Hawaii, Which Couldn’t Survive Without Fossil Fuels, Holds Climate Doom Conference

For a change this one doesn’t include hundreds if not thousands flying in

Hawaii Climate Week’s 2-day conference takes on challenges and solutions of climate change

climate cowHawaii Climate Week is underway on the islands. It’s a time for Hawaii residents to look at the challenges of global warming and solutions.

The week’s activities include a two-day climate conference led by federal and state agencies, a film screening on marine conservation, and an agroforestry community workday.

“Climate impacts are being felt deeply across the state. Climate Week highlights the need for urgent action on implementing climate change strategies that are equitable, culturally responsive, and resilient,” said DLNR Chair Dawn Chang, who also serves as Commission Co-Chair.

Climate Week will highlight the many actions that the Inflation Reduction Act and other federal funding sources have supported, including the rollout of the fifth National Climate Assessment’s Hawaii and Pacific Islands chapter and the official launch of the state Comprehensive Climate Action Plan.

Sounds more like a Democrat party campaign conference, but, regardless, without fossil fuels Hawaii would be relegated to living like it’s 1800. No more tourists flying in on fossil fueled planes and using FF planes, helicopters, and vehicles to travel the islands. No more FF boats going out and catching fish. No more FF ships bringing goods and food to the islands, which are not particularly good at agriculture. Who will build TVs and WiFi routers? Have fun sewing your own clothes, since animals like sheep and cows will be banned as being Bad for ‘climate change’. The military bases will have to leave, taking a pretty big chunk of funding with them.

If they want EVs, solar panels, and wind turbines, how are they brought in? That will be tough on non-fossil fueled boats, eh?

The Senators and Representatives will be forced to take sailing ships to the mainland, which is no small trip. It’s almost as far from the mainland as LA is from D.C.

Read: Hawaii, Which Couldn’t Survive Without Fossil Fuels, Holds Climate Doom Conference »

Excitable Kamala Threatens Israel Over Rafala Threats Or Something

Interesting how Democrats spend more time threatening Israel than they do Hamas, eh?

Kamala Harris Says ‘Consequences’ Possible if Israel Raids Rafah; ‘I Have Studied the Maps’

Vice President Kamala Harris said on Sunday that the administration had not ruled out “consequences” for Israel if it defied President Joe Biden and attacked Hamas in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

Biden has warned Israel publicly not to attack Hamas in Rafah, due to the presence of large numbers of civilians there, which the terrorist group uses as human shields. Israel says that it cannot win the war without defeating the last four Hamas battalions in Rafah.

Harris’s spoke to ABC News on Sunday, telling a reporter that “I have studied the maps” of southern Gaza:

In a wide-ranging new interview with ABC News, Vice President Kamala Harris suggested there could be “consequences” for Israel if it moves ahead with a planned invasion of Rafah in its pursuit of Hamas fighters.

[Senior congressional correspondent Rachel] Scott followed up: “Are you ruling out that there would be consequences from the United States?”

“I am ruling out nothing,” Harris replied.

Yeah, well, if this is anything like her being border czar, absolutely nothing will happen. Regardless, perhaps the Biden regime should spend their time getting Hamas to give up their hostages, for which there are 6 known Americans, and put down their arms, since they broke the ceasefire, rather than yammering at Israel, the nation that was attacked. But, the Democratic Party base is made up of Israel haters, who’ve gone so far down that road that they hate Jews and support Islamic extremists. Those same Islamists treat women like garbage and are happy to destroy everything that Democrats love.

Read: Excitable Kamala Threatens Israel Over Rafala Threats Or Something »

If All You See…

…is super bright sunshine thanks to fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flag And Cross, with a post on a new The Office show being made.

