EU Court Hands Win To Group Of Older Swiss Women On Climate Crisis (scam)

Hooray, you won! After a lifetime of being able to travel around using fossil fuels, living the high life, you have now created a situation where the Swiss government will have to Do Something that will increase the cost of living, increase taxation, and reduce freedom and life choices. Kudos!

Swiss women win landmark climate case at Europe top human rights court

Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday that the Swiss government had violated the human rights of its citizens by failing to do enough to combat climate change, in a decision that will set a precedent for future climate lawsuits.

The European Court of Human Rights’s ruling, in favour of the more than 2,000 Swiss women who brought the case, is expected to resonate in court decisions across Europe and beyond, and to embolden more communities to bring climate cases against governments.

The Swiss women, known as KlimaSeniorinnen and aged over 64, said their government’s climate inaction put them at risk of dying during heatwaves. They argued their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to such climate change impacts.

How many of them have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their own lives carbon neutral? How many care that this will be foist upon the younger generations? Also, it’s rather insane that a court that is not in Switzerland can dictate how a sovereign nation acts. But, hey, they were warned that the creation of the EU would end up this way.

But in a sign of the complexities of the growing wave of climate litigation, the court (ECtHR) rejected two other climate-related cases on procedural grounds. One of these was brought by a group of six Portuguese young people against 32 European governments and another by a former mayor of a low-lying French coastal town.

Do the kiddies and mayor know they can actually practice what they preach and attempt to convince others to do the same?

Read: EU Court Hands Win To Group Of Older Swiss Women On Climate Crisis (scam) »

Louisiana Looks To Pass Texas Style Illegal Immigration Bill

Is Louisiana having that much of a problem with illegal aliens crossing into the state? Regardless, it would be awesome if every state run by Republicans with a Republican governor would do this

Louisiana proposes bill similar to Texas’ migrant arrest law

illegal alien DemocratLouisiana’s Republican-controlled Senate advanced a bill Monday that would empower state and local law enforcement to arrest and jail people in the state who entered the U.S. illegally, similar to embattled legislation in Texas.

Amid national fights between Republican states and Democratic President Joe Biden over how and who should enforce the U.S.-Mexico border, Louisiana joins a growing list of legislatures seeking to expand states’ authority over border enforcement.

Proponents of the bill, such as the legislation’s author GOP state Sen. Valarie Hodges, say Louisiana has the “right to defend our nation.” Hodges has accused the federal government of neglecting responsibilities to enforce immigration law, an argument heard from GOP leaders across the country.

Opponents argue the bill is unconstitutional, will not do anything to make the state safer, and will only fuel negative and false rhetoric directed toward migrants.

If it catches illegal aliens then it makes the citizens safer. They should all be sent to the homes of those whining about “fueling negative and false rhetoric directed towards migrants.”

Across the nation, reliably red legislatures have advanced tougher immigration enforcement measures. The Oklahoma House passed a bill that would prohibit state revenue from being used to provide benefits to those living in the state illegally. A bill in Tennessee, which is awaiting the governor’s signature, would require law enforcement agencies in the state to communicate with federal immigration authorities if they discover people who are in the country illegally. Measures that mirror parts of the Texas law are awaiting the governor’s signature in Iowa, while another is pending in Idaho’s statehouse.

Good. And, we’ve seen that those who support sanctuary policies and illegal aliens in Democratic Party run areas are pretty unhappy when they actually have to have illegals in their own communities.

Like the Texas law, which has been put on hold by a federal appeals court panel that is considering whether to continue blocking enforcement pending further appeals, Louisiana’s bill would expand the authority of state and local law enforcement. In addition, Hodges said it would “start the deportation process.” Currently, enforcement of immigration law regarding illegal entry and deportations has long been the exclusive domain of federal law enforcement.

The question here is “does the Constitution say that only the federal government can detain and deport?” It does task Los Federales with securing the nation from invasion. “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” isn’t it. They can determine who is illegal and legal, but, nothing about stopping people from entering states illegally.  And, if the federal government is failing to do the job, well, someone has to step in.

Read: Louisiana Looks To Pass Texas Style Illegal Immigration Bill »

Israel/Jew Hating Protesters Shut Down Senate Cafeteria, Many Get Arrested

Will they be treated the same as the J6 folks who did nothing more than wander around the federal building their taxes pay for?


(Fox News) More than 50 people were arrested Tuesday after the Senate cafeteria was shut down by anti-Israel protesters chanting “Senate can’t eat until Gaza eats!”

The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed to Fox News that those arrested inside the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., were charged with Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding.

“It is illegal to demonstrate inside any of the Congressional Buildings,” Capitol Police said in a statement. (snip)

A source told Fox News that Capitol Police at one point shouted “Everybody out or be placed under arrest” – to which a protester replied “this is the house of the people!”

It’s really very simple: Hamas needs to release the hostages, lay down their arms, and surrender. As far as Gaza eating, well, they chose to support a US State Department designated terrorist organization, which is also taking the aid and not giving it to the Gazans.

Oh, and if the Dirksen building is the house of the people, then what is the Congressional building? Who wants to bet that all 50 some odd arrested are released and have the charges dropped, which will incent them to do this yet again?

The short lady with the blond hair in pink shirt sure looks like Medea Benjamin of Code Pink. Interesting that she and the group show up when it’s about protecting Islamic terrorists and hating on Jews/Israel, eh? And all the ones wearing Intifada keffiyehs, garb worn by terrorists.

Read: Israel/Jew Hating Protesters Shut Down Senate Cafeteria, Many Get Arrested »

If All You See…

…is a hazy day from too much carbon pollution driven water vapor, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on Roku wanting to insert ads even into Bluray players.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Releases Sensible, Constitutional Abortion Position

This goes hand in hand with what the Supreme Court ruled in the Dobbs case: that it is not a federal issue, it’s a 10th Amendment issue

Trump says abortion is up to the states, declines to endorse national limit

Former President Donald Trump on Monday said abortion should be left to the states in the post-Roe era, declining to endorse any national limit on the procedure.

His announcement, shared on Truth Social, is likely to disappoint anti-abortion groups who hoped he would use his bully pulpit to endorse national restrictions on abortion, especially after his campaign floated a 15-week ban earlier this year. Trump instead said that it was “up to the states to do the right thing” on abortion, painting Democrats as “radical” on the issue.

“The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land,” Trump said. “Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will [be] more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be. At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.”

The announcement highlights Trump’s recognition that abortion has dogged Republicans on the campaign trail since the fall of Roe v. Wade nearly two years ago — and his primary goal of winning the 2024 election. He has chided other Republicans for speaking “inaccurately” on abortion, intimating that severe restrictions have cost the GOP winnable elections. On Sunday night and again Monday morning he urged people to “follow their heart” or their religion but encouraged voters to remember the stakes.

Political or not, abortion decisions belong in the states. I know many will disagree with me, but, Congress should not be banning or approving abortion for the nation. While I’d certainly be in favor of European styled laws with bans around 15 weeks, it is not a federal issue (excepting where the US government should not be spending taxpayer money on abortions). Things that are not specifically mentioned as a Congressional duty must be left to states and The People.

Trump’s position has made many upset

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, in a statement to POLITICO reiterated the group’s commitment to “defeat President Biden” and congressional Democrats, but condemned Trump’s decision.

Trump also got into a spat with Lindsay Graham. And

(Politico) In the end, Trump couldn’t get past the feeling that it was a loser with voters. It is a lesson he learned through hard political experience — most importantly in the 2022 elections.

For years, at a gut level, the former president has feared the backlash he might face for taking a hard-line position on abortion. And despite his attempt to fog up the issue with his new, state-based stance, Trump is still likely to pay a price with voters for appointing the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. And his decision not to endorse a ban has exposed deep fissures within his own party. After Graham released a statement Monday in which he said he “respectfully disagree[s]” with Trump’s position, Trump did not let it go, instead accusing Graham and Republicans like him of sinking the GOP.

