Miami Herald Super Bummed ‘Climate Change’ To Make Florida Boil

Another day, another bit of cult freakout propaganda

As climate change makes Florida boil, DeSantis might respond with the ‘delete’ button

If there is a magic way to stop climate change from wreaking havoc on Florida, reverse sea-level rise and lower the kind of scalding summer temperatures Miami saw last year, lawmakers may have figured it out.

It’s called denial.

It hasn’t worked in past decades. A 2023 report by scientists, published in the journal Bioscience, warned that inaction to reduce carbon emissions is driving the planet toward “dangerous instability.” (The highest Earth temperature ever recorded happened last July).

Apparently, the Republican-dominated Legislature’s plan on how to address climate change in Florida before it’s too late is to hit the “delete” button — literally.

House Bill 1645 is reminiscent of the days when then-Gov. Rick Scott’s administration stopped state workers from using “climate change” in their official communication. The new legislation, approved in the 2024 session, removes most mentions of the term from state law, among other things.

Blah Blah Blah. The problem with yammering about ‘climate change’ in school as it stands is that it is not science, it is propaganda. There is no allowance for discussion of causation. It’s pure cult.

Deleting the words “climate change” might make it easier for lawmakers to escape accountability. But it makes it no easier for South Florida to deal with its very real impacts.

Yet, the weird thing is how many people move to South Florida every year. Overall, a million moved to Florida in 2023 (though, 250K were migrants), so, apparently they aren’t really worried about global boiling. Further, if this is so bad, why do so few of the Believers, who are primarily Democrats, refuse to vastly change their own lives to accord with their beliefs?

Read: Miami Herald Super Bummed ‘Climate Change’ To Make Florida Boil »

If All You See…

…is horrible Spring snow caused by too much carbon pollution heat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on an NYC Democrat forcing firefighters to remove a 9/11 flag.

Read: If All You See… »

Congressional Republicans Beg Trump To Ease Off The Retaliation Talk

I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this in Real Life and on the Internet, that Trump needs to stop with the retaliation talk, stop going after Republicans who aren’t 100% on the Trump train. It may play well with the uber-base, but, for one thing, it’s a distraction from going after Democrats and Joe Biden

Hill GOP to Trump: Tamp down the talk of grudges and Jan. 6

Donald Trump’s bid to oust a Florida Republican who backed Ron DeSantis over him is reviving a long-running GOP anxiety: that he can’t be dissuaded from the grudges and inflammatory rhetoric that plagued his party’s lawmakers during his first term.

Trump’s call for a challenger to Rep. Laurel Lee (R-Fla.), the only House Republican from DeSantis’ state to endorse the Florida governor in the primary, reveals a campaign with little interest in courting his former rivals and their supporters. But as President Joe Biden makes a play for Nikki Haley voters who might be reluctant to back Trump, Republicans are starting to nudge the former president to at least try to tone it down.

They’re concerned about a rerun of the hair-pulling past — where GOP candidates in battleground races are constantly challenged to answer for their presumptive nominee’s more erratic and boisterous statements.

It is a good point: why spend time answering for Trump’s yammerings when they should be beating Biden and Democrats over their agenda, over the inflated economy, over their support of Hamas in Gaza, and all the rest. Trump should be making a play for the Haley and DeSantis voters, among others, not driving them away. The idea is to win the states he needs to win, not turn off Republicans and Independents

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), another former DeSantis backer, told POLITICO that Trump’s scorched-earth approach to Lee risks turning off some voters who might otherwise favor him.

“Gratuitous attacks like these won’t help him win the presidency, and are counterproductive to building a conservative Congress eager to advance his agenda when he’s elected,” Massie said. “Fortunately, Laurel Lee will win her reelection by a comfortable margin, but in the meantime, these kind of statements alienate some of Trump’s potential voters.”

Regardless of your opinion of Massie, he’s 100% right. Trump needs to be building coalitions, bringing Republicans together

Trump is unlikely to heed such warnings to pivot to a more consistent general election message. So far this month, he has said that Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats “hate” their religion and described some migrants as “not people.”

But the fact that Hill Republicans are even attempting to refocus him, underscored by nearly 20 interviews with lawmakers and aides, illustrates their real worries about a 2024 cycle where their electoral fates are inescapably tied to the man at the top of the ticket.

Well, Trump is correct on Democrat voting Jews, but, he needs to focus on the primary issues, tell voters why he is better than Biden. As I’ve stated many times, he should be out there with a message stating that it doesn’t matter if people do not like him personally, it’s what he plans to do as President that matters. Do people want a government that works to enable the economy to do better for their pocketbook and a government that gets out of Citizen’s lives? That should be the message.

Tillis added a note of hope that Trump won’t sink candidates in states where the GOP might otherwise compete, like Michigan, where his “crossover appeal” might not translate to congressional candidates. If Trump doesn’t campaign strategically, Tillis said, “we could potentially lose the coin toss in an all-other-things-equal race” further down the ballot.

