas hadn’t attacked there would be no war.

Read: Report States Israel Will Attack Iran’s Military, Not Nuclear Program »

Humanity Hangs In The Balance From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

This again? Sigh. It’s like the climate cult has a spreadsheet that says “don’t forget to bring this up every so often”

Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance, say climate experts

Many of Earth’s “vital signs” have hit record extremes, indicating that “the future of humanity hangs in the balance”, a group of the world’s most senior climate experts have said.

More and more scientists are now looking into the possibility of societal collapse, says the report, which assessed 35 vital signs in 2023 and found that 25 were worse than ever recorded, including carbon dioxide levels and human population. This indicates a “critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis”, it says.

The temperature of Earth’s surface and oceans hit an all-time high, driven by record burning of fossil fuels, the report found. Human population is increasing at a rate of approximately 200,000 people a day and the number of cattle and sheep by 170,000 a day, all adding to record greenhouse gas emissions.

The scientists identified 28 feedback loops, including increasing emissions from melting permafrost, which could help trigger multiple tipping points, such as the collapse of the massive Greenland icecap.

Weirdly, I’m not seeing a time frame for when societal collapse is coming. And “report” itself is completely focused on science

We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.

Those are the 1st four paragraphs. Totally scientific. The rest isn’t better

For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. 2020). For half a century, global warming has been correctly predicted even before it was observed—and not only by independent academic scientists but also by fossil fuel companies (Supran et al. 2023). Despite these warnings, we are still moving in the wrong direction; fossil fuel emissions have increased to an all-time high, the 3 hottest days ever occurred in July of 2024 (Guterres 2024), and current policies have us on track for approximately 2.7 degrees Celsius (°C) peak warming by 2100 (UNEP 2023). Tragically, we are failing to avoid serious impacts, and we can now only hope to limit the extent of the damage. We are witnessing the grim reality of the forecasts as climate impacts escalate, bringing forth scenes of unprecedented disasters around the world and human and nonhuman suffering. We find ourselves amid an abrupt climate upheaval, a dire situation never before encountered in the annals of human existence. We have now brought the planet into climatic conditions never witnessed by us or our prehistoric relatives within our genus, Homo (supplemental figure S1; CenCO2PIP Consortium et al. 2023).


Read: Humanity Hangs In The Balance From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something »

P0Rn Industry Comes Out In Favor Of Kamala

This should totally help with Middle America, right? They’ll be totally enthused for Kamala, right? This should help with all the mom’s and dad’s who vote, right

XXX for Kamala: Porn Industry Launches Ads Supporting Harris Campaign

The porn industry has entered the 2024 presidential campaign with a $100,000 ad campaign targeting what it claims are proposals to ban pornography. The “Hands Off My Porn” campaign will run in seven swing states with the hopes of convincing young men to vote for Kamala Harris.

The New York Times reports that the porn industry has brought its sleaze to the 2024 presidential race. Seventeen pornographic film actors announced on Monday that they have launched a $100,000 ad campaign to warn voters about the potential consequences of Project 2025, a conservative policy blueprint that has become a focal point for some Democratic campaigns. The ads, which will run on porn sites in seven crucial swing states — Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada — specifically claim that conservatives want a ban on pornography and the potential imprisonment of those involved in producing adult content.

The “hands off my porn” campaign strategists have carefully considered their target audience and the current polling data. While Vice President Kamala Harris is trailing former President Donald Trump among male voters, the campaign organizers believe that younger men, who are the biggest consumers of porn, could be persuaded to support the Democratic ticket. According to the Survey Center on American Life, 44 percent of men aged 18-29 and 57 percent of men aged 30-49 had watched pornography within the past month, making this demographic a significant potential voting bloc.

Well, thank goodness those ads won’t be running on TV, radio, and streaming. All the ads are bad enough as it is. Anyhow, seriously, do they think that people are going to their p0rn sites to watch ads? To listen to them? And the hilarious part is, at least per the Times, this is all about Trump Derangement Syndrome and the super scary Project 2025. The p0rn stars aren’t actually offering reasons to support Kamala, just that she’s not Trump.

Meanwhile, even more bad from her 60 Minutes interview

In normal times the media would turn on her and she’d get blown out on election day. If not forced to just drop out.

Read: P0Rn Industry Comes Out In Favor Of Kamala »

Climate Cultists Want To Double Gas Prices, Institute Social Cost Of Carbon

The lunatics at Forbes think we just can’t wait anymore

Climate Change Action Can’t Wait For Perfect Solutions

The climate crisis is no longer a future concern; it is a present-day emergency. Multiple reports from leading global bodies such as the IPCC, the World Meteorological Organization, the Copernicus Observatory, NOAA and others consistently warn that we must use every tool at our disposal to combat it.

The IEA and IRENA are among those suggesting solutions using the technologies we have and must develop by providing roadmaps to net zero by 2050, in general there is a plethora of such roadmaps and outlooks.

This isn’t bad, of course, but the path forward is far more complicated than identifying solutions. It’s about ensuring those solutions are genuinely effective and deployed to reduce or remove emissions.

Weirdly, cult writer Nils Rokke forgets to mention what actions he’s taken in his own life, other than “write about the global energy transition and net-zero emissions.”

One stark issue is the hidden cost of carbon, which impacts health, agricultural productivity, property damage, and ecosystems.

The European quota system, for instance, has seen prices of approximately $100, while recent studies, such as Adrien Bilal and Diego R. Känzig’s 2024 paper in the NBER Working Paper Series, suggest the actual social cost of carbon is an astounding $1,065 per ton for a one-degree increase in global temperature. So, who pays the gap of $900? We are far from paying the real cost.

For the average diesel or petrol car, this equates to a social cost of approximately $9 per US gallon. While European fuel prices already include significant taxes, implementing the true social cost would more than double current prices. This would be deeply unpopular, yet it’s a sobering reality: fuel taxation is the only area where we’re even close to covering the full social cost of carbon emissions.

I wonder where all that money would go? Government coffers as a slush fund to reward fellow Comrades as their cost of living skyrockets, perhaps? Because the cost of everything would increase. Food, clothes, shoes, homes, rent, vehicles, you name it.

The reality is that paying the full social cost of carbon seems unfeasible, but mounting evidence shows that the costs of inaction are even higher. For instance, former EU Commissioner for Science and Research and later Environment, Janez Poto?nik, recently highlighted at a conference that the devastating floods in Slovenia last year cost the country an amount equivalent to 16.9% of its national yearly revenue in 2023. This is just one stark example.

If the costs of inaction are so high then why do almost no Warmists ever do anything in their own lives? If they aren’t willing to voluntarily practice what they preach, why should the rest of us allow government to force us?

Read: Climate Cultists Want To Double Gas Prices, Institute Social Cost Of Carbon »

If All You See…

…is a lake drying out from atmospheric cancer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Kamala whining that DeSantis won’t take her calls on the hurricane.

Read: If All You See… »

No Surprise: Jew Haters Celebrate Islamic Terrorism On 1 Year Anniversary Of October 7th Attack

What, you didn’t think people would show respect and compassion, did you?

Anti-Israel protesters show true colors by celebrating October 7 attacks

As if commemorating the one year anniversary of the worst single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust wasn’t harrowing enough, we American Jews were treated Monday to a reminder that the marauders who want us dead are alive and well in New York City.

There they were, in Times Square and in Grand Central and in Columbus Circle and elsewhere in the greatest city on earth, chanting for Hamas, Hezbollah and other death cults committed to raping, kidnapping and killing Israelis, Americans and Jews.

There they were, on American soil, cheering for the monsters who still hold four American citizens in captivity.

There they were, promising to globalize the Intifada and bring the bloodshed that is their only true passion to these shores as well.

The NY Post was all over coverage of the pro-terrorism protest, which is good since the NY Times ignored it. What you had were a bunch of entitled college kids cosplaying as terrorists, showing their support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc, while showing their hatred of Jews and wanting the destruction of Israel, which would be replaced with a Palestinian Caliphate. And these wackjob kids, attending super expensive colleges, are being pushed to do this by actual Islamists, which were imported by the US government post-9/11. And what do these Islamists want?

And I believe that the jaunty little jihadists marching down the block are precisely the sort of wake-up call this great but slumbering nation needs to stretch its limbs and leap into the next big fight for freedom.

You hardly need to be Jewish, or a political scientist, to realize that the so-called pro-Palestine crowd isn’t really all that interested in Palestine.

Their main goal is America, that lone bastion of western civilization, which is why they strategically chose all-American events, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony, as the optimal settings to unleash their mayhem.

Liel Lebovitz is putting it nicely: the Islamic extremists want to utterly take over America, just like they’re attempting to do in European nations. And they’re doing a good job in the EU, as you see huge numbers of Islamists wearing full body covers, and they go and have lots of babies to replace the existing population. There are no go zones, areas which operate under Sharia law. They get into government, including elected ones, to move those nations to Islam.

Normal Americans are finally realizing just how deep-seated — and how dangerous — this hatred truly is, and, as Americans always do, they’re taking action. It’s why we’ve seen donations to Columbia University, that renowned seat of Jew-hatred and bigotry, drop 30% this past year.

It’s why we’ve seen lawmakers demand that we take our own laws seriously and deport any foreign national who is openly and outwardly expressing support for terrorists.

Anyone who espouses support of Islamic terrorism should have their visas revoked and summarily booted and banned from the U.S. If they were given some sort of permanent status after being imported, such as the Somalis up in Minneapolis, that status can be stripped and they should be sent right back where they came from. It is an invasion.

Read: No Surprise: Jew Haters Celebrate Islamic Terrorism On 1 Year Anniversary Of October 7th Attack »

Pirate's Cove