It’s sunglasses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are chirping, and Americans enjoyed some nice snow on a Spring day. This pinup is by Harry Ekman, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Feral Irishman has California cannibals on the 2024 bingo card
  2. Sultan Knish discusses victimization and justification
  3. Powerline covers Biden’s true misery index
  4. Moonbattery shows health providers cracking down on Georgia
  5. Legal Insurrection highlights the DOJ’s latest gun grabbing
  6. IOTW Report covers Kamala dancing like a fool
  7. Geller Report shows what happens when a synagogue leased space to a mosque
  8. Gates Of Vienna notes what happens when Italian law clashes with Islamic law
  9. Da Techguy’s blog delves deep into squatter’s rights
  10. Chicks On The Right discusses Biden attempting mean nicknames
  11. American Greatness covers insanity in Seattle schools
  12. No Tricks Zone notes unusual cold in the north and south
  13. Not A Lot Of People Know That shows little change in weather extremes
  14. Green Jihad has Congress using a skier as an expert climate witness
  15. And last, but, not least, Victory Girls Blog features Putin blaming Ukraine for the ISIS attack

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Regime Proposes Swapping Palestinian Terrorists For Hostages Held By Hamas

This will upset the unhinged Jew hating/Islamic terrorist loving Democrat base, who do not care about the hostages, they just want a permanent ceasefire which will take the heat off Hamas and allow them to rearm and reconstitute

U.S. proposes hostage-to-prisoner ratio in Gaza truce talks – Israeli official

The United States has made a “bridging proposal” for the number of jailed Palestinians that should be released by Israel in exchange for every hostage freed by Hamas in any new Gaza truce, an Israeli official briefed on the Qatar-hosted talks said on Saturday.

An Israeli delegation led by Mossad chief David Barnea is in Doha for indirect negotiations with the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which CIA director William Burns is helping Qatari and Egyptian officials to mediate.

“During the negotiations, significant gaps came to light on the question of the ratio” of prisoners to be released for each hostage, said an Israeli official, who requested anonymity.

“The United States put a bridging proposal on the table, to which Israel responded positively. Hamas’ response is pending.”

Too bad Israel can’t do something like put small bombs in their head that also serve as tracking devices.

The sides have previously said that, if a deal is reached, Israel would suspend its Gaza offensive for six weeks and recover 40 of 130 hostages still held by Hamas from an Oct. 7 cross-border rampage that triggered the war.

If they release all the hostages and disarm, then the war ends.

Hamas wants any ceasefire to include an Israeli commitment to end the war and withdraw forces from Gaza. Israel has ruled this out, saying it will eventually press the campaign to dismantle Hamas.

That’s also what unhinged Democrats want. Israel will be vilified now matter what, they just need to dismantle all the Hamas  infrastructure and kill as many as possible. Palestinians back them and hate Jews. They made their bed, let them lie in it.

Read: Biden Regime Proposes Swapping Palestinian Terrorists For Hostages Held By Hamas »

Who’s For A Green Sabbath?

It’s always cute when the people who tend to denigrate religion…well, mostly Judaism and Christianity, never Islam…try to use it for their nefarious purposes with their doomsday cult

Breakpoint: Remember the Sabbath … to stop global warming?

St. GretaWhy should people exercise, eat better or cut back on caffeine consumption? In the not-so-distant past, the answer was simple and compelling: It would be good for them.

Today, however, according to the United Nations, the National Library of Medicine and the New York Post, one of the main reasons to do these things is to fight climate change. In fact, Google virtually any good habit, along with the words “climate change.” The results are plentiful.

Apparently, at least according to the mainstream press and governmental agencies, the best way to sell behavior, policy or technology is not by touting the obvious, actual benefits, but rather some tenuous, highly theoretical way they could, if looked at in the right light and all the stars align, possibly, help cool the planet.

The problem here is that the cult always wants to push solutions that involve higher taxes/fees along with taking away people’s liberty and life choices, empowering government. Interestingly, almost none of the climate cultists actually do things that are good habits to “fight climate change”. Exercise and eating better are, of course, real.

This is a telltale sign that, whatever the scientific merits of manmade climate change may be, it has become a religious system for many, complete with genuflecting, indulgences and ritual invocations. In fact, climate change was recently offered as a reason to engage in an actual religious practice, one that goes back thousands of years and is beneficial, even essential, to human well-being. In The Washington Post recently, advice columnist Michael Coren argued that one way to fight climate change is to take a weekly day of rest. He called his idea a “green Sabbath.”

“[C]lergy are now arguing that this practice, whether in a secular or religious context, can help redirect the world’s societies away from catastrophic climate change. In their view, it’s as essential to the future as any clean-energy technology or electric vehicle. A shared day of rest, at a minimum, might slow the pace of consumption, curb emissions or ease the burden of so many people working weary weekends.”

Ah, but, here’s the thing: the article meanders along and makes the case that the climate cultists should leave the proscription to “Remember The Sabbath day, to keep it holy”, alone. Stop conscripting everything, stop appropriating everything, especially the Word Of The Lord.

The Sabbath, just like exercise, better eating and less coffee is good for us because of how God made us. The strange need to justify everything with another threat of catastrophe is anything but restful. The original reasons to take a day off are better than an appeal to reducing carbon emissions.

Unfortunately, the Warmists will always find away to merge their doomsday cult beliefs with everything…well, not really Islam, yet, because that’s a good way to have a fatwa thrown your way and a bounty on their heads.

Read: Who’s For A Green Sabbath? »

If All You See…

….are mangroves being flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on someone who’s in a heap of trouble.

Read: If All You See… »

Excitable Kamala To Announce Red Flag Funding In Trip To Parkland, Florida

Interestingly, there were more than enough red flags for the Parkland shooting wackjob for the police to take away the guns he shouldn’t have had in the first place, to even detain him

Harris to announce gun control measures on visit to Parkland, Fla.

Vice President Harris will make two announcements on gun violence prevention efforts Saturday in Parkland, Fla., where 14 students and three staff members were killed in a school shooting in 2018.

Harris is set to meet with families of those killed in the mass shooting and will visit Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with them, along with Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) and state officials. She will then deliver remarks on gun safety measures at 2:45 p.m., according to a White House official.

The vice president will announce the launch of the first-ever National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, which will aim to help states effectively implement red-flag laws through training and technical assistance. The center will be funded through a Department of Justice grant stemming from the bipartisan gun control bill that President Biden signed into law in 2022.

Harris also will announce an official call to action for states to pass red-flag laws and to use the resources from the bipartisan gun control bill to implement them.

From what we’ve seen, red flag laws have not worked. In many big shooting incidents the laws were not used, despite all the red flags. If they actually worked, and if they protected people’s Constitutional, both national and state, rights, they’d be fine. Of course, the wackjobs hellbent on murder could using knives, cars, learn to build a bomb.

I’m looking forward to the typical word salad from Kamala

Read: Excitable Kamala To Announce Red Flag Funding In Trip To Parkland, Florida »

Comrades AOC And Sanders Link ‘Climate Change’ And Housing

This couldn’t possibly be a push to give the federal government even more control over the housing of citizens in the name of Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry, could it?

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill

With a sweeping legislative proposal, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders are attempting to place public housing at the center of the green energy transition, tackling the twin crises of global warming and soaring housing costs.

“Public housing should be the gold standard for affordable, environmentally friendly, and safe communities,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an email. “This bill is how we ensure that.”

The Green New Deal for Public Housing aims to decarbonize all of the nation’s public housing units—and build more of them—with an investment of between $162 billion and $234 billion over the next decade. In doing so, it would avert 5.7 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of removing 1.26 million cars from US roads each year, while creating jobs and public health benefits.

This would put even more citizens into government housing, forgetting that quite a bit of it are cesspools of crime and urban decay. But, they want to keep the low income voters voting Democrat

Instead of allowing the nation’s public housing stock to wither away, the bill seeks to transform it. Units would not only be repaired and freed of contaminants like lead and mold, but also made efficient and green.

The first part is good, the second part is just a pipe dream, and the people who live in them couldn’t care less.

Each would be insulated and weatherized to conserve energy, as well as outfitted with fossil fuel-free electric appliances. Renewable energy would be installed on-site. And developments would be made climate-resilient with increased green space and decreased paved areas, which can help absorb heat and soak up water during heavy rains.

Who thinks that the “renewable” energy on site would be damaged heavily in the first month?

“The Green New Deal for Public Housing is going to change the game for those of us and our neighbors who are being hit hardest by the climate crisis,” said Saul Levin, legislative and political director of the progressive advocacy group Green New Deal Network.

Why don’t those groups spend their own money? Funny how they always want to spend Other People’s money, eh?

Though the bill is not expected to pass, Climate and Community Project says support to expand and improve public housing is growing. In 2021, the report notes, the House voted to repeal the Faircloth Amendment and most Democratic lawmakers supported including $60 billion for public housing in the spending package that later became the Inflation Reduction Act, though both measures ultimately failed to pass.

Really, it would be good to help the homeless, but, this is just typical Modern Socialism, and if government controls their housing government controls them. All in the name of a scam.

Read: Comrades AOC And Sanders Link ‘Climate Change’ And Housing »

PRC Democrats Try To Solve Crime Without Solving Crime

It’s pretty easy for the elected Democrats in the People’s Republik Of California to muddle around, since most of them are well to do and live in areas which are protected from the average criminals

California Democratic lawmakers seek ways to combat retail theft while keeping progressive policy

crying democratFacing mounting pressure to crack down on a retail theft crisis, California lawmakers are split on how best to tackle the problem that some say has caused major store closures and products like deodorants to be locked behind plexiglass.

Top Democratic leaders have already ruled out reforming progressive policies like Proposition 47, a ballot measure approved by 60% of state voters in 2014 that reduced certain theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors to address overcrowding jails. But a growing number of law enforcement officials, along with Republican and moderate Democratic lawmakers, said California needs to consider all options, including rolling back the measure.

Here’s an idea: let the people vote. Have a referendum. See if they want to keep Prop 47. Obviously, loony tunes Democrats do not want that, because they’d rather pander to the moonbats who want to be soft on crime, which includes lots of rich people, rather than those citizens who have to deal with crime.

While shoplifting has been a growing problem, large-scale thefts, in which groups of individuals brazenly rush into stores and take goods in plain sight, have become a crisis in California and elsewhere in recent years. California Retailers Association said it’s challenging to quantify the issue in California because many stores don’t share their data.

Urban areas and big cities like Bay Area and Los Angeles saw a steady increase in shoplifting between 2021 and 2022, according to a study of the latest crime data by The Public Policy Institute of California. Across the state, shoplifting rates rose during the same time period but were still lower than the pre-pandemic levels in 2019, while commercial burglaries and robberies have become more prevalent in urban counties, the study says.

That’s the law of FAFO.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, a champion of Proposition 47 who has repeatedly argued California already has tools to sufficiently go after criminals, rejected calls to reform the measure in January. He instead urged lawmakers to bolster existing laws and go after motor vehicle thefts and resellers of stolen merchandise. California also is spending $267 million to help dozens of local law enforcement agencies increase patrols, buy surveillance equipment and conduct other activities to crack down on retail theft.

“Not to say everything about Prop. 47 is hunky-dory and perfect,” Newsom said in January. “We want to help fix some of the ambiguities there, but we could do it without reforming or going back to the voters.”

You stupid voters won’t be allowed to have a say.

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, who has said he also doesn’t want to repeal Proposition 47, co-authored similar legislation taking aim at repeat thieves and online resellers. It would allow law enforcement to “stack” the value of goods stolen from different victims to impose harsher penalties and arrest people for shoplifting using video footage or witness statements. The measure also would mandate online sellers to maintain records proving the merchandise wasn’t stolen and require some retail businesses to report stolen goods data.

And you know that nothing they pass will make any difference. If they want to make a difference they need to get tough on criminals. It doesn’t have to just be hard jail. How about softer jails, literally set up like camps, which put the low level criminals to work doing things like cleaning roads, community service, painting lines, etc and so on? Corporal punishment would work (it’ll never happen, obviously.) You can’t be slightly less soft on crime and reduce crime.

You know why they’re talking about this? Election season. And once the elections are held the ideas to mildly fix crime will vanish. But, hey, you voted for this, California. Suck it up, deal with it.

Read: PRC Democrats Try To Solve Crime Without Solving Crime »

Pirate's Cove