And then there’s Biden

(Politico) President Joe Biden lashed out at Donald Trump’s announcement Monday that abortion should be left up to the states and warned of consequences should Trump win in November.

“No one trusts Donald Trump,” Biden said, pointing to how the former president made a “political deal” with the anti-abortion right.

The president went on to say that his predecessor’s lack of endorsement for a national ban was an illusion. “If they put one on his desk, he said he’d sign it.”

Biden made his remarks during a high-end fundraiser in Chicago featuring about 50 friends and donors, including Bill Daley, former chief of staff to President Barack Obama.

Blah blah blah. These are the same people who push abortion as contraception, and are happy to make sure that blacks are aborting their babies at higher rates than any other group. Anyhow, Trump’s position may not be the moral position, but, it is the correct Constitution position. I mostly do not get involved in this issue except as a political position, and I agree with Trump.

Read: Trump Releases Sensible, Constitutional Abortion Position »

Climate Crazy: Sunny Hostin Links Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Cicadas To Hotcoldwetdry

When a doomsday cult constantly pushes insane doomsday propaganda you get this

You have to know that a lot of climate cultists were totally agreeing with her

The View’s Sunny Hostin blames eclipse, earthquake and cicadas on ‘climate change’

“The View” co-host Sunny Hostin blamed Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake and the expected cicada breeding season on “climate change.”

“All those things together would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists, or something is really going on,” she said Monday.

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake was felt across New York and New Jersey on Friday and on Monday the highly anticipated solar eclipse swept across the continental U.S.

Good on The View’s cohosts for shutting this bit of insanity down, but, really, these kinds of thoughts are not outside the norm for Warmists. This is the kind of thinking that has perpetuated via the media, schools, politicians, and “scientists.”

Read: Climate Crazy: Sunny Hostin Links Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Cicadas To Hotcoldwetdry »

San Francisco Looking At Way To Make Sure No Grocery Stores Close

So, how does this all work? The uber-Leftists in SF make crime, prosecuting criminals, and safety a low priority, along with allowing poop and drug needles in the streets, so stores are getting ripped off constantly and to a point that they are losing money. Customers and employees are in constant danger. And have to watch where they step. And the solution to fix this?

San Francisco proposal would allow lawsuits over grocery store closures

A San Francisco lawmaker introduced a proposal that would require grocery stores in the city to provide six months of notice before closing a store and to explore a replacement supermarket at the vacated location.

Dean Preston, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, introduced what he calls the Grocery Protection Act – which is based on a proposal the board approved in 1984 that was vetoed by then-San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein.

Preston’s proposal would require grocery store owners to provide six months written notice to the Board of Supervisors as well as the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD). The store would also be required to post notices at all entries and exits as a means of informing customers and the general public. The rule wouldn’t preclude closures due to a store being unprofitable.

“It was a good idea in 1984, and it’s an even better idea now,” Preston said in a press release. “Our communities need notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a transition plan when major neighborhood grocery stores plan to shut their doors. Meeting the food security needs of our seniors and families cannot be left to unilateral backroom decisions by massive corporate entities.”

The city needs to make the city safe, and, if residents want their grocery stores they need to vote appropriately and demand the city of San Francisco do it’s job. So far, the citizens whining about losing grocery stores have only themselves to blame. Some are closing due to safety and money, some have closed because they had a better offer for the property. If citizens do not like them closing, well, they can buy the store themselves, right?

The bill would also require that grocery stores “meet and work in good faith with neighborhood residents” and the OEWD to find a workable solution to keep groceries available at the location. Those solutions could include identifying strategies and resources to allow the store to remain open, helping residents organize and open a cooperative and identifying another grocery store operator to take over and continue grocery sales at the location.