Winning means nothing if the GOP do not control at least one branch of Congress, all because Trump runs his mouth.

Trump has argued that Haley donors wouldn’t be accepted by his supporters, writing on Truth Social in January that her backers “will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp.” Even after dropping out, though, she’s continuing to draw votes in the primary. Biden’s latest ad buy is designed to welcome her voters to his side.

It makes no sense to blow off voters. Every vote counts. It should be an easy win in 2024, but, Trump is going to make it harder. Trump needs to remember Reagan’s 11th Commandment, and that this is not 2016.

Read: Congressional Republicans Beg Trump To Ease Off The Retaliation Talk »

Unhinged Climate Crazies Disrupt Easter Services At St. Patrick’s Cathedral

The Father wasn’t having any of this. And, yup, another protest post

Extinction Rebellion wackos at it again

(UPI) Extinction Rebellion protesters disrupted a vigil celebrating Easter at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, the group said on social media.

Activists rose to sing “Dona Nobis Pacem,” which translates to “grant us peace” from Latin, but were allegedly “slammed” to the ground by cathedral security, Extinction Rebellion said in a statement.

Extinction Rebellion, best known for protesting at cultural institutions to call for climate change measures, said that church leaders did not pause the service and are “continuing to stay silent on the humanitarian crisis.”

“We are here to tell the truth about ecocide and genocide as loudly as this moment warrants,” said John Mark Rozendaal, an Extinction Rebellion activist at the church, in a statement.

The protest group has provided footage showing the activists being escorted from in front of the pews, where they had unfurled a banner that read: “silence = death.”

“The United Nations Security Council calling for a ceasefire is a good start, but churches making ceasefire statements is also a part of the solution,” said activist Matthew M. “It will make a difference.”

Got that? The climate cult loons are, unshockingly, taking the side of Hamas. Does anyone think Hamas gives a rats ass about the religion of climate doom?

Read: Unhinged Climate Crazies Disrupt Easter Services At St. Patrick’s Cathedral »

Pro Hamas Activists Berkeley Council Meeting

All you have to do is listen to what these people say to understand they hate Jews and love terrorist groups

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Berkeley City Council meeting, Holocaust remembrance vote: ‘End Israel’

Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted the City Council in Berkeley, California, on Tuesday, shouting “Zionist pigs!” and “End Israel!” during a meeting that included a vote on marking Holocaust Remembrance Day, video of the event shared by the Jewish Community Relations Council showed.

The anti-Israel mob also accused members of being “genocide” enablers, “traitors to this country” and “spies for Israel.”

The protesters appeared to claim City Council members had been “bought” by the Jewish community, according to the council.

“How much money did these a——- give you?” one person is heard shouting in a video. He adds, “Cowards! Go chase the money! You money suckers!”

The council shared the videos on X, writing: “Yesterday, the Berkeley City Council held its final meeting before a one-month recess. The agenda of the meeting included an item on marking Holocaust Remembrance Day and funding educational programs around this commemoration. There was nothing on the meeting agenda about the Israel-Hamas War. Demonstrators called Jews ‘Zionist pigs,’ intimidated a Holocaust survivor, stole and threw a Jewish man’s phone toward the dais and implied city council members were being bought by the Jewish community. Warning: Explicit language.”

Somehow Democrats decided that Islamists were the good guys and Israel/Jews were the bad guys, especially with the Muslims in US colleges who are backed by and take the beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood, then, to compound that, they keep importing more 3rd world Islamists to the U.S. And they actually believe that the Islamists are actual fellow travelers on everything, when, other than wanting a strong government (which can be used by the Islamists to push their agenda) and hatred of Israel and Jews, the Islamists are against most things Democrats stand for. They support Islamic radicalism and terrorist groups. This is who you’ve aligned with, Democrats.

Read: Pro Hamas Activists Berkeley Council Meeting »

If All You See…

…is super bright sunshine during carbon pollution induced drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Red Squirrel Report, with a post offering Easter greetings from Nicolae Carpathia.

It’s a clearing the folder type of week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and He has Risen. This pinup is by Fiona Stephenson, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad discusses a study showing chronic haves from the Moderna COVID shot
  2. Jo Nova notes all the solar panels destroyed in Texas
  3. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers underwater vacations coming soon
  4. No Tricks Zone shows the sea levels 5000 to 7000 years ago
  5. Watts Up With That? features a Warmist BBC reporter smacked down by Ghana’s leader
  6. 357 Magnum covers what happens when you release criminals
  7. American Greatness highlights society’s embrace of stupidity
  8. Bustednuckles remembers when we laughed over the Brits busting people for Facebook polls
  9. Chicks On The Right covers Kathy Hochul being blocked from a slain officer’s funeral
  10. Climate Depot notes there is no chocolate Easter egg issue
  11. Cold Fury wonders if we can rebuild the Francis Scott Key bridge
  12. Da Techguy’s Blog says we should pay attention to our local governments
  13. Flag And Cross shows wacko Woke programmers screaming at the sky
  14. Gates Of Vienna covers needing to wear a head covering in Italy
  15. And last, but, not least, GeeeZ says to skip Easter at the Rainbow, er, White House

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Sanctuary City Denver Tells Illegals To Go Elsewhere

I thought this was considered bigoted and heartless and unwelcoming to people who are traveling thousands of miles and paying a lot of money for better life (by sucking on the taxpayer teets)?

