Good News: Biden Regime Running Stealth Geoengineering Program In San Francisco

What could go wrong?

I’m surprised Scientific American bothered to cover this, as the organization is 100% a part of the climate cult

The nation’s first outdoor test to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover launched Tuesday from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay.

The experiment, which organizers didn’t widely announce to avoid public backlash, marks the acceleration of a contentious field of research known as solar radiation modification. The concept involves shooting substances such as aerosols into the sky to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

The move led by researchers at the University of Washington has renewed questions about how to effectively and ethically study promising climate technologies that could also harm communities and ecosystems in unexpected ways. The experiment is spraying microscopic salt particles into the air, and the secrecy surrounding its timing caught even some experts off guard.

If this goes badly, who will be held liable? Who gets fired?

The study plan also made no mention of its potential ecological impacts, a key consideration recommended by a 2022 Biden administration marine cloud brightening workshop. That’s a significant oversight, according to Greg Goldsmith, the associate dean for research and development at Chapman University.

“History has shown us that when we insert ourselves into modification of nature, there are always very serious unintended consequences,” said Goldsmith, who studies the implications of climate change for plant structure and function. “And therefore, it would be prudent to listen to what history has shown and look for consequences.”

If this was so safe they would have announced it publicly, instead of trying to hide it. Further courts have said “don’t do this,” and the US has been part of an agreement to not do this kind of thing since 2010. How much “carbon pollution” can be eliminated by ending the fossil fuels usage of Biden, Kamala, and all the Congressional and State elected Democrats who believe in this scam?

Read: Good News: Biden Regime Running Stealth Geoengineering Program In San Francisco »

PRC Looks To Pass “Right To Disconnect” Law For Workers

On the heels of their $20 minimum wage for restaurants law, which is seeing businesses raise prices, cut employees, and even close, the People’s Republik Of California is going to try something else to mess with the economy

California could become first state to give workers a ‘right to disconnect’

unintended consequencesCalifornia could become the first state in the country to give workers a “right to disconnect” under a new bill.

Assembly Bill 2751, introduced by Asm. Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) on Monday, would guarantee workers in the Golden State the ability to have uninterrupted personal and family time by giving them the ability to disengage from emails, texts and calls during non-work hours.

“Work has changed drastically compared to what it was just 10 years ago. Smartphones have blurred the boundaries between work and home life,” Haney said in a statement. “Workers shouldn’t be punished for not being available 24/7 if they’re not being paid for 24 hours of work.”

With the proposed changes, both public and private employers would be required to establish a right-to-disconnect policy for their workplace, permitting them to ignore communications when they are off the clock.

What’s that saying, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”? Any non-exempt employees, those who typically get paid hourly, are required to be paid under the Fair Labor Standards Act if they are contacted when they are off the clock. If this happens, what could happen? Perhaps some are converted to salaried, making them exempt. Perhaps companies look for workers who are interested in extra work. The law would allow employees to be contacted for emergencies and scheduling, which are the primary reasons employees are contacted when not at work.

This type of law seems like a good intention, but, it can cause unnecessary confusion, and could drive more businesses out of California. They are overly broad, and do not allow for employee choice. And it’s just the heavy hand of government controlling even more of the economy.

Read: PRC Looks To Pass “Right To Disconnect” Law For Workers »

If All You See…

…are trees dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on scientists predicting the 2023 El Nino after it happened.

Still cleaning out the folder.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers are doing pretty well. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal notes the Truth could set Woke professors free
  2. Shot In the Dark says the world has a 1938 feel
  3. Powerline covers Uber vs the lunatics running Minneapolis
  4. Pacific Pundit discusses the Woke SF Giants playing the black national anthem
  5. Outside The Beltway wonders why prices are up if inflation is down
  6. Noisy Room notes that the Keystone Cops are running America
  7. neo-neocon features more info on the World Community Kitchen killings
  8. Moonbattery shows people being red-pilled by a punch to the face
  9. Legal Insurrection covers the histrionics and panic in the news
  10. IOTW Report has Squad member Jamal Bowman trailing badly
  11. House Of Eratosthenes covers men coming out on top
  12. Geller Report notes a great grandma convicted for walking around the Capitol for 10 minutes
  13. Common Cents Blog wonders if California is going Red
  14. Cold Fury notes stupidity in those running for office
  15. And last, but, not least, Watts Up With That? features the lunatics blaming ‘climate change’ for the Mongolian deep freeze

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

US Braces For Iranian Retaliation After Israel Wacked A Bunch Of Iranian Terrorists

If we had a strong president that person would be warning Iran not to f*ck with the U.S., it’s military, its citizens, or our allies in Israel. Instead, we have Biden, who’s in Delaware yet again this weekend, and seems to be taking the side of Iranian backed Hamas, a US State Department designated terrorist organization

‘The situation could escalate’: US braces for possible Iranian retaliation after Israeli strike

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe U.S. is bracing for a possible major Iranian attack on Israel or its forces in retaliation for an airstrike that killed several senior Iranian commanders this week, according to three U.S. officials and one Israeli official.

U.S. officials believe some kind of significant military action against Israeli forces could occur in the coming days, according to the officials, who were granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. The Pentagon does not believe U.S. forces will be targeted, and is not repositioning its assets at this time, one of the officials said.

Still, the fear is that any Iranian retaliation on Israeli forces could escalate and spark a broader conflict, said the official.

“We’re in that window where we think they could respond at any time,” the official said. “The situation could escalate, then we get into what we are trying to avoid, which is a wider regional war.”

Top Iranian officials have vowed to respond after Israel’s airstrike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, Syria, this week, which killed at least seven members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Among those killed was the top commander in Syria, Mohammad Reza Zahedi, and his deputy, Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

As the ancient Tibetan Philosophy states “Don’t start none, won’t be none!” If Iran wants to play by using their proxies or directly, well, they should be ready for a response. Yet, Biden and some of his unhinged Israel/Jew hating comrades want to deny Israel more arms

Israel has not taken responsibility for the strike, but Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh this week said the Defense Department had assessed that Israel was behind the attack.

Why would the idiots in the Biden regime even open their mouths? Unless they want a target on Israel

In the immediate aftermath, the Biden administration quickly conveyed to Iran that it had nothing to do with the attack, one of the U.S. officials said.

That is just so weak, and just will incentivize Iran to get frisky.

Read: US Braces For Iranian Retaliation After Israel Wacked A Bunch Of Iranian Terrorists »

Bummer: St. Greta Detained For Demonstration At The Hague

I had thought her 15 minutes was up and she finally go a real job

Climate activist Greta Thunberg detained at demonstration in The Hague

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained by police at a large climate demonstration in The Hague, the Netherlands, on Saturday.

Thunberg was initially detained and held for a short time by local police along with other protesters who tried to block a major highway into The Hague.

After she was released Thunberg quickly rejoined a small group of protesters who were blocking a different road leading to the railway station. There, she was detained a second time and driven off in a police van.

Before she was detained Thunberg told journalists she was protesting because the world is facing an existential crisis. “We are in a planetary emergency and we are not going to stand by and let people lose their lives and livelihood and be forced to become climate refugees when we can do something,” she said.

Same old outdated schtick

Yeah, she deleted that in 2023, because we haven’t stopped using fossil fuels and humanity is doing just fine. She sure seems to beating well.

Meanwhile, the crazy climate cultist who works for NBC News, Linda Guadino, didn’t end with the stupid tweets I mentioned Friday. She actually took the time to write an article

A rare earthquake hits tri-state area. Can climate change make quakes more common? Experts weigh in

The Northeast region has experienced over 2,000 recorded quakes since the 1700s, according to the National Earthquake Information Center. The one in New Jersey on Friday was magnitude 4.8 and didn’t cause major damage. So far, there have only been 13 quakes in the area that were deemed “damaging” by the center.

So, rare, but, not unusual, especially since the Modern Warm Period didn’t start till the 1850s

Dr. Park indicated the continuous rise in sea levels can increase the amount of pressure exerted on the Earth’s shelves and coastlines, resulting in mostly scattered and infrequent quakes with long lead times.

That is the sole “evidence” of this being ‘climate change’. And there’s nothing unusual about sea rise during an inter-glacial period nor an inter-glacial warm period. Cultists have to cult.

Read: Bummer: St. Greta Detained For Demonstration At The Hague »

If All You See…

…is horrible Heatsnow occurring in Spring, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on 24 J6 folks suing 100 Capitol Police over physical abuse.

Read: If All You See… »

Open Borders Democrats “Lean” Into Yammering About Border Security

There’s very little in border security being offered, just Democrats attempting to patronize an element of the moderate Democrat Party and some Independents, maybe a few Never Trumpers. That’s the point of the talking points and the Credentialed Media article

Democrats lean into border security as it shapes contest for control of Congress

illegal alien DemocratWith immigration shaping the elections that will decide control of Congress, Democrats are trying to outflank Republicans and convince voters they can address problems at the U.S. border with Mexico, embracing an issue that has traditionally been used against them.

The shift in strategy, especially from Democrats running in battleground states, comes as the Biden administration has struggled to manage an unprecedented influx of migrants at the Southwest border. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has led his party in vilifying immigrants as “ poisoning the blood ” of the country and called for mass deportations of migrants. And as the GOP looks to flip control of the Senate, they are tying Democrats to President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration.

The tactic has already figured large in elections like Arizona’s Senate race, a seat Democrats almost certainly need to win to save their majority. Republican Kari Lake has repeatedly linked Rep. Ruben Gallego, the likely Democratic nominee, to Biden, telling the crowd at a March event that “there’s really not a difference between the two.”

Democrats are no longer shrugging off such attacks: They believe they can tout their own proposals for fixing the border, especially after Trump and Republican lawmakers rejected a bipartisan proposal on border security earlier this year.

Most know that the proposal was complete mule fritters, that it would not get tough on border security and would allow millions more illegals into the U.S.

During most of his five House terms, Gallego had been a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but as he prepared for a Senate run, he quietly left the group. Now he’s emphasizing his work on bolstering the ranks of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and securing funding for communities impacted by recent spikes in immigration, which he calls a “crisis.”

Telling people you’ve appropriated more money to deal with people who shouldn’t even be in the U.S. is perhaps not the best “lean” into border security

Just two states over, Democrats are hoping to bolster their chances of holding the Senate by pulling off a difficult feat — turning Texas blue, at least in one race. Some see a chance to flip a long-held GOP seat by fielding Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, against Sen. Ted Cruz.

Allred has emphasized his connection to border communities on the campaign trail and recounted how he had made childhood visits to Brownsville, Texas, where his grandfather worked as a customs officer.

And that helps secure the border how, exactly?

Still, Democrats on Capitol Hill have all opposed Republican legislation that would bring back many of the Trump administration’s border policies, including restarting construction of border walls.

“You’re going to be painted as an open border Democrat no matter what, so talk about solutions,” said Maria Cardona, a Democratic strategist.

She is urging candidates to lean into the immigration debate by discussing plans for border security and policies to help immigrants who have set up lives in the country. It’s an approach that worked under former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, she said.

What kind of security is there when you’re letting them in then feeding, housing, sheltering them, giving them money and schooling and jobs? Seriously, there are no viable policy proposals for this “lean”, other than more money for illegals. Because they are open borders. If Trump wins he should ship illegals to the areas where elected Democrats live. Ten here, 20 there, let them deal with their beliefs.

Read: Open Borders Democrats “Lean” Into Yammering About Border Security »

Weird: CO2 And Methane Spiked In 2023

This is so weird: the Warmists and all their governments and politicians and bureaucrats made all these laws and rules and taxed people and forced citizens to act in a certain way and yet

Heat-trapping carbon dioxide and methane levels in the air last year spiked to record highs again

The levels of the crucial heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere reached historic highs last year, growing at near-record fast paces, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Carbon dioxide, the most important and abundant of the greenhouse gases caused by humans, rose in 2023 by the third highest amount in 65 years of record keeping, NOAA announced Friday. Scientists are also worried about the rapid rise in atmospheric levels of methane, a shorter-lived but more potent heat-trapping gas. Both jumped 5.5% over the past decade.

The 2.8 parts per million increase in carbon dioxide airborne levels from January 2023 to December, wasn’t as high as the jumps were in 2014 and 2015, but they were larger than every other year since 1959, when precise records started. Carbon dioxide’s average level for 2023 was 419.3 parts per million, up 50% from pre-industrial times.

Last year’s methane’s jump of 11.1 parts per billion was lower than record annual rises from 2020 to 2022. It averaged 1922.6 parts per billion last year. It has risen 3% in just the past five years and jumped 160% from pre-industrial levels showing faster rates of increase than carbon dioxide, said Xin “Lindsay” Lan, the University of Colorado and NOAA atmospheric scientist who did the calculations.

So, despite all the crap the climate cult pushed, all those new EV sales, etc and so on, the metrics continued to go up? Hey, perhaps if all the Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fuels, stopped eating meat, stopped using all the energy for all their streaming stuff, and more those numbers could go down.

Read: Weird: CO2 And Methane Spiked In 2023 »

Bidenconomy: 99 Cents Only To Close All Stores

It’s probably those greedy rich folks cashing out, right?

99 Cents Only to close all 371 stores and wind down its business

99 Cents Only Stores will close all 371 of its stores and wind down its business operations after more than four decades, the City of Commerce discount chain announced Thursday.

“This was an extremely difficult decision and is not the outcome we expected or hoped to achieve,” interim Chief Executive Mike Simoncic said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the last several years have presented significant and lasting challenges in the retail environment.”

He cited multiple factors, including the “unprecedented impact” of the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting consumer demand, persistent inflationary pressures and rising levels of shrink — an industry term that refers to loss of inventory attributed to reasons such as shoplifting, employee theft and administrative errors.

Combined, those issues “have greatly hindered the company’s ability to operate,” Simoncic said.

99 Cents Only has stores in California, Arizona, Nevada and Texas and has about 14,000 employees. The privately held company said it had reached an agreement with Hilco Global to liquidate all of its merchandise and dispose of fixtures, furnishings and equipment at its stores. Sales are expected to begin Friday.

But, remember, the economy is doing fabulous, and crime is dropping! Weren’t we told that it was only property and insurance would take care of it? It doesn’t work like that. And, of course, the vast majority (71%) are in the People’s Republik Of California, where the government takes the side of thieves over citizens and businesses.


Read: Bidenconomy: 99 Cents Only To Close All Stores »

Pirate's Cove