So, the people who have zero capital invested in the business would get a say? Several grocery stores have closed in SF over the past few years, and lots of little stores have closed. The ones who have stayed open have all sorts of security measures, such as putting items behind locks. SF must be hearing talk that many stores are planning to close. If they do not like this, let the city purchase them and try and run them.

Read: San Francisco Looking At Way To Make Sure No Grocery Stores Close »

Portuguese Youts, Swiss Boomers Await Climate (scam) Rulings Or Something

So, what we have here is a bunch of youts who have basically asked courts to restrict their freedom and life choices while increasing their cost of living, and a bunch of boomers who have already had their good lives looking to restrict that of the youts

Portuguese Gen Z and Swiss boomers await pivotal court rulings on climate change

Europe’s top human rights court will rule on a trio of climate change cases this week brought by individuals from a range of ages and backgrounds across the continent, potentially prompting governments to rethink their efforts to reduce emissions.

The most prominent case is led by Portuguese nationals, aged from the early teens to mid-20s, bringing the claim that the 32 governments, including 27 EU member states plus Norway, Turkey, the UK and Switzerland, failed to adequately cut the emissions behind global warming.

The court will on Tuesday also decide on a case brought by a group of senior Swiss women, mainly in their 70s, who claim that Switzerland’s inadequate climate policies violate their right to life and health, arguing their age and gender put them in a high-risk category for temperature-related mortality.

The third case involves a former French mayor of the Grande-Synthe municipality, a low-lying north-eastern coastal area vulnerable to sea rise.

Each case has argued before the Grand Chamber in Strasbourg that the governments involved are breaching human rights by failing to protect the applicants against the damage from climate change.

The Portuguese youth said that their right to life, privacy and family, and to be free from mental or physical torture, under the European Convention of Human Rights, had been infringed by multiple years of extreme heat and wildfires in their country. They said they had not been able to attend school or leave their homes, and struggled to sleep as temperatures topped 40C.

As usual, the defense, and the judges, should be asking questions like “are you practicing what you preach? Have you ended your own use of fossil fuels?” to the plaintiffs. Oh, and perhaps “do you understand that if I rule in your favor it will restrict your own lives?”

Read: Portuguese Youts, Swiss Boomers Await Climate (scam) Rulings Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea which spells doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on islands growing, not shrinking.

Read: If All You See… »

Islamists Chant “Death To America”. In Dearborn, Michigan

When you import the 3rd world practicing an antiquated, repressive, violent version of Islam, don’t be surprised when you get it

Every single person there and chanting should be rounded up and deported. Any who were given permanent resident or naturalized citizen status should have that revoked (that is perfectly legal) and deported. Why do we keep letting in and bringing in these people who’s values are incompatible with American mores? Instead, the government goes after little old ladies who wandered around the Capitol Building, causing no damage, hurting no one, and prosecuting them like they stabbed people.

Unsurprisingly, none of the Democrat dominated Credentialed Media outlets bothered to cover this.

Michigan protesters yell ‘Death to America’ in raging rally held in Rashida Tlaib’s district

Demonstrators at an event held for International Quds Day shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” in Dearborn, Michigan, this weekend.

International Quds Day is held to support Gaza and oppose Israel’s “occupation” of areas considered by the day’s demonstrators to be Palestinian territories. Dearborn, part of Michigan’s 12th Congressional District, is represented in Congress by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the only Palestinian American member of Congress and likely also the staunchest supporter of Gaza among both chambers.

“Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,” Tarek Bazzi, a local activist, said on Friday in a video shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute. The video appears to cut for a moment before chants of “Death to America” ring out in the background.

“It’s not Genocide Joe that has to go, it is the entire system that has to go,” Bazzi added, condemning the United States for its support of Israel during the Jewish state’s military campaign in Gaza. “So when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist, the chant ‘Death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today.”

Get these Islamic extremists out of America. Of course, they mostly vote Democrat, so, Democrats would rather keep voters around who hate America and want to destroy it.

Read: Islamists Chant “Death To America”. In Dearborn, Michigan »

Pirate's Cove