Denver warns new migrants to leave, says lack of resources means they will ‘suffer’

A video from inside a migrant shelter in Denver shows a city leader begging families to move on to other cities and warning of a bleak future if they stay.

In the clip obtained by 9NEWS, Denver’s Newcomer Communications Liaison Andres Carrera, who also serves as Mayor Mike Johnston’s political director, tells newly arrived migrants that Denver cannot support them.

“The opportunities are over,” Carrera says to the group in Spanish. “New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there.”

Denver is offering to pay for migrants’ onward bus fare to destinations of their choice, a decision decried by other cities also struggling with the migrant crisis.

Well, that is strange. A declared sanctuary city is telling illegals to go to other sanctuary cities. Didn’t Eric Adams say it was raaaaacist for Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis to send migrants to cities run by black mayors?

“We have received too many migrants and that is why we ran out of resources,” Carrera tells an assembled crowd inside Denver’s main migrant shelter.

“We are not going to block you if you want to say here,” Carrera says. “If you stay here you are going to suffer even more and I don’t want to see this.”

Shouldn’t SCD be doing everything possible to accommodate all illegals? How about raising the sales tax, property taxes, and income taxes? They could easy raise the sales tax from 4.81% (which is actually a pretty good rate) to 8% with a quick city council vote. They shouldn’t be trying to run them off.


(Newsweek) About half of Americans believe migrants are the most to blame if they are injured while trying to cross into the United States, according to a poll conducted exclusively for Newsweek.

The poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies found that 49 percent of respondents believe the migrants themselves are the most to blame if they are injured while trying to cross the border.

However, 17 percent said the federal government bears the most responsibility, while 13 percent blamed the governments in border states, such as Texas and Arizona, for migrants being injured. Just 7 percent said the Mexican government was to blame, and 14 percent said they didn’t know.

So, 30% are idiots. Or, are they? Because illegals do get hurt because idiots like Biden set the conditions for the illegals to show up and try and cross illegally.

Read: Sanctuary City Denver Tells Illegals To Go Elsewhere »

Your Fault: Heat Waves Are Totally Transforming

Say, is there any sort of data comparing this Holocene warm period to the others that have occurred over the last 8,000 years? Unsurprisingly, NY Times writer Delger Erdenesanaa fails to ask questions, just runs with the cult propaganda

Heat Waves Are Moving Slower and Staying Longer, Study Finds

When heat waves swept across large parts of the planet last summer, in many places the oppressive temperatures loitered for days or weeks at a time. As climate change warms the planet, heat waves are increasingly moving sluggishly and lasting longer, according to a study published on Friday.

Each decade between 1979 and 2020, the rate at which heat waves travel, pushed along by air circulation, slowed by about 5 miles per day, the study found. Heat waves also now last about four days longer on average.

Can we compare this to the massive heating of the 1930’s, which saw the middle part of the nation decimated and caused massive migrations to the West coast, despite there not being all that many fossil fueled vehicles? How about just going back further than 1979?

Anyhow, blah blah blah, lots of doom and gloom, all your fault

To examine the role of climate change, the researchers used models to simulate temperatures in scenarios with and without the warming from human greenhouse gas emissions. They found that the scenario with these emissions was the best match for what has actually happened to heat wave behavior, indicating that climate change is a major force behind these trends.

So, computer models rather than actual hard data? Shocking! And mostly worthless

The new study did find a correlation between a weaker jet stream and slower heat waves. Dr. White, however, thinks more research is needed to determine whether the jet stream is truly the cause.

Why? They’ll still blame this on Humanity. Did the same thing happen during the Roman Warm Period? Evil fossil fueled chariots

Dr. Zhang is especially concerned about cities, which are often hotter than their surrounding areas because of the urban heat island effect. “If those heat waves last in the city for much longer than before, that would cause a very dangerous situation,” he said.

While UHI is certainly man caused, it is not global, yet, the elevated temperatures are used to pad doomy temperature readings.

While waiting for international leaders to make progress on cutting greenhouse gas emissions and stopping climate change, Dr. Zhang said, local adaptation efforts are important to help keep people safer.

Or, the Warmists could practice what they preach.

Read: Your Fault: Heat Waves Are Totally Transforming »

If All You See…

…is a world where the Arctic melted and land is scarce, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Brandon’s push for EVs falling short.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove